WH Prieto Chapter 7 Sec. 3-4 Review

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High cleregy

- bishops, archbishops -were usually nobles, owned land and armies.

Village church was

- social center where holy days were celebrated - largest public building in the village -Decorated with care, contained relics and attracted pilgrim. - charged tithe (tax equal to 1/10th of ones income)

What were some of the forms of punishment that would be placed on those who didnt follow Church laws?

Most severe: Excommunication (One could not receive the sacraments or Christian burial and was condemned to hell for eternity) Interdict (Was a whole town or kingdom excluded from receiving some sacraments or Christian burial. This also caused revolts against leader by the people)

What was the Benedictine Rule and when was it created?

The Benedictine Rule were rules that were used by monasteries and convents. It emphasizes obedience, poverty, and charity. It was created by Benedict in about the year 530.

(By late Middle Ages) people who did not belong to church community were viewed with

Suspicion (ex: Jews)

True of False: Many women and men went into monasteries and convents to become monks and nuns


True or False: Were penalties put on those who didn't obey Church laws?


What are the 3 vows that monks and nuns took under the Benedictine Rule?

Vows: -Obedience to the abbess who headed the monastery or convent -Poverty, giving up worldly goods -Chastity, purity

Who was Benedict?

Was a monk who created rules to regulate monastic life. He believed in the spiritual value of manual labor and required monks to work in the fields.

Churches view vs treatment on women

-Although they taught men and women that they were equal before God, women were viewed as easily led into sin and needed the guidance of men. -church protected women by setting a minimum age for marriage and courts could fine men who seriously injured their wives. -harsher punishment than men. -(in later Middle Ages) church withdrew rights nuns had enjoyed; frowned upon too much learning for women, preferred them to accept church authority.

Church and teachings

-Central to medieval life, eventually, church became most powerful force across Europe. -gained political and economic power.


-Was a trip one would take to visit a religion site. -It was how medieval Christians showed devotion to their faith.

Church power

-controlled spiritual lives of Christians and became most powerful secular (non religious/ political) force in medical Europe. -after Christian church spilt into eastern and western churches, western Roman catholic church became strong and wealthy.


-main church in city, town, village - magnificent, ornate gothic buildings, towns competed to build grander and taller cathedrals.

What did the Judeo-Christian teachings emphasize?

Emphasized the value of individual and the importance of social responsibility. It also led to new ways of thought

True or False: The Church's wealth and power declined as Christians left the land and church's leaders discipline didnt weaken

FALSE The Church's wealth and power grew as Christians left the land to them and church leader's discipline did weaken.

When did European warfare decline?

In the late 1100s which caused lots of tournaments for knights and towns and cities to emerge.


Spiritual leaders of Roman Catholic Church declared themselves representatives of God on Earth, claimed papal supremacy- authority over secular/political rulers.

What is canon law?

The body of laws developed by the Church

What did Monks and nuns do?

They looked after the poor and sick, cleared and drained lands, experimented with crops, led to better agricultural methods, helped improve the economy, reserved ancient writings, kept earning alive, and provided health services.

(During Middle Ages) Churches most important achievement was to

christianize diverse Western Europeans.


supervised priest and managed larger churches called cathedrals.

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