Who was to blame for the cold war?

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Give 4 examples of these?

1.Accept trade unions ind. of the com party 2. Right to strike 3. Increase of basic pay by 2000 Zlotys a month and compensation 4. A rest day on Saturday

What were the 3 reasons for this change?

1.Believed that the USSR was out of date 2. USSR was economically failing(rationing) 3.He couldn't both do reforming and take control of East so choose reforming

why did Hungary think that they might achieve independence? (3)

1.New USSR gov was friendly with Yugo gov who broke away from USSR in 1948 2.Khrush criticised Stalin in speech in 1956 so Hungary thought he would be different 3. June 1956 anti-sov demonstrations in Poland and Khrush allowed for re-form and appointed com leader Gomulka

Why did the bay of pigs fail? (4-brief)

1.poor secrecy, 2. failure to control the air, 3. failure to gain support, 4. response

how long did it last for?

11 months

When and what was the Warsaw pact?

14th may 1955, 8 com. countries signed to unify armed forces under central command

When was it?

16th march 1968

Why response?

Castro ordered 20000 to get USA troops

What are the sub titles for this?(6)

Causes, aims of rebels, actions of people, why the soviet union got involved, how each state responded to USSR, reaction of wider World.

How did Romania cause the fall of Gorbachev?

Ceausescu wanted to get rid of all anti com people; when he was out of the country they protested and he told the army to fire them down but the army refused and he was made to flee. Democratic elections were held in 1990

If the USSR invaded south what would this mean?

China would attack Formosa

Who got involved in tianenmen square on 3rd June 1989?

Chinese army

What happened in November 1950?

Chinese attacked and drove Americans back, they captured North Korea & adv. into South

What was the gulf of Tonkin?

Clash at sea between North Vietnam and USA. 2 American ships were attacked Madox and Turn of joy.

What sort of cargo was brought in?

Coal, food and petrol.

What was the situation in the 1980's?

Com hadn't worked, ands cap was better than com as there were better living conditions in the West

In 1949 who was hung and why?

Com leader Laszlo for being to independent

What were the 4 external factors that led to the fall of Gorbachev?(Brief)

East Germany, Romania, War in Afghanistan 25th Dec 1979, the role of the USA

why did the people of Czechoslovakia want reforms?(3)

Economic problems, before WW2 they had been successful, people wanted free speech back, didn't like the amount of control the USSR had.

How was the way in which each state acted towards the USSR after intervention different?

Hungary fought sovs and Czech didn't and committed suicide instead.

How were the actions of the people different?

Hungary people acted first, Czech leader acted first

How were the causes different?

Hungary was inspired by Poland and Czech wanted a good economy and better political leader

How were the aims of the rebels different?

Hungary withdraw from Warsaw pact whereas Czech did not

What did the American Senate do in response?

Let Johnson give south armed support

How did the US public react?

Gulity, lots of media attention, converts to com., questioning the war, try to forget it, think USA should leave.







What were the successes of USA in Vietnam?

Had army, helped to set up new anti-com gov and contained some com

How were the causes similar?

Had long term resentment towards USSR

What was the Marshall plan?

Havard uni by George Marshall, to stable economies of Europe and prevent com. 16 countries accepted and applied to western zone of Europe. Lasted 4 years and provided $13.3 bil for European recovery .Stalin wouldn't allow any com. states to participate

what was stalins main advantage?

He controlled all routes in and out of the city

What did this do to his authority?

He didn't have authority anymore

What happened in 1951 to McArthur?

He got dismissed

What did Jaruzelski ask for?

He held a referendum in 1987 as he wanted financial reforms back it failed win enough votes

How did Brezhnev react?

He imposed com in the form of the Brezhnev doctrine

What happened in 1985 when Gorbachev became leader of the USSR?

He introduced reforms.

What happened to a priest in 1984?

He was beaten to death by secret police

What happened to Nagy before he could leave?

He was kidnapped, tried and executed

Why was Clement Atlee prime minister? And what party was he in?

He won the majority vote at the general election, replacing Churchill(conservative) with labour government

Why didn't citizens support Jiang?

High taxes, government corrupt

Why did Russia become allies with Britain and USA?

Hitler broke the Nazi_soviet pact and invaded Russia in 1941

Who was the south leader?

Ho Chi Ming

What tactics di the Vietcong use?

Ho Chi ming trail, ordinary clothesm agent orange, Guerilla warfare, tunnels.

When was the Berlin wall torn down ?

November the 10th 1989

Why did USA step in?

They thought it would be a key fighting ground to fight com.

Why was Poland in trouble?

They were facing an economic crisis and had to raise the price of money whilst keeping wages the same, causing unhappiness.

Why didn't this work?

They were opposed by Boris Yeltsin

What happened in protest in Nov 1963?

Thich Quang Due set himself on fire in protest

What happened to Yugo in June 1948?

Thrown out of cominform, World's leading com org

Who led the com in a successful war against Germany 1941-45?


Why did they argue?

Tito wanted to take control of Albania but Stalin didn't want him to be independent

Who came out the victor of the Crisis and why?

Tito who carried on with his own independent foreign policy

what was the common aim of these 3 countries?

To defeat Nazism

Why was the conference set up?

To improve relationships between com. countries

What was the aim of Glasnost?

To produce an openness in Soviet society

What does Imre Nagy ask of Khrushchev?

To remove troops and to have free elections

What was the norths aim?

To spark a rebellion in south by attacking 30 American targets

After Gorbachev's plan to reform failed what did he do instead?

Took a more hardline approach

What did Kennedy ban in Feb 1967?

Trade with USA

How was society changed?

controlled by USA mafia 11500 prostitutes Mafia forced to leave and casinos shut down

How was industry changed?

controlled personally telephoned nationalized and cheaper

What did the gov do 13th December 1981?

declared a state of war, and suspended solidarity. Many leaders were arrested without trial incl. Walesa for a year

What was happening in France and Italy?

discontent led to support for communism

What did USSR do in the east in oct. 1949?

est. east as german democratic

what did stalin respond with and why?

feared wealthy Germany and Berlin blockade

When and what was the lend-lease?

from 1941, USA lent sold and leased military equipment to fighting countries like Germany, Japan and Italy

What were Maos tactics?

guerilla warfare

What did it say about Russia?

hostile(bc of insecurities), no Russian gov would make peace with USA, to defeat Russians make a firm policy of containment.

How did the USSR fail on the farming front compared to the USA?

in USA only 3% worked on farms and produced 7 times as much so as a result they could supply to the USSR. In USSR 20% worked on farms but couldn't produce a sufficient amount

what did was before containment?


what did hardline coms do in 1991?

led a com coup and declared a state of emergency

What effect did it have on Germ economically?

lost skilled workers, by 1960 on 61% were working age compared to the previous 70%. Skilled professionals such as doctors left.

Who led com?

mao Zedong

In 1961 what did he send to Vietnam?

money to increase army from 150000 to 170000 and sent 100 mil advisers

What did he do when France pulled out?

offered military aid and increased mil. advisers to 900

Which area did com not control?


2.(UN) what was the agreement?

to start with it would consist of all states against Germany and the security council would consist of 5 permanent members, each with a power to veto.

What was Stalins first priority?

to take over Poland

Oct 14

u2 spy planes take picture of missile, tell Kennedy 10 days before

In 1949 who was put into prison for life and why?

Cardinal Mindszenty, leader of Roman Catholic church for opposing com



In November 1945 what was held and what was the outcome?

Free election, com=20% of votes; stalin put soviet gov in

What happened to the elections held in Hungary 1945?

Free elections and small card holders won (non-com)

What did students demand in Tianenmen Square in 1989?

Free speech and elections

From the 29th Oct to 3rd nov what happens in Hungary?

Free speech, rel. and polit. prisoners set free, 1st nov announce leaving Warsaw pact

After Stalin threatened war in 1949 what did Western countries do?

Gave military aid and money

What was the Ho Chi Ming trail?

Gave paths through South Vietnam, supplying combat aid, fake trails and dead ends-tricked americans, it moved, $7 bil worth of combat supllied

Who led UN soldiers?

General McArthur

What was the name of the souths leader?

General Thiev

What happened in February?

George Kennan sent long telagram

Who had Russia sided with at the start of WWII?


What were the two changes?(Brief)

Glasnost and Perestroika

What was Stalin and Tito's relationship?

Good, Tito was highly regarded by Stalin. Tito went on a tour of the USSR and was treated like a hero, but there was underlying tension

what happened to king of rom?

Got appointed Stalins new PM

Which country was at war with China from 1937-45?


Who led cap?

Jiang Jieshi

What was imre nagy invited to do in 1953?

Join Rakosi's government but got thrown out in 1955

When was it?

July 1945, 2 months after Germanys unconditional surrender

When did France and Vietnam agree to the Geneva Peace accord?

July 1954

When did the Berlin crisis start?

June 1948

When were elections organized for?

June 1989

What did Truman think Stalin would do?

Keep to the agreements made at Yalta

What happened in April 1961?

Kennedy and CIA put anti-castro Cuban exiles in cuba to invade but it failed

Oct 22

Kennedy announces a blockade, B52 nucear bombers were deployed (1/8 were airborne at all time) Oleg Penkovsky a Russian spy was arrested 'soviet attack imminent

Oct 16

Kennedy sets up national security to advise him

Who replaced Stalin as USSR leader?


Oct 28

Khrush agreed. Crisis over

Oct 27

Khrush. 2nd letter: wanted turkey bases to be dismantled. Kennedy offered to lift block. and not invade if Khrush. distmantled bases

Oct 26

Khrush. started building naval bases and USA started mil. planning; telegram sent to USA saying that USSR would stop if block. were lifted. Mentioned by Russ. ambas.

Oct 24

Khrushchev accused America of piracy

Oct 23

Khrushchev explains that the missiles were to protect Cuba, 20 Russ. ship heading there

who became leader of west, 1949?

Konrad Adenaur

What happened in 1945?

Korea was freed from Japan

What did Mao promise to peasants in the countryside?


How did USA respond?

Landed more troops and drive them back to 38th parallel

Who was Gorbachev ?

Leader of the USSR 1985-1991

How was com corrupt in the 1980s?

Leaders such as Brezhnev lived luxurious lifestyles and leaders moved away from the fairness and equality idea

Who were the strikers led by?

Lech Walesa

When did Stalin lift the Blockade?

May 1949

How sevre were the bomb attacks to the north?

More bombs had been dropped than in the whole of WW2 on Germany

What were the Prague springs reform?(5)

More travel to West, trade unions more freedom, USSR allow factories to have more responsibility, able to criticize gov, censorship abolished

What happened in September 1950?

NKPA had almost conquered all of South USA went to UN and got troops sent out to South-Russians couldn't veto it as they were boycotting UN at this point.

How was the reaction of the wider World similar?

Negative, discussed at UN, but in 1968 USA condemned soviet actions in Czech crisis

How did East Germany cause the fall of Gorbachev?

New boarders meant mass emigration. Gorbachev encouraged reforms in Nov 1989, an official accidently declared no travel and the citizens tore the wall down

Who was the North leader?

Ngo Dihn Dien

Did the programme work?

No because people had to travel long distances to the rice fields so moved back

Which area were com in control of?


What happened in 1950?

North invaded South with USSR's help North (people's army- NKPA) easily conquered the South (Republics army-ROKs)

What were the 2 sides and who were their rulers?

North-com, Kim II Sung South-cap Syngman Rhee

In 1918 how did Hungary feel?

Proud with a strong sense of identity as they main leaders of Austro-Hungarian empire

Why did the people want to move?(3)

Quality of life was better , west received Marshall Aid from USA, East suffered from USSR occupation

How were the actions unjustified?

Racist attitude, poor offiers-calley was a college drop out, poor leadership, frustrated

What was Brezhnev worried about?

Radical ideas spreading

Who was the power struggle between after Mao's death?

Radicals and moderates- mods won

In 1970 negotiations broke down what did Nixon do?

Secretly carried out bombing raids and this led to demonstrations in USA were 4 students were killed.

How was equality changed?

Segregation separate facilities abolished

What did USA force Cuba to do?

Sell materials for low prices, 3/4 of imports from USA

what did general clay want to do, and why didn't this happen?

Send tanks and troops down autobahn, however could lead to all out war.

What groups of people di the Soviets want for their spies?

Senior army officials

What effect did it have on Germ politically?

So many left so made the com regime seem unpopular so it was negative propaganda



In August 1989 who became PM of a coalition gov?

Tadeuz Mazowiecki

Which side was the USSR on after WW2?

The winning side

What happened when the martial law was introduced?

There was a change of heart

what did Britain announce to USA in March 1947?

They could no longer support Greek gov. in civil war

Why didn't this work?

They had supporters all around the country

What was the soviet union up to at the time of Yalta?

They liberated most of Eastern Europe and set up sympathetic governments

How much money did the Britiish give to Yugo in Dec 1948?

$30 mil

What support did America give Tito in 1951?

$60 mil of armed forces equipment

How many issues were there and what were they?(Brief)

1. What to do after Germany was defeated 2. Establishment of the UN 3. Getting the USSR to join in on the war against Japan 4.THe future of Poland

What methods did Nixon use to create peace and honour with Vietnam?

1. bluffed made empty threats 2. got USSR and China to help persuade north 3. Passing the burden Vietnamesation

By mid 1949 how often were planes landing?

1 every 2 mins

How long did the strikes last for and why did they stop?

1 week, and the coms agreed to talk with the strikers

How many US casualties were there?

1, an accident

What were the 3 aims of USSR after WW2?

1. Create buffer zone between Russia and west against any future attacks 2.To spread com 3. Use resources of other to help rebuild Rus.

What were the 2 main principles of the Brezhnev doctrine?

1. Have a one party state in each country 2. All countries should remain member f the Warsaw pact

Why did it start?(3)

1. USSR wanted com. to take over the world 2. USA wanted to influence the World but would let USSR do the same 3. Misunderstandings

Why was this not going to happen? (3)

1. USSR wanted to control countries in warsaw pact 2. listened to Western radio and felt that the USA would support them if they turned against com 3.Truman Doctrine 1948 would help prevent not deal with it so they could only expect sympathy

Previously when had USA tried to invade Russia?

1919 with Britain and France in support of Whites however failed

When was the struggle between com and cap?


When did the red army swept into Rom and Bul?

1944 and set up com gov

When was it?




When did US troops stay in Korea until?




When did Tito send troops into Albania?


When were Britain and USA zones merged and what was it called?

1947 and Bizonia

When did Stalin and Tito argue?


When was it ?


When did the border clashes stop?


When did West Germany join it?


When did the crisis in Yugo end?


When was it?


When was the war?


What caused a demand for reform?

1960s economy struggled after recession and standard of living dropped. Gov could alter prices however com gov didn't let they do this

When did China explode it's first atomic bomb?


When did pres. John. send troops into Vietnam?


When was Nixon elected as president?


When did USA and Chinas relationship improve?


When were all US troops removed?


Oct 25

1st Rus. ship reached block. carrying oil, all others carrying miss. turned back and USA said that they would move there mis. to turk. in return for Cubas mis.

How much cargo was brought into Berlin?

2 million tonnes

How was education changed?

20%^ illiterate, rural areas up to 50%, 61% children couldn't read or write young students teach those in countryside-free education for all

What happened on the 4th of November to do with the USSR?

200000 soldiers and 2500 USSR tanks arrived to overpower protesters, 3000 killed. UN and US do nothing. New leader Janos Kadar promised Nagy he could leave the country.

By the time of the negotiations how many agreements did the strikers make up?


when was the blockade?

23rd June 1948

How many bases were there?


How many people were killed?


How many flights?


By December 1972 what had the no. of troops gone from to?

350,000 to 40,000

Where was the country split?

38th parallel

Why did Stalin feel threatened?

5 permanent divisions of troops were placed in West Germany.

How many troops had been sent in after 3 years?


What was the cost of Vietnam?

55,000 americans dead, billions of $'s spent, communism supported more, and USA lost faith as Worlds leading nation

How was health care changed?

6000 dr's, 64% in Havana redistributed dr's, half lef, 3 new med sch., free healthcare and by 1970 more drs per head than USA

How was land changed?

75% best farming land owned personally rents cut by 50% and redistr. among peasants

How many seats did solidarity win in the second chamber of the Polish gov?


What were the disagreements?

> Couldn't agree on a future for Poland, Soviet Lubin gov. continued to run the country >Future of Germany, Stalin wanted to prevent Germany from developing its own industry >USSR wanted to enter Rhineland=rejected >Stalin gain foothold in Japan=Tru. rejected

What were the agreements?

>Polish/Germ. border set at Oder-Neisse line >Germ. denzified & war crims. sent to Japan >Germ. governed by Allied control council in Berlin, desc.=unanimous and it was 1 econ. unit >Each country take reparations from own zone, USSR take weapons from west ind. >Council of foreign ministers would est. deal with defeated countries.

What was the cold war?

A bitter conflict between USA and USSR

What was it ?

A letter sent to Truman about soviets attitude

What did Regan and Gorbachev sign in 1987?

A major disarmament treaty

What did Henry kissenger work out in 1972?

A peace agreement. South refused to sign bc they thought north would pull out but the bomb raid forced them to.

Who were the Vietcong?

A political and military group formed to fight the South

4.(Poland) what was the agreement?

A provisional government to be set up with both members from Lublin(pro-soviet) and London Poles(who fled from German and soviet armies in 1939); free and fair multi-party elections to be held ASAP.

What did the workers demand?

A right to form a trade union

What was Prague Springs?

A series of reforms in Czech made by the government to improve the country and lessen ties with USSR





What happened in China in the 1980s?

Abandoned com economies and encouraged free enterprise and competition

what would USA have to do with Turkey and Greece if they didn't want them falling into com. hands?

Act quickly

What did the Soviet do to irritate Tito?

Agents in Yugo had to report to Moscow

Why failure to control air?

Air strikes failed to hit targets

Who was com leader Antonin Novotny replaced with?

Alexander Dubcek

What did Stalin turn off?

All gas and electricity supplies

What did USA realize?

Allies in Europe couldn't cope alone

who wrote it?

American diplomat based in Moscow

What were Cubans unhappy about?

American influence on Guantanamo bay

What was signed on the 31st August and what did this allow?

An agreement allowing some of the changes incl. trade unions

How did Tito deal with his enemies?

Arrested anyone who supported Stalin

What happened in September 1961?

As a cons. Castro asked Russia for weapons

How was the reaction of the wider world different?

At Czech crisis some members of the Warsaw pact were shocked

When was the Gulf of Tonkin?

August 1964





Who became leader of the south?

Bao Dai

What did USA do instead?

Berlin airlift

What happened to the gang of 4?

Blamed fro chaos of cultural revolution and imprisoned

What happened in February 1965?

Bombing in North Vietnam

Who replaced him?

Boris Yeltsin

How was the way in which each state acted towards the USSR after intervention similar?

Both leaders removed and mass emigration

How were the aims of the rebels the same?

Both wanted more rights and lessen the com rule

So what did he introduce?

Brezhnev doctrine











Who was most powerful until 1934?


what was the consequence of USSR not pulling out?

Complained about to UN and stalin withdrew troops.

what was the Truman Doctrine?

Congress gave $400 mil in econ. and mil aid for Greece. USA would help support any country that wanted fight com. Truman had to take troops out as money ran out. com. revels stopped Britain taking Greece.

What had UN forces done by October?

Conquered almost all of North

What was comecon?

Council for mutual economic assistance 1949

What was the domino theory?

Countries would become com. and pass it on, USA wanted to stop it, Korea:1953, China 194

How did the gov try to isolate the strikers?

Cutting off telephone and censoring newspaper reports

What were the USA ideologies?

Democracy, free multi-party elections, freedom of speech and religion

How were the actions justified?

Desire for revenge from fallen friends, told VC would be there, unclear orders, inability to communicate with villagers, no different form other killing.

IN 1948 what was introduced in West to rebuild economy?


In 1945 Hungary became part of the USSR how did they feel about this?

Disliked it as they fought against Nazi's in WW2 and tried to invade Russia

How many london and lubin poles were there in the gov?

Dominated by Lubin

What did he do in September?

Drove NKPA back

Why did the workers at Lenin shipyard go on strike 14th August 1980?

Due to poor conditions and the price of food

What was the impact of Tianenmen square?

Effected relationship with other countries

What did Castro promise?

End of American corruption and return power back to his people

Who took over in 1959?

Fidel Castro, he carried out a revolution over throwing Batista's government

What happened in western Europe?

Food shortages and harsh winter

What happened in April?

Foreign ministers met in Paris and Brynes(USA) refused every soviet proposal

due to the success with the votes what did Jaruzelski ask solidarity to do?

Form a gov with com ministers

What did the blockade cause?

Forming of NATO

When did USA gain influence in Cuba?

In 1898 in Paris treaty

When and why did France leave Vietnam?

In 1955 after their defeat

How did the role of the USA cause Gorbachev to fall?

In 1980s Regan created the star wars project to have nuclear superiority over the USA, they increased spending by a third. USSR couldn't match this so needed to find diplomatic peace another way.

Where was a treaty signed in 1973?

In Paris

What did Kennedy do with the military by the end of the year?

Increased advisors to 12000 and supplied 300 helicoptors

What happened a week later across all of Poland?

Independent union called solidarity was formed

What 9 things did Castro change? (brief)

Industry, education, equality, land, health care, society, politics, repression and links with other countries

What was Truman inexperienced with?

International affairs

what did stalin set up in 1947?

International conference and cominform set up

How were the actions of the people the same?

Involved protesters

Why wasn't this a good idea?

It lost him a lot of supporters

What was the Geneva Peace Accord?

It separated Vietnam into North and south

In August 1947 another election was held, what was the outcome?

It was rigged so com won

When was the Tet offensive?

January 1968

What was happening in Britain?

Lots of unemployment and rationing worse than war

What did West do after?

Made west the Federal republic of Germany

What was the cultural revolution?

Mao increased his power by organizing a period of turmoil

What did USA introduced in spring 1947?

Marshall plan

What were the problems with the USAs strategy?

Mass infantry didn't work against guerilla warfare

Who was the new leader?

Matyas Raskosi

What were the soviet union ideologies?

One party state with no opposition allowed- it was based on communism, allowed few political rights and religious beliefs were not tolerated.

1.(Germany) what was the agreement?

Only unconditional surrender would be acceptable, no separate peace, it would be divided into 4, eastern border moved westward, reparations $20 bil (half to USSR)

In May 1989 what di the Hungarian gov do with Austria, and what did this create?

Opened up the frontier creating a gap in the iron curtain

Why did it succeed? (3)

Organised : own newspaper and spokes person; Support: nationwide, 1980-81 10 million joined, 80% of Polish workforce were in it; Methods: didn't use violence





What did Eisenhower offer to China? And what would happen if it wasn't accepted?

Peace and if not nuclear weapon strikes, (atomic bomb)

What were the results?

People questioned the fighting in Vietnam -unsupported

What did mao turn north china into in 1949?

Peoples republic of China

Where and when was Russia meant to retrieve from?

Persia in march 1946 and failed to do so

What did USA invest in, in Cuba?

Phone, railway, tobacco, crops(sugar)

What was the iron curtain?

Physical boundry, from the end of WW2 to the end of the Cold war

What countries did Stalin take over and when?

Poland:1947, Romania:1947, Bulgaria:1947, Hungary:1948, Czechoslovakia:1948

What was perestroika?

Policy of restricting politically, socially and economically

What caused the war?

Pres. Truman was partially responsible. com was growing in far east, 1949 com in China, USA domino theory, and in 1950 USA national security said that they should stop containment and roll back com.

Why was it built?(1 with stats)

Prevent mass movement of people from East to West Berlin, 2.6 east Germans moved to west between 1949-1961, 15% of population

What happened on the 25th October?

Protesters surround gov building and soviet polititians escape

What were the living conditions like?

Really bad, food was rationed

what happened to the troops on 28th Oct?


What did the West and soviets continue to disagree about?


What did the USSR force the leader, rakosi to do in July?

Resign, and Enro Gero replaced him

What did gorbachev do?


What did USA use Guan. for?

Rich and famous, notorious for drink gambling and prostitutes

What happened in August 1947 because of this?

Rigged elections were set up and all non-com parties were banned

What were the problems with the Yalta treaty?

Roosevelt and Stalin both had different interpretations of freedom, USA disappointed as Sta. said West govs. in east- didn't happen, compromise didn't work Poland either friendly or democratic.

20 Nov

Russ. bombers left and Cuba lifted blockade

What happened on the 24th of October?

Russian troops are sent in to stop the protests, workers join protest, Imre Nagy is appointed as new MP, Khrush thought it would stop disturbances however people wanted reforms



Which city did the North attack on the tet offensive?


How did he try to make the USSR less angry?

Saying he didn't want to change the foreign policy and he would stay part of the Warsaw pact

How were the reasons why the USSR got involved similar?

Scared that they would loose control through rebellions

What 2 events added to the people wanting change?

Solidarity in Poland and developments in Hungary

What was made legal again in 1988?


What did Czech have to sign in May 1970?

Sov-Czech treaty thanking sovs for invading

How did Stalin take over Czechoslovakia?

Sov. troops left after war, post war elections 38% of vote, pres. Benes (NC), PM gottswald (C) and foreign minister Masarky murdered, economic crisis and rigged elections in 1947, all pos. were held by com. by 1948

How did Stalin take over Hungary?

Sov. troops remained after lib. 1945, free elec. nov 1945-17% of vote, rigged elec. in 1947, coms controlled all coalition gov and all other partied were banned

What happened 14th October 1962?

Spy planes took pictures of missile base being built in Cuba. Advisers told Ken. 10 days before they aimed for USA

Why was China and USSR tense?

Stalin didn't support China well

3.(USSR and Japan) what were the agreements?

Stalin said he would help once Germany was done, in return USSR given land from Japan that was lost in Russo-Japan war 1905.

Why was there tension between the Eastern and Western allies?

Stalin was secret bout his invasion plans and Churchill would not share info about his enigma codes

What did he reveal?

Stalin's brutal regime to the Soviets

Who met at it?

Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill

What was happening in Germany?

Starvation and mils fled to western Germ., lack of fuel food and jobs

What did Truman order McArthur to do then?


How did other countries react to Moscow in terms of communism, and what did Italy and China do?

Stopped looking to Moscow for com guidance and France and Italy introduced new com with free speech and elections.

In 1962 what programme did he introduced and what was it?

Strategic Hamlet programme- limiting south peasants contact with vietcong

What happened on the 23rd of October?

Students in Budapest demand end to USSR rule, and police have to make some arrests











How did the USSR fail to compete with the technology in the USA?

Telecommunication systems and computers were better

How did the war in Afghanistan war cause Gorbachev to fall?

The Afghan militia wanted to take Afghan and soviets wanted to fight them for it. This over stretched the economy and led to despair. Countries caused the pressure to withdraw.

In June 1989 free elections were held with Poland and what could people pass through?

The Berlin Wall

What did America extend and why?

The Lend-lease programme, so that USSR could be included as they needed supplies

What happened in 1975?

The North defeated the South and became the Socialists republic of Vietnam the following year

Who were the South fought by?

The Vietcong

What did USSR set up in response?

The Warsaw pact

He introduced vietnamisation, what was this?

The idea that USA would supply money and materials to the south however the fighting would be done

What effect did mass movement have on Germ socially?

The ones who left were young and educated so the USSR feared from a 'brain drain'

How were the reasons why the USSR got involved different?

The two countries changed the soviet control in different ways.

when did France join and what was this called?

Trizonia and 1948

What did they introduce in february 1947?

Truman Doctrine

What 2 things did USA introduce?

Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan

Why did he get dismissed?

Truman didn't want WW3, Truman wanted to keep peace whereas McArthur wanted to invade China using nuclear weapons

What happened on the eve of the conference?

Truman told Stalin that USA had successfully tested an atomic weapon. This was kept secret during the war however Soviet spies informed the leader of the A-bomb

What happened in August?

Turkey feel threatened bc USSR want to build naval bases around black sea straits. USA block all plans and said that they would use force to resist any Soviet movement

What were the failures of USA in Japan?

UN said Vietnam would become one country with free elections- not achieved, democracy wasn't achieved, divide was still on the 38th parallel, lots of lives lost nothing was achieved.

Why did the USA loose?(4)

US troops started taking drugs and officers shot, tactics killed wrong people, lots of support for Vietcong, atrocities at my lai

who support Jiang?


Who did China see as it's equal?


Who did Tito think would support him?

USA and the West

how was relations with other countries changed?

USA dominated Cuban industry Trade with Russia and other com countries (ex. sugar, im.weapons)

After WW2 who did Czech fall under the control of?




What was set up in Jan 1949?

USSR est. Comecon (council for mutual economic aid)

What did Kennan believe?

USSR rule would collapse and USA needed to contain com. whilst they waited

What was the soviet response to this?

USSR wanted to send troops in in July 1968 to protect from Germ invasion, Dubcek refused. A month later troops in and Dubcek out to Moscow- prague springs ended and Dubeq kicked out of com party, all descisions from now on were made through Moscow.

How did Chine react? What did they advise Yugo and Rom to do?

Unhappy with the invasion, separated China and USSR even more. Mao told them to remain independent, there were border clashes as a result

It was meant to be temporary, until when and why didn't this happen ?

Until 1956, but the free elections never happened

How did Stalin respond to Tito's invasion?

Used economic sanctions, couldn't trade with other countries in Eastern Europe

Why fail to gain support?

Very few Cubans joined the exiles

Who became government of the North?


What was NATO?

Western military alliance against USSR

How was USSR strengthened?

Western powers admitted defeat over Poland and jan 1947 when rigged elections were held.

How did Mao try to improve the Chinese economy?

With new farms and factories

Who was the newly elected PM?

Wojciech Jaruzelski





How did the West react to the wall, did they like it?

Yes because they could be the side that allowed freedom

How did Stalin take over Romania?

sov. troops remained after lib.1945, coalition govs. set up with key positions going to coms., took control of police, rigged election 90% vote, king forced to ab.

What did Dubcek work as after he got thrown out of the com party?

a forest inspector

What happened at My Lai?

a handful of rogue American soldiers killed hundreds of Vietnamese civilians in my lai

What were the pre-posed changes from Dubcek?

abolish censorship of press, free speech, increased right for trade unions, free for all people to move

Gorbachev realized that change shouldn't be just across Russia but...

all countries who were members of the Warsaw pact

How was repression changed?

batistas regime murdered 20000 Cubans homosexuals, and those who dis. imprisoned

Why were USA worried about Formosa falling to com?

bc Japan would be threatened and this was USA's main interest in middle east

Why poor secrecy?

became comman knowledge of exiles in Miami and castro warned of guer. training camps in guant.

What reforms did it encourage?(5)

private ownership of USSR industry, reducing control over im. and ex. ports, allowing foreign trade with non European bloc countries, allowing foreign investors in Russian business, increase in trade and production of consumer goods

How was politics changed?

relaxed gov, lets mafia control 90% supported him, no free elections

Why was Poland a challenge?(5)

religious(undermines sov controls), patriotic, Polish has business power over sov, USSR killed off Polish army officers so could take control, got divided up which was disliked.

What was Glasnost?

social and political reforms incl. freedom of speech/ for the media and able to criticize the gov

How did Stalin take over Bulgaria?

sov. troops remained after lib in 1945, coalition gov, fatherland front com. party, monarchy abol. in 1946

How did Stalin take over Poland?

sov. troops remained after lib. in 1945, western allies admitted defeat over com. gov. 5/7/45, jan 1947 rigged elections took place, opposition life in danger so fled.

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