World Literature test 2
Themes of Virgils Aeneid were:
- the rights and wrongs of empire and colonialism - are civilizations ever founded without enormous personal and military cost?
what does Achilles do when Priam offers a treasure chest to him in exchange for Hectors body?
Achilles hugs him and they weep for all they've lost in the war
Medeas grandfather who gives her the flying chariot
what gifts does Medea give the princess
a delicate robe (dress) and a crown
another name for Athena- the virgin goddess
Jasons weakness
how does Medea appear to Jason after the death of their sons
in a winged chariot above the house with the boys bodies
leading citizen of Troy;
who says "that is the strongest safeguard there is: when a wife always sides with her husband"
medeas nurse
purpose of Aeneid
story that helps to shape and create roman identity; Aeneas is not from Rome but comes to shape Rome
"I fear the greeks especially bearing gifts" hurled a spear into the Trojan horse's side; because of this, him and his 2 sons were killed by two serpents
how does Medea claim male values of honor for herself and for all women
"I would rather face battle 3 times than go through childbirth once"
"wisdom" "cleverness"
reasons for wearing masks at the theater
- actors could play multiple characters - accustics- strength of actors voices - created megaphones
Plays performed at the Athenian Festival
- taught moral education for decision making (religion) - teaches what happens to people outside of Athens who break rules - learn from others mistakes
what happens at the end of book 1 of the Aenied
-the trojan refugees have been sailing the seas for 7 years harassed by Juno (Hera) ; similar to Odysseus sailing the seas being harassed by Poseidon - Aeneas and his refugees are the guests of Dido at Carthage; having a feast (party) -Dido asks Aeneas to tell the story of the trojan war and the fall of troy (like Alkinoos having Odysseus tell his story)
ways audience gets information at the theater
1. action (almost none, wore masks) 2. dialogue
how is Medea marked as an outsider
1. as a woman in a male-dominated world 2. as a foreigner or "barbarian" in a Greek city 3. as a smart person surrounded by fools
what does Jason say Medea got out of him being saved
1. living in Greece 2. justice and the rule of law 3. being well known for her cleverness
what are the most important themes in Medea
1. the opposition of order and chaos 2. the idea of time, especially the reversal of time 3. to undo time through violence 4. an attempt at justice, a restoration of order out of chaos 5. the apparently weaker members of a community (women and foreigners) may be smarter than their masters, and may, if pushed far enough, rise up to destroy their oppressors
70-19 BCE, greatest writer of the Roman Empire
who says "sorrow, unspeakable sorrow, my queen, you ask me to bring to life once more, how the Greeks uprooted Troy in all her power" "iron hearted Ulysses"
Aeneas is speaking to Dido
Jason credits which god(dess) for saving his life
who says, "a hot-tempered woman is easier to guard against than a silent, clever one"
Creon to Medea
who finds the brides body
Creon; gets tangled up in the poisoned robes
who are the enemies of Troy
Hera and Athena- spurned over the golden apple -helped the greeks beat Troy
Jason compares himself to him- an enchantress singer and devoted husband
Jason's hometown
Jason's uncle; stole Jason's throne; sent Jason on quest for Golden Fleece guarded by a dragon; killed by Medea
what God is against Aeneis and why
Juno; judgement of Paris - Paris (prince of Troy) gave the golden apple to Aphrodite, Juno (Hera) never forgave -Aeneis is Trojan; revenge and grudges not limited to one person
King of Troy, father of Hector and Paris - asks Sinon for the lies about the horse
third agon
Medea is calm; Jason is raving and shouting
first agon
Medea is emotional, angry, raving, insulting; Jason is calm
who does Aeneas say helped the greeks build the trojan horse?
Minerva (Athena)
how did Pelias die
On the promise of Medea, Pelias' daughters cut their father into pieces and boiled him alive to attempt to give him youth and immortality
how does Priam (the king) die
Pyrrhus stabs him with a sword after killing his son Polites at the altar
who from the odyssey does Jason compare Medea to
Who does Medea call upon for help/guidance
Themis- goddess of order and lawfulness Artemis- protector of virgins and women in childbirth
what does Minerva say will happen if the horse is violated
Troy would be destroyed, their grandsons would be doomed
what is the difference between the Odyssey and the Aeneid
Virgil isn't part of the oral tradition; first person story teller starting the Aeneid
who does Medea keep calling on to notice her suffering
At the end of Medea, the chorus explains what to the audience
Zeus (the gods) are always watching over; what we expect does not come about -Jason thinking everything would be fine if he breaks his vows and finds another wife - Medea expecting to do people wrong and murdering her own family and expecting to live a happy life - Chorus promising not to say anything but not knowing how vicious Medeas plans actually are -Creon letting Medea stay not expecting her to have vengeance on her in one day; marrying his daughter to Jason with no consequences
what type of animal is Medea compared to
a bull or lioness
the greeks
all about polis's; not united, members of a polis- killed men and enslaved women and children, didn't give people a choice
what does Medea say is the boundless source of evil
author of Medea (owes his epic to Homer)
Ancient Athenian Drama
before the invention of tragedy rhapsodes recited parts of the Illiad & the Odyssey
best preserved theater in the ancient world
how was Rome founded
by the people who fled Troy, the trojans wandered the sea after the war and founded the city of Rome -Romans can trace their history back to the Trojan war and are intimately connected to the greek gods from the beginning of epic poetry
How Jason says Medea betrayed him
cursing the royal family
distrustful, "fling it into the sea or torch the thing to ash or bore into the depths of its womb where men can hide"
duty, loyalty; chief roman virtue; how you act in all relationships
ex. Jason; skilled speaker
fast speech, dialogue with 2 characters speaking alternate verses
what happens when the Greeks steal the shrine of Pallas
fire shot from its eyes, it started to sweat, and the goddess appears with a sword and shield and warns them to make an atonement
first ship constructed by Jason for the quest of the golden fleece
why does Jason say Medea is being exiled
for her pointless rants
Exposition through dialogue
giving background information through speech or dialogue
what does Zeus say doubles the suffering of mankind
greed and folly (foolishness) ; Creon lets Medea stay another day even though he says he knows its not a good idea
greek term for struggle or contest; FORMAL DEBATE
who/ what does medea say she gave up for jason
her friends and her home
when speaking to Creon, what does Medea say gets her in trouble
her reputation
what means most to Creon
his children, his home a close second
how does Medea tell Jason he will die a fitting death for a coward
hit in the head by a piece of argo
island off the coast of Troy where the greeks wait
king of Athens, provides Medea with a place of refuge, desires children
King Aeetes
king of Colchis; Medeas father; son of Helios; killed all foreigners who came to the kingdom; told Jason he could have the fleece is he could harness his fire breathing bulls, plow up a field, and sow it with dragon's teeth- if not, he would cut out tongues and lop off hands
largest city festival of Athenian Culture where people would recite/ perform stories
the romans
members of the cosmo polis, cosmopolitan; privileged the empire- same equal rights as anyone born in Rome itself -gave people a choice to fight or join the Roman empire (soon became huge) took what was good from other cultures and incorporated it into their own
mythical idea of a storyteller in ancient greece to whom the homeric ideas are attributed
what advice does Apollo tell Aegeus
not to untie the foot of the wineskin- not to sleep with any woman until he returned home because the next woman he sleeps with will bear him a son
place where the action occurs, allows for the revelation of inner thoughts
what does Apollos oracle say they have to do in order to sail home
sacrifice a greek life (Agamemnon, a greek soldier, sacrificed his virgin daughter to allow the winds to blow them to Troy)
says to drag the Trojan horse inside the walls
Medea plans to kill Creon, his daughter, and Jason by
setting their house on fire, stabbing them in the liver, or poison them with drugs
Why doesn't Medea refute with Jason
she says Zeus already knows how he was treated by her and what he did; reminds Jason of breaking his promise to the Gods to be faithful to Medea
Pyrrus (Neoptolimous)
son of achilles, name means fire because he burns the city of Troy - compared to a snake in the spring who just shed his skin; like achilles born again
who does Medea speak to and what does she say after Creon agrees to let her stay one more day
speaking to the chorus- "he is such a credulous fool. would i have fawned on him like that without something to gain or a secret plan?"
how did Medea kill her sons
stabbing them with a sword
Virgil gets his inspiration for the Aeneid from
the Illiad and the Odyssey (greek)
where did the Romans get their religion
the greeks; changed names
what does Hector say is the reason they could not retreat from Troy
the heavy seas and winds kept them ashore
who describes the death of Jason's new bride to Medea
the messenger
Why does Medea say the death of her sons is worth it
the pain is worth it if it kills his laughter
to whom is Medea speaking to when she says "of all living, breathing, thinking creatures, women are the most absolutely wreched" and "I would rather face battle 3 times than go through childbirth once"
the women of Corinth
why do the trojans have to "breach their own ramparts?"
they have to knock a hole in the wall in order to let the horse in because it is too wide to get through the gate
why/how does Virgil re-write history
to justify the 100 years war by connecting it to earliest founders of Rome itself
difference in literature starting with medea
went from oral tradition- to written tradition (has an author)