What is Cloud Computing?
Types of Cloud Computing
- IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service): Building blocks for cloud IT with networks, computers and data storage. Very flexible and parallel with traditional IT - PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service): Removes need for organization management of infrastructure so can focus on development and deployment - SaaS (Software-as-a-Service): Completed product that is run and managed by service provider
Five Characteristics of Cloud Computing
- On-demand self service - Broad network access - Multi-tenancy and resource pooling: Customers share same infrastructure and apps with security and privacy, customers serviced from same resources. - Rapid Elasticity and scalability: Quickly apply and dispose resources - Measured Service: Correct payment tracking.
Problems solved by the cloud
1. Flexibility 2. Cost-effectiveness 3. Scalability 4. Elasticity 5. High availability & fault tolerance 6. Agility (quick test and dev)
Six Advantages of Cloud Computing
1. Trade capital expense for variable expense: Pay on demand (no hardware) and reduced TCO and OPEX 2. Benefit from massive economies of scale 3. Stop guessing capacity 4. Increase speed and agility 5. Stop spending money running and maintaining data centers 6. Go global in minutes
3 pricing fundamentals of AWS Cloud
Compute, Storage, and Data transfer out of the AWS cloud.
Shared Responsibility Model
Customer: responsible for security "in" the cloud AWS: responsible for security "of" the cloud
Tour of AWS Console
Global Services: - Identity and Access Management - Route 53 (DNS) - CloudFront (Content Delivery) - WAF( Web application Firewall) Most AWS services are region scoped: - Amazon EC2 (IaaS) - Elastic Beanstalk (PaaS) - Lambda (FaaS) - Rekognition (SaaS) Region table
AWS Cloud Computing Types
IaaS: Amazon EC2 PaaS: Elastic Beanstalk SaaS: Many, such as Rekognition
How to choose AWS Region
Must think about: - Compliance with data governance and legal requirements - Proximity to customers for reduced latency - Available services in a region (check region table) - Pricing in a region varies and is transparent
AWS Pricing
Pay as you go pricing model: - Compute: Pay for compute time - Storage: Pay for data stored in cloud - Data transfer OUT of the Cloud: Data IN is free.
Types of Clouds
Private: Used by a single organization, complete control and security for sensitive apps to meet specific business needs. Public (azure, google cloud, aws): Owned and operated by third party over the internet. Hybrid: Keep some servers on premises and extend some to cloud.
AWS Global Infrastructure
Regions: These are all over the world and is a cluster of data centers. Most AWS services are region-scoped. Choose region by compliance, proximity, available services and pricing Availability Zones: Each region has 2 or 3 or these. Each one is one or more discrete data centers redundant power, networking and connectivity. Isolation is key to protect from disasters. Connected with high bandwidth low latency. Data Centers: have redundant power, networking and connectivity. Isolation is key to protect from disasters. Edge Locations/Points of Presence: Amazon has 216. Helps data be delivered with lower latency.
Cloud Computing
The on-demand delivery of compute power, database storage, applications and other IT resources. Pay-as-you-go pricing with right size servers. can provision exactly the right type and size of computing resources simple way to access servers, storage, and dbs and a set of app services