101-200 SPM

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c.scope definition

Good ____ is very important to project success because it helps improve the accuracy of time, cost, and resource estimates, it defines a baseline for performance measurement and project control, and it aides in communicating clear work responsibilities. a.scope planning b.scope management c.scope definition d.scope verification


On a network diagram, all arrowheads should face toward the ____. a.top b.left c.right d.bottom

b. Work performance information

Which of the following is an important input to the integrated change control process? a. Deliverables b. Work performance information c. Approved and rejected change requests d. Approved and validated defect repair

a.Tracking Gantt chart

Project managers often illustrate progress with a ____ showing key deliverables and activities. a.Tracking Gantt chart b.Gantt chart c.network diagram d.PERT chart

d.mind mapping

After discovering WBS items and structure using the ____ technique, you could then translate the information into chart or tabular form. a.analogy b.bottom-up c.top-down d.mind mapping

b.project scope statement

An up-to-date ____ is an important document for developing and confirming a common understanding of the project scope. a.scope management plan b.project scope statement c.WBS d.decomposition

b.feeding buffers

Critical chain scheduling protects tasks on the critical chain from being delayed by using ____, which consist of additional time added before tasks on the critical chain that are preceded by non-critical-path tasks. a.critical paths b.feeding buffers c.dummy activities d.fast tracking

b.Sequencing activities

____ involves identifying and documenting the relationships between project activities. a.Defining activities b.Sequencing activities c.Estimating activity resources d.Estimating activity durations

a. project management plan

A(n) ____ is a document used to coordinate all project planning documents and help guide a project's execution and control. a. project management plan b. statement of work c. scope statement d. contact

b. CCB

A(n) ____ is a formal group of people responsible for approving or rejecting changes to a project. a. CCA b. CCB c. CCC d. CCD


In a ____ relationship, one task cannot finish before another finishes. a.start-to-start b.finish-to-start c.finish-to-finish d.start-to-finish


In a ____ relationship, the "from" activity cannot start until the "to" activity is started. a.start-to-start b.finish-to-start c.finish-to-finish d.start-to-finish


In a ____ relationship, the "from" activity must finish before the "to" activity can start. a.start-to-start b.finish-to-start c.finish-to-finish d.start-to-finish

c. 100

In a weighted scoring model, the sum of all of the criteria's weights must total ____ percent. a. 0 b. 50 c. 100 d. 150

a. broad organizational needs

One method for selecting projects based on ____ is to determine whether they first meet three important criteria: need, funding, and will. a. broad organizational needs b. using a weighted scoring model c. implementing a balanced scorecard d. categorizing information technology projects

b.project schedules

Project managers must use discipline to control ____. a.project bursts b.project schedules c.project critical paths d.project dependencies


The ____ approach involves refining the work into greater and greater levels of detail. a.analogy b.bottom-up c.top-down d.mind mapping


The ____ approach is best suited to project managers who have vast technical insight and a big-picture perspective. a.analogy b.bottom-up c.top-down d.mind mapping

c.late start date

The ____ for an activity is the latest possible time an activity might begin without delaying the project finish date. a.early entry date b.late entry date c.late start date d.early start date


The ____ is a network diagramming technique in which boxes represent activities. a.PDM b.AOA c.ADM d.POA

d. required rate of return

The ____ is the minimum acceptable rate of return on an investment. a. return on investment b. internal rate of return c. external rate of return d. required rate of return

b. project controls

The ____ section of the project management plan describes how to monitor project progress and handle changes. a. management objectives b. project controls c. risk management d. technical processes

a.defining activities

The goal of ____ is to ensure that the project team has complete understanding of all the work they must do as part of the project scope so they can start scheduling the work. a.defining activities b.sequencing activities c.estimating activity resources d.estimating activity durations

b.scope control

The goal of ____ is to influence the factors that cause scope changes, assure changes are processed according to procedures developed as part of integrated change control, and manage changes when they occur. a.scope verification b.scope control c.scope planning d.scope definition

c.schedule control

The goal of ____ is to know the status of the schedule, influence the factors that cause schedule changes, determine that the schedule has changed, and manage changes when they occur. a.activity duration estimating b.schedule development c.schedule control d.activity resource estimating

d.verifying scope

The main outputs of ____ are accepted deliverables and change requests. a.planning scope b.controlling scope c.defining scope d.verifying scope

a.defining activities

The main outputs of the ____ process are an activity list, activity attributes, milestone list, and requested changes. a.defining activities b.sequencing activities c.resource estimating activities d.duration estimating activities

a. internal rate of return (IRR)

You can determine a project's ____ by finding what discount rate results in an NPV of zero for the project. a. internal rate of return (IRR) b. required rate of return c. payback period d. return on investment (ROI)

b. Net present value

____ analysis is a method of calculating the expected net monetary gain or loss from a project by discounting all expected future cash inflows and outflows to the present point in time. a. Cost of capital b. Net present value c. Cash flow d. Payback

d. Directives

____ are new requirements imposed by management, government, or some external influence. a. Opportunities b. Commands c. Problems d. Directives


____ dependencies are inherent in the nature of the work being performed on a project. a.Mandatory b.Discretionary c.External d.Internal


____ dependencies are sometimes referred to as soft logic and should be used with care since they may limit later scheduling options. a.Mandatory b.Discretionary c.External d.Internal


____ dependencies involve relationships between project and non-project activities. a.Mandatory b.Discretionary c.External d.Internal

c. Configuration management

____ ensures that the descriptions of the project's products are correct and complete. a. CCB b. Correction management c. Configuration management d. Product description management

b.Developing the schedule

____ involves analyzing activity sequences, activity resource estimates, and activity duration estimates to create the project schedule. a.Estimating activity durations b.Developing the schedule c.Controlling the schedule d.Estimating activity resources

c.Controlling the schedule

____ involves controlling and managing changes to the project schedule. a.Estimating activity durations b.Developing the schedule c.Controlling the schedule d.Estimating activity resources

b.Sequencing activities

____ involves evaluating the reasons for dependencies and the different types of dependencies. a.Defining activities b.Sequencing activities c.Estimating activity resources d.Estimating activity duration

a.Scope verification

____ involves formal acceptance of the completed project scope by the stakeholders. a.Scope verification b.Scope planning c.Scope control d.Scope definition

d.Verifying scope

____ involves formalizing acceptance of the project deliverables and during this phase the key project stakeholders, such as the customer and sponsor for the project, inspect and then formally accept the deliverables during this process. a.Planning scope b.Defining scope c.Controlling scope d.Verifying scope

a.Defining activities

____ involves identifying the specific activities that the project team members and stakeholders must perform to produce the project deliverables. a.Defining activities b.Sequencing activities c.Estimating activity resources d.Estimating activity durations

b.Defining scope

____ involves reviewing the project charter, requirements documents, and organizational process assets to create a scope statement, adding more information as requirements are developed and change requests are approved. a.Planning scope b.Defining scope c.Controlling scope d.Verifying scope

c.Critical chain scheduling

____ is a method of scheduling that considers limited resources when creating a project schedule and includes buffers to protect the project completion date. a.A Gantt chart b.Critical path analysis c.Critical chain scheduling d.PERT analysis


____ occur when two or more activities follow a single node. a.Combinations b.Conflicts c.Merges d.Bursts

a.Defining activities

____ results in supporting detail to document important product information as well as assumptions and constraints related to specific activities. a.Defining activities b.Sequencing activities c.Estimating activity resources d.Estimating activity duration

c.Parkinson's Law

____ states that work expands to fill the time allowed. a.Murphy's Law b.Newton's Law c.Parkinson's Law d.Moore's Law

c. Executive

____ support contributes the most to successful information technology projects. a. Stakeholder b. Team c. Executive d. User

b.resource breakdown structure

A ____ is a hierarchical structure that identifies the project's resources by category and type. a.work breakdown structure b.resource breakdown structure c.network diagram d.critical path analysis

d.work breakdown structure

A(n) ____ is a deliverable-oriented grouping of the work involved in a project that defines the total scope of the project. a.project charter b.business case c.project scope statement d.work breakdown structure

b. statement of work

A(n) ____ is a document that describes the products or services to be created by the project team. a. contract b. statement of work c. project charter d. business case

d. change control system

A(n) ____ is a formal, documented process that describes when and how official project documents may be changed. a. integrated change control b. change request c. performance report d. change control system

b. balanced scorecard

A(n) ____ is a methodology that converts an organization's value drivers, such as customer service, innovation, operational efficiency, and financial performance, to a series of defined metrics. a. payback analysis b. balanced scorecard c. weighted scoring model d. net present value analysis

b. Michael Porter

Author ____, who developed the concept of the strategic value of competitive advantage, has written several books and articles on strategic planning and competition. a. James Bacon b. Michael Porter c. Robert Cooper d. Carol Matlack


In the WBS, the main groupings for the work are listed in Level ____. a.0 b.1 c.2 d.3


In the WBS, the name of the entire project is the top box, called Level ____. a.0 b.1 c.2 d.3

b. Business Area Analysis

In the ____ information technology planning stage, the analysis outlines business processes that are central to achieving strategic goals and helps determine which ones could most benefit from information technology. a. Project Planning b. Business Area Analysis c. Resource Allocation d. Information Technology Strategy Planning

d.analogy approach

In the ____, you use a similar project's WBS as a starting point. a.top-down approach b.bottom-up approach c.mind-mapping approach d.analogy approach

b. the last year of the cash flow

In the mathematical formula for determining the NPV, the variable n is ____. a. the year of the cash flow b. the last year of the cash flow c. the amount of cash flow each year d. the discount rate

d.activity attributes

The ____ provide(s) schedule-related information about each activity, such as predecessors, successors, logical relationships, leads and lags, resource requirements, constraints, imposed dates, and assumptions related to the activity. a.activity list b.milestones c.activity descriptions d.activity attributes

d. technical processes

The ____ section of the project management plan describes specific methodologies a project might use and explains how to document information. a. management objectives b. project controls c. risk management d. technical processes

c. project responsibilities

The ____ section of the project plan should describe the major project functions and activities and identify those individuals who are responsible for them. a. organizational charts b. other organizational or process-related information c. project responsibilities d. management objectives

b.scope statement

The ____ should list and describe all of the deliverables required for the project. a.project charter b.scope statement c.WBS d.Gantt chart

a. first

The ____ step in the planning process is to tie the information technology strategic plan to the organization's overall strategic plan. a. first b. second c. third d. fourth


The ____ tasks vary the most from project to project. a.closing b.monitoring and controlling c.planning d.executing

c.developing the schedule

The ultimate goal of ____ is to create a realistic project schedule that provides a basis for monitoring project progress for the time dimension of the project. a.defining activities b.sequencing activities c.developing the schedule d.estimating activity duration


There are ____ main processes involved in project scope management. a.three b.four c.five d.six


There are ____ main processes involved in project time management. a.two b.four c.six d.ten

c.Controlling scope

____ involves controlling changes to project scope throughout the life of the project, which is a challenge on many information technology projects. a.Planning scope b.Defining scope c.Controlling scope d.Verifying scope

a.Collecting requirements

____ involves defining and documenting the features and functions of the products produced during the project as well as the processes used for creating them. a.Collecting requirements b.Defining scope c.Controlling scope d.Verifying scope

c.Fast tracking

____ involves doing activities in parallel that you would normally do in sequence. a.Crushing b.Crashing c.Fast tracking d.Expediting

d.Estimating activity durations

____ involves estimating the number of work periods that are needed to complete individual activities. a.Defining activities b.Sequencing activities c.Estimating activity resources d.Estimating activity durations

b.Critical path analysis

____ is a network diagramming technique used to predict total project duration. a.A Gantt chart b.Critical path analysis c.Critical chain scheduling d.PERT analysis

d.Use case modeling

____ is a process for identifying and modeling business events, who initiated them, and how the system should respond to them. a.Prototyping c.RAD b.JAD c.RAD d.Use case modeling


____ is a technique for making cost and schedule trade-offs to obtain the greatest amount of schedule compression for the least incremental cost. a.Crushing b.Crashing c.Fast tracking d.Expediting

a.Total slack

____ is the amount of time an activity can be delayed from its early start without delaying the planned project finish date. a.Total slack b.Free float c.Total time d.Free slack

a. BSM

____ tools track the execution of business process flows and expose how the state of supporting IT systems and resources is impacting end-to-end business process performance in real time. a. BSM b. CCB c. CCA d. BSC


____ use(s) probabilistic time estimates—duration estimates based on using optimistic, most likely, and pessimistic estimates of activity durations—instead of one specific or discrete duration estimate. a.Critical Path Analysis b.Gantt charts c.Critical Chain Scheduling d.PERT


____ uses highly organized and intensive workshops to bring together project stakeholders—the sponsor, users, business analysts, programmers, and so on—to jointly define and design information systems. a.Prototyping b.JAD c.RAD d.Use case modeling


The term ____ describes a product produced as part of a project. a.end-product b.scope c.deliverable d.outcome

c. strategic planning

Many people are familiar with SWOT analysis—analyzing Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats—which is used to aid in ____. a. project initiation b. project planning c. strategic planning d. strategic initiation


Many people confuse tasks on a WBS with ____. a.goals b.objectives c.responsibilities d.specifications

d. programmers

Most systems analysts begin their careers as ____. a. database administrators b. CEOs c. project managers d. programmers


Of the following constraints, it is most difficult to describe, agree upon, and meet the ____ goal of many projects. a.scope b.time c.cost d.technical

c. 90

On large projects, many project managers say that ____ percent of the job is communicating and managing changes. a. 50 b. 70 c. 90 d. 100

c.controlling the schedule

Outputs from ____ include performance measurements, organizational process assets updates, change requests, project management plan updates, and project document updates. a.estimating activity durations b.developing schedules c.controlling the schedule d.estimating activity resources


Project managers often use the ____ approach for projects that represent entirely new systems or approaches to doing a job, or to help create buy-in and synergy with a project team. a.analogy b.bottom-up c.top-down d.mind mapping

c. broad organizational needs

Projects that address ____ are much more likely to be successful because they will be important to the organization. a. a balanced scorecard b. a weighted scoring model c. broad organizational needs d. net present value

c. supporting explicit business objectives

Research shows that ____ is the number one reason cited for why organizations invest in information technology projects. a. providing financial incentives b. supporting implicit business objectives c. supporting explicit business objectives d. keeping abreast of technological advances

d.duration estimates

The activity list, activity attributes, activity resource requirements, resource calendars, project scope statement, enterprise environmental factors, and organizational process assets all include information that affect ____. a.definitions b.sequences c.resource estimates d.duration estimates

b.longest; shortest

The critical path is the ____ path through a network diagram, and it represents the ____ time it takes to complete a project. a.longest; longest b.longest; shortest c.shortest; longest d.shortest; shortest

a. determine the estimated costs and benefits for the life of the project and the products it produces

The first step in determining the NPV is to ____. a. determine the estimated costs and benefits for the life of the project and the products it produces b. determine the discount rate c. calculate the net present value d. determine the cash flow

a. execution

The majority of time on a project is usually spent on ____, as is most of the project's budget. a. execution b. planning c. closing d. monitoring and controlling

d. performing integrated change control

The outputs of ____ include change request status updates, project management plan updates, and project document updates. a. monitoring and controlling the project work b. closing the project c. developing the project management plan d. performing integrated change control

c. a detailed schedule

The project schedule information section of the project management plan might include ____. a. a detailed budget b. key deliverables c. a detailed schedule d. project staffing

d.Free slack

____ is the amount of time an activity can be delayed without delaying the early start date of any immediately following activities. a.Total slack b.Total float c.Free time d.Free slack

a. Performance reports

____ provide information on how project execution is going. a. Performance reports b. Change requests c. Deliverables d. Contracts

a.Gantt charts

____ provide(s) a standard format for displaying project schedule information by listing project activities and their corresponding start and finish dates in a calendar format. a.Gantt charts b.Critical path analysis c.Critical chain scheduling d.PERT analysis

d. project charter

A(n) ____ is a document that formally recognizes the existence of a project and provides direction on the project's objectives and management. a. balanced scorecard b. business case c. net present value analysis d. project charter

c. Resource Allocation

In the ____ stage of selecting information technology projects, organizations select information technology projects. a. Project Planning b. Business Area Analysis c. Resource Allocation d. Information Technology Strategy Planning

d. Information Technology Strategy Planning

In the ____ stage, organizations tie information technology strategy to mission and vision of organization and identify key business areas. a. Project Planning b. Business Area Analysis c. Resource Allocation d. Information Technology Strategy Planning

a. Project Planning

In the ____ stage of selecting information technology projects, organizations define project scope, benefits, and constraints. a. Project Planning b. Business Area Analysis c. Resource Allocation d. Information Technology Strategy Planning

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