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genghis khan

-mongol leader -imposed strict military discipline & demanded absolute loyalty -could be ruthless or generous

mongol peace

could travel and trade safetly

du fu

described the horrors of war or condemned the lavishness of the court -a poet

foot binding

emerged in the later years of the Song dynasty -the feet of young girls were bound with long strips of cloth, producing a lily-shaped foot about half the size of a normal foot

wu zhao

empress ___ helped restore the han system of uniform government throughout China -Tang ruler/dynasty

marco polo

going to spend 17 years living with Khubilai Khan -writes the travels of Marco Polo

zheng he

he was a muslim admiral and diplomat -commanded the first of seven expeditions in the Indian Ocean (not an explorer, only conducts)

genghis khan

his father was poisoned by the Tatars, his mother and family became outcast so his motivation became revenge as a leader (leader of the Mongols)


in china ___ have the lowest status because they are selling something that someone else made -they aren't doing any labor


nomadic people who grazed their horses & sheep on the steppes

black death

occured under the Mongols empire -plague -caused by fleas on rats

li qingzhao

poet who described the experience of women left behind when loved ones went off to war -a girl -poems reflect a time when invasion threatened to bring the brilliant Song dynasty to an end

khubilai Khan

ruler of the dynasty and Genghis Khan's grandson


the Mongols can't take ___ so they end up launching dead bodies infected by the plague -biological warfare


the __ attack and overthrow the Song dynasty


the __ carry the black plague because of the silk road


the __ dynasty declined after the death of Kublai Khan -heavy taxes, corruption, natural disasters


the __ dynasty restored Chinese rule


the __ dynasty reunites China after the Han dynasty ended


the __ dynasty was after the Tang dynasty


the __ dynasty was larger than the Tang dynasty but controlled less territory


the __ dynasty: -created land reforms


the __ dynasty: -rebuilt the bureaucracy and enlarged the civil service system to recruit talented officials trading in Confucian philosophy


the __ dynasty: set up schools to prepare male students for the exams & developed a flexible new law code

silk road

the __ is the major trading route between east and west Asia


the __ period saw the triumph of Chinese landscape paintings -daoist tradition

grand canal

the __ reached its peak during the Song dynasty, when thousands of tons of grains were shipped to northern China each year


the __ social order: (pre plague) -kings -landowners -warriors (knights) -peasants


the __ were the ones who launched the dead bodies killed by the bubonic plague to the island of Caffa


the ___ assaults conquered empires and spread destruction from southern Russia through Muslim lands in Southwest Asia to China

yuan dynasty

the ___ dynasty is when the Mongols ruled China


the ___ used horses in battle therefore giving them a huge advantage -horses were first domesticated in Mongol -even though they were out numbered on the battlefield they had this advantage (horses)

grand canal

the ___ was built under the Song dynasty -completed during the Sui dynasty -linked the Huang River to the Chang River

grand canal

the ___ was created under the Sui dynasty but became vital to the economy under the Song dynasty


the ____ empire: -stretches from the east to west asia -the greatest, largest land empire in history

civil service exam

the _____ is what scholars would study for years to pass

bubonic plague

the black death is also known as the ___


the dynasty after the Yuan dynasty

tang dynasty

the dynasty that emerged in 618

li yuan

the first tang emperor -general under the Sui dynaty -established the tang dynasty by him and his son revolting

zhao kuangyin

the general who founded the Song dynasty

li bo

the greatest tang poet -lover of life & freedom -constantly moved -wrote 2,000 poems that celebrated harmony with nature or lamenting the passage of time

confucian official

the ideal ___ was a wise, virtuous scholar who knew how to ensure harmony in society


the payment that a woman brings to a marriage

grand canal

the result of the ___ being built was that food grown in the south of Asia could be shipped to the capital in the north

Li Shimin

the son of Li Yuan -urged his father to step down so he can take the thrown as emperor of the Tang dynasty -changed his name to Tang Taizong

tributary states

the states remained self-governing but their rules had to acknowledge Chinese Supremacy and send regular tribute to the Tang emperor


the tang dynasty lost territories in Central Asia to the __ -beginning of the decline of the Tang dynasty -led to corruption, high taxes, drought, famine, & rebellions

zheng he

the year ___- died, the Ming emperor suddenly banned the building of seagoing ships

kublai khan

the yuan dynasty declined after the death of __ because of heavy taxes, corruption, & natural disasters


this dynasty's name means brilliant


true or false: -short stories that often blended fantasy, romance, & adventure made their first appearance in Chinese history under the Tang and Song dynasty


true or false: China's cities, which had been mainly centers of government, now became centers of trade under the Tang & Song dynasty


true or false: Zheng He was forgotten because he did not make much of an impact -Christopher Columbus did and that is why we remember him


true or false: after the black death, religion was not held to high importance because everyone blamed the church for it so then science specifically medicine was the new focus


true or false: after the plague peasants jump to landowners spots because so many people were dying, that lots of land was available and cheap -landowners became peasants because their land was invaluable


true or false: becaues of Zheng He's expeditions the Ming dynasty had unified the "seas and continents" even more than the Han and Tang had done


true or false: during the Tang dynasty, students from Korea and Japan traveled to the Tang capital to learn about Chinese government, laws, and arts


true or false: in order to intimidate and disorient the people who attacked them, the Mongols scattered with their horses (circled the enemy) and would shoot bow n arrows at them


true or false: land reformers strengthened the central government by weakening the power of large landowners -also increased government revenues, since the peasants who farmed their own land would be able to pay taxes


true or false: most chinese were peasants who worked the land, living on what they produced -peasants could move up in society through education and government services


true or false: the Mongols and Chinese launched missiles against each other from metal tubes filled with gunpowder


true or false: the Mongols destroyed Sichuan & its capital city of Chengdu


true or false: the Song scholar-gentry (wealthy landowning class) valued learning more than physical labor


true or false: the black plague died because the decrease in population caused by the plague was so bad


true or false: the tang and song dynasty sought balance and harmony through the mastery of the simple strokes and lines


true or false: under the Song dynasty new schools of Confucian philosophers emphasized social order based on duty, rank, and proper behavior


true or false: with Zheng He the goal of each expedition was to promote trade and collect tribute from lesser powers across the "western seas" -wanted to earn respect -goes to Malacca, India, Arabia, East Africa, etc. -300 ships & 27,000 sailors


true or false: women in the song dynasty were in charge of family affairs

genghis khan

under ___ ruling, the Mongols conquered a vast empire that stretched from the Pacific ocean to Eastern Europe


under the Tang & Song dynasty in China, the beginning of __ comes into play -made beautiful vases & tea service objects


under the __ dynasty these things were traded: -gunpowder -government issued paper money -porcelain


vast, treeless plains of central Asia


what dynasty created the grand canal?


what dynasty made the grand canal successful?

tributary states

what the neighboring lands of Vietnam, Tibet, & Korea became -under the Tang Dynasty

land reform

when the Tang emperors broke up a large agricultural holdings and redistributed the land to peasants

genghis khan

who was Temujin for the Mongols?

tartars and chins (jin)

who were the Mongols' chief Asian rivals?

central asia

Genghis Khan moved west into ___ after overcoming the Chinese

venice, italy

Marco Polo was from _____


Zheng He was under the __ dynasty


__ dynasty: -Chinese economy expanded because of improved farming methods & open border policy -face growing rice to be imported from southeast Asia


__ is all about nature & harmony with it


__ themes dominated sculpture and influenced Chinese architecture under the Tang and Song dynasty


__ was a very prosperous crop under the Song dynasty


__ was the most respected form of Chinese literature -was about Buddhist & Daoist themes & social issues -reflected on the shortness of life & the immensity of the universe

urban religious

___ & ___ communities were hit the hardest by the bubonic/black plague

genghis khan

___ name means universal leader

foot binding

___ reinforced the Confucian tradition that woman should remain inside the house because they could not walk anymore after this tradition was performed without help

genghis khan

___ territory was on the Silk Road


____ tradition is very evident in the artwork of the Song dynasty

Christopher columbus

____, 60 years after China halted overseas expeditions, sailed west from Spain in search of a sea route to Asia and came to America (changed history)


a multi-storied temple with eaves that curve up at the corners -what the Indian Stupa evolved to

marco polo

a traveler and adventurer from Venice, Italy


another name for the Crimean Peninsula


another name for the wealthy landowning class


at the top of China's social class pyramid were the ___

tang taizong

became China's most admired emperor -brilliant general, government reformer, historian, and master of the calligraphy brush

gentry peasantry

China's two main social classes were the ___ & ____

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