Week 2 NU471 Leadership and Management

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strategic planning

Strategic planning focuses on organizational outcomes and results to be achieved outlining the desired results of the organization and decscribing the actions that will be taken to achieve those results

delphi technique

collecting and summarizing opinions and judgements on a particular issue form respondents, such as expert panels, interviews or surveys.

focus groups

explore issues and generate information in identifying problems


for the outcome of the organixation and responsibility to achieve those outcomes

Regarding the quality of decisions, which question would the nurse leader consider when assessing the degree of conflict resolution?

how creative are the resulting plans?

The registered nurse, as a transformational leader, assigns a task to another nurse, which experience would the follower nurse expect to have under the RN's transformational leadership?

increasing self-worth, coaching and mentoring, performing challenging and meaning work

KOUZES and POSNER's FIVE practices for exemplary leaders

modeling the way: requires value clarification and self-awareness so that behavior is congruent with values inspiring a shared vision challenging the process: identifying opportunities and taking action enabling others to act: fosters collaboration and trust and the sharing of power Encouraging the heart: recognizes, appreciates and celebrates followers and the achievement of shared goals

trust compassion stability and HOPE

nothing happens without a sense of trust between leaders and followers followers want to know that their leader cares about them followers want leaders who they can depend on followers want to feel positive about their future prospects

which decision-making style did the nurse leader, as the manager, use when making a decision about the method of documentation becauseof the benefits for the nursing team?


contengency planning

preparation for occurances based on the probability that an event might occur ex weather events or fire in the facility

expectancy theory

probability of fulfulling a particular need based on experience, a leader providing positive feedback to a follower regarding positive performance would motivate and increase the positive relationship between effort and performance

quantum leadership

suggests that the environment and context in which people work is complex and dynamic and that this has a direct impact on organizational productivity -people are not comfortable with change but quantum leadership makes people comfortable with change

Situational leadership

there is time to be a manager and time for leadership

qualities of good leaders

they ma lead the way envision the future communicate their visions motivate followers influence others to accomplish goals inspire confidence take risks empower followers master change

Which principle of systems thinking theory involves the nurse focusing on the needs of all residents in a long-term care facility

thinking of the big picture

Factors that affect healthcare trends

-growing elderly population -heathcare reform -reduction in reimbursements -new quality imperatives -shifts in care to communiy settings -technological advances -shift to customer focused care These types of shifts causes shifts in leadership views, now they may look at how healthcare is working for the consumer? - organizational context -levels of analysis -potential boundary conditions on transformational leadership -interactional leadership

Managers characteristics

-they are typically assigned a position by the organization -have a legit source of power due to delegation authority that accompanies their position -they have specific duties and responsibilities that are expected to becarried out =emphasize control, decision making, decision analysis and results -manipulate people, the environment, money, time, and other resources to achieve goals in the organization -have a greater formal responsibility and accountability for rationality and control than leaders direct willing and unwilling subordinantes

What is the difference between leaders and managers?

Leadership inspires change; management manages transformation. Leadership requires vision, management requires tenacity. Leadership requires imagination; management requires specifics. Leadership is abstract thinking; management is concrete data. Leadership is articulation; management is ability to interpret. Leadership is the aptitude to sell; management is the aptitude to teach. Leadership is understanding external environment; management is understanding of how work gets done inside the organization. Leadership is risk-taking; management is self-discipline. Leadership is confidence in the face of uncertainty; management is blind commitment to completing the task Leadership is accountable to the entire organization; management is accountable to the team

Which action may the mentor take to develop effective leadership qualities in the aspiring leader? avoiding criticism Modeling behavior Noting the mistakes Giving timely feedback Providing appropriate advice

Modeling behavior, giving timely feedback, providing appropriate advice


generating a large volume of creative options


guide, direct and motivate others; intervene when goals are threatened and emphasize their control

trait theories

the great man theories -leaders have a certain set of physical and emotional characteristics that are crucial for inspiring others toward a common goal. -are innate and cannot be learned

evaluating group work is another responsibility of the manager based on

- Effectiveness: the ability to provide best care based on EBP methods - Efficiency: providing, timely, cost-effective care without any unnecessary waste or expense - Productivity: refers to best practice methods where the outcome measurement of performance is evaluated in terms of effectiveness and efficiency.

Agile Leadership

fast, flexible and adaptable decision making, openness to ideas and innovation, inclusive and democratic approach to followers - Decisions are made with followers in mind - Created with millennials in mind who want to participate in decisions and be valued - Leaders understand what followers need and what they want and value their opinion which makes followers want to follow them

thought leadership

innovative and can promote their ideas -they don't regurgitate old information but instead promote new and insightful information

which action by the nurse leader is an example of transactional leader?

inspiring the self-interest of employees by offering external rewards

situational-contingency theories

leaders are viewed as able to adapt their style according to the presenting situation

Which factor would the nurse leader consider when selecting a functional care delivery model for the unit?

responsibility for achieving client outcomes belongs to the nurse manager

nominal group technique

team members are asked to write their ideas for problem-solving without talking to eachother to avoid comments and elaboration of ideas

Kotter's Eight Step Model

1. Establish a sense of urgency 2. Form a powerful coalition 3. Create a vision 4. Communicate the vision 5. Remove obstacles 6. create short-term wins 7. build on change 8. anchor the changes in the culture

Strength Based Leadership

Focuses on the development or empowerment of worker's strengths -this helps with self-management and regulation of individual emotions 4 DOMAINS: strategic thinking: effective leaders keep everyone focused on long-term future influence: they can sell ideas, develop political support and get people to rally relationship building: effective leaders are able to unit a group of disparate individuals into a team to work toward a common goal execution: effective leaders know how to get things done by translating plans into actions

Which quality would an effective nurse leader exhibit?

elicits a vision from people brings out the best in people inspires people to bring the vision into reality


empower others, maximize work force, effectiveness -needed to implement the planned change that is part of system improvement -they work to get things done through others willingly -they are at the front, moving forward, taking risks, and challenging the status quo -a job title alone does not make a person a leader only the behavior of that person does

As a leader, which role would the nurse executive fulfill



identifying and assigning assets and resources- everything from staff to equipment to supplies. Having an inherent systematic review of assets is more efficient and better able to succeed. •Includes establishing the structure to carry out plans, determining the most appropriate type of patient care delivery, and grouping activities to meet unit goals •Other functions involve working within the structure of the organization and understanding and using power and authority appropriately.

Which organizational outcome would be expected to occur when a transformational leader demonstrates charismatic behavior and careful consideration of the value of every individual in the organization?

increased loyalty, increased performance

coordinating (directing)

process using communication to motivate individuals in a group process. Inherent in this process is the at of delegation, when group function is supported by management, the process will be more efficient.

Which action by the nurse manager best accords with the transformational style of leadership?

providing intellectual stimulation, performing experients with system redesigns, and using motivation to inspire work performance Transformational leaders provide intellectual stimulation and encourage follower creativity, they experiment with systems redesign, empower staff and create enthusiasm for practice and promote scholarship of practice in

Greenleaf's servant leadership

putts others including employees, customers, and the community as the number one priority -fostering a service inclination in others that promotes collaboration, teamwork and collective activism -remember that followers are an important part of the leadership equation

Rebel theory

rebellion can cause change which can benefit an organization

transformational leader

uses adaptation and change to encourage and motivate group members to participate in the share vision to complete tasks -focuses on creativity and inspiration to help achieve independence, individual growth and change -open communication, creative engagement and commitment and empowerment -enables others to act on a vision -identifies common values -is a caretaker -inspires others with vision -has a long term vision looks at effects -empowers others -models healthy professional behaviors and decision making -inspires a shared vision among team members enables others to act based on that vision -maximizes team capacity -offers solutions when challenging processes occur


using metrics to monitor and evaluate processes and resources leading to goal achievement. Inherent in this process are establishing performance standards, a metric for evaluation of standards, comparison between a real and actualized process with feedback. Last mgmt. function Perf appraisals: yearly eval. Patient satisfaction, resources used. Room for improvement the following year. Evaluating always for potential need for change Prof and coll control - peer review. What do others say? End goal is meeting organizational objectives.

Which internal factor affects the decision-making process of a leader?

values, interest and knowledge


•Consists of recruiting, interviewing, hiring, and orienting staff. Scheduling, staff development, employee socialization, and team building are also often included as staffing functions.


- Less control is maintained - Economic and ego awards are used to motivate - Others are directed through suggestions and guidance - Communication can be both up and down - Decision making involves others - Emphasis on we not i - Criticism is constructive FOR GROUPS THAT WORK TOGETHER OVER LONG PERIODS OF TIME

To help develop trust among subordinates, the nurse would display which behavior

consistent interactions with the staff


four step process of establishing goals, evaluating the present situation and predicting future trends and events, formulating a planning statement, converting the plan into an action statement


- Strong control - Power and control - Not a whole lot of creativity - Criticism is punitive - Communication flows downward - Others are directed with commands - Others are motivated by coercion - Decisions doesn't involve others

Reflective thinking and practice thought leadership:

- Thought leadership refers to any situation whereby one individual convinces another to consider a new idea, product or way of looking at things - Thought leaders attract followers not by any promise of representation or empowerment but by their risk taking and vision in terms of being innovative. - Leaders need to be flexible to change, continually adapting, reflecting on progress and setbacks and adjusting as needed - Looked up to for risk taking and ability to have new methods and looking for their team to do the same

integrating leadership roles and management functions in creating a motivating climate at work

-identify employee goals and foster their attainment allows the leader to create an environment that encourages employees to reach their personal and organizational goals -motivational strategies -leaders need to listen, support and encourage the discouraged employee -act as a role model -maintain a positive attitude and high energy levels managers create tension when necessary to maintain productivity while encouraging subordinates' job satisfaction - pushes people to continue to accomplish (stretching) -ask more from the nurses around you, a challenge, allows for stretching -personal growth and satisfaction

The registered nurse teaches a group of ne nurses about leadership principles. Which statement made by the new nurse indicates a need for further teaching?

a leader has a formal position

qualities of good managers

coordinate resources optimize resource usage meet organizational goals and objectives follow rules plan, organize, control and direct use reward and punishment effectively to achieve organizational goals (PIZZA FOR GOOD WORK?)

style theories

focus on what the leaders do in relational and contextual terms, the achievement of satisfactory performance measures requires supervisors to pursue effective relationships with their subordinates while comprehending the factors in the work environment that influence outcomes

which action would a transformational nurse leader consider desirable?

fostering a shared vision, providing coaching and mentoring

As part of the informed consent, the surgeon expains the details. The nurse leader witnesses the complete process. Which would be included?

surgical procedure, name of surgeon, explanation of the possible risks

According to Kouzes and Posner, in which key practice of transformational leadership would the nurse engage with the staff?

taking an active role in the work of change, bringing everyone together to move toward a goal, encouraging people by giving attention to personal things that are important

group process

the manager is responsible for managing teams through group process the ability of each members of the team to understand not only the group's purpose but also what specific role each member fulfills as part of that team -an effective manager recognizes members who are able to understand the contributions of individual or groups fostering engagement and confidence

integrating leadership roles and management functions when using authority and power in organizations

-maintain a small authority-power gap -empower subordinates whenever possible -use authority in a such a manner that subordinates view what happens in the organization as necessary -when needed, implement political strategies to maintain power and authority

leaders qualities

-they dont have delegation authority but obtain power through other means, such as influence -have a wider variety of roles -focus on group process, infromation gathering, feedback and empowering others -may or may not be part of th formal hierarchy of the orgnaizaion -emphasizes relationships -directs willing followers -has goals that may or may not reflect those of the organization

According to the theories of transofrmational leadership, which characteristic would the nurse leader possess?

empowering staff, creating enthusiasm for practice, promoting scholarship of practice at the client side

in relation to principles of management what is authority

the right to direct others along with their activities in order to achieve outcomes, they an supervise and direct but are responsible and accountable for those actions

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