world war ii study guide

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What years did World War II occur?


What occurred on D-Day?

Allied invasion of France

Who won World War II?


What event occurred on the day described as "a date which will live in infamy"?

Attack on Pearl Harbor

Who was the mastermind of the "island-hopping" strategy?

Douglas MacArthur

What domestic challenge mad it difficult for France, Great Britain, and the United States to halt German and Italian aggression in the 1930s.

Economic Depression

In his quest for a "New Roman Empire", Benito Mussolini invaded ___________________.


What prompted Great Britain and France to declare war on Germany?

German invasion of Poland

What happened to the Sudetenland?

Germany annexed it

List the Axis Powers

Germany, Italy, Japan

What important role did Winston Churchill play during this period?

He was very against appeasement

Where were the atomic bombs dropped?

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Why did Hitler target the Jewish population as scapegoats for all of Germany's troubles?

His massive hatred and he blamed them for the loss in WWI.

What did Germany do to the Rhineland?

It remilitarized the Rhineland

What was significant about the Battle of Midway?

It turned the tide of the war in the Pacific against the Japanese

What happened to the rest of Czechoslovakia?

It was annexed to Germany in 1939

What was the goal of Hitler's "Final Solution"?

It was genocide of people the Nazis considered inferior

What country invaded Manchuria in 1931?


What motivated Japan to build an empire?

Japan wanted to catch the US by surprise.

What policy of the Nazi party led to the Holocaust?

Nazi Foreign Policy

During World War II, General Eisenhower led the ______________ invasion.


The Soviet Union signed a nonaggression pact in 1938 with


Which country did Germany conquer in September 1939?


What crucial lesson was learned in the Battle of Britain?

That Hitler's advances could be blocked

Which nation paid the greatest price in terms of the number of lives lost during the war?

The Soviet Union 24-25.5 million dead.

What does the use of kamikaze pilots show about Japanese culture?

They valued national honor more than individual life

Which event marked the final Allied victory in World War II?

V-e day

Auschwitz was the location of a Nazi _______________ camp.


What was the policy of appeasement?

giving into an aggressor to keep peace

What did the Soviet Union ask the Allies to do during the WWII?

make another front

Prior to WWII, what country was used by hitler as a testing ground for his new weapons?


The German blitzkrieg was a military strategy that depended on what advantage?

surprise and overwhelming force

The Nuremberg Laws helped to set the Nazi Holocaust in motion by stripping jews of ______________________.

their natural rights

How were the Holocaust and Hitler's "Final Solution" related?

they both were anti-semitic

In the 1930s, why did Great Britain and France respond to German and Italian aggression with appeasement?

they did not want to be involved

Why did President Truman agree to use the atomic bomb?

to bring the war to the quickest possible end

How did Kristallnacht demonstrate Nazi persecution of Jews?

•Nazi troops attacked Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues •jews had to wear a yellow david's star •most jews departed on this day

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