What is a thesis statement?
What are some examples of a thesis statement?
1. Cats make better pets than dogs because they are independent, they keep mice away, and they don't require daily walks.
Where is the thesis statement included in my paper?
It is located in the first paragraph (the Introductory Paragraph) and is usually the last sentence .
What is a writing prompt?
It is the driving question, the writing assignment given to you, or the essential question to answer. It is sometimes called the Constructed Response.
What exactly is a thesis statement?
It is your claim or position based on your reading. It contains three reasons why you feel that way.
Why do I have to have a thesis statement?
It presents your claim/position and it answers the writing prompt. Without a thesis statement there is no essay.
How many sentences is a thesis statement?
What are some more examples of a thesis statement inside the introductory paragraph?
Pets come in all shapes and sizes. Some people prefer their pets to be birds, cats, dogs or even fish. If you choose a cat or a dog, cats make better pets than dogs because they are independent, they keep mice away, and they don't require daily walks.
What is an example of a writing prompt with a good Thesis Statement?
Prompt: What are the roles wolves play in maintaining a healthy environment? Thesis Statement: Wolves keep the population of deer at a management number, they leave left-overs for scavengers, and they help balance the plant life.