World Religions Semester 1 Sets

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From which country did Taoism originate?


According to Zoroastrian belief, who is Ahura Mazda?

Creator and supreme god


Credited with the theory that all matter is made from small particles.


Liberated souls

The ultimate goal of a Buddhist is to reach ____________?


Things required for worship

right intentions, words spoken from the heart, performing the purification rituals correctly.

Rule by one, if evil or bad, can lead to _____ .


Modern Political Religions

"Partisans of revolution, reform and counter-revolution think they have left religion behind, when all they have done is renew it in shapes they fail to recognize...Modern politics has also been shaped by an older way of thinking."14

The term Asha is a core doctrine of the Zoroastrian belief system. What three key principles does Asha convey to its followers?

1. Order 2. Truth 3. Righteousness

Choose four common influencers of a person's worldview.

1. parents/close relatives 2. friends and peers 3. teachers and education 4. media and news

Which of the following is NOT a way to reach liberation within the Taoist religion?


What are the three primary approaches all of us take when making decisions?

Answer 1: indecision Answer 2: passive decision making Answer 3: active decision making

According to Buddhist tradition, the Wheel of Dharma is the ultimate symbol of their faith because each spoke of the wheel represents one of the steps of the Noble ____________ Paths.


The prophet Zoroaster composed seventeen hymns that convey visions of God and his purposes. What are those hymns referred to as?


Who wrote, or is credited with writing, On Non-Being or On Nature?


In the Hindi culture, there is a law of cause and effect based on one's actions or deeds. What is that law called?


Hinduism at its core is very ______________.

Polytheistic (belief in multiple gods)

When we discuss worldview, "the fundamental truths on which Buddhism is founded are not metaphysical or theological, but rather ____________"?


What is Pythagoras remembered for?

Pythagorean Theorem


Questioned the purpose of life and taught that people should seek pleasure and avoid pain.

According to the Monotheistic view, God is regarded as the Creator of the world and all of humanity in it. So, not only did He create the world, but He also did what?

Set the world in motion and gave it social order.

Select the three most important and famous philosophers from ancient Greece.

Socrates Plato Aristotle

Kami are not necessarily deities. In fact, anything - humans, animals, trees, plants, rocks, mountains, seas - which appears impressive, inspires a sense of awe, or exhibits a life force, may be Kami. Therefore, Kami are classified in three ways. Which of the below is NOT one of those classifications?

Spiritual Kami


Student of Socrates who participated in the military and became a historian.


Student of Socrates whose works are still used today when we study Greek philosophy. He wrote in dialogues where characters would go back and forth asking questions.

Which of the following became commonplace in ancient Mesopotamia?

Temple worship

Even though the religious works were originally handed down orally, what eventually became the key text of Zoroastrian teachings?

The Avesta

Loa Dan, the founder of Taoism, produced a text of his philosophies known today as Tao Te Ching. Loosely translated, what does Tao Te Ching mean?

The Book of the Way

The Jain Flag

The colors are red, yellow, white, green, and black. The colors are each a stripe on the flag with the swastika in the middle.


The religion of the Iranian Tribes which is named after a man who did not even support the religion. The official religion of the Persian Empire.


The rule of cause and effect due to one's actions. It is believed in Hinduism if you do something bad or good, the same will be done to you.


The set of beliefs, politics, ethics, and morals that left an impression throughout Asian countries. Confucianism could mean something different to each individual.


The sky-god or deified ancestor referenced in the Analects.


The soul within each person which is destined to be united with Brahman. The highest knowledge one can achieve is realizing the atman is meant to unite with Brahman so one can achieve their true self.


The state of the atman and Brahman being united. To achieve Nirvana a Hindu must go through Moksha to be liberated from Samsara.

What great Christian thinker wrote Summa Theologica, in which he expanded Christian teaching on social ethics? The fundamental ethic notion was the necessity of law and the public good.

Thomas Aquinas

Ancient Skeptics

Those who questioned if we should worry or give deep thought into anything of the world. They pondered what was real and claimed we should live in tranquility.

Who was the religious reformer who accepted much of the faith into which he was born, but transformed those beliefs into this new religion?


The Judeo-Christian Ethic teaches that morality is____ and ____.


To understand the worldview of someone with animism, you should consider that they look at living things on the earth as being truly ______.


Comparative Ethics

also known as Descriptive Ethics, focuses on comparing and describing a culture's ethics. Anthropologists often use this approach in their studies. They are more concerned about what people groups do rather than what they ought to do.


bad deeds

Five Pillars of Islam

belief, worship, fasting, almsgiving, and pilgrimage

What timespan does ancient history typically cover?

c. 3500 BC - c. 500 AD

Much evidence suggests that caves were used for conducting rituals by shamans. The most convincing evidence is .

cave art


good deeds



The ancient world was known for worshipping millions of deities.


In the world of shamanism, the Shaman is the key holder to this way of life because it is the Shaman who .

interacts with the spirit world.


rule by a few


rule by many

New Atheism

sees "religion as a system of beliefs, they have attacked it as if it was no more than an obsolete scientific theory. Hence the 'God debate' is a tedious re-run (and...) squabble between science and religion."11


the true righteousness that Zoroastrians hope to reach by praying and reading the Avesta.

consequentialist (Teleological)

who tells the truth, does so because it produces the best results, not because there is a moral obligation to tell the truth (Deontological). Of course, they could also justify lying if it, in fact, produced better results (perhaps more sales of a product or you received a higher grade).

According to Karl Marx, "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the ______ of a heartless world, and the _____ of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people."


Secular Humanism

"Having repudiated monotheism, they imagine they stand outside the view of the world that monotheism expressed. But while they may have rejected monotheism beliefs, they have not shaken off the monotheistic way of thinking. The belief that humans are gradually improving is a central article of faith of modern humanism."12

Religion from Science

"There have been many modern cults of science." Many believe the world can be saved through knowledge (or the sciences) instead of a deity.13

Match the three steps needed to successfully use critical thinking as a process to their respective descriptions. 1. rehearse 2. reflect 3. reason

1. recognizing and evaluating opinions and so-called evidence 2. looking back on the meaning and significance of statements and ideas 3. testing the reasonableness of statements and ideas

Match the various forms of government responsible for upholding the law to their corresponding description, 1. monarchy 2. aristocracy 3. democracy

1. rule by one 2. rule by a few 3. rule by many


A book full of compilations of Zoroaster's teachings.


A person's philosophy of life. A framework a person brings to decision making. A filter or lens which a person uses to interpret life and the world around them.

Mystical Atheism

An atheist who has a mystical experience that doesn't involve a god or deity. Such experiences can awaken feelings that are sacred or holy.17

In Buddhism, the Four Noble Truths are considered the truths or realities for spiritually worthy people. From each list, choose one of those Four Noble Truths.

Answer 1: Life consists of suffering (Pain, misery, sorrow, etc.) Answer 2: We suffer because we desire things which are not permanent Answer 3: The way to liberate oneself from suffering is to eliminate desire Answer 4: Desire can be eliminated by following the Eightfold Path

Shamanism is a religious practice by which a trained expert is believed to interact with and influence the spirit world through a trance-like or meditative state.

Answer 1: a trained expert Superb! Answer 2: spirit world

What is the term in Hindi culture that represents "a righteousness or duty"?


Sharia law

Islamic teachings claim that each person has the moral responsibility within themselves to submit to the will of Allah and to follow all the other moral and ethical commandments within Islamic law


The behavior an individual or community needs to make to maintain the natural order of the universe in order to maintain harmony rather than disaster.


The cycles of birth, death, and rebirth which happen until the atman realizes it is Brahman.


The earthly guides who lead the nuns and monks.


The followers of the conquerors.


The highest supreme being.

The Three Holy Ones

The most recognized Chinese religious leaders which include Confucius, Gautama Buddha, and Lao Dan.


The principle that true goodness is shown by the treatment towards others. This is the most important Confucian virtue.


The teachers of the monks and nuns.

The term henotheism is a branch of polytheism, and it basically means what?

There is one supreme god who rules over many gods.

Which book was considered the "holy book" of the ancient world?

There was no holy book of the ancient world.

Rejections of the idea of a creator-god

This can be through disbelief in, or denial of, the existence of God or gods. This is often accompanied by a predisposed belief towards structured religion or religious practices.16

Moral Argument

This viewpoint is based on a moral order of the universe. For instance, considering that some form of morality exists throughout nature, then God is the only explanation for its morality, which concludes that God must therefore exist.11


This virtue commands respect towards parents and to care for their wellbeing. This virtue is about the love within the family.


This word means illusion. Hindus believe the natural world is an illusion or dream-like state.

According to the lesson, ancient Mesopotamia is the area developed between what two geographic features?

Tigris River and Euphrates River

In Jainism, there is a doctrine called Multiplicity of Viewpoints, which advocates ______________ towards other religious viewpoints.


Animism is the belief that all objects, places, and even creatures possess a unique spiritual soul.


Sikhism is sometimes described as the newest and smallest of the world's religions.





is the branch of ethics that focuses on the scope and meaning of moral language, the foundation or source of morality, and the reasoning behind ethics statements. For example, Meta-ethics would focus on defining good and evil terms, right and wrong, and concepts such as justice. When a person says, "I believe murder is wrong," this approach would examine what was meant by that statement. Is murder truly an evil act, or are they just expressing an emotional response to an individual's death?

Virtue Ethics

is the branch of ethics that focuses on the virtues produced in people rather than being based on the morality of particular decisions or actions. These virtues, which are incorporated into a person's life, will help determine or evaluate ethical behavior.

Zoroastrian Heptad

made up of God, Ahura Mazda, Spenta Mainya, Khshathra, Haurvatat, Armaiti, Ameretat, Vohu Manah, and Asha.


meaning to free


popular by the Roman Historian Seneca and the emperor Marcus Aurelius. Stoics downplayed the importance of human emotions and instead emphasized human reason as the basis for moral decision-making and the pursuit of wisdom as the highest good. The virtuous person was the person who lived according to reason and was not controlled by emotional desires.4 The Stoics' emphasis on human reason gave rise to the notion that all human beings' equality was based on their capacity to reason. All men have the capacity to reason and are equal in their ability to make moral choices.

As mentioned in the lesson content, what are some helpful tools for studying religions? (Choose the best four from the ones given below).

religious texts respected historical research presented in acknowledged journal articles, academic treatises, and other published information historical timelines of religious development geographic and demographic facts that are related to specific religions

Religious beliefs

specific ideas and truths that members hold to be essential when connecting to a specific religion. These types of ideas include doctrine, confessions of faith, rules, and similar commonly held truths.

Religious experience

the sensations and feelings people have when connected to the divine or force that is a basis for religious deference or respect for a specific deity. These include such things as prayer, meditation, out-of-body experiences, trances, dreams, and similar.

What group of Roman philosophers downplayed the importance of human emotions, and instead emphasized human reason as the basis for moral decision-making and the pursuit of wisdom as the highest good?

the stoics

Religious rituals

these are actions that are expected or required for members of a group to follow when practicing a certain religion or faith system. These include sacraments, posture and orientation when praying, sacrifices, and related actions that display conformity.

There are two key words in Jainism that you should avoid getting confused about, Jina and Jain. Jinas are the _____________, and the Jains are their ______________.


Sikhism is a polytheistic religion.


Dao became another expression for God, and the teachings of nonaction and going along with the flow were understood as a way to achieve mystical union with God. In addition, __________ and _________ offerings offer certain leverage to engaging the deities, but these sacrifices are not always required.

Food and drink


Group who devoted themselves to the study of mathematics and are credited with discovering irrational numbers.

On four separate occasions, the prince left the comforts of his lavash palace surroundings to explore the outside world. Which of the following did he NOT see on his excursions?

Lame dog

A Jina is the highest supreme being in the Jainism religion. Their mission is accomplished, and they are the ____________ souls.


Which famous historical figure's non-violence beliefs were rooted in Jainism?

Mahatma Gandhi

The Holy Books of Confucianism

Main goal is to capture what having a good moral character means and how to live in harmony with the world.


Man who was born into polytheistic faiths, but disagreed with the sacrifice of animals and intoxicants used during rituals. He began his own belief system after a spiritual experience and did not over-ritualize the ceremonies.

Who was the founder of Hinduism?

None of these

In the Hindu religion, Brahmins are considered to be ____________ and use many elaborate rituals when carrying out their vocation.


Plato's most famous dialogue written is _______________________.


What popular art form originated out of Taoism?


Which word best completes this statement: Because I have a _________, I have a particular philosophy by which I live my life.


Philosphy, from the Greek, by way of Latin means _________________.

"love of wisdom"

The Five Works

- Five classic Chinese manuscripts that Confucius was associated with. These include the Book of Odes, the Book of Changes, the Book of Rites, the Book of History, and the Spring and Autumn Annals.

Zoroastrianism's core teachings include the threefold Path of Asha. This includes: "Good_____, Good______, Good______."

1. Thoughts 2. Words 3. Deeds

What three ideas sum up what is or what influences a person's worldview? 1. A person's philosophy of life. 2. A framework that a person brings to ______ 3. A _________which a person uses to interpret life and the world around them.

1. philosophy 2. decision-making 3. filter or lens

Match the three broad dimensions of thinking to their respective description. 1. reflective dimension 2. creative dimension 3. critical dimension

1. ponders experience and identifies challenges 2. produces relevant ideas for meeting challenges 3. evaluates the ideas and decides which is best

Socratic method

A shared dialogue between a teacher and a student where both ask questions to try and further the discussion and deep thinking.

For many centuries, Jainistic teachings were passed down orally because monks and nuns were not allowed to own religious books. As a result, some teachings were lost or forgotten. Eventually, a religious council decided to piece together the oral traditions to form an official written set of doctrines. What is the name of that set of texts?



Ancient Greek philosopher who taught Plato, Aristophanes, and Xenophon. The only reliable information directly about Socrates comes from a play that Aristophanes wrote.

The term "ethics" originated with the .

Ancient Greeks

remains a primary worldview of the Shamanistic belief system.


As a religion, Shintoism teaches to respect nature because "everything in nature is the transformation and creation of kami, therefore the sacredness of kami dwells within it." Based on this analysis, Shinto by definition is a very ____________ culture.


After wandering through northern India in search of enlightenment, Siddhartha Gautama finally achieved that state. He then became known as "the Enlightened One," or more commonly known as ______________.


Because there wasn't a set of rules or guidelines to follow in Shintoism, some followers claimed Shinto was unable to provide worshippers with practical help and support in their lives. As a result, many supporters began to gravitate towards other religions. Which other world religion eventually grew into a dominant Japanese religious tradition?


What type of tier system is used amongst the people groups of the Hindu culture? Remember, based on this social order, and where one falls in line, it can determine how society treats them.

Caste system

Near-eastern mythology seven stages

Chaos (pre-creation) The emergence of the creator The creation of the world and its inhabitants The reign of the sun god (Ra) The period of direct rule by other deities The period of rule by semi-divine kings (history) The return to chaos3

What two actions are you, as a student, expected to do while completing this course?

Complete all course work to the best of your ability and not copy the work of others. Follow all of the guidelines regarding the completion of coursework.

A core belief held by the people in Zoroaster's day is that their gods were ____________, not local divinities.


What is the oldest written script that the Sumerians invented sometime around 3000 BC?


The word ___________, used in Buddhism, is loosely translated as "the Doctrine," which refers to the "Four Noble" truths. That word takes on various meanings based on the culture or context, but it essentially refers to a truth that is common or well-known to all people.




According to tradition, through the practice of Chinkon one can break through the wall of other dimensions existing in their own minds, thus entering the worlds of spirits and kami, which is the means to a true state of enlightenment. What might another phrase for Chinkon be?

Extreme concentration

An ancient skeptic believed the world operated on a web of cause and effect, which resulted in a rational structure of the universe called Logos, and while they could not control what happened to them, they could control their own reaction.


Which of the following is NOT one of the Five Great Vows?



German philosopher, author, and cultural critic who did not go along with traditional religious and cultural norms.

Weltanschauung is a word first coined by , an eighteenth-century philosopher who wrote the Critique of Judgment in 1790. It means "intuition of the world" or "worldview."

Immanuel Kant

Even though Hinduism is a cornucopia of beliefs, in which country did it originate?


Which country was greatly affected by and ultimately shaped through the religion of Shintoism?


The Stoics believed which of the following virtues needed to be used as a filter to respond to everything that happened to them:

Justice Wisdom Temperance Courage

One might say that the term Shinto was "developed in order to identify the native tradition centered on the local deities, or ___________."


__________ is a key feature within the Jainism religion. For the Jain, good ones are called Punyas, whereas bad ones are called Papas. Either way, they are inevitable.


The founder of Jainism lived about 500 years before Jesus Christ and about 1100 years before the Prophet Muhammad. What was his name?

Lord Mahavira

Basics of Decision Making

Mapping - focus on a problem or decision and create a map from the problem to the various solutions and either deleting or escalating possible solutions based on expected results Pro/Con lists - make lists of possible effects of any solution to a problem as either positive or negative and then weighing both sides Decision trees - Selecting whether or not to do something (choosing to act or not on a problem) versus choosing the best option (weighing the possible solutions and choosing the best) by diagraming the possible outcomes Setting deadlines - knowing you must make a decision, set a deadline, and carefully view possible outcomes, and decide on something by the deadline Prioritizing - Spending appropriate time on decisions that are essential and long-reaching, and less time on those that are merely preferences or likes

Buddhism was founded by Siddhartha Gautama. What type of family background was he born into? Choose the two best words that relate to his early life.

Sheltered and Royalty


Studied under Plato and then went onto teach Alexander the Great. He wrote on subjects such as marine science, metaphysics, and numbers.

The Four Books

The Four Books of Confucianism include the Great Learning, the Doctrine of the Mean, the Mencius, and the Analects


The Hindu god who is associated with creation

Cosmological Argument

The basic claim is that all things found in nature depend on something else for their existence. By default, the entire world (or cosmos) must depend on an independent being for its existence too. Therefore, the existence of a god (or supreme being) is inferred.9

Which statement best describes the concept of "Theism?"

The belief in the existence of a god or gods.


The conquerors, spiritual victors, and gurus.

Which describes the basis of the Socratic method of teaching?

The dialogue among the group of participants drives the inquiry into the topic.

Match the following to their best definition: cosmos God(s) monotheism polytheism Atheism

The entire world supernatural beings there is only one God There are many gods Absence of belief in God or gods

rule of law

The law's purpose is to promote justice, fairness, and equity among people who are equals.

The Analects

The main source for Confucius's thoughts. The Analects can also be called the Lunya. They address what makes a man good and what makes a good government.


The way of thinking, believing, and practicing. Jain also means follower of Jina. A person who has faith in the teachings of Jina.


Traditional ceremonies or rituals passed down through generations.

In your own words, what is the "Socratic Problem"?

Your Answer: The Socratic problem is that there is no reliable information about Socrates other than that from his students such as the play where he was a character in it.


critic means to judge or to discern, to make sense of, or to recognize and comprehend.


divided into two main perspectives: epistemology (knowledge and how something can be known?) and ontology (what exists and what does not exist?). Naturalism's basic tenets are that science is the source for what can be known and what does and does not exist. Only that which can be known through the senses exists. Humanity is autonomous, and yet through cooperation and consensus, progress can be experienced. Examples of worldviews that have been derived from naturalistic ideas include secular humanism, materialism, and nihilism.


rule by one


ruled by few If the government was controlled by a small group of people with all the power

Shamanistic rituals often take on different performances based on .

the nationality or region of the native people

Match each quote to its source. 1. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. 2. There is one thing higher than Royalty: and that is religion, which causes us to leave the world, and seek God. 3. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.

1. United States Constitution 2. Queen Elizabeth II of England 3. Karl Marx

Considering the video on heuristics and biases based on intuition and bad judgment, complete the following statements correctly. 1. Loss aversion is based on prior experience instead of 2. A conjunction fallacy occurs when a person chooses 3. The anchoring effect is a heuristic bias that may cause you to make bad choices because you are overly influenced by

1. careful and logical analysis. 2. Less likely options based on wrong assumptions. 3. initial information that influences how much you will pay for something.

For each statement given that represents a worldview on a particular subject, choose the best answer that relates to one of the worldviews presented in the lessons this week - naturalism, theism, and pantheism. 1. Some have concluded that matter has always existed, and given enough time and chance, the result is what you see around you today. 2. Everything has always been in existence and is a part of god. No special creation occurred. It has always been in existence. pantheism 3. Contends that everything that exists, including humans, results from God, the Creator. 4. Although the Earth and animals are not to be worshipped, mankind is responsible for taking care of God's creation. 5. Darwinism is often viewed, regardless of its flaws, as the only legitimate approach to understanding how mankind arrived on this planet. 6. Humans and animals have a similar essence and should be regarded as partners searching for eternal oneness. 7. Consider all life to be sacred or spiritual in nature. 8. Contend that life is not sacred, and believe that abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia under certain circumstances should be de-criminalized where the current law is in place. 9. God is eternal, and mankind is a special creation of God.

1. naturalism 2. pantheism 3. theism 4. theism 5. naturalism 6. pantheism 7.pantheism 8. naturalism 9. theism

What are four broad classifications of ethics? Match the type to its description from the lesson on ethics. 1. Focuses on how to make moral decisions. This process produces norms or rules which guide decision-making. 2. Focuses on comparing and describing a culture's ethics. 3. The branch of ethics that focuses on the scope and meaning of moral language, the foundation or source of morality, and the reasoning behind ethics statements. 4. Focuses on the virtues produced in people rather than being based on the morality of particular decisions or actions.

1. normative ethics 2. comparative ethics 3. meta-ethics 4. virtue ethics

Match the three primary worldviews most prevalent in the West and around the world to its correct summary. 1. This worldview denies the existence of a personal God. Their basic belief in god includes the concept that all that exists is a part of god, used in the sense that the Universe and everything in it are sacred. There is a direct correlation and relationship between humans, animals, and everything that exists. 2. This worldview believes that "God exists." In particular, it is the belief that only one God exists. This God is usually personal and relates to mankind in specific and, in some cases, intimate ways. 3. This worldview begins with the presupposition that God does not exist (Atheism), and therefore knowledge and existence must be answered in natural terms, instead of supernatural terms and descriptions.

1. pantheism 2. theism 3. naturalism

Tradition claims that Ahura Mazda created other divinities to be his helpers. That group became known as the Zoroastrian Heptad. Along with Ahura Mazda, how many lesser gods make up the Heptad?


What two things set Shinto apart from other major world religions? Choose one Choose one

Answer 1: There are no religious texts. Answer 2: There are no set of rules to follow.

Which of the following world religions are considered to be polytheistic?

Answer 1: Buddhism Answer 2: Hinduism

What are the two bases for ethics for western civilization?

Answer 1: Greco-Roman philosophy Answer 2: Christian moral teaching

Deontological and teleological ethical systems deal with the rightness or wrongness of a decision or act. Deontological moral systems are characterized primarily by a focus upon adherence to ____________ Teleological moral systems are characterized primarily by a focus on the ____________ which any action might have.

Answer 1: moral rules or duties Answer 2: consequences

Because Shamanism stems from tapping into the power of nature for healing and spiritual knowledge, there is a higher significance placed on sacred locations than there is on sacred texts.

Answer 1: nature Answer 2: locations

Canaanite gods

Asherah -Associated with the morning star. Anath - A major goddess, associated with sexuality and violence. Baal - The most important deity, associated with storms, rain, and fertility. El - The elderly, wise father of the gods. Kothar - Associated with the underworld.

Mesopotamian gods

Assur - Patron deity of the Assyrian civilization. Ea (Enki) - Master of the primeval water abyss. Enfil - A powerful god and father of many gods. He guards the sacred Tablet of Destiny, which records the fate of everything. Ishtar - Goddess of fertility and war. Marduk - The God of the city of Babylon. Shamash - Mesopotamian sun-god (not to be confused with Ra, the Egyptian sun-god).

Astrology is the belief system that considers the positioning of planets and stars as having an effect on earthly events.


In his work, City of God, who developed a Christian understanding of social ethics? This work shifted the Christian focus on ethics from "well-being" to "well-doing."

Augustine of Hippo

Egyptians gods

Baal - "a Syrian storm and sky god." Benu Bird (Phoenix) - Said to be the oldest living creature, a type of heron. Isis is considered the "throne goddess" and the "mother of each Egyptian king." Maat - "goddess...(and) beloved daughter of Ra, the creator sun god." Magicians - "Ancient Egyptian heroes were usually magicians rather than warriors...At a time when reading was a rare skill, book learning of all kinds was associated with magic." Mut - "the Queen of the gods." Neper - "the god who personified the grain harvest." Osiris - "the 'great god' who ruled the Egyptian underworld." Ra - "The sun god who was the ultimate source of light, energy, and life...He ruled as King of the gods." Sokar - "the god of death" Sphinx - "a mythical beast with the body of a lion or lioness and the head of a different creature. The most common combination was the body of a lion and a human head with a face of a reigning king or queen." Thoth - "god of wisdom and secret knowledge who invented writing and the different languages of humanity."5

Design Argument

Based on intelligent design, a creator being must exist. For example, the universe is complex, like a machine or an eye; therefore, the universe must have a designer, God. Another name for this viewpoint is the Teleological Argument.10


Believed happiness was just how people reacted to situations. They believed living in harmony with everything that naturally happens is the best way to live.

The founders of Jainism and Buddhism (Lord Buddha) were contemporaries. Both religions were "born as a revolt against the ___________ tradition."

Brahmin (Hinduism)

In Jainism, there is no spiritual head. Instead, in their spiritual search, Jains go to their ________, which are essentially monks and nuns who practice all of the sacred vows.


Hindu scripture can be divided into two broad sections referred to as shruti and smriti. Loosely translated, they mean Heard and Remembered .

Heard Remembered

Hieroglyphics are inscriptions that were carved inside of pyramid tombs and became the "richest new source of evidence" for researching the ancient near east.


According to the lesson, Buddhism traces its origin to which other major world religion?


_______ cultures have, as part of its foundation, a particular religion or belief system.


Modal Argument

Modal statements typically convey what could be or must be the case. Therefore, a modal argument takes its shape from concluding what is possible, necessary, or even impossible. In many cases, modal arguments consider what could be or must be. This argument tries to prove a higher being's existence by establishing the necessity of a higher being. Another word for this viewpoint is the Ontological Argument.12

God is viewed as holy and supreme according to the _______________.


Islamic ethics can be traced back to the teachings of .


What is the "central component of religious beliefs that originates around astrology?"


While Taoism has morphed and changed over the centuries, its philosophy still "stresses living simply, honestly, and in harmony with ___________."


According to tradition, who or what is said to be the true founder of Shintoism?

Nature herself

Moksha is the process of being liberated from the earthly cycle of birth, death, and rebirth (also known as Samsara). What is the ultimate state achieved after completing Samsara?


According to Zoroastrian theology, human beings are responsible for all situations they encounter and what other factor?

None of these

Which of the following is NOT one of the primary historical documents of the Hindu religion?

None. All are historical documents of the Hindu religion


One who is in the priestly cast who recites the Vedic hymns and performs sacrifices.

One of the main philosophies of Taoism is to "maintain a harmony of ___________ __________ _____________ forces and the natural order." Hint: Think of Yin and Yang.

Opposite but complementary


Pantheists deny the existence of a personal God. Their basic belief in god includes the concept that all that exists is a part of god, used in the sense that the Universe and everything in it is sacred. For thousands of years, various forms of pantheism have existed. Whether it is Hinduism, Buddhism, or, more recently, the New Age Movement, all varieties of Pantheism involve reverence for the Universe rather than for any creator being or personal gods or God. For example, in Hinduism, Brahman is Supreme or Ultimate Reality, i.e., God, and the goal of one's life includes the idea of becoming one with or a part of Brahman. Everything else is an illusion. Pantheistic ideas include the concept of reincarnation. Everything goes through a cycle of birth, life, death, and rebirth until one reaches a state of Nirvana. There is a direct correlation and relationship between humans, animals, and everything that exists. Once one reaches Nirvana, the person enters a passionless state of oneness with everything in the universe.

The gods Zeus, Apollo, Athena, Aphrodite, and Poseidon are all part of a well-known group called the Greco-Roman Pantheon .


Nirvana is the final state which is sought by all Buddhists. However, it is not heaven or paradise. Instead, it is a/an ______________ state where no one feels neither love nor hate.



People in the low tiers of the caste system. These were the types of people looked down upon by the Hindus.

According to Zoroastrian tradition, three things are required for a proper act of worship to take place. Those are: 1) ___________ _________; 2) Truly spoken words; and 3) Correctly performed purification rituals.

Right intentions

________________ and _____________ are significant activities in the Shinto religion.


A unique religious thought is having a balance between the two extremes of pleasure and self-denial. This concept in Buddhism is known as what?

The Middle Path


Theism is the belief that "God exists." In particular, it is the belief that only one God exists (Muslims believe that Christians believe in three Gods, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. However, this is a misunderstanding of God's oneness in three persons from a Christian worldview perspective). This God is usually personal and relates to mankind in specific and, in some cases, intimate ways. Theists historically ascribe many attributes to their deities such as Omniscience (all-knowing), Omnipotence (all-powerful), Omnipresence (present everywhere), Sovereign (supreme authority), and Immutable (unchanging in essential nature). Examples of Theistic worldviews include Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

The major sacred scripture in Buddhist history is divided into three main sections that were passed orally by monks and nuns until about four hundred years after Buddha's death. These three Tapitika are the Sutta-Pitika, the Vinaya-Pitika, and the Abhidhamma Pitaka. What is the more common name for these three Tapitika?

Three Baskets

Match the following parts of the Noble Eightfold Paths to their definition: Right Understanding right thought right speech right action right livelihood right effort right awareness right meditation

Understanding and mastering the Four Noble Truths To be compassionate and kind by helping others Abstaining from lying, slander, abuse, & idle talk Abstaining from taking life, theft, and carnal indulgences Making a living in ways that do not violate the Eightfold Path Discipline of the mind toward good and away from evil Proper thinking about the body A trance-like state in which you are released from all passions

The word Dao means ______________, and involves ideas of naturalness, nonaction, and going along with the flow.

Way (as in a pathway or road)

Critical thinkers follow some basic actions and ways of thinking. They are not easily swayed by bad logic and practices that go against truth. List four of those basic actions mentioned in the lesson, Characteristics of a Critical Thinker.

Your Answer: Four basic actions that critical thinkers take is evaluating their own beliefs, attitudes, values, and opinions. They do not pretend to know something they don't know. They can admit that it is impossible for them to know everything. Critical thinkers don't blindly follow traditions. Critical thinkers evaluate all sides of issues.

Greco-Roman gods

Zeus - The chief god whose symbol was the thunderbolt. Poseidon - The brother of Zeus and the second-most powerful god who ruled the sea. Hades - The brother of Zeus and ruler of the underworld. Hera - Wife of Zeus. Aphrodite - The goddess of love. Apollo - The god of music, archery, and dance. Ares - The god of war and courage. Artemis - The goddess of the hunt. Athena - The goddess of war and wisdom. Hermes - The herald of the gods; god of trade, wealth, luck, and sleep. Hestia - The goddess of the hearth and home. Hephaestus - The god of trades: blacksmiths, metalworking, carpenters, craftsmen, artisans, and sculptors.

The second fundamental text to the Taoist faith is the Chuang Tzu, which was named after its author, Master ____________.


Shamanism is characterized as being based on ritualistic healing ceremonies that include ,______ ,_____ and _____that lead to a shaman falling into a trance. The trance can be either the shaman inviting the spirits into a place or the shaman's soul traveling into the spirit world.

drumming dancing chanting

______is the study of what is right and wrong or good and evil.



fairly self-explanatory. Atheists under this regime typically attribute their hatred to some sort of experience that leads to a jaded mindset.15

Normative Ethics

focuses on how to make moral decisions. This process produces norms or rules which guide decision-making. What norms (customs or standards) are considered in determining a particular choice? The two primary approaches to developing normative ethics are deontological and teleological. These approaches will be addressed later in this course. Laws are also examples of a normative approach to morality. Governments establish laws intended to govern human behavior, and those who do not obey those laws are punished. However, what is legal does not necessarily mean it is moral since there is a diversity of opinions about moral decision-making. Governments often change laws. Why? It could be that the law was not the best and hurt its citizens, or the moral norms of that society changed.


stressed the pursuit of pleasure as the highest good, but in this case, pleasure was defined as the absence of pain.3 They believed that the virtuous person could live a life free from pain. One should live life within the bounds of what pleasure nature provides. The Epicureans are famous for the saying, "Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die."

Caste System

the tier system people are labeled by due to their social rank. In the Hindu belief, people achieve higher ranks in the caste system by living a non-violent, peaceful previous life.

According to Taoist traditions, the ultimate state of goodness can only be achieved when one fully frees themselves internally from all _________ interests.


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