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(sonuç olarak) ortaya çıkmak, meydana gelmek, ortaya çıkmak - Riots and street fighting ensued when the police officers on trial were acquitted -


(tiyatro , sinema , televizyon) rol alan oyuncular


(üniversitede) öğretmen, asistan eğitmen, öğretici - n. a teacher who helps students individually with other courses: She is a tutor who helps foreign students improve their English. v. [I;T] to act as a tutor: She tutors students in English. -n. [U] tutorship.

Useful interview expressions: Interrupting

- Excuse me for interrupting. - Sorry to butt in... - Could I just say that... - Sorry to interrupt, but....

Useful interview expressions:Disagreeing with somebody

- I'm afraid I disagree. - Well, as a matter of fact... - I'm not so sure about that - I see things rather differently myself - I don't entirely agree with you - Actually... - Well, my own opinion is that... - I must take issue with you on that

Useful interview expressions: Agreeing with somebody

-I can't help thinking the same - True enough - That's right - I couldn't agree more - That's just what I was thinking - That's my view exactly


10 yıllık süre

Malnutrition (n) (As a result of poverty, many children in the world suffer from malnutrition)

A serious illness caused by too little food.

inconsiderable / inconsiderate

An _inconsiderable (ufak, önemsiz, cüzi) __ amount of money was wasted. inconsiderate (düşüncesiz, saygısız)___ behaviour makes life unpleasant for everybody.

to achieve / reach / attain its targets

The country badly needed to increase its overall standard of living and attempted to achieve / reach / attain its targets - those of free education and healthcare - within eight years.

beside / besides

The office is just __beside___ the railway station. Besides_(den başka, ayrıca)__ their regular daytime job, many people do extra work in the evening.

channel / canal

The television __channel_____ received a formal complaint about the programme. The Suez __canal_____ was built in the second half of the nineteenth century.

Endangered Species (n) (The giant panda is an endangered species because of deforestation)

Types of animals or plants that are in danger of no longer existing.

Useful interview expressions: Asking somebody for their opinion

What are your views on...? - What are your feelings about...? - What's your opinion?

priceless / worthless

_Priceless_(paha biçilmez, kıymetli)_ paintings by artists like Van Gogh should not be in the hands of private collectors. As inflation spiralled out of control, paper money suddenly became _worthless_(değersiz)___________ .


a calculation of the value, size, amount etc of something


a child who attends a preschool, term referring to children ages three to six years


a component of a mixture or compound


a sedimentary rock consisting mainly of calcium that was deposited by the remains of marine animals


a strong feeling of shock and fear


a thing, place, activity etc that you get something from


a written record that you make of the things that happen to you each day; a diary


abartmak, aşırıya kaçmak - v. [T] -did /dd/, -done /dn/, -doing, -does /dz/ 1 to do too much of s.t., (syn.) to exaggerate: She overdid it by rushing around in the summer heat and is ill now. 2 to cook too long, (syn.) to overcook: We overdid the meat and it didn't taste good. 3 to use too much of s.t.: I can't eat her cooking; she always overdoes the hot spices.


able to continue for a long time


acayip, garip, tek, tek sayı


acımasızca, amansızca, mercilessly, relentlessly


adj. very modern, advanced


ahlaki, dürüst, ahlaklı


ahlakçı - n. 1 a person who teaches morals and ethics 2 a person concerned about the moral behavior of other people: That minister is a moralist with strict standards of behavior. -adj. moralistic /mrlstk, mr/.


akabinde, arkadan, sonra, sonradan


aksilik, bağırıp çağırıp tepinme (hiddetten), öfle nöbeti - n. a fit of anger, bad temper: The baby had a temper tantrum and screamed for an hour.


alay, dalga geçme, hiciv, yergi


alet cihaz, küçük alet, zamazingo


all people of about the same age


alışma, doğrultma, yöneltme


an administrative unit of government


anaç, anne ile ilgili


anlaşmak, anlaşmaya varmak


anlaşılması güç, belirsiz, kararsız - adj. vaguer, vaguest unclear, (syn.) inexplicit: He has some vague ideas about what to do, but nothing specific. -n. [U] vagueness; -adv. vaguely.


anything that is living, such as an animal, fish, or insect, but not a plant


aralık, mesafe, sıklık - n. 1 a time period between events: I always get hungry in the interval between breakfast and lunch. 2 an amount of distance or time, occurring regularly: We stopped at 100-mile intervals to rest.


ardışık, sıralı, peş peşe

long for

arzulamak, özlem çekmek


arı kümesi, sürü - n. 1 a large number of insects or birds flying in a shapeless mass: A swarm of bees passed over the field like a cloud. 2 fig. a crowd of people: A swarm of football fans filled the street. v. 1 [I] to move in a crowd: Students swarmed into the auditorium. 2 [I;T] to be crowded: The station was swarming with commuters running for trains.


arıza, bozukluk, hata, kusur, sakatlık, ihmal - . [I] to leave a country, group, political party, etc., to go to another: He defected to the enemy. -n.[C;U] defection; defector. - n. an imperfection: Don't buy that tie; there's a defect in the material. Thesaurus: defect (2) a flaw, mistake, blemish.

lift shaft

asansör boşluğu


aslında olan, özünde olan - adj. belonging naturally to s.o. or s.t., (syn.) inherent: Hunting mice is intrinsic behavior in most cats.


ast, bağımlı, ikinci derecede, önemsiz - n.v. [T] -nated, -nating, -nates a person of lower rank: The general spoke to his <n.> subordinates. adj. /sbrdnt/ not as important, secondary: I want to take a vacation but that is subordinate to finding a new job. -n. [U] subordination.


asıl, eskiden kalma, saf, bakir - adj. pure, esp. in nature, unspoiled: We hiked through pristine wilderness in Alaska.


asır, çağ


ateşlemek, tutuşturmak, yakmak - v. [I;T] -nited, -niting, -nites to set on fire: He ignited the wood with a match.


atık, kirlilik, pislenme, bulaşma


ayakkabı bağı


ayaklandırmak, devrim yapmak, köklü değişiklik yapmak


ayrıntılarıyla yazmak, maddelendirmek, listelemek - Itemise everything in order of importance, beginning with your passport and visa.


açılı, sivri, kemikleri sayılan - adj. having angles: The roofs of the houses are not flat; they are angular. -n. [U;C] angularity /gylrti/.


açığa vurmak, serpmek, saçmak, dökmek, düşmek -

fold / unfold

ağıl, bükmek, katlamak, kıvırmak / katlanmış bir şeyi açmak, gözler önüne serilmek


ağır, akut, güçlü, keskin, şiddetli, ani - adj. great, (syn.) severe: An acute lack of food brought hunger to the people. -adv. acutely.

as far as i am concerned

bana kalırsa, bana göre


bayan, evin hanımı, metres - n. -tresses 1 the female head of a household: Is the mistress of the house at home? 2 a woman in a sexual relationship with a man, usu. married, who is not her husband: She is the mayor's mistress, but no one knows it.


bağlı, birbirini zleyen, ardıl

fall through

başarısız olmak, gerçekleşmemek, suya düşmek


başlama, başlangıç, hücum, saldırı - n.sing. the beginning of s.t., such as an illness: The onset of the disease began in October.


başlıca, en çok, belli başlı - My home town is famous chiefly for its large number of schools and colleges.


become known or apparent


bela, canavar, kötü, uğursuz, zararlı


belirli bir bölge veya topluluğa has konuşma biçimi


belirli sayı, kontenjan, kota


belirsiz, çekingen, geçici, deneme amaçlı - adj. 1 indefinite, provisional: We have a tentative appointment next week, but we need to confirm it. 2 hesitant, doubtful: She has a tentative feeling about going ahead with the project.


belirtmek, numaralandırmak, sayıp dökmek - v. [T] -ated, -ating, -ates to count off, list: She enumerated five things that she liked about the new apartment. -n. [C;U] enumeration.

you can say that again

bence de, sana katılıyorum


benzemek, benzetmek, gibi göstermek, taklit etmek, simüle etmek


benzin, petrol


bilgisayar ve bilgisayar ağları ile ilgili


bilgisayarlaşma- the control of processes by computer

secure an agreement

bir anlaşma ayarlamak

close knit

birbirine bağlı


birleşme, koalisyon, ortak yönetim, güç birliği - The proposed coalition of the Liberal and Labour Parties in the election was cause for much ridicule.


birleşmek, birleştirmek, kaynaşmak - The International Book Association amalgamated / merged with Universal Press in 1999 to form the International Press.


bitkin düşürmek, pestilini çıkarmak, yorulmak


bocalamak, oynamak, sallanmak - v. [I] -bled, -bling, -bles to move in an unbalanced way from one side to another: The table wobbled, because one of its legs was too short. n. an unsteady motion from side to side: The drunk man walked with a wobble. -adj. wobbly.


buluşma yeri, toplantı yeri, olay yeri, cinayet yeri - n. [C;U] (in law) the location of an event (such as a trial): The lawyer asked the judge for a change in venue.


bürümek, kaplamak, sinmek, yayılmak - v. [T] -vaded, -vading, -vades to spread through every part of, (syn.) to permeate: The smell of burnt toast pervaded the kitchen.


bütün, tamamlayıcı -


büyüklük, büyük kısım, cüsse, anaçoğunluk - n. [U] 1 large size: Big animals, such as elephants and whales, have huge bulk. 2 the most of s.t., (syn.) the majority: The bulk of the students passed the exam. adj. a bulk shipment: a large quantity: The bulk shipment was 500 boxes of shoes.


büzlmek, daralmak, kısalmak


büzüşmek, daralmak, kısalmak


bıçak ağzı, en ileri teknoloji, keskin kenar


cenin, dölüt


correct and true in every detail


daha da kötüleştirmek, fenalaşmak - v. 1 [I] to become worse, decline: His health worsens daily. 2 [T] to make worse: The bad weather worsens our mood. Thesaurus: worsen 1 to deteriorate, slide. Ant. improve. 2 to aggravate, exacerbate.


davacı, savcı

slopes of a mountain

dağın yamaçları

ever since

den beri,-den beri sürekli olarak -

on trial

deneme için, deneme aşamasında


devamlı, sürekli, ısrarcı, inatçı -

take over

devralmak, yönetimini ele geçirmek, satın almak


devrimci, inkilapçı

language barrier

dil engeli


doing what one is told to do; willing to obey


doğru dürüst, makul, edepli, iyi kalpli, doğru dürüst, nezih, yeterli - adj. 1 proper, correct (behavior, attitude): To help the poor is the decent thing to do. 2 well-behaved and kind: a decent human being 3 properly clothed: Wait outside until I put some clothes on; I'm not decent. 4 infrml. good enough: It's not a great job, but the pay is decent. -adv. decently. Thesaurus: decent 1 honorable, respectable. Ant. indecent. 2 good, virtuous 3 dressed


doğrulamak, teyit etmek - v. [T] -fied, -fying, -fies to prove s.t. is true, confirm: I verified the store's address by calling to check it. -n. [U] verification /vrfken/.


dumansız yanmak, için için yanmak


durum, koşul, vaziyet -


dürtü, gerekçe, gerekçe, neden - n. a reason, purpose for doing s.t.: Money was the thief's motive in robbing the bank.


düşmanlık, kin, husumet

the minute that

dığı an - The minute that the stock market collapsed, there was panic buying on an unprecedented scale


e karşın, olmakla beraber, diği halde


ebat, hisse, kısım, oran, pay, miktar - n. 1 [C;U] balance and harmony of s.t., the relationship of one part of s.t. to another part in size and shape: That artist draws people out of proportion, with big heads and little bodies. 2 [U] a ratio, percentage of s.t.: A large proportion of her salary goes to paying taxes. 3 fig. a sense of proportion: common sense, being reasonable: She takes her work seriously but has a sense of proportion and has fun, too. 4 to blow s.t. out of proportion: to exaggerate the importance of s.t.: When she didn't want to see him yesterday, he blew it out of proportion and became angry. -adj. proportional.


edebi, yazınsal - adj. related to literature and writing: Literary magazines have few readers compared to news magazines.


edinmek, elde etmek, kazanmak - by the end of the first year a baby will have already acquired some social skills


elektrik lambası, ampul


esaslı, etkili, güçlü - adj. sudden, extreme, and severe: We must take drastic steps to stop the disease. -adv. drastically.


eski günlerden konuşmak, hatıralardan söz etmek - v. [I] -nisced, -niscing, -nisces to think about past experiences, esp. pleasant ones, (syn.) to recollect: An elderly lady reminisced about the good times of her youth. See: reflect.


eğlence, dinlenme ile ilgili - Having to do with activites away from work, play, human leisure activites


eşsiz, yer doldurulmaz - adj. without equal, so special as to be unlike any other: My antique Chinese vase is irreplaceable.


fazla hoşgörülü,


fonksiyonel, işgörürür, pratik

fossil fuel

fosil yakıt - n. fuel, such as coal and oil, produced by the change of ancient plant and animal life into carbon: Fossil fuels produce substantial air pollution.


fotomontaj yapmak, eklemek, üst üste koymak -


garanti etmek, güvence altına almak, ikna etmek - v. [T] -sured, -suring, -sures to promise that s.t. is so, (syn.) to guarantee: I assure you that I'm telling you the truth.


gelişen, gürleyen, ilerleyen

deal with

gerekeni yapıp üstesinden gelmek, halletmek, ile ilgilenmek


gereksiz, artık, aşırı, fazla, gereğinden fazla, ihtiyaç fazlası, lüzumsuz, işinden çıkarılan, işsiz - adj. 1 not necessary or needed, (syns.) repetitious, superfluous: The teacher told him the ideas in his essay were redundant, because he repeated the same idea three times. 2 unneeded as an employee: Her position at the company was declared redundant and she was told to find a new job. -n. [C;U] redundancy; -adv. redundantly.

provide for

geçimini sağlamak, hesaba katmak, sağlamak


görkemli, imparator, imparatorluk -


görmemezlikten gelmek, gözardı etmek


günlük konuşma diline ait (colloquial English)


güç algılanan, nükteli, zekice, ince - adj. 1 not easy to sense, not obvious: The violin is very subtle in this piece of music. 2 indirect: Turning off all the lights is a subtle way of saying, "Don't waste electricity." 3 small, refined: The lawyer is smart; he sees subtle, but important, distinctions in the law. -n. [C;U] subtlety.

animal kingdom

hayvanlar alemi

set a goal

hedef koymak


hesap etmeki saymak, hesaba katmak, düşünmek - Do you reckoning that there will be an election in the next two years?

bilingual / multilingual

iki dil bilen - iki dilli / çok dil bilen çok dilli


iki yüzlü, numaracı, simulasyon cihazı


imkanlar, olanaklar, kaynaklar


ince, nazik, zarif - adj. with beauty of motion or style: She is a graceful dancer. -adv. gracefully. Thesaurus: graceful elegant, fluid. Ants. awkward, clumsy.


insan eliyle yapılan şey, yapay madde -


karışım -


kavram, anlayış, fikir - n. a general idea that usu. includes other related ideas: Democracy is a concept that includes, among other things, the ideas of individual freedom and the right to vote. -adj. conceptual /knsptul/; -v. [I;T] conceptualize.


kavramsal, idrak etme ile ilgili, , having to do with knowing or perceiving related to the mental processes; N. cognition: the mental process of knowing


kent, kentsel, şehirle ilgili, yurttaşlıkla ilgili - adj. of a city, citizenship, or a citizen: It is your civic duty to vote.


kentleşme, şehirleşme


kesin olmayan, kuşkulu, tartışılabilir

sharp drop

keskin düşüş


kral taraftarı, kralcı

user friendly

kullanışlı, kolay kullanılır


kurban, av, mağdur - n. s.o. or s.t. that suffers from an accident, crime, illness, or bad luck: The accident victim was helped by ambulance attendants.


kökünü kurutmak, yoketmek - v. [T] -cated, -cating, -cates to destroy completely, (syn.) to eliminate: Modern medicine has eradicated some diseases. -n. [U] eradication.




küçük alet, cihaz, ıvır zıvır - n. any small or unusual and useful object (an electronic device, machine, tool, etc.): She has many electronic gadgets in her house, from computers to an electric toothbrush. Thesaurus: gadget a gismo | whatchamacallit infrml., thingamabob infrml.


kırsal bölge

to sum up briefly

kısaca özetlemek


kısaltma: I've instead of I have


kısmen, oldukça, nispeten


kıyı, sahil, kıyısal, sahil boyunca, along the coast, where the land and water meet


lens, cam, mercek




moved away from something, such as soldiers who move away from the enemy, moved back, withdrew - geri çekilmek


muhafaza etmek, korumak, devam ettirmek, sürdürmek -


muhalif, savaşan - The two warring countries managed to reach / achieve a compromise over the terms for peace.


mülk, sahiplik


n.pl. of stratum - zemin tabakaları, tabakalar, katmanlar -


nefret etmek, iğrenmek - v. [T] to hate, detest: Those two people loathe each other.


not exactly; approximately

put great stress

of crucial importance


okutman, öğretim görevlisi , someone who lectures professionally


okşamak, sevmek - v. [T] -led, -ling, -les to touch tenderly, gently: The mother fondled her baby in her arms.

as far as he is concerned

ona sorarsan, ona kalırsa


oranla, bir dereceye kadar, diğerlerine oranla - , in comparison with something else, in a relative manner: the sitiuation is relatively calm now


ormanın yok edilmesi, tahrip edilmesi, ormansızlaştırma


orta yaşlı


pahalı, yüksek fiyatlandırılmış

play a role

payı olmak, rol oynamak


pirinç alaşım


polislik, polis faaliyetleri


politika, prensip, hareket tarzı


portatif, katlanır, taşınabilir - adj.n. movable, capable of being carried or moved around: She uses a <adj.> portable computer when she travels. -n. portability /prtblti/. Thesaurus: portable adj. mobile | handy, compact.


primitive: ilkel, basit, önceki - acemi, basit, eksil, ilkel, kaba, ham - adj. cruder, crudest 1 rough, unfinished: He lives in a cabin with crude chairs and a table made of unpainted wood. 2 ill-mannered, offensive: The child was sent to his room because of his crude behavior -adv. crudely; -n. [C;U] crudity /krudti/; [U] crudeness. Thesaurus: crude 1 basic, simple | imperfect. Ant. polished. 2 rude, vulgar. Ant. polite.


producing a surplus of money or a useful result


providing personal satisfaction - a rewarding career as a paramedic - tatmin edici, ümit verici, değerli, faydalı, ödüllendirme, yapmaya değer


rakkas, sarkaç, sürekli değişen şey - n. a heavy weight, such as a ball, that hangs from a fixed point and swings back and forth in a regular motion, esp. one found in a clock: The clock ticked with each swing of the pendulum.


relating to amounts


rencide etmek, gücendirmek, hatırını kırmak, incitmek -saldırmak, kabahat yapmak, suç işlemek - v. [T] 1 to hurt the feelings of people: She was offended that we didn't accept her invitation to dinner. 2 to displease, disgust: His constant lateness to work offends his coworkers. -n. offender. Thesaurus: offend1 to upset | insult. Ant. to win s.o. over. 2 to annoy, irritate | anger. Ant. to please.


riske giren kişi


sabırlı, acılara katlanabilen, tahammüllü


saltanat, hükümdarlık - n. the time period that a king or queen rules a country: The reign of Louis XIV of France ended in 1715. v. [I] to rule a country: Louis XIV reigned in France for over 70 years.


sansür, denetim, yayından kaldırma


sarsıcı, sendeleyen, sersemletici


sayaç, aksi yönde, ters, karşı, karşı çıkmak


sebep, güdü, dürtü - What were your motives in upsetting me like that? - n. a reason, purpose for doing s.t.: Money was the thief's motive in robbing the bank.


sentez, birleşim - The plan is a synthesis of several earlier proposals

greenhouse gases

sera gazları


someone who knows a lot about a subject and whose knowledge and opinions are greatly respected


something that can be regarded as a sign of something else

put an end to

son vermek, bitirmek


sonuç, akıbet - n. 1 [C] the result of doing s.t.: He drank heavily and died as a consequence. 2 [U] importance: World War II was an event of great consequence in human history. 3 to pay the consequences of: to suffer for: Henry paid the consequences of his drinking by dying at the age of 45. -adj. consequent; consequential /knskwnl/.


sonuçlar (bear the consequences: sonuçlarına katlanmak)

commit a crime

suç işlemek

crime rate

suç oranı


suçlu, cani, sabıkalı


sürekli ,ardı arkası kesilmeyen - adj. without stop, continuing, persistent: Incessant noise makes me appreciate silence.


sürekli, durağan, değişmez, sabit


sınırlı, sonlu - adj. limited in number (quantity, availability), countable: The company has finite resources that must be divided among a limited number of projects.


takım, dizi, seri, yığın -

at that very moment

tam şu anda - He finished the speech with a word of praise for the police. At that very moment people began throwing bottles and bricks, and the riot began.


tamsayı - n. any positive or negative whole number, including 0 (zero), but not fractions: If you add 1.5 and 1.5, you will get an integer, 3.


tek cinsiyetli

to be promoted

terfi etmek, daha iyi bir pozisyona tayin olmak


terimbilgisi, terimbilim, - n. [C;U] the technical vocabulary of a field: The terminology in science has exact meanings.


tespit, bulgu, karar, buluş - n. a decision made after an investigation: The finding of the Senate committee is that the program should not be continued.


the place that someone or something is going to


the seeds of crops such as corn, wheat, or rice


tipi, kar fırtınası


to come together and form a group, or to make people do this


to form by cutting


to give your permission for something or agree to do something


to organize or make plans for something such as a meeting, party, or trip


to sell goods to another country


to state that something is true, even though it has not been proved


to stop something from happening, or stop someone from doing something


to suggest a possible explanation that has not yet been proved to be true


to use time, energy, goods etc


tutarsız, çelişkili, değişken - adj. not matching, different from: Her statements are inconsistent with the facts. -n.[C;U] inconsistency.


tutkulu, eteşli, hırslı


tutucu, eski kafalı, muhafazakar


uyarmak, tahrik etmek, canlandırmak - v. [I;T] -lated, -lating, -lates to increase energy or activity: Her love for him stimulates his creativity.||Cold air stimulates me. -n. stimulation.


uygulanabilir, uygun, yapılabilir, yaşayabilir, tutarlı, adj. workable, capable of succeeding: He found a viable solution to the problem. -n. [U] viability.


uykusuzluk, uykusuzluk hastalığı


vakit alan, zaman harcatan


yakıt, benzin


yeterlik, beceri, kabiliyet -


yüzeysel, ayrıntısız, derin olmayan, gelişigüzel, iki boyutlu, üstünkörü - adj. 1 on the surface only; not deep: He gave us a superficial overview of the project. 2 lacking in serious thought, limited in understanding: Her knowledge of the subject is very superficial.


yıkılmış, tahrip edilmiş -


zaman çizelgesi, tarih cetveli


çarpmak, vurmak,


çarpıcı, çekici, etkileyici, harap edici


çarpıcı, çekici, müthiş, nefis - adj. 1 very beautiful: a stunning dress 2 very surprising: a stunning loss


çarpışma, dövüş, mücadele


çiftçi, köylü - n. 1 a farmer of low social rank who lives and works on a small piece of land: The peasant worked from sunrise to sunset. 2 pej. a person with little education and poor manners: She called him a peasant because of his behavior at the dinner table. adj. of or like a peasant: Peasant food is often simple, but delicious.


çocuk bakımevi, kreş


çocuk büyütmek, beslemek, bakmak - v. [T] -tured, -turing, -tures 1 to feed and care for: A mother should nurture her child. 2 to help develop: The famous musician nurtured young talent


çıkarma, dışarı verme, salım




şans eseri olan, bağımlı, olası, şarta bağlı, adj.frml. 1 likely but not certain to happen, (syn.) possible: After days of heavy rain, we were on guard for contingent flooding. 2 depending upon s.t., (syn.) conditional: We will buy this house contingent on selling our current home. n. a group: a contingent of soldiers


şartlı, bağlı, koşullu - adj. dependent upon, requiring that (s.t. be done): Our purchase of the house is conditional upon our making the first payment on it by tomorrow.

rise / raise

As prices _rise___ , demand usually drops. In response to the current oil shortage, most airlines plan to _raise__ their fares. ******Both words can mean "to move upwards", but they are not interchangeable. "Rise" is an intransitive verb(nesnesiz fiil) and "raise" is a transitive verb(nesneli fiil). Intransitive verbs, like rise, do not require an object. "Rise" does not require an object to do the motion. E.g., the sun rises every morning; she rose from her nap around 2 o'clock. The sun is rising on its own as did the napping girl. Transitive verbs, like raise, require an object. "Raise" requires an object to cause the motion. E.g., she raised her hand to answer the question; She raised the girl up onto his shoulders. The girl moved her own arm to answer the question and physically lifted the child onto his shoulders.

advise / advice

Can you ___advise___ me on the best course of action to take? He offered me some excellent ___advice___ .

Climate Change (n) (There is much debate over climate change, but many scientists agree that humans are responsible for it)

Changes in the weather/climate.

effect / affect

Cuts in spending will have a serious ___effect___ on the National Health Service. The strike will seriously __affect__ train services.

Deforestation (n) (Uncontrolled deforestation has resulted in the extinction of many species of animals)

Destruction of forests by humans.

inspect / control

Environmental health officers regularly _inspect (teftiş, denetleme)___ kitchens and other food preparation areas. The government plans to _control_ the price of meat to make sure it doesn't go up too much.

job / work

Everybody has the right to a decent (iyi, makul)__job____ with good pay. Following the recession, many people are still looking for work__ . ***** When someone is self employed or freelance employed he is working. When somebody is doing a permanent job and getting paid monthly for "work" he will have a job. In a job also he is doing work. But when we say work it does not necessarily mean a permanent job. *** When "work" is used to mean "the place that you work," you use it without an article. I have to go work now. I'm at work. Your sample sentence has "a ____ " so you need "job." Other sentences that are correct: I prefer to work near my home. I prefer a workplace that is near my home. I can't think of how you would ever use the article "a" before "work." I have a big job to do. I have a lot of work to do. I have some work to do. Never "I have a work to do."

to fulfil his obligations

He desperately wanted to start a new job, but first of all he had to fulfil his obligations to his current employer.

to achieve / realize / fulfil his ambitions

He worked hard at his job and was soon able to achieve / realize / fulfil his ambitions of being promoted to marketing manager. (Note: realize can also be written realise)

treat / cure

Hospitals are so understaffed that they find it almost impossible to __treat____ patients with minor injuries. They were unable to ___cure___ the disease, and hundreds died as a result. ****Cure is a remedy(çare, deva) and the illness is completely gone or licked. Treatment is only addressing the symptoms.

to achieve / realize / fulfil my aims

I have a lot of plans, and one of them is to achieve / realize / fulfil my aims of doing well at school and then going to university.

permit / permisson

I'm afraid we can't __________________ photography in here. They received __________________ to attend the sessions as long as they didn't interrupt.

manage / succeed in

Instead of manage to (+ the infinitive form of the verb), we can say succeed in (+ the -ing form of the verb. Example: He managed to pass his exam / He succeeded in passing his exam

damage / injury / harm

It was a severe _injury_____ which needed immediate hospital treatment. A lot of _damage_(hasar, ziyan)_____ was caused to buildings along the coast during the storm. There's no __harm (_zarar, fenalık)__ in taking a break from your job now and then.

achieve / realize / fulfil their goal

Many people want to be rich, but few achieve / realize / fulfil their goal of becoming millionaires.

prevent / avoid

Rapid government reforms managed to __prevent__ a revolution taking place. He's always trying to __avoid__ taking a decision if he can help it.

during / for / while

Shops were closed _for_____ the duration of the conflict. During___ the transition from a dictatorship to democracy, the country experienced severe strikes and riots. The bomb went off __while___ the President was making his speech. **** 'While' is followed by a clause or a participial phrase. 'During' is followed by noun. During' requires a specific period: during February, during the summer.

procession / process

The _procession (geçit töreni, dizi, sıra, oluş)___ made its way down the avenue. Applying for a visa can be a long and frustrating _process (süreç, aşama)____ .


a substance that is formed naturally in the earth which can be dug out of the ground and used, such as coal, salt, stone, or gold

live life on the edge

"living life on the edge" is like an old saying meaning live life without fear go and do something crazy and fun like what a "daredevil" does he gets out of boring life and risks his to have fun and to be dangerous, wild, and crazy


(ağrı) kolayca geçmemekayrılamamak, geçmek bilmemek, oyalanmak - v. [I] 1 to remain, as if not wanting to go: Some guests lingered after the others had left. 2 to stay, persist: Her perfume lingered even after she had gone. 3 to continue living but in a weak condition: He was badly hurt in the crash but lingered a day before dying. -adj. lingering.

as long as / so long as

(eğer) se, sa , müddetçe - Pollution will get worse as long as we continue to live in a throwaway society. (We can also say so long as, although this is slightly more formal)


(katlanılması zor bir şeye) maruz kalmak, sıkıntı çekmek, katlanmak - v. [T] -went /wnt/, -gone /gn, gn/, -going, -goes 1 to experience: He will undergo an operation to remove his appendix. 2 to suffer, bear: In order to get the job, she had to undergo five tests and an interview.


(teklif vb.) boş çıkmak - we can also say backfired, when a plan turns out exactly the opposite to what was expected. For example: All their holiday plans backfired when the children got chicken pox

Useful interview expressions: Giving yourself time to think

- Let me see. - May I think about that for a moment? - How can I put this? - How can I best say this? - Let me get this right

Useful interview expressions: Summing up

- So basically..... - In short,... - To sum up,... - So in conclusion,... - To summarise,...

Useful interview expressions: Saying something in another way

- What I mean is..... - What I'm trying to say is... - In other words... - Perhaps I should make that clearer by saying... - How can I best say this? - To put it another way... - In brief,...

continuous / continual

A _continuous __ trade embargo has badly affected the economic infrastructure. The computer has given us __continual( ardı arkası gelmeyen, devamlı)__ problems ever since we installed it. Continual implies recurrence at regular or frequent intervals - for example: 'Dancing requires continual practice.' Continual is duration that continues over a long period of time, but with intervals of interruptions - for example: Organizations evaluate the effectiveness of process improvements and implement changes on a continual basis after measuring the success of the process improvement Continuous means extending uninterruptedly in time: for example: 'a continuous procession of cars' Continuous is duration that continues over a long period of time, but without intervals of interruption - for example: An organization that has implemented a continuous improvement process These two words are NOT interchangeable.

to achieve / realise their dreams

After four years of hard work, the motor racing team managed to achieve / realise their dreams of winning the Monaco Grand Prix.


Allh a yakarmak, dua etmek, yalvarmak, yürülüğe girmek, başvurmak - 1 to call upon for help, (syn.) to summon: Through prayer, she invoked the help of God to cure her sick brother. 2 to put into effect, to use: When they saw the girl buy wine, the police invoked a law that forbids the sale of alcoholic beverages to people under 21.

by way of contrast

Asia covers a huge area. By way of contrast, Europe is very small

many consider / not alone in this opinion

I am not alone in this opinion. Many consider a sound career and a good salary to be an important goal.

relation with / to usage

I am writing in relation to / with your job advertisement - NOT in relation of

intolerable / intolerant

I consider his behaviour to be quite _intolerable (çekilmez, dayanılmaz, kabul edilemez)___ . The government is _intolerant (anlayışsız, hoşgörüsüz, tahammülsüz)___ of other political parties.

practise / practice

It's important to _practise (pratik yapmak, alıştırma yapmak)____ your English whenever possible. You need more practice (alıştırma , antreman)_ before you take the exam.

principal / principle

Many people refuse to eat meat on _principle (ilke , prensip____(on principle: prensip olarak) . The __principal________ of the college is an ardent non-smoker. The country's _principal (başlıca, ana, esas)____ products are paper and wood. Not many people are familiar with the _principle (ilke)____ of nuclear physics.

conscious / conscientious

Most people are __conscious _ of the need to protect the environment. conscientious (dikkatli, özenli, itinalı)__ workers should be rewarded for their hard work.

relation with / to usage

My relationship with my parents is very strong - NOT my relation with my parents

shortly / briefly

Shortly____ before the conflict began, the army pulled down the border posts. The minister spoke __briefly__ about the need for political reform.

lie / lay

The city of Quito __lies_(uzanmak, durmak) near the equator. The manager made it clear he intended to Lay_(sermek, koymak, yatırmak)___ down some strict rules. (lay down: kural koymak, bir şeyi bir yere koymak, bırakmak)

respectable / respectful

The delegates listened in _respectful (saygılı)__ silence as the chairman spoke. They want to bring up their children in an area which is considered to be respectable _(saygıdeğer)_ . ****Respectable is being of positive character yourself, someone who others would respect. Respectful means you treat others with respect.

however / moreover

The plan was good in theory. _However____ , in practice it was extremely difficult to implement. The plan was excellent. _Moreover___ , it was clear from the beginning that it was going to be a success.

possibility - chance

There is always the _possibility__ that the government will reverse its decision. If we act now, we have a good _chance___ of finding a cure for the disease.

appreciable / appreciative

There is an __appreciable (kayda değer, farkedilir)__ difference between manslaughter and murder. She was very ____appreciative (değerbilir, minnettar)__ of our efforts to help.

objecton / criticism

They didn't raise any _objecton ___ when we insisted on inspecting the figures. The government's plan was met with severe _criticism .

assumption / presumption

They raised taxes on the __assumption (varsayım, zan)_ that it would help control spending. It's sheer _presumption (ipucu, tahmin, olasılık)_ for the government to suggest things have improved since they came to power. - presumption: n. 1 [C] an assumption, thinking s.t. is true: He got an advanced university degree on the presumption that he would get a better job, which he did. 2 [U] an imposition, taking advantage of s.o.: Her father was annoyed by her presumption in borrowing money from him and not repaying it.

Eco-friendly (adj) (This electric car is very eco-friendly - it produces no carbon dioxide emissions)

This describes something that is designed to be good for the environment. (e.g. an electric car)


To end something suddenly and finally.- ayrılmak, ilişkiyi kesmek, koparmak - The Cornucopian government decided to sever relations with Utopia.

To find a solution TO something (v) (Countries need to work together to find a solution to the problem of world poverty)

To find the answer to a problem. (verb)

collocations with the word "relationship"

Verbs: build a relationship, develop a relationship, establish a relationship, form a relationship, have arelationship - Adjectives: a close relationship, a long-standing relationship, a working relationship, a succesful relationship - Prepositions: a relationship with someone, a relationship between two things or people NOT relationship to someone

watch / look at

We must _watch_ the situation in Lugumba carefully, and be prepared to act if violence flares again. We need to _look at__ the problem carefully and decide if there is anything we can do about it. ****Look - to look at something for a reason, with an intention. 'Look at that strange man.' 'Look at the pictures I took on holiday.' *** Watch - to look at something carefully, usually at something which is moving. 'Watch TV'- the TV doesn't move, but you watch the moving images carefully. 'Watch here you are going! You almost stepped on my foot!'

invent / discover

When did he __invent___ the telephone? Did Alexander Fleming __discover____ penicillin? Use the term discover when referring to finding something that already exists. Use the term invent when referring to finding or creating something new.

Recycling (n) (Verb: To Recycle something) (Recycling paper reduces deforestation/ You can recycle paper.)

When paper, glass, plastic is put through a process so that it can be used again.

Inequality (n) (Inequality is the cause of much unhappiness in the world)

When some people have more than others.

Shortage (n) (A shortage of...) (There is a shortage of doctors in the developing world. A shortage of money. A shortage of water.)

When there is not enough of something.

Useful interview expressions: Asking for clarification or repetition

Would you mind repeating that? - Pardon? - Could you repeat what you said? - I'm afraid I didn't catch that


a feeling of worry about something important


a long journey in a ship or spacecraft


a measure of land


a place for religious practices (praying, sacrifices)


a vehicle with three wheels that is moved by foot pedals - üç tekerlekli bisiklet


abartmak, arttırmak, büyütmek, çoğaltmak, geliştirmek - v. [T] -hanced, -hancing, -hances to improve, add to: She enhanced the value of her house by painting it.


abartmak, ağırlaştırmak, ciddileştirmek, kötüleştirmek, provoke etmek - v. [T] -vated, -vating, -vates 1 to irritate, annoy: He aggravates me by complaining all the time. 2 to worsen, (syn.) to exacerbate: I hurt my foot, then aggravated it by trying to walk on it too soon. -n. aggravation. See: angry, USAGE NOTE.


abartmak, yükseltmek, arttırmak - v. [I;T] to intensify, increase: The storyteller heightened the suspense in the mystery story.||Workers heightened the building by adding two stories on top of it. Thesaurus: heighten to boost, add to, raise.


abartılı, aşırı, meraklı - adj. 1 having warm feelings toward s.o. or s.t.: She is fond of children.||He has fond memories of his childhood. 2 having a liking, preference for: He is fond of food and drink. Thesaurus: fond 1 attached to, mad about, hooked on (s.t. or s.o.) infrml. | warm, tender,warmhearted (thoughts, feelings) 2 partial to, hooked on infrml.


abartılı, gösterişli, süslü


abuk sabuk, anlaşılmaz, manasız - adj. not able to be understood, (syn.) unintelligible: The little girl was so scared that her speech was incoherent. -n. [U] incoherence.


acele, ivedi, baskılayıcı, sıkıştıran, ısrarlı - adj. urgent, demanding attention: The roof is leaking, so fixing it is a pressing problem.


acele, çabuk, dakik - harekete geçirmek, harekete geçmek, yönlendirmek, teşvik etmek - A persistent cough prompted him to seek medical help


acele, çabuk, hazır, hemen, bilgi, istek - adj. 1 on time, punctual: He was prompt; he arrived at noon, as planned. 2 quick, done without delay: I received a prompt response to my letter. -adv. promptly. v. 1 [T] to cause s.o. to do s.t., (syn.) to prod: The forecast of rain prompted me to bring my umbrella. 2 [I;T] to provide an entertainer with forgotten lines: The director prompted the actor when he forgot his lines. -n. [U] promptness.


acemi, beceriksiz, niteliksiz - adj. without special skills or education: Cutting the grass or sweeping the sidewalks requires unskilled workers only.


acı, ağır, acımasız, şiddetli, sert - adj. 1 causing pain or irritation: The soap is too harsh for my skin. 2 severe: Winter in the Arctic is harsh.||The punishment was too harsh for such a young child. -adv. harshly; -n. [U] harshness.


adamsız, insansız - adj. without an operator or pilot: An unmanned space vehicle was sent to Mars.


adj. liking or tending to study: I see a studious young woman in the library every day. - bir konu üzerinde araştırma yapmayı seven, çalışkan, gayretli


adını kaydetmek, kaydolmak, üye olmak - v. [I;T] to join officially: I enrolled in college this autumn; I will graduate in four years. -n. enrollee /nroli/. Thesaurus: enroll to register for s.t., sign up | enlist (in the military). Ant. to drop out of.


ahlak, etik


akit, anlaşma - n. -ties a formal agreement between nations, accord: European countries signed a treaty on economic cooperation.


aklını çelmek, caydırmak, kararından döndürmek - To persuade someone not to do something. - The college tries to dissuade students from entering exams which are not suitable for them.


akmak, damlamak, sızmak, süzülmek - v. [I] -led, -ling, -les 1 to run in a thin stream, drip: Water trickled from the trees during the light rain. 2 phrasal v. to trickle down: a. to drip down: Water trickled down the wall from a leak. b. fig. to go from a higher to a lower economic class: Wealth trickled down from the rich to the poor. n. 1 a drip, thin stream: Water came from the pump in only a trickle. 2 to slow to a trickle: to lessen to almost nothing: Sales are bad; they have slowed to a trickle.


akraba, bağlı, ilgili, dair, ilişkin, göreceli - n. a person connected by blood or marriage to s.o., relation: My parents and brother are my only living relatives. adj. comparative: We discussed the relative advantages of buying a new or used car.||The value of money is relative and not so important compared to health and happiness. -adv. relatively. Thesaurus: relative n. family, family member, next of kin.


akran, eş,denk, yaşıt - n. 1 a person who is one's equal in age, rank, ability, or other quality: I want to discuss that business offer with my peers at work. 2 to have no peer: to be the best: In sports, he has no peer. v. [I] to take a long, slow look as if to discover s.t. (an object, an answer to a question) that is not at first clear: He peered out the window to see who was coming.


aksatmak, bozmak, bozulmak, v. [T] 1 to interrupt, cause a break in the flow of: The storm disrupted our telephone service, so we could not make phone calls for two days. 2 to cause a disorder in, upset: A protester disrupted a meeting of the Board of Directors by shouting slogans. -n.[C;U] disruption.


aksilik, başarısızlık, gerileme, kötüleşme - n. s.t. that causes a return to an earlier place or situation: We had to turn back when the road ended; it was a setback in the trip.||Getting fired was a setback in his career.


aksilik, başarısızlık, yenilgi, terslik,


aksini ispat etmek, yalanlamak v. [T] -futed, -futing, -futes to prove s.t. is incorrect, disprove: One witness refuted the statement of another by presenting new evidence. -n. [C;U] refutation.

action / activity

aksiyon, işlem, fiil, eylem - n. 1 [U] happenings, movement: We watched the action of the football game on TV. 2 [C] the effect or force of s.t. on s.t. else: The action of the waves hitting the beach made the sand wash away. 3 to take action: to bring s.o. to court, (syn.) to sue: The company took action against an employee who stole a computer. / etkinlik, faaliyet - n. -ties 1 [U] the state of being busy, (syn.) movement: There isn't much activity on the roads after midnight. 2 [C] a planned event: The activities at the school include sports and dances. 3 [U] rapid movement: People were running everywhere; there was a lot of activity. The police took immediate _action__ when they realised the situation was getting out of hand. Economic ___activity_____ stagnated as the recession took hold.


aktarmak, arkasına yazmak, ciro etmek, desteklemek, onaylamak, teyit etmek, uygun bulmak - v. [T] -dorsed, -dorsing, -dorses 1 to sign one's name on the back of a check or note: He endorsed his paycheck and deposited it in his bank. 2 to approve an idea, act, or product: Famous athletes endorse sports equipment and other products. -n. [C;U] endorsement.


aktüel, çağdaş, güncel, son moda - adj. 1 current, not behind: All my work is up-to-date. 2 modern, state of the art: Our business has the most up-to-date equipment. Thesaurus: up-to-date 1 on schedule. Ant. behind. 2 contemporary. Ant. old-fashioned.


alaka, bağıntılılık - n. [C;U] a close relationship to s.t. else, (syn.) appropriateness: The actions that governments take to increase employment have a close relevance to a healthy economy.


alaka, düşkünlük, eğilim, etkileme, meyil - n. [U] 1 a feeling close to love, warmth for s.o.: He feels affection for his grandchildren. 2 tender actions, such as hugging and kind words: The child needs his mother's affection. Thesaurus: affection 1 love, tender feelings 2 hug(ging), kiss(ing), caress(ing). Ant. hate.


alaka, ilgi, ilişki, anlamlılık, uyumluluk - n. [C;U] a close relationship to s.t. else, (syn.) appropriateness: The actions that governments take to increase employment have a close relevance to a healthy economy.


alakalı, ilgili, uygun - adj.frml. directly related, (syn.) relevant: His skills were not pertinent to the job he applied for. -n. [U] pertinence.


alalade, çok sıradan, dünyevi, olağan - adj.frml. referring to the events of everyday living, (syn.) commonplace: Her life is filled with mundane work.


alay, donanma, filo - . 1 all the ships in a navy or a group of ships: Honolulu is a major port for the U.S. naval fleet. 2 a number of airplanes, trucks, or cars grouped together: American Airlines has a large fleet of planes. adj.frml. fast, quick: The runner is fleet of foot.


alaşım, karışım - Brass is a well-known alloy of copper and zinc


aldanmak, yanılmak - adj. & past.part of mistake, incorrect, wrong: He was mistaken when he thought I was on vacation; I wasn't. Thesaurus: mistaken adj. in error | inaccurate, erroneous. Ants. right, correct.


aldatma, dolandırıcılık, hile - n. 1 [U] deceit with the purpose of gaining another's money or property: The company offered property for sale in Arizona, but it was a fraud; the property didn't exist. 2 [C] s.o. or s.t. that is not what he, she, or it appears to be: He said he was an Italian prince, but he was a fraud. Thesaurus: fraud 1 a scam, sham, hoax 2 an impostor, phony.


aldatma, dolandırıcılık,yolsuzluk - n. 1 [U] deceit with the purpose of gaining another's money or property: The company offered property for sale in Arizona, but it was a fraud; the property didn't exist. 2 [C] s.o. or s.t. that is not what he, she, or it appears to be: He said he was an Italian prince, but he was a fraud. Thesaurus: fraud 1 a scam, sham, hoax 2 an impostor, phony.


aldatma, yanlışlık, hata - n. -cies a false belief, (syns.) misconception, misinterpretation: It is a fallacy that everyone is equal before the law, because people with money hire expensive lawyers to keep them out of jail.


alet, aparat, cihaz - n. 1 an electrical or mechanical machine: The computer is an electronic device. 2 a tool or implement: An electric can opener is also a device. 3 a trick or secret means to an end: His outbursts of anger are just a device to move everyone's attention from his guilt. 4 to leave to one's own devices: to leave s.o. alone without help or interference Thesaurus: device 1 an instrument, mechanism 2 an appliance, contraption, gadget 3 a scheme, stratagem.


alevlendirmek, arttırmak, daha kötü bir duruma sokmak - v. [T] -bated, -bating, -bates to make worse, (syn.) to aggravate: I hurt my foot, and walking on it exacerbated the pain.


algılamak, belirlemek, çıkarmak, farketmek - v. [T] 1 to uncover, find: They detected a problem in the computer program and fixed it. 2 to notice, observe: I detect a sense of frustration among my employees.


alt bölümlere ayırmak, parsellemek - v. [I;T] -vided, -viding, -vides to separate (usu. land) into smaller pieces: A real estate company bought a large, wooded area and subdivided it into four groups of housing.


alt etmek, başından atmak, düzenlemek, hazırlamak - v. [T] -posed, -posing, -poses 1 to make, be ready for s.t.: The police were disposed to enter the criminal's house. 2 phrasal v. insep. to dispose of: a. to throw away, put in a trash container: After your picnic, please dispose of the trash (garbage, litter, etc.). b. to deal with s.t. and bring to a conclusion: At the meeting, the committee quickly disposed of the first matter on the agenda.


alt sınıfa indirmek, rütbesini indirmek, indirgemek - v. [T] -moted, -moting, -motes to lower in position or rank: The editor was angry when the general manager demoted her to assistant editor.


alt, aşağı, aşağı derecede, değersiz, kalitesiz - adj. lower in quality: Most wine from Switzerland is inferior to wine from France. n. a person of lower rank or ability: The general is unkind to his inferiors. -n. [U] inferiority /nfrirti, r/. Thesaurus: inferior adj. second-rate, mediocre, substandard | of poor quality. Ant. superior.


alternatifsiz, benzeri görülmemiş, eşsiz - adj. unusual, not having happened before: The governor was elected for an unprecedented fourth time. -adv. unprecedentedly.


altyapı, altyapı tesisleri - n. [C;U] roads, water, electricity, and other basic things that help a country's people and economy: Many tax dollars in the USA pay for infrastructure, such as the national highway system.


altyapı, düzlük, kürsü, ortam, zemin - n. 1 a flat, raised structure for making speeches or boarding trains: I stepped from the platform into the train. 2 a statement of political beliefs and goals: The politician ran for election on a platform of lowering taxes. 3 a type of computer hardware or software: That company uses an IBM platform. (=uses IBM computers). Thesaurus: platform1 a stage, stand | dais, podium 2 a program, set of policies 3 a computer operating system.


alçalmak, çökmek, yığılmak, inmek, dibe batmak - v. [I] -sided, -siding, -sides to become less strong or intense, to lessen: Her high fever has subsided.


alçaltmak, aşağılamak, düşmek, indirmek - v. [T] -graded, -grading, -grades 1 to lower in the opinion of others or in self-respect: Don't degrade yourself by accepting such a poor job offer. 2 to lower the quality or worth of s.t.: They degraded the value of the house by letting it fall into ruin. 3 to break down and lose effectiveness: Medicine (chemicals, materials, etc.) can degrade over time. -n. [U] degradation /dgrden/.


alıkoymak, caydırmak, engellemek, vazgeçirmek - To discourage someone from doing something. - The threat of severe punishment didn't deter the thieves from striking again.


alıkoymak, durdurmak, elinden kaçırmamak, sızdırmamak, tutumak, el koymak - v. [T] 1 to keep s.t., maintain possession of s.t.: The wife retained most of her dead husband's property, but some went to the children. 2 to pay a professional for services: When his neighbor drove a car into his house, he retained a lawyer. See: retention.


alım, ağız, içeri alma, emme, giriş ağzı, the process of taking food into the body through the mouth (as by eating)


alıp satılan şey, ticaret eşyası - n. -ties a general word for items or substances for sale, like grains and metals: Some important commodities are wheat and corn, or silver and gold.


alışılagelmiş, geleneksel, sıradan - adj. based on or conforming to accepted ways of doing things, (syn.) traditional: People give conventional greetings to each other, like, "Hi, how are you?" -adv. conventionally.


alışılmamışlık, hususiyet, özellik - For example, it one of the peculiarities of the British system that judges and lawyers wear wigs in court.


amele, emekçi, ırgat, işçi -


ameliyat etmek, çalıştırmak, işletmek - v. -ated, -ating, -ates 1 [I;T] to function: Her new computer operates at a high speed.||That company operated in an old-fashioned way.||He operates the company out of his home. 2 [I;T] to be in charge of, manage: He operates a food business in the city. 3 [I] to perform surgery: The doctor operated on her this morning and removed her appendix. Thesaurus: operate 1 to work, run 2 to run, conduct, handle.


amir, üstün, daha çok, ddaha kuvvetli, üst, üstün nitelikli - n. a person who is higher in rank or importance: My superiors in the company have requested that I cut costs. adj. 1 better (than); above average; of high quality: Our product is superior to our competitor's.||That is superior work. 2 of higher rank or position: her superior officer 3 giving the impression that one is better than others: She acts superior because she is proud and rich.


an meselesi, olması yakın, yakında olacak


an odd feature or detail of - mahsus, özgün, özel - In the same way, kimchii is a concoction of cabbage, chilli and garlic which is peculiar to Korea.


ana fikir, öz, meselenin ruhu - Once you have the gist, it should be easier to understand it.


ana tarafından, anaç, anne, anne ile ilgili - adj. 1 related to a mother: Maternal instinct makes mothers protect their children. 2 related through one's mother: My maternal grandparents raised my mother in Idaho.


ana yol, atardamar - n. -teries 1 one of several large blood vessels going from the heart: One of the patient's heart arteries is blocked. 2 a highway: The main arteries out of the city are filled with holiday traffic. -adj. arterial.


ana, basit, ilkel, gelişmemiş - adj.frml. simple, basic: He has a rudimentary ability to read, but he can only read simple words.


anahtar, aktarmak, değiişiklik, değişim, dönüşme, birinden ötekine geçmek, yönünü değiştirmek - the act of changing one thing or position for another noun Ex. "his switch on abortion cost him the election" - , lay aside, abandon, or leave for another Ex. "switch to a different brand of beer"; "She switched psychiatrists"; "The car changed lanes"


anahtar, makas, şalter


anaokulu - n. classes that four- and five-year-old children go to the year before the first grade of school: Our little boy goes to kindergarten.


ani istek, ani hareket, itici güç, vuruş - n. 1 a sudden urge, whim: He had an impulse to run, but he kept on walking. 2 on impulse: People who buy on impulse often return purchases later.


ani ve hızlı artış, yükselme - n. a sudden rush, increase: Our company had an upsurge in sales this month.


ani çıkış, atak, gayret , yükseliş - v. [I] 1 to move out or forward with great force, (syn.) to gush forth: The water spurted from the fountain. 2 to move ahead with a sudden burst of energy: The runner spurted past the others. n. 1 a sudden burst of liquid: a spurt of blood from a vein 2 a sudden burst of energy: a spurt of effort to finish a job


ani, çabuk, hızlı - adj. very fast, quick: His rapid speech is difficult to understand. -n. [U] rapidity; /rpdti/ -adv. rapidly. Thesaurus: rapid swift, speedy. Ant. slow.


anlam belirsizliği, anlaşmazlık, belirsizlik -


anlam vermek, mana çıkarmak, yorumlamak - v. [T] -strued, -struing, -strues to understand s.t. in a certain way, (syn.) to interpret it: He construed my joke as a serious comment, not as a funny comment. See: misconstrue.


anlam çıkarmak, sonuç çıkarmak - v. [T] -ferred, -ferring, -fers to guess by having some information, (syns.) to surmise, deduce: I infer from your smile that you are happy.

figure out

anlamak, birşeyin nedenini kestirmek - find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of, solve, understand I can't figure out what happened.


anlamak, çıkarım yapmak, sonuç çıkarmak - v. [T] -duced, -ducing, -duces to reach a conclusion by reasoning from the general to the specific: My friend becomes quiet when his girlfriend is angry with him; today he is quiet and so I deduce she is angry.


anlamlı, dokunaklı, etkili ve güzel söz söyleyen


anlamsız, faydasız, boşuna, nafile - adj. useless, unsuccessful: He made a second and futile attempt to pass the examination. -adv. futilely.


anlamına gelmek, belirtmek, demek olmak, göstermek , işaret etmek - v. [T] -fied, -fying, -fies 1 to show, indicate: The new neighbors sent us a cake to signify that they want to be friends. 2 to mean: An arrow will signify the correct direction.


anlamına gelmek, belirtmek, göstermek - v. [T] -noted, -noting, -notes to show clearly, signify: The high quality of her writing denotes clear thinking.


anlamına gelmek, demek olmak, işareti olmak, belirtmek - v. [T] -fied, -fying, -fies 1 to show, indicate: The new neighbors sent us a cake to signify that they want to be friends. 2 to mean: An arrow will signify the correct direction.


anlatmak, betimlemek, tasvir etmek - v.frml. [T] 1 to paint, draw: The artist depicted a landscape in bright colors. 2 to describe, (syn.) to portray: Her letters depict the situation as wonderful. -n.[C;U] depiction /dpkn/.


anlatmak, örnelendirmek, resimlemek - v. [T] -trated, -trating, -trates 1 to give examples, explain: The teacher illustrated the history lesson by telling a story about George Washington. 2 to provide with pictures, drawings, etc.: The history book was illustrated with many maps and photographs. -adj. illustrative /lstrtv, lstre/. Thesaurus: illustrate 1 to make clear, elucidate 2 to adorn with pictures.


anlayış, düşünce, fikir, görüş, kavram, anlam, algılama biçimi - n. 1 [C;U] the creation of life: The conception of a baby happens when a man's sperm fertilizes a woman's egg. 2 [U] a beginning: At the conception of this project, our company had five employees; now, three years later, the company has 20 employees. 3 [C;U] an idea, (syn.) an understanding: Most people have no conception of how difficult it is to write a book.


anlaşmak, arttırmak, birleştirmek, halletmek, karıştırmak - n. 1 s.t. made by combining two or more parts or elements: Water is a chemical compound made from hydrogen and oxygen. 2 an area with a fence around it: The soldiers live inside a military compound. v. [T] /kmpand, kmpand/ 1 to make s.t. more difficult, (syn.) to complicate: Our car broke down, and heavy rain compounded our problem of getting help. 2 to add s.t. on top of s.t. else, (syn.) to accumulate: Interest compounds monthly in my savings account. adj. /kmpand/ made up of two or more parts: The compound word "bookstore" is formed from the words "book" and "store."


anlaşmak, kabul etmek, onaylamak - v.frml. [I] to agree to, to approve: The father assented to his daughter's marriage.n. [U] affirmative response, permission


anlaşmak, karşılıklı ödün vererek anlaşmaya varmak, uzlaşmak - n. [C;U] an agreement reached where each side gets some, but not all, of what it wants, while the other side also gets some, but not all, of what it wants: My boss and I reached a compromise on my salary increase where I get what I asked for, but I have to wait six months for it. v. -mised, -mising, -mises 1 [I] to reach a compromise: We compromised, so I get the increase I asked for, but I have to wait for it. 2 [T] to put s.o. in a position of harm or difficulty


anlaşmazlık, tartışma, çekişme, mücadele - n. 1 an argument, quarrel: The couple had a dispute over money. 2 a lawsuit, court case: The two landowners have a dispute over water rights.||These two <n.> disputants will meet in court. v. -puted, -puting, -putes 1 [T] to argue against, quarrel over: One person disputes what the other says. 2 [I;T] to question the truth of: The two people disputed each other's claims in court.


anlaşılması güç, belirsiz, sıradan, önemsiz,sönük - v. [T] -scured, -scuring, -scures 1 to block from view, hide, (syn.) to conceal: Fog obscured the airport, so our plane could not land. 2 to confuse, make unclear: Her bad memory obscured the facts about the accident. adj. 1 difficult to understand, unclear: That professor's writing is so obscure that it is very hard to understand. 2 difficult to see: Heavy rain made the view of the mountain obscure. -adv. obscurely.


anlık, bir an için, geçici olarak, For a very short time


anonim,isimsiz - adj. not being named, unknown: An anonymous person called the police and identified the thief. -adv. anonymously; -n. [U] anonymity


anormal, olağandışı, acayip - adj. not normal, unusual: The high temperatures are abnormal for this time of year. -adv. abnormally.


anormallik, bozukluk, kuraldışılık - n.frml. -lies a departure from the normal, a mystery: The flying machine was unlike any craft the engineers had ever seen; it was an anomaly. -adj. anomalous /nmls/.


anımsamak, hatırlamak, geri çağırmak - v. [T] 1 to remember s.t.: I don't recall your name; I don't have a good memory for names. 2 to ask that s.t. be returned: The company recalled a product because it was not safe. n. /rikl/ [U] 1 the ability to remember: She has a wonderful recall of people's names. 2 a request for the return of unsafe goods by the company that made them


anımsatmak, hatırlatmak, hissettirmek, uyandırmak - v. [T] evoked, evoking, evokes to bring out a feeling, response, (syn.) to elicit: The poetry evoked a feeling of love in the reader. -adj. evocative /vktv/.


anında, kendiliğinden, without advance preparation


anıtsal, koskoca, muazzam - adj. having large proportions, endurance, or importance: Tolstoy's War and Peace is a monumental book.


ara, ara dönem, teneffüsi perde arası - n. 1 a period of time between two events: There was an interlude of good weather between the two snowstorms. 2 a short piece of music played between longer parts of a play, concert, church service, etc.: There was a brief musical interlude before each new group of singers appeared on stage.


ara, müddet, aralık


aralarında ilişki kurmak, bağdaştırmak - v. [I;T] -lated, -lating, -lates to show or see how one thing relates meaningfully to another: We can correlate the increase in profits to the increase in our sales.


aralık, ayrı, farklı, farklı olan, ayrımsal, farklılık


aralıksız, daimi, ebedi, devamlı - dj. 1 continuing forever: a heaven of perpetual joy||a perpetual motion machine 2 constant, occurring all the time: She became annoyed with his perpetual questions. -adv. perpetually.


aralıksız, derli toplu, sık, tıkız, yoğun - adj. 1 small compared with others, taking up little space: That compact suitcase is easy to carry. 2 close together, (syn.) dense: The equipment in that case is packed in a compact way. n. /kmpkt/ a small case used to hold women's face powder and a mirror v. [T] /kmpkt/ to pack or pound tightly: to compact garbage adv. compactly: It fits compactly behind the door for storage. -n. [U] compactness; (machine) compactor /kmpktr, kmpk/.


aranak, araştırmak, istemek, çabalamak, peşinde koşmak - v. sought /st/, seeking, seeks 1 [I;T] to look for s.o. or s.t.: The police are seeking a woman in a blond wig and a blue dress. 2 [T] to request: We don't know what to do, so we will seek our father's advice. 3 [T] to try to get or win: I am seeking love and happiness in my life.


arasına sokmak, arasına koymak, eklemek, yerleştirmek


araya giren, davetsiz, zorla giren, sırnaşık


araya girmek, karışmak, müdahele etmek - v. [I] -vened, -vening, -venes to stop an action happening between other people: Would you intervene if you saw a parent hit a child? -n. [C;U] intervention /ntrvnn/.


arazi sahibi, efendi, mal sahibi (landlady = female. We can also use the word landowner)


arazi, emlak, mal, mülk - n. 1 a large house with much land 2 the wealth (money, property) left by a dead person: His estate was worth a million dollars.


araştırma, araştırmayla ilgili


araştırma, inceleme - v. [I;T] -es to study s.t. deeply, (syn.) to investigate: He researched many books and magazines in the library for his term paper. n. [U] a study of information about s.t., (syn.) an inquiry: She did research in a chemical laboratory. -n. researcher.


arbede, ayaklanma, isyan, kargaşa - She started haranguing the crowd with the aim of starting a riot


ardışıklı, diziliş, sıralamak,dizmek - n. 1 [C] a continuing and connected series of acts (events, steps, etc.): There was a sequence of events leading up to the robbery.||You have to follow a sequence of commands to use a computer. 2 [U] an order of things: Please put your checks in sequence by number.


arkadaş, dost, müttefik


arta kalan miktar, üretim fazlası, ihtiyaç fazlası, artan, fazladan fazla- n. -es an amount more than what is needed or used: When the party was over, we had a surplus of beer and wine. adj. extra, too much: The farmer's surplus wheat had to be sold at a loss.

soaring crime rate

artan suç oranı - The soaring crime rate alarmed the police superintendent and prompt him to adopt a zero-tolerance police superintendent policing policy


artık, tortu, kalan - n. s.t. left over after a process, (syn.) remainder: My dishwasher is leaving soap residue on my glasses.


arzu etmek, beğenmek, istemek - adj. -cier, -ciest 1 not plain or simple, elegant, elaborate: They wear fancy clothes and live in a fancy neighborhood. 2 of superior quality, special: He enjoys eating and buys fancy foods at gourmet shops. v. [T] -cied, -cying, -cies 1 to desire, find pleasing: I fancy eating out tonight. 2 to imagine, fantasize about: He fancies himself a great storyteller. n. -cies a desire for s.t.: I have a fancy for some lobster for dinner. Thesaurus: fancy adj. 1 ornate, lavish, decorative (décor, clothes) | upscale (location). Ant. simple. 2 gourmet, choice. v. 1 to want to 2 to think, believe, consider.


arızasız, pürüzsüz, düz,çift - adj. 1 the same in measurement (distance, height, etc.): The pieces of wood are even in length.||The two children are of even height. 2 the same (in place, score, etc.) in a contest, tied: The two runners were even at the finish line. 3 smooth, level: The table has an even finish, with no bumps. 4 (of numbers) exactly divisible by 2: The numbers 2, 4, and 6 are even; 1, 3, and 5 are odd numbers. 5 fig. on equal terms after repayment of a debt: Here's the $20 that I owe you; now we're even. 6 fig. on equal terms after repayment of some hurt or insult: One man insulted the other, and the other insulted him back; then they were even. 7 to break even: to neither win nor lose: We finally broke even on the deal, as we got back the amount we invested in it. 8 to get even: to (try to) punish s.o. for some hurt or insult: When the outlaw shot my brother, I vowed to get even. 9 to get or give s.o. an even break: to treat s.o. fairly and honestly: With the new employment law, minorities will finally get an even break in being hired. Thesaurus: even adj. 1 the same 2 tied, neck-and-neck 3 clear, without imperfections 5 paid up. Ants. uneven, unequal. adv. 1 more, to a greater extent: He makes things even better (worse, harder, etc.) than they were by acting the way he does. 2 so little as: She left him without even a word of explanation.||She didn't even call her mother on Mother's Day. 3 used to give force to a comparison: Even a child would have known what to do (so that adult should have known). 4 even if: no matter if, although: He says he'll finish the job even if it kills him! 5 even so: nonetheless, despite that: I know you are tired, but even so, you have to go to school. v. 1 [I;T] to make equal, the same (height, length, etc., or smooth, flat, etc.): I'll even the surface of this table by sanding it down. 2 phrasal v. sep. [T] to even s.t. out: to come into balance or stability: He had some bad luck; then he evened out his business, and he's doing well now.||He evened it out. 3 to even the odds: to put competitors on a more equal basis: Their team has beaten ours every year, but we have a new star player now, and that will even the odds. 4 phrasal v. sep. [T] to even up: a. to become equal: Our team evened up the score in the last half of the game.||We evened it up. b. to make the same: I evened up the length of those pieces of wood.||I evened them up. -adv. evenly; -n. evenness.


asal, asal sayı, en başarılı e iyi dönemi (bir kimsenin), çalıştırmaya hazırlamak (pompa/makine vb), astarlamak - n. the period in which a person is at the height of his or her abilities, personal powers, and usu. ability to earn money: He is in the prime of life now in his 40s. adj. 1 main, greatest: Her prime concern now is finding another job. 2 the highest US government grade of meat, ranked above "choice": Most prime steak goes to restaurants, not to supermarkets. v. [T] primed, priming, primes 1 to make s.t. ready, to prepare: The director primed the actors for their roles in the play. 2 to cover a surface with a special paint before painting it: I've primed all the woodwork and will put on the paint tomorrow.


asimile etmek, benimsemek, benzetmek, sindirmek


asmak, askıya almak, ertelemek ,geçici olarak durdurmak, uzaklaştırmak (işten vb. ) - v. 1 [I;T] to hang from a point so as to allow free movement: In the museum hallway, many large banners were suspended from the ceiling. 2 [I;T] to stop or delay for a period of time; to interrupt, postpone, or withhold: They suspended the game because of the rain. 3 [T] to take away s.o.'s right to belong to or participate in a group, or to enjoy certain rights and privileges, esp. because of misbehavior, failure to pay dues, violation of rules, etc.: He was suspended from school for smoking.||My driver's license was suspended for speeding.


asıl örnek, ilk örnek, model


atmak, beirtmek, göndermek, salmak, yayımlamak, yollamak, yaymak - v. [T] emitted, emitting, emits 1 to send out, transmit (radio waves, radiation, sound, etc.): The siren emitted a warning sound. 2 frml. to let out (a cry, yell, sound, etc.): The victim emitted a scream.


atmak, çıkarmak, kovmak, sürmek - v. [T] -pelled, -pelling, -pels 1 to send away for a reason, (syns.) to dismiss, eject: The principal expelled the troublemaking student from school. 2 frml. to force out, (syns.) to emit, discharge: The volcano expels smoke.


av, avlamak, yağma etmek - n. 1 [U] animals killed for food by other animals: Rabbits and squirrels are prey for hawks and coyotes. 2 a victim: The thief thought the rich man would be an easy prey. 3 to fall prey to: to become a victim, preyed upon by s.o.: The old woman fell prey to a swindler who stole her savings. v. [T] 1 to kill animals for food: Hawks prey on rabbits. 2 to victimize, exploit: Pickpockets prey on innocent tourists.


av, maden, ocak, taşocağı - n. -ries 1 [U] s.t. that is hunted, (syn.) prey: Hunters kill deer (bears, rabbits, etc.) as quarry. 2 [C] an open mining pit: He works in a stone quarry. v. [T] -ried, -rying, -ries to cut stone from a quarry: The workers quarried stone.


available in large quantities so that there is more than enough


avantaj, ek ödeme, ikramiye - maaşın dışındaki gelir - v. 1 [I] short for percolate: We could hear the coffee perking. 2 phrasal v. sep. [T] to perk s.o. up: to make s.o. or s.t. become lively and happy: Let's go next door and perk up Mary; she's a little depressed.||Let's perk her up. n. short for perquisite


avantajlı, yararlı, elverişli, - adj. good to do, (syn.) beneficial: I found it advantageous to combine a business trip with a vacation. -adv. advantageously.


avutmak, teselli etmek, raf ayağı, konsol - v. [T] -soled, -soling, -soles to comfort s.o. in grief or disappointment: He held his mother in his arms and consoled her on the death of her sister.||You made a bad mistake, but be consoled by the fact that you did not lose your job. -adj. consolable. - n. 1 a cabinet standing on the floor that holds a TV, stereo, etc. 2 a panel that holds the controls of equipment: I turned one of the knobs on my car's console to turn the radio up. See: dashboard.


ay, ay ile ilgili, yarımay şeklinde


ayaklandırmak, canlandırmak, hayat bulmak, uyandırmak - v. [T] aroused, arousing, arouses 1 to awaken s.o.: I was aroused by traffic noises at 6:00 A.M. 2 to excite, stimulate: The leader aroused the people to fight.


ayarlamak, düzeltmek, belirlemek - v. 1 [I] to feel comfortable: I adjusted to the increased work load when my coworker went on vacation. 2 [T] to change: I adjusted the air conditioner to stay cool. 3 [T] to fix, repair: The mechanic adjusted the engine to make it work better. -adj. adjustable. Thesaurus: adjust 1 to adapt, become accustomed to | acclimate frml. 2 to regulate (temperature) | modify (one's writing, one's behavior) 3 to fine tune, tweak. Ant. to leave alone.


aydınlatıcı, bilgi verici, eğitici


aydınlatıcı, ilham veren, u*** açıcı, uyandırıcı


aynen, aynı biçimde, keza, ayrıca - adv. 1 in addition, also: My friend ordered a lemonade, and I did likewise. 2 in the same way or manner: I told my friend to enjoy her vacation, and she said, "Likewise, I hope you enjoy yours, too."


aynı ana denk gelmek, örtüşmek - v. [I] -cided, -ciding, -cides 1 to happen at the same time: My trip to New York coincided with Thanksgiving, so I had a big turkey dinner there. 2 to agree: Two different people saw the accident, and their stories coincide about what happened.


aynı kefeye koymak, eşit tutmak, kıyaslamak - v. [T] equated, equating, equates to compare two things in importance (meaning, value, etc.), (syn.) to liken: He equates wealth with success in life.

in the same way

aynı şekilde


ayrı ayrı, herkes kendi, kişisel, sırasıyla -


ayrık, farklı - adj. separate, apart, having a distinct identity or existence: That company is a discrete entity from the others, which are all owned by the parent company. -adv. discretely.


ayrım gözetmek, ayrımcılık yapmak


ayrıntılara girmek, detaylandırmak, üzerinde durmak - v. [I] -rated, -rating, -rates to give more detail, explain: The manager elaborated on the plan to expand the business. adj. /lbrt, lbrt/ complex, detailed: It was an elaborate plan involving many steps. -adv. elaborately; -n. [U] elaboration. Thesaurus: elaborate v. to add details, expand on s.t. | clarify. Ant. to condense. adj. complicated, intricate | fancy, elegant (dinner, party preparations). Ant. simple.


ayırma, izole etme, yalıtım - v. [T] -lated, -lating, -lates to separate from others, cause to be alone: The snobby students isolated themselves from the rest of the class. -n. [U] isolation /aslen/.


ayırmak, ayırt etmek, farklılaştırmak / distinguish


ayırmak, bölüştürmek, pay etmek, tahsis etmek - v. [T] -cated, -cating, -cates to plan to use an amount of money for a specific purpose, (syn.) to allot: The city government allocated money for schools and the police in this year's budget. -n. [U] allocation /lketn/.


ayırrmak, bölüştürmek, hisse, parça - n. 1 a small piece or section of a larger thing: I put a portion of my salary in a savings account each month. 2 a piece of s.t. larger that is given to one person or to one group, as in an inheritance: When her father died, she received a larger portion than her sister did. 3 a serving of food: That restaurant serves large portions of meat and potatoes. phrasal v. sep. [T] to portion s.t. out: to divide into pieces and give them to others: My grandmother portioned out her property among her five children before she died.||She portioned it out.

tell apart

ayırt etmek, birbirinden ayırmak, parça parça konuşmak


ayırt etmek, farkında olmak, idrak etmek - children must be tought to distinguish between right and wrong


ayırım yapmak, ayrı tutmak, fark gözetmek - the manager must not discriminate between female and male applicants


ayırım, fark - there is a distinction between being insterested in politics and joining a political party


az masraflı, hesaplı, tasarruflu - adj. getting good value for money spent, thrifty: That car burns so much gasoline that it is not economical to own it. -adv. economically. Thesaurus: economical inexpensive, reasonably-priced, cost-effective | cheap, low-priced. Ants. uneconomical | expensive.


az, nadir, sınırlı, eksik - adj. not available or plentiful: Water is scarce in the desert. Thesaurus: scarce in short supply, scant, insufficient. Ant. abundant.


azalma, eksilme, daralma, indirgenme


azalmak, bozulmak, giderek küçülmek, önemini kaybetmek - v. [I] -dled, -dling, -dles to lessen in number or intensity: By the end of the boring football game, the crowd had dwindled to a few fans.


azalmak, çekilmek, dindirmek, iptal etmek, kaldırmak, son vermek - v. abated, abating, abates 1 [I] to lessen, decrease: The pain in my shoulder abated after a day. 2 [T] (in law) to lower, reduce: The town abated taxes on new businesses. -n. abatement.


azaltmak, bitirmek, tüketmek - v. [T] -pleted, -pleting, -pletes to reduce by using much of: That country has depleted its natural resources completely. -n. [U] depletion /dplitn/.


azaltmak, eksiltmek, hafifletmek, kısaltmak - v. [I;T] 1 to lessen in force: The need to take action has diminished. 2 to lessen in number: The supply of oil in that country has diminished. 3 to lessen in quality: The company's reputation for quality has diminished; it has a <adj.> diminished reputation.


azaltmak, eksiltmek, küçültmek, zayıflatmak - v. [I;T] 1 to lessen in force: The need to take action has diminished. 2 to lessen in number: The supply of oil in that country has diminished. 3 to lessen in quality: The company's reputation for quality has diminished; it has a <adj.> diminished reputation.


azalıp çoğalmak, yükselip alçalmak, inip çıkmak - v. [I] -ted, -ting, -tes to change, move up and down: During this past week, temperatures have fluctuated 50 degrees. -n. [C;U] fluctuation /flktuen/.


azami, an büyük, en önemli, yüksek, yüce - adj. 1 highest in rank, authority, or power: the Supreme Court||a Supreme Being 2 of the highest quality: This is a supreme work of art. 3 greatest or most extreme: She made a supreme effort to be polite.


azat etmek, kurtarmak, serbest bırakmak, - v. [T] 1 to free from oppression: The American Civil War liberated many people from slavery. 2 slang (said ironically) to steal, (syn.) to make off with: Thieves liberated goods from stores during a riot.


azat etmek, serbest bırakmak - v. [T] -pated, -pating, -pates to free from slavery, liberate: The Civil War emancipated the slaves in the USA.


azim, kararlılık, çözümleme, çözünürlük, kararlılık, sebat - n. 1 [C] a solution to a problem, result of an action: Diplomats tried to find a resolution to the problems between their countries. 2 [U] the quality of believing s.t. strongly and not changing one's mind: Everyone admired his resolution when he quit smoking and never touched another cigarette. 3 [C] New Year's resolution: a promise or plan to change s.t. about one's behavior or habits, a decision made on the first day of the new year: I made New Year's resolutions to be nicer to my sister and to exercise each day.


aziz, aziz kabul etmek, ermiş - n. 1 (in Christianity) a person chosen by God: We prayed to the saints every Sunday in church. 2 a very good and kind person: You were a saint to give money to the hungry child. -n. [U] sainthood /senthd/; saintliness; -adj. saintly.


açalmak, azalmak, çökelmek, çökmek - v. [I] -sided, -siding, -sides to become less strong or intense, to lessen: Her high fever has subsided.


açı, bakm, görünüş - n.frml. 1 [C] a feature, part of s.t.: What aspect of the show did you like the best, the dancing or the music? 2 [U;C] point of view, consideration: From the cost aspect, the product is not expensive.

outer space

açık mekan, dış mekan, uzay, uzay boşluğu - n. [U] the area where the planets and stars are, esp. the area beyond the earth's atmosphere or beyond the solar system: The government sent a spaceship to outer space.


açık, açık sözlü, aşikar, ortada, net - adj. 1 precise, clear: She gave explicit directions on how to get to the train station. 2 giving every detail openly: That film has explicit sex scenes in it. -adv. explicitly; -n. [U] explicitness.


açık, açıklık, delik, pencere, ışık deliği - n. a hole or other opening: The aperture controls the amount of light allowed in a camera.


açık, bol, ferah, havadar - adv. large, with plenty of room: a big, spacious room


açıki kesin, tam, dakik, hassas, duyarlı, adj. 1 accurate: I need the precise street address of the doctor's office. 2 meaning s.t. exactly and not different: She arrived at the precise moment that we heard the scream. 3 with special care: He spoke in a very precise manner. -adv. precisely. Thesaurus: precise1 exact, specific. Ant. approximate. 2 very, exact 3 meticulous, fastidious. Ant. careless.


açıklamak, açığa kavuşturmak - v.frml. [I;T] -dated, -dating, -dates to explain and make clear: The professor elucidated the main topics of the course.


açıklamak, bildirmek, belirtmek, öne sürmek, ileri sürmek, iddia etmek - v. [T] 1 to claim, say s.t. is true: The lawyer asserts that his client is not guilty. 2 to put oneself forth forcefully, become aggressive: She asserted herself on the job and won a promotion.


açıkça göstermek, belirtmek, belli etmek, yük listesi, beyanat - v.frml. [T] to appear, arrive: The illness manifested itself with a high fever and a cough. n. a shipping document listing passengers, items, and destinations: A clerk checked off the items on the manifest that she had received.


açığa vurmak, ifşa etmek - v. [T] to uncover s.t. hidden: He revealed his secrets to his friend. Thesaurus: reveal to tell, disclose, divulge | expose. Ant. to hide.


açığa vurmak, ifşa etmek, ortaya çıkarmak - v. [T] -posed, -posing, -poses 1 to make known, reveal: A politician ex-posed a plot to overthrow the government. 2 to leave unprotected: By swimming alone, he exposed himself to danger. 3 to bare, uncover: By taking off his shirt, he exposed the hair on his chest. 4 to allow light to reach (photographic film)


açığa çıkarma, keşfetme,sergileme, risk - n. 1 [C;U] being unprotected, esp. from cold weather: The lost mountain climbers suffered from exposure. 2 [U] risk of loss: We limit our exposure by investing only one quarter of the money. 3 [C] a section of photographic film: That roll of film contains 36 exposures. 4 [C] a position or view in relation to a direction on the compass (north, south, east, or west): The living room has a southern exposure.


açığa çıkarmak, açıkta bırakmak, meydana çıkarmak, ifşa etmek, maruz kalmak - v. [T] -posed, -posing, -poses 1 to make known, reveal: A politician ex-posed a plot to overthrow the government. 2 to leave unprotected: By swimming alone, he exposed himself to danger. 3 to bare, uncover: By taking off his shirt, he exposed the hair on his chest. 4 to allow light to reach (photographic film)


ağ, şebeke, iletişim ağı, - n. 1 a system of connected travel routes or communication lines: a network of highways (railways, telephone lines)||a computer network 2 a large television or radio company with stations across the country: ABC, CBS, and NBC are the three major television networks. v. [I] to meet and exchange information with people in one's business or profession, esp. in order to further one's career: She networked at a conference and learned about several new job openings. Thesaurus: network n. 1 a web, maze, interconnection. v. to socialize, mingle (with others), make connections (with people).


ağaç, ahşap, kiriş, kalas, tahta - n. 1 [U] wood for construction, lumber: Loggers cut timber and take it away on logging trucks. 2 a wooden beam or support 3 a shout to watch out for a falling tree: As a logger cuts down a tree, he shouts, "Timmmm---berrr!" -n. [U] timberland /tmbrlnd/.


ağır basmak, ağır gelmek, -den daha ağır basmak - v. [T] 1 to weigh more than s.t. else: One boxer outweighed the other by 20 lbs. 2 fig. to be more important than s.t. else: Her need to save money outweighs her desire to spend it on fun.


ağır, biçimsiz, elverişsiz - adj. 1 heavy and difficult to handle, (syns.) awkward, bulky: That new TV is in a big, cumbersome box.


ağırlıksızlıki sıfır yerçekimi


ağıt, ölülerin ruhu için dua - .adj. a religious service to honor the dead or the music of such a service: A <n.> requiem (or) <adj.> requiem service was held at the church for people who had died.


ağız, lehçe - n. a regional variety of language differing from other varieties in pronunciation, grammar, and/or word usage: The characters in the movie spoke in a Scottish dialect that was strange to the American audience.


aşama, dava, durum, hal, örnek, neden - n. 1 a single occurrence or happening, a situation, case: In this instance, we will lend you money, but usually we can't. 2 for instance: for example: There are many things I would like to learn; for instance, how to swim.


aşama, safha, faz

fall down

aşağı çökmek, yıkılmak, başarısızlığa uğramak


aşmak, baskın olmak, ötesine geçmek, sınırını geçmek - v. [T] 1 to go beyond or above a measure or standard, (syn.) to surpass: His concern about his business transcends money; he thinks of the benefits to his customers. 2 to reach beyond human understanding: The nature of God transcends human comprehension. -n. [U] transcendence; -adj. transcendent.


aşmak, geçmek, geride bırakmak, üstün gelmek - v. [T] -es 1 to exceed or go beyond: Profits surpassed those of last year. 2 to do better than: The runner surpassed his old record by ten seconds.


aşındırmak, bilemek, çekmek, dövmek - v. ground /grand/, grinding, grinds 1 [T] to make into small pieces or powder by rubbing: The worker is grinding metal.||I ground the coffee beans. 2 [T] to rub two hard surfaces together, usu. to make smooth: He grinds his teeth together when he sleeps. 3 fig. [I] to work very hard, usu. for a long time without pleasure: She grinds at her studies, day and night. n. 1 the process of grinding 2 infrml.fig. a tiring job: Her job is a daily grind; she works on the computer eight hours a day. Thesaurus: grind v. 1 to mill | file, sharpen, polish.


aşındırmak, yıpratmak, aşınmak - v. [I;T] eroded, eroding, erodes 1 to wear away, wash away: Rain and wind eroded the topsoil from the farmland. 2 to become worn away: The beach has eroded since the hurricane. 3 to weaken, lessen: People demanded rights and eroded the king's power.


aşınmak, yıpranmak


aşırı derecede, çok, haksız yere, gereğinden çok, gereksiz yere - adv. 1 excessively, too much: He was not unduly surprised by the announcement. 2 incorrectly, improperly: He was unduly delayed, because he was searched by customs without reason.


aşırı kalabalık, konut darlığı - Too many people living in too small a space or area


aşırı, güçlü, keskin, koyu, ciddi olan kimse - adj. 1 strong (in feeling or emotion), (syn.) concentrated: She felt intense pain when the bone broke in her leg. 2 bright, rich: an intense red||intense sunlight


bahşetmek,(onur/ödül) vermek, müzakere yapmak - v.frml. -ferred, -ferring, -fers 1 [I] to talk to, discuss s.t. in a formal way: The judge conferred with the two lawyers. 2 [T] to give an honor to s.o., (syn.) to bestow: The queen conferred a knighthood on the man in honor of his brave deeds.


bakı altına almak, bastırmak ,dindirmek, durdurmak, gizli tutmak, hasır altı etmek - v. [T] -es 1 to use force to hold down, defeat, or eliminate another force, activity, or thought: The army suppressed the rebel peasants. 2 to conceal or keep from being seen or heard: She suppressed the police report to save his reputation. -n. [U] suppression.


bakım gerektiren, çaba gerektiren, emek isteyen, dikkat gerektiren - adj. 1 requiring high performance, (syn.) exacting: My boss is very demanding of others. 2 requiring great effort, (syn.) arduous: Climbing a mountain is a demanding task.

in terms of

bakımından, yönünden, bir dille - in terms of movement, an infant will be able to reach sitting position unassisted and pull himself up to stand


bakış açısı, tahmin, görüş - n. 1 one's point of view: She always has a cheerful outlook on life. 2 a prediction for the future: The outlook for the economy is good for this year. 3 a view from a place: Our hotel has a beautiful outlook on the bay. Thesaurus: outlook 1 perspective, an attitude toward (or) about s.t. 2 the prospects for s.t. 3 vista, view.


bakış,görüş, vizyon - fantasy, an imaginary event: to have a vision in a dream 3 [U] foresight, ability to imagine the future: There are men (women, leaders) of vision in every industry. -n. [C] visionary.


balta veya satırla kesmek, kesmek, kıymak, baltalamak, balta darbesi - v. [T] chopped, chopping, chops 1 to cut with hard, sharp blows: She chops wood for the fire with an ax. 2 to cut into small pieces: She chopped carrots and onions with a knife. n. 1 a sharp blow: the chop of an ax, a karate chop 2 a cut of meat, usu. on a bone: She had lamb (pork, veal) chops for dinner. 3 slang the lower part of the face, jaw: He punched the man right in the chops. Thesaurus: chop v. 1 to split, chop up s.t. 2 to slice, dice.


bant, kaset, bant kaydı, bantla tutturmak, kayda almak - n. [C;U] 1 strips of adhesive material: An electrician uses rubberized tape to cover wires. 2 recording material for sound and images: I have the television program on tape. v. taped, taping, tapes 1 [T] to wrap or attach with adhesive tape: I taped the wire to the wall. 2 [I;T] to record on tape: He tapes television programs on his videocassette recorder. -n. taping. See: red tape. Thesaurus: tape n. 1 adhesive tape | packing tape 2 videotape | audiotape, cassette.


bant, çubuk, dilim, şerit, çubuk - soymak giysilerini çıkartmak, boşaltmak -n. a thin, narrow piece of s.t.: a strip of bacon (cloth, leather, tape, etc.) v. stripped or stript, stripping, strips 1 [T] to remove an outer layer: to strip wallpaper off the wall 2 [T] to take away (power, rank, things, etc.): He stripped leaves off a tree branch.||The king was stripped of his power and became an ordinary citizen. 3 [I;T] to take off one's clothes: The boys stripped off their shirts and jumped into the pool. Thesaurus: strip v. 1 to peel 2 to pluck | deprive s.o. of s.t. 3 to peel off (clothes).


baraj gölü, ambar, rezerv, birikim, depo - n. 1 a body of water saved for use: This lake is the reservoir for the city. 2 any reserve supply of s.t.: That corporation keeps a reservoir of cash available to buy other companies. Thesaurus: reservoir 1 a water supply, holding pond 2 a stockpile.


barbarlık, yıkıcılık


barınacak yer, barınak, ev, konaklama


barınak, çukur, çukur kazmak, yuva yapmak - n. a hole in the ground where animals live, (syn.) a den: Rabbits live in burrows. v. [I] to dig into the ground: Some animals burrow with their paws.


basamak, destek, sütun -


based on facts or relating to facts


baskı altına almak, çıkmasını yasaklamak, ortadan kaldırmak, örtbas etmek - To limit or suddenly stop something, such as a person's freedom.- The military government attempted to suppress the democracy movement by arresting its leaders


baskı, zorlama, dürtü - n. [C;U] a need to do s.t. that cannot be stopped, (syn.) an obsession: He has a compulsion to smoke cigarettes.


basmakalıp, basmakalıp bir kategoriye sokmak, klişe - n. 1 a person who is typical of a group: The stereotype of a Wall Street banker carries a briefcase. 2 a too-simple and often mistaken idea about a particular group: It is a stereotype that all women cry easily. v. [T] -typed, -typing, -types to think of a group in a too-simple way by not considering individual differences: She stereotypes Indians when she says they all eat spicy food.


bastırmak, feshetmek, bozmak, iptal etmek - To make a judging or ruling no longer valid. - He applied for a judicial review to quash the verdict


bastırmak, önlemek, acısını içine atmak - v. [T] -es 1 to slow or stop s.t., (syn.) to oppress: The police repressed a riot by arresting rioters. 2 to keep s.t. secret: The sick man repressed his fears about dying and stayed cheerful on the outside. -adj. repressed; repressive.


batmadan yüzmek - v. 1 [I;T] to rest or move on the top of water or other liquid: Logs floated downstream on the river. 2 [I;T] to rest or move in the air: A balloon floats by us. 3 fig. [I;T] move lightly and gracefully: The dancer floats through the air. 4 to float s.o. a loan: to lend s.o. money: When I had no money last week, my friend floated me a loan of $100. n. 1 an object resting on the surface of the water that holds a fishline or net: The fisherman left early in the morning to set up his floats. 2 a flat, unmovable structure in a lake or pond: People sun themselves on a float near the beach. 3 a colorful display mounted on wheels in a parade: Clowns wave from a float in the Easter parade. 4 (in banking) the period of time between when a check is issued and when it is credited: The float for checks within the city is three days. Thesaurus: float v. 1 to drift, bob (up and down) 2 to drift, glide | hover. Ant. to sink. 3 to glide, soar. Ant. to sink.


batmadan yüzmek, su üstünde durmak - v. 1 [I;T] to rest or move on the top of water or other liquid: Logs floated downstream on the river. 2 [I;T] to rest or move in the air: A balloon floats by us. 3 fig. [I;T] move lightly and gracefully: The dancer floats through the air. 4 to float s.o. a loan: to lend s.o. money: When I had no money last week, my friend floated me a loan of $100. n. 1 an object resting on the surface of the water that holds a fishline or net: The fisherman left early in the morning to set up his floats. 2 a flat, unmovable structure in a lake or pond: People sun themselves on a float near the beach. 3 a colorful display mounted on wheels in a parade: Clowns wave from a float in the Easter parade. 4 (in banking) the period of time between when a check is issued and when it is credited: The float for checks within the city is three days. Thesaurus: float v. 1 to drift, bob (up and down) 2 to drift, glide | hover. Ant. to sink. 3 to glide, soar. Ant. to sink.


bayağı kesir, bölüm, kesir, parça - n. 1 a portion of s.t.: A large fraction of the workforce is employed. 2 a small portion of s.t.: She spoke so quickly that I understood only a fraction of what she said. 3 a portion less than a whole number, expressed in symbols: The fraction one-half can also be expressed as .5 or 1/2. -adj. fractional; -adv. fractionally. Thesaurus: fraction 1 a part | section 2 a little bit, small part. Ants. all, a whole.


bayağı, değersiz, küçük, sıradan, saçma - adj. unimportant, (syn.) inconsequential: Trivial matters, such as typing the contract clearly, are less important than what it says. -adv. trivially; -n. [U] triviality /trvilti/.

fond of

bayılmak, sevmek -


bağ, kundak, deste, sarmak, paket yapmak - n. 1 things close together, usu. tied or fastened: I put a bundle of clothes in the washing machine. 2 fig. a lot of money: A new car costs a bundle. v. [I;T] -dled, -dling, -dles 1 to put together, to wrap up: She bundled dirty clothes in a bag. 2 phrasal v. [I;T] to bundle up: to dress warmly: Bundle up; it's cold outside!


bağlam, durum, şartlar, ortam - n. the information surrounding a word or phrase that determines exactly how it was meant: Repeating a statement out of context can change its meaning.


bağlamak, birleşmek, başka bir şirkete bağlı şirket, katılmak, şube - n. a business or person associated with another business or person: Our New York company has an affiliate in Los Angeles. v. [I] /fliet/ -ated, -ating, -ates to join with, become part of: We became affiliated with this company last year.


bağlamak, genişlik, kapsamak - süre, müddet - v. [T] spanned, spanning, spans 1 to connect two points with s.t.: to span a river with a bridge 2 to last through time: Love is a human need that spans the centuries. 3 to measure or circle with the hands: I spanned my dog's neck, so I could buy the right sized collar. n. 1 the measure of space across, from one point to another: The span of the roof from front to back is 20 meters. 2 s.t. that joins two points, usu. across open air: A tree branch was used as a span across the stream. 3 an amount of time: the long life span of an elephant


bağlanmak, bağlı olmak, yapışmak, üyesi olmak - v. [I] -hered, -hering, -heres 1 to hold, stick to a surface: That glue does not adhere to the wall. 2 to obey, pay attention to: Car drivers must adhere to the rules of driving or be punished. -n. adhesion /dhin/.


bağlantı kurmak, bağlantı, bağlamak His salary is linked to the cost of living, and increases on an annual basis.


bağlmak, ithaf etmek, dayandırmak, nitelik, özellik - n. a characteristic, quality of a person or thing: He is a handsome man with many other good attributes. v. [T] /trbyut, byt/ -uted, -uting to credit, be the reason for: I attribute his success to his talent and hard work. -adj. attributable /trbyutbl, by/; -n. [U] attribution /trbyun/.


bağnaz, dar kafalı, geri kafalı, mutaassıp


bağış, burs, bağışlamak - [T] 1 to give or allow what is asked for: The governor granted my request for an interview for my newspaper. 2 to accept as true: I grant what you say is correct, but you still owe me the money. n. 1 money given for a specific purpose: The Ford Foundation gave the writer a grant for research. 2 a formal transfer of ownership: The king gave the lord a land grant in the new colony. Thesaurus: grant v. 1 to consent to s.t., agree to s.t. Ant. to refuse. 2 to concede, admit. Ant. to deny. n. 1 a gift (of money), subsidy. Ant. a loan.


bağış, yardım - n. a gift: The company makes donations of its products and also gives money for poor families. Thesaurus: donation a contribution, offering, present.


bağışıklığı olan, etkilenmeyen, muaf - adj. 1 not affected by disease: Children are immune to measles after they receive the proper vaccine. 2 protected from: The criminal was immune from strong punishment, because he helped the police find the bank robber.


baş eğmek, boyun eğmek, uymak, uyumlu olmak - v.frml. [I] -plied, -plying, -plies to cooperate with a requirement (law, wish): Her husband complied with her wishes that he stop drinking.||Our company complies with governmental regulations on paying taxes every three months.


başarmak, galip gelmek, hüküm sürmek, yaygın olmak, ikna etmek - v. 1 [I] to win, triumph: Our team prevailed over our rival in a tough game.||I was going to have dessert, but good sense prevailed and I didn't eat it. 2 [I] to be common: A love of fried foods prevails in North America. 3 to prevail upon or on: to influence or persuade s.o.: They prevailed on their son to finish college.


başarı şansı, gelecekteki beklentiler


başarılı olmak, işleri iyi gitmek, büyümek - v. [I] to grow in wealth, (syn.) to flourish: Farmers prosper when good weather produces large crops.


başarılı, başarılmış, başarıyla sonlandırılmış - adj. 1 finished, done: The task was accomplished in an hour. 2 skilled, experienced, and honored: She is an accomplished musician who has won many prizes.


başarısız, faydasız, verimsiz


başkaldırmak, ayaklanmak, isyan çıkarmak - iğrendirmek, dehşete kapılmak - ayaklanma, isyan - v. 1 [I] to fight against a government or other power: The unemployed people revolted against the dictator. 2 [T] to make s.o. angry or sick: His bad behavior and dirty clothes revolted everyone near him. n. [C;U] a fight against authority: The intellectuals led a revolt against the rich and powerful. Thesaurus: revolt v. 1 to rebel, rise against | mutiny 2 to disgust, sicken, nauseate frml. n. a rebellion, uprising, insurrection.


başlatmak, -e yol açmak, tetiklemek - n. 1 a lever used to fire a gun: He pulled the gun's trigger and shot at the target. 2 any device used to set s.t. off v. [T] 1 to start an explosion: The terrorist triggered the bomb. 2 to start a reaction: The tax increase triggered a protest by homeowners.


başlıca, en çok, öncelikle, öncelikli olarak - We're examining primarily the financial aspects of the case.


başlıca, temel, anaakım, anadamar, popüler olan, revaçta olan - n. the group of ideas accepted by the majority of people, the most popular way of thinking: Her ideas are in the mainstream of American political thought. adj. accepted by most people, (syn.) conventional: The politician has a <adj.> mainstream political view (or) her ideas are in the <n.> mainstream. v. [T] to mix a person into a main group: Some non-native students take bilingual classes and are mainstreamed into regular classes later.


başvurmak, cezbetmek, temyiz etmek, yalvarmak - v. 1 [I] to attract, please s.o.: The idea of spending two weeks on vacation appeals to me. 2 [I] to ask for, plead for help: The Red Cross appealed for money to help people after the hurricane. 3 [T] (in law) to bring a decision by a lower court to a higher court for review: He was found guilty but appealed the decision to a higher court. Thesaurus: appeal v. 1 to satisfy, please, gratify frml. Ant. to displease. 2 to plea for. n. 1 [U] attractiveness, a pleasing aspect or quality: A winter vacation holds a lot of appeal for me. 2 [C] a plea, request: The Red Cross made an appeal for money and clothing. 3 [U;C] (in law) a request for higher court review: The decision in the case is now on appeal in a higher court.


başın agelmek, çekmek, katlanmak, maruz kalmak - v. [T] -went /wnt/, -gone /gn, gn/, -going, -goes 1 to experience: He will undergo an operation to remove his appendix. 2 to suffer, bear: In order to get the job, she had to undergo five tests and an interview.

dispose of

başından atmak, belirli bir düzene göre yerleştirmek, elden çıkarmak, tüketmek


başından sonuna, tamamen - the concert was boring and I slept throughout.


bebek, çocuk - , a very young child (birth to 1 year) who has not yet begun to walk or talk

due to / on account of / owing to

because of - He failed his exam due to / on account of / owing to his lack of revision


becerikli, hünerli, pratik zekalı - adj. very good at making things or solving problems, clever, brilliant: The campers thought of an ingenious way to cross the river without a bridge.


bedelini ödemek, dengelemek, karşılamak, eşitlemek - v. -sated, -sating, -sates 1 [T] to pay s.o.: That company compensates its employees well.||The insurance company compensated the man for his injuries. 2 [I] to overcome a weakness with a strength: He is not intelligent, but he compensates for that with his warmth and charm. -adj. compensatory /kmpnstri/.


beklenilmdik, olasılık dışı , ihtimali olmayan - adj. doubtful, not probable: It is unlikely that it will rain today; the clouds are breaking.


beklenmeyen, olası olmayan, ihtimal dahilinde olmayan - adj. unlikely, (syn.) farfetched: Scientists think that the earth's collision with an asteroid is highly improbable. -n. [U] improbability.


belirgin, dikkati çeken, önde gelen, önemli - adj. 1 well-known and respected: She is a prominent lawyer in Houston. 2 important, s.t. that stands out: A prominent point in the negotiations was agreeing on the selling price.


belirli, belli, seçkin, çıkıntı, tümsek - adj. 1 well-known and respected: She is a prominent lawyer in Houston. 2 important, s.t. that stands out: A prominent point in the negotiations was agreeing on the selling price.


belirmek, gün ışığına çıkmak, meydana çıkmak, kurtulmak - v. [T] emerged, emerging, emerges 1 to appear: The hunter emerged from the forest and walked toward us. 2 to become known or important: She emerged as the winner among those who tried out for the part in the play. -n. [U] emergence. Thesaurus: emerge 1 to come into view, come forth 2 to develop into s.t., become apparent. Ant. to disappear.


belirti, bulgu, semptom - n. 1 a change in the condition or appearance of the body that is a sign of disease: A fever and muscular aches and pains are symptoms of the flu. 2 a small change in appearance or behavior that indicates a larger development or problem: Juvenile crime is a symptom of the failure of our schools. Thesaurus: symptom 1 an indication, a warning sign 2 an indication, characteristic.


belirtmek, bildirmek, göstergesi olmak - v. [T] -cated, -cating, -cates 1 to show where or what s.t. is: The girl indicated her choice of dessert by pointing to the chocolate cake. 2 to mean, symbolize: Those black clouds indicate that it might rain soon. Thesaurus: indicate 1 to communicate, point out | signal, denote 2 to be a sign of s.t., point to the fact, imply.


belirtmek, birer birer saymak - v. [T] -ated, -ating, -ates to count off, list: She enumerated five things that she liked about the new apartment. -n. [C;U] enumeration.


belirtmek, göstermek, işaret etmek - v. [T] -cated, -cating, -cates 1 to show where or what s.t. is: The girl indicated her choice of dessert by pointing to the chocolate cake. 2 to mean, symbolize: Those black clouds indicate that it might rain soon. Thesaurus: indicate 1 to communicate, point out | signal, denote 2 to be a sign of s.t., point to the fact, imply.


belirtmek, koşula bağlamak, şartları belirtmek - v. [I;T] -lated, -lating, -lates to require by a legal paper, (syn.) to specify: The lease stipulates that the rent must be paid on the first of each month.||Her will stipulates that her children will receive her house after she dies.


belirtmek, sızdırmak, yaymak, akıtmak - v. -uded, -uding, -udes 1 [I;T] to send out (a liquid) slowly, (syn.) to ooze: As the weight lifter trained with heavier weights, moisture slowly exuded from his skin. 2 fig. [T] to show in one's face and behavior, (syn.) to display: She exuded happiness (confidence, pride, etc.).


belitmek, açıklamak - n. 1 [C;U] a nation, country: the State of Israel 2 [C] a part of a country that has its own government and laws in addition to those of the country: Rhode Island is the smallest state in the USA. 3 [C] a situation or position, physical, mental, or emotional: She has cancer, so the state of her health is bad.||The move to a sunnier climate has put him in a happier state. 4 [C] the condition or situation of s.t.: We hope the state of the economy improves. v. [T] stated, stating, states to say, often in a formal way: The law states that you cannot smoke on short airline flights.


belli, açık, aşikar - adj. plain, clear, obvious: It is evident that he is guilty; his fingerprints were found at the crime scene.


benimsemek, evlat edinmek, kabullenmek - take into one's family, take up the cause, ideology, practice, method, of someone and use it as one's own, take on a certain form, attribute, or aspect- v. [T] 1 to take legal responsibility for acting as parents to a child: We adopted two children whose parents were killed in an accident. 2 (in law) to make into a law: The legislature adopted a law to stop the sale of guns. 3 to copy: The boy adopts the same way of talking that his father has. Thesaurus: adopt 1 to become the legal parent of 2 to enact | formally approve s.t. (legislation) 3 to imitate. Ant. to reject.


benimsemek, kucaklamak, bir dini kabul etmek - v. [T] -braced, -bracing, -braces 1 to hold in one's arms as a sign of love or affection: He embraced his wife when she came home from work. 2 to accept an idea: He embraced religion late in life. n. a hug: She gave her son a warm embrace.


benzememek, farklı olmak, ters düşmek, ayrılmak


benzerlik, andırış - n. [C;U] a likeness to s.o. or s.t., similarity: The little girl bears a close resemblance to her mother.


beraat etmek, suçsuz çıkarmak, salıvermek, bırakmak


bereketli, bereket, doğurgan - adj. 1 able to produce offspring or new plants, productive: The farmland in Iowa is very fertile.||The doctor performed some tests to see if she was fertile. 2 filled with new ideas, (syn.) inventive, creative: The author of that book has a fertile imagination.

food chain

besin zinciri, gıda zinciri


besin, gıda, besin maddesi - n.adj. any of the substances contained in food that are essential to life, such as protein, vitamins, and minerals: Fruit and vegetables are high in <n.> nutrients.||The <adj.> nutrient value of candy is generally low.


beyan etmek, bildirmek, duyurmak, açıklamak - v. [T] 1 to declare publicly, make a decree or law: Congress proclaimed July 4 a national holiday. 2 to announce a decision: The 18-year-old girl proclaimed her independence and left her parents.


beyanname, bildiri, tebliğ


beğenme, değerini bilme, minnettarlık, yüksek takdir - n. [U] 1 gratitude, thankfulness: The man showed his appreciation to the waiter by leaving him a big tip. 2 esteem for the beauty or complexity of s.t.: She has an appreciation of painting and sculpture. 3 understanding, (syn.) sympathy: He has an appreciation for how difficult it is to write well. 4 increase in the value of s.t.


bileşen, parça


bileşik - Water is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen


bileşik, birleştirmek, karıştırmak - n. 1 s.t. made by combining two or more parts or elements: Water is a chemical compound made from hydrogen and oxygen. 2 an area with a fence around it: The soldiers live inside a military compound. v. [T] /kmpand, kmpand/ 1 to make s.t. more difficult, (syn.) to complicate: Our car broke down, and heavy rain compounded our problem of getting help. 2 to add s.t. on top of s.t. else, (syn.) to accumulate: Interest compounds monthly in my savings account. adj. /kmpand/ made up of two or more parts: The compound word "bookstore" is formed from the words "book" and "store."


bilge, düşünceli, entellektüel, çok yönlü - adj. 1 with high-class tastes and understanding: My cousins are very sophisticated, since they have lived in Paris and Rome. 2 intricate, complex: sophisticated computer equipment -n. sophisticate /sfstkt/; [U] sophistication /sfstken/. Thesaurus: sophisticated 1 worldly, experienced. Ant. naïve. 2 advanced.


bilimsel inceleme, tez, bitirme projesi - n. a long formal treatment of a subject, esp. one written for a higher university degree: After years of writing her doctoral dissertation, it was accepted and she received her Ph.D.


bin yıllık dönem


bir araya getirilmiş, bir araya getirmek, bütün, toplamak - n.[C;U] /grget/ adj.v. -gated, -gating, -gates 1 s.t. made of separate parts: The population of Los Angeles is an aggregate of people from nearly all the world's countries. 2 in the aggregate: with all things considered: In the aggregate, I am happy with my life at this moment. -n. [U] aggregation /grgen/.


bir araya getirmek, birleştirmek, toplamak - v. -bled, -bling, -bles 1 [T] to put together, make: The workers in that factory assemble trucks. 2 [I] to gather, come together: The crowd assembled in the meeting hall. Thesaurus: assemble 1 to construct, join, build. Ants. to take apart, disassemble 2 to get together (people). Ant. to disband.


bir batında doğan yavrular - n. 1 [U] pieces of trash on the ground: Empty bottles, newspapers, and other litter lay on the sidewalks. 2 [C] a group of animals born together: Our dog had a litter of puppies. 3 [C] a frame covered with strong cloth for carrying s.o.: Soldiers carried the injured man on a litter. v. [I;T] to drop trash on the ground: People who litter may have to pay a fine.

that is to say

bir başka ifadeyle, demek ki,şöyle ki, bu demek oluyor ki, yani

remedy a situation

bir durumu düzeltmek

resolve an issue/matter

bir konuyu çözümlemek


bir meclise belirli yöreden katılan temsilciler,delegasyon , yetkilendirme - n. 1 [C] a group of official representatives: He is a member of the Brazilian delegation to the United Nations. 2 [U] the act of giving (power or authority to s.o. to act in one's place): Her delegation of so much authority to her assistant upset her business partners.


bir noktada birleşmek, birbirine doğru yönelmek - v. [I] -verged, -verging, -verges to meet at a common point: On hot days, people converge on the beach to cool off. -adj. convergent.

on the one hand

bir taraftan, bir yandan


bir yerde oturan kimse, sakin


bir yerde oturan sakin, - n. 1 a person who lives in a certain area: She is a resident of San Francisco. 2 s.o. in a final training period to become a doctor Thesaurus: resident 1 an inhabitant, citizen. Ant. a nonresident.


bir yere özgü, yerel, bir yerde doğal olarak yetişenadj. - born in, native to: The Navajo tribes are indigenous to Arizona.


bir yıllık, gelişme, olgunlaşma,


bir şeyin doğal yeri, yetişme ortamı

get together

biraraya gelmek, buluşmak, toplanmak - The students got togetger one evening and decided to protest about their situation


biraraya gelmek, toplamak (toplantıya çağırarak) - v.frml. [I;T] -vened, -vening, -venes to call (or) gather together for a meeting: The manager convened the committee members at 9:00 A.M.||The committee members convened for a meeting at 9:00 A.M.


birbiri ardından gelme, ardışıklık, ardarda sıralama,diziliş, sıralama, dizi - n. 1 [C] a continuing and connected series of acts (events, steps, etc.): There was a sequence of events leading up to the robbery.||You have to follow a sequence of commands to use a computer. 2 [U] an order of things: Please put your checks in sequence by number.


birbirinden ayrılmak, farklı olmak - v. [I] -verged, -verging, -verges to separate and go in different directions, esp. in conflict: The nation was united, then political opinion diverged and several political parties were formed. -n. divergence.


birbirine bağlamak, kenetlenmek, iç içe geçmek - v. [I;T] to connect items so that one can't move without the other: The children interlocked arms and crossed the street as a group. -adj. interlocking.


birbirini izleyen, yerine geçebilen, alternatif, farklı - n.adj. another, s.t. different: If that business does not make what we want, we can always find an <n.> alternate one that does. v. [I;T] /ltrnet/ -nated, -nating, -nates to move or switch back and forth: We alternate between living in Florida in the winter and Maine in the summer. -n. alternation /ltrnen/.


birikinti, çöküntü, yıkıntı, enkaz - n. [U] ruins, remains of s.t. broken, (syn.) refuse: Old newspapers, dead leaves, and tin cans formed the debris in the park.


birikmek, biriktirmek, yığmak - v. [I;T] -lated, -lating, -lates to add up, increase: Interest accumulates in my savings account month by month.


biriktirme, topluluk, toplantı - n. 1 a group of people: A gathering of fans formed near the movie star's hotel. 2 a meeting, social function: We had a social gathering at the church last night. Thesaurus: gathering 1 a crowd | throng 2 a party, get-together | assembly, conference.

put pressure on

birine baskı yapmak, birini sıkıştırmak


birleşme - The unification of Italy did not occur until the second half of the nineteenth century.


birleşme, bir firma ya da şirketin bir diğeriyle birleşmesi - As a result of the merger with the other company, Flax International became the largest in its field.


birleşmek, kapsama dahil etmek, katmak - The suggestions from all the committees were incorporated into the main proposal


birleşmek, kaynaşmak - The firm merged / amalgamated with its main competitor in the battle to win more customers


birleştirmek, bünyesinde toplamak, şirketleştirmek - v. [T] -rated, -rating, -rates 1 to include, contain: The spending agreement incorporates ideas from both Democrats and Republicans. 2 to form a corporation: Many people incorporate their businesses to avoid certain taxes. -adj. incorporated; -n. [U] incorporation.


birleştirmek, kaynaştırmak - v. [I;T] merged, merging, merges 1 to combine or become combined: Our company merged two sales forces into one. 2 to blend together: The colors of the sunset merged gradually into each other.


birlik, birleşim, birleşik yapı - The union between England and Scotland is over 300 years old.


birlik, federasyon, federe devlet, bir çok kurumdan oluşan birlik - In 2003, the three regional organizations responsible for helping homeless people formed a national federation to help and support one another.


bitirmek, harcamak, sarfetmek, tüketmek - v. [T] to spend or use (resources such as money, time, energy, etc.): The company expends funds on purchases each week.||She expended a great deal of effort to learn French.

swallow up

bitirmek, içine çekmek, tüketmek, bütün bütün yutmak - When the large international college swallowed up, took over the smaller school, a lot of people lost their jobs


bitişik, yan yana, komşu, yakın, sınırdaş - adj. next to, (syn.) neighboring: We live in the house adjacent to the church.


bitki örtüsü, belli bir bölgede yetişen bitki - n.frml. [C;U] -ras or -rae /ri, ra/ the plants in a specific place or time period: The flora in this part of the desert consists mainly of cactus. See: fauna, USAGE NOTE.


bitki örtüsü, yeşillik, bitkilendirme, sebze - n. [U] the plant covering in an area: Jungle vegetation is very thick.


bitkin düşürmek, bütün kuvvetini tüketmek - v. [T] 1 to use completely, run out of: We have exhausted our supply of pencils and must order more. 2 to treat thoroughly: We exhausted one topic of discussion and started another. 3 to make very tired, wear s.o. out: Waking up several times a night to feed her baby exhausted the new mother. n. discharge in the form of smoke, steam, etc.: Exhaust from a car's engine escapes through the tailpipe. Thesaurus: exhaust v. 1 to deplete, use s.t. up, finish s.t. | consume. Ants. to build s.t. up, amass. 2 to run through s.t., complete s.t. 3 to fatigue, overtire s.o. Ant. to energize s.o.


bitmiş, nesli tükenmiş, yol olmuş - adj. no longer in existence, esp. a kind of plant or animal: The passenger pigeon is an extinct species. -n. [U] extinction.


biyolojik yakıt


biyolojik çeşitlilik


biçim, düzenleme, şekillenme - n. an arrangement of things, usu. related to each other: With the furniture in this configuration, we have much more space. -v. [T] configure /knfgyr/.


biçimini bozmak, çarpıtmak, bozmak, gerçek anlamından saptırmak - v. [T] 1 to twist, bend out of shape: Anger distorted his face. 2 to change so as to make false, (syn.) to misrepresent: He distorts the truth.


biçimsiz, bozuk, çarpık, oransız


biçmek, ekin, ürün vermek - n. 1 a planting and harvest of grain, vegetables, or fruit: Farmers had a good crop of rice this year. 2 fig.a group of things or people: Our school had a good crop of freshman students this fall. 3 a short haircut 4 a short whip used in riding horses v. cropped, cropping, crops 1 [T] to chew the tops off plants: Sheep cropped the grass in the pasture. 2 to cut hair short 3 phrasal v. [I] to crop up: to appear unexpectedly: Some problems cropped up in our new computer system but we fixed them. Thesaurus: crop n. 1 yield 2 collection, assembly.


block consisting of a thick piece of something


bocalamak, inip çıkmak, düzensiz hareket etmek, kararsız olmak - v. [I] -ted, -ting, -tes to change, move up and down: During this past week, temperatures have fluctuated 50 degrees. -n. [C;U] fluctuation /flktuen/.


bocalamak, sendelemek, duraksamak - v. [I] 1 to walk, speak, or move in an unsteady way: The old man started to falter as he climbed the steps. 2 to become weak, decline: The economy faltered last year but has now started to improve. -adj. faltering.


bol, bolluk, çokluk, servet - n. [U] wealth, (syn.) prosperity: There is a lot of affluence in this part of the state because it has many businesses.

go into debt

borca batmak, borca girmek - The family was forced to economise so as not to go heavily into debt.


borç ödemek, akıtmak, ateş etmek, borç ödemek, boşaltmak, deşarj olmak, ilişiğini kesmek, işten çıkarmak, serbest bırakmak, boşaltmak, borçtan kurtulmak - v. -charged, -charging, -charges 1 [T] to ask or allow (s.o.) to leave: Management discharged 100 workers.||The navy discharged the sailor. 2 [T] to fulfill, perform (a responsibility): Management discharged its obligation by reducing the workforce. 3 [I;T] to fire, explode (guns, cannons, bombs, etc.): A rifle discharged by accident. 4 [I;T] to let or send out (s.t. from within): The cut discharged blood.||The volcano (chimney, fire) discharged smoke. 5 [T] frml. to pay (s.t. owed): I must discharge my debt to him. n. /dstrd/ 1 [U] a fulfillment of responsibility: She completed the discharge of her obligations under the contract. 2 [C] a release from military service: The sailor received his discharge and went home. 3 [C;U] a firing of a weapon, explosion: the discharge of a gun 4 [C;U] s.t. that is let out or sent out: the discharge of pollution from a factory


borç, ödünç, kredi,avans - n. 1 [C] a sum of money borrowed at a rate of interest: I applied at the bank for a mortgage loan at 7% interest. 2 [C;U] the act of lending s.t.: I thanked him for the loan of his car. v. [T] to lend: I loaned my car to a friend for the weekend. Thesaurus: loan n. 1 an advance (of money) | credit.


borç, ödünç, ödeünç alma, kredi


boy, soy, kabile, kavim


boyalı, kaplı, sıvalı -


boyun eğmek, uydurmak, uygulamak, uyumlu olmak - v. [I] 1 to obey legal re-quirements: Our company conforms to government regulations on worker safety. 2 to act in the same way as others do: Many of those students walk, talk, and dress alike; they conform to each other rather than picking an individual style. -n. [U] conformity.


boyuna, durmadan, sabir bir biçimde, değişme bir şekilde


boyut, büyüklük, ehemmiyet - n. [U] 1 the size or importance of s.t.: The economy is slowing down, but economists don't know the magnitude of this change yet. 2 (in science) the degree of brightness of a star or force of an earthquake: The magnitude of the earthquake in California was 5.0 on the Richter scale.


bozukluk, çarpıtma, tahribat - n. [C;U] a change that makes (s.t.) false, (syn.) a misrepresentation: The story she told was a distortion of the truth.


bozulmamış, çürümemiş


bozulmuş, kirlenmiş, üzerine bulaşmış


boş vakit, boş zaman faaliyeti, dinlence - adj. 1 relaxation free from work: They enjoy their <n.> leisure or <adj.> leisure time at the seashore. 2 at s.o.'s leisure: in an unhurried way: There's no need to rush that report, so you can write it at your leisure. Thesaurus: leisure n. 1 spare time, free time, time off (from work).


boş vakit, dinlence, boş zaman, serbest - adj. 1 relaxation free from work: They enjoy their <n.> leisure or <adj.> leisure time at the seashore. 2 at s.o.'s leisure: in an unhurried way: There's no need to rush that report, so you can write it at your leisure. Thesaurus: leisure n. 1 spare time, free time, time off (from work).


boş, sıfır, önemsiz, geçersiz -


boşa harcamak, dağıtmak, çarçur etmek - v. -pated, -pating, -pates 1 [I] to disappear or to lessen in intensity, (syn.) to disperse: The fog slowly dissipated in the morning sunlight. 2 [T] to spend or use up carelessly, (syn.) to squander: The dictator dissipated the riches of his country.

as things stand

bu durumda, bu şartlar altında - As things stand now, I can't imagine we'll be ready to leave until Friday at the earliest.


buhar, duman, gaz


buharlaşmak, uçup gitmek - v. -rated, -rating, -rates 1 [I,T] to change from a liquid into a vapor: Water evaporates from lakes and oceans. 2 [I] fig. to disappear, vanish: Without a job, her savings evaporated. -n. [U] evaporation.


buharlaşmak- v. -rated, -rating, -rates 1 [I,T] to change from a liquid into a vapor: Water evaporates from lakes and oceans. 2 [I] fig. to disappear, vanish: Without a job, her savings evaporated. -n. [U] evaporation.


bulaştırma, dahil etme, içerme, dolaylı anlatım, ima - n. 1 [U] an indication of participation or involvement of others, esp. in a crime: The woman's implication of her brother sent him to jail. 2 [C] an indirect suggestion: John made implications that Mr. Lu had faked his wife's signature.


bulaştırmak, bozmak, kirletmek, pisletmek - v. [T] -nated, -nating, -nates to make unclean, impure, unfit for use or consumption: The drinking water was contaminated with gasoline. -n. [U] contamination /kntmnen/.


bulaştırmak, kirletmek, pisletmek - v. [T] -nated, -nating, -nates to make unclean, impure, unfit for use or consumption: The drinking water was contaminated with gasoline. -n. [U] contamination /kntmnen/.


bulaşıcı , geçici - easily spread, caused by infection or capable of causing infection


bulmak, düşünmek, planlamak - v. [T] -vised, -vising, -vises 1 to create, develop: She has devised a plan for company expansion. 2 to invent (s.t. clever), dream up: to devise a scheme to get rich quick


buluş, değişiklik, yenilik - n. [C;U] s.t. new made or improved with creativity: Cellular telephones were an innovation in the 1990s, but now they are very common. -adj. innovative /nvetv/.


buna bağlı olarak, paralel olarak

having said that

bunların ışığında, bununla beraber, unutmamak gerekir ki

as a consequence

bunun sonucu olarak, bu nedenle - He failed to send off his application form and as a consequence was unable to enroll for the course


bununla birlikte, lakin, oysa, fakat - Computers are difficult things to understand, however many books you read about them. (However is used in the same way as no matter)

property crime

burglary, larceny, theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson as reported in the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports, Involves the taking of money or property, without the use of force or violence; Examples - Burglary, Larceny, Car Theft; 10x more common than violent crime

yearn for

burnunda tütmek, çok istemek, hasret çekmek -


burun, çıkıntı - ......... stands on a cape or peninsula.


buyruk, emir, reçete, talimat, yönerge, n. [C;U] 1 an order for medication: Her doctor wrote her a prescription for blood pressure medicine. 2 a formula, set of steps: Political analysts wrote a prescription for reform in government.


buz kesilmek, donmak, katılaşmak, pıhtılaşmak - v. [I] to become solid, harden: When water freezes, it congeals into ice.


bölüm, dilim, parça, sektör, iş dalı - n. 1 a separate piece, a section of s.t.: a line segment||a segment of a grapefruit 2 a part of a radio, television, or musical work: We listen to the radio news segment on every day from 5:00 to 5:10. v. [T] /sgmnt/ to divide into segments -adj. segmented.


bölüm, kırıntı, parça - n. a bit or piece of s.t.: The clay pot broke into fragments long ago. v. [I;T] /frgmnt, frgmnt/ to break, divide into bits and pieces: His eyeglasses fragmented as they hit the ground.


bükmek, katlamak, - v. 1 [T] to turn one part of s.t. over another part: I folded a piece of paper in half. 2 [T] to push movable parts of s.t. together: We folded the chairs together and set them against the wall. 3 [T] to bend inward until against the body: The man folded his arms on his chest. 4 [I] infrml.fig. to quit, stop completely: She played tennis so badly yesterday that she folded and went home. 5 infrml. [I] (of a business) to fail: Sorry. We can't eat at that restaurant; it folded last year. n. 1 one part of s.t. folded over another part: The folds in that napkin give it an elegant shape. 2 a group of sheep: The shepherd watches over his fold. 3 fig. the members of a church: A pastor greets his fold in church. 4 to return to the fold: to return to one's earlier family, church, friends, home, beliefs, etc.: After serving as a Republican mayor for many years, he decided to return to the fold and become a Democrat again. Thesaurus: fold v. 1 to crease, bend. Ant. to unfold. 2 to close up. Ant. to open. 3 to cross 4 to giveup. Ant. to continue on. 5 to close, go bankrupt. Ant. to open. n. 1 a crease, pleat, tuck 2 a flock 3 a congregation.


bükülmek, eğilmek, esnemek


bükülmez, eğilmez, esnemez, dimdik, katı, sert - adj. 1 stiff, firm, difficult to bend: I need a rigid box that won't break when it is full of heavy books. 2 strict, unbending: The government has rigid laws about paying taxes. -n. rigidity /rddati/; -adv. rigidly.


büro elemanı, evrak memuru, katip, memur, şef, sekreter, tezgahtar - n. 1 a person who keeps records, accounts, etc., in an office 2 a salesperson in a store: My friend is a (sales)clerk in the store's shirt department. v. [I] to work or serve as a clerk Thesaurus: clerk n. 1 a bookkeeper, secretary 2 a cashier, sales associate.


bütün, tüm, dile getirmek, ifade etmek, söylemek - adj. complete, total: He suffered from utter exhaustion after playing tennis.|| That new play is an utter success (or failure). v. [I;T] to speak: We waited for the prophet to utter words of wisdom. -n. utterance.


bütünleyici, ek, ilave, tamamlayıcı, ilave etmek, tamamlamak - n. 1 something added to an existing thing to complete or improve it: One year after we made our report, we had to add a supplement to cover new events. 2 an extra part of s.t.: a newspaper supplement v. [T] /splmnt/ to make an addition or additions to: He supplemented his income by taking a night job.


büyük ihtimalle, muhtemel, olası - adj. -lier, -liest probable, to be expected: Accidents are likely to happen.


büyükbaba, büyükdede - the father of your father or mother


cadde, bulvar, sokak, yol


camia, halk, topluluk, toplum - n. -ties 1 the people as a group in a town, city, or other area: The community is concerned about crime. 2 people forming a group in a racial, religious, occupational, etc., way: The Dominican community in New York City is very large. adj. to have community spirit: to think about and work for the good of a community: The children in that neighborhood pick up the garbage in the park every weekend; they have a lot of community spirit.


can alıcı, canlı, çok gerekli, hayati - adj. 1 most important, absolutely necessary: Water is vital to life. 2 energetic, lively: She has a vital personality. n.pl. vitals important organs, such as the heart, lungs, and digestive system: His vitals are in bad condition. -adv. vitally.


can alıcı, çok gerekli, hayati, önemli - adj. 1 most important, absolutely necessary: Water is vital to life. 2 energetic, lively: She has a vital personality. n.pl. vitals important organs, such as the heart, lungs, and digestive system: His vitals are in bad condition. -adv. vitally.


canlandırmak, diriltmek, gündemem getirmek, v. -vived, -viving, -vives 1 [I;T] to reawaken, return s.o. to consciousness: A paramedic revived a man who had lost consciousness. 2 [I;T] to give new energy to s.t., (syn.) to revitalize: Government programs rebuilding roads and bridges revived the country's economy. 3 [T] to begin to use or do s.t. again, make popular again: Her trip to the museum revived her old interest in painting.


canlandırmak, enerjik, çevik, hareketli - adj. 1 rapid and energetic: We took a brisk walk around the block. 2 sharp and cool, (syn.) invigorating: A brisk wind blew through our hair. -n. [U] briskness; -adv. briskly.


canlandırmak, harekete geçirmek - v. [I;T] -lated, -lating, -lates to increase energy or activity: Her love for him stimulates his creativity.||Cold air stimulates me. -n. stimulation.


canlandırmak, harekete geçirmek, teşvik etmek


canlandırıcı, dürtü, uyarıcı - n. -li /la/ s.t. that causes an action or response: The desire for a good education was the stimulus for my studying hard.


canlı, çevik, hafif,neşeli, havalı, havadar - adj. -ier, -iest open, (syn.) breezy: All the windows were open, giving the house an airy feeling. -adv. airily /rli/.


caydırıcı, engelleyici, önleyici - n. s.t. that prevents (an attack, a crime, etc.): Police serve as a deterrent to crime.||a nuclear deterrent


cazibe, sempati, çekim - n. 1 [U] appeal: Because she is afraid of heights, the long trip by airplane had little attraction for her. 2 [U;C] a popular place, entertainment: Niagara Falls is a major attraction for people visiting the United States. 3 [U;C] the ability and quality in a person to attract, (syn.) charm: His winning smile and easy manner were attractions that drew the public to him.


ceza, cezai - adj. related to punishment: The penal laws in that country are very cruel.


ceza, para cezası - fine /fan/ n. money paid as punishment for wrongdoing: He paid a fine for parking illegally. v. [T] fined, fining, fines to order payment for wrongdoing: The court fined the company for dumping garbage illegally. adj. finer, finest 1 excellent, (syn.) advantageous: Now is a fine time to buy property. 2 of superior quality: That store sells fine jewelry.||She has fine taste in furnishings (clothes, music, restaurants, etc.).||She is a person of fine character. 3 deeply felt (senses, perception), heightened: He has a fine sense of hearing (smell, touch, etc.). 4 sharp, pointed: That knife has a fine edge on its blade (or) a fine point on its tip. 5 composed of thin threads or very small pieces: That scarf is made of a fine silk. 6 well, healthy: I feel fine today. 7 the fine print: a contract's small print which could alter the meaning of a document as a whole: They did not read the fine print in the written agreement and lost all their money. adv.infrml. 1 well: You did fine on your exam. 2 in small pieces, finely: Chop the nuts fine. -n. [U] fineness. Thesaurus: fine adj. 1 very good, terrific. Ants. poor, bad. 2 classic, elegant | outstanding (one'staste) 3 keen, sharp. Ant. dull. 5 delicate. Ant. rough. 6 all right, OK. Ant. unwell.


cezayı hak eden, suç oluşturan

tempted by



cinsel ilişki, mahremiyet, yakınlık - n. -cies 1 [U] emotional closeness: I feel great intimacy with my brother; I tell him everything. 2 [U] a good feeling of warmth and privacy, (syn.) coziness: I like the intimacy of candlelight and soft music in restaurants.


clearly different or belonging to a different type


cleverness, inventiveness, resourcefulness


daha sonra, sonrasında, devamında - The Klondike gold rush lasted from 1896 to 1910. Afterwards the area became practically deserted overnight.


dahil etmek, bütünlemek, tamamlamak - The immigrants faced hostility when they were first integrated/ assimilated into the community


daimi, kalıcı, sürekli - adj. 1 lasting, or meant to last, forever or for a long time: They hoped their marriage would be permanent. 2 firmly set, not expected to change soon: This house is now my permanent address. -adv. permanently. See: temporary. n. treatment of the hair with chemicals, and often heat and curlers, designed to produce curls and waves: She had a permanent at the beauty parlor this morning. See: perm. Thesaurus: permanent adj. 1 enduring, everlasting. Ant. short-lived. 2 fixed, stable. Ant. temporary.


dakik, zamanında


dalavera çevirmek, grafiğini çizmek,haritada göstermek, yerini belirlemek, arazi, arsa, hikayenin konusu - v. plotted, plotting, plots 1 [I;T] to scheme, plan in secret a way to overthrow, rob, or harm s.o.: Several generals plotted to overthrow the government. 2 [T] to mark a curve or draw points of activity: The treasurer plotted the growth of company sales on a chart. 3 [I;T] to construct the main story in a novel or play: He plots out his mystery novels in the bathtub. n. 1 the main story in a novel or play: The plot concerns a poor boy who moves to California and becomes an actor. 2 an area of land: Her house is located on a small plot of land. Thesaurus: plot v. 1 to conspire, connive 2 to map, chart 3 to plan, design (a plot). n. 1 a story line, the action 2 a lot, acreage.


dar yol, geçit


dar, engellenmiş, okunaksız, sıkışık - adj. small and uncomfortable: She lives in a cramped little apartment.


dava, dava açma, hukuk davası


davranış, gidişat, iletmek, sevketmek, yönlendirmek, yürütmek - n. [U] 1 behavior, comportment: Good conduct is expected of students in school. 2 the process of doing s.t.: the conduct of diplomacy||the conduct of business v. /kndkt/ 1 [T] to behave: The students conducted themselves well in class today. 2 [T] to do s.t.: That store conducts business from 9:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. 3 [I;T] to direct an orchestra, band, etc.: He conducts the London Philharmonic Orchestra. Thesaurus: conduct n. 1 one's manners | demeanor frml. 2 the ways, handling, administration.


dayanmak, katlanmak, tahammül etmek - put up with something or somebody unpleasant - v. -dured, -during, -dures 1 [I] to last, survive: Great art endures for centuries. 2 [T] to bear, tolerate: Athletes endure pain to win races. -adj. endurable; enduring.

be as different as chalk and cheese

dağlar kadar fark olmak - British and Australian people share the same language, but in other respects they are as different as chalk and cheese


dağılmak, dağıtmak, yaymak - v. -persed, -persing, -perses 1 [T] to give out, dispense: The federal government disperses funds to the states. 2 [I] to break up and send or go away, (syn.) to scatter: The crowd dispersed after the demonstration.


defetmek, geri çevirmek, iğrendirmek - v. [T] -pelled, -pelling, -pels to make s.o. or s.t. go away, force it to leave, (syn.) to repulse: The smell of this candle repels insects so that they won't bother us while we're outside.


demet, bağ, deste, salkım, küme - n.pl. -es 1 a group of s.t. growing or put together: She bought a bunch of bananas and a bunch of carrots at the store. 2 infrml.fig. a large amount of s.t.: That dress cost a bunch.||They bought a bunch of things at the store. v. [I;T] to crowd together: People bunched together (or) up in the crowded bus. Thesaurus: bunch n. 1 a handful, cluster | pack 2 a large quantity of s.t., large number | group, crowd. v. to pack, cluster, cram together.


demode, eski, modası geçmiş, tarihli - adj. 1 marked with a date: The letter was dated June 10, 1997. 2 old and so no longer valid, (syn.) obsolete: Information that is dated is not useful.


den ağır basmak, den daha önemli olmak, ağır gelmek - nevertheless, this inconveniences would be an inevitable part of travelling and and would be greatly outweighed y the other advantages


den elde etmek, kaynaklanmak, türemek - v. -rived, -riving, -rives 1 [T] to get, (syn.) to obtain: She derives her income from freelance work. 2 [I] to come from, (syn.) to originate: The word "apple" derives from the Old English word "aeppel." -n. derivation /drven/.


den önce gelmek, önce olmak - v. [T] -ceded, -ceding, -cedes to come before, appear earlier: The dark skies preceded a thunderstorm.


den önce olmak, den önde gelmek - A sudden drop in temperature will usually precede a blizzard.

on trial

deneme, duruşmada, mahkeme halinde


denge - n. [U] one's sense of balance: She lost her equilibrium and fell down.


depo, bellek, biriktirme - n. [U] 1 a place (closet, warehouse, etc.) for keeping items until they are needed: Our business puts old financial records in storage until tax time. 2 the placement of these items: My books are dusty from storage.


depreşmek, tekrar meydana gelmek, yinelemek - v. [I] -curred, -curring, -curs to happen again: His sore throat recurs every winter. -n. [C;U] recurrence.


destek, yardım, himaye - n.pl. with the support, (syn.) patronage: The concert is presented free under the auspices of the city government.


devam etmek, ilerlemek, başlamak -v. [I] 1 to continue, resume activity, esp. after a pause: The plane stopped in Chicago, then proceeded to Los Angeles. 2 to go forward, move ahead: He proceeded to tell a funny story and we all laughed.


devam ettirmek, ayakta tutmak, finanse etmek, devam ettirmek, katlanmak, maruz kalmak - v. [T] 1 to keep in existence by providing support, strength, or necessities: This poor diet is not enough to sustain the population in this country. 2 to keep up or maintain an activity: Do you think we can sustain our commitment to delivering the newspapers on time? 3 to suffer or endure: The passengers sustained severe wounds from the train crash.


devam ettirmek, finanse etmek, ayakta tutmak, dayanmak, güç vermek, sürdürmek, destek olmak - v. [T] 1 to keep in existence by providing support, strength, or necessities: This poor diet is not enough to sustain the population in this country. 2 to keep up or maintain an activity: Do you think we can sustain our commitment to delivering the newspapers on time? 3 to suffer or endure: The passengers sustained severe wounds from the train crash.


devamlı, kronik, müzmin, sürekli - adj. 1 long lasting, (syn.) persistent: She has had chronic pain in her back for years. 2 failing to change, (syn.) habitual: He is a chronic troublemaker. -adv. chronically.


devamlı, ısrarcı, sürüp giden, kalıcı - adj. 1 continuing steadily in a belief, activity, or purpose, (syn.) tenacious: He made a persistent effort to finish the big project. 2 continuing to exist for a long time: a persistent problem||a persistent noise -adv. persistently.


devasa, muazzam, kocaman - n. a type of extinct hairy elephant: Mammoths once lived in parts of the USA. adj. huge in size: The national debt is mammoth.


devir yapmak, dönmek, bir eksen çeviresinde dönmek, etrafında dönmek - v. -volved, -volving, -volves 1 [I;T] to turn around s.t., move in a circle, (syn.) to rotate: The room began to revolve, then she fainted. 2 phrasal v. insep. [T] to revolve around s.o. or s.t.: to have as a focus: His life revolves around his family.


devir, devralma, ele geçirme, kontrolü ele almak - n. 1 a forced replacement of old leaders with new ones: The takeover of the government in a military coup was quick and bloodless. 2 (in business) getting control of a corporation: A takeover can be friendly or hostile.


devre, tur, dolaşma, tur atmak -n. 1 a closed path for an electrical current: electrical circuits 2 a route with regular stops: That truck driver makes a circuit of the stores in this area.


değer biçmek, ,incelemek, hesaplamak, değerlendirmek - v. -es [T] 1 to evaluate, analyze: I assessed how much it would cost to build a new house. 2 to place a value on s.t., esp. as a basis for taxation: Our house is assessed at $50,000. -n. [C] assessor /ssr/.


değer biçmek, değerlendirmek, fiyat saptamak , takdir etmek - v. [T] -praised, -praising, -praises to estimate the value of property: He appraised the necklace at $100,000. -n. appraiser.


değer katmak, gübrelemek, zenginleştirmek - v. [T] 1 to make rich or richer: The growth of industry enriched the small town. 2 to add good things to: The farmer enriched the soil with fertilizer. -adj. enriching; -n. [U] enrichment.


değer katmak, zenginleştirmek, gübrelemek, koyulaştırmak - v. [T] 1 to make rich or richer: The growth of industry enriched the small town. 2 to add good things to: The farmer enriched the soil with fertilizer. -adj. enriching; -n. [U] enrichment.


değerli şey, kazanç, mal mülk, varlık - n. 1 an advantage, an important person, thing, or quality: She is very talented and is a real asset to our company. 2 assets: (in accounting) items of value to a person, business, or institution: The company assets include a building, equipment, and cash.


değerli şey, kazanç, mal, mülk - n. 1 an advantage, an important person, thing, or quality: She is very talented and is a real asset to our company. 2 assets: (in accounting) items of value to a person, business, or institution: The company assets include a building, equipment, and cash.


değerli, faydalı, harcanan emeğe değer - adj. worth doing, worth the trouble: Seeing that art exhibit is worthwhile.||She is alone in her big house now, and that makes it worthwhile for her to rent out rooms. Thesaurus: worthwhile rewarding, beneficial | useful, profitable. Ant. pointless.


değişiklik yapmak - v. [T] -fied, -fying, -fies 1 to change s.t., alter: He was loud and angry, and his friends told him to modify his behavior. 2 (in grammar) to describe s.t.: An adjective such as "blue" modifies a noun, such as "dress."


değişiklik yapmak, değiştirmek - v. [T] 1 to change, (syn.) to falsify: A student altered the grade on his paper to make it seem higher than it actually was. 2 to make small changes, (syn.) to modify: The tailor altered the waistband on my pants because it was too tight. -adj. alterable.


değişken, düzensiz, istikrarsız sallanan - adj. 1 wobbly, subject to tipping or falling: He is drunk and unsteady on his feet. 2 erratic, not working all the time, (syn.) inconsistent: That city has an unsteady supply of electricity (money, water, etc.). -adv. unsteadily; -n. [U] unsteadiness.


değişmeyen, devamlı, durmadan, düzenli, istikrarlı, tutarlı - v. [T] -ied, -ying, -ies 1 to make firm: He felt dizzy and steadied himself by sitting down.||He held the ladder to steady it. 2 to make calm: to steady one's nerves adj. -ier, -iest 1 firm, stable: The chair is steady since I fixed it. 2 without interruption, continuous: a steady rainfall 3 calm and dependable: She is a steady person who thinks before she acts. 4 infrml. (of a girlfriend or boyfriend) regular or exclusive: my steady girlfriend 5 to go steady: to date (without dating anyone else), usu. said of teenagers, not adults: The boy and girl have been going steady all through the school year. n. a boyfriend or girlfriend with whom one goes steady


değişmeyen, durgun, durağan, hareketsiz, hareket etmeyen - adj. not moving or able to be moved: The teacher asked us to remain stationary in our seats.||The gate opens, but the fence is stationary.


değiştirilemez, geri dönüşümsüz, dönülmez - adj. not able to be changed or put back to original form, (syn.) irrevocable: My decision to move to Italy is irreversible; I have bought my ticket and left my job.


değiştirmek, başkalaştırmak - v. [T] 1 to change, (syn.) to falsify: A student altered the grade on his paper to make it seem higher than it actually was. 2 to make small changes, (syn.) to modify: The tailor altered the waistband on my pants because it was too tight. -adj. alterable.


değiştirmek, değişiklik, geçirmek (bir yerden başka bir yere) - vardiya, nöbet - n. 1 a change in position or location: a shift of money from one bank to another 2 a change of ideas: a political shift from right to left 3 a segment of work time: The night shift begins at 11:00 P.M. 4 a simple dress v. 1 [I;T] to change from one position to another: The truck driver shifted gears. 2 [I] to change in general: That singer is shifting from jazz to classical music.


dik kafalı, inatçı, fikrinden dönmeyen, ön yargılı


dik, dikey, dik doğrultuda - adj. 1 at an angle of 90°: The connected sides of a square are perpendicular to each other. 2 standing straight up, (syns.) vertical, upright: A flagpole is perpendicular to the ground.

...at right angles to/perpendicular to...

dik, doğru, dik doğrultuda


dikdörtgen - n. any shape with four straight sides that make right angles: My textbook is shaped like a rectangle. -adj. rectangular /rktgylr/.


dikey, düşey - adj. upright, at 90 degrees to the horizontal: The hospital patient is sitting in the vertical position, upright in bed. -adv. vertically.


dikkat dağıtan, The traffic noise is extremely (distracting, detracting) to the students who are taking the test.


dikkat çeken, dikkat çekici


dikkatsizlik, düşüncesizlik, ihmal, kayıtsızlık - , the trait of giving little thought to danger


dilbilim - n. [U] used with a sing. v.: the study of the nature and structure of languages: I studied linguistics in college.


dilbilimci - n. a person who knows several languages and their structure: She is a linguist on the faculty at Harvard University -adj. linguistic.


dile ait, dilbilimsel


dirençli, dayanıklı, karşı koyan


dizginlemek, engellemek, durdurmak, kısıtlamak - v. [T] to make an action or behavior difficult: Her shyness inhibits her social life. -n. inhibitor; -adj. inhibitive.


dizginlemek, frenlemek, öfkesini yenmek, kontrol altına almak - n. 1 the edge and border area of a sidewalk, a curbstone: Two boys sat on the curb and watched the cars go by. 2 a check, s.t. (an idea, law, order) that stops or slows an activity, a restraint: She put a curb on her spending. v. [T] to restrain or restrict: I went on a diet and curbed my appetite for food and drink. Thesaurus: curb v. to control, limit | cut back, reduce. Ant. to expand.


dizmek, dizilmek, sıralamak - v. [T] 1 to place one or more objects in line with another: The worker aligned the chairs in straight rows in the meeting hall. 2 to join, (syn.) to affiliate: Two small political parties aligned themselves so that together they would have more power. -n.[C;U] alignment.


doktora derecesi, an American doctorate usually based on at least 3 years graduate study and a dissertation, doctor of philosophy


doktora, lisans üstü, mezuniyet sonrası, yüksek lisans öğrencisi


doku, ince kağıt, ince kumaş, kağıt mendil - n. 1 [U] a group of animal or plant cells that together makes up an organ that performs a certain function, such as nerve tissue or muscle tissue: Human liver tissue can grow again if it is injured. 2 [C] paper products, such as toilet tissue or paper handkerchiefs: After I sneezed, I wiped my nose with a tissue. See: Kleenex.


dolap çevirmek, dolap, dalavere, plan, tasarı, düzen - n. 1 an ordered arrangement, plan: The color scheme in the room is blue and yellow. 2 a secret or dishonest plan, (syn.) a plot: I think he had a scheme to cheat the customer. 3 a plan of action: We have a scheme for finishing the job by Friday. v. [I] to plot, to plan s.t. secretly or dishonestly: She schemed about how to escape through an open window. -n. schemer; -adj. scheming.


doruk, tepe, zirve, - n. 1 the pointed top of a mountain: The peak of the mountain is covered with snow. 2 the pointed end of s.t., such as the top of a roof: Two birds were sitting on the peak of the barn. 3 the point of greatest activity, strength, or success: That singer is now at the peak of her career. 4 the front part of a cap that extends over the eyesv. [I] to reach the highest point: The price of gas has peaked and is now going down. adj. the highest level: That racehorse is in peak condition.


doyurmak, emdirmek, doygun hale getirmek, iyice doyurmak - v. [T] -rated, -rating, -rates 1 to soak s.t. with a liquid until no more can be absorbed: The rain is so heavy that it saturates the ground. 2 fig. to be completely full of s.t.: He was saturated with alcohol; he was so drunk he could not walk.||That book is saturated with incorrect facts. -n. [U] saturation.


doyurmak, emdirmek, doygun, doymuş

mother nature

doğa ana, tabiat ana

enviromentally friendly

doğa dostu, doğaya zarar vermeyen


doğal, doğuştan olan, yaradılıştan - adj. naturally belonging to or part of s.t.: Love is inherent in a good marriage.


doğal, görünüş itibariyle cazibeli olan, manzara, manzaralı - adj. with a pleasing view of nature: The country road is very scenic in the autumn when the leaves are colorful. Thesaurus: scenic picturesque | impressive, striking.


doğal, kendiliğinden olan, hazırlıksız - adj. 1 not planned, full of feeling: spontaneous laughter at a clown 2 happening in a natural way, not practiced or rehearsed: the spontaneous flow of jazz music 3 happening without being caused by s.t. outside: a spontaneous fire -adv. spontaneously.


doğru varsaymak, farzetmek - v. [T] -lated, -lating, -lates to state s.t. as true without proof: Scientists postulate that there is a tenth planet in the solar system, but they can't prove its existence.


doğrulamak, gerekçe göstermek, ayarlamak, düzenlemek, haklı çıkarmak, haklılığını ortaya çıkarmak - v. [T] -fied, -fying, -fies 1 to give acceptable reasons for an action: He justified buying a car by showing how useful it would be. 2 not to blame s.o., (syn.) to absolve: The law justifies killing s.o. to defend oneself. 3 to line up typewritten words so that each line is the same length: to justify a page on both the left and right sides


doğrulamak, onaylamak, teyit ermek, kanıtlamak - v. [T] -fied, -fying, -fies to prove s.t. is true, confirm: I verified the store's address by calling to check it. -n. [U] verification /vrfken/.


doğrulanabilir, ispat edilebilir, sürdürülebilir, able to survive on its own


doğruluk, kesinlik, hassasiyet - n. [U] 1 s.t. that is correct and true, (syns.) exactness, precision: He is a professional, and the accuracy of what he says is not to be questioned. 2 the ability to hit a target: Her accuracy with the gun surprised everyone.


doğurmak, oluşturmak, üretmek - v. [T] -ated, -ating, -ates 1 to produce, create: The local power station generates electricity. 2 to make happen, to produce, (syn.) to initiate: The sales force has generated a big sales increase.


doğuştan, özünde olan, - adj. part of s.o. from birth, natural: He has an innate sense of how to fix things.


durdurmak, bitirmek, kesilmek - circuitv.frml. [I;T] ceased, ceasing, ceases to stop an action: The government ordered the company to cease selling the bad medicine. See: cessation.


durdurmak, dizginlemek, frenlemek - n. 1 the edge and border area of a sidewalk, a curbstone: Two boys sat on the curb and watched the cars go by. 2 a check, s.t. (an idea, law, order) that stops or slows an activity, a restraint: She put a curb on her spending. v. [T] to restrain or restrict: I went on a diet and curbed my appetite for food and drink. Thesaurus: curb v. to control, limit | cut back, reduce. Ant. to expand.


durdurmak, feshetmek, iptal etmek, yürürlükten kaldırmak - v. [T] to end s.t.: The government abolished the tax on food. Thesaurus: abolish to cancel, eliminate | to prohibit, ban. Ants. to establish | restore.


durumu kötüleşmiş, , lessened in character, quality, condition, or value; worsened


duyarlı, eğilimli, hassas, sorumlu - adj. 1 legally obligated, responsible: Rental contracts state that tenants are liable for damages that they cause to the property. 2 likely (to do or experience): If you drive in a bad storm, you are liable to have an accident.


duyarlı, muhtemel, sorumlu - adj. 1 legally obligated, responsible: Rental contracts state that tenants are liable for damages that they cause to the property. 2 likely (to do or experience): If you drive in a bad storm, you are liable to have an accident.




döndürmek, çevirmek, dönüşümlü olarak yer değiştirmek - v. [I;T] -tated, -tating, -tates 1 to move around s.t., esp. in a circle: Planets rotate around the sun. 2 to do s.t. by turns, one after another: I had the tires on my car rotated so they would wear evenly.


dük, yumruk - n. a man with a high hereditary rank below a prince: The Duke of Kent waved to the people outside the palace.


dünyevi, yeryüzüne ait, dünya veya karayla ilgili - adj. related to earth: Terrestrial weather is different from that on Mars. See: extraterrestrial. n. a person from earth, (syn.) earthling: Science fiction tells of terrestrials visiting other planets.


düzeltmek, çare bulmak, çözüm getirmek, iyileştirmek - v. [T] -died, -dying, -dies 1 to correct, fix s.t.: The child behaved badly, so the school remedied the problem by making him leave school. 2 to restore, return to normal: He remedied his weak condition by exercising in a gym. n. -dies 1 a medication, s.t. that makes an illness better, (syn.) a cure: She took a cold remedy to relieve her sneezing and headache. 2 action to make s.t. better: As a remedy for poor sales, the store ran a special sale.


düzen, evren, sistem - n. the cosmos all space, stars, planets, etc., (syn.) the universe: Astronomers study the cosmos.


düzenleme, kullanma, ortadan kaldırma, tasfiye, uzaklaştırma - n. 1 [U] the throwing away or dumping of: the disposal of trash 2 at (s.o.'s) disposal: available for (s.o's) use: I was at her disposal whenever she needed my advice. 3 [C] garbage disposal: a small machine attached under a kitchen sink for cutting up food waste as it passes through


düzenleme, sıralama, yanyana tanzim / the act of positioning close together (or side by side), a grouping of words in a sentence, the placing of things together, combination of words in a language that happens very often and more frequently than would happen by chance


düzensiz, dağınık, şekilsiz, sınırları belii olmayan - adj.frml. 1 shapeless, without clear form 2 fig. general, (syn.) vague: An amoeba is amorphous, changing from one shape into another.


düşmanca, düşman,düşmana ait - adj. 1 hateful, angry: That driver has a hostile attitude; he blows his horn and yells at other drivers. 2 opposing, (syn.) antagonistic: Our troops ran into hostile forces.

fall over

düşmek, yıkılmak


düşünce, fikir, inanç, kanı , tuhafiye malzemesi - n. 1 an idea or belief, esp. one that is unclear or unreasonable: He has a silly notion about making a million dollars without working. 2 pl. notions small useful items, such as buttons, thread, hairpins, etc.


düşünme, düşünce, etki, yansıma, yansıtma, fikir - n. 1 [C] an image created by reflected light: He looked at his reflection in the mirror. 2 [C;U] a shining: The reflection of moonlight on the water is very romantic. 3 [C;U] a deep thought, reference about s.t.: This book has poems and the poet's reflections on what the poems mean. 4 [U] the throwing back of light, sound, or heat: This room is always warm because of the reflection of sunlight through the window. 5 positive or negative credit s.t. gives to s.t. else: A child's behavior is a reflection on her parents. -adj. reflective.


düşünmek, gebe kalmak - v. -ceived, -ceiving, -ceives 1 [T] to think of s.t.: I can't conceive of why he did such a stupid thing! 2 [I;T] frml.to become pregnant: She conceived and had a son.


düşünmek, planlamak, kurmak, v. [T] -vised, -vising, -vises 1 to create, develop: She has devised a plan for company expansion. 2 to invent (s.t. clever), dream up: to devise a scheme to get rich quick


düşünüp taşınmak, kafa yormak, niyet etmek, tasarlamak - v.frml. [T] -plated, -plating, -plates 1 to think about s.t. seriously: The manager contemplated the results of the report for hours. 2 to look forward to, (syn.) to anticipate: She contemplates a good future in business after her graduation from college. -n. [U] contemplation /kntmplen/; -adj. contemplative /kntmpltv, kntmpletv/

on the grounds that

dığı gerekçesi ile, e dayanarak, olması nedeniyle - He refused to lend anyone money on the grounds that people rarely repay a loan


dış, dış kaynaklı, harici - n. 1 the outside of s.t., surface: The exterior of the house needs painting. 2 appearance, looks: He has a rough exterior, but inside, he has a heart of gold. adj. outside: The exterior walls of the building are made of glass and steel.


dış, dış taraftaki, dışsal - adj. at a greater distance, farther from the middle or center: Tourists travel to the outer islands by ferry boat.

liable for

e karşı sorumlu, den sorumlu olmak - Parents can be made liable for their children's debts. Parents may be legally responsible for the money their children owe.

take part in

e katılmak, müdahil olmak


e neden olmak, meydana çıkarmak, çıkarmak - v.frml. [T] to get, bring out: Her letter of complaint elicited a quick response from the company.


efsane, söylence- n. 1 [C;U] a story from ancient cultures about history, gods, or heroes: Students learn about the myths of ancient Greece and Rome. 2 [C] an untrue or unproved story: His stories about his great successes in sports are myths. Thesaurus: myth 1 a legend, tale, fable 2 a fib, fantasy.


egemen olmak, ağır basmak, yön vermek - hakim olmak, hükmetmek - v. -nated, -nating, -nates 1 [I;T] to have the most important place or greatest influence in: She is the greatest opera singer in the world; she dominates the field. 2 [T] to have or use power or command over: He dominates his company with an iron hand. -n. domination.


egemen olmak, hakim olmak, hükmetmek - 1 [I;T] to have the most important place or greatest influence in: She is the greatest opera singer in the world; she dominates the field. 2 [T] to have or use power or command over: He dominates his company with an iron hand. -n. domination.


ek, ek bölüm, liste


ekip biçmek, tarlayı sürmek, sürmek, işlemek - v. [T] -vated, -vating, -vates 1 to prepare the land to grow food crops, trees, and flowers; to plow, plant seed, water, and fertilize the land: From ancient times, people have cultivated crops, like wheat, for food. 2 to study and develop a fine understanding, such as of art, music, books, etc.: She has cultivated her knowledge of art. 3 to develop friendships with people: He cultivates important people. adj. She is a cultivated woman. Thesaurus: cultivate 1 to farm, grow, tend to 2 to develop, refine 3 to pursue, court.


ekip, eleman, kitle, personel - n. 1 the workers (often except the officers) on a ship, airplane, train, space vehicle, etc.: the captain and crew on a cruise ship 2 a group of workers: the stage crew in a theater 3 rowers on a racing boat v. [I] to work as a sailor: to crew for s.o.


ekip, takım, askeri müfreze - n. (in the military) a grouping of 25 soldiers within a company of 100


ekonimik, hesaplı, idareli, iktisadi - adj. related to economics: Investors watch the rate of economic growth closely.


ekoturizm, a form of tourism that supports the conservation and sustainable development of ecologically unique areas


eksen, bir şeyin etrafında döndüğü merkez - 1 a straight line on which points are marked: I drew a horizontal and a vertical axis on a sheet of paper. 2 a straight line around which an object turns: The earth rotates on its axis.


eksik, zayıf, yetersiz - adj. 1 not enough, (syn.) insufficient: Her diet is deficient in protein. 2 of poor quality, substandard: They fired him because his work was deficient. -adv. deficiently.


el kol hareketi, işaret, hareket, jest - n. 1 a body movement to show s.t. (a feeling, an idea, etc.): She made a gesture to the right with her hand to show the direction of the park. 2 s.t. you do or say to show your feelings: We gave some money to the hospital as a gesture of support. v. [I] -tured, -turing, -tures to make a movement with your hand or head to show s.t.: He gestured to me to sit down.


elde edilemez, ulaşılamaz


elde etmek, erişmek, kazanmak, kabul etmek - v. [T] to achieve, reach: The salesperson attained her sales goal for the month. -adj. attainable; -n. [U] attainment.


elde tutmak, kaybetmemek, parayla tutmak, vekil tutmak - v. [T] 1 to keep s.t., maintain possession of s.t.: The wife retained most of her dead husband's property, but some went to the children. 2 to pay a professional for services: When his neighbor drove a car into his house, he retained a lawyer. See: retention.


ele geçirmek, el koymak, esir almak - v. [T] -tured, -turing, -tures 1 to take s.o. or s.t. by force: The police captured a criminal. 2 to hold the attention of: The thought of going to the moon captured her imagination. 3 to preserve information: Cameras capture special memories. n. [U] an act of capturing s.o. or s.t.: The capture of the criminal involved a fight. Thesaurus: capture 1 to seize, trap, arrest 2 to catch 3 to catch. Ant. to release.


ele geçirmek, işgal etmek, belirli bir yerde bulunmak, -de oturmak meşgul etmek, zaman almak - v. [T] -pied, -pying, -pies 1 to be, live, or work in a place: Our company occupies three floors in an office building. 2 to take control of, esp. in wartime: Soldiers occupied the town. 3 to fill (time, space, etc.): Children occupy their free time with their toys and games. -n. occupier. Thesaurus: occupy 1 to take up (space), fill 2 to take over, seize 3 to spend, use, employ.


elekten geçirmek, gözden geçirmek, ince eleyip sık dokumak, incelemeek - v. 1 [I;T] to put through a sieve: I sifted flour and salt together for a cake. 2 [T] to look through s.t. carefully: The tax worker sifted through the company's financial records.


elle dokunulur/tutulur, maddi, somut, gerçek, hissedilir - - adj. 1 touchable, real: Tangible assets include cash, real estate, and machinery. 2 able to be felt, (syns.) perceptible, palpable: Her love for him is so intense that it is tangible you can really feel it. See: intangible.


elverişli, münasip, makul - adj. 1 workable, possible: Your work plan is feasible, so we can build the bridge immediately. 2 suitable, acceptable: There is no feasible alternative. -adv. feasibly; -n. [U] feasibility /fizblti/.


elverişli, uygun, uygulanabilir - adj. 1 workable, possible: Your work plan is feasible, so we can build the bridge immediately. 2 suitable, acceptable: There is no feasible alternative. -adv. feasibly; -n. [U] feasibility /fizblti/.


elverişsiz, kullanışsız, pratik olmayan


emeklemek, bağışlanmayı istemek, kulaçlamak, ağır gidiş - - a slow creeping mode of locomotion (on hands and knees or dragging the body) - v. [I] 1 to move slowly and close to the ground, (syn.) to creep: Ants and spiders crawl along the ground.||Babies crawl on their hands and knees. 2 to be covered with s.t.: The ground was crawling with ants. 3 fig. to ask for forgiveness, (syn.) to grovel: He made his girlfriend angry, but he crawled back to her. n. 1 a slow movement: Traffic is moving at a crawl today. 2 the crawl: the fastest swimming stroke in which one lifts the arms over the head and kicks the feet


empoze etmek, aldatmak, dayatmak, kötüye kullanmak, zorla kabul ettirmek - v. -posed, -posing, -poses 1 [T] to place upon, burden: Inheriting money imposes new taxes on people. 2 [I] to make inconvenient, take advantage of: Relatives imposed upon us when they stayed for a whole week.

say the least

en azından


en sonraki, en sonunda olan, son olarak


en sonunda, sonuçta - as the end result of a succession or process, after everything has been considered, in the end; eventually - adv. in the end: Ultimately, the war had to end; it cost too much in both lives and dollars.


enflasyon, para bolluğu, şişkinlik - The government raised the income tax rate with the aim of curbing inflation


engelleme, koruma, korunma, önlem, engel - n. [U] the act of pre-venting s.t. from happening, (syn.) avoidance: prevention of disease


engellemek, önüne geçmek, işini bozmak -

sooner or later

eninde sonunda, er veya geç


erganlik çağı, buluğ çağı,ergen - n. [U] sexual maturity, the stage of human growth when a girl can have a baby and a boy can father one: Puberty usually occurs around the age of 13.


ergenlik, ergen - the time period between the beginning of puberty and adulthood, in the state that someone is in between puberty and adulthood- n. [U] the teenage years between puberty and adulthood: During her adolescence, she argued a lot with her parents.


ergenlik, olgunluk


erimek, çözülmek, bozmak, gözden kaybolmak, son vermek - v. -solved, -solving, -solves 1 [I;T] to put s.t., like sugar or powder, into a liquid and make it seem to disappear: The powder dissolved in water. 2 [T] to end (an association, group, or contract): to dissolve a marriage (a formal meeting, business, etc.) 3 [I] fig. to break down emotionally: She dissolved into tears at the news.


erken tarihe almak, önce gelmek - v. [T] -dated, -dating, -dates to happen before s.t. else: The Vikings' visit to North America in about 1,000 A.D. predated the visit of Columbus by nearly 500 years.


erozyon, aşınma


ertelemek, uymak - v.frml. [T] -ferred, -ferring, -fers 1 to delay, move to a later time, (syn.) to postpone: We wish to defer our decision for a week. 2 to defer to: to give preference to or accept the opinion (wishes, advice, etc.) of another person over one's own: I defer to your judgment.||He defers to his wife in matters involving the children. -n.[C;U] deferral. See: deference.


esirmek, korumak, muhafaza etmek, reçelini yapmak - v. [T] -served, -serving, -serves 1 to guard, protect from harm or change: The government preserves the rights of the individual person. 2 to maintain, keep in good condition: She preserves her health by eating sensibly and exercising. 3 to prevent food from spoiling: Keeping food in the refrigerator preserves its freshness. -n. [U] preservation /przrven/. n. 1 an area of land or seashore used to protect wildlife from people, esp. hunters, a reserve: Huge game preserves in Africa help protect wild animals. 2 pl. preserves fruit, usu. in large pieces, cooked with a lot of sugar and stored in a jar: peach preserves Thesaurus: preserve v. 1 to ensure, safeguard 2 to keep up s.t. | conserve. Ant. to neglect. 3 to maintain.


eskiden, önceden, vaktiyle - adv. in the past, some time ago, (syn.) previously: She was formerly president of that organization.


etki, etkisi olmak, izlenim - n. 1 a result: One effect of being poor is not having enough food for your family. 2 an influence: Lowering taxes had a strong effect on the taxpayers, who definitely liked it! 3 pl. one's belongings: The retiree removed her personal effects from her office before leaving. 4 in effect: a. active, (syn.) operative: The new law is in effect as of today. b. in reality, (syn.) actually: This law is, in effect, an increase in taxes. 5 to take effect: to begin to be active: The new law takes effect today at 9:00 A.M. v. [T] to cause, esp. by law: The governor effected many changes to improve the tax situation. See: affect, USAGE NOTE. Thesaurus: effect n. 1 consequence, outcome | upshot 2 impact | end product. Ant. cause. 3 pl. possessions. v. to bring about s.t.


etkilemek, etki etmek


etkilemek, tesir etmek - v. [T] 1 to change: Very hot weather affects my sleeping habits. 2 to touch one's emotions: His mother's death deeply affected him. 3 to behave in a fake way: She affects a French accent, but she doesn't speak French. Thesaurus: affect v. 1 to influence, have an impact on 2 to have an emotional effect on, touch s.o. (emotionally), move s.o. 3 to pretend. Ant. to bore. Usage Note: The verb affect means to have an influence or cause a change. The noun effect means the result of this change: The flood affected the town. The effects were homelessness and disease. See: effect.


etkileşim, birbirini etkileme - , a mutual or reciprocal action, the effect of one factor depends on another factor, discussion or action between or among people


etkili, hatırlı, itibarlı, zorlu


etkisiz hale getirmek, karşılık vermek, önlemek - v. [T] to stop or neutralize s.t., esp. with an opposite force: The doctor counteracted the poison by giving the patient medicine (an antidote). -n. [C;U] counteraction.


etmen, faktör, öğe - n. 1 a fact to be considered: The high cost of labor is an important factor in the price of steel. 2 a number by which a larger number can be divided: Two and four are factors of eight. v. [T] to consider, include in one's reasoning: We factored in all of the company's needs and decided to locate the office in Florida. Thesaurus: factor n. 1 an issue in, cause of. v. to take into account. Ant. to ignore.


evcil, aile, iç, yurtiçi, ülke içindeki - adj. 1 related to one's home life: The couple has a happy domestic life. 2 related to national concerns (not foreign relations): The President excels at domestic matters. -adv. domestically. n. a person employed as a household servant: She works as a domestic for a rich family. -n. [U] domesticity /domststi/. Thesaurus: domestic 1 family, personal | household 2 homeland, internal. Ant. foreign.


evcil, evclleştirilmiş


evren, kainat


evrensel, engin, geniş


evrensel, çok amçlı, genel, milletlerarası - adj. found or practiced everywhere, (syn.) ubiquitous: Poverty is a universal problem all over the world. -n. [U] universality /yunvrslti/; -adv. universally.


evrim geçirmek, geliştirmek, yavaş yavaş gelişmek - v. [I;T] evolved, evolving, evolves to develop, change: Agriculture evolved slowly over thousands of years.


evrim, açılım, değişim - n. [U] the development of living things (cultures, ideas, etc.): The evolution of the computer was rapid. -adj. evolutionary.


evrimleşmek, yavaş yavaş gelişmek - v. [I;T] evolved, evolving, evolves to develop, change: Agriculture evolved slowly over thousands of years.


existing or arranged before something else or before the present situation; previous


eyalet, uzmanlık alanı, ilgi sahası, - n. 1 a governmental area, similar to states in the USA, into which many countries are divided: Ontario and Quebec are two large provinces in Canada. 2 the areas of a country away from the capital 3 frml. one's area of interest or responsibility: Handling the family money is his wife's province. -adj. provincial /prvnl/.


eylemci, kışkırtan, kışkırtıcı, provakatör

providing that/provided that

eğer, se, sa şartıyla - you can borrow my dictionary providing that you return it before you go home. (We can also say provided that)


eğilim, meyil, istek - n.frml. -ties a tendency, habit: He has a propensity for drinking too much alcohol. -v.frml. [I] propend.


eğilimli, hassas, kolay incinir, savunmasız, zayıf, yatkın - adj. 1 exposed, unprotected: The soldiers were in a position vulnerable to attack by the enemy. 2 likely to be hurt or made to feel bad: She has been feeling very vulnerable since her husband died. /vlnrblti/.


eğilmek, çalmak, eğilimli olmak, eğim yapmak, yöneltmek, yatkın olmak, meyletmek - v. [I;T] -clined, -clining, -clines 1 to tilt at an angle: He inclined his easy chair to a nearly flat position and rested. 2 to bend forward or backward: Listeners inclined forward to better hear the speaker. n. a hill or slope, usu. of land: A train went up an incline through the mountains.


eğlenceli, ilginç - adj. amusing, delightful: I enjoyed the movie that we saw last night; it was very entertaining. -adv. entertainingly.


eş zamanlı, anında, aynı zamanlı - adj. happening at the same time: The final trumpet music was simultaneous with loud noise from the drums. -adv. simultaneously.


eşitsizlik , adaletsizlik - n. [C;U] -ties 1 a condition in which s.t. is greater or less than s.t. else: There is an issue of inequality here; I make $20,000 a year and you make $30,000, but we do the same job. 2 a different amount of opportunity or resources from s.t. else: Inequality among nations can cause war. Thesaurus: inequality 1 a disparity, unevenness, irregularity 2 a disparity, imbalance. Ant. equality.


eşya aidiyet - (possessions usually refers to everything we own - for example,our homes, furniture, etc. Belongings usually refers to smaller things - for example, a coat, a briefcase, etc.)


faaliyet alanı, alan - n. [U] 1 a view, a way of seeing: The company president thinks on a large scope; she thinks of everything. 2 the limits or range of s.t.: Calculus is outside the scope of my math knowledge.


fakir semt, gecekondu mahallesi - n. part of a city where poor people live in bad housing, often with lots of crime (singular for a building, plural for a larger area): She saved money and moved away from the slums so her kids could have a better life.


farazi, kuramsal, varsayımsal, based on hypothesis


farketmek, ayırt etmek, sezinlemek - v.frml. [T] 1 to see (differences between), (syn.) to differentiate: He discerned major differences between the two job offers. 2 to see and understand: He discerned the importance of those differences. 3 to see, spot: to discern a ship in the distance -n. [U] discernment.


faydalı, karlı, kazançlı - adj. good, advantageous: The vacation was beneficial to his health. -adv. beneficially.


fazla mesai, uzatma, fazla çalışma - n. [U] adv. time worked above normal working hours, usu. beyond 40 hours per week: <n.>Overtime (pay) is paid at a higher hourly rate.||I worked <adv.> overtime on the weekend. Usage Note: Many employees get paid time and a half when they work overtime. For example, an employee who normally earns $10.00 an hour will earn $15.00 dollars an hour when working overtime.

needles to say

fazla söze gerek yok, tabii ki


feci, felaket, yıkıcı


feci, korkunç - adj. 1 related to a disaster, (syn.) catastrophic: The island was in a disastrous situation because of the hurricane. 2 fig. related to a total failure: The results of the election were disastrous for the Republican Party. -adv. disastrously.


feshetmek, iptal etmek, yürürlükten kaldırmak - To officially end a law so that it is no longer valid. - The new government Bill seeks to repeal the existing legislation.


fikir çatışması, münakaşa, tartışma, müzakere etmek - v. [I;T] -bated, -bating, -bates 1 to argue, present differing views on a question: The two political parties debated the merits of the bill before voting it into law. 2 to consider, discuss: She debated with herself about going to college. n. 1 a formal argument: The two presidential candidates agreed to hold a debate on TV.||US high schools often have <adj.> debating teams. 2 an argument, discussion: There was a debate during the committee meeting about the new budget. Thesaurus: debate v. 1 to take sides on, dispute, contest 2 to deliberate.




finansman sağlama, fon bulma, kaynak yaratma - , the act of financing

miss an opportunity

fırsatı değerlendirememek, fırsatı kaçırmak


fışkırmak, patlamak, patlak vermek, fışkırmak - v. [I] to explode: A volcano erupts.||The audience erupted with laughter. -n. [C;U] eruption.


garanti , korunma - himaye, koruma, muhafız, himaye etmek - n. [C] a guarantee against loss, harm, or injury: A seat belt is a safeguard that must be in all new American cars. v. [T] safeguard.


gazete bayii - n. a small store often with one side open, that sells newspapers and magazines: The newsstand on the corner also sells candy.


geciktirmek, alıkoymak, yavaşlatmak - v. [T] /rtrd/ to slow s.t., hold it back: Lack of good food retarded the boy's growth. n.pej. /ritrd/ a mentally handicapped person


gelişen, gelişmekte olan - adj. 1 in process, moving towards completion or maturity: We must keep close watch on the developing situation (storm, opposition, etc.). 2 economically weak, but growing: A developing nation often wants trade with superpowers. n. [U] film processing: The developing of the film will take two days.


gelişme, ilerleme, artış - It also provides us with an accurate illustration of the advances we have made in the last twenty years.


gelişmiş, modern, teknoloji harikası, son model


gemi, uçak -


genel bakış, gözden geçirme , etüt, araştırma, teftiş etmek , haritasını çıkarmak, anket yapmak için soru sormak, anket , muayene, teftiş - v. [T] 1 to take a wide view of an entire area: She surveyed the room, looking for s.o. she knew. 2 to examine the condition of s.t. (a situation, building, project): He surveyed his finances before buying a new car. 3 to make a precise map of an area: Engineers surveyed the land before starting to build the highway. 4 to examine the opinions of a group of people by asking them a question or a set of questions and recording their answers: The news agency surveyed voters about the proposed taxes. n. 1 the act of surveying 2 a general view or examination of a place or condition: Our survey of the company showed that it was in trouble. 3 the act of mapping an area, or the map itself: He had a survey of the land done before he bought it. 4 a set of questions designed to measure the opinions of a group of people: She prepared a survey about immigration


genetik yapısı değiştirilmiş


gereksiz ayrıntılı - dağıtmak, yayılmak, nüfuz etmek - v. [I] -fused, -fusing, -fuses to spread, or cause to spread, (syn.) to scatter: The sunlight was diffused in the darkness of the room. adj. /dfyus/ 1 spread out widely or thinly: Don't read in such diffuse light. 2 using too many words so that the ideas are not clear: a diffuse paper, speech, etc. -n. [U] diffusion /dfyun/.


gergin, endişeli, stresli, gerilmiş, nazik, elektrikli, germek - adj. tenser, tensest 1 nervous, jumpy: He is very tense and irritable from too much work. 2 nerve-wracking, strained: Opposing countries are threatening war in a tense situation. n. the part of a verb that shows the past, present, and future time: Many English verbs like "go" and "do" are irregular in the past tense. v. [I;T] tensed, tensing, tenses to tighten up physically, become nervous (irritated, ready to fight, etc.): As the argument became hotter, each person tensed up. -adv. tensely. Thesaurus: tense adj. 1 jittery, on edge, apprehensive frml. Ant. relaxed. 2 stressful.


geri tepmek, yankı, yansımak , yankı uyandırmak - n. a reaction to s.t., esp. bad events: When he yelled at his boss, the repercussion was that he was fired.


geri çekmek, reddetmek


geri çevirmek, alçalmak, aşağıya meyletmek, batmak, bozulmak, eğilmek, azalmak - v. -clined, -clining, -clines 1 [I;T] to refuse, usu. politely: He declined our invitation to dinner. 2 [I] to move downward: Prices (the markets for goods, wages, etc.) have declined to record lows. 3 [I] to weaken, (syn.) to deteriorate: My grandfather's health (strength, mind, etc.) is declining. 4 [I] to descend, to slope downward: From the hilltop, I walked down a path that declined toward a lake. n. 1 a lowering (of prices, markets, temperature, etc.): The decline in the stock market scared investors. 2 a weakening, (syn.) deterioration: The old woman's health is in decline. 3 a downward slope: The steep decline of the road down the mountain made me nervous. 4 a refusal, usu. polite, of an offer


geri çevirmek, reddetmek - v. -clined, -clining, -clines 1 [I;T] to refuse, usu. politely: He declined our invitation to dinner. 2 [I] to move downward: Prices (the markets for goods, wages, etc.) have declined to record lows. 3 [I] to weaken, (syn.) to deteriorate: My grandfather's health (strength, mind, etc.) is declining. 4 [I] to descend, to slope downward: From the hilltop, I walked down a path that declined toward a lake. n. 1 a lowering (of prices, markets, temperature, etc.): The decline in the stock market scared investors. 2 a weakening, (syn.) deterioration: The old woman's health is in decline. 3 a downward slope: The steep decline of the road down the mountain made me nervous. 4 a refusal, usu. polite, of an offer


geri çevirmek, reddetmek, batmak, çekilmek, düşmek, gerilemek - azalma - v. -clined, -clining, -clines 1 [I;T] to refuse, usu. politely: He declined our invitation to dinner. 2 [I] to move downward: Prices (the markets for goods, wages, etc.) have declined to record lows. 3 [I] to weaken, (syn.) to deteriorate: My grandfather's health (strength, mind, etc.) is declining. 4 [I] to descend, to slope downward: From the hilltop, I walked down a path that declined toward a lake. n. 1 a lowering (of prices, markets, temperature, etc.): The decline in the stock market scared investors. 2 a weakening, (syn.) deterioration: The old woman's health is in decline. 3 a downward slope: The steep decline of the road down the mountain made me nervous. 4 a refusal, usu. polite, of an offer


gerilim, stres, voltaj - n. 1 [C;U] a state of stress, nervousness: The tension in a hospital emergency room can be very high. 2 tautness, rigidity: The tension in steel bridge cables is measured after they are installed.


geriye çevirmek, döndürmek, feshetmek


germek, esnemek, esnetmek, kasmak


gerçek olmayan, sanal, gayri resmi, fiilen - adj. nearly, almost but not quite: He is nearly deaf; he has suffered the virtual loss of his hearing. -adv. virtually.


gerçek, gerçekçi, harfi harfine, tam - adj. true, based on facts: A reporter checked out the story and found it to be factual.


gerçekçi, realist - n. a person who believes only real facts and situations and does not believe or dream that everything is perfect and ideal: The elderly man is a realist and does not try to look or act like a young man.


gevelemek, kekelemek, teklemek - n. a problem with speaking in which the person repeats words or pauses, and has difficulty getting thoughts into spoken words -n. stutterer. v. [I;T] to speak with a stutter See: stammer.


gevşetilmiş, made something less tight


geç anlama, önemini sonradan anlama - n. [U] an opinion about s.t. after it has happened: The stock market has dropped so badly that in hindsight, I should never have bought stock. See: foresight.


geçerli, etkin - adj. 1 having the result that one wants, productive: The medication is quite effective; it relieves pain quickly. 2 in use, current: The law was effective on January 1. -adv. effectively; -n. [U] effectiveness. Thesaurus: effective 1 successful, useful, helpful. Ant. ineffective. 2 in operation, in force, in effect. Ant. inoperative.


geçerli, kanuni, meşru, haklı, yasalara uygun - adj. 1 legal, lawful: He has a legitimate claim to part of the profits. 2 honest, genuine: She runs a legitimate business. 3 reasonable, justified: She has a legitimate concern about her daughter's health. 4 born to parents legally married to each other -n. legitimacy.


geçiş, dönüşüm, değişme - n. [C;U] a change from one condition to another: The transition from high school to college can be difficult for students. -adj. transitional; -adv. transitionally.


good sense and judgment, based especially on your experience of life


great happiness and pleasure

usage of "grow"

grow can be used with plants : we could grow flowers and trees here. or with things: the business is growing rapidly - but grow up can only be used with people or cities: the city grew up from a small group of houses near the river. Grow up is intransitive, which means you can't use it with an object NOT the government grew up the city


grup, parti, bir topluluk içinde anlaşmazlık veya ayrılık - faction within the Liberal Party wants a tax freeze.


grup, takım,dizi - n. batches 1 a group of people or things, (syn.) a set: He made a batch of cookies. 2 an amount of s.t. made at one time: Computers can work on a number of jobs in a batch.


görev, ödev, iş, tahsis - n. 1 a task, duty, or other obligation given to s.o.: His manager gave him the assignment of planning the sales meeting. 2 (in law) the transfer, signing over of rights, etc., to another: The assignment of the property deed will take place tomorrow.


görevden almak, kaybettirmek, mahrum etmek - v. [T] -prived, -priving, -prives 1 to take s.t. away from, (syn.) to dispossess: The military dictatorship deprived people of their freedom (rights, peace of mind, etc.). 2 to keep s.t. from, (syn.) to deny: Her illness deprived her of a chance to go to college.

mass media

görsel basın, kitle iletişim araçları - n. [U] used with a sing. or pl.v. television, radio, and large urban newspapers used to communicate with people daily: The mass media is constantly watching what the President says and does.


görünümünde olmak, iddia etmek, gibi görünmek - v. [T] n. to give an untrue impression: He gave a story that he <v.> purports to be true about where he was when the crime was committed.


görünüş, açı, bakış açısı , durum, vaziyet, görünüş - n.frml. 1 [C] a feature, part of s.t.: What aspect of the show did you like the best, the dancing or the music? 2 [U;C] point of view, consideration: From the cost aspect, the product is not expensive.


görüş alışverişleme, konuşmak, halk - v. [I] -muned, -muning, -munes to feel as one with s.t., to communicate: to commune with God||She goes to the country to commune with nature. See: communion. n. /kmyun/ 1 a group of people and property organized for their common purpose: a religious commune 2 (in France, Italy, Spain) the smallest political area with a mayor and council


gösteri yapmak, açıklayarak tanıtmak, ispat etmek, gösteri yapmak - v. [I;T] -strated, -strating, -strates 1 to show (how s.t. works, its advantages, etc.): I'll demonstrate for you how our new computer works. 2 to march in protest: Students demonstrated in the streets outside the Capitol. Thesaurus: demonstrate 1 to describe, illustrate | prove 2 to protest publicly.


gösterim, öngörme, tasarım, izdüşüm, tahmin - n. 1 [C] anything that projects, extends out: A balcony forms a projection beyond the wall of a house. 2 [U] showing a film on a screen: Projection of the movie began at 8:00 P.M. 3 [U] frml. movement of s.t. through the air: Projection of the satellite into space took place yesterday. 4 [C] an estimate or prediction of future performance: The staff discussed the projection for next year's sales.


göz alıcı, göze çarpan, dikkat çekici - adj. immediately noticeable, usu. in a positive or good sense: She is a striking woman, quite beautiful.||There is a striking difference between this year's cool, dry summer and last year's warm, wet summer.


gözdağı vermek, korkutmak - v. 1 [I;T] to make threats: A manager threatens to fire an employee unless her work improves. 2 [T] to make hostile motions toward s.o.: One country threatened another by moving an army to the border. 3 [I;T] to warn: The sky is threatening to snow. -adv. threateningly. Thesaurus: threaten 1 and 2 to menace, terrorize | intimidate frml. Ant. to protect. 3 to loom.


gözden geçirmek, tekrarlamak, revize etmek - v. [T] -vised, -vising, -vises 1 to read carefully to change and correct s.t., esp. a written work: The author revised her book several times before publishing it. 2 to change, choose s.t. new, esp. an opinion: Many people who listened to the speaker revised their opinion about the new tax law.


gözlemek, denetlemek, kontrol etmek - n. 1 a screen, as on a television or computer, that displays information: I looked at the monitor in the airport to see when my plane leaves. 2 a person or machine that checks on the performance of s.t.: When the teacher leaves the room, she tells a student to be a monitor so all the children will behave well. v. [T] to observe the actions of others: The boss monitors the quality of her employees' work.


gözünü korkutup vazgeçirmek, cesaretini kırmak, engellemek - v. [T] -terred, -terring, -ters to stop or prevent from acting: A woman deterred a criminal from attacking her by yelling for the police.


gözünün önüne getirmek, kafasında canlandırmak, öngörmek, planlamak v. [T] -aged, -aging, -ages See: envision.


göç etmek, taşınmak - v. [I] -grated, -grating, -grates to move from one place to another, as animals, birds, and fish do: Some whales migrate from the northern Pacific Ocean to the waters near Baja, California each winter. -n. migration /magren/. See: emigrate.


göçmen, göçebe - n. an animal, bird, or person who moves from one place to another, esp. workers who harvest seasonal crops: Migrant workers pick fruit in Florida each year.


gübre, suni gübre - n. [C;U] a chemical or natural substance used to make the soil richer and increase the productivity of plants: That farmer uses natural fertilizer from his cows.


gücenmek, alınmak, kızmak, sinirlenmek - v. [T] to feel anger at s.t, feel hurt about s.t.: I resent the unkind things he said about me.


günah işlemek, hata etmek, yanılmak - v.frml. [I] to make a mistake, (syn.) to blunder: He erred when he added the numbers incorrectly.

current affairs

güncel gelişmeler, günlük işler, cari işler


gündelik, ücret, maaş


güneş, güneşe ait, güneşsel


güvenceye almak, elde etmek, ele geçirmek, emniyete almak, emniyetli, güvende, iyice kapamak, muhaazalı, sımsıkı kapalı - adj. 1 protected from danger or harm: He feels secure in the locked apartment. 2 not able to be opened or broken, closed tightly: The jail was secure, with iron bars and a high fence. 3 sure, confident: She is secure in knowing that her parents love her. v.frml. [T] -cured, -curing, -cures 1 to obtain: Chin-peng secured a job with a Taiwanese company in New York. 2 to make a building or area safe: He secured the office before leaving it for the night.


güvenilie, inanılır


güvenmek, dayanmak, inanmak - v. [T] -lied, -lying, -lies to depend on, count on: I rely on the train to take me to and from work each day.||You can rely on me!


güçlü, keskin, şiddetli, aşırı - adj. 1 strong (in feeling or emotion), (syn.) concentrated: She felt intense pain when the bone broke in her leg. 2 bright, rich: an intense red||intense sunlight


güçlük, karmaşa


güçlük, zorluk, katılık, kesinlik, dakiklik

petty (crime)

hafif suç


halbuki, iken, madem ki, oysaki , —used to make a statement that describes how two people, groups, etc., are different, although something is true of one thing, it is not true of another


hapsetmek, kapatmak, kısıtlamak, sınırlandırmak - v. -fined, -fining, -fines [T] to keep within certain limits, (syn.) to restrict: You should stop making jokes and confine your attention to what the teacher is saying.||The police confined the criminal to a jail cell. n. /knfan/ confines pl. the limit(s) of s.t.: The criminals must stay within the confines of the prison.


hapsetmek, mahkum etmek

heat up

hareketlendirmek, kızdırmak, kızıştırmak, ısıtmak -


harmanlamak, karıştırmak, sıvı karıştırmak - To get a better finish, he blended the two paints together


harmanlamak, karışım, harman - The company made its fortune by selling a popular blend of coffee.


harmful, unpleasant, or not wanted; not positive


hasar veren, hasar verici, zararlı - harmful


hasar, zarar - n. 1 [C] s.t. that causes damage or loss: Being unable to write well is a detriment to professional success. 2 [C;U] harm, injury: She failed to eat and sleep enough, to the detriment of her health. -adj. detrimental /dtrmntl/.


hatırı sayılır derecede, önemli, epey, fazla - adj. much, a lot: That family owns a considerable amount of land. -adv. considerably.

throw a tantrum

have/throw a tantrum She throws a tantrum when she can't have the toy she wants. children's temper tantrums


hayal gücü kuvvetli, hayalperest, hayali, (used of persons or artifacts) marked by independence and creativity in thought or action - Ex. "an imaginative use of material"; "the invention of the knitting frame by another ingenious English clergyman"- Lewis Mumford; "an ingenious device"; "had an invent

life threatening

hayati tehlike oluşturan

live life to the full

hayatın tadını çıkarmak, doyasıya yaşamak

make a living

hayatını kazanmak, geçinmek

once in a lifetime opportunity

hayatının fırsatı


hayran bırakmak, etkilemek, baskı yapmak - v. [T] 1 to create and give an image of s.o. or s.t.: He impresses me as a decent man. 2 to cause others to admire: Her brilliant ideas impressed her boss. 3 to emphasize, stress: She impressed on us all how important it is to be kind. 4 to make a mark by stamping or pressing: Workers impress words and symbols in leather.


hayvanat, bir bölgenin özgün kendine has hayvan yaşamı - n.frml. [C;U] -nas or -nae /ni, na/ the animals in a specific place or time period: She spent a year studying the fauna of the Amazon. Usage Note: Fauna is often used in the phrase flora (plants) and fauna. See: flora.


haşarat, mikrop, parazit, zararlı hayvan - n. [U] small animals that are considered pests, such as mice, rats, and cockroaches: He got rid of the vermin in his apartment by putting some traps on the floor.


haşmet, huşu, korku - n. [U] a feeling of great admiration or respect: The boy was in awe of the famous football player and couldn't believe he was going to meet him. v. [T] awed, awing, awes to create a feeling of awe or admiration: The player awed the boy.

present (somebody) with (something)

hediye etmek

no matter how

her ne pahasına olursa olsun, her ne şekilde olursa olsun - Some countries will never be able to rectify their deficits, no matter how hard they work. (Note word changes and sentence ending)


her nereye, nerede olursa - Crime is a problem, wherever you go.


her tarafa yayılan, her zaman hissedilen, nüfuz eden, sinen - adj. 1 tending to pervade or spread: a pervasive odor 2 widespread, common, influential: There is a pervasive trend toward casual dress in businesses. -n. pervasiveness.


her zaman hissedilen, sinen, yayılmış - adj. 1 tending to pervade or spread: a pervasive odor 2 widespread, common, influential: There is a pervasive trend toward casual dress in businesses. -n. pervasiveness.


hesaplama, farz, kestirmek, varsayım, varsaymak - n. [C;U] v. [I;T] -tured, -turing, -tures the forming of an opinion or conclusion without having enough evidence, (syns.) guesswork, speculation: The police have few real facts about the crime, so all they have is conjecture about who did it.


hesaplamak - v. [I;T] -puted, -puting, -putes to do arithmetic or other calculations: He computed the cost of building a new house. -n. [C;U] computation /kmpyten/.


heykel, yontu - n. [C;U] threedimensional art made of stone, metal, or other objects: I walked around that sculpture of a ballet dancer by Degas.


heykeltraş, oymacı - n. an artist who makes non-flat art with stone, metal, and other substances: A sculptor carved a statue of his lover in a piece of stone. -v. [I;T] sculpt.


hisar, kale - n. 1 a group of buildings surrounded by high walls and used for military purposes: Enemy soldiers attacked the fort. 2 fig. to hold (down) the fort: to handle another person's responsibilities for a short time: The store manager asked her assistant to hold the fort while she was away.


hoşgörülü, toleranslı


hoşgörülü, toleranslı - adj. accepting of different beliefs and behavior: The boy's parents are tolerant of his naughty behavior.


hoşlanmamak, nefret etmek - v. [T] to hate, (syn.) to loathe: The two political rivals detest each other. -n.frml. [U] detestation /ditstetn/.


hoşnutsuz, isteksiz, karşı - adj.frml. against, disinclined: I am averse to spending much money.


hudut, sınır, sınırda olan - n. 1 the outer edge of land exploration: The American West was still a frontier a century ago. 2 unknown area of a field of knowledge: She is a biochemist who works on the frontiers of biology. 3 the border between two countries: There have been reports of fighting on the frontier. Thesaurus: frontier 1 wilderness, unexplored land 2 the cutting edge, front line.


hukuki, yargı,adli - adj. 1. related to courts and judges: The judicial system settles arguments over how laws are interpreted. 2. in USA, three branches (or parts) of the central government, including the executive branch, the legislative branch, and the judicial branch: The judicial branch of the federal government is the Supreme Court which meets in Washington, DC. -adv. judicially.


hücum, saldırı - n. [U] unfriendly or harmful action against s.o.: He committed an act of aggression by walking up to the man and hitting him. -n. aggressor /grsr/.


hücum, saldırı, tecavüz, suç, kanunu ihlal - , a crime less serious than a felony


hırsızlık - n. [C;U] the act of stealing: The theft of the queen's jewels was a scandal. Thesaurus: theft robbery, thievery.


hırsızlık, soygunculuk


hız, sürat - n. -ties [C;U] speed, such as that measured in miles per hour or feet per second: A bullet travels at a high velocity.


iddia, iddia etmek, ileri sürmek - v. [T] -leged, -leging, -leges to claim but not yet prove that s.o. has committed a crime: The police allege that man stole the car, but they must go to court to prove it. -n. allegation /lgen/.


ideoloji, düşünyapı, - n. -gies [C;U] a set of beliefs shared by a political or social group: In the USA, Democrats and Republicans have different ideologies.


ihlal etmek, bozmak, çiğnemek - v. [T] -lated, -lating, -lates 1 to break: He violated the law (a contract, s.o.'s rights, etc.). 2 to rape: It is a very serious crime to violate s.o. - violate a law, rule..


ihlal, ihlal etme, uymama - n. [C;U] an act of breaking a law, contract, rule, etc.: A violation of a law can bring punishment. -adj. violable /valbl/. Thesaurus: violation a breach, an infringement.


ihtilaf, anlaşmazlık, tartışma - n. [C;U] -sies public disagreement, usu. involving strong opinions and an important subject: There is a lot of controversy about the effect of television violence on children. -v. [T] controvert /kntrvrt, kntrvrt/.


ihtilaf, anlaşmazlık, uyuşmazlık

supply with

ihtiyacını karşılamak, birinin ihtiyacını karşılamak, sağlamak, vermek -

cater for

ihtiyacını karşılamak, tedarik etmek, temin etmek


ihtiyacını karşılamak, temin etmek, yiyecek içecek sağlamak - v. 1 [I;T] to provide food and beverages as a business for parties: The Good Food Company catered our high school graduation party with a chicken dinner and ice cream. 2 phrasal v. insep. [T] to cater to s.o. or s.t.: to satisfy s.o.'s special needs and desires: He caters to his wife by buying her flowers and jewels. -n. caterer.


ihtiyatlılık, sakınım, ağgörü - n. [U] care, planning to avoid a mistake: She used prudence by not investing her savings in risky ventures. -adj. prudent.

meet a need

ihtiyaç gidermeki karşılamak


ikamet, mesken, hane, ev - n.frml. 1 [C] the place where one lives, such as a house, apartment, etc.: His residence is a house in Hartford. 2 [U] in residence: living or working in a place: When the queen is in residence, visitors can't tour the palace.


ikilem, çelişki, çıkmaz - n. a difficult choice between two (usu. undesirable) alternatives, (syn.) a quandary: She was in a dilemma over staying in her tiny apartment or taking the time and trouble to move.


ikna edici, inandırıcı - adj. well-presented and creating belief in s.t., (syn.) convincing: My lawyer's statement to the judge was so cogent that the judge dismissed the complaint against me. -n. [U] cogency; -adv. cogently.


ilan etmek, reklamını yapmak, tanıtmak, halka duyurmak


ilan, duyurma, reklamcılık - n. [U] the field of making print, radio, or TV descriptions to promote products and services: My friend who works in advertising makes TV commercials. adj. related to advertising: She is an advertising manager at a big company.


ilan, yayın, yayım - n. 1 [C] a book, magazine, newspaper, etc.: She reads all the publications in the field of medicine. 2 [U] an act of publishing s.t.: Publication of the novel will take place next month.


ilaç yapıp vermek, (ilaç/reçete vb) hazırlamak, başarmak, uygulamak, vermek - v. [T] -pensed, -pensing, -penses 1 to distribute, give out: The Red Cross dispensed medical supplies to the refugees. 2 to administer, deal out: The judicial system dispenses justice to the people. 3 phrasal v. insep. to dispense with s.o. or s.t.: to do or manage without, (syn.) to eliminate: The participants in the meeting dispensed with the usual formalities and started negotiating immediately.


ileri sürmek, rica etmek, dilemek, yalvarmak - iddianameye cevap vermek - v. pleaded or pled /pld/, pleading, pleads 1 [I] to request s.t. urgently, to appeal: A hungry man pleaded for food. 2 [I;T] (in law): to answer a complaint: The defendant pleaded not guilty. -n. [C;U] pleading.


ileri sürmek, tartışmak, rekabet etmek, savaşmak - v. 1 [T] to state formally that s.t. is true, (syn.) to assert: The lawyer contends that the criminal is guilty. 2 [I;T] to fight, (syn.) to struggle: The two armies contended for possession of the fort.||Young doctors have to contend with long hours and hard work. -n. contender.


ileri sürmek, yürütmek, sevketmek - v. [T] -pelled, -pelling, -pels to move s.t. with force, thrust: A volcano erupted and propelled rocks high into the sky.


ileriyi göremeyen, kıt görüşlü

means of communication

iletişim araçları


iletmek, aktarmak, göndermek, bulaştırmak , nakletmek - v. -mitted, -mitting, -mits 1 [T] to pass from one to another, send: He transmitted the package by courier. 2 [I;T] to broadcast: That radio station transmits programs 24 hours a day. 3 [T] to spread disease: The flu is transmitted from person to person.


ilgili, uygun - adj. closely connected, appropriate: My classes about new kinds of computers are relevant to my plan to work in computer repair. -adv. relevantly.


ilham verici


ilham vermek, ilham almak, esin kaynağı olmak - v. [T] -spired, -spiring, -spires to cause to work hard or be creative, to motivate, stimulate: My grandmother inspires us with stories of her difficult childhood.


ilişki kurmak, ilişkisi olmak -


iliştirmek, ek yapmak, ilave yapmak - v. [T] to add on, (syn.) to affix: The lawyer appended two more pages to the contract.


ima etmek, belirtmek, ifade etmek - v. [T] -plied, -plying, -plies to indicate or suggest only indirectly: The Secretary of the Treasury implied that interest rates would go down. Thesaurus: imply to hint at, suggest, intimate.


ima etmek, ifade etmek - v. [T] -plied, -plying, -plies to indicate or suggest only indirectly: The Secretary of the Treasury implied that interest rates would go down. Thesaurus: imply to hint at, suggest, intimate.


ima etmek, kastetmek, üstü kapalı söylemek - v.frml. [T] -luded, -luding, -ludes to talk or write about s.t. indirectly, (syn.) to intimate: The politician alluded to the idea that she might not run for office again.

collocations of family related words

immediate family: birinci derece akraba, çekirdek aile - extended family: geniş aile, akrabalar, sülale - stable upbringing - family resemblance, strong family ties, sibling rivalry, reselove our conflicts in a very fair way, I consider myself very lucky, you can see a very clear resemblance between my brothers and me, physical resemblance between me and my maternal grandmother is very striking, we're quite alike, I have my father's temperament, we're both very stubborn, I inherited his mathematical brain


in altında yatmak, altında bulunmak, temelini oluşturmak - v. [T] -lay /le/, -lain /len/, -lying, -lies to be beneath the surface, esp. in reasoning: Many reasons, including low pay, underlie her thinking about finding a new job.


in yerine geçmek, yerinden etmek, sürmek - v. [T] -placed, -placing, -places 1 to remove, take the place of: The younger executive displaced his boss as department head. 2 to make a refugee: The war displaced her and her whole family. -adj. displaced; -n. [U] displacement.


inanca dayalı, inanç öğretilerinden çıkan


inançsız, kuşkucu, şüpheci


inkar etmek, reddetmek, ödememek - v. [T] -ated, -ating, -ates 1 to say s.t. is untrue, (syn.) to denounce: A witness repudiated his earlier testimony and told the truth. 2 not to pay a debt, esp. a government: The state repudiated its bond and refused to pay the people. -n. [U] repudiation.


inşa etmek, düzenlemek, kurmak, yapmak - v. [T] to build, to put together piece by piece: Builders construct buildings.||Managers construct plans for businesses. -n. constructor. See: contractor. Thesaurus: construct to put up (buildings | make, assemble, (objects) | form (plans). Ant. to destroy.


ipotek, rehin - n. a long-term loan from a bank for buying property, which is used as security: We make monthly payments on our house mortgage. v. [T] -gaged, -gaging, -gages 1 to borrow money against one's house: Our house is mortgaged. 2 to put oneself into heavy debt: She mortgaged her future by having to repay big debts for many years.


iptal etmek, feshetmek - To annul or cancel a contract or agreement. - The committee decided to rescind its earlier resolution on the use of its premises.


isteksiz, gönülsüz, tereddütlü - adj. concerned or afraid, (syn.) hesitant: He is reluctant to spend much money, because he thinks he may lose his job. -adv. reluctantly.


istenilen sonucu elde edememek, hedefi isabet ettirememek


ister istemez, kaçınılmaz bir şekilde


istikrarlı, düzenli, sabit durum, değişmeyen - v. [T] -ied, -ying, -ies 1 to make firm: He felt dizzy and steadied himself by sitting down.||He held the ladder to steady it. 2 to make calm: to steady one's nerves adj. -ier, -iest 1 firm, stable: The chair is steady since I fixed it. 2 without interruption, continuous: a steady rainfall 3 calm and dependable: She is a steady person who thinks before she acts. 4 infrml. (of a girlfriend or boyfriend) regular or exclusive: my steady girlfriend 5 to go steady: to date (without dating anyone else), usu. said of teenagers, not adults: The boy and girl have been going steady all through the school year. n. a boyfriend or girlfriend with whom one goes steady


istila etmek, ele geçirmek, saldırmak


istila etmek, tecavüz etmek, ele geçirmek - v. [I] -truded, -truding, -trudes 1 to break into the conversation or activity of others, to interrupt: My mother often intrudes on my work by phoning me at my office. 2 to enter without permission, (syns.) to trespass, encroach: A stranger intruded by climbing over our fence and into our yard. -n. [C;U] intrusion; -adj. intrusive.


itibar, izleim, saygınlık, şöhret


ittifak, anlaşma, birleşme - The alliance between England and France came close to breaking down many times during the nineteenth century.


iyi ve kötüyü birbirinden ayırma yeteneği, sağduyu, takdir -




izin, izin vermek, resmi izin, onay, yaptırım - n. 1 [U] approval, official permission (to do s.t.): I need my parents' sanction to stay out late. 2 [C] a law or rule that punishes or deprives s.o.: Our government has sanctions against countries that ignore human rights. v. [T] to give formal approval of s.t.: Dad sanctioned our use of the car on Saturday and Sunday.


izin, onay, teyit, yaptırım - n. 1 [U] approval, official permission (to do s.t.): I need my parents' sanction to stay out late. 2 [C] a law or rule that punishes or deprives s.o.: Our government has sanctions against countries that ignore human rights. v. [T] to give formal approval of s.t.: Dad sanctioned our use of the car on Saturday and Sunday.


izinsiz girme, zorla girme, entrance by force or without permission or welcome


iç, dahili - adj. 1 inside, within: His internal organs, including his heart and liver, are damaged from smoking and drinking. 2 related to an organization's or country's own rules and interests: Some Presidents think more about internal affairs, such as unemployment and education, than about foreign policy.




içgüdü, his - n. [C;U] 1 a natural, unlearned behavior or ability: Birds migrate south each winter by instinct. 2 often pl. feelings, not thoughts: She used her instincts in deciding which man to date.


içinde yaşanmaz - adj. not fit to be lived in: The board of health said the crumbling building was uninhabitable.

self conscious

içine kapanık, lendi halini çok düşünen - (adj) worried about what one looks like or what other people think of one´s appearance


içyüzünü anlama, kavrama - n. [C;U] ability to see or know the truth, intelligence about s.t., (syn.) perception: By moving to Washington, the senator gained insight into how politics really work. -adj. insightful /nsatfl/.


iğrenmek, nefret etmek - v.frml. [T] -horred, -horring, -hors to hate, (syn.) to detest: She abhors bad table manners. -n. [U] abhorrence /bhrns, har/.


iğrenmek, tiksinmek


iğrenmek, tiksinmek, nefret etmek - v. 1 [I] to fight against a government or other power: The unemployed people revolted against the dictator. 2 [T] to make s.o. angry or sick: His bad behavior and dirty clothes revolted everyone near him. n. [C;U] a fight against authority: The intellectuals led a revolt against the rich and powerful. Thesaurus: revolt v. 1 to rebel, rise against | mutiny 2 to disgust, sicken, nauseate frml. n. a rebellion, uprising, insurrection.

shift work

iş ekibi, vardiyalı iş, A non-traditional work pattern in which operation functions 24 hours per day. Typical employee shifts are 7 AM-3 PM, 3 PM to 11 PM, and 11 PM-7 AM, The use of afternoon and late-night work periods in addition to the usual day work.


iş görmek, işlem yapmak - v. [I;T] to do business, (syn.) to negotiate s.t.: We met with the banker and transacted a mortgage contract.


iş gücü - n. [U] all workers employed nationally, regionally, or in an individual business: The workforce in this area is well-educated and very reliable.

joint venture

iş ortaklığı, ortak girişim - n. a business arrangement made by two or more companies: An American and a Japanese auto maker agreed to form a joint venture to build trucks.


iş tasarrufu sağlayan

sign language

işaret dili


işkence , eziyet, işkence etmek - n. 1 [C;U] physical abuse that causes great pain and mental anguish: Prisoners are subjected to torture by some military groups. 2 [U] strong emotional pain v. [T] -tured, -turing, -tures to abuse, harm: Prison workers tortured captured soldiers during the war.


işlemek, suç işlemek, yapmak - v.frml. [T] -trated, -trating, -trates to commit (a crime): She has neither the courage nor the stupidity to perpetrate a bank robbery. -n. [U] perpetration.

curb your appetite

iştahını zaptetmek, hakim olmak


ka.akçılık, gümrük kaçakçılığı


kabartmak, gözyaşının boşalması, denizin dalgalanması, büyümek, iftihar etmek, şişmek, genişlemek - v. [I;T] swelled, swollen /swoln/, swelling, swells 1 to enlarge or expand in size, usu. from absorbing fluids: I twisted my ankle and it swelled up.||The wet weather caused the window frames to swell. 2 to fill out into a rounded shape: the sheets on the clothesline swelled in the wind. 3 fig. to fill up with: He swelled with pride at his daughter's wedding.||The noise of the crowd swelled as the star came on stage. n. a long, unbroken wave on the ocean: The ocean swells gently rocked the boat. adj.exclam. excellent!, wonderful!: What a swell day to go to the beach!


kademe, düzey, ayar, derece, not (öğretmenin öğrenciye verdiği)- n. 1 an educational class level: Her son goes into the 7th (1st, 12th, etc.) grade this year. 2 an academic mark, score: He makes good grades in school. 3 a level of quality: That store sells an excellent grade of fruits and vegetables. 4 a degree of incline or decline as in a road: The road goes up a steep grade from the valley to the mountaintop. 5 to make the grade: to achieve proficiency, prove oneself, succeed: She has made the grade as a professional singer. v. [T] graded, grading, grades 1 to score, mark: The teacher grades tests every week. 2 to separate into groups according to quality or size: The chicken farmer grades eggs by color and size.


kader,alın yazısı, kısmet - n. 1 [U] a force or power believed to determine in advance everything that happens: Fate brought the two leaders together so that they might bring peace to the world. 2 [C] a tragic end: It was while mountain climbing in Nepal that he fell and met his fate. 3 as fate would have it: as a result of good or bad luck: As fate would have it, our flight was canceled because of a snowstorm and we missed an important meeting. Thesaurus: fate 1 destiny, fortune. Ants. chance, luck. 2 doom.


kafa yormak, spekülasyon yapmak, yorum yapmak, tahminde bulunmak - v. -lated, -lating, -lates 1 [I;T] to guess about: She is so quiet; we can only speculate about what she is thinking. 2 [I] to take business or financial risks: to speculate in real estate (the stock market, etc.) -n.[C;U] speculation.


kaldırmak, yüceltmek, yükseltmek, terfi ettirmek - - v. [I;T] -vated, -vating, -vates 1 to raise: The machine elevated the heavy load off the ground. 2 to promote, raise in rank: The company president elevated two employees to the position of vice president. -adj. elevated.


kaldırmak, çekmek, yükseltmek - v. [T] to lift and move an object: The father hoisted his small child onto his shoulders. n. a device used to pick up and place s.t.: A mechanic used a chain hoist to lift an engine from an automobile.


kanun koymak, yasalaştırmak - v. [I] -lated, -lating, -lates to write, debate, and pass laws: Congress has legislated a new minimum wage for workers.


kanuna itaat eden, yasalara uygun


kanıt, dava, önerme, sav -


kapsamak, içermek - v. [T] -prised, -prising, -prises to include, contain: Our company's product line comprises 2,500 different items.



make a decision

karar almak, karar vermek


kararlılık, teklif, yasa tasarısı,karar

be in two minds about

kararsız kalmak, ikilemde olmak, birşey hakkında kesin bir karara varamamak


kararsız kalmak, sarkaç gibi sallanmak - v. [I] -lated, -lating, -lates 1 to move constantly up and down, or side to side, between two points: On an oscilloscope, you can see an electrical current oscillate up and down. 2 fig. to be undecided, (syn.) to vacillate -n. oscillator; [U] oscillation /slen/. See: vacillate.


kardeş - a person's brother or sister, one of two or more children of a family - n. a person with the same parents as s.o. else, brother or sister: I have two siblings: my brother and my sister.


kardeş gibi, kardeşçe - adj. 1 related to the relationship between brothers, like a brother: He belongs to a fraternal order of firemen. 2 fraternal twins: non-identical twins -adv. fraternally.


kareograf, plan and oversee the development and details of , Ex. "The meeting between the two Presidents had been carefully choreographed", , compose a sequence of dance steps, often to music, Ex. "Balanchine choreographed many pieces to Stravinsky's music"


karmakarışık, düzensiz - adj. completely unordered and unpredictable and confusing


karışık, karma, melez - n.adj. a combination of two types of plants or animals: Those <adj.> hybrid tomatoes are bred for big size and good flavor.


karşılaştırma, ilişki, kıyas


kasti, düşünmek, müzakere etmek - adj. 1 done on purpose: That was no accident; it was deliberate! 2 slow and careful: She is a very serious woman and acts in a deliberate manner. Thesaurus: deliberate (1) adj. 1 intentional, calculated. Ant. unintentional. 2 unhurried, measured. Ant. abrupt. - v. [I;T] -ated, -ating, -ates to discuss, debate: The Legislature is deliberating whether to pass that law. -adv. deliberately.


kasıtlı, bile bile




katkı, aidat, bağış, destek - n. [C;U] 1 a giving of money, one's time, etc., donation: That rich man makes big contributions to charity. 2 positive or helpful participation: She made an important contribution to the company's success. Thesaurus: contribution n. 1 a gift, payment 2 (to play) a role/part, (to have) a say, (to have) input/ involvement in s.t.


katkıda bulunmak, bağışta bulunmak - v. -uted, -uting, -utes 1 [I;T] to give (money, one's time, etc.): She contributes money to her church. 2 [I] to participate positively in s.t.: Everyone on the team contributed to winning the game. -n. contributor. Thesaurus: contribute v. 1 to donate 2 to add, be a factor. Ant. to subtract.


katkıda bulunmak, payı olmak, yardım etmek - v. -uted, -uting, -utes 1 [I;T] to give (money, one's time, etc.): She contributes money to her church. 2 [I] to participate positively in s.t.: Everyone on the team contributed to winning the game. -n. contributor. Thesaurus: contribute v. 1 to donate 2 to add, be a factor. Ant. to subtract.

cannot bear



katı, kurallara bağlı, sert


katılmak, katılımda bulunmak - v. [I] -pated, -pating, -pates to take part or have a role in an activity or event: She likes to participate in political campaigns. -n. participation /prtspen/; -adj. participatory /prtsptri, pr/.


katılmak, ortak olmak - v. [I] -pated, -pating, -pates to take part or have a role in an activity or event: She likes to participate in political campaigns. -n. participation /prtspen/; -adj. participatory /prtsptri, pr/.


kavramak, anlamak, kapmak, sıkı sıkı tutmak - v. [T] 1 to hold firmly, take hold of: I grasped the door handle with both hands and pulled hard. 2 to succeed in understanding s.t. often complex: After reading the text again, I finally grasped the main points of the story. 3 phrasal v. to grasp at: to try to take hold of, to reach for s.t.: As she fell, she grasped at the window to try to stop her fall. 4 to grasp at straws: to hope for miracles: He is grasping at straws if he thinks his money problems will be solved by winning the lottery. n. 1 a firm hold on s.t.: I got a grasp on the stuck faucet and forced it open. 2 understanding, comprehension: She has a good grasp of the facts in the situation.||This problem is beyond her grasp. Thesaurus: grasp v. 1 to seize, grab, grip s.t. Ant. to let loose. 2 to comprehend, catch on to s.t. | get it infrml. Ant. to not understand. n. 1 a grip, handhold. Ant. a slip. 2 knowledge, mastery. Ant. ignorance.


kaydırmak - n. 1 paper rolled into a circular shape: a valuable scroll of paper 2 a curved design: The wallpaper has a pattern of dots and scrolls. v. [I] (in computers) to move quickly through a file: Scroll to the end of a document to see what I wrote on page 5.


kaynak, köken - n. 1 beginning, origin: The source of our difficulties is not having enough money. 2 a place where information is obtained: This history book is my source for accurate dates. 3 (of a river) the start, beginning: A mountain lake is the source of this river. v.slang. [T] to look for and find people and companies to provide what is needed: to source suppliers for medical supplies Thesaurus: source n. 1 a root, basis 2 a resource 3 the headwaters.


kaynak, olanak , n. a useful way to find s.t., esp. information: The college library is an important resource for learning. n.pl. 1 money, funds: She has the resources to buy a vacation home. 2 useful things in general: Our country is rich in natural resources, such as oil, gold, and farm land.


kazanç, gelir, maaş, ücret, kar - n.pl. wages, salary, or income from work or investments: Our earnings are taxed at the rate of 30 percent. Thesaurus: earnings one's compensation, pay, take home pay | profit, proceeds. Ant. expenses.


kaçınılmaz, beklenen, çaresiz - adj. definitely going to happen, unavoidable, certain: Gaining weight is inevitable when you eat too much and don't exercise.

self expression

kendini ifade, kendini ifade eden, movement, gesture, language, communication, flexible thinking, new approaches for old ideas, original ways of approaching the story line, elaboration of the original ideas


kentsel, şehir, şehir ile ilgili - adj. related to a city: Many people move to urban areas to have the excitement of city life. -n. [U] urbanization. Thesaurus: urban metropolitan, municipal.


kesin karar vermek, karara varmak, çözüme ulaştırmak - n. [C;U] strong belief in an idea, cause, etc.: The new president began to make changes with great resolve. v. -solved, -solving, -solves 1 [I] to decide to do s.t.: He resolved to reform the nation's laws. 2 [T] to solve s.t., find a solution to a problem: He resolved a disagreement by giving each side s.t. to be happy about.


kesişmek, bölmek, birbiri üzerinden geçmek - v. [I;T] to join by passing through, to cross one another: Ninth Street and Elm Avenue intersect near the park.


keyfi, isteğe bağlı, nedensiz, rastlantısal - adj. unwilling to use reason or listen to others, (syn.) dogmatic: He made an arbitrary decision to sell the house without asking his wife. -adv. arbitrarily /rbtrrli/.


keşif, arama, araştırma, sondaj - n. 1 [C] a journey of discovery, a search: the exploration of space (the moon, the oceans) 2 [C;U] an examination, study: We began an exploration of ideas for new products. -adj. exploratory /ksplrtri/.


kira, kiralama, kira kontratı - n.v. [T] leased, leasing, leases 1 a contract to pay to use property (a building, equipment, etc.) for a period of time: Our business has <v.> leased its offices for five years. 2 a new lease on life: an improved situation: Bypass surgery on his heart gave him a new lease on life. Thesaurus: lease v. 1 to rent (equipment, land, buildings), let, charter | hire.


kiracı, kiralamak - n. a person who pays rent for the use of an apartment, office, etc. Thesaurus: tenant a renter | lodger, boarder | occupant. Usage Note: Tenant usually refers to a person who rents an apartment or house from a landlord, or owner of the property. In many states, tenants' rights are protected by the law.


kirlenmiş, kirli


kirletici, çevre kirliliğine yol açan madde - n. a contaminant, an impure or dirty substance that makes air, water, or soil polluted: Cars emit air pollutants.


koku, esans, güzel koku - n. 1 [C;U] a smell, usu. pleasant: The scent of flowers relaxes me. 2 [C] a smell left by an animal or human: The dog followed the criminal's scent through the woods. v. [I;T] to fill with a smell, usu. pleasant: The room was scented with roses.

police superintendent



kongre, kurultay, meclis


konukseverlik, misafirperverlik


konuşma, konuşma yapmak, nutuk, nutuk atmak - n.v. [T] -rangued, -ranguing, -rangues a long, loud speech, (syn.) a tirade: A candidate for mayor <v.> harangued his opponent about governmental injustice.


koordine etmek, düzeltmek, tanzim etmek


kordon, kablo, şerit, ip - n.v. 1 [C;U] strong string or rope: I tied the package with some <n.> cord. 2 a pile of wood measuring 4 x 4 x 8 feet: She bought a <n.> cord of wood for use in her fireplace.


korkmak, korkuyla beklemek, nefret etmek - v. [T] to fear (some future event or experience): I always dread going to the dentist to have a tooth pulled. n. [U] a strong fear (of s.t. that is coming in the future): She is full of dread about moving to a strange city.


korumak, konserve yapmak, muhafaza etmek


korumak, muhafaza etmek, konserve yapmak - v. [T] -served, -serving, -serves 1 to save: In winter, some people conserve energy by lowering the heat at night. 2 to keep from becoming weak, less, or bad: The sick man conserves his strength by resting in bed.


kovalamak, ardına düşmek, takip etmek, gerçekleştirmeye çalışmak - v. [T] -sued, -suing, -sues 1 to chase, go after s.o. to capture: A police officer pursued the speeding car and stopped it. 2 to work hard at s.t., strive for: She is pursuing a college degree.


krakter, kişisel özellik - n. a characteristic, (syn.) an attribute: Intelligence and good humor are among her personality traits.


kredi sağlayan, kredi veren, borç veren


kriter, kıstas, ölçüt


kullandıktan sonra atılan, tek kullanımlık - adj. 1 capable of being thrown away after use: Paper napkins are disposable. 2 disposable income: money one is free to spend after taxes are taken out


kullanmak, yararlanmak


kullanılmayan, modası geçmiş, eskimiş - adj. no longer used, replaced by s.t. better: Vinyl records will soon be obsolete, now that compact discs are popular.


kulübe, kır evi - n. a small, simple house usu. in the country: She lives in a cottage by the lake.


kundakçılık, yangın çıkarma - n. [U] the deliberate setting of fires by s.o.: The store burned down, and the police suspected arson. -n. arsonist.


kurak, çorak - adj. very dry, (syn.) parched: The Sahara Desert is arid.


kuraklık, kıtlık, susuz - n. a time of little or no rainfall: The farming region is experiencing a two-year drought.


kural, ölçü, standart - n. 1 a standard of behavior, that is typical of a group: Saving five percent of one's income is the norm for the middle class. 2 an average, an expected result: The norm on the exam was a grade of C.




kurşunsuz - adj. without the metal lead as an ingredient: He uses unleaded gasoline in his car.


kusur, hata, suçlamak, hatası olmak, suçu olmak

sound career

kusursuz, mükemmel, sağlam kariyer


kutup, direk, kazık, sırık, n. a long wooden or metal rod: She raised a flag up the pole. v. [I;T] poled, poling, poles to use a pole to move a boat: A fisherman poled his boat down the river. - n. 1 either end of an imaginary line drawn through the earth's north and south axes: The North Pole is a cold and icy place. 2 to be poles apart: to have completely opposite views: The liberals and conservatives are poles apart in their views.


kötüleşmek, bozulmak, durumu kötüye gitmek - v. [I;T] -rated, -rating, -rates to fall into bad condition, become weak: The old man's health has deteriorated. -n. [U] deterioration.


küfretme, lanet okuma, yemin etme


küre, alan, çevre, dünya, gökyüzü - n. 1 a round object: a globe shaped like a sphere 2 the sky that one can see: the heavenly sphere 3 an area, the extent of one's experience: Within his social sphere, there are many rich people.


kıdemli, üst düzey, son sınıf öğrencisi - n. adj. 1 abbr. Sr.: the father of a son with exactly the same name: John Page Borden, <adj.> Sr., is the father, and John Page Borden, Jr., is the son. 2 s.o. higher than another in rank or longer in length of service: She is <adj.> senior to the others in the company, because she has worked here the longest. 3 an older person: His sister is eight years his <n.> senior. 4 in the USA, s.o. in the last (usu. fourth) year of high school or college: Mr. Yamamoto's son is a <n.> senior in high school and about to graduate. See: freshman, USAGE NOTE.


kırsal, köy yaşamına ait, tarımsal - adj. related to the countryside, not the city, (syn.) rustic: They live on a farm in a rural area of Montana.


kırsal, tarımsal, az insanın barındığı daha çok kır durumunda olan yer - adj. related to the countryside, not the city, (syn.) rustic: They live on a farm in a rural area of Montana.


kısaltmak, koyulaştırmak - v. -densed, -densing, -denses 1 [T] to shorten: The writer condensed his letter from six pages to two pages. 2 [T] to make thicker, esp. by removing water 3 [I;T] to form liquid from a gas: Moisture condensed (out of the air) on the window. -n. condenser.


kıvam, kumaş, yapı, doku - n. [C;U] 1 the visual pattern and degree of smoothness or roughness of touch produced by a material, such as the placement of fibers in fabric: Wool flannel has a smooth, soft texture. 2 fig. the pattern and feel (of a painting, daily life, etc.): The texture of life in Buenos Aires is one of charm and sophistication.


kıvırmak, eğmek, eğilmek, bükmek


kıvırmak, kıvrıla kıvrıla akmak - v. [I] to move and turn slowly: The river meanders through the countryside. -n. [U] adj. meandering.


kış uykusuna yatmak, kışı ılıman bir yerde geçirmek, uzun uyku v. [I] -nated, -nating, -nates to enter a period of long sleep: Bears hibernate during the winter. -n. [U] hibernation /habrnen/.


kışkırtmak, ayaklandırmak, teşvik etmek - v. [T] -voked, -voking, -vokes 1 to make s.o. angry: He provokes her by telling her that she is too fat. 2 to cause a response, (syn.) to incite: His remarks about her weight provoked her into telling him to shut up.


light or color that is very bright and strong


liste, ders müfredatı, program - n. -es or -bi /ba/ an outline of topics for a course of study: The syllabus for our course in American history included the colonial period, the Revolution, and the Constitution.


loş, sönük, donuk, belirsiz - v. [I;T] dimmed, dimming, dims 1 to lower the force of, esp. a light: The driver dimmed the headlights. 2 to make less possible: Rebellion dims the chances for peace. adj. 1 (of light) weak: Don't work in dim light. 2 not very possible: His chances of recovery (from illness) are dim. -adv. dimly. Thesaurus: dim adj. 1 dull, faint | lackluster. Ant. bright. 2 unlikely.


mahkeme, yargıç kürsüsü - n.frml. a court or other body with the power to examine and judge: The government set up a tribunal to investigate corruption.


mahkum etmek, ayıplamak, hüküm vermek, suçlamak - v. [T] 1 to find legally guilty or unfit: The judge condemned the criminal to life in prison.||He condemned the old house as unfit to live in. 2 to express disapproval of s.o. or s.t. strongly: The wife condemned her husband for drinking too much. -n. [C;U] condemnation /kndmnen, dm/.


mankafa, koyu, sıkışık, kalın - adj. denser, densest 1 stupid: He's too dense to understand our plan. 2 crowded together: a dense forest, dense traffic -adv. densely.




many people cannot differentiate between lemon juice and lime juice


manzara, tabiat, belirli bir bölgenin sunduğu doğal görüntü - çevreyi güzelleştirmek, peyzaj - n. 1 a broad view of the land: The landscape seen from the mountains is green and beautiful. 2 a picture showing such a view: She paints landscapes. 3 fig. a field of activity: The political landscape in this city is varied and ever-changing. v. [I;T] -scaped, -scaping, -scapes to improve (the ground around a building) with trees, plants, etc.: Construction of their new house is complete, so they can start landscaping. Thesaurus: landscape n. 1 and 2 a scenic view, panorama, vista frml. 3 scene.


mağara, yuva, çıkmaz, delik, çalışma odası sığınak, küçük oda - n. 1 the home of certain animals: a bear's (lion's, fox's) den 2 a room for relaxation and study: Our family watches TV in the den.


measuring only a short distance from the top to the bottom; not deep


mecbur etmek, sözünü geçirmek, uygulamak, zorla elde etmek, zorla kabul ettirmek - v. [T] -forced, -forcing, -forces to make people obey (laws, rules, etc.): The police enforce the law by arresting lawbreakers. -adj. enforceable; -n. [U] enforcement; enforcer.


mecbur etmek, zorlamak - v. [T] -pelled, -pelling, -pels to force s.o. to do s.t.: His illness compelled him to stay in bed.

by the time

meden önce, zamana kadar - by the time the army had restored order, the city had been almost completely devastated.


medik.e, mezse - yan cümle olumsuz olmaz - You can't go to university unless you have good grades. (Unless means the same as If you don't)

captivated by

meftun olmak


mekansal, üç boyutlu, sahaya ait- adj. of or about space or area: She has good spatial skills; she knows how to build a house from plans on paper.


memleket özlemi, ev hasreti çekme


mennuniyetsiz, tatminsiz


merdiven, merdiven boşluğu - n. a set of steps going up or down, (syn.) a stairway, flight of stairs: the staircase to the attic


meteora ait, göktaşı gibi - adj. 1 related to meteors: Geologists found pieces of meteoric rock in a field. 2 fig. speedy, rapid: He had a meteoric rise in politics, from local mayor to President.


mevki, girinti, oyuk, hücre - n. 1 a hollow area in a wall usu. for showing art: The statue stood in a niche. 2 a position or place that is just right for a person: She is very happy with her new job; it sounds like she found her niche.


mevki, konum, oturtmak, yerleştirmek - n. an area or place: the site of the crime||a building site v. [T] sited, siting, sites to put s.t. in a particular place: to site a skyscraper on a corner


meydan okumak, karşı çıkmak, itiraz etmek - v. [T] -lenged, -lenging, -lenges 1 to ask or dare s.o. to play a game or sport: I challenged her to a game of tennis. 2 to test one's abilities: The difficult courses at school challenged his ability to make good grades. 3 to question: The police challenged the suspect's story. n. 1 an invitation to play a game or sport: I accepted her challenge to a tennis match. 2 a difficult job: She found her new sales job to be quite a challenge. -n. challenger. Thesaurus: challenge v. 1 to invite to do s.t. 2 to try (s.o.'s ability) frml., to tax s.o. frml. 3 to dispute, object to, argue with. Ant. to agree with. n. 1 a dare 2 a test, trial, difficult task.


meşgul etmek, işgal etmek, oturmak, zamanını almak, ele geçirmek - v. [T] -pied, -pying, -pies 1 to be, live, or work in a place: Our company occupies three floors in an office building. 2 to take control of, esp. in wartime: Soldiers occupied the town. 3 to fill (time, space, etc.): Children occupy their free time with their toys and games. -n. occupier. Thesaurus: occupy 1 to take up (space), fill 2 to take over, seize 3 to spend, use, employ.


mini klavye, tuş takımı


monoton, tekdüze - adj. boring and without change: She thought life in a small town was monotonous. -adv. monotonously; -n. [U] monotony.


moralini bozmak, azaltmak, bastırmak - v. [T] 1 to sadden, dismay: The loss of his job depressed him. 2 to press down: To stop, you must depress this button (lever, computer key, etc.). 3 to make less active, weaken: Uncertainty about the coming Presidential election depressed the stock market. -adj. depressing; -adv. depressingly. Thesaurus: depress 1 to discourage, dishearten, weigh down 2 to push down. Ant. to lift up.


mücadele etmek, uğraşmak, uğraş - n. 1 a difficult time or task using much effort and energy: He has had a struggle all his life with bad health. 2 a conflict or war: a struggle between Croats and Serbs 3 a fight: Two men got into a struggle outside a bar. 4 a use of physical force or energy to try to do s.t.: It is a struggle to zip up these tight jeans. v. [I] -gled, -gling, -gles to use much physical or mental effort and energy to do s.t.: I struggled to reach the seat belt behind me.


müfredat, ders programı - n. -la /l/, or lums the courses offered at an educational institution (school, college, etc.): The curriculum at that college is heavy on science and engineering.


müzakere, söylem, ciddi ve ayrıntılı bir şekilde yazmak, konuşmak - n.frml. [C;U] spoken or written (formal) communication: College students become familiar with academic discourse.


n. -ishes a showy movement: The conductor ended the symphony with a great flourish of her baton. v. -ishes 1 [I] to become rich, grow strong: People have flourished in America for centuries.||Many plants flourish in warm, humid climates. 2 [T] to wave s.t. in a showy way: The soldier flourished his sword.


n. [C;U] an art object that has been carved: There is a wood carving of a man's head on my table. - kazı, oyma, oymacılık, oyularak yapılmış eser


n. matrices /metrsiz, m/ or matrixes 1 an arrangement of numbers, symbols, items, etc., that have a relationship to each other and are often arranged in columns and rows: If supplies cost too much in the matrix of production expenses to make a profit, then other costs must be reduced. 2 material that surrounds minerals, etc.: Gold ore is sometimes found in a matrix of rock.


nazik, inc, kolay kırılır - adj. 1 easily broken or hurt: This teacup is made of delicate china. 2 made in a fine, sensitive manner: These china plates have a lovely, delicate flower pattern. 3 needing sensitive treatment: He is upset at failing the course, so talking to him about it is a delicate matter. -adv. delicately. Thesaurus: delicate 1 fragile, breakable 2 dainty, exquisite 3 awkward, tricky.


nedenolmak, zemin hazırlamak, aceleyle yapılan, zamanından önce - v. [T] -tated, -tating, -tates to cause to happen, esp. suddenly or sooner than expected: His climbing 15 flights of stairs precipitated his heart attack. adj. /prsptt/ done suddenly or in a hurry, (syn.) hasty: Her decision to leave her job seemed overly precipitate. -adv. precipitately.


nemli, ıslak, rutubetli - adj. slightly wet: From working hard, she became moist with sweat. Thesaurus: moist damp | misty, drizzling (weather).


nesli tükenme, yok etme


nesli tükenmekte olan, tehlikede - We give money to the wildlife fund to protect endangered species.


niyet, kasıt - n. 1 [U] purpose, plan, (syn.) intention: It was his intent to leave at 6:30, but he stayed until 8:00. 2 for all intents and purposes: as things really are: For all intents and purposes, the company lost money last year.


not much


okşamak, sıvazlamak, vurnak , kedi vb sevmek, çarpma, darbe, okşama, vuruş - v. [T] stroked, stroking, strokes to pass the hand lightly over s.t., (syns.) to rub, caress: He stroked the cat's back.||I like to stroke a baby's soft cheek. n. 1 a light rubbing motion: one stroke of my hand 2 a motion of a body part from one position to another, done in a sport to move or hit s.t.: The people in the boat used smooth strokes, saying "One, two" as they rowed.||The golf teacher said his stroke was strong. 3 the hitting or sound of a bell, gong, or clock: At the stroke of two, begin writing. 4 one mark with a writing tool: She used four strokes of a pen to make an E. 5 a sudden, immediate event: By a stroke of luck, you appeared just when my car broke down. 6 a blocked or broken blood vessel in the brain that causes a lack of muscle control, difficulty speaking, and sometimes death, (syn.) apoplexy


olay, kaza, vaka - n. an event, occurrence, esp. a bad one: There was an incident in a downtown bar where two men got into a fist fight.


olguni ergin - v. [I] -tured, -turing, -tures to grow to full size or full mental abilities: Human babies mature slowly. adj. 1 adult, fully grown: There are mature oak trees on each side of our street. 2 capable of doing what is right, responsible: Mature teenagers can be excellent caretakers for small children. Thesaurus: mature v. to develop | ripen. Ants. to retard, stunt (growth).


olgunlaşmamış, ham, toy - adj. 1 not ripe or fully formed: When oranges are green, they are immature; when they are orange, they are ripe. 2 childish, not adult: His immature behavior annoys people. -n. [U] immaturity.


oluşturmak, meydana getirmek, kurmak, tayin etmek, yürülüğe koymak - v.frml. [T] -tuted, -tuting, -tutes 1 to make up, compose: Crime and illegal drugs constitute the city's major problems. 2 (legal) to give lawful form to: The mayor constituted a committee to study the city's problems.


oran, orantı, ebat, hisse, pay - n. 1 [C;U] balance and harmony of s.t., the relationship of one part of s.t. to another part in size and shape: That artist draws people out of proportion, with big heads and little bodies. 2 [U] a ratio, percentage of s.t.: A large proportion of her salary goes to paying taxes. 3 fig. a sense of proportion: common sense, being reasonable: She takes her work seriously but has a sense of proportion and has fun, too. 4 to blow s.t. out of proportion: to exaggerate the importance of s.t.: When she didn't want to see him yesterday, he blew it out of proportion and became angry. -adj. proportional.

secondary school

orta ve lise seviyesinde okul- n. in the USA, a public or private high school, usu. grades 9-12: Most students from my secondary school go on to college. Usage Note: Secondary school begins in sixth or seventh grade. It includes two or three years of junior high school or middle school, followed by three or four years of senior high school. Compare grade school.

junior school


the middle ages


in medieval times

ortaçağ zamanlarında


oturan kimse (ev/bina/oda vb'nde) - someone who lives at a particular place for a prolonged period or who was born there


oturan kimse, sakin - n. a person who lives in a certain area: The inhabitants of San Francisco enjoy a view of the Golden Gate Bridge.


ovma, sürtünme, sürtme- n. 1 [U] resistance that results when two surfaces are rubbed together, (syn.) abrasion: When you rub your hands together rapidly, the friction produces heat. 2 [C;U] conflict, (syn.) strife: The friction between the two secretaries created tension in the office.


papa - n. the head of the Roman Catholic Church: The Pope lives in the Vatican in Rome.

impose a fine

para cezasına çarptırmak


parlak, canlı, etkili, güçlü - adj. easy to see or imagine, clear, intense: The reporter wrote a vivid story about the disaster. -n. [U] vividness; -adv. vividly.


partizan, çeteci, gerillacı


parıltı, şamdan, parlaklık, avize


pay etmek, bölüştürmek, dağıtmak - v. [T] -cated, -cating, -cates to plan to use an amount of money for a specific purpose, (syn.) to allot: The city government allocated money for schools and the police in this year's budget. -n. [U] allocation /lketn/.


paylaşımlar, hisse senetleri, hisseler


perakende, perakende satış, iade, geri dönmek - v. [I;T] to sell products or services directly to people and not to other stores: That store retails computers and office supplies. adj. related to retailing: He works in retail clothing. n. [U] 1 the selling of products or services to the public: She works in retail. 2 at retail: at a price for all people, not at a wholesale price, which stores pay: That table sells at retail for $100. -n. retailer.


pişmanlık, pişman olmak, üzülmek, - v. [T] -gretted, -gretting, -grets 1 to feel sad because of s.t. that happened, feel compassion or sympathy: I regret that your mother died and left you alone. 2 to feel guilty about or sorry for s.t. one has done: He regrets that he was angry with his son. n. 1 pl. an expression of sadness, sorrow: She sent her regrets to her friend in a card when her friend's mother died. 2 [C;U] a bad feeling about having done s.t. wrong: She has regrets about not being nice to her friend when she was ill. -adj. regretful; regrettable; -adv. regretfully. Thesaurus: regret v. 1 to be sorry for s.o., feel sorrow 2 to feel remorse, feel badly. n. 1 condolences frml. 2 remorse, contrition.


pragmatik, uygulamacı, dogmacı - adj. using common sense to solve problems, (syn.) practical: He would like to be a doctor, but he has a pragmatic attitude and realizes that he cannot afford medical school.


profound respect


radyo tv aracılığıyla yayımlamak, yayın - v. [T] -cast or -casted, -casting, -casts 1 to send over the air (radio, TV): Some radio and TV stations broadcast programs 24 hours a day. 2 to make widely known: She broadcasted her marriage plans to all her friends. n. an act of broadcasting, (syn.) a transmission: I heard the good news on the TV broadcast. -n. broadcaster.


rastgele, gelişigüzel, tesadüfi,


rasyonel, mantıklı, aklı başında - adj. 1 able to think clearly, clearheaded: He hit his head when he fell and is not rational. 2 showing logical thought, (syns.) reasonable, sensible: The rational thing to do was to take the sick man to a doctor.


rekabet etmek, yarışmak - v. [I] -peted, -peting, -petes to participate in a contest, (syn.) to vie: Our basketball team competed against another team and won.


rekabet, muhalefet - n. -ries [C;U] competition, a special desire to defeat an opponent: Sibling rivalry is the competition between brothers and sisters for their parents' attention.


reklam, tanıtım, ilan etme, tutundurma, propoganda - n. [U] information given in the media (TV, newspapers, etc.) that creates public interest in a person or product: A famous boxer received a lot of publicity when he was sent to jail. -v. [T] publicize /pblsaz/. Thesaurus: publicity coverage, reporting | promotion.


rengi solmak, boyası akmak, havanın kararması, gözden kaybolmak, güçten düşmek - v. faded, fading, fades 1 [I;T] to lose the original color, grow pale: The wallpaper has faded from red to pale pink. 2 [I] to disappear gradually: The horseman passed by me and faded into the distance. 3 [I] to appear or disappear gradually, esp. in films and television n.v. [I] 1 fade-in: a gradual appearance, esp. in films and television: The camera operator did a <n.> fade-in of the next scene. 2 fade-out: a gradual disappearance: The camera operator did a <n.> fade-out of a scene in a house; she <v.> faded out to pick up action occurring outdoors. Thesaurus: fade v. 1 to lighten, become paler. Ant. to darken. 2 to melt away, dissolve. Ant. to appear.


renkli, güzel, canlı, açık, resmedilmeye değer - adj. 1 like a picture, pleasing to the eye, charming: That little fishing village by the sea is quite picturesque. 2 (of writing or speech) colorful, descriptive, expressive: The old sailor told a picturesque tale of his youth.


restore etmek, tamir etmek, yenilemek - v. [T] -vated, -vating, -vates to renew s.t., make s.t. (esp. a building) look like new, (syns.) to repair, restore: He renovated an apartment building by cleaning it, painting it, putting in new windows, new kitchens, and a new elevator.


restore etmek, yenilemek - v. [T] -vated, -vating, -vates to renew s.t., make s.t. (esp. a building) look like new, (syns.) to repair, restore: He renovated an apartment building by cleaning it, painting it, putting in new windows, new kitchens, and a new elevator.


reçete, emir, talimat, süre aşımı, buyruk - "I tried to follow her prescription for success"


riayet etmek, bağlı kalmak, uymak, tahammül etmek - v. [T] abided, abiding, abides 1 to suffer, stay in, (syn.) to endure: I can't abide the hot weather. 2 to abide by: to comply with, to agree to s.t.: I will abide by the judge's decision. -n. [U] abidance.

at risk

risk altında, tehlikede


rota, gezi yolu, belirli bir yolla göndermek, sevketmek , güzergah- n. 1 a path along which one travels: The airline route from Seattle to Tokyo goes over the North Pole. 2 a series of stops made regularly as by s.o. who delivers things: The newspaper delivery truck has a regular route for dropping off newspapers. v. [T] routed, routing, routes to tell s.o. to go a certain way: Police routed cars onto a road away from an accident.

lose track of time

saatin kaç olduğunu unutmak , zamanın nasıl geçtiğini anlamamak

remain constant

sabit kalmak, değişmemek

constant level

sabit seviye


saldırgan, hakaret edici, - adj. 1 causing suffering of the body or the mind, disgusting: An offensive smell came from the garbage. 2 rude: Her offensive words made her friend cry. 3 aggressive, on the attack: Our team's offensive moves won the game. -adv. offensively. n. an attack, assault: The army mounted an offensive against the enemy. Thesaurus: offensive adj. 1 disagreeable, sickening 2 insulting, hurtful.


sansasyonel gazete, bulvar gazetesi - n. a newspaper with many pictures and articles about scandals, news, sports, and other everyday topics: The tabloids try to get your attention by telling you personal information about famous people.


sansür, denetçi, sansürcü - v. [T] 1 to remove parts of printed or filmed materials that are considered offensive: School (government, church, etc.) officials disapproved of certain parts of the book and censored it. 2 to stop publication, (syn.) to ban s.t.: Some governments censor books that point out faults in the government. n. a person, committee, or institution that censors: A government censor removed parts of the book. -n. [U] censorship.


sapmak, şaşmak, dönmek - v. [I] -ated, -ating, -ates 1 to act in a socially unacceptable way: He deviated from society by becoming a drug addict. 2 to vary from the rule or standard: He deviated from his normal good habits by becoming drunk once.


savunucu, örnek, sembol, matematikte üs - n. 1 a person who believes in s.t., (syns.) an advocate, proponent: She is an exponent of vegetarianism. 2 (in math) a number or symbol above and beside another indicating a mathematical operation: In 102, the 2 is an exponent meaning to square the 10. -adj. exponential /kspnnl/; -adv. exponentially.


sayesinde, vasıtasıyla - Ex. "the means whereby we achieved our goal"

...on the right-hand side of...

sağ el tarafında


sağlamak, yerine getirmek, yürürlüğe koymak, alet edavat - v. [T] to start, put into action: The meat company implemented a new advertising plan for low-fat beef. n. a tool or piece of equipment: With the right implements, I can unlock a door without a key. -n. [U] implementation.


sel, sel baskını - v. [I;T] 1 to cover dry land with water, to overflow: The river ran over its banks and flooded the town. 2 fig. to provide too much of s.t.: Several large manufacturers flooded the market with cheap goods. n. 1 covering of dry land with water, an overflow: The flood caused great damage. 2 fig. a large amount: The mayor received a flood of complaints from voters. Thesaurus: flood v. 1 to inundate 2 to inundate, overwhelm. n. 1 a deluge, flooding, inundation. Ant. a drought. 2 a deluge, large (or) huge number | a ton of s.t. infrml.

greenhouse gas

sera gazı, the term given to any gas that traps heat in the atmosphere. It does this by letting the sun's energy through, but not back out- like a glass window. Common greenhouse gasses are CO2 and methane


sergilemek, görüntülemek, göstermek, göz önüne sermek, sunuş, teşhir, görüntü - v. [T] 1 to place in a position to be seen: The store displays merchandise in glass cases. 2 to allow to be seen: He displayed his bad temper by shouting at me. n. [C;U] 1 a presentation: What a beautiful display of clothing in that store window! 2 a demonstration: The child's display of bad temper surprised his teacher. Thesaurus: display v. 1 to show, exhibit | feature 2 to expose, reveal. Ant. to hide. n. 1 a show, exhibit 2 an act, exhibition frml.


servis, tabak, porsiyon - leading dietitians recommend eating at least two servings of fruit


ses tonu, ton, üslup, sinyal sesi,ayarlamak, tonlamak, vücudu güçlendirmek , n. 1 the loudness or character of a voice: He speaks to his baby in soft tones. 2 the mood in a voice or gathering: Our meeting had a pleasant (unfriendly, serious, etc.) tone. 3 an electronic sound, such as the dial tone (the sound of a telephone when picked up) or another signal: On the radio one hears, "At the sound of the tone, it will be 10 o'clock." 4 (in music) a full interval on a diatonic scale: The interval goes up a whole tone. 5 (in art) the characteristic of a color or shade: Her watercolor paintings have a light tone. 6 the firmness and flexibility of skin or muscles: An athlete has good muscle tone. v. [T] toned, toning, tones 1 to increase firmness or vitality: He tones his muscles by exercising. 2 phrasal v. sep. to tone s.t. down: (yumuşatmak, tonunu azaltmak )to lessen the intensity of s.t.: The critic toned down her attacks on the government.|| She toned them down. 3 phrasal v. sep. to tone s.t. up: a. to make s.t. stronger, firmer: He toned up his muscles by exercising.||He toned them up. b. to improve s.t.: She toned up her apartment by having it painted.

make a choice

seçim yapmak, seçmek

in common

sharing equally with another or others - ortak nokta, müşterek, - In fact we don't have much in common at allnyde by


sigorta (amak), fünye, fitil - n. 1 a safety device designed to break if an excessive amount of electricity passes through it: The air conditioner caused a fuse to blow. 2 a flammable string or other device used to set off an explosive: The miner lit the fuse that set off the dynamite. 3 to blow a fuse: a. to cause a fuse to break: When we had the electric heater and the microwave on at the same time, we blew a fuse. b. fig. to become angry suddenly, (syn.) to lose one's temper: He blew a fuse when his flight was canceled. 4 to have a short fuse: short-tempered, to become angry quickly: You have to be careful with him, because he has a short fuse. v. [I;T] fused, fusing, fuses to melt together, become one: A worker fused together two hot metals into an alloy.

silicon chip

silikon çip


small in amount or degree


small things that you wear for decoration, such as rings or necklaces


somutlaştırmak, sembolize etmek, belirtmek - v. [T] -ied, -ying, -ies to express, symbolize: The Statue of Liberty embodies the hope of a better life for all.


sonraki, müteakip, sonradan gelen - adj. happening later, (syn.) succeeding: In the first letter she said she loved me, but in subsequent letters she changed her mind. -adv. subsequently.


sonsuzluk, sınırsızlık - n. [U] a limitless number, thing, or place, such as outer space and time: Astronomers study the infinity of the universe.


sonuç, eser, akıbet - The army attacked without considering the consequences of its action


sonuçlandırmak, bir karara varmak, tamamlamak - v. -cluded, -cluding, -cludes 1 [I;T] to bring to an end: The concert concluded with an exciting song. 2 [T] to form an opinion: After not getting a salary increase, I concluded that I must find a new job. 3 to reach or come to a conclusion: to come to an agreement: The agreement was concluded and signed in 1945. Thesaurus: conclude v. 1 to end, finish, wind up infrml. Ant. to begin. 2 to determine, figure out, deduce.

accept the consequences

sonuçları göze almak

take the consequences

sonuçları göze almak


soy, tür , çiftleşmek, yavrulamak, beslemek, büyütmek - n. a specific type of animal with characteristics passed down from generation to generation: A French poodle is a breed of dog. v. bred /brd/, breeding, breeds 1 [I;T] to have babies: Animals breed in the springtime. 2 [T] to be the source of: Familiarity breeds contempt (a lack of respect). 3 [T] to raise animals for fun or profit: That woman breeds dogs professionally. -n. breeder. Thesaurus: breed n. a type, kind, sort of s.t. | variety. Ants. a mixed breed, mongrel (dog). v. 1 to procreate 2 to engender.


soyaçekim,kalıtımla geçen özellik - n. [U] the passing of genes and their characteristics from parents to children: People argue about whether heredity or the environment has more influence on a person's behavior.


soyut, teorik - adj. 1 related to ideas, feelings, etc. (not concrete things): "Beauty" and "truth" are abstract ideas. 2 unclear, vague: He has abstract ideas about what to do, but no specific thoughts. -adv. abstractly.


sulama yapmak, sulamak, yıkamak, antiseptik suyla yıkamak - 1 to supply with water collected in another location: Farmers irrigated their corn by sending river water through pipes to their fields. 2 to fill with water in order to remove s.t.: A doctor irrigated my eye because there was dirt in it. -n. [U] irrigation /rgen/.


sunmak, armağan etmek, arz etmek, bulunmak, sunmak, ileri sürmek, sahneye koymak, temsil etmek, takdim etmek - v. [T] 1 to offer, put forth for consideration: She presented her idea for a new product at the last sales meeting. 2 to give: The mayor presented him with an award for good citizenship.||The doctor presented his bill. 3 to bring to meet s.o., esp. of greater importance: The ambassador was presented to the Queen at court. 4 to cause or represent: The snow was so deep that it presented a problem to people trying to walk. 5 to perform: to present a play Thesaurus: present (1) 1 to propose s.t., submit s.t. to s.o. 2 to award | produce 3 to introduce 4 to pose | become 5 to stage.


suç işlemek, hata yapmak - v.frml. [T] -trated, -trating, -trates to commit (a crime): She has neither the courage nor the stupidity to perpetrate a bank robbery. -n. [U] perpetration.


suçlu bulmak, hüküm giydirmek, mahkum etmek - v. [T] to find s.o. guilty of a crime in a court of law: The jury convicted him of murder. n. /knvkt/ a person sentenced to jail for a crime, (syn.) a prisoner: The police are searching the area for an escaped convict.


suçlu, cezalı, sabıkalı, cinayet - n. a person who commits a serious crime, like theft or murder, felon adj. related to crime: Robbery is a criminal act. Thesaurus: criminal n. a robber, crook, lawbreaker.

the accused

suçlu, sanık, suçlanan


sömürgeleştir, settle as colonists or establish a colony (in)

have a say

söyleyecek sözü olmak, söz sahib olmak

back out

sözünden dönmek, vazgeçmek, caymak - We decided to back out when we discovered the company was in financial difficulty.


sürdürmek, kalmak, arta kalan


sürü - n. 1 a group of certain animals, such as sheep, goats, chickens, and geese: A flock of sheep came down from the mountain. 2 fig. a group of many people: A flock of people crowded into the hall. v. [I] to gather or crowd together, (syn.) to congregate: Thousands of people flocked to see the famous religious leader.


sürü, balı sürüsü - n. 1 a strip of sand beneath shallow water: The boat bottom hit a shoal. 2 a large group of fish


sürü, hayvan sürüsü, büyükbaş hayva sürüsü - n. 1 a group of animals of one kind: Herds of horses run wild in the American West. 2 pej. a crowd of people who think the same: She follows the herd and never thinks for herself. Thesaurus: herd 1 a pack, brood, drove 2 a group, pack, mob.


sürü, sürü (köpek veya kurtlardan oluşan) - a group of animals: A pack of wolves chased the deer.


sıcak, ısıya ilişkin, ısıyla ilgili - n. updraft, current of air heading upward: Birds soar on the thermals above valleys. adj. related to heat: In winter, we wear thermal underwear to keep warm.


sıkıştırmak, bastırmak, basınç yapmak


sınır işareti, dönüm noktası, referans olarak seçilen yapay veya doğal nesne - n. 1 s.t. easily seen, such as a tall building or mountain: The tallest mountain in the area is a famous landmark. 2 a historical building or other point of interest: The old church in the center of town is a historical landmark. 3 fig. an important event: The invention of the radio is a landmark in technology.

take turn

sırayla değiştirmek, , sırayla yapmak


sığ, derin olmayan - adj. 1 not deep: The pond is shallow; the water goes only up to my knees. 2 not serious or complicated, (syn.) superficial: A shallow person does not look beyond the obvious. 3 weak: shallow breaths


tahsis etmek, vermek, ayırmak, adamak - v. [T] -voted, -voting, -votes 1 to give: He devotes a great deal of time (money, effort, etc.) to his garden (church, politics, etc.). 2 to use for a special purpose: to devote an area to housing for the poor Thesaurus: devote 1 to dedicate, commit, spend 2 to set apart, assign.


tahsis etmek, üstüne atmak, -e yormak - v.frml. [T] -cribed, -cribing, -cribes to give s.t. as a reason for, (syn.) to attribute: The politician ascribed the failing economy to high taxes.


takviye etmek, desteklemek, kuvvetlendirmek - v. [T] -forced, -forcing, -forces to add strength to s.t., make it stronger: Steel rods reinforce concrete structures when they are placed inside the concrete.


tamamlama, yerine getirme, içindeki potansiyelini iyi kullanmaktan doğan memnuniyetn. [U] 1 performance or completion of s.t.: The fulfillment of obligations under the contract will take two years. 2 a feeling of satisfaction, success: She found great fulfillment in her acting career.


tanıklk etmek, doğrulamak, ifade vermek, kanıtlamak - v. [I;T] -fied, -fying, -fies 1 to tell what one knows, esp. under oath in a court of law: Two witnesses testified against the defendant. 2 fig. to demonstrate s.t.: Her success testifies to much hard work.


tanıtılan, tanıtılmış


tarih öncesi


tarım,tarımsal, zirai - Ex. "an agrarian (or agricultural) society"; "farming communities"


tasarrufu mümkün, tek kullanımlık, kullanıldıktan sonra atılabilen - adj. 1 capable of being thrown away after use: Paper napkins are disposable. 2 disposable income: money one is free to spend after taxes are taken out


taslağını yapmak, eskizini çizmek, kabaca açıklamak, kroki, taslak - n. -es 1 a drawing done quickly and without many details: The artist drew a sketch of the woman's face in two minutes. 2 a short piece of writing that gives the main ideas, (syn.) an outline: The editor read a sketch of my book idea and asked to see a complete chapter. v. [I;T] -es 1 to draw quickly, without details: I sketched a picture of our new house. 2 to write the main ideas, (syn.) to outline: to sketch out an idea on paper


tavır, tutum, duruş - n. feeling about or toward s.o. or s.t.: She has a good attitude toward work; she's always cheerful. Thesaurus: attitude a view toward s.o. or s.t., an outlook | stance.


tecrübeye dayalı, deneyime dayalı olarak - adj. based on knowledge or experience of the real world, observable: The paintings on cave walls are empirical proof that people were on Earth many thousands of years ago. -n. [U] empiricism; -adv. empirically.


tedarik etmek, edinmek, elde etmek, birine seks için birini bulmak - v.frml. [T] -cured, -curing, -cures 1 to obtain, purchase s.t.: The army procures weapons from manufacturers. 2 to provide people for others' sexual satisfaction, (syn.) to pimp: He procures women for male clients. -n. [U] adj. procurement.


tehdit, korku, korkutma - n. 1 [C] a warning of harm: They had to leave the building because of a bomb threat. 2 [U] a danger: A flu epidemic is a threat to public health. Thesaurus: threat 1 and 2 a menace, risk, hazard.

in danger (of)

tehlikesi altında olmak


tek katlı


teklif, öneri, tasarı


tema, anafikir, içerik, konsept, - n. a central idea or main pattern, such as in daily life, an artistic work, or another area: The theme in that novel is one of adventure in exploring the Arctic. -adj. thematic; /mtk/ -adv. thematically.


temel dayanak - n. a basis for a line of reasoning, an assumption: His major premise for arguing there is life after death is that people have souls as well as bodies. v. [T] -ised, -ising, -ises to base on s.t.: The President premised his speech on the belief that Americans want to help the poor.


terfi ettirmek, desteklemek, tanıtımını yapmak, katkıda bulunmak - v. [T] -moted, -moting, -motes 1 to advance in rank, give s.o. a better job: Her boss promoted her to supervisor in accounting. 2 to make known to the public, advertise goods and services: The marketing department promoted our new product in television commercials. 3 to support, propose, esp. for the public good: The mayor promoted the idea of building a new sports stadium in the city. -adj. promotable.

turn down

ters çevirmek, elinin tersiyle itmek - To refuse something which is offered. - You should never turn down a good job when it's offered to you.


tesis, araç, imkan, kolaylık, özel bir hizmet, yer, a service that an organization or a piece of equipment offers you - n. -ties 1 [C] service(s), including the physical area, provided by an organization: The sports facility at that club includes tennis courts, a golf course, and a swimming pool. 2 [U] ease, expertise: The facility with which she explains difficult topics is amazing. Thesaurus: facility 1 pl. the amenities 2 one's skill, competence | readiness. Ant. inability.


teğet - n. 1 a line, curve or surface that touches but does not intersect s.t.: The spokes of a wheel are tangents from the hub. 2 infrml. to go off on a tangent: (daldan dala konmak)to leave the main point, (syn.) to digress: Once he starts talking, he is likely to go off on a tangent. -n. tangency. 3 (tanjan) abbrev tan A basic ratio in trigonometry between the length of the side opposite to a given acute angle in a right triangle and the length of the side adjacent to the given angle: The tangent of 45 degrees.


teşvik edici, özendirici - n. s.t. that makes s.o. work harder, motivation: The man promised his nephew $100 as an incentive for good grades. adj. causing hard work, motivating, rewarding: Incentive awards go to salespeople who sell the most insurance.

carrying capacity

the maximum number of organisms of a particular species that can be supported indefinitely in a given environment


the money that is available to an organization or person, or a plan of how it will be spent

the most important point is that

the most important point is that the sooner I get my qualifications, the quicker I'll get a job and start earning


the protection of natural things such as animals, plants, forests etc, to prevent them being spoiled or destroyed; preservation


to describe something correctly and thoroughly


to make air, water, soil etc dangerously dirty and not suitable for people to use


to put people or things into groups according to the type of person or thing they are; classify


to understand something that is complicated or difficult


to use your teeth to cut, crush, or chew something:


topluca üretilmiş


toplumsal istatistikler, nüfusun özellikleriyle ilgili faktörler - n.pl. demographic information about groups of people used esp. in politics and marketing: The demographics of New York show a great variety of people.


toprak, arazi, çöp, gübre, kir - n. [U] 1 a particular kind of earth or dirt: The soil near the beach is sandy and rocky. 2 the top layers of earth in which plants grow: The soil in Minnesota and Iowa is good for farming. 3 a country, land: It was good to be back on US soil after our trip to Australia. v. [T] to make dirty: to soil one's hands with grease Thesaurus: soil n. 1 and 2 the ground, land 3 territory. v. to dirty s.t., get s.t. muddy/dirty/grimy.


topu karşısındakinin ayağından almak, girişmek, ele almak - n. 1 [U] equipment used in a sport: We take fishing tackle on camping trips. 2 [C] (in US football) the act of knocking a player carrying the ball to the ground v. -led, -ling, -les 1 [I;T] (in US football) to knock a ball carrier down: A guard tackled the ball carrier. 2 fig. [T] to begin a job with a lot of energy: I tackled the problem of lowering the company's costs.


tutarsızlık, çelişki, ayrım, farklılık, zıtlık - Ex. "a growing divergence of opinion" - There seems to be a large discrepancy between the number of people employed in service industries, and those employed in the primary sector.


tutukluluk, hapislik, hapis cezası

component parts

tümü meydana getiren parçalar, bütünleyici parça, tamamlayıcı parça


türbin, dolap, çark - n. a machine that produces power by turning blades with steam, water, or gas, esp. to create electricity: Huge steam turbines can produce electricity for an entire city.


u***, anlayış, yeryüzüyle gökyüzünün birleşmiş gibi göründüğü yer - n. 1 the place in one&#039;s view where the earth&#039;s surface forms a line with the sky: Sailors could see another ship coming over the horizon. 2 a person&#039;s chances for success: She is so smart that her future holds unlimited horizons. Thesaurus: horizon 1 skyline | vista, boundary 2 pl. prospects, possibilities, limits.


ufalamak, harab olmak, dökülmek, yıkılmak - v. -bled, -bling, -bles 1 [I;T] to fall into pieces, esp. from age: Over many years, that old church crumbled into ruins. 2 that's the way the cookie crumbles: bad things do happen: I lost my job, then had a car accident; oh, well, that's the way the cookie crumbles. -adj. crumbly.


uysal uyumlu, yardımsever - aggreing to a demand - helpful in bringing about a harmonious adaptation, obliging, helpful, obliging, polite -adj. helpful, cooperative: The hotel staff is very accommodating with its guests. -adv. accommodatingly.


uyuşturucuyla bağlantılı


uzak, soğuk davranış, dolaylı, mesafeli, sapa, uzaktan - adj. 1 referring to a far-away place or time, distant: We traveled more than an hour to get to a beautiful, remote picnic area. 2 not closely related: There is only a remote connection between his training as a doctor and his training as a salesperson. 3 very little, (syn.) slight: There is a remote possibility of rain today. -adv. remotely; -n. [U] remoteness.

remote control

uzaktan kontrol, uzaktan kumanda - n. 1 control of a device or machine from a distance, such as by radio waves: The small toy plane is flown by remote control. 2 a device that controls s.t. remotely: I have three remote controls: one each for the TV, the stereo, and the VCR.

space shuttle

uzay mekiği - n. a vehicle that carries astronauts into space in order to do research and gather information

long sighted

uzağı gören

reach/find a compromise

uzlaşmaya varmak, orta yol bulmak


uğraşı, iş, meşguliyet, meslek


v. [I;T] to get the meaning of s.t., (syn.) to understand: That student comprehends that he must improve his work, or fail the course. - kavramak, idrak etmek, anlamak


v. [T] -duced, -ducing, -duces 1 to make s.o. do s.t., (syns.) to persuade, coax: His wife's love of the ocean induced him to take a vacation at the seashore. 2 to cause, make happen: The nurse induced a lower fever by bathing the man in cool water.


v. [T] -nated, -nating, -nates 1 to give light to: Streetlights illuminated the roads. 2 to make clear, explain: Our teacher illuminates ancient history in his lectures. 3 to decorate with lights: We illuminated the lights in the yard for the birthday party. -n. [U] illumination.

wind / unwind

v: bükülmek, çevirmek, döne döne gitmek, yol açmak, / sarılı bir şeyi açmak, yumak çözmek, açmak gevşetmek


varlık, mevcudiyet, oluş - n. -ties a group viewed as a whole: All the buildings in this area are for sale as a single entity.


varsaymak, tahmin etmek, farzetmek - v. -sumed, -suming, -sumes 1 [T] to suppose s.t. is true, assume: I presumed that my friend would be at home when I called but she wasn't. 2 [I] to impose on s.o., take advantage of s.o.: She presumed on her father's generosity by borrowing money from him and not repaying it.


varsayılan, farzedilen, zannedilen -


varış noktası, hedef





( have a )monopoly

vurgunculuk, tekel


when you do not understand what is happening or what something means because it is not clear


yalın arkadaşlık, cinsel ilişki, samimiyet, yakınlaşma, özel olma, kişisellik - n. -cies 1 [U] emotional closeness: I feel great intimacy with my brother; I tell him everything. 2 [U] a good feeling of warmth and privacy, (syn.) coziness: I like the intimacy of candlelight and soft music in restaurants.


yankı yapmak, aksetmek - v. [I] -ated, -ating, -ates to echo, continue to sound: His voice reverberated in the empty room. -n. [C;U] reverberation.


yanılma, yanlış anlama -


yanılma, yanlış anlama-


yanılmak, yanlış anlamak -


yapmak, adamak, suç işlemek, taahhüt etmek, vaad etmek - v. [T] -mitted, -mitting, -mits 1 to do s.t.: He committed a crime. 2 to give money for a purpose: to commit funds to a project 3 to commit oneself: to promise to do s.t., (syn.) to dedicate oneself: The priest committed himself to a life of poverty. 4 to obligate or bind by a promise: My aunt feels committed to go to my wedding, but she does not want to. Thesaurus: commit 1 to perpetrate 2 to pledge, hand over, entrust.


yapmak, sunmak, etmek, ifa etmek, çevirisini yapmak, dönüştürmek, duruma getirmek , karşılık olarak vermek, yorumlamak - v. [T] 1 to give s.t. or do s.t., (syn.) to provide: That store renders good service to its customers. 2 to give in return as payment: He rendered thanks to God for his health and his family. 3 to put into another language, translate: It is difficult to render poetry into another language. 4 to cause a change, make s.t. become true: He was rendered speechless when his sister told him she was having a baby.||She was rendered helpless when she broke her leg. 5 frml. to give an opinion or decision: The judge will render his decision tomorrow. 6 to draw s.t., to sketch: I had an artist render a picture of my house to put in the paper since the house is for sale.


yararsız, amaçsız, etksiz - adj. meaningless, not worth doing: The storm was so bad that it was pointless to try to travel in it. -adv. pointlessly; -n. [U] pointlessness.

there is something to be said for

yararına çok şey söylenebilir


yargı, hüküm, kanı


yarı kurak, biraz kuru


yarıküre - n. 1 half of a sphere or a ball 2 half of the earth: The earth is divided by the equator into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.




yarıçap - n. -i or -uses a measurement or line between the center and edge of a circle: In geometry class, we learned how to measure the radius of a circle.

pass a law

yasa çıkartmak, kanunu onaylama


yatay, ufka ait - adj. parallel to the ground: When horizontal and vertical lines meet, they form angles. -adv. horizontally. See: vertical. Thesaurus: horizontal flat, level, straight across.


yeni veya farklı iklim şartlarına alışmak


yeni yürümeye başlayan çocuk- a young child, especially one who is learning or has recently learned to walk aged 2-3


yenileyici, yenilikçi, yaratıcı


yerine getirmek, gerçekleştirmek, karşılamak - v. [T] 1 to perform, complete: He fulfilled his obligations by making loan payments on time. 2 to satisfy, accomplish: She fulfilled her dreams of becoming an actress. Thesaurus: fulfill 1 to carry out, finish. Ant. to neglect. 2 to realize, achieve.


yerçekimi, ağırbaşlılık, ciddiyet - n. 1 a natural force pulling objects to the ground: Objects fall to earth because of the force of gravity. 2 seriousness, severity: When the shooting started, the gravity of the situation became clear.


yerçekimi, büyüklük, cazibe, çekim - n. 1 a natural force pulling objects to the ground: Objects fall to earth because of the force of gravity. 2 seriousness, severity: When the shooting started, the gravity of the situation became clear.


yetenek, yeterlik, - the quality of being adequately or well qualified physically and intellectually


yeterli, elverişli, uygun - adj. 1 enough, (syn.) sufficient: He makes an adequate salary, enough to pay his bills. 2 not bad, but not very good, (syn.) minimal: Her work is only adequate; I'm not impressed. -n. [U] adequacy /dkwsi/; -adv. adequately.


yetiştirme, terbiye,çocuk bakım ve eğitimi - n. [U] rearing; how parents, teachers, and others give a good or bad education and manners to a young person growing up: Her good manners show she had an excellent upbringing.

all walks of life

yetmiş iki milletten insan


yoksulluk, açlık, fakirlik - n. [U] 1 the lack of money and material possessions, the state of being poor: Poverty often goes hand in hand with disease.||There were very few jobs in the town, and many families lived in poverty. 2 a lack, esp. of s.t. desirable: The length of the report did not hide the poverty of the writer's ideas. Thesaurus: poverty 1 destitution, want, need. Ant. wealth. 2 inadequacy, insufficiency.


yol güzergahı, yolculuk programı, seyahat planı - n. -ies a travel plan, showing places to visit and transportation times: Look on our vacation itinerary to find out when we are flying to London.


yorucu, zahmetli egzos - adj. very tiring: I've had an exhausting day, so I'm going to bed.


yorumlamak, değerlendirmek, çevirmenliğini yapmak, izah etmek, anlamını açıklamak, tefsir - - v. 1 [I;T] to translate (usu. orally) from one language into another: She interprets the French museum guide's words for American tourists. 2 [T] to decide on the meaning of s.t. that is not very clear: I interpret your nod to mean that you agree with me. 3 [T] to show one's own artistic ideas and ability through painting, music, writing, etc.: She is a violinist who interprets Bach brilliantly. -adj. interpretative; interpretive. Thesaurus: interpret 1 to explain to, decipher 2 to understand, read, construe frml. Ant. to misinterpret.


yörünge, çember, etki alanı - n. 1 a path in space followed by a planet, moon, or spacecraft: The space vehicle settled into an orbit around Mars. 2 old usage the range of a person's activity or influence: I'd like to help you, but I'm afraid that's out of my orbit. v. [I;T] to move in an orbit: Planets orbit the sun. -adj. orbital.

exempt from

yükümlülüğünü kaldırmak, muaf tutmak -


yüzey, yeryüzü, birşeyin üst kısmı - n. 1 the outside layer of an object: Rocks found on the beach usually have a smooth surface. 2 the flat top level of s.t.: the surface of a table (a pond, a mirror) 3 outward appearance: On the surface, that looks like a good car, but the engine is bad. 4 to skim the surface: to treat superficially: The solution that you propose only skims the surface of the problem. v. -faced, -facing, -faces 1 [I] to rise to the surface: We saw two whales surface and then dive back into the ocean. 2 [I] to appear: That problem surfaced when our mechanic examined the car. 3 [T] to cover a road with asphalt or paving material: They surfaced the new road last week.


yüzeysel, dış, sığ, derin olmayan - adj. 1 on the surface only; not deep: He gave us a superficial overview of the project. 2 lacking in serious thought, limited in understanding: Her knowledge of the subject is very superficial.


yüzleşmek, göğüs germek, karşı koymak - v. [T] 1 to demand that s.o. explain s.t. that he/she may have done wrong: The owner confronted the employee with the stolen supplies found in his desk. 2 to deal boldly with s.t. difficult or dangerous: I confronted the problem of losing my job by working hard to find another one.||The letter carrier confronted the growling dog and made it move away. -n. [C;U] confrontation /knfrnten/.


yüzleştirmek, karşı durmak, karşı koymak - v. [T] 1 to demand that s.o. explain s.t. that he/she may have done wrong: The owner confronted the employee with the stolen supplies found in his desk. 2 to deal boldly with s.t. difficult or dangerous: I confronted the problem of losing my job by working hard to find another one.||The letter carrier confronted the growling dog and made it move away. -n. [C;U] confrontation /knfrnten/.


yıkmak, imha etmek, yok etmek - v. [T] 1 to pull down, (syn.) to raze: A wrecking team demolished the old building. 2 to destroy: They demolished the enemy. -n.[C;U] demolition /dmltn/.


yırtıcı hayvan, yırtıcı - n. 1 an animal that lives by killing and eating others: Hawks and lions are predators. 2 fig. a person who harms others for his or her own benefit: A swindler is a predator who cheats others. -adj. predatory /prdtri/.


yığmak, kümei kümlemek, istif - v. 1 [I;T] to place one object upon another: to stack boxes 2 to stack the deck: to cheat by creating a situation that is good for oneself and bad for s.o. else: She stacked the deck against you by giving you the wrong pages to study for the test. 3 phrasal v. [I] to stack up: to seem equal (next to s.t. else), to compare to: He's smarter and handsomer; I'll never stack up. n. 1 a group of objects placed one upon the other: a stack of newspapers 2 a chimney or other hollow tube through which smoke passes See: smokestack. 3 (in computers) a section of memory for information adj.vulg. stacked: with large breasts, (syn.) buxom


yığın, birikmek, küme, yığınak - n. 1 a mass or collection of similar material or things laid or thrown together, forming the shape of a small hill: A truck dumped a pile of sand near the road.||His clothes lay in a pile on the floor. 2 a collection of similar things laid one on top of the other: a pile of magazines||a pile of plates 3 often pl. piles a lot, very much: She has piles (or) a pile of homework to do this weekend. 4 infrml. a large amount of money: She made a pile in real estate. v. piled, piling, piles 1 [I;T] to make into a pile: He piled the newspapers on his desk. 2 [T] to load or fill in large amounts: She piled the truck with hay. 3 [T] to go in or out in a disorderly group: The kids piled into the bus. 4 to pile up: to become greater in quantity, (syns.) to accumulate, add up: His debts keep piling up. Thesaurus: pile (1) n. 1 a heap, mound 2 a stack 3 tons, loads 4 a fortune, a killing. v. 1 and 2 to heap, stack 3 to scramble.


yığın, kalabalık, biraraya toplanmak, toplamak, tıkıştırmak - v. -dled, -dling, -dles 1 [I;T] to press closely together: Baby rabbits huddle together next to their mother. 2 [I] (in US football) to meet in a tight group to plan the next move: The Atlanta Falcons huddled, then threw a long pass. 3 fig. [I] to consult, meet: Our department huddled on how to meet the deadline.


zararlı böcek, bitki zararlısı, baş ağrısı, baş belası - n. 1 a small animal or an insect that causes damage to food or crops, or otherwise bothers human beings: Rats, mice, and flies are regarded as pests. 2 an annoying person: The little girl who demands attention all the time is a pest.


zararlı ot, yabani ot - n. a wild plant that is not wanted in a yard or garden: My garden has more weeds than flowers. v. 1 [I;T] to pull out weeds from: I weeded our lawn yesterday, and it looks much nicer. 2 phrasal v. sep. [T] to weed s.t. out: to remove s.t. that is not wanted or needed: The student weeded out the old books he didn't need for school. -adj. weedy.


zirai ilaçlar, böcek ilaçları - n. [C;U] a chemical used to kill pests: Airplanes spread pesticides on crops.


zorunda bıramak, iyilik etmek, minnettar bırakmak - v. obliged, obliging, obliges 1 [T] to require because of law, custom, etc.: We are obliged to stop the car at a red light. 2 [I;T] to help, do a favor for s.o.: He obliged his wife by driving her to the store. 3 to be much obliged (to s.o.): to be very thankful, grateful: I'm much obliged to you for your help.


zorunlu, elzem, gerekli, zaruri - n.frml. [C;U] a requirement, necessity: Ten years' experience is a requisite for the job. See: prerequisite.


zıplamak, fırlamak, sıçrayış


zıt, karşıt, ters, karşıt anlamlı sözcük - v.frml. [I] -versed, -versing, -verses to talk: Two officials conversed about their government's interests.


çabalamak, güç sarfetmek, güç kullanmak - v. [T] 1 to act with power, force, influence, etc.: The manager exerted her authority and demanded better performance from her employees. 2 to exert oneself: to try hard, esp. physically: He exerted himself to get good grades (or) to reach the top of the mountain.


çabalamak, çok gayret etmek, gerginleştirmek, germek, gerilerek zorlanmak (kaslar), zorlamak, süzgeçten geçirmek, süzmek, basınç, baskı, kasma, zorluk, gerginlik, gerilim, soy - v. 1 [I;T] to use great effort: I strained to lift a heavy box.||The singer strained to hit a high note. 2 [T] to cause tension and disagreement: She married s.o. of a different religion, and that strained her relationship with her parents. 3 [T] to stretch a part of one's body until there is pain or damage: I strained a muscle in my back playing baseball. 4 [T] to separate s.t. from s.t. else by passing or pouring it through holes: She strained ocean water and was left with sand and shells. n. 1 [C;U] difficulty, pressure: It was a strain on her finances to buy a new TV. 2 [C] anger, tension: There is a strain in my relationship with my brother. 3 [C] injury: a strain in my neck 4 [C] species, type: a new strain of disease -adj. strained.


çalıştırmak, el ile işletmek, yönlendirmek, - v. [T] -lated, -lating, -lates 1 to handle, change the position of s.t.: A worker manipulates the levers of the bulldozer.||A musician manipulated the strings of a guitar. 2 to influence s.o. or s.t. secretly, esp. for one's own advantage: He manipulated the price of a stock so he could buy it cheaply. -n. [C;U] manipulation /mnpylen/; -adj. manipulative /mnpyltv, letv/.


çap, en - n. the width of a circle, measured by a straight line through its center from side to side: She drew a circle two inches in diameter. Thesaurus: diameter breadth, width (of a circle).


çaresiz, tamir edilemez, düzeltilmez - adj. not able to be fixed or repaired: The storm did irreparable damage to the little houses near the beach.


çarpma, etki, darbe - n. 1 a forceful contact: The meteor made a large impact when it crashed to earth. 2 effect, impression: Poverty has a bad impact on people's health. v.infrml. [I;T] to affect: Lack of food impacted the starving nation. Thesaurus: impact n. 1 a shock, jolt, collision 2 an influence.


çarpı, etki, darbe, tesir - n. 1 a forceful contact: The meteor made a large impact when it crashed to earth. 2 effect, impression: Poverty has a bad impact on people's health. v.infrml. [I;T] to affect: Lack of food impacted the starving nation. Thesaurus: impact n. 1 a shock, jolt, collision 2 an influence.


çarpık, eğilmiş, kavisli, kıvrık


çarpıtmak, şeklini bozmak, gerçek anlamından saptırmak - v. [T] 1 to twist, bend out of shape: Anger distorted his face. 2 to change so as to make false, (syn.) to misrepresent: He distorts the truth.


çarpışma, dövüşme, dövüş, düello - n. [C;U] a violent struggle: Soldiers shoot at each other in combat. v. [T] /kmbt, kmbt/ -bated or -batted, -bating or -batting, -bats to fight against: Police combat crime. -n. combatant /kmbtnt/.


çaydanlık ötüsü, hoşsohbet, keyifli, konforlu, sıcacık, rahat, kuytu

appeal to

çekici gelmek, hoş görünmek -


çekici, ilginçi tuhaf, acayip - adj. -er, -est 1 attractive, often because of being old: What a quaint old house! 2 strange, unusual in a pleasing way: She has a quaint way of speaking. Thesaurus: quaint 1 charming, picturesque | old-fashioned 2 unique, offbeat.


çekimsel, yerçekimi ile ilgili


çekişmeli, tartışmalı, su götürür, ihtilaflı - adj. causing disagreement: Religion and politics are very personal and controversial subjects


çekmek, giderek küçülmek, yavaş yavaş azalmak - v. [I] -dled, -dling, -dles to lessen in number or intensity: By the end of the boring football game, the crowd had dwindled to a few fans.


çekmek, sürüklemek - v. [I;T] to carry a load: Trucks haul sand to build a new road. n. distance: It is a long haul between Chicago and San Francisco. Thesaurus: haul v. to transport s.t., tow | drag, pull. n. way.


çelik, çakmak, katı - n. [U] 1 a much-used, hard metal made of carbon and iron: a ship made of wood and steel 2 fig. great strength or bravery: a pilot who has nerves of steel v. [T] to be prepared for s.t. bad: The man with cancer steeled himself against the pain of chemotherapy.


çelişki, aykırılık, tutarsızlık, zıtlık - n. -cies a disagreement between what s.t. should be and what it appears to be: The published price is $100, but your check is made out for $90; there is a discrepancy there. -adj. discrepant.


çelişmek, aksini iddia etmek, inkar etmek, yalanlamak - v. 1 [I;T] to tell s.o. what he or she says isn't true, (syn.) to dispute: They contradict each other all the time: when he says, "It's white," she says, "It's black." 2 [T] to be different, (syn.) to disagree: The police report about the crime contradicts what a witness says about it. -n. [C;U] contradiction; -adj. contradictory /kntrdktri/.


çerçeve, arka plan - n. 1 a border placed around s.t.: She put the photo in a plastic frame.||The window frames need painting. 2 a supporting structure on which s.t. is built: The frame of the sailboat was constructed in two weeks. 3 the human body: He is a man with a large frame. 4 pl. the part of a pair of eyeglasses into which the lenses are set: Her reading glasses have red frames. 5 the section of a roll of film that develops into a picture: Several frames didn't come out clearly. 6 frame of mind: one's mental attitude at a specific time: She's ill, but in a good frame of mind today. 7 frame of reference: the knowledge and beliefs that affect one's understanding of new information: The philosophy professor's introductory lecture gave us a frame of reference for our first assigned readings. v. [T] framed, framing, frames 1 to place a frame around s.t.: She framed the painting and hung it in the living room. 2 to put together, devise: She framed her response in the form of a question. 3 fig. to arrange the proof of a crime so that an innocent person appears guilty: The accused murderer said that he was framed by his brother. Thesaurus: frame v. 1 to encase, enclose s.t. 2 to prepare, draft, construct 3 to falsely accuse s.o., railroad s.o.


çerçeve, kenar, sayfa kenarı, limit, pay, teminat - n. 1 the side border of a printed page: The margins on a newspaper are blank. 2 the amount of profit that a business earns: Last quarter, our company had a high profit margin. 3 the degree or amount more than what is needed: She won the election by a margin of 5,000 votes. Thesaurus: margin 1 an edge | rim. Ant. center. 2 a surplus 3 an excess.


çete, grup, takım, sürü


çevirmek, fırıl fırıl dönmek


çevre kirliliği - n. [U] contamination of air, earth, or water by pollutants: Many countries battle constantly to reduce pollution.


çeşit çeşit, türlü - adj. varied, different from each other: New York City has a diverse population, including many Asians, African-Americans, and Puerto Ricans.


çeşit çeşit, çeşitli, farklı - adj. varied, different from each other: New York City has a diverse population, including many Asians, African-Americans, and Puerto Ricans.


çeşit, çeşitlilik, cins, fark - n. [U] -ties 1 variety: Diversity in one's diet such as eating vegetables, fruit, fish, and grains is important for good health. 2 [U] differences among people in race, ethnic group, religion, etc.: the diversity of the American people 3 [C] a diversity of opinion: disagreement: There is a diversity of opinion about what to do.


çeşitli sistem ve kaynaklardan derlenmiş, derleme, derleyen, adj. choosing from a variety of sources or styles: She has eclectic tastes in collecting art. -n. [U] eclecticism.


çift taraflı, iki tarflı, iki tarafı keskin -


çok büyük, dev gibi, devasa - adj. very big, huge, (syn.) colossal: The statues of past presidents were gargantuan in size.


çok büyük, iri, dağ gibi, dağlık

a great deal of time

çok fazla zaman


çok güzel, harikai ilahi, kutsal, kehanette bulunmak - adj. 1 heavenly, related to a godly force: Do you believe in a divine power that controls all life? 2 fig. excellent, wonderful: We attended a divine party last night. -adv. divinely. v. [I;T] -vined, -vining, -vines to guess, know by intuition: The wise man divined the truth. n.frml. a Christian minister or priest


çok katlı


çok katlı bina, yüksek bina - n.adj. a tall building: We live in a <n.> high-rise or a <adj.> high-rise apartment building in New York.


çok küçük, cüzi, minik - adj. related to the least, minimal amount of s.t.: The pay for working as a clerk in that store is minuscule.


çok uluslu, geniş görüşlü, dünyanın birçok yerine ait olan veya oraları bilen - adj. from or of many parts of the world, (syn.) international: Hong Kong is a cosmopolitan city with people from all over the world. n. [C] a sophisticated person who is comfortable anywhere: She is a cosmopolitan who speaks seven languages and has apartments in several foreign cities.


çok çalışmış, fazla çalışmış


çok, epeyce, oldukça


çokluk, izdiham, kalabalık, izdiham yaratmak - n.frml. a mob, large group of people: A throng of people gathered to hear the political candidate. v. [I;T] to form into a group: Fans thronged around the celebrity.


çoğalmak, üremek, yaymak - v. -gated, -gating, -gates 1 [I;T] to breed, reproduce and spread: Plants propagated near the pond and gradually covered it over. 2 [T] to transmit, make public: The church propagates its religious message to the world. -n. [U] propagation.


çoğaltmak, kopyasını çıkarmak, döl vermek, yeniden üremek - v. -duced, -ducing, -duces 1 [I;T] to make copies of s.t.: The teacher reproduced copies of an article for the class to read. 2 [T] (in biology) to have babies: Mice reproduce very quickly. -n. reproducer; -adj. reproducible.


çoğul kullanılır ufak ayrıntılar - As far as he was concerned, the minutiae could not be overlooked.


çukur, kazı işi, kazma, the act of digging


çöplük, çöp dökmek, fiyat kırmak, indirmek, boşaltmak - n. 1 a place where trash is put: We put our garbage out by the street for a truck to pick up and take to the town dump. 2 fig. a dirty, messy place: This apartment (room, house) is a dump! 3 output of computer data: I did a dump of our inventory records. 4 fig. down in the dumps: sad, depressed: He failed his exam and is down in the dumps about it. v. [T] 1 to drop or unload suddenly or carelessly: The truck dumped a load of sand in the road. 2 infrml.fig. to suddenly end a personal relationship with: She dumped her boyfriend for another guy. 3 to sell (goods) in large quantity at a low price to reduce an oversupply or to win a greater share of the market from competitors: That company is dumping their products there, trying to secure a place in that market. Thesaurus: dump n. 1 a garbage dump, junk pile 2 a pigsty, trash heap. v. 1 to empty, deposit, discharge 2 to ditch s.o. 3 to flood the market.


çözülmez, erimez, halledilmez - adj. 1 not able to be dissolved in liquid: Oil is insoluble in water. 2 not able to be solved: That math problem is insoluble.


çözünmek, erimek, feshetmek, dağılmak, son ermek , v. -solved, -solving, -solves 1 [I;T] to put s.t., like sugar or powder, into a liquid and make it seem to disappear: The powder dissolved in water. 2 [T] to end (an association, group, or contract): to dissolve a marriage (a formal meeting, business, etc.) 3 [I] fig. to break down emotionally: She dissolved into tears at the news.


çıkarma, yayma, yayım,verme, emisyon - n. [C;U] s.t. that is sent out, (syn.) a discharge: Automobiles and trucks produce emissions that pollute the air.


çıtırtı, çatırtı, çarpma, yarık


çığır açan, klavuz, öncü


öbek, yığın, küme, yığıntı - n. a pile of s.t., (syn.) a mound: The garbage dump contains heaps of trash. v. [T] to pile up: The party guests heaped gifts on the table.


ödüllendirilme, something given because a person has done something good


ön gereksinim, ön ihtiyaç


ön gereksinim, ön ihtiyaç -

for the foreseeable future

ön görülebilir, tahmin edilebilir gelecekte


ön yargı, meyil, etki altında bırakmak, fikrini etkilemek - tarafsızlığını bozmak - n. -es 1 a general tendency: She has a bias against wasting money. 2 prejudice: He has a bias against people who wear glasses. 3 on the bias: (of clothing) on a slant, angled adj. biased: inclined: He is biased against spending (glasses, the plan, etc.).


ön yargılı, taraflı, eğilimli


ön yargısız, taraf tutmayan, yansız - adj. not biased or prejudiced, neutral: His unbiased attitude toward all people made him a fair judge.


ön şart, ön koşul, önceden gerekli olan Ex. "Latin was a prerequisite for admission"


ön, ön hazırlık, başlangıç, başlangıç niteliğindeki - n. -ies a preparation for some event: Before the test began, our teacher went through the preliminaries of explaining how long it would take, where to write your name, etc. adj. related to preparations: Diplomats held preliminary meetings before the presidents of their countries met to sign the treaty.


önceki kimse, ata - During his first year as President he managed to achieve / accomplish / fulfil a lot more than his predecessor had in the previous five.


öncül - The company couldn't aford to move to new premises but were able to reach / secure an agreement for a new lease.


önem vermek, üzerinde durmak, vurgulamak - v. [T] -ated, -ating, -ates to show the importance of s.t., (syn.) to emphasize: The Mayor's speech accentuated the need to get rid of poverty and disease.


önkoşul, öncelikle gerekli olan,öncelikle bulunması gereken - n. a requirement, s.t. that must be done before doing s.t. else: The prerequisite for the advanced course in math is basic math.


önlemek, yasaklamak - v. [T] 1 to ban by order or law: The law prohibits people from killing each other. 2 to prevent from happening, block: A severe storm prohibited people from going to work. -adj. prohibitive. Thesaurus: prohibit 1 to forbid, not allow. Ants. to permit, allow. 2 to stop, preclude. Ant. to let.


örneklerle göstermek, örnek oluşturmak, örneklendirmek - It exemplifies the style that is becoming increasingly popular with town planners.


üniversitede danışman, amir, denetçi, gözetici, müdür - n. a person who supervises others and their work: a supervisor of a manufacturing operation Thesaurus: supervisor a manager, an overseer, foreman.


üst üste bindirmek, birbiri üzerine geçmek, çakışmak, kesişmek - v. -lapped, -lapping, -laps 1 [I;T] to have a part of one object over another, to cover s.t. partly: His sweater overlaps the top of his pants. 2 [I] fig.to have s.t. in common, (syn.) to coincide: Our visits overlapped by a few days.


üstlenmek, girişmek, taahhüt etmek - v. [T] -took /tk/, -taken /tekn/, -taking, -takes 1 to accept and begin work on s.t. usu. large and serious: The government will undertake the building of a large courthouse. 2 to try, (syn.) to endeavor(çabalamak, gayret etmek, uğraşmak ): He undertook the job of trying to have the government pass a law against polluters.


ılımlı, kısmen, bir dereceye kadar


ılımlı, ılımlı bir politika izleyen




ısrar etmek, inaçtı, inat etmek - v. [I] 1 to continue steadily in the same manner in spite of obstacles or opposition: He persisted in asking her to marry him until she finally said, "Yes." 2 to continue to exist longer than usual or expected: The rain persisted all night.

heat up / cool down

ısınmak, soğumak


ışık dizisi, göz kamaştıktan sonraki görüntü, görüntü - n. -tra or -trums 1 the distribution of radiation across frequencies, esp. of light across its colors: the color spectrum 2 a wide range: We have a whole spectrum of problems to solve.


ışın, demet, hüzme / beam of light: ışık demeti

on condition that

şartıyla - Many developed countries are willing to waive the Third World debt on condition that the money is reinvested in education and medicine - On condition that is the most formal expression, and is generally stronger than the other words and expressions.


şerit, çubuk, soymak, soyulmak, giysisini çıkarmak


egyptian kings




known and admired by a lot of people, especially for a special skill, achievement, or quality; famous

Carbon Dioxide Emissions (n) (Carbon Dioxide Emissions can have a negative effect on the environment)

Carbon Dioxide gas from cars, factories etc.


equal amounts


magnificence, shine


to calculate the value of something and express it as a number or an amount


to calculate the value or cost of something


to understand or think of something or someone in a particular way


to worry about something, especially when there is no need


to buy something


form or compose


get something that you want, especially through your own effort, skill, or work


very bad luck, or something that happens to you as a result of bad luck

Resource (n) (Competition over natural resources such as water and oil, often causes war)

A useful or valuable possession (e.g. money, oil, water, food) or quality (e.g. intelligence, time, knowledge).

Global Warming (n) (Due to global warming, the temperature of the earth has risen significantly over the last 100 years)

A rise in the temperature of the earth that could be very dangerous to the environment. Many scientists believe this change is due to human activity and must be stopped.

Catastrophe (n) (Catastrophic, adj) (Global Warming could lead to an environmental catastrophe. War often results in a catastrophic loss of human life)

An terrible event or situation that causes great destruction.


to control someone or something or to have more importance than other people or things


to do the things that are necessary to complete a job; to move goods from one place to another

Sustainable Development (n) (Instead of thinking only about short-term profit, we must think about sustainable development which will not harm the environment)

Economic development that does not damage the environment and can therefore continue for a long time.

Fossil Fuel (n) (We must find alternatives to Fossil Fuels if we want to stop climate change)

Fuels such as gas, coal and oil, which were formed underground from plant and animal bodies millions of years ago.

Waste Disposal (n) (Eco-friendly waste disposal is very important for the environment)

Getting rid of products that have been used and you don't need any more (e.g. rubbish, nuclear waste)

Poverty (n) (Poverty is one of the greatest problems facing world leaders today)

Having very little money.

Life Expectancy (n) (The average life expectancy in Afghanistan is much lower than in the USA)

How many years a person is likely to live.

Environment (n) (We must protect the environment if we want to continue to live on Earth)

Our surroundings, the natural world.

Conservation (n) (VERB: To Conserve) (Conservation of the world's resources is essential)

Preservation of the world's resources.

Factor (n) (Some of the factors affecting the Environment at the moment include Global Warming and a shortage of natural resources)

Something that has an effect on a situation.

Literacy (n) (Literacy rates are usually higher in developed countries)

The ability to read and write.

Solution (n) (The solution to many environmental problems is sustainable development)

The answer to a problem.


to give money, help, ideas etc to something that a lot of other people are also involved in

Standard of Living (n) (HIGH/LOW) (People in rich countries have a high standard of living, people in poor countries generally have a low standard of living)

The level of enjoyment, comfort and wealth in someone's life.

Healthcare (n) (A good standard of healthcare is one of the most important factors in improving life expectancy)

The medical services provided for sick people.

Criteria (n) (IELTS measures your English Language ability on several criteria: Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening)

The standard/s by which you measure or judge something.

The Greenhouse Effect (n) (One of the biggest threats to the environment is the Greenhouse Effect)

The warming of the earth's surface caused by pollution.

To take responsibility FOR something (v) (Parents must take responsibility for their children. Governments must take responsibility for reducing carbon emissions in their countries)

To accept that it is your job to look after something.


a place for the burial of a corpse (especially beneath the ground and marked by a tombstone)

International Cooperation (n) (International cooperation is essential to finding a solution to climate change)

When many countries work together.


bigger, better, or worse than anything else


fairly large, especially large enough to have an effect or be important


far from towns or other places where people live; isolated


the most basic and important quality of something; a liquid obtained from a plant, flower etc that has a very strong smell or taste


the number of people living in a particular area


the official home of a person of very high rank, especially a king or queen


highest in excellence or achievement


maintained at length without interruption or weakening


related to business and the buying and selling of goods and services


the ritual placing of a corpse in a grave


someone who changes writing into a different language; interpreter


something that you are trying hard to achieve, especially in business or politics; goal


special attention or importance


to protect a person, place, or object by staying near them and watching them


to provide money, especially a lot of money, to pay for something; to fund


to respect and like someone because they have done something that you think is good


to show something to people, or put it in a place where people can see it easily


to accept that you are responsible for a piece of work, and start to do it


the activities that are involved in managing the work of a company, government or organization


the condition of having a paid job


to buy and sell goods, services etc as your job or business


wealth, success


when people have money and everything that is needed for a good life


when something happens to you or is done to you


when you know that something will happen or what someone will do

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