World Geography: Chapter 7, "Mexico"

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The Gulf Coastal Plains

A wide stretch of land east of the Sierra Madre Oriental. These mountains extend from the Texas-Mexico border along the gulf of Mexico to the Yucatan peninsula.


About ____ of Mexico's electricity is generated by thermal power plants that are fired mainly by oil and natural gas.


After the conquest of the Aztec by Spanish conquistador , Hernan Cortes, and his men, who took the wealth of mexico's resources (gold and silver)?

Southern half of Mexico

It could support large-scale agriculture and produce the variety and abundance of foods necessary to maintain empires and cities.

regional high pressure systems

Keep the north and central parts of Mexico dry and cause occasional droughts.

Mesa Central (Central Plateau)

One of the two parts of the Mexican Plateau. Smaller part but heavily populated. Considered the "breadbasket" or "major grain" producing region. Less acrid then the other part of the Plateau. Features several smaller valleys. Most food grown in Mexico comes from this area.

Mesa del Norte (Northern Plateau)

One of the two parts of the Mexican Plateau. Very big and home to several large cities. More acrid than other part of Plateau.


People who graze cattle on the Northern Plateau anxiously await ___ each year.


Refers to people of mixed indigenous and European descent.


Relating to or caused by an earthquake.

the northeast trade winds

Responsible for the pattern of tropical storms.


Seismic activity opens part of the Earth's crust and triggers the formation what?

variety of biomes

Southern Mexico has a ________ ____ __________ . In the lower altitudes along the coasts, the climate is hot. on the east coast, daily rainfall and high humidity occur. This biome supports very diverse plant and animal life and is essentially a rainforest.

Hernan Cortes

Spanish Conquistador that helped the Spanish take over Mexico's wealth in gold and silver.


Spanish for "conqueror"; Spanish soldier who participated in conquest of indigenous peoples of Latin America.


THe maya civilization was one of the _______ and _______ civilizations in Mexico.

Sierra Madre Occidental

These stretch along the northwestern edge of Mexico and they have been deeply cut by westward flowing rivers and streams, witch have formed deep gorges.

Sierra Madre Oriental

This is considered the Southern extension of the Rocky Mountains. The average height is 8,000 to 9,000 feet. A few exceptions include mountains that reach 12,000 feet.

Mexican Plateau

This is located between the two Sierra Madre mountains. The temperatures are constantly moderate, making it an attractive place to live. It is the largest and most densely populated region of Mexico.

Lerma River

It begins in the Toluca Basin, and feeds into Lake Chapala


Northern Mexico is generally characterized by a _____ climate.

Vertical climate zones

Create the temperate or mild climates found throughout the southern part of Mexico.


A blending of beliefs and practices from different religions into one faith.

Primate City

A city that dominates a country's economy, culture, government and in which population is concentrated; usually the capital.

Vertical Climate Zones

A climate zone that occurs as elevation increases, with its own natural vegetation and crops.


A great city that is made up of several large and small cities.


A member of a people living usually in portable or temporary dwellings and practicing seasonal migration but having a base camp at which some crops are cultivated.

Land Bridge

A strip of land that connects two larger landmasses, enabling migration of plants and animals to new areas.

Central America

Along with _________ _________ Mexico connects North and South America. (Land Bridge)


Although mestizos now densely populate Mexico City, there are groups that trace their ancestry to the _____.

Free Trade Zone

An area of a country in which trade restrictions do not apply.

Ring of Fire

An area where the Pacific tectonic plate collides with other tectonic plates creating seismic activity.

Rio Bravo del Norte (Rio Grande)

An important exception to the small rivers and lakes. It forms part of the border between Mexico and the U.S.


An important part of Mexico's economy.

Pacific Plate

Baja Mexico is located on which tectonic plate?


Date of Spanish arrival in Mexico.


Different peoples developed cultures to _____ the environments in which they live.


Do the Mayan people still maintain their culture, speak their ancestral languages and practice the same cultural traditions?


Cash crops grown in Mexico further ___ the Spanish.

Maya Civilizaton

Centered in the Yucatan Peninsula.

Cash Crop

Farm product grown to be sold or traded rather than used by the farm family.

Southern Highlands

In the south, it is a series of mountain ranges and plateaus that reach from south of Mexico city to the southwest edge of Mexico's border with Guatemala

The Silver Belt

In this area, located on the Mexican Plateau, both industrial and precious minerals are mined.

Climate Factors

Include the regional high-pressure systems , the northeast trade winds, and the vertical climate zones.

Extended Family

Household made up of several generations of family members.


In Mexico, a manufacturing plant owned by a foreign company.


In northern Mexico waterways are _____. The high mountain ranges and plateaus create temperate vertical climate zones that do not collect the volume of water that is more common in tropical regions.


In southern Mexico along the east coast there is a _______ biome.


In the Northern half of Mexico _______ was used to supplement hunting, herding, and gathering of food.


In the Northern half of Mexico some of these _______ groups still live in their traditional homelands, separated from most outside influences.

Toluca Basin

Located on the Central Plateau, west of Mexico City. (a basin)

Northern half of Mexico

Located on the inland plateau and in the Moutians

The Gulf of California

Located on the western side of Mexico. Divides the Baja peninsula from the northern coast of Mexico. Supports a remarkable diversity of aquatic animals. These include several types of whales, the giant Pacific manta ray, endangered leatherback sea turtles, and the great white shark.


Mexico is ranks ____ in the world for crude oil exports.


Mexico is the ______ most country in North America.


Mexico is the leading _________-producing country. It exports account for a large share of foreign-exchange earnings.


Mexico is the world's largest producer of what?


Mexico remained a part of the Spanish Empire for nearly ___ centries.

highly structured

Mexico was governed by Spain under a ______ ______ political system.


Mexico's entire Northern boarder is shared with what country?

Maya and Aztec

Mexico's human geography reflects influences from the __________ _____ __________ civilizations

North American Plate

Most of Mexico is located on what tectonic plate?

Chaparral Biome

Northern Mexico is defined as a _______________ _______. It has mild, rainy winter and hot dry summers. The plant life consists of cacti, shrubs, and shrub oak. High winds and low-growing plants make the soil in this region good for grasslands. The soil is also thin and rocky, however, it is not good for crops

Central Mexico

The Aztec empire arose in _______ ______.


The Aztec ruled from their capital, ________, the site of present day Mexico city.


The Aztec's had _____ other peoples in the area when the Spanish arrived in 1519.


The Maya ______ still live in and around the areas of their former empire.

Teotihuacan and Zapotec

The Maya engaged in long distance trade with other cultures including _______ ____ ________.


The Maya ruled a ____ territory.


The Maya's stone cities were abandoned a few ____ years before the arrival of the first Spanish explorers.


The Ring of Fire (seismic activity with earthquakes) helps shape what?

Caribbean Plate

The Southern most tip of Mexico is located on what tectonic plate?

Cash Crops

The Spanish landowners of Mexico began growing ___ such as cacao and maize in large quantities , which they were exported to Spain.


The Spanish political system was ruled by officials called ______, who were appointed by the Spanish monarch.


The ______ of the highlands keeps them at a comfortable temperature that is also helpful for growing certain crops


The ________ people in the Serra Madre Occidental are one example of an indigenous group who still live in Northern Mexico.


The ________ side of Mexico is the Ring of Fire.


The farmers in the valleys of Central Plateau depend on their ____ to help get enough water for their crops.


The few rivers and natural lakes that exist are found in the _____ part of Mexico and are generally small.

Colonial era

The introduction of Spanish culture in mexico happened when?

The Gulf of Mexico

The larges body of water that forms Mexico's east coast. It supports diverse sea life including an ancient sea creature known as the manatee. Famous for shrimp and supplies the fish industry in both the U.S. and Mexico. The waters are relatively sheltered from ocean currents, so the beaches are calm and the waters are warm.

Barranca del Cobre (Copper Canyon)

The larges gorge in The Sierra Madre Occidental mountains and located int the state of Chihuahua, Mexico.

Lake Chapala

The largest natural lake in Mexico

stone cities

The maya built huge ___ ___ .


The northern half of Mexico originally has a small population of mostly independent groups of ________ people.


The population density in Mexico is ________ near parts that have the most agriculture, especially on the Central Plateau and in the Southern Highlands.


The practice of subcontracting manufacturing work to outside companies, especially foreign or nonunion companies.


The southern half of Mexico is ____ geographically diverse.


The spanish (Hernan Cortes and Men) did not just find gold and silver but they also found the _____ in the variety of food available to the local people, quickly taking corn, tomatoes, chocolate, and other native crops on the return trip to Spain

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

The value of goods and services produced within a country in a year.

grazing and farmlands

There are ample __________ and __________ on the North and Central Plateaus, in the Southern Highlands and along the coastlines.


Timber, fish, and agricultural products are also important to Mexico's ________.

Physical Geography

Variations in _______ ________ of Mexico lead to the development of diverse cultures, languages, and civilizations among the indigenous peoples of Mexico.

Tierra Helada

What climate zone is 20-55 degrees fahrenheit, above 10,000 feet, and has vegetation of cactus?

Tierra Fria

What climate zone is 55-65 degrees fahrenheit, above 6,000 feet, and has vegetation of apples and potatoes?

Tierra Templada

What climate zone is 65-75 degrees fahrenheit, above 2,500 feet and has vegetation of corn, oranges, and lemons?

Tierra Caliente

What climate zone is 75-80 degrees fahrenheit, above sea level and has vegetation of bananas?

important minerals

Zinc, bauxite (the ore of aluminum),lead, gold, mercury, cadmium, antimony, manganese, and copper.


____ of Mexico's electrical power is created by nuclear power and renewable resources of wind, solar energy, and biomass (plant materials and animal waste used as a source of fuel).


______ tracts of land in MExico were given to the Spanish settlers of Mexico.

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