World Studies Chapter 1

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What are examples of man- made terror and environmental terror? Man-made Terror

-A school shooting -A car accident -A building collapsing Environmental Terror -Hurricane Katrina -D.C Earthequake -Philippines Tsunami

Explain 2 groups of terrorists:


List 2 forms of action the U.S. has taken against Al-Qaeda.


What is the meaning of jihad to an Al-Qaeda terrorist?


Give 3 reasons why many religious scholars say it is not correct to identify the religion of Islam as violent and intolerant.

1) most interpretations of Islamic tradition note a history of tolerance and peace. 2) jihad 3)throughout history Muslims have lived and cooperated peacefully with followers of other religions

State the 4 elements of terrorism

1. Lead an assault on Terrorism 2. Collaborate to Fight Terrorism 3. Defend the Homeland 4. Address the Root Causes of Terrorism

What types of terrorism are practiced?

1. homegrown terrorism 2. State terrorism 3.Cyberterrorism 4.Ecoterrorism 5.Religious Terrorism

8. What is the difference between a freedom fighter and a terrorist?

A freedom fighter is someone or group that fight for freedom and only use force against a combatant. A terrorist is someone who is willing to inflict terror upon noncombatants by using force that will harm innocent people who are not fighting in the war.

Who is the leader of ISIS?

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

What country allowed AI-Qaeda to set up military camps? And what government ruled Afghanistan in 2001?

Afghanistan and Pakistan allowed Al-Qaeda to set up camps. They were ruled by the Taliban in 2001 until the US led invasion toppled the regime for allowing Al-Qaeda to set up camps in Afghanistan.

What terrorist organization has directly attacked the US?

Al Qaeda

10. Define the concept of proportionality.

An international attack directed against civilians or a military attack where there would clearly be civilian casualties.

Define noncombatant

Civilians who are not fighting at war

Describe relationship between Fundamentalism and religion; fundamentalism and politics.

Fundamentalists see the answer in sacred texts of their religion, fundamentalists only believe in their interpretation of their sacred text. fundamentalists see the solution to a corrupt world by applying religious principles to the organization and conduct of political life.

What is ISIS?

ISIS is the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and it is a militant group that has taken over large parts of both Syria and Iraq. ISIS has declared a self-styled caliphate, and it poses one of the most significant threats to stability in the Middle East in years.

How does political Islam influence Iran, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan?

Iran:Citizens want to reform Islam, not get rid of it, and to continue on the democracy movement by restoring Islam to its rightful place. The Islamic reformers want to give Islam its meaning to life but not to use it as an instrument of power. Saudi Arabia: The historic alliance with the austere, deeply conservative brand of Islam known as Wahhabism. Since religious study was discouraged for years under Saddam Hussein, moderates have no way to broadcast their views, unlike extremists, and the al Saud family's power and wealth allow the Wahhabi clerics to have the freedom and the funds to spread their intolerant and anti semetic views into education. Pakistan: The prospect of Islam radicals' seizing power in Pakistan is frightening to the United States offcials, who say a shift could bolster the Talibans revival in Afghanistan and give terrorists freer access to nuclear material.

How does Islam view violence?

Islam views on violence originate from the term "jihad" which is the inner struggle to be pure. Jihad also states that if anybody tries to convert your religion you have the right to defend yourself.

Define Islamic Fundamentalism:

Islamic Fundamentalism: Islamic Fundamentalism refers to the philosophical or theological approach of a certain groups within the Islamic tradition. These groups believe that the Qu'ran is the literal word of God, and that Muslims are required to strictly follow the religious and moral codes found in the Qu'ran. Islamic Fundamentalist oppose the infiltration of secular and Western influences.

Define Islamic Fundamentalism

Islamic fundamentalism are people who believe the world is corrupt and the only way to solve it is with religion. They view violence as necessary and acceptable. They are opposed to modernization and closely follow a sacred text or religion.

Why did the Bush Administration want to try some suspected terrorists who are not US citizens in military tribunals rather than criminal courts?

Many feared trials held in the US might make local communities and courthouses a target for attack. Others expressed reluctance to give terrorists the platform for expressing their views in public.

Define Weatherman Underground, African National Congress, Zaptista Army of National Liberation, Chechens and Irish Republican Army—also label as combatants, noncombatants and terrorists or revolutionaries

National Liberation, Chechens and Irish Republican Army—also label as combatants, noncombatants and terrorists or revolutionaries. Weathermen Underground: A radical protest group in the United States. Their objective included not only an immediate end to the war in southeast Asia,end racism, but to end economic exploitation and sexism. African National Congress: A political movement begun in the early 20th century. In the early 1960s, the ANC used violence to fight against the white government, the white government denied black South Africans their most basic human rights including: access to education, the right to vote, and the right to live and travel where they wanted to. Zaptista Army of National Liberation: A rebellion group in Mexico against the government. the ZANL was led by a man referred to as Sub-Commander Marcos. The ZANL would wear black ski masks and red bandanas and would operate in the countryside. The ZANL claimed to be fighting against poverty and injustice rights for the indigenous peoples. Except they set of car bombs and blew up telephone and electrical towers and many civilians were killed and injured. ZANL is a terrorist group. Chechens: Chechen armed separatists group launched a military style campaign designed to drive Russia out of Chechnya. The Chechens claimed to be fighting for freedom from an oppressive regime that prevented them from practicing their religion: Islam. Classified as revolutionaries because of the religious motivations. Irish Republic Army: An unofficial military organization fighting for the British withdrawal from Northern Ireland. The IRA has been responsible for bombing, and other violence. This is classified as terrorist group because of the politcal means.

Describe the Iran hostage situation of 1979.

November 4th, 1979 and angry mob of young Islamic revolutionaries overran the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, taking more than 60 revolutionaries under President Carter who were not released until January 21st, 1981 which was 444 days after the crisis began and hours after President Reagan was inaugurated.

What events of psychological experiences possible motivate an individual to martyr him or herself?

Palestinians were hurt by Israeli violence they are not psychopaths or social misfits. They feel as though they have no reason to live. They constantly are dealing with death, destruction, restriction, harassment, and humiliation. They are alienated and traumatized by violent experiences in their home town and environment around them. They feel as thought there is no reason to live left and that they would rather die from a bomb then a bullet. They feel like they can be in control of one thing in their life because they have no power in everything else.

Why are political Islam's followers upset with many governments of the Middle East?

Political islam's followers are upset with many Middle East governments because they are " Americanizing". They are becoming more like the western countries like the clothes they wear, his the women have more rights and more separation of church and state.

What reasons did President Bush provide the United Nations for going to war with Iraq in 2003?

Saddam Hussein was the leader of Iraq in 2003. The U.S. claimed that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction however, no weapons were found.

11. Define self-determination and how it applies to newly independent Soviet bloc nations?

Self-determination is the process by which a country determines its own statehood and forms its own allegiances and government. It applies to the newly independent Soviet bloc nations because now they are there own countries and they have to forge alliances and fend for themselves.

What do you believe should be done to solve the ISIS issue?

Take action: I believe the US should step in and negotiate with ISIS. They should continue their air strikes and if the situation worsens they should even send in small amounts of military troops but that is a last resort. I think that this is a very important and big issue in todays society and that the US needs to step in and give assistance to countries that need it. The U.S should continue with airstrikes and do whatever they have to in order to keep the US and its citizens safe.

What is the difference between terror and terrorism?

Terror doesn't need a purpose and often times a certain group isn't behind it. Terrorism is usually planned with a group or organization behind it

Define terror

Terror is any harm inflicted on a person or multiple people

Describe how terrorism can be judged by motive versus outcome/end.

Terrorism can be described in two ways: Motive: A reason for doing something; ie. the power driving the cause Outcome: the look or focus on what resulted from the motive but not taking in the motive.

Why has terrorism been described as "theater" thriving on world attention by Brian Jenkins?

Terrorism consists of acts carried out in a dramatic way to attract publicity and create an atmosphere of alarm that goes far beyond the actual victims.

Define terrorism

Terrorism is violence a certain group of people carries out against another group of people to achieve their own goals.

How do terrorist groups get their power?

Terrorist groups get their power through a number of channels including accumulating tens of millions of dollars in wealth, acquiring large amounts of military weapons, and recruiting young men willing to fight. Once a terrorist group has the ability to strike, they then seek to capture the attention of the world through beheadings, bombings and other violent actions that cause fear.

Why are terrorist groups such a threat?

Terrorist groups pose a direct threat to the United States because such groups are rapidly developing both the foreign fighters and the bomb-making skills needed to attack the U.S. and other Western interests. In fact, Louis Freeh, the former Director of the FBI said, "The acquisition, proliferation, threatened or actual use of weapons of mass destruction constitutes one of the gravest threats to the United States." As terrorists groups exhibited an increasing ability to kill large groups of people, our country has become more involved and alert in the world of terrorism. The ability of certain terrorist groups to use biological, chemical, or nuclear weapons against the U.S. is something we can never tolerate. Terrorists groups are such a threat because they are based all over the world. It's hard to put a stop to it because there are so many sources and spots where terrorism is present.

9. How did the Geneva Convention' regulate war between states and states and individuals?

The Geneva Convention established the standards of international law for the humanitarian treatment of war. It set up guidelines to establish what states and individuals of war can and cannot do.

What US buildings were attacked on 9/11/2001?

The buildings attacked were the Twin Towers aka the World Trade Center.

21. Why does the US government currently believe that Iran poses a security threat to US?

The US government currently believes that Iran poses a security threat to the US because Iran may posses nuclear weapons.

What has the US done to address the ISIS issue?

The US has taken action against ISIS by engaging in air strikes against the ISIS militant populated cities. The president has said that no US citizen will be involved in direct combat. However, we will be engaged in a long military campaign. We have also succeeded in getting many allies to join us in the "war against terror".

Who does the US government hold responsible for the 9/11 attacks?

The US holds responsible Al Qaeda and specifically Osama Bin Laden who was the mastermind of the attacks.

Give reasons why the US has been active in Middle East and why has the US paid much less attention recently to promoting democracy and human rights in Middle East.

The US is in the Middle East because that is our main source of oil, because of 9/11 and our vow to get revenge on the terrorists that killed 3,000 people and all of the corrupt terrorists that live in the Middle East pose a threat to our national security. We have recently paid less attention to democracy and human rights over there because too many of our men are dying over there and first we need to address getting rid of the terrorist groups and help stabilize the governments before we get involved with human rights. Although it is very important, right now there are bigger things America is worried about.

Why has the United States been targeted by Osama bin Laden and other terrorist groups?

The United States has been targeted by Osama bin Laden and other terrorist groups because of their involvement in the Middle East. They are also a very powerful country with a lot of influence over other nations to fight back against terrorism. They also have influence in their own countries westernizing or "americanizing" them.

What are some goals of Islamic Fundamentalists groups like AI-Qaeda?

The goals of many Islamic Fundamentalist groups like Al-Qaeda are to gain followers and religiously motivate them to want to fight in many different ways. They see many flaws in political systems and their goals are to fix them with the application of their interpretation of Islam. Their actions may or may not be violent. Also a political tie to fundamentalism can be observed by groups gaining national independence/freedom. A "neo-colonial rule" by returning to the basics. Also their goals are to gain political power and give the poor/illiterate an explanation for why they are in that situation.

Why does the US fear Russia in regards to terrorists and nuclear/biological weapons?

The government in Russia has become more chaotic and criminalized. Things were getting out of hand and the US was worried that it would be easy for nuclear weapons to fall into the hands of those who they aren't supposed to. In fact, there had been reports of attempts at trying to steal the weapons which deeply concerned the US.

What is the just war theory and how does it apply to states/countries?

The just war theory is a doctrine that was made to justify war and what happens in war and what u can and cannot do. It applies to states and countries because it applies to everybody and if you break these rules you are breaking the rules of war.

How did ISIS develop a sense of identity or purpose?

The purpose of ISIS is to restore the "caliphate," an Islamic state under the rule of a community of religious scholars guided by a supreme leader, which is generally taken to mean the successor to the prophet Muhammad. ISIS sprang up after the end of the US occupation of Iraq and it seeks revenge, especially against the U.S. The desire of ISIS is to overthrow the existing governments of unstable, heavily Muslim nations in order to establish a Muslim state in its place. It started to become a more prevalent issue and visible to all the nations when they beheaded american journalists and advanced further into Iraq and Syria.

What is Islam's view of violence and how is that view different from Islamic Fundamentalist's interpretation of violence within the Koran and Islamic religion? Does the Koran condone killing?

The religion of Islam view of violent acts are that in the basic texts of the faith never sanction the wanton of murder of civilians. Islamic Fundamentalists view violence differently; they believe that Allah says to use violence and to go for jihad, to fight to Muslims and punish those who occupy Muslim territory. Whether or not the Koran condones killing is a matter left up to the interpreter. The vast majority of people read the Koran verses with a peaceful connotation. Furthermore, many violent interpretations focus on negligible and outdated details, through a skewed lens.

What is the official US position regarding how it will deal with hostage situations?

They wont make concessions to terrorists, they wont pay ransom, won't change policies, or release prisoners. They will do whatever they can to get the release of prisoners.

What are the favorite targets of terrorist bombings?

Things that will attract global attention. They also like to strike at important symbols. Terrorists target symbols such as the twin towers for the US because it showed the US power and money and technological advancements. They wanted to show that they can destroy a symbol that was important to America. Also the act of terrorism at the olympics was a symbol because the Olympics show how we can put aside our differences to celebrate amazing athletes from our country and they ruined that. Terrorists also want a lot of attention because if they gain attention from their actions that causes fear in many people therefore giving them power.

Why does the US government fear government's based on Islam (Islamic States) even when it does not involve terrorism?

US government fears government's based on Islam even when it does not involve terrorism because most government's interpretation of Islam view the US as an enemy, causing the US to fear these governments.

Why are video recording useful to terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda?

Video recordings are useful to terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda because these videos give them power. When recording executions, people around the world fear their group, giving them power.

Does the Koran condone killing?

Whether or not the Koran condones killing is a matter left up to the interpreter. The vast majority of people read the Koran verses with a peaceful connotation. Furthermore, many violent interpretations focus on negligible and outdated details, through a skewed lens. For example, a professor of Islamic and Western law, Khaled Abou El Fadl, says that interpretations of the Koran supporting the murder of hostages are illegitimate and should be discounted. Many experts also cite the Prophet's ban of killing civilian noncombatants as evidence that the Koran is nonviolent. Ingrid Mattson, Vice President of the Islamic Society of North America, goes as far as to say that the only support for killing driven by Islam has come from terrorists themselves.

Should the U.S. negotiate with terrorists?

Yes: I believe that the U.S. should negotiate with terrorists because, it is a safe and effective way to get whatever it may be that the U.S. wants. Although negotiating is not in the U.S. policy, if it is a matter of our countries security and safety then i think they should take whatever actions they need to achieve.

What has the international community done to address the ISIS issue?

he international community has done many different things to address the ISIS issue. First of all, the US has engaged in air strikes and so have other countries. Many countries have agreed to join up with the US and other countries to try and fight against ISIS. Many leaders of countries have met and discussed what they should do to take action against ISIS. As of September 26th this are what each country has done: Saudi Arabia took part in at least two rounds of airstrikes and has agreed to hosting American training of the so-called moderate Syrian rebels, the key to the U.S. strategy for fighting ISIS in Syria. The United Arab Emirates has carried out at least two rounds of airstrikes. Its mission on Tuesday, the first round, was led by the first woman fighter pilot in that country's history, Maj. Mariam Al Mansouri, flying an F-16 Desert Falcon. Bahrain took part in the first round of airstrikes, late Monday U.S. time. Jordan took part in the first round of airstrikes. Qatar has played a supporting role in this week's strikes, according to the U.S. military. The emir warned this week that the fight in Syria will not succeed unless President Bashar Assad is removed from power. IN IRAQ Australia is contributing eight F-18 fighter jets, plus special forces to advise Iraqi troops. Belgium will send six F-16 fighter jets, as well as 120 pilots, support staff and C-130 cargo planes, the defense ministry said this week. Parliament gave final approval on Friday by a vote of 114-2, despite concerns about retaliatory terrorism. Britain, on a 524-43 vote in Parliament, voted Friday to join the coalition. Six Tornado GR4 fighter-bombers, based in Cyprus, are on standby. Canada has sent roughly 70 troops to Iraq to serve as advisers to Iraqi security forces. The United States has asked for more help, and Canada is weighing its response, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said this week. The Czech Republic has provided weaponry to the Iraqi Army, including L-159 fighter jets, and 500 tons of ammunition to Kurdish forces, in coordination with Canada. Denmark joined up on Friday, offering four operational planes and three reserve jets, plus 250 pilots and support staff. They will be deployed for a year. "No one should be ducking in this case," Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt said. France carried out an airstrike in Iraq on Sept. 19 and hit an ISIS depot near Mosul. It is also flying reconnaissance and training Kurdish security forces after providing them weapons. France ruled out cooperating in Syria because it believes that would help Assad in the civil war there, but the foreign minister says that could change. Germany has sent military trainers to help Kurdish forces. Italy provided $2.5 million worth of weaponry to Kurdish fighters and has offered assistance in the refueling of planes as support to the airstrikes. The Netherlands committed six F-16 fighter jets on Wednesday and said they could be operational in a week. It found no legal justification to help in Syria but said that it "understood" the U.S. campaign there. Albania, Estonia and Hungary have also provided weapons and ammunition.

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