Week 5
Receptacles connectors and attachment plugs for showcases must be of a listed grounding type rated ______
15 or 20 amperes
Where appliances are unlikely to be used simultaneously each _____ or fraction thereof (of separate and continuous length) shall be considered one outlet of not less than 180 colt amperes.
5 ft
Where the grounding electrode conductor connects to a single or multiple rod pipe or plate electrodes or any combination Thereof and that conductor portion is the sole grounding electrode connection the maximum size required is _______
6 AWG copper or 4 AWG aluminum
In cord connected showcases the secondary circuits of each electric discharge lighting ballast is (are)
Limited to one showcase
Fractions of an ampere 0.5 and higher are ____ while fractions less than 0.5 are dropped
Rounded up
A recessed luminaire not identified for contact with insulation shall have all recessed parts spaced at least _____ from combustible materials
0.5 inches
In banks or office buildings th receptacle load shall be calculated to be the larger of (1) the calculated load from 220.14(I) or (2) ___ volt ampere per square foot
In determine the load of the highest rated motor the greater of either the ampere rating from 430.22(E) or the largest continuous-duty motor full load current multiplied by ____ shall be used in the summation
Three phase voltage is found by multiplying the voltage single phase by ______
Conductors ________ AWG and larger can be connected I parallel electrically joined at both ends to from a single conductor
____ receptacles are permitted on a 15 ampere overcurrent protective device
One of two methods for calculating show window branch circuit loads is to multiply each receptacle by ______
REceptavle outlets are calculated at a minimum of ____ volt amperes for each single or multiple receptacle on one yoke or strap
Receptacles are calculated at ___ per strap
180 volt-amperes
Heavy duty lighting track is identified for use exceeding ___ amperes
The volt-ampere unit load for a bank. Is _______
The ____ for the controlled lighting circuit shall be provided at the location where switches control lighting loads that are supplied by a grounded general purpose branch circuit
Grounded circuit conductor
A continuous load is defined as a load _______
Having a maximum level of current sustained for three hours or more
A 3 pahse 4 wire wye-connected power system supplying nonlinear loads may necessitate a design allowing for the possibility of ______ on the neutral conductor
High harmonic neutral currents
The feeder or service neutral load is the _______ of the load determined by Article 220
Maximum unbalance
______ applies to the wall placement provisions for commercial occupancies
No rule (the 6-ft provisions applies to dwelling units only
General purpose receptacles are ______
Not continuous loads
A ballast in a Fluorescent exit luminaire shall -------
Not have thermal protection
The load calculation form results (overcurrent protection and conductors) represent ___ requirement.
Only a minimum
In calculating general lighting load each floor's area shall be calculated using th buildings or areas _______
Outside dimensions
Branch circuits shall be rated in accordance with the maximum permitted ampere rating or setting of the _____
Overcurrent device
The supply circuit's calculated load for lighting units that have ballast or transfrmers is based on the ____not on the lamps' total wattage
The total ampere ratings of such units
The minimum number of branch circuit is determined from ___ load and the size or rating of the circuits used
The total computed
A load where the maxim current is expected to continue for ___ or more is a continuous load
Three hours
The disconnecting means for a sign in a commercial or industrial building must be ___ or outline lighting system that it controls
Within sight of the sign
Sign and outline lighting outlets in commercial buildings are computed at a minimum of ____ volt amperes
Feeder conductors and overcurrent protection shall be sized at 100% of no continues loads plus ___% of continuous loads
For circuits supplying loads consisting of odor operated utilization equipment fastened in place with a motor larger than 1.8 hp in combination with other loads the total calculated load must be based on ____ % of the largest motor load plus the sum of the other loads
Where a branch circuit supplies continuous loads or any combination of continuous and noncontinuous loads the minimum brach ciruit conductor size shall have an allowable ampacity not less than th noncontinuous load plus ____ of the continuous load.
GFCI protection for personnel is required in bathroom receptacles that are ______
125-volt single phase, 15-20- ampere
Show window branch circuit loads must be calculated either by (a) the unit load per outlet as required by other provisions of 220.14 or (b) at ____ colt amperes per linear foot
The demand factor for three pieces of equipment is 90% for four pieces ____% and for five pieces 70% for more than five pieces of equipment is 65%
When considering receptacle volt ampere rating a single piece of equipment (consisting of four or more receptacles must be calculated at not less than _____ volt amperes per receptacle
Lighting in hospitals hotels and motels is considered
A continuous load
The load calculation form provides ____
A estimate of the size required for the service or feeder
Individual moveable showcases can be connected by ______
Flexible cord to permanently installed receptacles
To calculate multiple non coincidental used in loads used simultaneously the ____ loads that will be used at one time is used in calculating the total feeder service load
Sign and outline lighting outlets must be calculated at a minimum of ____ per required branch circuit
1200 volt- amperes
Wall switch controlled lighting outlets are not required in commercial occupancies except for ____ containing equipment that requires servicing
Attic and underfloor spaces