World History---Mesopotamia and Egypt

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What is the sequence of the stages of man's advancement towards civilization?

-Hunting and Gathering: man moved around a lot and weapons began to advance increasing protein, animals and corporation. -Domestication Herding: Animals went towards food which lead them to man, man and animals made a bond which meant that man could keep a food supply, slow movement and realization of farming. -Neolithic Revolution: Invention of farming, drastic shift, slowed down man even more. -Villages: River valleys that provided water, rich soil, building resources, animals, and lead to fights and rules -Rules, Laws, Leaders: Leader emerges -Cities: Government forms

How was Egypt in the Old Kingdom?

-Papyrus -Hieroglyphics and pictograms -Pyramids -Art -Calendar -Mathematics -Religion

5 Characteristics that need to be in an advanced civilization

1. Cities with a government 2. Advanced technology and metals 3. Calendar 4. Division of Labor 5. Writing and religion


Abraham-Sumer (Christianity, Judaism, Islamic), chosen people (God has "Favorites") blame, and Ethical Monotheism (one God with morals and values)

Civilization Chart

Agriculture-> Food Surplus-> New Economic Activities-> Civilization-->> Armies; Specialization of Labor, Long Distance Trade, Cultural Diffusion, Conflict, Kingdom and Empires, Social Classes, Tech advances, and Government

What was the major shift in society that takes us from the Paleolithic Age to the Neolithic Age?


During the Paleolithic time period why were men and women totally equal?

Both occupations were equally important for the survival of their group. Equal status.

Egyptian Inventions and Creativity

Calendar and Mathematics Best Doctors Beer Air Conditioning -Artwork


Capital City of Mesopotamia, held the most extensive library.


EVIL, killed and enslaved civilizations, but they were lovers of knowledge.

What is man's greatest invention?

Farming -done by women -worked with seeds

What is man's greatest discovery?

Fire -man became #1 dominant species -cooking; helped man digest faster -helped developed minds (communication) -fire allowed man move to cold and survive


First to develop coin money, money economy, changed world, and built trade system based on faith.

Hammurabi's Code

First written laws and legal system. Rich had money to pay off and were offered less aggressive punishment whereas poor people had no money and were usually put to death.

Why are ancient civilizations and many of our cities today located on water ways?

Fresh water, irrigation, resources, and transportation.


God (light) vs. Evil (darkness)- people can choose but God will eventually Triumph, New Testament Christianity, Good vs. Bad Gods---Mazdah vs. Ahriman (monotheistic)

Describe Hebrews and Babylonians once the Hebrews were captured

Hebrews were captured and brought to Babylon and ended up written the Old Testament and they were disgusted at the Babylonians who partied and drank all the time and had fathers that sold their daughters as prostitutes.


Held the bodies of Pharaohs

What is man's greatest legal advancement?

Innocent until proven guilty -written laws -jury system works on it

Describe isolation in Egypt

Isolation kept out invaders and allowed Egyptians to develop their identity. The isolation help for the Egyptians to share their cultural diffusions through trade, and the Egyptians had say in who entered and left in the Sinai Peninsula.

What is man's greatest advancement for the spread of knowledge?

Johann Gutenberg -The printing press (internet)

King Tut

King Tut restored Polytheism, died by a broken leg infection, and he is famous for the gold found in his tomb.


Last Babylonian King

How was the political climate different in Mesopotamia and Egypt?

Mesopotamia had Kings--war and Egypt had Pharaohs--stable.

How did geography allow Mesopotamia and Egypt to develop Differently?

Mesopotamia was harsher and the Nile River flooded two times a year, they mainly had desert land and built with mud from water in canals. Egypt was easier because the Nile Vally had every resource they needed.

How did Egypt and Mesopotamia views on religion differ?

Mesopotamian Gods were mean and they did not believe in Heaven. Egyptian Gods were nicer and they believed in Heaven.

How did the rivers contribute to different attitudes toward life in Mesopotamia and Egypt?

Mesopotamian rivers flooded 2 times a year and made life hard. Egypt had plenty of good life and the Nile River.

What is macro and micro evolution?

Micro evolution is the study of changes within some species. Macro study of one species to a next (ex. monkey to human).

What is man's greatest economic advancement?


Egyptian Religion

Osiris-father (God of underworld; nice; key for eternity) Isis-mother (Controlled all elements of Earth, popular Horus-son Set-evil (only evil God) Amon-Re (Sun God; powerful; gift of life) Aten-late (Monotheistic)

How was Persian treatment of people in their civilization different than other groups during this time period?

Persians were more tolerant whereas other civilizations were more vicious.


Ramsies lived to be almost 100 years old, ruled for 67 years, was associated with Moses, he was a great Pharaoh, but led to the decline of Egypt because he spent money on himself and fought bad wars.

What was the relationship between all the groups of people living in Mesopotamia?

The people were always aggressive and fought a lot.

What does the temple being the largest structure in the early civilizations tell us about these civilizations?

The temples tell us that worship and religion was very important.


Took over, first to make extensive use of iron weapons, Premeditation: "Did you thing about the act before it happened?"


Took over, tolerant, religion compared to Christians, from Northern Europe are; different but similar to Greeks and Northern Indians, located in Iran.

Unique human characteristics that animals do not have.

Truly opposable fingers (thumb) Blushing

Why did early civilizations start near river valleys?

Water had rich soil, building resources and animals.


Ziggurats- place of worship (similar to pyramid) and housed deities, first wheel was found, used sun-dried bricks, good with math and astronomy. Polytheistic--mean Gods; did not believe in Heaven or Hell, no moral reason to be good on Earth.

Describe the Nile River in Egypt

The Nile River was predictable and gentle flooding that replenished the soil and stone, provided planned irrigation which made crop production huge, and the river provided transportation North and South.

How does Hammurabi's Code differ from the United States Justice system?

The code believed in revenge, Eye for and Eye. U.S. has trials, then convictions.

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