WSBIO 350 quiz 2

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What hormones initiates milk production



1. Are responsible for the development of public and axillary hair 2. Affects the vocal cords causing the voice to deepen 3. Are involved in growth of the penis at puberty 4. Are necessary for sperm production

What are some of the benefits of breastfeeding an infant?

1. Breast milk contains antibodies that help infants fight off viruses and bacteria 2. Breast milk supports infants' immune system and may protect them later in life from chronic conditions such as obesity and diabetes 3. From a global perspective, and infant that is not exclusively breastfed could be at a substantially greater risk of death from diarrhea or pneumonia than one who is

Anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) are synthetically produced variants of the naturally occurring hormone testosterone. Taking AAS will elevate testosterone levels yet decrease sperm production, why is this?

Because AAS negatively affects LH

___ are substances produced by a living organism that acts as a catalysts to bring about a specific biochemical reaction


n the biological female, Correct {GnRH} from the hypothalamus acts on the Correct {pituitary} , to release Correct {FSH & LH}. Correct {FSH} hormones will initiate the development of about 20 ovarian follicles. Follicle maturation is accompanied by the secretion of the hormone Correct{estrogen}, which leads to the proliferation of the endometrial lining preparing for a potential pregnancy. Once estrogen levels peak it triggers a surge in Correct {LH} and ovulation takes place. After ovulation, the remaining follicle cells in the ovary form a body known as Correct{corpus luteum}. This yellow body secretes large amounts of Correct{progesterone}, a hormone essential for maintaining pregnancy. If no pregnancy occurs, the yellow body degenerates and the endometrial lining sloughs off in menstruation.

corpus luteum; LH; FSH; estrogen; progesterone; FSH & LH; GnRH; pituitary


1. Are airborne chemicals 2. are species-specific 3. Causes synchronization of menstrual cycle

What enzyme is needed to convert testosterone to dihydrotestosterone?


What enzyme is needed to convert testosterone to estrogen


Which hormone is the corpus luteum responsible for producing



are chemical messengers that are produced in one body region but affect a different body region

The pituitary gland secretes

1. Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) 2. Prolactin 3. Luteinizing hormone (LH) Oxytocin

Where are steroid hormones synthesized

1. Gonads 2. Adrenal glands 3. Placenta 4. Brain cells 5. Fat cells (cholesterol)

If a menstrual cycle is ___ days long, ovulation will take place on the ___ day of the cycle

35; 21st 28; 14th 21; 7th

Which of the following are functions luteinizing hormone (LH)

Formation and maintenance of the corpus luteum

The infant begins to suck the breast. The Correct{sucking} stimulates the Correct {hypothalamus} to begin to release Correct {GnRH}. In response, the Correct {pituitary} releases, Correct {prolactin} to initiate milk production, and Correct {oxytocin} to trigger the expulsion of milk from the breast. Since oxytocin is also released during Correct {arousal} it is not uncommon to experience feelings that remind of sexual pleasure when nursing

GnRH; oxytocin; arousal; pituitary; sucking; hypothalamus; prolactin

What hormone in urine will an ovulation predictor kit search for?

Luteinizing hormone (LH)

Where is the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) produced?


The Correct{hypothalamus} releases GnRH. In response, the Correct{pituitary} releases FSH & LH. Testosterone is vital for sperm production. When Correct{LH} reaches the testes, the Correct{Leydig cells} begin to produce testosterone. Sperm production is initiated by Correct{FSH} and takes place in the seminiferous tubules. Once sperm production peak the Correct{Sertoli cells} will release Correct{inhibin} which travels to the hypothalamus signaling to shut down the production of Correct{GnRH} in order to temporarily stop the acyclic production of sperm.

Hypothalamus, pituitary, LH, Leydig cells, FSH, Sertoli cells, inhibin, GnRH

What hormone triggers the expulsion of milk?


Part of the menstrual cycle is also the ovarian and uterine cycles. Prior to ovulation, the first phase of the ovarian cycle is called Correct {follicular phase} and refers to the egg when it is still in the ovary. In the uterus prior to ovulation, the first phase of the uterine cycle is called Correct {proliferative phase} and refers to the build up of blood in the endometrial lining. Once ovulation has taken place about 14 days before the onset of menstruation, the second phase of the ovarian cycle called Correct {luteal phase} takes place. This corresponds to the corpus lutem that is forming in the ovary after ovulation. The corpus luteum produces high levels of Correct {progesterone}. In the uterus, after ovulation the second phase of the uterine cycle begins and is called Correct {secretory phase}. In this second phase, the progesterone from the corpus luteum acts on the endometrial lining to become secretory in preparation for a possible implantation of a fertilized egg. If no implantation takes place, the endometrial lining sloughs off in menstruation and the cycle begins anew.

follicular, proliferative phase, luteal phase, progesterone, secretory phase

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