1 and 2 Samuel Test

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The key chapters of 2 Samuel are _________ because they talk about ______________.

11 and 12...David's sin with Bathsheba and God confronting him through Nathan

Of the 150 Psalms, how many did David write?


What is a medium?

A medium is someone who communicates with spirits.

I killed my half-brother. I stole my father's throne and slept with his wives. I got caught in a tree by my hair.


My words were like one who inquired of God. My master took Hushai's advise instead of mine so I hanged myself.


I pretended I was sick so I could rape my half-sister. I refused to marry her. My half-brother killed me


When was 2 Samuel written?

At the same time as 1 Samuel (around 930 BC)

I was married to Uriah. My first son died. My second son was Solomon.


God established my throne and gave me everything. I committed adultery and used a murder to cover my sin.


Match the example of typology in 1 and 2 Samuel with why it is a type of Christ. He was the king who was promised he would have a descendant rule for eternity. The Messiah is called his son.


Match the key person to his/her description. God's choice for king; a man after God's own heart who sinned but repented


The key word of 2 Samuel is...


List at least three (3) unique characteristics that describe David. Do not use two different words that mean the same thing (like "happy" and "glad").

David is after God's heart, brave, and humble.

We see Christ in 2 Samuel through...

David, who is promised a descendant will sit on his throne for eternity Correct

Choosing friends because of what they can do for me is a good application of the big idea of this book. Select one: True False


David was no longer a man after God's own heart after his sin. True or False?


Predominantly, 1 Samuel describes the events of the reign of Solomon. TRUE OR FALSE?


Samuel did a good thing appointing his sons as judges over Israel TRUE OR FALSE?


God tells Samuel the people are not rejecting Samuel but __________ when they ask for a king.


Match the key person to his/her description. Was childless, cried out to God from her anguish, had Samuel, gave him back to God


What was David's first mistake/sin?

He didn't go to war when kings are supposed to go to war

What does Saul do in response to Samuel's command regarding the Amalekites?

He kills everything except a few sheep, cows, and the king.

What does Saul do when God doesn't answer his prayer?

He seeks a medium.

When David sees Bathsheba bathing, what should he have done?

He should have looked away or gone inside

David refuses to wear Saul's armor because he isn't used to it. What does he take to battle Goliath instead?

He takes a slingshot and 5 stones.

When Uriah refuses to go home to his wife, what does David do next?

He tells Joab to put him on the front line then pull the troops back so Uriah will die. Correct

What does David want to do that prompts God to speak to him through Nathan in chapter 7?

He wants to build a house for God/a temple

Why does David send for Uriah the Hittite?

He wants to cover up his sin

Why does David refuse to kill Saul even though he had more than one opportunity? Your answer should be at least THREE (3) complete sentences.

He would not kill the person God had anointed. Saul felt remorse for what he had done. He also felt thankful because David had two chances to kill Saul, but he did not.

From our discussion of David's life in 2 Samuel, what can you do in your own life to guard against giving into temptation? List at least two specific things you can do (or already do) in your life.

I can pray that I will turn away from sin to guard against giving into to temptation, and I can have some kind of accountability to make sure that I am doing the right things.

What does it mean when Jonathan takes off his robe, "along with his tunic, and even his sword, his bow and his belt" and gives them to David?

It means he knew David would be king.

I was captain of David's army. I killed Abner. I tried to stop him from taking the census.


Match the example of typology in 1 and 2 Samuel with why it is a type of Christ. It means "anointed one". The anointing of kings in 1 Samuel point to the One who would come.


I was a prophet. I told David one of his descendants would live forever. I confronted David's sin.


Why did David take a census of the fighting men in 2 Samuel 24?


Match the example of typology in 1 and 2 Samuel with why it is a type of Christ. He was prophet, priest, and judge as Jesus is prophet, priest, and king.


Match the key person to his/her description. Prophet, priest, and last judge. He would do a circuit around Israel once each year to share God's word with the people.


Match the key person to his/her description. The king just like the nations around them; disobeyed God and lost his kingdom; showed remorse but not repentance


List at least three (3) unique characteristics that describe Saul. Do not use two different words that mean the same thing (like "happy" and "glad").

Saul was fearful, unstable, and jealous.

Samuel tells Saul he had done a foolish thing by not waiting for him to come. What is the long term effect of his disobedience?

Saul's sons wouldn't be appointed.

What are the key verses in 2 Samuel and why are they important?

The key verses are 2 Samuel 7:12-16. They are important because God tells David that he will always have a heir.

Why doesn't Saul send anyone to fight Goliath?

They are afraid of him, but David goes to fight because Goliath was mocking God.

Why did Jonathan and David become such good friends?

They had the same heart.

How do the people respond when Samuel describes what a king will do to them?

They want a king even though they'd be like slaves.

What punishment does David choose following the census?

Three days of plague

Match the section of 2 Samuel with the word that describes it. 2 Samuel 11-14


Match the section of 2 Samuel with the word that describes it. 2 Samuel 1-10


Match the section of 2 Samuel with the word that describes it. 2 Samuel 15-24


During Samuel's leadership, the people of Israel, wanting to be like the nations, demanded a king. TRUE OR FALSE?


In our class discussion, we said that 1 Samuel 16, 17, and 18 were not chronological but more thematic. Select one: True False


In our class discussion, we talked about how we are most vulnerable to temptation after a victory or extremely positive experience. True or False?


Originally, the books of 1 and 2 Samuel were placed together as one book in the Hebrew Bible. TRUE OR FALSE?


The key word of 2 Samuel appears 267 times in the book. True or False?


The people tell Samuel that he is old and his sons don't follow the Lord so give them a king. TRUE OR FALSE?


When Jonathan and David renew their covenant, Jonathan asks that David promise not to harm his family after he becomes king. Select one: True False


Who wrote 1 Samuel?


What is it about desperation that it motivates us to take our prayer life and walk with God more seriously?

Whenever we go through a hard time, we realize how much we need God and need to talk to him.

1 Samuel 8:7 - "And the Lord said to Samuel, "Listen to the voice of the people in regard to all that they say to you, for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected _____________ from being king over them." a. Me b. David c. Solomon d. Saul


A key word of 1 Samuel is ______. It refers to God's reaction to those who do not accept him or do not obey his commands. a. reject b. anoint c. glory d. pray


David and Abishai sneak into Saul's camp while he is sleeping. What do they do? Select one: a. They steal Saul's spear and water jug. b. They break jars and blow trumpets. c. They cut off a piece of Saul's tunic. d. Abishai kills Saul. Feedback


How does David convince Saul to let him fight Goliath? Select one: a. He tells him how he protected his sheep from a lion and a bear. b. He tells him that he always wins when he wrestles his big brothers. c. He shows him his mad sword skills. d. He says he has a secret weapon that can defeat the giant.


Match the description with what it tells us about David's heart at that time: David was patient for the Lords' timing; he inquired of the Lord before doing anything (1-5). a. A humble/patient/following heart b. A repentant heart c. A vulnerable heart d. A broken heart


Match the key verse with it's reference. But the Lord said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." a. 1 Samuel 16:7 b. 1 Samuel 15:22-23 c. 1 Samuel 8:6-7


Match the person to what they were do or say in 1 Samuel 14. I am with you heart and soul a. Jonathan's armor-bearer b. Saul and Jonathan c. Jonathan and his armor-bearer d. King Saul e. Jonathan


What does it mean that Saul and David were anointed? Select one: a. They were set apart for God's purposes. b. They were given more strength and intelligence than normal people. c. They were the kings the people wanted. d. They were called to judge Israel.


What does it mean that obedience is better than sacrifice? Select one: a. God does not want half-hearted obedience. b. Giving up everything for God is better than doing the right thing c. God wants half-hearted obedience d. No one has to sacrifice anymore


What is the sign to Jonathan and his armor-bearer that God has given the Philistines into their hands? Select one: a. They call down, "Come up here and we'll teach you a lesson!" b. They throw rocks and boulders down on them c. They call down, "Stay there and we'll come to you!" d. They shoot arrows over their heads


When Samuel goes to see Jesse, he thinks Jesse's oldest son is the one he should anoint king. What does God say? Select one: a. You look at the physical appearance, I look at the heart. b. You look at the heart, I look at the intelligence. c. You look at the physical appearance, I look at the intelligence. d. You look at the outside, I look for wisdom.


Samuel tells Saul that after he is made king he should: 1. Do __________ 2. Go to __________ 3. Wait __________ for Samuel to come 4. Samuel will __________ and tell Saul what to do a. whatever his hand finds to do b. Mizpah c. your duty d. two weeks e. bring the word f. make offerings g. one month h. seven days i. foretell the future j. the right thing k. Gilgal l. Beersheba

a, k, h, f

When was Psalm 51 written?

after Nathan had confronted his sin with Bathsheba

Match the description with what it tells us about David's heart at that time: David's words in Psalm 51; "create in me a clean heart, Oh God!" a. A humble/patient/following heart b. A repentant heart c. A vulnerable heart d. A broken heart


Match the key verse with it's reference. But Samuel replied: "Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the Lord? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams. For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil of idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, he has rejected you as king." a. 1 Samuel 16:7 b. 1 Samuel 15:22-23 c. 1 Samuel 8:6-7


Match the person to what they were do or say in 1 Samuel 14. They had the only two weapons for Israel a. Jonathan's armor-bearer b. Saul and Jonathan c. Jonathan and his armor-bearer d. King Saul e. Jonathan


One of the key words in 1 Samuel is _______. It means to consecrate or dedicate to God's service. a. pray b. anoint c. glory d. reject


Saul has only 3000 soldiers with him and the Philistines decide to attack. What is the attitude of the soldiers? Select one: a. indifferent - whatever happens is no big deal b. scared - they hide in caves and cisterns c. happy - they will finally see battle! d. brave - they are ready for the battle


Saul has waited the appointed number of days, but Samuel isn't there yet. He soldiers are leaving. He is afraid. What does he do? Select one: a. Calls for the seer b. Offers the sacrifice himself c. Attacks the Philistine outpost d. Makes a treaty with the Philistines


When the Philistines move to attack Saul and the Israelites in 1 Samuel 28, what does Saul do? Select one: a. He visits a medium. b. He inquires of the Lord. c. He makes an offering. d. He attacks the Philistines.


Why had Saul sent away the mediums and spiritists? Select one: a. God did not like the competition because he is a jealous God b. Seeking one was a sin for a Hebrew and because God had said they should be put to death c. Saul could not figure out a good way to charge them taxes for what they did d. God wanted to confuse the people and keep them unclear on what to do


Choose all the things Samuel told they people they must do in his farewell speech. Select one or more: a. Do what is right in your own eyes b. Do not rebel and disobey c. Serve and obey God d. Set up altars in the hill country e. Fear God

b, c, e

"Seer" was an old-fashioned word for _____________. Select one: a. slave b. king c. prophet d. priest


How does Saul die? Select one: a. His armor bearer stabs him with his own sword b. Saul gets an infection from his wounds and dies a slow, painful death c. Saul falls on his own sword d. The Philistine archers hit him with an arrow


Match the description with what it tells us about David's heart at that time: David had seen God win victories and had been told his throne would endure forever so he stayed home when it was time for kings to go to war (7-10). a. A humble/patient/following heart b. A repentant heart c. A vulnerable heart d. A broken heart


Match the key verse with it's reference. But when they said, "Give us a king to lead us," this displeased Samuel; so he prayed to the Lord. And the Lord told him: "Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king. a. 1 Samuel 16:7 b. 1 Samuel 15:22-23 c. 1 Samuel 8:6-7


Match the person to what they were do or say in 1 Samuel 14. Going to attack the Philistine outpost a. Jonathan's armor-bearer b. Saul and Jonathan c. Jonathan and his armor-bearer d. King Saul e. Jonathan


Saul wanders into a cave in which David and his men are hiding. What does David do? Select one: a. He kills Saul. b. He takes his water jug. c. He cuts off a piece of Saul's robe d. He knocks Saul unconscious.


What is the big idea of 1 Samuel? Select one: a. God will deliver you every time if you just believe b. If you have faith, you can do anything c. God looks at the heart d. If you have God you have everything


What is the result of Jonathan and his armor-bearer's attack? Select one: a. They are both killed b. Samuel tells Jonathan, "Well done good and faithful servant." c. They kill twenty Philistines and the Philistines are thrown into confusion d. Jonathan survives, but the armor-bearer is killed


Why does Saul kill all the priests at Nob? Select one: a. Saul converted to the Philistine religion b. Saul sees this as a godly thing to do c. They had helped David d. Saul thought David was hiding among them


Why does Saul disguise himself when he goes to see the medium in Endor? (There are TWO (2) correct answers) Select one or more: a. He has to sneak through passport control and customs without being known b. He doesn't want the Israelite newspapers to know what he did c. He doesn't want people to see his hypocrisy d. He has to sneak around the Philistine army without being seen e. He is afraid that David will hunt him down and kill him

c, d

As a boy living with Eli, where did Samuel sleep? Select one: a. He had a nice bedroom b. He had his own apartment c. In the backroom with Moses' staff d. On the floor with the ark of the covenant


Match the description with what it tells us about David's heart at that time: David had been rebuked by Nathan after his sin with Bathsheba (11-12). a. A humble/patient/following heart b. A repentant heart c. A vulnerable heart d. A broken heart


Match the person to what they were do or say in 1 Samuel 14. Sitting under a pomegranate tree. a. Jonathan's armor-bearer b. Saul and Jonathan c. Jonathan and his armor-bearer d. King Saul e. Jonathan


What does Samuel say a king will do to the people of Israel? Select one: a. Keep them safe b. Lead them to God c. Make them rich d. Make them his slaves


What is a good word to describe Saul based on our conversations about him? Select one: a. faith b. holy c. seer d. fear


Why does David fight Goliath? Select one: a. David is greedy and wants the reward b. David knows he will win c. David thinks a lot of himself d. It's the right thing to do, Goliath was mocking God.


Why does Saul want David to marry his daughter Michal? Select one: a. He enjoys awkward family dinners. b. He loves David like a son. c. He plans on using Michal to kill David. d. He wants an alliance with David so he can keep an eye on him.


After the ark of the covenant had been returned by the Philistines, the people of Israel turned back to God. They did three things that showed their seriousness: 1. They __________ 2. They __________ 3. They __________ a. wore sackcloth b. poured out water before the Lord c. poured out wine and oil d. got rid of their idols e. ate a feast f. fasted g. looked inside the ark

d, b, f

What does Samuel tell Saul to do to the Amalekites?

destroy everything

Match the person to what they were do or say in 1 Samuel 14. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving whether by many or by few. a. Jonathan's armor-bearer b. Saul and Jonathan c. Jonathan and his armor-bearer d. King Saul e. Jonathan


What happens the day after Saul visits the medium? Select one: a. Israel loses the battle b. David kills Saul c. Saul repents of his sin and God blesses him d. Saul and his sons die e. Saul and his sons die and Israel loses the battle


Three things that were true of Eli: 1. He was __________ 2. He had __________ 3. He __________ a. a king b. knew about their sin but did nothing c. stopped his sons' sinning d. two good sons e. a prophet f. a priest g. two wicked sons

f, g, b

Three things that are true about Samuel: 1. The Lord called to him __________ before he responded. 2. God told him that __________. 3. God did not let __________. a. all his words fail b. Eli's sin would never be atoned for c. Eli would be forgiven d. him be disgraced e. Eli's sons could be judges f. two times g. any of his words fall to the ground h. three times i. five times

h, b, g

_____ turn _____ into troubles

sin, triumphs

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