World War I and the Russian Revolution

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What was the chief goal of the League of Nations?

Act as a collective security: system where a group of nations acts as one to preserve the peace of all

Significance of airplanes in World War I.

Airplanes were used to observe enemy movements from the sky. Zeppelins (german blimps) bombed the english coast. Airplanes were equipped with machine guns. The pilots were called "flying aces," and the fought each other in "dogfights," which had little effect on the war on the ground.

What were the reasons for Russia's entrance into the war?

Ally of Serbia. Tsar asks kaiser to urge Austria to soften demands, and when they didn't they moved in to attack.

Balkans as the "powder keg of Europe".

Austria-Hungary and Serbia's conflict grew from a general war into one of history's significant turning points. Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated by a guy from Serbia, Germany's kaiser tells Austria-Hungary to take whatever action, and Austria-Hungary sends Serbia an ultimatum to agree to in order to prevent a war from breaking out. Serbia doesn't agree to all of the things Austria-Hungary wanted, which was exactly what Austria-Hungary was looking for, therefore allowing Austria-Hungary to declare war on little Serbia, and dragging in multiple nations.

Which countries were associated with the Triple Entente?

Britain, France, and Russia

How did Lenin plan to apply Marxism to Russia?

By applying them to Russia's conditions. Set up a "dictatorship of the proletariat" and called for a group that will lead the revolution because Russia didn't have a big urban proletariat.

What were the reasons for France's entrance into the war?

Called upon by Russia to help them, and French nationalists believed it was a chance to regain the territories they lost in the Franco-Prussian War. Backed up Russia, basically.

What does the concept of "total war" mean?

Channeling of a nation's entire resources into a war effort

Impact of World War I on the position of women.

Critical role in the war. They took over the men's jobs at home - war industry: manufacturing weapons and supplies, and armed forces. Nurses tended to the men's wounds on the battlefield. Women gained a new sense of pride and confidence. They challenged the stereotype that women couldn't handle "a man's job". They were granted the right to vote in Germany, Britain, and U.S.

Imperialism as a cause of World War I.

European nations divided much of Africa into colonies in order to obtain raw materials and sell goods. Competed each other for colonies. France almost brought about a war against Germany in Morocco, which was under French influence. Germany gained some territory in central Africa, leading to France and Britain creating stronger ties together against Germany.

How was reparation resolved in the peace conference?

Everyone made Germany pay for the whole war, which damaged the German economy even further than it already was.

What were the major events in the Russian Revolution?

February Revolution, October Revolution, overthrow of the tsar/monarchy, establishment of Communism

What were the major goals of Wilson's Fourteen Points?

Freedom of the seas, free trade, large-scale reductions of arms, and an end to secret treaties. Self-determination: people's right to choose their own form of government.

What caused the naval rivalry between Germany and Britain?

Germany was growing more powerful (military and economic powerhouse), and Britain felt threatened. Germany thought it wasn't getting enough respect from the other great powers.

Which countries were associated with the Triple Alliance?

Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary

What impact did the Ottoman Empire joining the war have on the war?

It cut off the Allies supply line to Russia through the Dardanelles.

What was the result of the Allies' intervention in Russia's civil war?

It fed Communist distrust of the West

How did Lenin's return from exile in April 1917 influence events in Russia?

It helped the revolution take off?? The October Revolution rose, and allowed the Bolsheviks to take control and establish the Communist party after a civil war.

How were mandated territories resolved in the peace conference?

Mandated territories were given to other countries by the Western power. They basically became colonies and remained under political and economic control of the Allied powers, although they were supposed to be held until the could stand on their own. They peoples in these mandates felt betrayed by the peacemakers.

What were the causes of World War I?

Militarism: Great Britain and Germany racing to have largest navies; France, Russia, and Germany competing in building powerful armies Imperialism: Africa divided into European colonies to obtain raw materials and sell goods Nationalism: national groups in Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire wanted independence, European nations sought to regain lost territories and/or add land Alliances: Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy formed the triple alliance in 1882; Great Britain, France, and Russia formed the triple entente in 1907

Who benefited the most from the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk?

The Central Powers, especially Germany. Germany could now focus on the Western front without worrying about the Eastern front.

How was the League of Nations resolved in the peace conference?

The LN didn't have much power because the U.S wasn't apart of it, and ended up not being able to prevent war.

How did the British naval blockade of the North Sea effect Germany?

The blockade was intended to keep Germany inside of Western Europe. It worked! They fought at Jutland, and the British royal fleet won, despite Germany saying that the had won victory. The German fleet never met the British fleet again. It basically drove them out of the water and back on land.

Circumstances that led to the rise of Lenin in the Soviet Union.

The overthrow of the tsar, the people were hungry and supplies for the army were few, production was slow, and people set up a new government.

How was Alsace and Lorraine resolved in the peace conference?

The territories were given back to France, which removed hundreds of square miles from Germany.

Control of public opinion by various nations.

There were special boards that censored the press. They tried to keep complete casualty figures and other discouraging news from reaching the public. Popular literature, historical writings, motion pictures, and arts were censored by gov. Propaganda used to promote and encourage others about it and damage Germany's image after invasion of Belgium. Used to motivate military mobilization or loan money to the government. Stories of atrocities circulated (some true, some distorted, some totally made up).

What were the reasons for Serbia's entrance into the war?

They were being attacked by Austria-Hungary.

What were the reasons for Belgium's entrance into the war?

They were being invaded by the Germans who were trying to get to France. Told Germany to stop, but Germany didn't listen, so they struggled to keep them back from France.

What were the reasons for Britain's entrance into the war?

They were outraged that Germany had invaded their ally, Belgium, who had declared neutrality. Germany had signed a treaty with France and Britain guaranteeing Belgium's neutrality, so of course the British were outraged.

Compare Lenin's "war communism" to his New Economic Policy of 1921.

War communism: took over banks, mines, factories, and railroads. Peasants forced to give their crops to feed army and hungry people in cities, and laborers drafted into military. NEP: allowed capitalist ventures. government stopped making peasants give their crops, and were allowed to hold onto small plots of land and sell their surplus crops. economy recovers and ends armed resistance to government! production and standard of living grow.

What was the major goal of Pan-Slavic movement in Serbia?

a form of nationalism that brought all the Slavic peoples together under a common nationality. Serbia's Pan-Slavic movement's goal was to have a South Slav state, which could take land away from Austria-Hungary and Turkey.

Why were political reforms ineffective under Lenin's government?

the reforms made things worse in russia, and the people, especially the peasants, refused some of the reforms, like giving all their grain to the people in the city????????

War at sea - escalation and final consequences.

Sea battles were important. Germany's submarines (U-boats) hurt the Allies greatly by sinking merchant ships carrying vital supplies to Britain. Allies organized convoys (groups of merchant ships protected by warships). Germany kept using unrestricted submarine warfare against Britain, which resulted in the sinking of the Lusitania, and America joining the war because they told Germany to stop using unrestricted submarine warfare.

What were the reasons for Austria-Hungary's entrance into the war?

Serbian terrorist from The Black Hand shoots and kills Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife. Austria-Hungary sends Serbia a harsh ultimatum (final set of demands) that they need to agree to to avoid a war. Serbia doesn't accept all of Austria-Hungary's demands, therefore allowing Austria to declare war on Serbia.

What was a consequence of Germany offering Austria a "blank check"?

That Austria could take whatever action it wanted to deal with Serbia. So, this allowed Austria to send Serbia a harsh ultimatum, which said that, in order to prevent war, Serbia had to end all anti-Austrian agitation and punish any Serbian official involved in the murder of Archduke Ferdinand. Serbia didn't accept all of Austria's demands, leading to the outbreak of a world war.

Military technology and impact on World War I.

Military technology: - poison gas: tear gas grenades used by the French against Germans. Germans use poison gas on a larger scale. New kinds of poison gas like mustard gas. Victims blinded or choked or caused to have blisters and burns. Fatal. Dreaded hazard of war, despite gas masks. Uncertain weapon. Gas masks made it less useful. Banned 1925. - machine gun and artillery gun: mowed down waves of soldiers. artillery allowed troops to shoot enemies from 10 miles away. - tanks, airplanes, and subs: tanks were designed to break down no man's land. aircraft used to observe enemies movement and zeppelins to bomb english coast. dogfights. subs used to bring the fight to the sea, and attacked merchant ships.

What types of military technology were developed in WWI and how were they used?

Rapid-fire machine gun: take out waves of soldiers Long-range artillery gun: shell enemies from 10 miles away. Poison gasses like mustard gas, tanks, zeppelins, airplane (aerial reconnaissance), u-boats (german submarines), machine guns(?), anti-aircraft machine gun

What were the reasons for Germany's entrance into the war?

Russia gets ready to fight Austria for attacking Serbia (who is btw a Slavic nation, and there was a Pan-Slavic movement going on) and not softening demands from Serbia, and they declare war on Austria. Germany is an ally of Austria, so they attack Russia. France refused to stay out of the conflict, despite Germany's demands. Declares war on France.

What was the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk?

Russia's peace treaty with Germany that gave Germany a huge chunk of land and population. Because of this, the Russians were able to focus more on their revolution rather than the Great War.

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