Week 8 6th amendment
reasons whyt total incorporation failed
1. supreme court is limited to case or controversy court wanted to consider each clause separately
PA speedy trial
180 if defendant is in jail 365 if defendant is on bail
Federal courts amendment protection
4th 5th 6th 8th
sixth amendment
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.
what happens if defendant flees?
PA 62 allows for trial in non capital case if defendant is willfully absent without cause F 43 defendant cannot be tried if not present at the beginning of the trial but if he willfully fails to appear without cause during trial trial may continue during his absence
Distinguish "selective incorporation" from the "new federalism".
Selective incorporation the process by which the protections of the bill of rights are made applicable under in state courts the us supreme court forces the states to recofnize and enforce individual rights new federalism the tendency of state courts to provide more protections for individuals than the US supreme court does the state supreme court go further than the US supreme court does in providing protections for individuals rights
tenth amendment
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
PA article 1 section 11
all courts shall be open
PA article 1 section 2
all power is ingerent to the people
PA article 1 section 14
all prisoners shall be bailable by sufficient sureties unless for captial offenses when the proof is evident of presumption great
sixth amendment pneumbras
attorney client privilege
Why does the Ninth Amendment disturb "textualist" judges?
because it is subject to discretion and does not provide specific instruction
speedy trial elements
bill of rights (6th amendment) charges to the beginning of the trial dismissal of charges
right to counsel
citizens have the right to consel at all critical stages of the prosecution
total incorporation
counsel argued that federal court provided more rights than state courts therefore violating the 14th amendment they wanted the 4th 5th 6th 8th amendment protected under the 14th amendment of due process that should be honored by the state courts did not work.
courts have determined that citizens have the right to
counsel in any case that results in imprisonment effective counsel and that indigents have the right to free counsel
PA juries
defendant has the right to choose as few as 6 or as many as 12
pro se
defendants have the right to waive counsel and represent themselves
excludable time
delays caused by the defendant
violation of speedy trial results in
dismissal of all charges
eighth amendment
excessive bail shall not be required nor excessive fines imposed nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted
US vs Lopez
federal law criminalizing possession of a firearm near a school. US Supreme court held that the law was unconstitutional under the tenth amendment
not selectively incorporated
grand jury clause- 5th amendment prohibition against excessive bails and fines 8th amendment
PA article 1 section 9
in all criminal prosecutions the accused hath a right to be heard by himself his counsel to demand the nature and cause of the accusation against him to meet the witnesses face to face to have compulsory process for obtaining witness in his favor
What is "selective incorporation"?
incorporating specific rights as the pertain to the specific elements of the crime being tried.
filing of charges
indictment note that the date of the arrest is irrelevant
James madison on 9th amendment
insurance policy. Madison did not want to have the rights of people restricted merely to the by laws and text present in the Constitution itself
speedy trial
is measured by the filing of charges to the beginning of the trial
What is the history and meaning of the Ninth Amendment?
it was James Madisons insurance policy that granted citizens rights that were not directly written down in the bill of rights
its purpose is to ensure appearance not supposed to be punitive should not amount to prevent detention
arbiter of law
judge interprets the law decides what law applies determines the admissibility of evidence
judges should rule according to the literal meaning of the laws and regulations consitutions should only change through the amendment process
trier of fact
jury determines the credibility of the witnesses determines the weight of the evidence renders the verdict
beginning of the trial
jury is sworn or first witness sworn
application of bill of rights in juvenile courts
juveniles have the right to bail jury trial speedy trial
compulsory process
means by which defendant can use power of government to secure witnesses on their behalf
extendable time
no fault delays
14th amendment
nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, nor deny any person within its jurisdiction equal protection of the laws
population from which the jury is selected
voire dire
process of jury selection strikes for cause (unlimited in number) motion by the prosecution or defense discretionary decision by the judge judge orders potential juror struck for cause peremptory challenges (limited in number)
third amendment pneumbras
proscrption against quartering soldiers
fourth amendment pneumbras
protection from unreasonable searches and seizures
peremptory challenges
race ethnicity? no gender? no religion? maybe sexual orientation? lower courts are divided 8th circuit- yes 9th- no
6th amendment elements
right to a speedy trial right to a public trial right to an impartial jury right to be informed of charges right to compulsory clause right to counsel
confrontation clause
right to confront witnesses and individuals accusing defendant right to cross examine right to be present at trial
first amendment pneumbras
right to peacefully assemble
fifth amendment pneumbras
right to remain silent
powell vs alabama
ruling stated that citizens have the right to have counsel present during critical stages of the prosecution
statute of limitations
state and federal statutes crime to arrest or indictment dismissal of charges no statute of limitations for murder
state courts protection
state constitutions 14th amendment due process clause
9th amendment
the enumeration in the constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by other people
selective incorporation
the process by which the protections of the bill of rights are made applicable in the state courts the us supreme court forces all states to recognize and enforce individual rights
State constitutions vs federal constitutions
the us constitution provides the minimum rights guaranteed to all individuals in the US the US constitution is the threshold below which we cannot go however states may add rights and protections to individuals in that state through the enactment of laws or through the interpretations of state laws by the state supreme courts
considerations in the setting of bail
ties to the community income net worth assets prior record severity of charges inclination or ability to flee danger to the community no right to bail for capital offense
Pa article 1 section 25
to guard against the transgressions of higher powers which we have deelegated we declare that everything in this article is excepted out of the general powers of government and shall forever remain inviolate
PA constitution article 1 section 6
trial by jury shall be heretofore and the right to remain inviolate
non textualist
udges may interpret the laws and regulations in light of the times and evolution of society the consititution can evolve through judicial interpretations
ninth amendment pneumbras
unenumerated rights