World History Chapter 11

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In what year did Christianity split between the Roman Catholic Church in the WEST and the Orthodox Church in the EAST?


In what year did the Russians invade Constantinople for the first of THREE times?


The Justinian Code was ?

A body of civil law that controlled Byzantine life.

What is "The Primary Chronicle"

A history of Russia written by monks in the early 1100s.

Who was Justinian?

High ranking Byzantine who succeeed his uncle to the eastern throne in 527.

The site of wild chariot races in Constantinople was the _______


Religious images used by eastern Christian in their devotions were called ______


What were some of the important features of life in Constantinople?

Important feature of Constantinople is that they rebuilt the crumbling fortifications of Constantinople, as workers constructed a 14-mile stone wall along the city's coastline and repaired the massive fortifications along its western land border.

Who is the most famous of Seljuk sultans?

Malik Shah. Ruled as the last of the strong Seljuk leaders. After his death the empire quickly disintegrated.

What type of legal questions did the Justinian Code cover? Examples:

Marriage, slavery, property, inheritance, women's rights, and criminal justice. The Justinian Codes were used for over 900 years.

What is a mongol?

Group of nomadic clans (moved around) on long the Asian steppes. Unified under Genghis Khan.


Groups that inhabited the forest north of the Black Sea. Alphabet was created so they could read the Bible. The Slavs eventually became Russia.

What did Justinian accomplish during his reign of the eastern empire?

Had a big building campaign rebuilding buildings and constructing a 14 mile stone wall, schools, hospitals; He also made a Justinian Code of Laws; and he also conquered a lot of land.

Which peoples attacked the Byzantine Empire? What party of the empire did they invade?

Lombards overran Justinian's conquests in the west. Avars, Slavs, and Bulgars made frequent raids on the northern borders. The powerful Sassanid Persians attacked relentlessly in the east. The Persians and Avars struck against Constantinople itself in 626. With the rise of Islam, Arab armies attacked the city in 674 and once again in 717. Russians attempted invasions of the city three times between 860 and 1043. In the 11th century, the Turks took over the Muslim world and fought their way slowly into Byzantine territory. "Finally, the city fell to the Ottoman Turks in 1453.

When the Mongols ruled Russian, the just demanded two things. What were they?

1. Absolute obedience 2. Massive amounts of tribute or "payments" Russians were allowed to follow all of their usual customs as long as they did not rebel. Mongol rule did isolate Russians from many new ideas and inventions though.

What were the four parts of the Justinian Code?

1.)The Code contained nearly 5,000 Roman laws that were still considered useful for theByzantine Empire. 2.)The Digest quoted and summarized the opinions of Rome's greatest legal thinkers about the laws. This massive work ran to a total of 50 volumes. 3.)The Institutes was a textbook that told law students how to use the laws. 4.)The Novellae (New Laws) presented legislation passed after 534

How did the deadly plague that sweep through Constantinople in 542 affect Constantinople?

10,000 people were dying EACH DAY which severely weakened the empire.

What ties linked Kiev to Byzantium?

A team convinced Vladimir to make all of his subjects convert to Byzantine Christiana's. In 989 a baptism of all citizens of Kiev occurred in the Dniester River. Kiev was already liked to Byzantium by trade and now looked to the empire for religious guidance. Vladimir brought in teachers to instruct the people in the new faith and the religion flourished.

Novgorod's prince and military hero who cooperated with the Mongols.

Alexander Nevsky

What is the military campaign know as "The Crusades?

Attack against the Turks and other Muslims for control of the Holy Land and the Middle East.

Which of the empires lasted the longest between Persian, Roman, Byzantine, Mongol and Aztec?


The eastern Roman Empire became known as ?


The Russian version of the word "king"


When the pope casts an official out of the church, it is called __________


What factors brought about Kiev's decline?

First was Yaroslav the Wise's death in 1054. During Yarslav's reign he made a crucial error which has dividing his realm among his sons, instead of following the custom of passing on the throne to the eldest son. After his death his son's began fighting over the choicest territories. This division continued through the generations.. The "crusades"

What is "The Middle Way"

It is the Main Street running through Constantinople. Merchant stalls lined the streets selling products from Asia, Africa and Europe.

Ruler who led the Russian state to become an empire

Ivan III

Under what person who led Russian reign did they finally make a final break from the Mongols?

Ivan III. After Ivan III refused to pay Mongols further tributes and Russian and Mongol armies faced each other at the Urga River and neither side advanced and turned and went home. Bloodless battle.

A high ranking Byzantine nobleman who took the throne of the Eastern Empire in 527 was ?


What is the Haifa Sophia?

Justinian's "Crowning Glory" which is a rebuilt church that was destroyed in Constantinople riots previously. Hailed as the most splendid church in the Christian world when he completed its reconstruction.

What factors led to the schism? (Split into Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox)

Lack on contact and communication between the 2 regions. Also political conflicts and differences in beliefs. (Ex: Can priest marry or not, who has the ultimate authority I.e. pope or emperor, etc.)


Migrating Turkish groups who began converting to Islam and migrated in the weekend Abbasid Empire. They grew in numbers and in 1055 attacked and captured Baghdad from the Persians.

Russia's first important city


Who was Alexander Nevsky?

Novgorod's prince and military hero who advised his fellow princes to cooperate with the Mongols.

Who was Genghis Khan?

One of the most feared warriors of all time from Central Asia. He led a ferocious group of horseman that slashed their way through Asia and Europe and was known as "Mongol Invasions". In 1240 the Mongols demolished Kiev slaughtering the inhabitants.

From 398 - 404, Saint John Chrysostom served in Constantinople as bishop, or ________


What led to the fall of the Justinian Empire?

Plague of Justinian and attacks from East and West.

What pope launched the first Crusade in 1095?

Pope Urban II. The crusaders did finally capture Jerusalem in 1099.

What is a Vizier?

Prime Minister

What two main religions emerged out of the split in the Christian Church?

Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox

What is Novgorod?

Russia's first important city founded by Slav's Viking chief Rurik who was invited to be the Slav's king.

What does Czar mean?

Russian version of Caesar

The Cyrillic alphabet for the Slavic languages was created by ________

Saint Methodious and Saint Cyril.

Seljuk rulers were called what?

Shahs. From the Persian word for a king.

How did icons and excommunication help lead to the split between Rome and Constantinople?

Some members began to worship icons (religious images used by Eastern Christian to aid their devotions) instead of God. They then kicked that person out of the church through excommunication. They were tested when Bishop St. John Chrysostom (Patriarch of Constantinople) bowed power to the Emperor. Controversy over whether the emperor had power over religious matter occurred over use of icons. Emperor Leo II banned use of icons, but the pope supported the use of icons. One pope ordered excommunication of a Byzantine emperor so their divide continued to strengthen.

The crowning religious glory of Justinian's building program was?

The Haifa Sophia.

What was the effect of the split?

The church split and became the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches.

What factors enabled Constantinople to survive foreign attacks for hundred of years before finally falling.

Their many border around the empire, their location.

Who was Justinian's wife?

Theodora who had a lot of power and was Justinian's great advisor who rallied Justinian to remain in the capital during the Nika Rebellion.

After the Russians invaded Constantinople in 860, how did the Byzantines first try to prop up their shaky empire?

They used 1. bribes 2 diplomacy 3. political marriages 4. military power. (Put generals in charge of the provinces)

What is the Justinaian Code and what did it accomplish?

They went through 400 years of Roman Laws and got rid of a lot of outdated laws that were contradictory . It is a system of LAWS. It is FOUR works: 1. CODE: Contained nearly 5000 Roman laws that were still considered useful for Byzantine Empire. 2. DIGEST: Quoted and summarized opinions of Rome's greatest legal thinkers about the laws. (About 50 volumes) 3. INSTITUTES; Testbook that told law students how to use the laws. 4. NOVELLAE: MEANS NEW LAWS: Presented legislations, or laws, after 534.

T or F? Did Justinian send his general Belisarius to recover North Africa from the invading Germany tribes and succeed?


T or F? Did Belisarius also attach Rome and seize it? Was Rome attacked and change hands 6 times in 16 years?

True and True. (Note: Justinian now ruled almost all the territory that Rome ever ruled.)

What is the Nika Rebellion?

Two fan groups at the Hippodrome chariot races that sparked city wide riots. 30000 rebels were slaughtered.

Ruler who converted Kiev to Christianity.


How did Vladimir and his son Yaroslav contribute to the power of Kiev?

Vladimir established Kiev's power by expanding his state west into Poland and north almost to the Baltic Sea. He also fought of troublesome nomad from the steppes. Yaroslav (The Wise) brought Kiev to greater glory. Yaroslav married his daughters/sisters to kings/princes of Western Europe that helped forge trading alliances. He also created a legal code tailored to Kiev's commercial culture. (Meaning the code works well with what Kiev has). He created rules that dealt with crimes against property. He built the first library. Christianity flourished under his rule and 400 churches were built.

How did the "Primary Chronicle" explains how Christianity came to Kiev?

Vladimir sent out teams to observe all the major religions but the reports won out to choose Christianity of Benzatine.

Ruler who built the first library in Kiev

Yaroslav the Wise

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