Why the Jews? Confronting Antisemitism Module 1 Quiz

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Identify the turning point in Jewish history which occurred in 1492 CE.

1492 CE. is perhaps the most important date from medieval Jewish history, because it marks the end of the "Golden Age" of Jewish flourishing and Jewish-Muslim coexistence in Spain and Portugal. Furthermore, it marks the beginning of the Sefardic diaspora, that is, Jews who fled from Spain to North Africa and the Middle East.

Allegations of conspiracy are a key element in modern antisemitism. What do conspiracy theories in general and antisemitism have in common?

All answers are correct. The history of conspiracy theories is so closely linked to that of antisemitism, that some scholars have argued that they always go hand in hand, even if a conspiracy theory does not scapegoat Jews explicitly.

What is the relationship between Christian anti-Judaism and secular antisemitism?

Antisemitism is a modern formulation that draws on the pre-modern stereotypes of anti-Judaism.

Historically, many Jews got into the trade of diamonds, stone cutting, and money lending. Why?

Because recurring persecution forced Jews to choose mobile trades.

What was the political demand of modern antisemitism?

That Jews' integration into general society must be stopped and reversed in order to keep the body of the nation pure.

In 2013, a Norwegian newspaper published a cartoon alleging ritual murder. In the cartoon, a Jewish man kills someone in the background, while a Jewish woman tells a police officer: "Mistreating? No, this is tradition, an important part of our belief!" Identify the underlying antisemitic myth!

The myth that Jews use Christian blood for religious rituals

In November 2019, when the University of Toronto's Graduate Student Union refused to support a Hillel campaign to make kosher food available on campus, the GSU's spokesman refused, saying they could not cooperate with Hillel given its "pro-Israel" activities. Identify the underlying antisemitic myth!

The myth that the Jewish State is uniquely evil and all Jews must be held accountable for the actions of Israel

What does it mean to take an optimistic approach to Jewish history?

To study Jewish history as an ongoing, often harmonious engagement between Jews and their surroundings.

The term "antisemitism" originated in 19th century Germany and was widely used as a proud self-designation by antisemites before the Holocaust. true or false?

True Even though often referred to as "the oldest hatred," antisemitism specifically belongs to modernity. The term - hard to believe today - was originally used by antisemites to describe themselves.

How much of the world population identifies as Jewish?


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