Week 7

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Which of the following could be a disruptive innovation? (Choose every correct answer.)

Business model Service Product

Which of the following are disadvantages of being a first-mover?

Buyers need to be educated about the new technology. Many new products require the development of expensive complimentary products. New technology can make the company's existing products undesirable.

How can managers make sure technology improves workers' lives and reaches its potential?

By training workers to control the technology

______ involves planning for and creating small victories to show that progress is being made.

Generating short-term wins

Which of the following describes an executive champion?

Has the prestige, authority, and funding to support an innovation

Which sentences accurately describe the technology life cycle?

In the middle of the cycle, a dominant design becomes prominent. Eventually product development slows and the market gets saturated. Its early stages can be slow while companies experiment with products.

Even after word processing became an accepted technology, some people still resisted using it because they were comfortable with their old ways of preparing documents. What is the term for this type of resistance to change?


Which of the following are reasons for people to resist change within an organization? (Choose every correct answer.)

Inertia Timing Surprise

Which of these is NOT a term for someone who plays a key role in acquiring and developing new technologies?

Innovation specialist

Which category makes up the smallest percentage of technology adopters?


Which option is most likely to ensure that an organization will enjoy exclusive use of new technology?

Internal development

How can being a first-mover be a disadvantage to a company? Multiple choice question.

It is expensive for first-movers to develop products based on new technology.

Why is continuous learning important to your career? (Choose every correct answer.)

It makes you more valuable to employers. It helps you attain personal development.

What is the disadvantage of developing new technology within a company?

It requires additional funding and staff.

What is the disadvantage of purchasing a new technology?

It will not offer a competitive advantage.

Sometimes two or more companies cooperate to pursue specific new technology development, bringing together diverse skills and/or resources. Which two terms describe this type of enterprise? (Choose every correct answer.)

Joint venture Research partnership

Which idea should you keep in mind to guide you as you move into the future?

Keeping a long-term perspective while addressing short-term issues is the best approach.

What are the most common reasons that innovation fails to generate profits in business? (Choose every correct answer.)

Lack of coordinated efforts Money being spent on the wrong things Unwillingness to take risks

Which two categories make up the largest percentage of technology adopters?

Late majority Early majority

______ involves implementing control systems that support the change, applying correction action when necessary, and reinforcing behaviors and performance that support the new agenda.


In which stage must people accept that their past ways of doing things are obsolete?


What are the three basic stages of implementing change within an organization?

Unfreezing, instituting the change, and refreezing

Which of the following are sources of new technologies?

Universities The government Suppliers

Developing new change agents, highlighting positive results, and showing how the new behavior produced better results are part of ________.

anchoring new approaches in the culture

Highlighting positive results and developing new change agents is part of ______.

anchoring new approaches in the culture

Needs that customers acknowledge and try to satisfy are _______ needs.


Determining the idealized state of affairs that is expected to occur after the change has been made is part of ______.

developing a vision and strategy

The systemwide application of behavioral science to organizational effectiveness is called organization ______.


A ______ is an organization's concentrated attempt to create a new product or process through the use of technological innovations.

development project

In some cases, new technology can completely change the rules of competition within an industry. Technology in those cases is often called a ______ innovation because companies can falter if they fail to respond with effective innovations of their own.


Management offering wage increase for employees who cooperate with a change is an example of the ______ method of dealing with resistance to change.


Sometimes employees resist change because they feel comfortable and happy doing things the old way. This is called ______.


When an organization allows itself to become comfortable with the old ways of doing things and resists trying something new, it is exhibiting ______. Multiple choice question.


Any new way of working that creates value is called ______.


In management, a change in method or technology that leads to a useful new way of doing things is called ______.


Successfully managing change requires shared .


A ______ leader exchanges knowledge freely, develops a broad perspective, and is committed to their own lifelong learning as well as that of others.


Companies that excel at solving problems, seeking and finding new approaches, and sharing new knowledge with all members of an organization are called ______ organizations.


When companies need technologies that are not easy to buy, they can ______ the technology for a fee.


Companies can technology for a fee when they need technologies that are not easy to buy.


The generic strategy in which an organization's advantage comes from being able to sell products at lower prices than its competitors is referred to as a(n) ______ strategy.


Which strategy lets a company maintain an advantage by being less expensive than its competitors?


When an organization asks itself about whether to acquire new technology from an outside source or develop it is known as a "-or-" decision.

make or buy

The question an organization asks itself about whether to acquire new technology from an outside source or develop it is known as a(n) ______ decision.


In managing resistance to organizational changes, facilitation and support refers to ______.

making the change as easy as possible for employees

The first thing to consider when developing a strategy around a technological innovation is potential.


When developing a strategy around technological innovation, managers should first consider ______ potential.


A company announced that it would be hiring several new employees. Thinking that they were about to be fired and replaced or have their hours reduced, some of the current employees protested loudly. In fact, management was trying to reduce their workload by hiring additional staff. This resistance to change was caused by ______.


Sometimes employees resist change because they have failed to comprehend why the new way will be better than the old way. This type of resistance is due to ______.


The act of instituting a change (and the second step in the process of managing resistance) is called ______.


Using behavioral science throughout the system to improve an organization's effectiveness is known as ______.

organization development

When computer-aided manufacturing was first introduced, companies did not understand its full potential, but firms that used it quickly experienced significant speed and cost advantages. This is an example of a(n) ______ technology.


To avoid resistance and enlist cooperation from employees, management should seek ______ from people throughout the organization.

participation and involvement

If a group is tight-knit and not particularly fond of management, pressure may cause resistance to change.


The difference between an organization's actual performance and the performance it should have is called a ______.

performance gap

Creating the future, rather than simply responding to events as they occur, is dependent on ______ change.


Flexible manufacturing practices, such as just-in-time, mass customization, and simultaneous engineering, are all referred to as ______.

process innovations

Executives in ______ firms are more concerned about the opportunity costs of not taking action than they are about the potential to fail.


In managing resistance to organizational changes, providing training, helping people cope with stress, and listening to problems are part of ______.

providing support and resources

in managing resistance to organizational changes, providing training, helping people cope with stress, and listening to problems are part of ______.

providing support and resources

An accounting firm gets the most up-to-date computer software at a discount from an online vendor. This is an example of obtaining new technology through ______.


In most situations, the easiest and most cost-effective way to obtain new technology is to ______.

purchase it

Eric is a sales manager for a textile company. He has just been told that the software conversion that he suggested is finally going to occur this week. Eric's annual sales report is due Friday. Eric would most likely resist this change because of ______.


Managers introducing change when employees are stressed or busy may face resistance to change due to poor .


Introducing and sustaining numerous policies, practices, and procedures across numerous units and levels is referred to as ______ change.

total organizational

The sharing of technology among companies, a practice called technology ______, allows access to new technologies that would be expensive to develop independently.


The belief that things must be either A or B and cannot be both, and that only one goal and not another can be attained is referred to as ______.

tyranny of the or

Needs that customers have not yet experienced are ______ needs.


In the ______ stage of managing resistance, management realizes that it must break out of its present mold by doing things differently.


The recognition of a performance gap is an important contributor to the ______ stage of managing resistance.


The self-employed model of career development can provide a balanced approach to _____ and ______ life.

working; family

Which of the following are key factors that lead to sustained success? (Choose every correct answer.)

A culture that empowers and motivates employees A strategy that is focused on customers

What is the technology life cycle?

A predictable pattern that technical innovations follow.

What is it called when two or more companies jointly develop a new technology?

A research partnership

What is one thing a company can do if it needs to acquire proprietary technology but it does not have the available skills and resources associated with developing the technology?

Acquire the owner of the technology

______ are companies that take the current industry structure and its future evolution as givens.


World-class organizations do which of the following? (Choose every correct answer.)

Adopt effective new strategies Produce high-value merchandise Abandon outdated methods

Which of these is NOT a common general reason for resistance to a particular change?


What type of firm stays technologically competitive but allows others to discover strong demand in new enterprises before they follow suit?


______ firms adopt an early-follower strategy and then use their marketing and manufacturing strengths to dominate the market.


Which of the following strategies are common to world-class companies? (Choose every correct answer.)

Applying new research and knowledge Operating at high standards

______ requires using every possible channel and opportunity to reinforce the vision.

Communicating the change vision

Which of the following are accurate statements about collaboration and competition? (Choose every correct answer.)

Competition has both beneficial and harmful aspects. Collaboration is not going to completely take the place of competition. Competitors will often become collaborators.

If a company's leadership continues to support the vision and make changes after a success, what is it doing?

Consolidating gains and producing more change

After a successful change, what strategies can managers use to consolidate gains and produce more change? (Choose every correct answer.)

Continuing to support the vision for change Developing people who will be change agents Hiring people who will further the vision for change

_______ means expanding your horizons by exploring, discovering, and taking action to improve yourself throughout your career.

Continuous learning

A development project is an intense organizational push to do what?

Create a new product or process based on technological innovation.

________ means putting together a group with enough power to lead a change.

Creating a guiding coalition

What are the four key factors that lead organizations to sustained success? (Choose every correct answer.)

Culture should motivate and empower. Strategy should be focused on customers. Structure should make the organization easy to work in. Execution includes good people with the authority to make decisions.

Which type of firm displays a more cautious strategy toward innovation and tends to operate in more stable environments?


______ firms tend to adopt complementary technologies that expand on what they are already doing, rather than expanding into completely unfamiliar territory.


When managers determine the idealized, expected state of affairs after the change is implemented, what are they doing?

Developing a vision and strategy

Which of the following are characteristics of learning leaders? (Choose every correct answer.)

Devoting time to their colleagues Committing to their own and others' learning Exchanging knowledge freely

When trying to identify which changes are worth undertaking, managers should ask all but which of the following questions?

Does it create profit and maximize shareholder value?

To identify which changes are worth undertaking, which of the following questions should be asked? (Choose every correct answer.)

Does it improve the company's focus on customers? Is it relevant to the company's strategies and priorities? Does it really help people add value to their work?

______ tells whether there is a good financial incentive for adopting a technological innovation.

Economic viability

Which of these are still under development and thus unproven?

Emerging technologies

Which of the following are broad-based actions that facilitate change? (Choose every correct answer.)

Encouraging risk taking Empowering people

Which term describes someone who invents new products or finds ways to revise old products?


What is the main thing a company must allow if innovation is to thrive?


Which of the following statements accurately describe first-mover advantages?

First-movers can charge higher prices because they have little competition. First-movers are able to find the best niche markets. First-movers can protect their technology by using patents.

How does followership affect companies?

Followers can avoid costs and risks by observing the actions of leaders. Technology followership affects different companies in different ways.

For which of the following reasons might a firm choose to trade technology?

For cost efficiencies

What is the term for a technique that identifies both what prevents people from changing and what will impel them toward change?

Force-field analysis

______ is a technique in change management that involves identifying the specific forces that will drive people toward change.

Force-field analysis

What is one option for a company if it needs a nonproprietary technology that is not available for sale?

Form a research partnership

By participating in continuous learning, what can you help your organization achieve? (Choose every correct answer.)

Lower costs Better service Greater innovation

Which of the following strategies do leading authors on career management advise? (Choose every correct answer.)

Make career choices based on personal growth Look for positions that stretch you Develop marketable skills

Which of the following statements is true about educating people about upcoming changes?

Management should educate people before the changes occur.

Which of the following statements are true concerning how managers should integrate new technology into the workplace? (Choose every correct answer.)

Managers should make sure technology serves the workers. It may be wise to change HR practices when new technology is introduced.

Which groups are likely to develop new technology? (Choose every correct answer.)

Manufacturers Government agencies Universities

Which step in the change process begins with establishing a vision of where the company is heading?


What are the three basic stages to manage resistance during a change in the workplace?

Moving Unfreezing Refreezing

In return for cooperating in a major organizational change, Leopard Textiles provided each of its employees with two extra days of paid vacation. This is an example of which method of dealing with employee resistance to change?

Offering incentives

Which personal qualities are characteristic of learning leaders? (Choose every correct answer.)

Often listening quietly while others talk Seeing things in a broad perspective

What is the term for using behavioral science throughout the system to improve organizational effectiveness?

Organization development

______ is the umbrella concept that refers to the development, improvement, and reinforcement of the strategies, structures, and processes that lead to organizational effectiveness.

Organization development

Which technologies have yet to prove their full value but could potentially offer significant competitive advantage?


For which reasons is it important to involve key stakeholders in change? (Choose every correct answer.)

People are more committed to decisions they were involved in making. People who are involved in decisions understand them more fully.

Which term describes changes in the way outputs (goods or services) are produced?

Process innovation

Which type of firm has executives who give considerable priority to developing and exploiting technological expertise?


______ change is characterized by the presence of pressure as an impetus.


______ is resistance to change caused by a fear of losing something of value.


______ are companies that attempt to alter their industries to create a future competitive environment of their own design.


Which characteristics are essential to the success of enduringly great companies? (Choose every correct answer.)

Strong core values Strong goals, including stretch goals Continuous change

Which of the following are terms for the players in acquiring and developing new technologies? (Choose every correct answer.)

Technical innovator Product champion

What is the result of the high profits often made by first-adopters?

The ability to attract customers with low prices.

What feature does technology followership share with technology leadership?

The ability to support both low-cost and differentiation strategies.

What basic rules from the 3M company are often copied to encourage innovation? (Choose every correct answer.)

The company's efforts are directed toward serving customers. Research and development are strongly supported. Instead of blocking what employees are trying to do, the company helps its team succeed.

An apparel manufacturer wants to develop a technology for a temperature-regulating textile that adjusts automatically to the wearer's body temperature, but the manufacturer is not sure whether such a textile can be developed. What is the company unsure about?

The innovation's technical feasibility

Which of the following statements are true about a person who plays the role of a product champion in a company?

The person promotes the idea throughout the organization. The person may be risking his or her position and reputation to promote the product.

Which statements accurately describe emerging technologies? (Choose every correct answer.)

They are not fully developed. They may significantly alter the rules of competition in the future.

______ organizational change involves introducing and sustaining multiple policies practices and procedures across multiple units and levels.


True or False: In many industries, the primary sources of new technology are the organizations that use it.


Which beliefs are examples of "tyranny of the or"? (Choose every correct answer.)

You can be conservative or bold. You can invest in the future or do well short term.

Companies that take the current industry structure and its future evolution, as "givens" are known as .


Although they are useful for keeping discipline and productivity in a company, the administrative personnel that form a company's ______ typically inhibit innovation.


The main job of a(n) ______ structure is to maintain orderliness and productivity, which restricts innovation.


Using every possible channel and opportunity to reinforce the vision and required new behaviors is the facet of change leadership that involves communicating the vision.


Putting together a group with enough power to lead a change is a way to create a guiding ______.


Honestly assessing the reasons behind your successes and failures, constantly analyzing issues and possible solutions, and taking action to make your plans come to fruition are ways to improve your competitive advantage through learning.


When a company cannot develop its own technology, it might pay another organization, such as an independent or government research laboratory, to invent what it needs. This is called ______ development


In ______, a company pays another organization (such as an independent or government research laboratory) to invent technology for it.

contracted development

Sony Betamax was technologically superior to VHS, but VHS became more popular, and Betamax was discontinued due to poor sales. Betamax had issues with ______.

economic viability

An effective approach to managing resistance and enlisting cooperation from employees is _______.

educating and communicating with the employees

When systems and structures prevent a company from changing, even though it should, the obstacles should be removed. Employees should be encouraged to take risks and share their knowledge. This is called __________.

empowering broad-based action

A(n) ______ devises new products or finds ways to revise old products.


Identifying crises and opportunities is the element of leading change called ______.

establishing a sense of urgency

Establishing a sense of urgency in leading change means ______.

examining current realities and pressures in the marketplace

The support and protection of a(n) ______ can enable new technology by making resources available to develop it.

executive champion

Self-interest is a resistance to change caused by ______.

fear of losing something of value

Assessing the limitations of a technology is known as determining the technological ______ of the innovation.


A change leader's focus on small victories along the way to the larger vision is an example of ______.

generating short-term wins

If a change in the workplace is sudden or extreme, employees might respond with ______.


Leading authors on career management advise that individuals must actively manage their own careers by developing marketable skills, choosing careers based on learning opportunities, and ________. (Choose every correct answer.)

seeking environments that provide training assessing personal strengths and weaknesses

A ______ operates independently, often developing start-up ventures, consulting, and working in professional partnerships. This career can offer a balance between working and family life.

self-employed individual

Companies that attempt to alter their industries, creating a future competitive environment of their own design, are known as .


A person who serves as a product champion in a company is _______.

someone who promotes the new technology throughout the organization

Refreezing is ______.

strengthening the new behaviors reflective of a chosen strategic change

If change is going to be successful, organizations need to permanently rekindle individual creativity and responsibility. People must be both ______ and implementers.


A sudden or an unexpected change can lead to resistance due to the change being a .


The systematic application of scientific knowledge to any product, process, or service is called ______.


is the systematic application of scientific knowledge to yield products, processes, or services.


Gorda Engineering needs to assess its current technology base and determine which technologies are needed for the organization to smoothly function. Gorda must conduct a(n) ______.

technology audit

The process of identifying which technologies are most important for an organization is called a(n) ______.

technology audit

Companies that have achieved long-term greatness tend to care most about competing with ______.

their own past successes

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