WHAP Chapter 4 Questions

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Christianity developed in the Roman Empire during its early centuries, and more specifically, the religion developed in Jerusalem.

Where did Christianity develop in its early centuries?

Jesus of Nazareth

a teacher and prophet born in Bethlehem and active in Nazareth; his life and sermons form the basis for Christianity

The patterns of continuity in the role of women in South Asian and East Asian societies during the second-wave era was that the patriarchal society remained the same, or even got slightly stricter as time went on. Women were never seen as independent, and they were instead seen as "unclean below the navel." However, over time, there were some changes where some aspects of Hinduism served to empower women such as listed in the Kamasutra, the Hindu female deities (some life-giving and faithful, others fiercely destructive), and their prominence in growing devotional cults.

Identify patterns of continuity and change over time in the role of women in South Asian and East Asian societies during the second-wave era.


"the world soul," primal ultimate energy of divine reality; existence perceived by humans is an illusion

Zoroastrianism was more appealing than the earlier polytheistic religions because it consisted of a unique god, Ahura Mazda and monotheistic belief. The god who ruled the world was the source of all truth, light, and goodness, and they found it appealing that the Ahura Mazda would be granted new resurrected bodies and rewarded with eternal life in paradise.

51. What made Zoroastrianism more appealing that the earlier polytheistic religions of the region?

Zoroastrianism aspects such as the conflict of God and an evil counterpart, the notion of a last judgment and resurrected bodies, and a belief in the final defeat of evil, the arrival of a savior, and the remaking of the world at the end of time are recognizable in contemporary religions such as Judaism and Christianity.

52. What aspects of Zoroastrianism do you recognize in contemporary religions?


Chinese philosophy; rules and laws with rewards and harsh punishments; only rulers have intelligence to act; benefits farmers and soldiers while suppressing merchants, scholars, and other useless professions; VERY BRUTAL; used by Qin


Chinese philosophy; superiors and leaders should set a moral example to motivate inferiors to respond with obedience, leaders should rule using ren (human heartedness, benevolence, goodness), China should act as a family; women were suppressed heavily

Greek intellectuals separated science and philosophy from conventional religion most probably through their way of thinking that the diversity/incoherence of their religious mythology presented their intellectuals with a challenge to bring order to their understanding of the world.

How did Greek intellectuals separate science and philosophy from conventional religion?

Buddhism reflected Hindu traditions as it incorporated the idea that ordinary life is an illusion, the karma and rebirth concepts, the goal of overcoming the ego, the practice of meditation, and the hope for final release from the cycle of rebirth. However, Buddhism challenged Hindu traditions through many elements of their thinking. One would be their rejection of Brahmins, for Buddhists saw that the Brahmins' rituals and sacrifices were irrelevant to the hard work of dealing with one's suffering. Buddha also was not interested in the existence of God or the creation of the world, saying that they did "not lead to peace and to the direct knowledge of nirvana." Lastly, Buddhism challenged the caste system of the Hindu tradition, saying that caste position or gender had nothing to do with achieving enlightenment.

In what ways did Buddhism reflect Hindu traditions, in what ways did it challenge them?

Her experience is probably not accessible to people living in a largely secular modern society because although the society may be secular, it is modern where most people would not be persecuted for what they believe in.

Is her experience accessible to people living in a largely secular modern society?


a form of government with a monarch at the head

Church of the East

church of the Byzantine Empire, including the patriarchates of Constantinople, Antioch, Alexandria, and Jerusalem; they're the Eastern Orthodox Church who separated from the original Catholic faith because they had different beliefs

Socrates, Plato, Aristotle

great thinkers of the Greek rationalism movement

Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha)

his name means "the awakened one"; he was the leader and founder of wanderer ascetics where his religious beliefs eventually led to the formation of Buddhism; his focus was the path to Enlightenment

Filial piety

honoring of one's ancestors and parents; used in Confucianism to honor emperor and state officials


means "teaching of the elders"; refers to the pure or original teachings of the Buddha over 2500 years ago

Greek rationalism

movement of important thinkers in Athens who produced many perspectives on the meaning of human life


sacred Hindu poems, hymns, prayers, and rituals written in Sanskrit and transmitted orally; talked about chiefdoms, sacred sounds and fires, and gods; calls for a patriarchal society with more opportunities for upper class Vedic women; required Brahmins for sacrifice and rituals


the cycle of death and rebirth to which life in the material world is bound


the end goal; to end our illusory perception of separate existence

Ban Zhao

the first known female Chinese historian who wrote Lessons for Women


the monotheistic religion of the Jews

Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Brahmanism/Hinduism, and Christianity (both by Jesus and Saint Paul) compare with each other in a sense that their key ideas circulate around one divine being, usually referred to as God. The ideas of Daoism and Greek rationalism compare with each other because they both incorporate contemplation, questioning, and interest into their key ideas. Lastly, there is Confucianism, Jainism, and Buddhism, where the main comparison is the idea of moral living.

Be able to compare the different belief systems

This image might appeal to women because it is a portrayal of a woman bodhisattva who is known as "the one who hears the cries of the world." It also is important because Buddhism allowed anyone to reach Enlightenment, including women.

To whom might such an image appeal? And why? (look at picture on page 188 in textbook)


a Christian woman martyr who died at her own hand because of her faith in Jesus

Buddhism spread once Siddhartha Gautama, a prince form a small north Indian state, went on a 6 year spiritual quest, eventually achieving enlightenment. From that point on, he taught what he learned and his beliefs spread as his small community continued to grow, while more and more people came to see him as the Buddha. At first, it spread throughout India, mainly in the lower-caste groups and to women, then during Ashoka's reign, there was state support for the religion. Soon, Buddhism spread not only within India, but also beyond.

How and where did Buddhism spread?

The development of Buddhism and Christianity similar because both religious beliefs, both teachings involved the taught as an intense self-effort aimed at ethical living and mindfulness.

In what ways were the development of Buddhism and Christianity similar?

Bhagavad Gita

often referred to as simply the Gita; is a 700 verse Hindu scripture in Sanskrit that is part of the Hindu epic Mahabharata


sacred Hindu text analyzing deep meaning of Veda sacrifices; formed central concepts of Hinduism including Brahman, atman, moksha, samsara, and karma


a system of government by one person with absolute power

The councils' purpose was to define an orthodox or correct position on certain issues. There was a perceived need to clarify the teachings of Jesus because there were debates about what writings belonged in the official New Testament, since there were so many letters, gospels, poems, and songs.

Christian leaders held councils to define an orthodox view of Christianity. What purpose did these councils serve? Why was there a real or perceived need to clarify the teachings of Jesus?

Unlike Hinduism, Judaism is monotheistic, not polytheistic. Buddhism doesn't have a deity unless it is from the Mahayana group of Buddhism. Although there is a hierarchy in Judaism, it is more free than the Hindu religion, but less open than Buddhism. Judaism: monotheistic, Hinduism is polytheistic, and Buddhism doesn't have a deity unless they are Mahayana Mahayana people looked towards the Buddha as a god Bodhisattvas were like saints Bodhisattvas revived local Buddhas Buddhism is best for women because they can reach enlightenment and become monks (monkettes, nuns), and they can live a monastic life Christianity and Islam provide an avenue for women that they don't see in other religions, which promotes independence Their location (east vs west) Caste system is a rigid hierarchy where Buddhism is in direct opposition to caste system, and Judaism provides a little more freedom compared to Hinduism **Page 151 does good job of comparing religions!**

Compare Judaism with Hinduism and Buddhism.

Social relationships from Asia were caste or class driven and socially ordered compared to the social relationships developing in the near east in which people were influenced from the Persians. They were highly educated people. Also monotheism has its beginnings here and it achieved widespread support by letting man choose between good and evil.

Compare social relationships within the belief system traditions of the eastern Mediterranean and Asia

The enforced patriarchy of Christianity is the reference of God as the "Father," which is a male term, and all the priests, bishops, cardinals, and popes need to men. This relates to the social systems of both Confucianism and Hinduism because women were seen as subordinate to men in all three of these. In Confucianism, women were under the men and had to be respectful to the men, and in Hinduism, it was even worse because their entire life, women would have to serve a man, especially her husband. If her husband died, the woman must go and kill herself.

Compare the enforced patriarchy of Christianity to the social systems of Confucianism and Hinduism.

Buddhism spread in a recognizable form out from its place of origin, however Zoroastrianism did not spread beyond Persia. However, both of these religions vanished from their places of origin.

Compare the spread of Buddhism with that of Zoroastrianism.

The writing of both Ban Zhao and Li Bo is that of two different beliefs/philosophical approaches to life. Ban Zhao's is from the Confucian point of view, and Li Bo's is from the Daoist point of view. Although they were from contrasting views, they were similar in a sense that they both came from the Chinese second-era. However, the emphasis of Ban Zhao's work was how a women should behave in a Confucian society, whereas Li Bo's emphasis was on the dao experience in union with nature.

Compare the writing of Ban Zhao , with that of Li Bo. What is the emphasis of their respective work?

The material of this chapter supports this idea because many of the religions are very similar. There are four monotheistic religions mentioned, and there are a few religions or philosophical thoughts that stemmed from previous thoughts or religions. Mainly, even with the questions, we were asked to find comparisons between many of the religions, therefore a lot of the religions we studied in the chapter are related to each other.

Fundamentally, religions are basically alike. Does the material of this chapter support or challenge this idea?

Mara and his daughters are portrayed as temptation in this image, for Mara is trying to use his daughters as temptation. Mara came as either a physical form or in the Buddha's mind to take him away from his meditation Mara's attitude is relaxed, showing his bare-chested daughters as a temptation Halo form is denoting a Christian sense to it The Buddha is godlike Buddha is not really interested His face looks down saying that he won't be distracted by that

How are Mara and his daughters, shown on the right, portrayed in this relief? (look at picture on page 186 in textbook)

Buddhism challenged the Hindu political system because it appealed to lower-caste groups and to women. The Hindu political system saw Brahmins as one of the highest people, and since the Buddhists rejected the Brahmins' religious authority, they were challenging the Hindu political system as well. Also, with women, the Buddhists said that anyone can achieve enlightenment, therefore in the Hindu society where women could not participate in religious ceremonies unless in a high class, that rule was inexistent in the Buddhists' religion.

How did Buddhism challenge the Hindu political system?

The Christian dogmatic practice changed so dramatically from Jesus' initial message of inclusion to the one described in the excerpt by Tertullian because Jesus spoke about love and compassion, but in the document, it is implied that the Christian wife and pagan husband are separated by a chasm. That central message of love and compassion is therefore lost. Jesus spoke about love and compassion for others, especially those who didn't believe In the document it's implied that the Christian wife and pagan husband are separated by a chasm, and that central message of love and compassion is lost Embrace the people you don't like the most Separation between husband and wife based on religious differences Answer to fix that problem: someone needs to convert

How did Christian dogmatic practice change so dramatically from Jesus' initial message of inclusion to the one described in the excerpt by Tertullian?

Greek philosophical concepts spread mainly through discovered Greek texts for the western side of Roman Empire and the western side of Europe. For the east, Greek philosophical concepts spread most probably through Alexander the Great, because he conquered all the way up until India. As he was a student of Aristotle, Alexander the Great probably shared the same Greek philosophical concepts, spreading them as he conquered new lands.

How did Greek philosophical concepts spread?

Indian religion differed from the cultural traditions in China because in India, the elite culture embraced the Divine and all things spiritual, and they created elaborate philosophical visions about the nature of ultimate reality. Their main focus was religion, while the cultural traditions in China barely dealt with religion at all.

How did Indian religion differ from the cultural traditions in China?

The Daoist outlook differed from that of Confucianism because the Daoists encouraged withdrawal into the world of nature and urged spontaneous, individualistic, and natural behavior, whereas the Confucians focused on human relationships. Daoists focused on the immense realm of nature and its mysterious unfolding patters, instead of Confucians' emphasized importance of education, moral improvement, and good government.

How did the Daoist outlook differ from that of Confucianism?

The beliefs of Christianity conflicted with the political order in the Roman Empire because Rome used this religion to try and hold their weakening empire together. The original political order in the Roman Empire changed because of that, especially during Constantine and Theodosius's reigns.

How did the beliefs of Christianity conflict with political order in the Roman Empire?

Because Confucian ideals and views were rigidly patriarchal, the social order went from men to women, where men with political office and high prestige were just above military men and merchants, who were above the women in the society.

How did the ideals of Confucianism influence social order?

In his work, Jacques-Louis David idealizes Socrates idealizes the philosopher as a figure who was sacrificed for a good cause, putting Socrates in a better light. Also, the white garment is a symbol of purity or innocence, therefore revisiting the fact that Socrates is being killed for his beliefs. The way the people are gathered around Socrates is either in worry, shame, or sorrow, therefore revealing that his philosophy was something well used and accepted by many men in the Greek world.

How does the painter, Jacques-Louis David, idealize Socrates and his philosophy in his work, The Death of Socrates?

This Buddha image differs physically form other Buddhas already discussed in this feature because it is bigger than all of the people it is surrounded by, and it also has long ears, which in the Chinese culture symbolize wisdom. Its difference in religious implications would probably be the smile, because the Buddhas in the other representations had a meditative look on their face of calm and peace, but this Buddha smiling, giving off the effect that he is actually laughing...he is a happy Buddha. Maitreya: Buddhists and Christians will say (commonality between both religions) that it is the idea of a bodhisattva from the future It shows that the religion continues It is a resurrection It says that Buddhism will survive Physical: happy, relaxed, chubby Around him there is nothing really of the historical teachings of the old Maybe in the future, the traditional ideas of Buddhism may be lost Seems to be a little more approachable Based on the life of a real monk: Budai Must have been a lot of fun to hang out with Doesn't pay a whole lot of reverence towards Buddhism Long ears = wisdom Fits into Confucian values of superior men and older people are to be respected Some people might say this is creative history Set in Chinese area Buddha is like you, and it makes it more accessible to Chinese people Have enlightened people throughout China Not trying to teach people something Seems to be going-with-the-flow and have spontaneity (Daoist idea) Simply accepting the world he lives in (Daoist in nature)

How does this Buddha image differ, both physically and in its religious implications, from the other Buddhas already discussed in this feature? (look at picture on page 189 in textbook)

There are many similarities between the experiences of students of Nalanda and my experience at Chaminade. Similar to Nalanda, Chaminade is a diverse school, consisting of many ethnicities, just like Nalanda had students from China, Korea, Japan, Tibet, Indonesia, Persia, and Central Asia. Their curriculum was also inclusive, just like the curriculum at Chaminade, where we study many things besides just religion. The faith is another comparison, where Chaminade is a Marianist school, therefore I experience the Marianist characteristics, while the students at Nalanda experienced the Buddhist characteristics.

How might the experiences of its students compare to your university experience?

Perpetua's accepting attitude comes across as fully trusting in her faith that God will take care of everything. Her steadfast devotion towards him is something that I understand to be what she is doing because of her Christian belief. The fact that she is willing to die for her religion shows how strong she is in her faith, and how she knows that she can go to Heaven.

How might you understand the actions and attitudes of Perpetua?

The Buddha and Jesus's lives were similar because they both personally experienced another and unseen level of reality, and these experiences provided them with a motivation to continue their life's work, and the experiences also gave them the personal authenticity that attracted the growing bands of followers. Their teachings are similar because they both were "wisdom teachers," and they both challenged the conventional values of their time. These values were the renunciation of wealth and the supreme importance of love or compassion as the basis for a moral life. Both these teachers also called for the personal transformation of their followers.

How would you compare the lives and teachings of Jesus and the Buddha? In what different did the two religions evolve after the death of their founders?

Even after Nalanda collapsed, because it is regarded as the world's first university, its influence still prevailed. Also, due to its international student body, students who previously went to Nalanda probably spread word about their old school in their home countries (which were all over Asia) and maybe even established some of their own schools after being inspired by that "first university." Also, the scholarship of Nalanda enriched both Indian science and Buddhist learning and practice in China and other places.

In what ways did Nalanda's influence stretch beyond India's borders and persist even after its collapse?

Over the centuries, the religious of South Asia changed from sacred writings of the Vedas and the importance of Brahmins to the philosophical view of the Upanishads. The sacred/religious focus during India's formative centuries consisted of sacred sounds, numerous gods, and a suggestion of patriarchal society. However, the upper-class women did have some freedom, and the Brahmin priests of the Vedas performed sacrifices and rituals. On the other hand, the Upanishads revealed a mystical and philosophical way of life, similar to that of the Chinese dao. They believed in the idea of Brahman, atman, karma, and moksha, samsara (rebirth).

In what ways did the religious of South Asia change over the centuries?

This figure represents an adaptation of Buddhist imagery to Chinese culture mainly because of the long ears. In China, long ears are seen to be symbols of old age but mainly wisdom. When you have long ears, you are seen as wise. Also, the smile across the Buddha's face is probably a representation of a Daoist outlook with the world, where they try to stay in touch with nature.

In what ways does this figure represent an adaptation of Buddhist imagery to Chinese culture? Consider what you know about Confucian and Daoist postures to the world. (look at picture on page 189 in textbook)

Following the death of Jesus Christ, Christianity transformed through Jesus never claiming his divine status, the Divinity of Jesus through his early followers, the letters of Saint Paul, and the wide range with women.

In what ways was Christianity transformed in the five centuries following the death of Jesus Christ?

I think Confucianism is most effective in helping to maintain political and social order because although it had a social order where each person was expected to do what he/she was assigned to do by birth, the social order was not as strict as that of Hinduism. The social order was not as strict because one of the smartest people from each class was able to participate in the civil service exam, therefore allowing political order to have some type of equality because it was open to the most eligible people of the country.

Of the various belief systems described in this chapter, which do you think is the most effective in helping to maintain political and social order?

Some common elements are that they both technically "hear the cries of the world." As the Bodhisattva of Compassion is said to rescue one from all kinds of danger and distress by calling on her/him. Similar to the Hail Mary that is part of the Christian tradition, people pray the Hail Mary asking her to intercede for them and be there as a mother-figure. Some differences would be their physical state, because the Bodhisattva of Compassion is portrayed in a more unique form, whereas the Virgin Mary is portrayed as a human. Also, the fact that the Bodhisattva of Compassion has many hands and holding many different symbols shows the tremendous amount of detail and symbolism in the statue. That would be a lot in comparison to a statue of the Virgin Mary, who is usually portrayed simply holding a flower, or the baby Jesus, or touching her hands to her heart. Associated with idea of compassion (both of them) In each of the traditions (Mahayana or Christian) they're seen as people who can help you Both of them are holy figures Both of them were human Different because they come from different religions Relationship with the Divine is a little different Have different life stories on how they came to get where they are at

Some scholars have identified similarities between the Bodhisattva of Compassion and the Virgin Mary in in the Christian tradition. What common elements and what differences can you identify? (look at picture on page 188 in textbook)

Another example of a place where execution was used as a punishment for questioning the status quo or the government was in China (East Asia) during Shihuangdi's rule. Because of scholars and their writings that went against the teachings of his government, Shihuangdi had these scholars burned alive (executed), along with all of their books being burned as well.

The death of Socrates is a famous example of the state using execution to silence a powerful challenge to its authority. What are other examples of places where execution was or is used as a punishment for questioning the status quo or the government?

- Philosophy: having to do with things of this world - Theology: having to do with issues relating with God and the divine - Poetry and justice - Theology is presented equally with human knowledge - Human classical learning can be united with the teachings of the church - Plato: ethereal/theoretical (world of appearances is not the final truth; realm based on mathematics) - Aristotle: observable, actual, physical (blue and brown) - Pythagoras: discovered laws of harmony in music, in mathematics (reality that transcends what the reality that we see - Euclid: drawing a geometric diagram, demonstrates his interest in measure, idea of the practical - Diogenes: - Heraclitus: writing and thinking by himself (lost in own thoughts); writing on block of marble; believed all things were always in flux - Ptolemy: theorized the movements of the planets - Zoroaster: celestial orb

Use the video - Raphael's, School of Athens - on Blackboard, to list the questions or types of questions that engaged specific Greek philosophers.

There are many important Buddhist beliefs. One is that suffering and sorrow is the central and universal feature of human life, where the suffering comes from desire. Other beliefs that relate to Hinduism are the idea of life as an illusion, karma and rebirth, overcoming the ego, the practice of meditation, and the hope of final release from cycle of rebirth. However, another important belief was that individuals had to take responsibility for their own spiritual development without help from others. Buddhists believed that the path was based on personal experience, and it was a path of intense self-effort.

What are some important Buddhist beliefs?

Some possible arguments against Confucianism would be its secular nature, and how it doesn't really focus on religion. Another argument against Confucian teaching would be its patriarchal society, where women assume the role of housewife and caretaker of the children. One more argument against Confucianism would be the fact that there were "superior men" compared to military men and merchants, or how the Chinese elite were educated people compared to the lower classes who believed in gods and spirits.

What are some possible arguments against Confucianism?

The distinctive features of the Greek intellectual tradition was emphasis on argument, logic, and relentless questioning of received wisdom, confidence in human reason, and enthusiasm for puzzling out the world without much reference to the gods.

What are the distinctive features of the Greek intellectual tradition?

The Vedas; The Caste System; Dharma; Samsara, Moksha, and Karma; Buddhism; Totally Tangential; Ashoka; The Big Finish

What are the eight parts of the video?

The political effects of Legalism in China were mainly brutality during the Shihuangdi and Qin dynasties, where rewards were high and punishments were extremely heavy. Culturally, the effects of Legalism in China resulted in promoting farmers and soldiers, and the merchants, scholars, aristocrats, and other classes were suppressed and regarded as useless.

What are the political and cultural effects of Legalism in China?

An alternative reason for writing the document may be to just inform younger girls about how a young women should act, probably not because she believes in these ideals but because she is protecting the girls from getting into trouble due to the patriarchal society. The husband is said to have control over the wife and children, therefore if the wife doesn't assume these expected positions, she might be punished for her disobedience.

What is an alternative reason for writing the document?

The social effects of India's caste system mainly had to do with the gender system. First is the gender system, where the patriarchal society diminished women to always serving their husband and having almost no freedom at all. However, depending on what class the women were in, especially if they were in higher castes, the women were allowed to participate in religious sacrifices, engage in scholarship/religious debate, and sometimes marry a man of their own choosing. For the political effects of the caste system for the Brahmins, they were able to acquire enormous power and wealth, sometimes exceeding that of kings and warriors, which demonstrates the change of political hierarchies. The Brahmins gained all this wealth because of the heavy fees they charged so they could perform the mechanical and formal rituals. Socially, the Brahmins ended up generating a lot of criticism in the end because of that political standpoint.

What are the social and political effects of India's caste system?

The concept of God and an evil counterpart, the notion of a last judgment and resurrected bodies, a belief in the final defeat of evil, the arrival of a savior, the remaking of the world at the end of time, and the concepts of Heaven and Hell became prominent and subsequently found a place in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

What aspects of Zoroastrianism and Judaism subsequently found a place in Christianity and Islam?

The Buddha is characterized as holy because the halo behind Buddha's head represents his divinity. Surrounded by his attendants, they are seeing what the Buddha is going to do, showing that he is a role-model. He is good and pure, which is why he is continuing on his path, avoiding temptation.

What attitude characterizes the Buddha, shown on the left and surrounded by attendants? (look at picture on page 186 in textbook)

People are attracted to belief systems because it satisfies or benefits something for them in their life, they want a definite answer to their curiosity of creation or death, it is something that ensures something better after one dies, or it becomes a reason and motivation to live morally.

What attracts people to belief systems?

When all the people adhere to a given belief system, the government enjoys the benefit of everyone believing in the same thing. Therefore, there are less conflicts, and everyone has the same ideas, same morals, and they ultimately become easier to control if they all think alike.

What benefit does a government enjoy when all the people adhere to a given belief system?

Intense adoration of and identification with a particular deity through songs, prayers, and rituals are the things that characterized bhakti.

What characterized bhakti?

The unpredictable, quarreling, and lustful gods of Mount Olympus, the secret fertility cults, the oracles predicting the future, and the ecstatic worship of Dionysus (god of wine) characterized the religion of Greek city-states.

What characterized the religion of the Greek city-states?

People who love to stay in touch with nature, whether it be hiking, camping, swimming, etc., could spark a Daoist uprising, especially if they found fault with the Confucian society. If they saw a weakness in the Confucian society of human connections, they could start introducing other people to their view of "yin and yang," that nature-based view.

What could spark a Daoist uprising?

Some similarities in the three figures are their facial features. All three seem to be of Chinese origin, and the two older figures have similar dress, with neutral tones of blue, white, yellow, and brown. These lighter colors seem to blend in with the background in order to focus on the baby, who is wearing the bright red color, contrasting the light/earthly hues of the older figures. Their age is also different, where the two older figures seem to be the same age, while the baby is young, probably representing new life.

What differences and similarities do you see in the three figures?

There were three different answers to the problem of disorder that arose in classical China, and they were the Legalist answer, the Confucian answer, and the Daoist answer.

What different answers to the problem of disorder arose in classical China?

I think the five most important terms Green refers to are Dharma, Samsara, Moksha, Karma, and Ashoka.

What do you think are the five most important terms Green refers to?

The Roman response to Christianity's denial of other gods is their tolerance of other religions. This tells us that the Romans' polytheism were fine and accepting of others believing in another god became incorporating that god into their own religion will make those people feel comfortable rather than give them a reason to revolt. Also, polytheistic people would probably be tolerant of other gods compared to monotheistic people.

What does the Roman response to Christianity's denial of other gods tell us about Romans' polytheism and comparative toleration?

The inclusion of the yakshis adds to the message of this image because Buddhism didn't incorporate the caste system, therefore women were able to reach Enlightenment too. The women are seen as seductive The women are voluptuous or represent fertility They offer help to people Because they're seductive they can also be distracting for people on their path to spirituality The footprints are in between them By following the teachings of Buddha, you can still reach Enlightenment despite the distractions

What does the inclusion of the yakshis add to the message of this image? (look at picture on page 184 in textbook)

The lotus flower, the wheel, the temple, and the praying person are all examples of Buddhist imagery. Closer to the Mahayana tradition Mahayana is much more accessible to people, and makes Buddhism easier Theravada Buddhism is living a life that is detached from the world Bodhisattvas are the teachers who can work as intercessors to help you along the way towards your path towards Enlightenment Has sort of a feminine quality Seated in a meditative state It is there to help you

What elements of Buddhist imagery can you identify in this statue? (look at picture on page 188 in textbook)

People were attracted to Christianity because it shows how other people came for one another. The religion also spread the ideas of faith and miracles, and even the miracle of healing to take out demons, which would attract those who want/need a miracle in their life.

What factors attracted followers to Christianity?

(any answer is acceptable because it is opinion based. this was my answer) What struck me the most about Nalanda was that not only Indian students studied at Nalanda, but also kids from other countries such as China, Korea, Japan, Tibet, Indonesia, Persia, and Central Asia. This was surprising to me because I would not expect Nalanda to have been so similar to some schools today, with a variety of students coming from many different places.

What is most striking to you about Nalanda?

The Theravada and Mahayana expression of Buddhism were different in many ways. While the Theravada expression of Buddhism portrayed Buddha as an immensely wise teacher and model, but certainly not divine, the Mahayana expression portrays Buddha as a god. The Theravada expression was more psychological than religious, a set of practices rather than beliefs, however the Mahayana expression transformed Buddhism into an actual religion of salvation. The Theravada expression believed that the gods played little role in assisting believers in search for their enlightenment, and instead, people had to accomplish that task on their own without help. However, the Mahayana expression believed that earlier and future Buddhas (gods) could help people who were still suffering and were trying to achieve enlightenment, which is the complete opposite of the Theravada expression.

What is the difference between the Theravada and Mahayana expression of Buddhism?

The purpose of the Ban Zhao document was to inform women about their role in society, and how they should act in order to be better prepared to serve her husband.

What is the purpose of the Ban Zhao document?

The larger meaning Buddha's followers might take from this story is that one must stick to the path of Enlightenment and never stray from that path, even if temptation comes and blocks the way. Life offers you distraction, but if you use the Buddha as a model, you can overcome these earthly temptations

What larger meaning might the Buddha's followers take from this story? (look at picture on page 186 in textbook)

First of all, both Buddhism and Daoism are responses to the religions/philosophies of Hinduism and Confucianism respectively. However, they are also more focused on nature or peacefulness. As Buddhism focuses on meditating and taking a journey "across a river" (symbol of nature), the Daoists were focused on being one with nature and the world around them. Buddhism did not put the social caste system into their religious traditions, and said that anyone could achieve enlightenment. This response to pushing against the rigid caste system of the Hindu society is similar to the Daoists' response to diminishing the Confucian ideas of the importance of city life (especially in their paintings).

What new emphases characterized Hinduism as it responded to the challenge of Buddhism?

The overall religious message of this footprint is that the Way to Enlightenment is to accept that cycle of samsara and find the purity within oneself to stick to their own path and find their own way. Follow in the teachings of Buddha and you will reach Enlightenment You can be someone who can reach Enlightenment and follow the Buddha even though the Buddha isn't physically there The Buddha can help despite his physical absence

What overall religious message might this footprint convey to those who gazed on it? (look at picture on page 184 in textbook)

The east to west orientation of Asia would be a geographic factor that might account for the relatively rapid and wide spread of Christianity. Economically, traders would probably be the first to accept Christianity, therefore its appeal to these people would spread the ideas of Christianity. Politically, people were attracted to Jesus and the goodness of the religion. The main way Christianity might have spread is through Saint Paul, who was a roman citizen and therefore was able to travel all throughout Rome. He wrote many letters to different types of people as he traveled around Rome, and after spreading Christianity around Rome, there were more people who came from Rome and spread Christian views with other groups.

What political, economic, and geographic factors might account for the relatively rapid and wide spread of Christianity? (look at map 4.1 on page 175)

The social questions that Confucianism doesn't address are: What is the relationship between human life in this world and the spiritual realms that lie beyond?, Who is God?, Why does the universe exist/what is its origin?, How were human beings made?, What happens after death?.

What social questions does Confucianism not address?

The transformations in Buddhist belief and practice are shown through the evolution of the Buddha representation of the Theravada up until the Chinese representation of the Buddha. At first it goes from not believing in Buddha as a god, but more so as teacher, therefore the Buddha himself is not even in the representation, and the focus is more on the actual path to Enlightenment. Then the next representation includes Buddha, however it is more of a story form with a moral behind it. Buddha is shown to be resisting the temptation of Mara's daughters, which is a lesson for the Buddhist followers. The next statue of Buddhism is the Bodhisattva of Compassion. The focus is no longer on Buddha, but on an element of Buddhism, where the Bodhisattvas have become important for the people. Lastly, the representation of the Chinese Buddha shows a drastic change where the Buddha looks happy instead of serene and peaceful, and his long ears represent his wisdom.

What transformations in Buddhist belief and practice are disclosed in these images?

Ban Zhao might have written a document that appears to support the inferiority of women because she has been taught to believe in these actions and roles as a woman, and the Confucian society approves of these behaviors. Therefore, she has been influenced by these ideals and finds them actually the true definition of what a woman should be.

Why might Ban Zhao have written a document that appears to support the inferiority of women?

A golf club was in the secret compartment. I think Green chose to discuss the golf club because it was a contradictory game to the game of Chutes and Ladders. However, the golf club, as Green states, is a game of skill, whereas Chutes and Ladders is a game of chance. These two games probably represent the opposing ideas of Hinduism and Buddhism, where the people who play "disco golf" are the Brahmins, for they are believed to have worked their way to the top after repeated samsara, eventually being able to reach that goal. However, chutes and ladders is a game of chance, where Green mentions his son who is younger than him, not intellectually equal, and not potty trained, stressing the point that if it were a game of skill, his son would be unlikely to win. That probably represents the view the upper castes who believed in Hinduism had towards the lower castes, who could supposedly achieve enlightenment on their own through Buddhism.

What was in the secret compartment, and why do you think Green chose to discuss that?

The similarities between the execution and Socrates and the execution of Jesus is the fact that the government has to deal with both their executions. Both had ideas that went against the government, which is the reason for both of their exiles. The difference between these two people's executions is that Jesus's execution was much worse, and it was because of many of the people that Jesus was executed, not because of Caesar who found Jesus innocent. However, Socrates was executed it seems with his friends/followers no knowing.

What were the similarities and differences between the execution of Socrates and the execution of Jesus?

Today, a Daoist uprising would like a bunch of people going off to find themselves in the natural world, immersing themselves into the forest to stay intact with the world.

What would a Daoist uprising look like today?

The author's recollection might be slightly vague depending on how long of a time gap there was between the time the author heard the teacher speak and the time the author writes the teachings down. If the gap is big, there might be other views that the author adds because the recollection is hard to remember. Therefore, the document cannot be trusted entirely, because relying solely on the human memory is not factual.

When analyzing documents as evidence, how might a gap between the time the author hears the teacher speak and the time the author writes it down affect the author's recollection?

If a student attempts to write down the teachings of a scholar that were delivered verbally, some problems would be misinterpretation. Because a student cannot write down what the scholar said in verbatim, the tone and form of writing the student uses might be different from the scholar's therefore maybe even changing the meaning of a teaching. Another problem would be accuracy, for a student couldn't possibly remember every single thing the scholar said.

When analyzing documents as evidence, what problems might arise if a student attempts to write down the teachings of a scholar that were delivered verbally?

Feminists or women who didn't want to stay under the men's rule would disagree with the teachings of Confucius. Extremely religious individuals would also disagree because the teachings aren't focused on religion, and the lower class men would also disagree with a few teachings because they are considered lower, less educated, and therefore less smart than the elite.

Who would disagree with the teachings of Confucius?

Buddhism flourished elsewhere because as it spread into other parts of Asia, especially China, it eventually became the first of the great universal religions of world history. But, in India, the Buddha became incorporated into Hinduism as one of the Hindu gods, therefore making Buddhism disappear as a separate religious tradition and instead assimilate back into Hinduism in India.

Why did Buddhism as a distinct practice disappear from its place of origin yet flourish elsewhere?

Bhakti threatened the caste system and traditional religious practices because it invited everyone to an adoration of the Divine, therefore pushing against gender hierarchies as well. The goddesses also threatened the traditional religious practices.

Why did this form of worship threaten the caste system and traditional religious practices?

I think order is sometimes maintained through violent means instead of through ideological persuasion or the adoption and application of religious deals because usually, fear is something that keeps one in the position to follow the person inflicting fear. Also, because of the many different religious ideals or different beliefs, it is harder to establish an ideological persuasion since each person may need to be persuaded differently. Therefore, violence is the easiest and most common solution that can pertain to anyone.

Why do you think order is sometimes maintained through violent means instead of through ideological persuasion or the adoption and application of religious ideals?

I think the communist Party tried to discredit Confucius and his teachings because their values of community and equality disagree with his view that Confucianism consists of class inequality, patriarchy, superstition, and feudalism. Because these views differ from theirs, they might have a fear of their government being opposed and bad ideas spreading from Confucianism believers.

Why do you think the communist Party tried to discredit Confucius and his teachings?

Confucianism has been defined as a "humanistic philosophy" rather than a religion because its teaching was distinctly this-worldly and practical, concerned with cultural and human life, relationships, social harmony, and effective government. Its character is considered secular, especially since its teachings are more down-to-earth than dealing with God.

Why has Confucianism been defined as a "humanistic philosophy" rather than a religion?

The social disruptions were growing cities, increased trade, prominence of merchant classes, and the emergence of new states and empire. All these disruptions were caused and contributed by increased contact because not only did the iron-age technology allow more productive economies, but all these disruptions occurred in already-literate societies. Therefore, these disruptions spread much quicker due to contact between each societies, especially through trade.

Why increased contact with other civilizations contribute to social disruption?

Buddhism is universally appealing because its egalitarian message appealed to lower-caste groups and to women. Also, its teaching was in the local language of Pali, and its monasteries and stupas were all over the place.

Why is Buddhism universally appealing?

Greco-Roman cultural influence might have stimulated physical representations of the Buddha because of Alexander the Great. He conquered all the way to India, therefore the toga of Roman and Greek culture (Alexander brought it with him) would work its way into the image of Buddha. Also, the Gupta Dynasty would have had trade, which also might have introduced these Greco-Roman cultural influences. Toga of the Buddha Hair on Buddha's head is more wavy or curly instead of straight hair which would be seen from northwest India The face is modeled after Apollo (Greco-Roman gods) Make it feel more like them Make Buddhism accessible outside of the geography where the religion originated Still be able to tell the story Greco-Roman culture would get to India through Alexander the Great Alexander the Great didn't conquer the empire Trade was set up, so those ideas would be passed back and forth through that Trade is a great facilitator for ideas, goods, and diseases

Why might Greco-Roman cultural influence have stimulated physical representations of the Buddha? (look at picture on page 186 in textbook)

The artists might have been reluctant to portray the human figure of the Buddha because footprints symbolize the human teachings. Human teachings are the main focus of Buddhism, for it was not about following a god, but more of following the path to Enlightenment. May be fearful of disrespecting the Buddha Don't have photos of what Buddha looks like Buddha was unimportant Buddha's teachings were important The feet take away from the idea that the Buddha was anything to focus on The footprints left, even the man is gone, and the teachings remain In Islam there aren't any images of living things, especially something as sacred as Muhammad or Allah

Why might artists have been reluctant to portray the human figure of the Buddha? (look at picture on page 184 in textbook)

Some societies might require a strict adherence to social order and ideology because of the uniformity and the commonality between all its people. If the people in the society have conflicting beliefs, it would be harder for government to control them, especially if disagreements and conflicts start to get out of hand.

Why might some societies require a strict adherence to social order and ideology?

The Greeks and other cultures might wish to organize South Asian ideas into a formal system because it would be easier to recognize.

Why might the Greeks and other cultures wish to organize South Asian ideas into a formal system?

The wheel might serve as an effective symbol of the Buddha's message because it is not connected to anything else and it is on its own. Because it is on its own, it represents how each person must find their own way and path to Enlightenment. The circle image represents the cycle of samsara. Life is cyclical and continues to move on As you work to becoming a better person, that idea of reincarnation is there Within the wheel there is a lotus flower, which is another Buddhist symbol On the surface, the lotus is beautiful Inside, it grows from the muck and mud of the bottom of a pond Lotus flower shows the balance of where you've come from and where you can go

Why might the wheel serve as an effective symbol of the Buddha's message? (look at picture on page 184 in textbook)

This image might be appealing to some Buddhists who want to know that reaching Enlightenment is a happy state, and that there will be a time when they can become happy and carefree yet still be extremely wise. Others might take exception to this image if they have been so used to the other representations of the reflective, calm and serene-faced Buddha. They might see this Buddha as a joke or even take offense to what a Buddha should actually "look" like.

Why might this image be appealing to some Buddhists, and why might others take exception to it? (look at picture on page 189 in textbook)


a monotheistic pre-Islamic religion of ancient Persia founded by Zoroaster in the 6th century BC


a person who is able to reach nirvana but delays doing so out of compassion in order to save suffering beings


a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution


a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives


a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god


an acclaimed Mahavihara, a large Buddhist monastery in the ancient kingdom of Magadha in India; was a center of learning form the seventh century BCE to CE

Saint Paul

apostle of the Gentiles; he was a Roman citizen who traveled all throughout Rome and wrote epistles


called to revert to earlier times when made didn't make disruptions to nature's beauty; GIVE UP LEARNING AND PUT AN END TO YOUR TROUBLES; used in popular religion for magic, fortune telling, and immortality attempts; family life is central; female and male have balance; no hierarchy

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