Women of the French Revolution

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French Women were described as "citizens without citizenship." Explain what this means.

- At this time, the function of a woman was to follow laws, pay taxes, have children, and be patriotic. - Women were "citizens" because they had to obey what they were called to do as a citizen, yet were denied rights such as holding political office, and the right to vote.

Although Robespierre was not a supporter of equal rights for women, list some similarities between his and d' Aeldes arguments.

- Both believed in justice, and equal rights. - Support civil. - No one should be excluded, authority should be shared.

What concerns did the women of Paris have during the French Revolution? Explain why you think these were urban concerns and nor rural ones?

- Could not afford wood, to start a fire to cook on. - Could not grow wheat living in a city. - Increasing bread prices. This caused women to be unable to provide for their families. - Bread shops only existed in the city, in rural areas people grew what they ate.

Describe some of the various roles women played during the French Revolution.

- Domestic Sphere: teaching children, cooking, cleaning. - Took care of soldiers by washing clothes, making bandages. - Visited prisons to feed loved ones. - Worked in factories, and were laundresses, shopkeepers -Caused bread riots


- Fishwives - Started Storming of The Bastille, and Women's March - Laundresses


- Middle Middle class women who violent, protested against the inflation of bread prices. - Started the September Massacres

What does Robespierre think about passing citizenship on whether a person has property or pays taxes

- No matter how much property someone makes, or property they own, everyone should still have equal civil rights. -Power should not be based off of who has the most money. - Believed in Universal Male Suffrage, not only rich white men.

D'Aelders portrayal of women ?

- Portrays women as victims who are denied birth given rights. - Promotes equality

Women were granted some rights between 1789-1793. Discuss some of these rights.

- Sit in some political meetings. - Were allowed to sue for divorce. - Could inherit land from father.

Woman is born free and remains equal to man in rights. Social distinctions may only be based on common utility.

- There is something outside of domestic sphere. - Social status should be based off of merit.

This revolution will only take effect when all women become fully aware of their deplorable condition, and of the rights they have lost in society.

- Until women realize they have to fight, they have nothing. -Have to be aware that women do not have rights. Women did previously not think they do not have equal rights, because they never had these rights.


- Upper lower class women who would marry hobereaux men to inherit a title - Were granted higher status, in return for supplying money. - Held Salons - Wrote petitions to the king to demand change

Etta d'Aelders:

- Was similar to Olympe de Gourges - Women should not have to follow laws, but have no rights. - Promotes Equality. - Promoted equal rights in marriage and education


- Went to government meetings to observe. - Would scream and throw peanuts when did not agree with political leaders shared. - Also sat near the guillotine.

What does d'Aelders mean by women's "secondary existence in society?"

- Women are not viewed as human beings, subordinate to men. - Men are assumed to be at the top of society, get all the rights. - Women are below men, making them second class citizens, with limited rights.

What was Robespierre's view on women ?

-Believed everyone, except women had a right to a political view.


-Man had rights to everything -Divorce meant failure and men didn't like failure -

Salic Law:

-No woman nor her issue can inherit throne or title. -This was to make sure throne came to King's family.

Olympe de Gourges

-She believed in community property - She believed illegitimate children should know there fathers name - She was feminists -she Was bourgeoisie, was an abolitionist - Anti capital Punishment _ she creates Declaration of the rights of women and the female citizen. In 1791. -Called for laws to protect widows and unmarried girls -Believed women should get opportunity to hold office

What did Charlotte Corday Do?

Corday had murdered Jean-Paul Marat for calling her brother out as a counter-revolutionary.

Illegitimate Children

Men did not want illegitimate kids to know their name, because of embarrassment and then they become financially responsible to them. - If a man has many affairs, he gets away with it.


No one would hire a pregnant women that was pregnant out of wedlock pregnant women went into confinement pregnant women were not allowed to work

What do you think Fragonard's opinion might have been on Universal Suffrage- the right of all citizens to vote?

No, he believed if poor were educated, would cause disorder and anarchy.

What were rights women didn't have ?

Not allowed to vote not allowed to participate in political affairs Couldn't have formal education Women couldn't own property Were forced to get married Did not have financial security

What were women defined as ?

They were defined as their sex not their occupation

What march did women lead ?

Women led the March to Versailles from Paris, 12 miles in the rain, killing two of the King's bodyguards. This caused Louis XVI to move back to Paris.

Community Property

anything purchased when married is shared

How did women participate in french revolution ?

by standing on bread lines, made bandages for war, visited relatives in jail, supported government-approved clergy men, hid one of those who did not take the loyalty oath, and wrote letters and petitions about government policies.

What were the main concerns of women During the french revolution?

education and feeding their families - Women wanted bread prices lowered more than they wanted rights.


many women became prostitutes because they did not have financial security


money the brides family give to the grooms family as a bribe

What were women symbols of ?

symbols of the Revolution. Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity.

what was the Society of Revolutionary Republican Women ?

was a political club started by women. Advocated for political education and expressing their political views, not full political rights.

Women and Property

when women are given full citizenship where they could own property.

What did Louis XVI receive after the announcement of each estate deputy drawing a list of grievances ?

women sent Louis XVI mail personally, mainly complaining about education and property rights


a women parents could force her into marriage women couldn't divorce -Women would get married because they needed a man to protect her.

Women and inherited property

- A father could leave daughter property, but as soon as she married her husband had ownership, or her son had ownership.

"Republican Women"

- Angry about not affording food. - Radical women demanding the end to an absolute monarchy. - Demanded change

Fragonard portrayal of women ?

- Does not support Suffrage - Portrays women as riot-starters, who are violent, and in the middle of controversy.

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