What impacts does deforestation have with climate change?(25)

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Moukaddem , Karimeh. "Climate Change and Deforestation Pose Risk to Amazon Rainforest." Mongabay , 20 May 2011, news.mongabay.com.

Sub-Question: What impacts does deforestation have with climate change? Fact: Climate change and widespread deforestation is expected to cause warmer and drier conditions reducing the resistance of the rainforest ecosystem to natural and human-caused stressors while increasing the frequency of extreme rainfall events and droughts by the end of this century Relevancy: Climate change will greatly affect the forest its ecosystem increasing many major weather events

Moukaddem , Karimeh. "Climate Change and Deforestation Pose Risk to Amazon Rainforest." Mongabay , 20 May 2011, news.mongabay.com.

Sub-Question: What impacts does deforestation have with climate change? Fact: Any warming is expected to decrease rainfall in the Amazon, particularly in eastern Amazonia Relevancy: Since deforestation has many impacts on the climate if the weather becomes warmer this will cause a decrease in rainfall

Butler, Rhett A. "Deforestation, Climate Change Threaten the Ecological Resilience of the Amazon Rainforest." Conservation News, Mongabay, 18 Jan. 2012, news.mongabay.com.

Sub-Question: What impacts does deforestation have with climate change? Fact: Authors note that current development plans will greatly increase the risk of deforestation and fragmentation across much of the Amazon Relevancy: If deforestation increases due to many development plans, that will further affect the process of the forests and its climate it regulates on the Amazon

Butler, Rhett A. "Deforestation, Climate Change Threaten the Ecological Resilience of the Amazon Rainforest." Conservation News, Mongabay, 18 Jan. 2012, news.mongabay.com.

Sub-Question: What impacts does deforestation have with climate change? Fact: Both deforestation and forest degradation from fire and logging reduce forest transpiration, which accounts for roughly a third of the moisture that forms precipitation over the Amazon basin Relevancy: The effects of logging in forests affects the process of the forest from forming precipitation over the basin

Moukaddem , Karimeh. "Climate Change and Deforestation Pose Risk to Amazon Rainforest." Mongabay , 20 May 2011, news.mongabay.com.

Sub-Question: What impacts does deforestation have with climate change? Fact: By reducing the Amazon's capacity to absorb carbon, modifying regional water cycles, and increasing soil temperatures, deforestation and climate change could cause the Amazon to die back and be replaced with Savannah-like vegetation. Relevancy: Deforestation and climate change have major impacts on the factors of the Amazon will likely be forced to make changes to its system

Moukaddem , Karimeh. "Climate Change and Deforestation Pose Risk to Amazon Rainforest." Mongabay , 20 May 2011, news.mongabay.com.

Sub-Question: What impacts does deforestation have with climate change? Fact: Climate model projections for 2080 suggest that if global temperature were to rise 1.8 degrees Celsius, rainfall in the Amazon would decrease by eleven percent and if world temperature were to rise to 4.8 degrees Celsius, the Amazonian rainfall would decrease 32 percent. Relevancy: If deforestation continues, the rate of warmer temps. will continue to rise affecting the rainfall in the Amazon to decrease by percents

Moukaddem , Karimeh. "Climate Change and Deforestation Pose Risk to Amazon Rainforest." Mongabay , 20 May 2011, news.mongabay.com.

Sub-Question: What impacts does deforestation have with climate change? Fact: Climate models predict possible warming in the Amazon between two and nine degrees Celsius by the end of the century Relevancy: An increase in the weather in the Amazon Basis is said to have negative affects on the functions in the Amazon's ecosystems

Moukaddem , Karimeh. "Climate Change and Deforestation Pose Risk to Amazon Rainforest." Mongabay , 20 May 2011, news.mongabay.com.

Sub-Question: What impacts does deforestation have with climate change? Fact: Climate models show that higher temperatures resulting from global climate change will threaten the resilience of the Amazon, current deforestation is an immediate concern to the rainforest ecosystem and is likely driving regional changes in climate Relevancy: If the climate temperatures rise this will affect the Amazon negatively

Moukaddem , Karimeh. "Climate Change and Deforestation Pose Risk to Amazon Rainforest." Mongabay , 20 May 2011, news.mongabay.com.

Sub-Question: What impacts does deforestation have with climate change? Fact: Deforestation in the region did fall from 27,000 km2 in 2004 to 6,500 km2 in 2010, but the Brazilian government reported this week that deforestation has increased almost sixfold in the last year. Relevancy: If the rates of deforestation continue to rise again then that will have major implications on the climate and ecosystems of the forests.

Moukaddem , Karimeh. "Climate Change and Deforestation Pose Risk to Amazon Rainforest." Mongabay , 20 May 2011, news.mongabay.com.

Sub-Question: What impacts does deforestation have with climate change? Fact: Droughts and floods are part of the natural climate variability of the Amazon, but the risk of severe weather is expected to increase with worsening climate change. Relevancy: If rates of deforestation continue then the results will increase causing dangerous climate changes

Moukaddem , Karimeh. "Climate Change and Deforestation Pose Risk to Amazon Rainforest." Mongabay , 20 May 2011, news.mongabay.com.

Sub-Question: What impacts does deforestation have with climate change? Fact: Dry conditions would exacerbate wild fires, which would in turn send more carbon into the atmosphere Relevancy: The dry conditions that are caused by forest reduction will lead to many negative environmental events

Moukaddem , Karimeh. "Climate Change and Deforestation Pose Risk to Amazon Rainforest." Mongabay , 20 May 2011, news.mongabay.com.

Sub-Question: What impacts does deforestation have with climate change? Fact: If forty percent of the Amazon were to be deforested, the rainforest ecosystem would pass a 'tipping point' that would trigger a feedback loop between forest loss and climate impacts. Relevancy: If deforestation took 40 percent of the Amazon this would cause major implications towards forest loss and climate change

Moukaddem , Karimeh. "Climate Change and Deforestation Pose Risk to Amazon Rainforest." Mongabay , 20 May 2011, news.mongabay.com.

Sub-Question: What impacts does deforestation have with climate change? Fact: Rainfall in the Amazon could decrease 41 percent if global temperature were to rise just over six degrees Celsius. Relevancy: This examination shows that if degrees of heat increase globally then the percent of the Amazon rainfall could decrease dramatically.

Butler, Rhett A. "Deforestation, Climate Change Threaten the Ecological Resilience of the Amazon Rainforest." Conservation News, Mongabay, 18 Jan. 2012, news.mongabay.com.

Sub-Question: What impacts does deforestation have with climate change? Fact: Researchers warn that events like the droughts that affected vast areas of Amazon rainforest in 2005 and 2010 could worsen if deforestation, forest degradation, and climate change worsen Relevancy: If deforestation rates increase, it will cause major negative weather events

Moukaddem , Karimeh. "Climate Change and Deforestation Pose Risk to Amazon Rainforest." Mongabay , 20 May 2011, news.mongabay.com.

Sub-Question: What impacts does deforestation have with climate change? Fact: Stressors on the Amazon rainforest could impact the whole continent Relevancy: If the Amazon Rainforest is impacted that affects its process of regulating its climate and ecosystems ultimately affecting the whole continent

Moukaddem , Karimeh. "Climate Change and Deforestation Pose Risk to Amazon Rainforest." Mongabay , 20 May 2011, news.mongabay.com.

Sub-Question: What impacts does deforestation have with climate change? Fact: Such ecosystem alterations could drive major economic distress in Brazil: more than 70 percent of Brazil's energy is produced by hydropower, and reduced rainfall related to forest death would limit the electricity supply to industrial areas Relevancy: The changes that deforestation causes will bring economic distress to Brazil.

Moukaddem , Karimeh. "Climate Change and Deforestation Pose Risk to Amazon Rainforest." Mongabay , 20 May 2011, news.mongabay.com.

Sub-Question: What impacts does deforestation have with climate change? Fact: The 2005 drought greatly reduced fish yields and had a negative impact on the transportation, agriculture, and hydropower sectors, while a 2009 flood displaced thousands and led to serious public health issues related to water-borne disease Relevancy: Droughts like these reflect on the impacts these severe climate changes will have in the future if large amounts of forest reduction continues

Moukaddem , Karimeh. "Climate Change and Deforestation Pose Risk to Amazon Rainforest." Mongabay , 20 May 2011, news.mongabay.com.

Sub-Question: What impacts does deforestation have with climate change? Fact: The Amazon plays a crucial role in regulating the climate of South America through its influence on the water cycle; therefore, large-scale deforestation in the rainforest compounded by global climate change could decrease the forest's ability to recycle rainfall and transport moisture to other parts of the continent. Relevancy: Since the Amazon plays a big role in regulating temps. the affects of both deforestation and climate change could negatively affect its ability to maintain certain regions of the continent

Moukaddem , Karimeh. "Climate Change and Deforestation Pose Risk to Amazon Rainforest." Mongabay , 20 May 2011, news.mongabay.com.

Sub-Question: What impacts does deforestation have with climate change? Fact: The INPE-Hadley Centre study estimates that drought years like 2005 are now a one in twenty year event, but they could be a one in two year event by 2025 and a nine in ten year event by 2060 given current trends of climate alteration. Relevancy: This estimate shows the impacts that the Amazon region will receive if trends of deforestation continues to rise.

Moukaddem , Karimeh. "Climate Change and Deforestation Pose Risk to Amazon Rainforest." Mongabay , 20 May 2011, news.mongabay.com.

Sub-Question: What impacts does deforestation have with climate change? Fact: The INPE-Hadley Centre study estimates that if large-scale weather patterns continue to be altered by climate change while deforestation increases the frequency of Amazonian drought, 55 percent of the Amazon will be lost over the next twenty years Relevancy: This study shows the reality of the loss the Amazon will have in the future if alarming rates of deforestation and changes of climate change continue

Moukaddem , Karimeh. "Climate Change and Deforestation Pose Risk to Amazon Rainforest." Mongabay , 20 May 2011, news.mongabay.com.

Sub-Question: What impacts does deforestation have with climate change? Fact: The INPE-Hadley Centre's Dangerous Climate Change in Brazil project emphasizes that regional climate change caused by deforestation in the Amazon will almost certainly be amplified by global climate change. Relevancy: Studies show that the results of Global Climate Change will amplify the climate change in the amazon affecting the forests and its ecosystems

Butler, Rhett A. "Deforestation, Climate Change Threaten the Ecological Resilience of the Amazon Rainforest." Conservation News, Mongabay, 18 Jan. 2012, news.mongabay.com.

Sub-Question: What impacts does deforestation have with climate change? Fact: The combination of deforestation, forest degradation, and the effects of climate change are weakening the resilience of the Amazon rainforest ecosystem, potentially leading to loss of carbon storage and changes in rainfall patterns and river discharge Relevancy: The changes in climate are affecting the process of the Brazilian forest affecting the environment

Moukaddem , Karimeh. "Climate Change and Deforestation Pose Risk to Amazon Rainforest." Mongabay , 20 May 2011, news.mongabay.com.

Sub-Question: What impacts does deforestation have with climate change? Fact: The rainforest recycles up to half of its rainwater, and amplified changes of forest loss and decreased rainfall would threaten the stability of Amazonian ecosystems. Relevancy: The major changes that deforestation factors have on the forest causes a threat to the stability of the rainfall and its ecosystems

Moukaddem , Karimeh. "Climate Change and Deforestation Pose Risk to Amazon Rainforest." Mongabay , 20 May 2011, news.mongabay.com.

Sub-Question: What impacts does deforestation have with climate change? Fact: The water cycle of the Amazon could also be at risk if even 30 percent of the forest is cleared Relevancy: Deforestation could have an impact on the water cycle of the Amazon

Butler, Rhett A. "Deforestation, Climate Change Threaten the Ecological Resilience of the Amazon Rainforest." Conservation News, Mongabay, 18 Jan. 2012, news.mongabay.com.

Sub-Question: What impacts does deforestation have with climate change? Fact: Warmer temperatures in the Atlantic reduce the amount of moisture that reaches the basin Relevancy: Because of the current warm temperatures in the Atlantic this causes a reduction of moisture that reaches the Amazon

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