World History Topic 1-6

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Which list has the correct arrangement of the hierarchy of the clergy?

(1) Pope/Patriarch, (2) Bishop, (3) Priest

Which democratic concept reflects Jude's-hristian influence?

A person is innocent until proven guilty.

Over time, social and cultural customs evolved into a system of national in India, in which

A person was born into a particular sub caste with its own occupation and leaders.

The style of this sculpture is an example of ______.

A realistic style of art

Which of the following is the best description of a ziggurat?

A religious temple

As Vedic people settled into farming communities, they developed

A tribal political system ruled by rajahs that later formed the basis for small independent kingdoms.

"Greece has conquered her rude conquered." -Horace What did the poet Horace mean by these words/

Although Rome conquered Greece, Rome adopted much of Greek culture.

Which of these scientists would be most interested in theorizing about human culture?


___ refers to the study of past people and cultures through their material remains.


How did the Persian War affect the balance of power among the Greek city-states?

Athens dominated over other city-states.

The given chart shows early hominid groups that are though to have lived during different time periods. What is the correct chronological sequence of the hominid groups, starting with the earliest? A) Homo sapiens B) Australopithecines C) Homo habilis

B, C, A

Why do scholars think that the cities of Huari and Tiahuanaco were affiliated either by trade or religion?

Because many of the same artistic styles appear at each city.

What purposes did the earthwork mounds of the Adena and Hopewell serve?

Burial mounds and building plateaus

Name the last ruler of Egypt

Cleopatra VII

This painting illustrates a pattern of Roman treatment of Christians that ended with the reign of Emperor


What is the Sumerian form of writing called?


The first civilizations in the America's differed from the first civilizations in Africa and Asia because they

Developed in mountain valleys, fertile lowlands, and highlands areas.

How was early Greek sculpture different from later Greek sculpture?

Early Greek sculpture showed rigid human forms, while later Greek sculpture showed idealized natural forms.

What conclusion can you draw from the map? [insert map]

Early Homo sapiens first lived in Africa and them migrated to other regions.

What might anthropologists learn about by studying the art in this image?

Early beliefs of animism.

Immediate changes in ancient civilizations were often caused by

Environmental changes and events

The Punic Wars were fought for which two of the following reasons?

Expansion of power and revenge

What two forms of drama did the Ancient Greeks develop?

Farce and melodrama; comedy and tragedy

What do archaeologists identify as one possible reason for the decline of the Indus civilization?

Farming became difficult due to factors such as decreased rainfall.

Which objects provided anthropologists with the first clues about the earliest humans?

Footprints, bones, and tools

"We, Constantine and Licinius the Emperors, having met in concord at Milan and having set in order everything which pertains to the common good and public security..." What did the document quoted here proclaim in the Roman Empire?

Freedom of worship to all citizens of the Roman Empire

In what way did Greece's crushing defeat by Philip II of Macedonia lead to a flowering of Greek culture?

Greek culture was spread throughout much of the world by Alexander.

Paul taught that people who believed in Jesus would

Have salvation.

What were the accomplishments of Archimedes?

He developed the lever and pulley and a mechanical pump to lift water.

Which BEST summarizes Alexander's attitude towards his Persian dominions/

He encouraged a blending of Greek and Persian customs

According to the text, what are some of the values apparent in the Iliad and the Odyssey?

Honor, courage, and eloquence

Which of the following is one of the possible theories about why people first settled in the Americas?

Humans crossed a land bridge that existed across what is now the Bering Strait.

According to Israelite belief, what was God's covenant with Abraham?

In the covenant, God promised to maintain a special relationship with the Israelites.

How did the potluck help the societies of the Northwest?

In the potluck ceremony, wealth was redistributed, creating balance within the tribes.

How did Hinduism originate?

It developed from the overlapping beliefs of different groups in India.

How does the Parthenon reflect balance and order in its architecture?

It is based on a rectangle and has tall columns leading to a gently sloping roof.

What is the significance of Jericho's structure?

It suggests that an early Neolithic village grew into a city.

Which BEST explains why Minoan civilization was able to develop its rich culture?

It's island location and trading activities allowed it to acquire ideas and technology from other civilizations.

According to Buddhism, which of the following was a way to reach full enlightenment?


Which occurrence led to the spread of Buddhism beyond India?

Missionaries and traders spread Buddhism to other parts of Asia.

How were the Moche able to farm along the air coast of Peru?

Moche farmers developed methods for fertilizing and used canals to irrigate that land

How did the Neolithic Revolution change how people lived?

People relied more on farming that hunting and gathering.

As long as citizens accepted the emperor was divine and honored Roman gods, Rome tolerated religious diversity. What practice helped support this religious tolerance?

Polytheists worshipped both the Roman gods alongside their own.

Mesopotamia faced various obstacles in its development. Which of the following was NOT one of them?

Poor irrigation systems; drought

Which of the following is one of the ways that climate and environment affected the development of civilization in North America?

Populations in the Northwest used their bountiful natural resources for food and trade.

In the four traditional varna described in the Vedas, the role of the Kshatriya was to

Protect and govern

In Hinduism, what is the role of reincarnation in achieving moksha?

Reincarnation allows one to work toward moksha through several lifetimes.

In China, alcohol was invented for which purpose?

Religious celebration

China used farming like many other civilizations. What as their type of farming called?


Which ruler was the first to unite the city states found in Mesopotamia?


"This is a fault common to all singers, that among their friends they never are inclined to sign when they are asked, but unasked, they never desist." -Horace This quotation that mocks human folly is best described as an example of


How did geographhy affect where ancient peoples settled on the Indian subcontinent?

Settlements developed in river valleys that were fertile for farming.

The founder of Buddhism was

Siddhartha Gautama

What is one reason why only a few Maya books on bark paper remain?

Spanish conquerors burned most of the books because they were not written by Christians.

Which role did a consul have?

Supervise government and command armies

How did the Ancestral Puebloans use their surrounding environment to create effective housing solutions?

The Ancestral Puebloans built stone houses against canyon walls.

What other cultures influenced Minoan civilization?

The Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations

From whom did the Romans adapt the architectural structure shown here? [pic of aqueduct]

The Etruscans

What is one of the technical achievements of the Inca?

The Inca mastered the art of weaving

What is one way in which the Olmec influenced the Maya and the Aztec?

The Olmec built the first Mesoamerican pyramids, a form used by both the Maya and the Aztec.

The large monuments and temples of the Olmec are evidence that

The Olmec developed an advanced civilization that was capable of organizing large pools of labor.

What is one of the policies of the Inca government that helped the emperor control his empire?

The Sapa Inca imposed to Incan language and religion throughout the empire.

According to Greek legend, what sets off the Trojan War?

The Trojan Paris kidnaps Helen, wife of a Greek king.

How were trials in Athens similar to trials in the United States today?

The accused was considered innocent until proven guilty.

Which of the following is one of the most important medical advances developed by the Inca?

The development of antiseptics and aesthetics for surgery

What is one of the values revealed through the Indian epics?

The importance of duty over personal desires

What is the main difference between the Aztec and Maya regarding the governing of their societies?

The maya lived in individual city-states, while the Aztec were unified under one leader.

What is anthropology?

The study of the origins and development of people and their societies

How does the Socratic method of teaching work?

The teacher asks a series of questions, which causes students to question their own assumptions.

Based on this map, which phrase correctly describes obstacles to Hannibal's invasion strategy? [insert pic 'Growth of Roman Power to 44 BC']

The terrain in northern Spain and northwestern Italy

"For, you see, the death of Tiberius Gracchus and indeed earlier the whole conduct of his tribunate divided one people into two parts." - Marcus Tullius Cicero, Roman statesman and lawyer The two groups of people Cicero refers to in the quotation are

The wealthy and the poor

Which of the following did the Egyptians NOT invent?

The wheel

How did the extensive use of slave labor hurt small farmers?

The y could not compete with the cheap food slave labor on latifundio produced.

As villages threw into cities, social organization became more complex. People were ranked according to

Their jobs.

How did King Solomon's death affect the Israelites?

Their kingdom split into two parts.

Why did the Mycenaeans come to power in the mainland and Crete?

Their markets were the most prosperous.

What made the Israelites unique as an ancient civilization?

They believed in only one God.

How did geographical features, including mountains and the sea, affect Greek city-states' development?

They developed separately

As methods of cultural diffusion, what do migration, trade, and warfare have in common?

They each cause interaction between people from different cultures.

What do the Ten Commandments teach?

They guide Jews in how to worship God and treat other people.

Why were soldiers and merchants unsatisfied by the aristocratic government in Athens?

They thought that they should have more rights.

How did Thucydides' experiences affect his writing?

Thucydides lived through the Peloponnesian Wars and wrote about the horror of war.

What was the initial purpose of the Iroquois League in the Northeast?

To prevent war amongst tribes in the Iroquois cultural group

What is the final goal of Buddhists?

To reach nirvana through virtuous living and meditation.

Which essential urban need was met by the building of aqueducts?

clean water

One of the basic features of civilization is

organized governments.

In spite of their differences, what did the Greek city-states share?

religious beliefs and heroic legends

An example of the spread of mathematical ideas that occurred in classical Greece is

the Arabic versions of Euclid's work.

What was an important result of the reign of Alexander the Great?

the spread of Greek culture from the Mediterranean to the Middle East

"A larger Neolithic site is... in modern-day Turkey. It dates back to about 7,200 BC and may have had a population of of 6,500 people. The village included hundreds of rectangular mud-brick house, all connected and all about the same size." Which village is being described in this text?


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