World History Exam #2

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(Sanatana Dharma) 1) Hindu faith is the oldest continuous religion in world & hasn't acknowledged founder- outsiders call it Hindu over 4000 years 2) Totally associated w Indian sub-continent - 1 billion today 3rd largest religion 3) a faith that unusually take a positive stance in human sexuality but not a license for promiscuity must in confines of marriage 4) Doesn't seek converts 5) very ritualistic faith- emphasis on ceremonies festivals & imagery 6) no fixed dogma -very flexible & tolerant faith. No correct way or path wide set of beliefs 7) No final authority 8) Use of imagery color symbols is widespread

The Buddha

(Siddartha Gautama -founder) born in Nepal in 6th c BCE w blue eyes. According to tradition, his mother conceived him during a dream about a white elephant who died shortly after birth. Had several markings on body so father took him to a wise man who said he would be a great temporal leader of men w great kingdom or reject it all for a spiritual contemplative life. Thus kept son confined; part of warrior/prince class. He escapes & leaves wife and child and luxury.

British in India

- Great Britain began establishing contact & trade deals w Indian rajas in 17th and 18th c British East India Company was given exclusive rights to trade w India on behalf of Great Britain. BEIC took control of cities Madras Calcutta & Bombay => Great Tripod around India BEIC exploited India aka placing taxes on tea even though cheap so in 1833 British GOV invaded rule of India. British introed policies which reflected colonialism & British domination of India; British maintained separateness 1) One law & all castes were equal under that law 2) End of infanticide, sati child marriage laws allowed Hindu widows to remarry 3) infrastructure- buildings of roads canals & rail systems 4) Introduction of English as the language. British introed elementary education for 1st time in history GB's greatest impact on India 5) Calmed unrest & violence btw Muslims & Hindu but Indians treated like 2nd class citizens in own country no political rights. Racism widespread-- "White Man's Burden" by Rudyard Kipling

Philip II of Macedonia

-has been a slave in the Greek city-state of Thebes as a teen. Came to admire Greeks and their culture but wanted to be their master. Ransomed home and became king and established the BEST military THUS invaded Greece and kept promise. - Battle of Chaerona Philip defeated ATHENS and its allies which put an end to Greek Classic AGe and experiment w democracy --thus Greek now always under foreign power. Wanted conquest of PERSIA so formed military alliance LEAGUE OF CORINTH w Greeks to carry out plan BUT returned for daughters wedding where got got

Akbar the Great

1) Akbar fine soldier who added much territory to the Mughal Empire 2) gifted administrative systems of empire 3) Although illiterate himself, encouraged arts & humanities & architecture. -- 2nd golden age 4) Mughal Empire was wealthiest in the world 5) Greatest contributions was religious toleration btw Muslims & Hindus. Abolished non-muslim head tax, married Hindu & insured Hindu access to all but highest political offices financed Hindu temples. He ended suttee & child marriages. Once Akbar died, his descendants were harsh against Hindus. Shan Jahan => Taj Mahal for his fav wife --- increasing military failures--- European powers invaded

4 Major Castes

1) Brahmin- old priest & scholar caste. Under Vedic Hinduism priest were responsible for all important rituals & sacrifices 2) Kshatriya - prince; warrior caste 3) Vaishaya- artisan/crafts man/ merchants/ farmers (Gandhi) 4) Shudra- landless laborers -- unofficial 5th caste "Untouchables" now Dalits outcasts forced to do all the dirty work- human waste & animal waste; viewed as they done something awful in previous life thus had to be born here => perpetuate poverty in India - formally abolished 1947 w Great Britain. Untouchables still force extreme discrimination despite affirmative action - Names skin color occupation give caste away

Factors that affect the development of India include:

1) Its geographical location led to constant invasion & therefore constant change. Himalayan mnt range effectively blocked India from east Asia 2) India's history tends to be cyclical (great empire collapse regional kingdom empire) unified until WWII 3) Huge gaps in Indian history as written records for India dont appear until 3-4th CE 4) India has very diverse ethnic groups & hundreds of languages which made common culture difficult to take root. People of India - Indo-Europeans & ethnically related to people of Europe of Middle East. Most Indians had in common was Hindu faith 5) Also ancient India included the countries of Nepal Bhutan Pakistan Bangladesh & parts of Afghanistan

Eight Fold Path

1) Right View - intellectual conviction that the 4 truths are the truth 2) Right Resolve- decision to act accordingly to 4NT 3) Right Speech- having words governed by 5 MORAL IDEALS a) dont harm anything b) dont take whats not given to you c) dont speak falsely d) dont drink intoxicating drinks 4) Right Conduct- deeds governed by 5 Moral Ideals 5) Right Livelihood - conduct oneself ethnically in earning & living reject soldier tavern owners prostitutes 6) Right Effort- follow the Path's w one's heart & energy by renouncing the world -> non or monk 7) Right Mindfulness - form of meditation that produces wisdom 8) Right Concentration - a deep form of meditation

Four Noble Truths

1) Suffering is universal 2) Caused by human desire & human selfishness 3) One must eliminate human selfishness 4) can be eliminated through the Eight-fold path which is a series of steps to help one achieve nirvana which is letting go of all attachments & desires

Mohandas Gandhi

1) born in 1869 a Hindu who received elementary education in India but moved to London for advanced education. He would become a lawyer then move to South Africa to practice law 2) in South Africa, Gandhi begins to practice his non-violent civil disobedience to protest treatment of Indians living in South Africa as well as other minorities 3) Gandhi didn't originate civil disobedience --- Henry David Thoreau of the US but huge part of life 4) Moves back to India in 1915 and began long campaign against British Rule by using his non-violent method of protests & boycotts Never held official gov position, he was unofficial ruler of India Critics said he could be naive such as non-industrialized world 5) Supported rights for women, reconciliation btw Muslims & Hindus & end to untouchability 6) when Britain could no longer afford it, they pulled back in 1947. India then split into 3 along religious lines Pakistan India & Bangladesh with Pakistan and Bangladesh Muslim. Gandhi insured that Muslims got their fair share of resources thus assassinated by a fanatical Hindu in 1948

Reasons for Caste:

1) brought in by conwuering Aryans & allowed them to maintain the position of predominance over the native Indian pop 2) It was a frozen economic system. Many people were willing to trade off upward social mobility to maintain their & their descendants social/occupational position 3) Caste was viewed as a way to organize India's vast multitude of ethnic groups 4) Benefitted more people than it harmed but as India's population exploded lines began to blur & many couldn't maintain it 5) Hinduism was used to justify & reinforce the caste system. A person's karma in previous life determined what they were reborn in -- SELF regulating system Good karma equated a better caste

Jewish Ethics

1) in contrast to gods of polytheism who each had own temperament & judgement- Hebrew god there's a clear right and wrong. Jews first to link ethics which becomes the basis of Western ethics. 2) Humans are created in image of God-therefore they reflect God's goodness. whole concept of human dignity & worth comes from Jews. Each human has dignity that cant be violated bc god created them in his own image. Forbid rape of captive woman bc violated dignity modern concept of human rights 3) Free Will- philosophers & theologians have struggled for millennia over the concept of free will. - make our own choices especially in treatments of others. we are responsible for our actions but in broader view we are responsible for each other. 4) its from Jews that the western world gets the concept that life on earth can be improved. Poverty & social injustice are conditions that can be improved 5) Outcomes haven't been predetermined in advance - present is full of choice-each moment is unique & unrepeatable History is progressive & linear-- hope

Accomplishments & Contributions of Early India

1) india contributed 'Arabic" numerals including concept of zero to the West bc India was 1st culture to use symbol for zero - from India there referred to Arabic numerals bc West got them from Muslim Empire Abbasid Dynasty Calculus & Pi are developed in India. 2) Great advances in medicine bc Hindu faith regarded the human body as nothing more than a shell that housed the soul this autopsies performed & resulting in a greater understanding of human body. India world teacher in medicine 3) Indian products in high demand were pepper cinnamon pearls & diamonds 4) Other contributions: chess buttons cottons fabric

Results of Alexander the Great- GOOD

1) not only ancient world BUT considered best general EVER; excelled at everything tactics logistics leadership 2) feat of conquering 3) built sound infrastructure through lands he conquered; roads canals and cities. Alexandria 4) spread Greek culture and language to territories- mixture of Greek and Persian-> Helenistic- Greatest Achievement 5) trade flourished 6) accomplished what he did with comparatively little bloodshed 7) not a cultural snob; generally interested/appreciation constant learning mode

Hebrews and Israelites

Abraham-founder of Hebrew faith who lived 2000 BCE only outside people call them Hebrews which is both a people and a language; small tribal pastoral and nomadic people who believed in a supreme God thats so great he couldn't be named and represented He was their God - Hebrews believed other people had their gods. While Abraham founder, its his grandson Jacob who'll become patriarch through his many. - enslaved by Egyptians began during New Kingdom & lasted about 200-400 years; two dates for exodus (1446 BC or mid 1200s) no pharaoh mentioned- struggle for freedom. Hebrew god sends down 10 plagues to demonstrate his power over Egyptian God's pharoh. The distance btw Thebes in Egypt & modern Jerusalem -> 600 miles but take Hebrews 40 years to travel to Canaan; during this time, God will give Hebrews his greatest gift - 10 commandments. Joshua will lead Hebrews were divided into 12 tribes w each tribe headed a judge-- collective name was Israel. Then replaced Hebrew judges w Israelite king- 1st will be Saul but greatest will be DAVID --- all legitimacy will come from House of David. After death of soloman, northern tribes refuse to accept Rehoboam & Israel will split into 2 kingdoms: Israel in the north & Judea in the south. Bitter civil war ensued

Sacredness of Cattle

Aryans (a group of warrior people who settled near GANGES River in India around 1500 BCE had symbiotic relationship w/ cattle cow figure prominently in their religion Hinduism & beef consumption wasn't considered taboo @ this time. But by this time of Axial age Hinduism ceased to be a warrior faith & embraced ahimsa or non-injury. They applied this to cattle & among upper castes the consumption of beef prohibited Cattle has became increasingly sacred. India has 6 million stray cattle roaming streets

Eastern-Asian-Orient Civilizations & Cultures

Asia dominated by two cultures: India & China, Vastly different Asian cultures have disproportionate impact on rest of Asia. Eastern cultures will have tremendous impact on western culture & vice versa. :

Babylonian Captivity

Assyria around 722-721 BCE took over Israel & dispersed most of the population. These "lost" Israelites were known as LOST TEN TRIBES OF ISRAEL. Southern kingdom held on until 585 BCE before being overrun by Chaldean Babylonians whose great king was Nebuchadnezzar. These Hebrews were freed from their Babylonian Captivity by Cyrus the Great about 50 years later, Since only surviving Hebrews/Israelites => JEWS bc from Judea. Returning to Jerusalem, they snubbed Samaritans--Israelites who were left behind by Assyrians. Another result of Babylonian Captivity that they were Hebrews to Jews & that their God as the only universal God & no other Gods. In addition Jews began to compile their extensive history & write it down- compilation & organization of Jewish scripture (Tanakh) began to take place


Chandragupta's grandson most beloved figure in Indian history -- 1st beloved Ruler- killed brothers to get to throne; chip off the old grandfather clock; used excessive violence to expand; then converts to non-violence - bc witness death of 1000s @ battle of Kalinga - NONVIOLENCE to All ending animal sacrifice but still maintained strong military to secure borders; - spent money on his people such as clinics, wells for water & roads then converts to Buddhism which gave it cred left behind edicts carved in rocks & pillars outlying his support- Buddhism brought to China Korea & Southeast Asia => FIRST Global Religion through religious missionaries Empire fell shortly after his death emergence of Gupta Empire proselytizing going out to change/consent people to their religion after regional kingdoms were taken over

Results of Alexander the Great - BAD

HOWEVER, violent man when drunk and ordered execution of his own men, Meglomaniac and reveled in Egyptians calling him a god. Defeated a weaken Persian Empire w his FATHERS army didnt live long enough to make his OWN; and after his own generals killed his family and took over and destroyed democracy; and Alex's body had a mausoleum built

Eastern -Asian-Orient Civilization & Culture

Indian civilization begins around 2500 BCE on Indus River long believed that India's civilization didnt begin until 1500 BCE but discovery of IRVC in the 1850s completely changed that. had up to 70 cities states w two major cities being Harappa & Mohenjo-Daro - known for their precise city layouts & sophisticated water & sewer systems - only the Romans would be more sophisticated - separating clean water from waste water - KEY development for urban living -cut down disease - earliest producer of cotton- -extensive trade ties to Mesopotamia -earliest depictions of cattle & elephants & chickens - had form of writing most likely abandoned due to lack of H20

Caste System

a rigid complex unequal & hereditary class system -- divided India's population into 4 major castes

Indian Nationalism

all Indian's caste began to resent British & their governance of India => Indian Nationalism which sought end of British rule of India pick up speed resulting in growing violence & resentment to British rule. Clashes between British authority/military & Indian people more common

Aryan People (1500 BCE)

an Indo-European people out of southern Russia invaded. Civilization shifted toward the great GANGES RIVER which would become the sacred river of Indus River Valley-> (transportation & religious aspects.) bc believe there was some type of connection others believe that the IRV was long before the Aryans arrives. Aryan history is divided up into two distinct people - not native to India migrated. 1500-1000 BCE Early Vedic Age & 1000-600 BC Later Vedic Age which each took name from sacred text of Hinduism the VEDAS oldest sacred scripture. Aryans -> pastoral warrior (started using chariot) & tribal people who measured their wealth in cattle & horses divided northern India into 16 kingdoms & tribal oligarchies headed by a raja -- NO cities NO written language YET introed Sanskrit -- one of oldest Indo-European languages & would evolve int a written language - IMPACT 1) Sanskit 2) Vedas 3) Caste System 4) Hinduism

4 Passing sites

an elderly man a sick man, a corpse and an ascetic (extreme self denial/ spiritual enlightenment) => Great Renunciation. He joined 5 other ascetics and never bathed to extremes to give him spiritual enlightenment. After a period of extreme fasting, hears a story about stringing an instrument thus came up w the Middle Path- rejection of extremes - sat under a fig tree for 49 days and tempted by the demon Mara & Mara's daughters Discontent Delight and Desire to seduce Buddha - Thus desire is the cause of suffering thus a need to end desire. To achieve this one must free themselves from attachment => inerrant preacher taught Middle Way 4 Noble Truths & 8 Fold Path he became Enlighten one and spent rest of life preaching died around age of 80 entered into parinirvan- Final stage; Lotus Flower Buddha Reclining Buddha Buddha's footprint


earliest as they provided humans food product (milk) & secondary products such as clothing & tools manufactured from hair hooves hides manure for fuel load-bearers & pulling plows Cows- "bankable resources" most cattle descend from aurochs; HUMPS - IRVC around 8000 BCE Lactose persistence 35% world are able to digest milk sugars as adult w/o discomfort 1.2 billion total India w 90 mil Brazil 212 mil China 90-95 mil

Alexander the Great (Macedon)

educated by Greek philosopher Aristotle although he rejected Aristotle's snobbery. Raised in treacherous court of his father went to battle when he was 8 y/o dreamed of conquest but unlike his father he wanted to be like his hero- Cyrus the Great - 1st problem during his rule was a revolt in Thebes resulted in a beat down and no city-state thought to revolt again. Moved again Persian Empire. For next 11 years, conquered Egypt to Indus River. He died in Babylon (drinking) Recreated Cyrus empire

Mauryan Empire

first attempt at establishing an empire on Indian sub-continent - Mauryan Dynasty. Chandragupta Maurya pushed out Alexander the Great's Successor from around Indus River & his empire (Afghanistan PAkinstan & northern 1/2 of modern India) thousands slaughtered; he was autocratic & ran a secret police rumored to be 600,000 infantry soldiers 30000 cavalry 8000 chariots 9000 elephants @ peak had 50 million people & capital city PATINA same level as Persian Empire or Han dynasty of China - 1st major unification of India; punishment for sins allegedly starved himself to death succeeded by son Bindusara Maurya "the son of a father and the father of a son"

Mughal Empire

for nearly 150 years,India was in chaos until Babur (Tiger) a descendent of Turkish Mongols established the Mughal dynasty in India until 1520s. A strong warrior & a poet conquered most of northern India. admired Hindustan for monkeys & gold but thats it. Succeeded by son Humayun who temporarily lost control but w help from other Muslim Rulers. His son Akbar the Great who ruled from 1556-1605 Asia's & history's greatest ruler -- 2nd Beloved Ruler of India

China & Horses

horses have occupied a very high status in traditional Chinese culture-- more so than in India. In ancient China, there were six main kinds of domestic animal: horse cattle sheep chicken dog & pig. Horse most important which represented image of courage integrity diligence & power. Also in addition to its contribution to transportation its also an important part of military force. In ancient Chinese mythology, a horse would partially represented as a dragon - As Buddhism was introduced into China, its believed that Buddhist scripture was carried by a white horse thus the WHITE HORSE TEMPLE built in honor of these horse. In Chinese Zodiac, each year represents a different animal the last year of the horse in China 2014 next is 2026 - Today there 59 million horses & 300 breds. However, US leads w 10 million followed by Mexico Argentina & Brazil introed into Americas until late 1900s of top 5 only one isnt is China w approximately 6 million

India & Horses

horses likely brought into India by Aryans around 1600 BCE as beast of burden- Despite some tantalizing archeological finds in India its clear the horse really didn't figure into IRVC culture. Horses are mentioned numerous times in Rig-Veda -- Hinduism's earliest known text. While consumption still extisted, they became more valuable as beasts of burden especially in war. Indian culture presented numerous depictions throughout its long history


most likely domesticated in modern day Kazakhstan by Botai people 3500 BCE & was primarily used for meat. Horse adapted easier to harsh climate & terrain of steppes. Believed that most modern domesticated horses were descended from Botai horses but genetically analysis just to be from early domesticated horses. As more domesticated, horse breeding & trading became an important part of Eurasian economy. Would rise in such great status that to steal one could lead to punishment of death

Islam & India

most significant event was intro of this. Arab Muslims preached Indus River but Turkish Mongols swept into what's Afghanistan & Turkestan - brought more militant form of the faith. Tamerlane- most feared of Turkish Mongol conquerors born in Uzbekistan - conquered Persia Georgia Turkey & northern India while massacred and enslaved thousands. Indians practiced janhar which meant they killed their families before left to go to battle. -- liked to build HUGE pyramids of his victims' skulls, Tamerlane wanted to conquer China but died. His legacy was of deep bitterness & hatred. Islam was one faith one God one book but Muslims were equal in spiritual attainment. Hindu- diverse & tolerant. Muslims couldn't comprehend caste system. Hindu associated Tamerlane w his religion - clashes led to India being divided in 1947 and legacy of hate & mistrust still lingers

Hindu Gods

primary god of Hindu faith is Brahman the Supreme Being the-Absolute Unchanging Infinite Reality Cosmic Oneness - part of what he creates & reped by as many gods as he has characteristics; found in every particle of life. - Trimurti (Trinity of Gods) Brahma - 4 faced God- creator god (old-school) Vishnu- repped by 9 avatars <Krishna Rama & Buddha> god of protection love and preserver Kali- 10th yet. - Shiva evil destruction creation female aspect Kali Durga Pavarati. - Devi or Shakti feminine divine; all female gods are reincarnated version/part of her (new school) usually 4 arms w representation symbols in them

General Beliefs and Characteristics of Buddhism

religion of introspection & self-discipline, Samsara- Karma and re-birth powerful ideas in India; Attachments are what keep us band to earth (self) -Beliefs in the middle way - avoid extremes -spiritual rejection of the caste system - More democratic-Buddhists believed that anyone could achieve nirvana (maybe not women) - Ahimsa (non-injury non violence) a compassionate person does everything possible to avoid causing suffering - Compassion and righteousness are primary virtues - Non-theistic Buddha not divine-- gods not necessary - Independent Orgination. Buddha taught reality is a complex interrelated & interdepend phenomena in which nothing exists apart from something. - Nirvana, Ultimate Goal to achieve nirvana (blissful nothingness)

The Jewish God

significant character in world history & understanding of his nature has bad a profound impact on global history 1) Omniscient Omnipresent Omnipotent 2) God is one & unique God is eternal. Self sufficient- nothing brought God into existence. God has always existed 3) Non-corporeal cant be represented as a body or that would diminish him 4) God is absolute & represents what is Good 5) Hebrews God is without human limitations and is fully sovereign & subject to nothing. He existed before anything. 6) Free from compulsions & fate. Sometimes wrathful, never acts impulsively or unpredictably 7) while responsible for creation, God isnt part of what he creates. God isnt part of any natural force 8) God is a personal deity who can be prayed to directly although Jews had a priest class. 9) In a world of capricious gods, the Hebrews introed the idea of a God who is JUST and merciful

Hindu Beliefs

ultimate goal- to achieve oneness w Brahman called moksha SAMSARA- transmigration of the soul need to achieve this for moksha aka moral perfection; soul cant die since part of Brahman DHARMA- set of duties responsibilities that determines how to act based on who I am KARMA- collection of past deeds and actions -- law of action and its moral consequences in past lifetimes hoping for good karma when death comes so that get a higher caste to achieve moksha soul=> ATMAN; journey to hope to improve

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