WH:2.6.2 Lesson: The Hebrews Review

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According to your video on the Passover, the matzo bread served during the Sedar meal represents [choose all that apply]

- the 3 temples - the Exodus

How were the Hebrews connected to the house of Pharoah in Egypt? [choose all that apply]

- through Joseph, who became a ruler second only to Pharoah -through Moses, who had been brought up in Pharaoh's household

What was the name of the land that the Hebrews settled in?


As a remembrance of the final plague on Egypt, Jews celebrate ________________ every year.


Who was the first king of Israel?


Under which king did Israel begin to turn back to polytheism?


According to your video presentation on the Passover, the celebration begins

at sunset on the 15th day of Nisan

According to your video, "Judaism in a Nutshell," what do the majority of Jews believe about Jesus?

he was NOT the Messiah, but was a prophet or teacher only

According to your video, "Judaism in a Nutshell," Jews do not believe in

original sin

The 10 tribes of Israel were conquered by this group in 700BC:

the Assyrians

The five books of the Bible representing the history and central beliefs of the Jewish people are called

the Torah

Which of the following made the Jews unique?

they practiced a monotheistic religion in a world where most were polytheistic

Why was Pharoah reluctant to let the Hebrew people go?

they were a good source of labor

Because of various interpretations of the Bible, Abraham can be said to be the founder of what three world religions? [choose 3]

- Christianity - Judaism - Islam

Who were Abraham's sons? [choose all that apply]

- Isaac - Ishamel

According to your video, "Judaism in a Nutshell," two of the most common symbols are [choose 2]

- Menorah - Star of David

Identify the following characteristics of polytheism and monotheism by placing a "P" or "M" in the blank beside each statement: 1. the predominant religious system of the ancient world 2. elements of good versus evil 3. redemption is a crux 4. gods controlled nature and the lives of men 5. used deities as an explanation for natural occurrences 6. belief in an apocalyptic end of the world 7. belief in the fate of humans at the will of the gods 8. the Egyptians 9. Zoroastrianism 10. belief in an all-powerful deity

1.P 2.M 3.M 4.P 5.P 6.M 7.P 8.P 9.M 10.M

God called Abram out of Ur of the Chaldees. Around what year did this occur?

1600 BC

Who was the father of many nations?


Which of the following was NOT one of the Judges of Israel?


How did the Hebrew people become "Israel"?

Jacob's name was changed to Israel and his sons became the fathers of the twelve tribes

What was the name given to the religion of the Hebrews?


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