world foundations 201 Religious, Historical Background to Protestant Reformation

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What ended the Great Schism?

A church council deposed all three papal claimants and selected a new pope.

Martin Luther's early life included which of the following important events?

After attending three different Latin schools, he entered the University of Erfurt and earned his Masters Degree, promised Saint Anne he would become a monk if he escaped death, witnessed unbelief and decadence among the clergy on a trip to Rome.

Presbyterianism and Congregationalism have influenced American history in the following ways:

After the Civil War, more Presbyterians and Congregationalists began to reject a strict belief in predestination, Calvin Coolidge was the only Congregationalist to be elected president.

The four main doctrinal innovations that define the Reformation include:

Belief that all men may become kings and priests with Christ through faith, doctrine of justification--that salvation comes through grace alone, the use of holy scripture as the sole and complete authority of religious truth.

John Calvin's beliefs differed from Martin Luther in the following ways:

Calvin believe that Christ was not physically present during the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, but that His spirit engulfed the bread and wine.

The Great Schism occurred because

Cardinals claimed Urban's election had been unlawful because coerced by mobs, named Clement VII new pope, Urban VI was oppressive in his administration, Clement VII excommunicated Urban VI, Urban VI excommunicated Clement VII and named new cardinals.

After the western half of the Roman Empire disintegrated in the fifth century, which of the following events occurred?

Catholic Church and Roman bishop stepped into administrative vacuum, monasteries kept learning alive, Frankish kings gave the pope lands in central Italy, making the pope a political leader of his own medieval kingdom.

Which of the following beliefs are included in the five points of Calvinism?

Christ atoned only for the elect, God's call to election and salvation is irresistible, the elect will continue in faith to the end.

Arminianism differs from Calvinism in the following beliefs:

Christ's atonement was sufficient for all men, but only the faithful benefit from the act, men and women can reject the call of grace by God, men and women can fall from grace and fail to persevere to the end.

Presbyterian polity includes the following ideas:

Christian leaders should receive an internal call from God, as well as the approval of the people in the congregation, local church leaders are called "elders," and take part in representative system of church government, Synods supervise the Presbyteries.

Which of the following statements are true regarding the Avignon Papacy?

Clement V, a French pope, moved the headquarters of the church to Avignon, Babylonian Captivity of the Papacy began decline in prestige of the popes that led to Protestant Reformation.

Which of the following statements are true regarding the practice of indulgences?

Prince Albert received permission from the pope to sell indulgences to religious pilgrims, as long as he returned a portion of the money back to the pope, Prince Albert used indulgence money to pay back the money he owed for receiving an appointment as the Archbishop of Mainz, the pope sent Johann Tetzel, to stimulate the sale of indulgences.

Which of the following statements are part of the four ways the Protestant Reformation changed the way people and institutions thought?

individual conscience, not the dictates of the church, should guide personal behavior.

Luther's Ninety-five Theses included the following arguments:

no divine authority exists for the granting of indulgences, only God can remit sins

The 15th century saw a number of Renaissance popes who cared more about the economic and artistic advancements of their temporal kingdom than the spiritual affairs of the church. The artistic advancements included the commissioning of Michelangelo to

paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, sculpt the tomb of Pope Julius II.

Luther's theological breakthrough led him to believe

salvation is freely promised and given by God, salvation can be claimed by faith.

Luther defended his beliefs and his writings by stating:

the pope was not an authority superior to scripture, he could not retract his sayings unless they were proved wrong by holy scripture, his beliefs were a matter of conscience, and it was not spiritually safe or honorable to act against his conscience.

Which of the following did Luther write after his excommunication from the Catholic church?

translation of the Bible into German, two catechisms for believers and ministers that outlined the doctrines he espoused, several religious hymns to be used for congregational singing during worship services.

Which of the following statements are true about the life of John Calvin?

His most famous and influential work on Reformation doctrines is the "Institutes of the Christian Religion," Geneva city council asked him to lead city's church in order to combat attempt by Catholic Church to bring Geneva back into the fold, established a college for the education of youth in Geneva.

Which of the following lists contains the four divisions of Christian denominations that grew out of the early Reformation?

Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican, Anabaptist

The Pilgrims who landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620 were Congregationalists who believed that every local congregation should be autonomous and direct its own affairs without outside controls.

True, because they had rejected the Presbyterian system of government.

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