Zoo 3731 Final Quiz Questions

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Our nervous system changes throughout our lives. We are always learning new things and creating new memories because of ________.


The terms thick and thin skin refer to the relative thickness of the: a.entire integument b. cutaneous and subcutaneous layers c.epidermis only D. dermis only

c. epidermis only

Increased levels of calcium in the blood of a pregnant woman would stimulate the secretion of: -calcitonin -thyroid hormone - calcitriol -parathyroid hormone -growth hormone


Which statement is CORRECT in regards to the ventral gray horn:

-It is involved with motor information output. -Dorsal is sensory

The depression that separates the frontal and parietal lobes is named: Central sulcus Posterior median fissure Longitudinal fissure Anterior median sulcus

Central sulcus

The structure(s) that stabilizes the spinal cord within the vertebral canal is the:

Denticulate ligaments.

Robert was out in the hot sun playing soccer. What part of the brain is responsible for causing Robert to sweat in order to maintain homeostatic temperature in the body. Cerebrum Hypothalamus Pons Mesencephalon


A patient complains of difficulty maintaining an erection. What artery that supplies blood to the genitalia is most likely affected?

Internal Iliac Artery

Which pair of blood vessels work as collateral circulation? -Azygous vein and femoral vein -Superior vena cava and pulmonary artery - Internal carotid artery and vertebral artery -Thoracic aorta and abdominal aorta

Internal carotid artery and vertebral artery

What cranial nerve(s) is/ are responsible for the innervation of ALL of our extrinsic eye muscles:

Oculomotor nerve, trochlear nerve and abducens nerve.

Which type of epithelium below would function to help the egg reach the uterus?

ciliated simple columnar epithelium


depression in an organ where blood vessels and nerves enter and leave

The process of a bone will be able to articulate with which bone marking of another bone? a. tuberosity b. foramen c. fissure d. facet e. fossa

e. fossa

Which layer below belongs to the integumentary system, but is not part of the skin?


Why are hemidesmosomes important tight junctions?

it holds the basal part of the epithelial cells attached to the basal lamina

The ankle is said to be distal to the _______________ but proximal to the __________. -hallux; femur -metacarpals; femur -femur; patella - patella; metatarsals -tibia; metatarsals

patella; metatarsals

Which of the following makes up the appendicular skeleton?

pelvic girdle, pectoral girdle, upper and lower limbs

The ____________ is the pacemaker of the heart. However, impulses from the ___________________ can modify the pacemaker activity and with that it makes our heart rate speed up or slow down.

sinoatrial (SA) node; autonomic nervous system

During long bone development where is the epiphyseal plate located? -in the medullary cavity - in the metaphysis -in the diaphysis -in the shaft -in the epiphysis

- in the metaphysis

following arteries supply blood to the heart muscle cells

-Left coronary artery Anterior -interventricular artery -Right coronary artery

secretin and cholecystokinin

-inhibits the stomach while stimulating the pancreas -secretin releases buffers

Which of the following statements best represents the roles of facial nerve and trigeminal nerve:

Facial nerve is related to facial expressions and trigeminal nerve is related to sensations on the face.

The cells of the CNS that are responsible for the phagocytosis of damaged nervous tissue and infectious agents are: a. Oligodendrocytes b. Microglial cells c. Satellite cells d. Schwann cells

Microglial cells

The name of the structure found only in the right ventricle that functions to prevent overexpansion of the thin-walled right ventricle is known as: -Pectinate muscle - Moderator band -Papillary Muscle -Chordeae Tendineae

Moderator band

Which vessels collect blood from capillaries?


Which of the statements below is correct about connective tissue?

abundant extracellular material between cells

Which structure of the osteon will allow communication of one osteocyte with another osteocyte? -periosteum - canaliculi -lacunae -concentric lamellae -endosteum


Which term below is defined by the fact that cells present in the epithelium are going to be tightly packed together with little or no space between them? -polarity - cellularity -avascularity -circularity -multipolarity


The __________ (cells) secrete ___________ that forms the reticular lamina of the basement membrane. -fibroblasts; elastin -epithelial cells; collagen -epithelial; elastin -fibroblasts; collagen -fibroblasts; ground substance

fibroblasts; collagen

Which cranial bones form the orbit? -frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid -frontal, parietal, temporal, sphenoid and ethmoid -lacrimal, nasal, sphenoid, ethmoid - maxilla, frontal, palatine, zygomatic, lacrimal -zygomatic, lacrimal, maxilla, palatine

frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid

______ veins carry oxygenated blood from the ______ to the ______. Systemic; lungs; heart Pulmonary; lungs; heart Systemic; heart; body Pulmonary; heart, body

Pulmonary; lungs; heart

Which describes the basic connectivity of a reflex arc?

Receptor --> Sensory Neuron --> Interneuron --> Motor Neuron --> Effector

Layer of dense connective tissue that covers the entire eye ball except the cornea is called: uvea sclera conjuctiva pigmented layer


oropharynx and laryngopharynx

stratified squamous epithelium

Endothelium is a type of epithelium that can be found on (the): a. respiratory tract b. blood vessels c. urinary bladder d. glands e. ducts

b. blood vessels

does accurately describe the anatomical position

-Head is level with eyes looking forward -Arms are at either side of the body -Subject is standing upright with feet parallel -Feet are positioned straight with toes facing forward

When we eat, chemical molecules that are present in the food mix up with the saliva and bind __________________. These chemical molecules serve as stimuli that are transduced by the gustatory hairs into action potentials that travel until the ________________ where we find the gustatory cortex and we become aware of the taste. -chemoreceptors; insula -mechanoreceptors; frontal lobe -proprioceptors; parietal lobe -nociceptors; temporal lobe

-chemoreceptors; insula

The area of the eye with the sharpest vision is the?

Fovea centralis

Which of the following would activate a phasic receptor:

Getting used to the odor in a swamp.

Which of the following is FALSE about the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)? -It protects and supports the brain. -It is produced in the choroid plexus of the ventricles in our brain. -It fills up the central canal. -It makes up the blood brain barrier (BBB).

It makes up the blood brain barrier (BBB).

Motor neurons and interneurons are: a. Pseudounipolar neurons b. Unipolar neurons c. Multipolar neurons d. Bipolar neurons

Multipolar neurons

The tricuspid valve prevents backflow of blood from the:

Right ventricle into the right atrium

Capillaries that have walls that allow the passage of entire cells are named______________. Where could these type of capillaries be found?

Sinusoid capillaries; Liver -Fenestrated: capillaries have a fenestrated epithelium -Poriferous; full of pores or vessels or holes

the following is a bone located in the middle ear?

Stapes Malleus Incus

Select the TRUE statement regarding arteries and veins.

The blood pressure in the aorta is always higher than the pressure in the superior vena cava.

While looking at a transverse section of the spinal cord, what color should you observe closer to the outside and what gives rise to this color?

White; Myelin Sheath

A nerve impulse is caused by the influx of the following ions into the neuron: a. Sodium ions b. Potassium ions c. Sodium and Potassium ions d. Calcium ions

a. Sodium ions

Which of the following describes a central canal of a bone?

contains blood vessels

The major pathway of communication between the right and left cerebrum hemispheres is the:

corpus callosum

Which of the following bones can be considered either an irregular or a flat bone? vertebra: Irregular sphenoid: temporal: Irregular scapula: Flat Bone coxal


Cell bodies of the sensory neurons of the spinal nerves are located in the: a. dorsal root ganglia b. thalamus c. hypothalamus d. ventral root ganglia

dorsal root ganglia

In which layer(s) of the skin of the forearm would you find keratinocytes? Make sure to place them in order from the most superficial to the most deep.

stratum corneum, stratum granulosum, stratum spinosum, stratum basale

The occipital lobe contains the:

visual cortex

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