World Civ 2 Mid Term

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THIS IS A 3 part questions--1 sentence per question: 1. WHat does the term "absolute" mean? 2. How does that define Louis XIV as a monarch? 3. Therefore, what charactersitics do YOU THINK define an absolute monarch? [Feel free to google those terms if you are not familiar with them] Answer in 3-6 sentences. **Answers left blank will receive negative points rather than a zero Your Answer:

1. A value or principle as universally valid or which, may be viewed without relation to other things. 2. This defines him as power hungry and full of himself. 3. I feel as if absolute monarchs is the meaning of having all the authority and using all of your power because you know you can and no one can take it from you.

the Triangular Trade took place between Africa, Europe, and the Americas and involved pots, pans, alcohol, guns, horses , slaves , and sugar, cotton, rum, tobacco, coffee

1. Africa, Europe, and the Americas 2. pots, pans, alcohol, guns, horses 3. slaves 4. sugar, cotton, rum, tobacco, coffee

In Absolute monarchy the responsibility for decisions and the state of the nation rests with only the king . In a Constitutional Monarchy, the responsibility for decisions and the state of the nation rests with the King .

1. Only the King 2. The King

Shortly after the death of Mohammed's favorite sons in law, Islam split into two factions, the Sh'iite and the Sunni

1. Shi'ite 2. Sunni

Hajj is the fifth Pillar of Islam. It means journey or pilgrimage , or journey to Mecca

1. fifth 2. journey or pilgrimage 3. Mecca

England and the Americas both abolished the slave trade in the


which system gives the king or queen of the country more personal and governmental power?

Absolute Monarchy

James I's statement: "Kings are justly called gods, for that they exercise a manner or resemblance of divine power upon earth" is evidence of his

All of the above

Which system would more naturally lend itself to development into a democracy or republic? [Feel free to google those terms if you are not familiar with them] and WHY? Answer in 3-6 sentences.

An absolute monarchy would be considered a republic in my opinion because the republicans have the main say so. The constitutional monarchy would be considered a democracy because it has more than one say so. Neither of them or bad monarchies, everyone's opinion about the nation is just different and handled in a different way. Both have only one ruler

The Enlightened Despots ruled these three countries: 1. Austria ; Prussia ; Russia .

Austria Prussia Russia

The hub of the transatlantic slave trade was


Which of the following historical figures began the process of turning France into an Absolutist state?

Cardinal Richelieu

The English Civil War was fought by the forces of Charles I, the Cavaliers , against the forces of Parliament, the Roundheads and the nobody won

Cavaliers Roundheads Nobody

The Renaissance revived and rediscovered the architectural and artistic styles of _______ culture

Classical Greece and Rome

The Egyptians and the Portuguese had already sailed to new lands and circumnavigated the African continent long before Europeans.

Egyptians and Portugese

The first country to leave the Catholic Church and establish it's own protestant "official" religion was


which of the following nations had a constitutional monarchy by the middle ages?


Africans, not Arabs, controlled long distance trade from the continent by 1000 AD


Louis XIV believed that the borders of France should NOT be protected by physical obstructions such as mountains, large rivers, and the seacoast


ohn Cabot was treated like a hero for finding Canada


Look at the map at the end of your PowerPoint. Which of the following held claim to the most territory geograhically in NORTH America?


The idea of trading non-Muslim Africans (mostly prisoner's of war) came from what group?

Islamic traders

Look at slides 16 and 17. Which king is depicted in the engraving, who was very active in the slave trade?

King of Kongo

Which of the following technological innovations DID NOT was not an invention that would allow European explorers to travel long distances and eventually circumnavigate the globe?


The wealth of a nation is based on the amount of gold and/or silver that is physically on hand in the treasury. This is the basis of the economic theory known as


look at the map at the end of the presentation. Locate the city/country and match it to it's primary trade good by using the symbols on the map

New Amsterdam, Guyana (N. of Brazil)= Sugar Canada= Furs Sofala(Africa)= Gold Philadelphia(US)= Dyestuffs Deli, India= Silk textiles

Which of the following nations became Spain's primary rival in permanent colonization of the New World?


The questioning of the authority of the Pope and the subsequent push for purification and literal Biblical interpretation in the Christian church is known as


match the African tribe or socieity to the correct defining characteristic.

Senegambia= age grade society Benin= warrior society/king Songhai= economy dependent Ethopia= Coptic Christianity

what was missing from maps and globes until the mid 1500s?

The American Continent

In absolutism, who has the power?

The king

Columbus was looking for an even faster sea route for trade with China, Japan, and India.


Louis XIV was just a boy when he became King, true or false


Statism is the same thing as Mercantilism


The Reformation was a time of great creativity in art, literature, music, and culture


The Renaissance is considered to be the bridge between the middle ages and the modern world


slavery is still practiced in some areas of Africa and the Middle East today


He was the first European explorer to find a sea route to India--around the African continent

Vasco Da Gama

Which term refers to the native language of the any particular culture?


What is absolutism?

a form of government

What we know about Africa to 1000 AD comes mostly from


Did the Crusades happen before or after the Muslim invasions of Europe?


Which of the following was Louis XIV NOT known for

being fair to religious dissenters

The Commonwealth government regulated morality and outlawed festivals and holy days with a series of legislation known as "______"

blue laws

During the 1600s, many Asian countries forbade any foreign travelers from entering and traveling within their countries and also practiced strictly limited trade with the west. This is known as

closed door policy

According to Wikipedia (google this), Feudalism is

combination of legal and military customs in medieval Europe that flourished between the 9th and 15th centuries. Broadly defined, it was a way of structuring society around relationships derived from the holding of land in exchange for service or labour.

Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the Cathedral in Wittenburg Germany. These were 95 _______.

complaints against the Pope and the Catholic Church

What was happening in Europe that distracted European kings from the fact that the Islamic empires were expanding territory and gaining power?

exploration and the race to get into the spice trade

Followers of Islam believe that the holy book, or Koran, is open to interpretation and should change with the times


In 1700 the Americas had gained their independence from European mother countries.


Women in Islamic nations have more rights than others


Constitutional monarchy is

form of government in which a king or queen acts as Head of State. The ability to make and pass legislation resides with an elected Parliament, not with the monarch.

In at least two of the wars that Louis XIV got involved in, he used his Spanish wife's inheritance as a Spanish Princess as an excuse to go to war for territory , thereby expanding all of the above

inheritance as a Spanish Princess go to war for territory all of the above

Which of the following is NOT true of Africa

it is a country, not a continent

______ refers to "the struggle" or war against any non believers in Islam


Changes made by rulers such as Catherine the Great, Maria Theresa, and Joseph II

made Eastern Europe more stable than the west

Babur was the leader of which Muslim empire?


This is the Taj Mahal. It was built by one of the ____ emperors.


Which Islamic empire was (before 1750) fairly tolerant of other relgious beliefs?


match the empire with the identifying ethnic group/nation

mughal= indian safavid= persian ottoman= turkish

By 1700, European power was

on the rise

Which of the Muslim empires took over significant European territories before being defeated in in Hungary?


Which one of the following is NOT an acceptable way in the Koran to "become" a slave

punishment for one Muslim killing another Muslim

What was considered to be Louis XIV's biggest mistake?

revoking the Edict of Nantes

Which of the following BEST describes the cause of the Fronde?

riots caused by changes in the tax code that people thought were unfair

Charles I shares responsiblity for starting the English Civil War because he

ruled without parliament for 11 years

What are the three major Muslim Empires between 1400-1700? Choose all that apply

safavid mughal ottomon

The natural formation of the Sahara Desert in 2000 BC impacted the continent in what way? Use your map to answer this question--look carefully and make your best choice. Correct!

seperated the N. African cultures on the Mediterranean coast from the other 2/3's of Africa's population

_______________ is the first pillar of Islam, meaning "to witness"


Enlightened Absolutism believes that __________________.

that effective governmental change comes from above

When the Commonwealth was abolished on the death of Oliver Cromwell, Charles II was invited back to resume the English Monarchy. This is called ______.

the Restoration

What was the Edict of Nantes?

the decree signed by Louis XIV's grandfather, Henri IV, allowing religious freedom

Why were European explorers in the 1300-1400s so eager to find a sea route to India/China/Japan?

to make more money in the spice trade.

In the Islamic faith, people who do not follow Islam are known as "infidels" or non-believers


Islamic merchants controlled the slave trade with Europe between 1600-1850


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