1538 exam 1 practice questions

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very premature

28-32 weeks

huntington disease

36 or more CAG repeats


4 phases: primary: highly infectious secondary: infectious latent: non-infectious after 4 years late: non-infectious

acetone breath odor

a nurse is assessing a client who has gestations diabetes. which of the following manifestations are findings of hyperglycemia? a. acetone breath odor. b. decreased urinary output. c. tinnitus. d. diarrhea.

you should consume 6 ounces of protein foods daily.

a nurse is teaching a client who is at 8 weeks of gestation about nutrition during pregnancy. which of the following statements should the nurse include in the teaching? a. you should consume 2 cups of milk daily. b. you should consume 4 ounces of grains each day. c. you should consume 2 cups of veggies each day. d. you should consume 6 ounces of protein foods daily.


an expected manifestation of fetal exposure to SSRIs

magnesium sulfate

anecdote is calcium gluconate

female condom

barrier method 95% effective when used correctly 79% effective with typical use

male condom

barrier method 98% effective when used correctly and 86% effective with typical use

emergency contraceptives

emergency contraception pill emergency contraception IUD


facing right and posterior with chin tucked and the top of the head in the position


gram negative bacterium


halfway there

increased risk for preterm labor

less than 15 years and over 35 years

sti prevention

secondary: treat infection, teach how to take meds, disclose to partners


tightening of the uterus that progresses through labor

baseline FHR


have calcium gluconate readily available.

a nurse is caring for a client who has preeclampsia and is receiving a continuous infusion of magnesium sulfate IV. which of the following actions should the nurse take? a. restrict hourly fluid intake of 150 mL/hr. b. have calcium gluconate readily available. c. assess deep tendon reflexes every 6 hr. d. monitor intake and output every 4 hr.

explain to the client this is an expected occurence.

a nurse is caring for a client who is at 22 weeks of gestation and reports concern about the blotchy hyperpigmentation on her forehead. which of the following actions should the nurse take? a. tell the client to follow up with a dermatologist. b. explain to the client this is an expected occurrence. c. instruct the client to increase her intake of vitamin D. d. inform the client she might have an allergy to her skin care products.

place the client in a lateral position.

a nurse is caring for a client who is in labor and has an epidural anesthesia block. the client's blood pressure is 80/40 mmHg and the fetal heart rate is 140/min. which of the following is the priority nursing action? a. elevate the client's legs. b. monitor vital signs every 5 min. c. notify the provider. d. place the client in a lateral position.

you should not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before the test.

a nurse is discussing an oral glucose tolerance test with a client who is at 22 weeks of gestation. which of the following statements should the nurse make? a. you should plan to have the test when you are 32 weeks pregnant. b. you should be on a low carb diet for 3 days before testing. c. you should not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before the test. d. you should avoid smoking 2 hours prior to the test.

massage the client's fundus

a nurse on a postpartum unit is caring for a client who is experiencing hypovolemic shock. after notifying the provider, which of the following actions should the nurse take next? a. massage the client's fundus. b. insert an indwelling urinary catheter. c. administer oxygen at 10 L/min. d. elevate the client's right hip.


an expected manifestation of fetal exposure to SSRIs

low birth weight

an expected manifestation of fetal exposure to SSRIs

klinefelter syndrome

extra X chromosome, XXY = increased estrogen, decreased androgen = increased breast tissue and increased risk of breast cancer in men

chvostek's sign

facial twitching when facial nerve is tapped

chromosomal abnormalities

failure to separate, deletions, duplications, inversions, translocations

early huntington symptoms

figity, falls, slurred speech

3 types of biopsy

fine needle, punch/core, and open biopsy


first pregnancy

viral STIs

herpes HPV genital warts hep B HIV


hormonal IUD

ED treatment options

intraurethral: vasoactive drugs which are gels, pellets or injections, that increase blood flow into penile arteries inducing erection vasoconstrictive device: pulls blood into penis with a vacuum pump, a constricting band is at the base of the penis that retains venous blood. implants: surgery to place semirigid or inflatable prosthesis into penis. for severe ED. complications: mechanical failure, infection, and erosion. counseling before and after treatment.

most common types of breast cancer

invasive ductal carcinoma invasive lobular carcinoma

false labor

irregular contractions

common huntington symptoms

irritability and depression

copper iud

iud 99% correctly 99% typically

insufficient placental perfusion

late decelerations

15 to 20 years

lifespan expectancy after huntington disease onset

preliminary signs of labor

lightening braxton hicks contractions cervical changes energy (nesting, cleaning, etc.) weight loss

placenta previa

marginal, partial, complete

every 4 weeks

maternal/fetal assessments from conception to 28 weeks


men: urethritis dysuria profuse, purulent drainage painful/swollen testes

sti prevetion

primary: teach abstinence, vaccines, drug free, condoms

true labor

progressive cervical dilation and effacement

huntington disease

progressive, degenerative brain disorder



incompetent cervical os

purse string procedure to sew cervix shut


requires further assessment using electronic fetal monitoring.

breast cancer treatments

surgery chemo HRT biologic therapy radiation complimentary alternative medicine

early decelerations

*safe* Begin prior to peak of the contraction and end by the end of it. they are caused by head compression. no need for intervention if variability is within normal range (6-10) and the FHR is within normal range.


< or = to 35 CAG repeats


Beta 2 agonist used to suppress premature labor, but cardiac stimulatory effects may be hazardous to mother and fetus

Magnesium Sulfate

Used to treat pre-eclampsia & control seizures. Also used to stop preterm labor


abnormal/excessive involuntary movements


applied at uterine fundus

late / deep decels


herpes type 2

below the waist


beta blocker used to treat HTN in pregnancy may be given PO or IV monitor for dizziness

descent phase of labor

characterized by active pushing with contractions every 1-2 minutes lasting 90 seconds.

bacterial STis

chlamydia gonorrhea syphilis

ethinyl estradiol and norethrindone pill

combo contraceptive pill

> repeats

early onset

hemorrhagic disorders with surgical treatment

ectopic pregnancy placenta previa abortion abruptio placentae

early decelerations

fetal head compression

upper pane

fetal heart tracing is displayed

gender dysphoria

formally called gender identity disorder defined: experience gender incongruence resulting in gender dysphoria feel themselves to be a different gender than their biologic assigned gender dysphoria is more appropriate and consistent: removes connotation the patient has a disorder.


hct normal range for a newborn < 24 hours old


induces uterine contractions

washing and urinating

instruct patient in hygienic measures, such as __________ and __________ after intercourse to flush out some organisms

fourth cardinal movement

internal rotation


measures duration and frequency of contractions


measures fetal heart rate

autosomal dominant

mutated gene carries the disease process ex: huntington's disease


narcotic drug derived from opium, used to treat severe pain

fertility awareness method

natural contraceptive 99% effective when used correctly 75% effective typically

anthropoid pelvis

oval shaped, with a wider anteroposterior diameter

increases risk 1.5-3 times

positive breast cancer in first degree female relative


prostaglandin used to induce uterine contractions and ripen the cervix

true labor

regular contractions


the inability to attain or maintain an erection that allows for satisfactory sexual performance may be organic, functional, or a combo can occur at any age but increases with increasing age

one minute

the interval between the vertical red lines on FHR monitor


too much amniotic fluid

lower pane

uterine activity is displayed


vaccine available: ages 9-26 (2 and 3 dose series)

large for gestational age

above the 90th percentile

herpes type 1

above the waist

variable deceleration

abrupt decrease in FHR from baseline

hormone contraceptives

combo pill hormonal patch hormonal ring minipill hormonal injection

true labor

contractions become closer


respiratory distress syndrome

placenta accreta

risk for infection and hemorrhage


vaginal, anal, or oral sex: men and women spread by direct physical contact with infected host

STIs treatment

start before confirming culture received one time dose of antibiotic to insure compliance with treatment all sexual contacts must be evaluated and tested as needed no sexual contact during treatment

in situ

stays confined to origin

active phase of stage 1 labor

cervical dilation of 4-7 cm and contractions every 3 to 5 minutes lasting 40-70 seconds


treatment: azithromycin 1 gram PO in one dose (may treat gonorrhea as well)

oral acyclovir (zovirax)

the nurse teaches a patient about drugs used to treat genital herpes. which drug should the nurse include in the patient's instructions? a. acyclovir ointment b. oral acyclovir c. HPV vaccine d. podofilox topical gel.

partial placenta previa

the placenta partially covers the internal os.


thinning of the cervix


4 stages

mongolian spots

A bluish-black pigmented area on the newborn's buttocks or back. Seen in newborns with dark skin and typically fade over time. Can easily be confused for bruising.


A prostaglandin used in medical abortions; Induces contractions

hydrocodone (norco)

a common oral narcotic pain medication used to treat moderate to severe pain

huntington disease

autosomal dominant - gene is expressed


barrier method 85% effective with correct use 73% effective with typical use

cervical cap

barrier method 86% effective with typical use

contraceptive sponge

barrier method 91% effective when used correctly 84% effective with typical use

spina bifida manifesta

the form of a myelomeningocele that is open external indications of this neural tube defect include an open area over the defect that allows for leakage of cerebrospinal fluid and entry of microorganisms.

bacterial STI

treat with antiinfectives, no vaccines


where the baby is in the pelvis


woman who has been pregnant more than once


women: typically asymptomatic but may have swelling of cervix or urethra and may have a greenish/yellow discharge or difficulty with urination

hypertensive disorders

chronic hypertension gestational hypertension preeclampsia eclampsia chronic hypertension with preeclampsia


clinical manifestation: recurrent episodes: occurs in 50-80% in 1st year triggers: stress, fatigue, sunburn, general illness,immunosuppression, menses may note tingling, burningh, and itching prior to lesions less severe than initial and heals faster at 3-12 days

40 years

huntington disease onset typically

moderate variability

6-25 bpm variation from baseline


clinical manifestation primary: burning, itching, or tingling at the site of inoculation multiple small, vesicular, lesions on inner thigh, penis, scrotum, vulva, perineum, perianal region, vagina, or cervix vesicles contain large quantities of infectious viral particles lesions rupture and form shallow, moist ulcerations that finally crust and heal pain, fever, headache, malaise, myalgia, regional lymphadenopathy, with primary episode lesions lasts 7-20 days

sixth cardinal movement

external rotation

stage 1 of labor

has 3 stages

hormonal iud

iud 99% correctly 99% typically

stage 2 of labor

lasts 1-3 hours with patient pushing with contractions to deliver the fetus


most common medical condition associated with pregnancy


nearly there

reportable infections to CDC

syphilis gonorrhea chlamydia HIV


where the baby drops and turns getting closer to delivery


woman who has given birth to two or more children

Ketorolac (Toradol)

*class*: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, nonopioid analgesics *Indication* pain *Action*: Pain relief due to prostaglandin inhibition *Nursing Considerations*: -may cause GI bleeding, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, anaphylaxis, drowsiness - should not exceed 5 days of therapy - bleeding risk increased with garlic, ginger, and ginkgo - may decrease effectiveness of hypertensive medications and diuretics

postcoital bleeding may occur.

a nurse in a clinic is teaching info about cervical polyps with a client with a new diagnosis. which of the following info should the nurse include in the teaching? a. avoid using tampons during menstruation. b. cervical polyps are a precursor to the development of cervical cancer. c. cervical polyps affect women before the age of 40. d. postcoital bleeding may occur.

swelling of the face

a nurse is assessing a client who is at 30 weeks of gestation during a routine prenatal visit. which of the following findings should the nurse report to the provider? a. swelling of the face. b. varicose veins in the calves. c. nonpitting 1+ ankle edema. d. hyperpigmentation of the cheeks.

chin quivering

a nurse is assessing a newborn following a circumcision. which of the following findings should the nurse identify as an indication that the newborn is experiencing pain? a. decreased heart rate. b. chin quivering. c. pinpoint pupils. d. slowed respirations.

substernal chest retractions while sleeping.

a nurse is assessing a newborn who is 12 hr old. which of the following manifestations requires intervention by the nurse? a. acrocyanosis of the extremities. b. murmur at the left sternal border. c. substernal chest retractions while sleeping. d. positive babinski reflex.


a nurse is assessing the newborn of a client who took SSRIs during pregnancy. which of the following manifestations should the nurse identify as an indication of withdrawal from an SSRI? a. large for gestational age. b. hyperglycemia. c. bradypnea. d. vomiting.

HR 110/min

a nurse is caring for a client who is 12 hr postpartum. which of the following findings should alert the nurse to the possibility of a postpartum complication? a. orthostatic hypotension. b. fundus palpable at the umbilicus. c. urine output of 3000 mL in 12 hr. d. HR 110/min

initiate continuous external fetal monitoring

a nurse is caring for a client who is at 35 weeks of gestation and has placenta previa. which of the following actions should the nurse take? a. perform a vaginal exam to determine cervical dilation every 2 hr. b. instruct the client to ambulate in the hallway once every 4 hr. c. administer betamethasone to the client via IM injection. d. initiate continuous external fetal monitoring.

continue to monitor the client.

a nurse is caring for a client who is having labor augmented with oxytocin. the fetal monitor tracing reveals early decelerations. which of the following actions should the nurse take? a. continue to monitor the client. b. discontinue the oxytocin. c. assist the client to a trendelenburg position. d. administer oxygen 2 L/min via nasal cannula.

contractions lasting longer than 90 seconds

a nurse is caring for a client who is in the active phase of the first stage of labor. when monitoring the uterine contractions, which of the following findings should the nurse report to the provider? a. contractions lasting longer than 90 seconds. b. contractions occurring every 3 to 5 min. c. contractions are strong in intensity. d. client reports feeling contractions in lower back.

feb 22

a nurse is conducting an initial assessment for a client. the client reports, my last period began may 15. using nagele's rule, the nurse should calculate that which of the following dates is the expected date of birth? a. feb 22 b. jan 22 c. feb 8 d. jan 8

the client has pelvic relaxation

a nurse is reinforcing teaching about contraceptive methods with a client. which of the following should the nurse recognize as a contraindication for diaphragm use? a. the client is 42 years old. b. the client smokes cigarettes. c. the client has pelvic relaxation. d. the client has a 3 month old infant.

bilirubin 9 mg/dL

a nurse is reviewing laboratory results of a newborn who is 4 hr old. which of the following findings should the nurse report to the provider? a. bilirubin 9 mg/dL b. hgb 18 g/dL c. platelets 175,000/mm3 d. hct 45%

hgb 12 g/dL

a nurse is reviewing the lab results of a newborn who is 22 hr old. which of the following findings should the nurse report to the provider? a. platelet count 165,000/mm3. b. hgb 12 g/dL. c. bilirubin 5 mg/dL. d. blood glucose 50 mg/dL.

fill the sitz bath half full with water.

a nurse is teaching a client who is 2 hr postpartum and had a midline episiotomy. which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? a. fill the sitz bath half full with water. b. use the sitz bath once daily. c. cleanse your perineum with an iodine solution after voiding. d. change your perineal pad 3 times per day.

you can share your room with your baby for the next few weeks.

a nurse is teaching a new parent about newborn safety. which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? a. you can share your room with your baby for the next few weeks. b. cover your baby with a light blanket while sleeping. c. check the temp of your baby's bath water with your hand. d. it's okay for your baby to sleep in the carseat during the day.

a client who is at 34 weeks of gestation and reports epigastric pain.

a nurse on an antepartum unit is caring for four clients. which of the following clients should the nurse identify as the priority? a. a client who has gestational diabetes and a fasting blood glucose of 120. b. a client who is at 34 weeks of gestation and reports epigastric pain. c. a client who is at 28 weeks of gestation and has an Hgb of 10.4 g/dL. d. a client who is at 39 weeks of gestation reports urinary frequency and dysuria.

left mentotransverse

baby faces left and left side with back on right side with face presenting

Left occipitotransverse (LOT)

baby faces right and right side with top of the head presenting

left sacroanterior

baby is breech facing right and back with head under ribs and butt presenting

late decelerations

bad - placental insufficiency - begin toward peak of contractions and last until almost the onset of the next contraction

marginal placenta previa

edge of the placenta is at the margin of the internal os

emergency pill

emergency contraceptive n/a correctly or typically

emergency iud

emergency contraceptive n/a correctly or typically

pain management

epidural or natural method


facing right and front with chin tucked and the top of the head presenting

natural contraception

fertility awareness methods


fetal - breech, etc.


get the crown

hormonal injection

hormonal contraceptive 99% effective correctly 99% effective typically



late decelertaions

onset occurs at peak of contraction

active phase of stage 1 labor

patient will have trouble concentrating due to contractions


placental insufficiency

safer sex practices

reduced number of sex partners condoms

10-20 days

sickle cell lifespan of RBC


surgical/nonsurgical sterilization: female surgical sterilization: male


teach patient about the need for _____________ of sexual partners to prevent transmission of disease.


the fetus descends into the pelvis (station) and through the birth canal for delivery

mag sulfate

used to treat preeclampsia or eclampsia loading dose then a maintenance dose monitor DTR, mag levels antidote is calcium gluconate

huntington s/s

weight loss, aspiration, pneumonia, increased hunger, decreased coordination during eating, anxiety, stress triggers, choreiform movements

advise all sexual partners of the need for treatment.

when caring for patients with an SIT, it is important that the nurse teach them to: a. advise all sexual partners of hte need for treatment. b. use a condom for sexual intercourse during treatment. c. engage in monogamous relationships to prevent reinfection. d. wash the genital s before sexual intercourse to prevent disease transmission.

severe preeclampsia

BP > 160/100 proteinuria - >500 mg/24 hr or >3+ on dispstick no seizures yes hyperreflexia headach, oliguria, blurred vision, thrombocytopenia, epigastric or RLQ pain, HELLP

nucchal translucency

extra fluid at the base of the neck

blood blood products perinatal auto-inoculation

how STIs are transmitted aside from being bacterial or viral


instruct patient to ___________ from sexual intercourse during treatment and to use condoms when sexual activity is resumed to prevent spread of infection and prevent reinfection.

late decelerations

insufficient placental perfusion


intact, ruptured (spontaneous or artificial)

late decelerations

mean decreased O2

concurrent STIs

more than one at the same time


most common STI

labor augmentation


ED assessment

self administered assessment may be helpful international index of erectile function review of sexual health, general health, psychological health

Meperidine hydrochloride (Demerol)

short acting narcotic opioid given intramuscularly for premedication


should deliver intact with 1 vein and 2 arteries


term or preterm

14 to 24 g/dL

the expected range for a newborns hgb.

Butorphanol (Stadol)

*class*: Opioid Analgesic *Indication*: moderate to severe pain, labor pain, sedation *Action*: alters perception and response to pain by biding to opiate receptors in CNS *Nursing Considerations*: -use caution with concurrent use of MAOIs - may cause confusion, hallucinations, sedation - monitor for CNS depression - assess blood pressure pulse and respirations during administration - administer slowly through IV line

valacyclovir (valtrex)

Antiretrovirals. Uses: genital herpes, shingles, HIV. Precautions: administer with food, increase fluid intake, and begin therapy with first onset of symptoms.


BP > 160/100 proteinuria - marked yes seizures yes hyperreflexia severe headache, generalized edema, RUQ or epigastric pain, cerebral hemorrhage, renal failure, HELLP

cullen's sign

a blue discoloration similar to ecchymosis around the umbilicus

first cardinal movement



settling in




never given birth to viable offspring

marked variability

> 25 bpm variation from baseline


left occiput anterior

placenta previa

no cervical exams; no labor

false labor

no change in contraction pattern

viral STI

no cure, treat symptoms, suppression of virus, vaccine


normal Hgb for sickle cell

autosomal recessive

normal gene is the dominant gene and the person is a carrier ex: sickle cell, cystic fibrosis


abnormal score for biophysical profile need to induce labor asap


16 and 18 are oncogenic - causes most all abnormal pap smears in women


a nurse in a women's health clinic is providing teaching about nutritional intake to a client who is at 8 weeks of gestation. the nurse should instruct the client to increase her daily intake of which of the following nutrients? a. calcium. b. vitamin E. c. iron. d. vitamin D.

headache that is unrelieved by analgesia.

a nurse is teaching a client who is at 35 weeks of gestation about manifestations of potential pregnancy complications to report to the provider. which of the following manifestations should the nurse include? a. SOB when climbing stairs. b. swelling of feet and ankles at the end of the day. c. headache that is unrelieved by analgesia. d. braxton hicks contractions.


a spirochete

safer sex practices

abstinence: the most reliable way to avoid infection is to not have sex vaccination: vaccines are safe, effective, and recommended ways to prevent infection and spread. mutual monogamy: mutual monogamy means that you agree to be sexually active with only one person who has agreed to be sexually active only with you, being in a long term mutually monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner is one of the most reliable ways to avoid STIs, but you must both be certain you are not infected with STIs. it is important to have an open and honest conversation with your partner.

40-60 mg/dL

blood sugar normal range for a newborn < 24 hour old

bloody show

bloody discharge / mucous plug

post-term infants

born after 42 week of gestation about 12% of births are post-term some can grown > 8-13 lbs placing them at higher risk for birth injuries when pregnancy is prolonged the placenta's function begins to deteriorate oligohydramnios cord compression


both types can be found in both locations. virus enters nerve endings


breakdown of cells carrying blood

placenta previa


true labor

contractions increase in duration and intensity

true labor

contractions increase in intensity with ambulation

false labor

contractions may be relieved with ambulation


contraindicated in CAD, hepatic or renal impairment


contraindicated in HTN, CAD


control hemorrhage

false labor

discomfort that is localized to the abdomen

fetal head compression

early decelerations


in the right direction

HIV treatment

support immune system: monitor CD4 count suppress control viral load prevent opportunistic infections multi drug approach life long therapy

ectopic pregnancy

surgical treatment


used to induce labor or induce uterine contractions to stop heavy postpartum bleeding


used to soften/ripen the cervix as well as increase contractions to minimize postpartum bleeding


HSV: herpes simplex viurs type 1 or type 2

focused assessment

objective: fever, lymphadenopathy lesions: appearance, location, pain, single or in clusters discharge or drainage labs: gram stain, smears, cultures, serology

retinopathy of prematurity

occurs in infants < 28 wks or < 1500 g caused by damage to immature blood vessels in the retina high levels of oxygen thought to be cause of damage to retina fluid leakage and hemorrhages may cause scarring

periventricular-intraventricular hemorrhage

occurs most often in infants < 32 wks of < 1500 g first few days of life are most critical rupture of fragile blood vessels in and around the brain associated with hypoxic injury to blood vessels fluctuations in BP fluctuations in cerebral blood flow

increased repeats

offspring usually have _______________ in huntington disease

early decels / variability


3rd trimester bleeding

painless or painfull

placenta previa

painless vaginal bleeding

abruptio placentae

part or all of placenta pulls away from uterus before delivery

transition phase of stage 1 labor

patient will become very quiet or angry

platypelloid pelvis

pelvis that is flat in its dimensions with a very narrow anterior-posterior diameter and a wide transverse diameter; this shape makes it extremely difficult for the fetus to pass through the bony pelvis

organic ED

physical problem: diabetes: micro-circulation changes impair engorgement of corpus cavernous HTN decrease hormone production side effects of meds

sickle cell anemia

autosomal recessive

left sacroposterior

baby is breech facing right and front with back on left posterior and butt presenting

left sacrotransverse

baby is breech facing right and right side with back on left side and butt presenting


floating high

BRCA treatment

genetic counseling early detection preventative surgery


genital pain before during or after intercourse present in both sexes, more prevalent in femalse with the pain initiating in several areas, from vulvar surfaces to deep pelvidc structures. pain: mild to excruciating pain description: burning, stinging, sharpness, extreme tenderness.

2-6 mg/dL

bilirubin normal range for a newborn < 24 hour old

altered libido/sexual desire

causes: physical, psychological, relationship issues treatment: counseling, lifestyle and home remedies

14-24 g/dL

hemoglobin normal range for a newborn < 24 hours old


hemolysis, elevated enzymes of liver, low platelets

< repeats

late onset

cardinal movements of labor

1. Engagement 2. Descent 3. Flexion 4. Internal Rotation 5. Extension 6. External Rotation 7. Expulsion

glucose tolerance test

50 gm solution 1 hour test normal < 140 if > 140, then 3 hour test 100 gm solution blood draws hourly 2 or more > 140 = gestational diabetes


75% women, 50% men are asymptomatic

trisomy 21

95% of DS

sickle cell treatment

< 16 yrs may have bone transplant

extremely preterm

< 26 weeks

minimal variability

< 5 bpm variation from baseline


<37 completed weeks

medication categories for pregnancy

A and B are ok C is ok, but not a first choice D & X are not ok

chadwick's sign

Bluish purple discoloration of the cervix, vagina, and labia during pregnancy as a result of increased vascular congestion.

variable decelerations

HR up or down, cord compression = VERY BAD Prolapsed cord= push head up, change mom position

epistaxis (nosebleed)

a nurse is discussing common discomforts that may occur during the first trimester of pregnancy with a client who is at 6 weeks of gestation. which of the following manifestations should the nurse include? a. heartburn. b. periodic tingling of the fingers. c. pruritus. d. expistaxis


abrupt increase in FHR from baseline

painful 3rd trimester bleeding

abruptio placentae or uterine rupture

variable deceleration

onset varies with contractions


opening of the cervix

breast cancer risk factors

over 50 genetic mutations BRCA1 or BRCA2 family history personal history of breast CA or endometrial CA, etc. early menarche (before 12) late menopause (after 59) first pregnancy after 30 or nuliparity weight gain after menopause having dense breasts HRT

sickle cell mutation

prevents malaria


treatment: metronidazole (flagyl) 2 grams PO x 1 dose


treatment: penicillin G 2.4 million units IM single dose


treatment: good genital hygiene, loose fitting cotton under garments, keep lesions clean and dry drugs to decrease the severity and length of outbreak or suppression of outbreak

hypertensive disorders

triad of symptoms: edema, increased BP, proteinuria

variable decelerations

umbilical cord compression

Sildinafil (Viagra)

used to treat erectile dysfunction

ED clinical manifestations

usually self reported identify if sudden or gradual onset personal issues: anger, anxiety, depression

signs of RDS

usually show in hours after birth tachypnea, tachycardia, nasal flaring, retractions, cyanosis, and grunting CXR shows ground glass look

veal chop

variable cord compression early head compression accelerations okay late placental insufficiency

umbilical cord compression

variable decelerations


women: irregular vaginal bleeding painful intercourse frothy green discharge cervix and vaginal walls may have strawberry appearance men: painful urination discharge associated with low birth weight, preterm labor, etc.


begins with the onset of regular uterine contractions and lasts until the expulsion of the placenta.

you can miss your period for several other reasons. describe your typical menstrual cycle.

a nurse in a prenatal clinic is caring for a client who reports that her menstrual period is 2 weeks late. the client appears anxious and asks the nurse if she is pregnant. which of the following responses should the nurse make? a. you can miss your period for several other reasons. describe your typical menstrual cycle. b. if you have been sexually active and haven't used protection, it is likely that you are pregnant. c. let's check to see if you have any other signs of pregnancy. have you noticed any abdominal enlargment? d. because you have missed your period, you should try taking a home pregnancy test.


a nurse is assessing a newborn for manifestations of hypoglycemia. which of the following findings should the nurse expect? a. jitteriness. b. hypertonia. c. abdominal distention. d. mottling.

i will need this medication if i have an amniocentesis.

a nurse is teaching a client who is Rh negative about Rh0 immune globulin. which of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching? a. i will receive this medication if my baby is Rh negative. b. i will receive this medication when i am in labor. c. i will need a second dose of this medication when my baby is 6 weeks old. d. i will need this medication if i have an amniocentesis.


an expected manifestation associated with fetal withdrawal from SSRIs

dyspareunia causes

physiological: menopause, estrogen deficiencies, med side effects, drug abuse pelvic disorders: PID, endometriosis, STDs, vaginitsmus, vluvodynia, vestibulitis, infection, inflammation of penis, testes, urethra. psychological or emotional related to child abuse stress, depression.


placed above symphysis pubis (wherever heartbeat is found)

total placenta previa

placenta completely covers internal cervical os

placenta accreta

placenta grows into the uterine muscle and parts are retained

painless 3rd trimester bleeding

placenta previa


100 types, 90% by type 6 and 11

if both parents are carriers

24% will have disease 50% carriers 25% normal

pregnancy expectations

25 to 30 pound weight gain increase calories by 300 additional increase water to 2 qt/day increase fruits and veggies decrease saturated fat but increase fiber


< or = to 37 weeks and 6 days


> or = 38 weeks


clinical manifestations change in each phase

mild preeclampsia

BP > 140/90 proteinuria - 300 mg/24 hr or 1+ on dipstick no seizures no hyperreflexia mild facial or hand edema / weight gain

Tadalafil (Cialis)

Phosphodiesterase-5 enzyme inhibitor used to treat erectile dysfunction

cullen's sign

a nurse in the ED is caring for a client who comes to the ED reporting severe abdominal pain in the left lower quadrant. the provider suspects a ruptured ectopic pregnancy. which of the following signs indicates to the nurse that the client has blood in the peritoneum? a. chvostek's sign b. cullen's sign d. chadwick's sign d. goodell's sign

emotional lability

a nurse in the antepartum clinic is assessing a client's adaptation to pregnancy. the client states that she is happy one minute and crying the next. the nurse should interpret the client's statement as an indication of which of the following? a. emotional lability. b. focusing phase. c. cognitive restructuring. d. couvade syndrome.

d/c the oxytocin infusion

a nurse is administering oxytocin to a client for augmentation of labor. the nurse observes uterine contractions every 1 to 2 minutes with a duration of 70 to 80 seconds. which of the following actions should the nurse take? a. d/c the oxytocin infusion. b. check the client's cervix. c. administer misoprostol d. ambulate the client.

continuous contraction lasting 2 min

a nurse is admitting a client who is at 38 weeks of gestation and is in the first stage of labor. which of the following assessment findings should the nurse report to the provider first? a. expulsion of a blood tinged mucous plug b. continuous contraction lasting 2 min c. pressure on the perineum causing the client to bear down. d. expulsion of clear fluid from the vagina.

erythema on the breast.

a nurse is assessing a client who is 10 days postpartum and reports manifestations of mastitis. which of the following findings should the nurse identify as a manifestation of this condition? a. breast engorgement. b. a small white pearl visible on the tip of the nipple. c. erythema at the breast. d. temp of 99.9.

deep tendon reflexes 4+

a nurse is assessing a client who is 4 hr postpartum following a vaginal delivery. which of the following findings should the nurse identify as the priority? a. saturated perineal pad in 30 min. b. deep tendon reflexes 4+. c. fundus at level of umbilicus. d. approximated edges of episiotomy.

decreased platelet count.

a nurse is assessing a client who is postpartum and has idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura. which of the following findings should the nurse expect? a. decreased platelet count. b. increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate. c. decreased megakaryocytes. d. increased WBC.

left lower quadrant

a nurse is assessing fetal heart tones for a client who is pregnant. the nurse has determined the fetal position as left occipital anterior. to which of the following areas of the client's abdomen should the nurse apply the ultrasound transducer to assess the point of maximum intensity of the fetal heart? a. left upper quadrant. right upper quadrant. c. left lower quadrant. d. right lower quadrant.

ED treatment options

drugs include: sildenafil tadalafil (cialia) vardenafil (levitra) note these end with fil may cause headache, stomach upset, nasal congestion, flushing

leakage of fluid from the vagina

a nurse is caring for a client following an amniocentesis at 18 weeks of gestation. which of the following findings should the nurse report to the provider as a potential complication? a. increased fetal movement. b. leakage of fluid from the vagina. c. upper abdominal discomfort. d. urinary frequency.

determine respiratory function.

a nurse is caring for a client who becomes unresponsive upon delivery of the placenta. which of the following actions should the nurse take first? a. determine respiratory function. b. increase the IV fluid rate. c. access emergency medications from cart. d. collect a maternal blood sample for coagulation studies.

expressions of excitement

a nurse is caring for a client who experienced a vaginal birth 12 hr ago. the nurse recognizes the client is in the dependent, taking in phase of maternal postpartum adjustment. which of the following findings should the nurse expect during this phase? a. expressions of excitement b. lack of appetite. c. focus on the family unit and its members d. eagerness to learn newborn care skills.

increase the iv fluid rate.

a nurse is caring for a client who is at 39 weeks of gestation and is in labor. the fetal monitor tracing reveals a series of late decelerations. after placing the client in a lateral position, which of the following actions should the nurse take? a. prepare the client for an amnioinfusion. b. increase the iv fluid rate. c. administer oxygen at 2 L/min via nasal cannula. d. apply fundal pressure.

biophysical profile

a nurse is caring for a client who is at 41 weeks of gestation and has a positive contraction stress test. for which of the following diagnostic tests should the nurse prepare the client? a. percutaneous umbilical blood sampling. b. amnioinfusion. c. biophysicadl profile. d. chorionic villus sampling.

position the client on her side.

a nurse is caring for a client who is in active labor and notes late decelerations on the fetal monitor. which of the following is the priority nursing action? a. elevate the client's legs. b. position the client on her side. c. administer oxygen via face mask. d. increase the infusion rate of iv fluid.


a nurse is caring for a client who is in labor and reports increasing rectal pressure. she is experiencing contractions 2 to 3 min apart, each lasting 80-90 seconds, and a vaginal examination reveals that her cervix is dilated to 9 cm. the nurse should identify that the client is in which of the following phases of labor? a. active. b. transition. c. latent. d. descent.

apply sacral counterpressure.

a nurse is caring for a client who is in labor and whose fetus is in the right occiput posterior position. the client is dilated to 8 cm and reports back pain. which of the following actions should the nurse take? a. apply sacral counterpressure. b. perform transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). c. initiate slow paced breathing. d. assist with biofeedback.

apply sacral counter pressure

a nurse is caring for a client who is in labor and whose fetus is in the right occiput posterior position. the client is dilated to 8 cm and reports back pain. which of the following actions should the nurse take? a. apply sacral counterpressure. b. perform transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. c. initiate slow paced breathing. d. assist with biofeedback.

just above the symphysis pubis

a nurse is caring for a client who is pregnant and is at the end of her first trimester. the nurse should place the doppler ultrasound stethoscope in which of the following locations to begin assessing for the fetal heart tones? a. just above the umbilicus. b. just above the symphysis pubis. c. the right lower quadrant. d. the left lower quadrant.

apply perineal pressure to the emerging fetal head.

a nurse is caring for a client who presents to a labor and delivery unit experiencing rapidly progressing labor. which of the following is the priority action for the nurse to take? a. cut the umbilical cord. b. apply perineal pressure to the emerging fetal head. c. prevent the perineum from tearing. d. promote delivery of the placenta.

cover the newborn's eyes while under the phototherapy light.

a nurse is caring for a newborn who is undergoing phototherapy to treat hyperbilirubinemia. which of the following actions should the nurse take? a. cover the newborn's eyes while under the phototherapy light. b. keep the newborn in a shirt while under the phototherapy light. c. apply a light moisturizing lotion to the newborn's skin. d. turn and reposition the newborn every 4 hr while undergoing phototherapy.

verify the newborn's identification.

a nurse is caring for a newborn who was transferred to the nursery 30 min after birth because of mild respiratory distress. which of the following actions should the nurse take first? a. confirm the newborn's apgar score. b. verify the newborn's identification. c. administer vitamin K to the newborn. d. determine obstetrical risk factors.

you will have a strep B culture at 35 weeks of your pregnancy

a nurse is discussing prenatal care with a primigravida client at her first prenatal visit. which of the following statements should the nurse make? a. you should feel your baby moving at 12 weeks. b. you should expect your blood glucose level to be checked during every visit. c. you will have a group B strep culture at 35 weeks of your pregnancy. d. you will have an appointment every other week starting at 36 weeks.

monitor the client's blood pressure every 5 min following the first dose of anesthetic solution.

a nurse is planning care for a client who is in labor and is requesting epidural anesthesia for pain control. which of the following actions should the nurse include in the plan of care? a. place the client in a supine position for 30 min following the first dose of anesthetic solution. b. administer 1,000 mL of dextrose 5% in water prior to the first dose of anesthetic solution. c. monitor the client's blood pressure every 5 min following the first dose of anesthetic solution. d. ensure the client has been NPO 4 hr prior to the placement of the epidural.

instruct the client to press the provided button each time fetal movement is detected.

a nurse is planning care for a client who is to undergo a nonstress test. which of the following actions should the nurse include in the plan of care? a. maintain the client NPO throughout the procedure. b. place the client in a supine position. c. instruct the client to massage the abdomen to stimulate fetal movement. d. instruct the client to press the provided button each time fetal movement is detected.

apply cabbage leaves to the breasts.

a nurse is planning discharge for a client who is 3 days postpartum. which of the following nonpharmacological interventions should the nurse include in the plan of care for lactation suppression? a. place warm, moist packs on the breasts. b. apply cabbage leaves to the breasts. c. wear a loose fitting bra. d. put green tea bags on the breasts.

obtain a 30 min electronic fetal monitoring strip prior to induction.

a nurse is preparing a client who is in active labor for epidural analgesia. which of the following actions should the nurse take? a. have the client stand at the bedside with her arms at her side. b. administer 500 mL bolus of 5% dextrose in water prior to induction. c. inform the client the anesthetic effect will last for approximately 6 hours. d. obtain a 30 min electronic fetal monitoring strip prior to induction.

vigorously shake the contents of the vial before drawing up the medication.

a nurse is preparing to administer medroxyprogesterone to a client. which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take? a. massage the injection site for 15 seconds after administration. b. vigorously shake the contents of the vial before drawing up the medication. c. administer the medication every 4 to 6 weeks after menstruation. d. teach the client that fertility returns within one month of stopping the medication.

flaccid uterus. excess vaginal bleeding.

a nurse is preparing to administer oxytocin to a client who is postpartum. which of the following findings is an indication for the administration of the medication? select all that apply. a. flaccid uterus. b. cervical laceration. c. excess vaginal bleeding. d. increased afterbirth cramping. e. increased maternal temperature.

palpate the client's fundus to identify the fetal part. determine the location of the fetal back. palpate for the fetal part presenting at the inlet. palpate the cephalic prominence to identify the attitude of the head.

a nurse is preparing to perform leopold maneuvers for a client. identify the sequence the nurse should follow.

I will eat foods that taste good instead of balancing my meals.

a nurse is providing dietary teaching to a client who has hyperemesis gravidarum. which of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching? a. i will eat foods that taste good instead of balancing my meals. b. i will avoid having a snack before i go to bed each night. c. i will have a cup of hot tea with each meal. d. i will eliminate products that contain dairy from my diet.

i will resume taking my prenatal vitamins i will call my doctor if i have discharge from my incision i should not have unrelieved pain in my abdomen

a nurse is providing discharge teaching to a client who is 3 days postop following a c-section. which of the following client statements should indicate to the nurse that the teaching is effective? select all that apply. a. i am likely to have a fever during the first week i am home. b. i will resume taking my prenatal vitamins. c. i will call my provider if i have discharge from my incision. d. i should not have unrelieved pain in my abdomen. e. i will rest in my recliner until my incision is healed.

you should leave the diaphragm in place for at least 6 hr after intercourse.

a nurse is providing teaching about family planning to a client who has a new prescription for a diaphragm. which of the following statements should the nurse include in the teaching? a. you should replace the diaphragm every 5 years. b. you should leave the diaphragm in place for at least 6 hr after intercourse. c. you should use an oil based product as a lubricant when inserting the diaphragm. d. you should insert the diaphragm when your bladder is full.

placenta previa

a nurse is reviewing the electronic medical record for a client who is at 39 weeks of gestation and has a prescription for oxytocin. which of the following findings is a contraindication for the medication? a. placenta previa. b. bishop score of 10. c. vertex presentation. d. fetal heart rate of 120/min.


a nurse is reviewing the health history of a client who has a new prescription for a combined oral contraceptive. the nurse recognizes that which of the following client medications can interfere with the effectiveness of the COC? a. antihypertensives b. anticonvulsants c. antioxidants d. antiemetics.

platelet 50,000/mm3

a nurse is reviewing the lab findings of a client who is at 37 weeks of gestation and has hypertension. which of the following results should the nurse notify the provider? a. bun 19 b. hct 37% c. creatinine 0.9 d. platelet 50000

hgb 10 g/dL

a nurse is reviewing the lab results for a client who is at 10 wks of gestation. which of the following lab findings should the nurse report to the provider? a. hgb 10 g/dL b. wbc 15000/mm3 c. rbc count 5.8 million/mm3 d. hct 34%


a nurse is reviewing the medical history of a client who is at 30 weeks of gestation and has a prescription for terbutaline. which of the following conditions should the nurse identify as a contraindication for the administration of terbutaline? a. hypothyroidism. b. preeclampsia. c. history of ectopic pregnancy. d. RA

platelets 50,000/mm3

a nurse is reviewing the medical record of a client who is postpartum and has preeclampsia. which of the following laboratory results should the nurse report to the provider? a. Hct 39% b. serum albumin 4.5 g/dL c. WBC 9,000/mm3 d. platelets 50,000/mm3.


a nurse is reviewing the medical record of a newly admitted client who is at 32 weeks of gestation. which of the following conditions is an indication for fetal assessment using electronic fetal monitoring? a. oligohydramnios. b. hyperemesis gravidarum. c. leukorrhea. d. periodic tingling of the fingers.

prepare for birth of the fetus

a nurse is reviewing the results of a biophysical profile for a client who is at 37 weeks gestation. the nurse notes the results are 3 out of 10. which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take? a. prepare for birth of the fetus. b. assess the client's deep tendon reflexes. c. initiate fundal massage. d. administer a tocolytic medication.

before menstruation begins.

a nurse is speaking with a 35 year old client who has fibrocystic disease of the breasts. at which of the following times should the nurse inform the client that manifestations are most evident? a. before menstruation begins. b. after menstruation ends. c. during cold weather. d. during hot weather.


a nurse is teaching a client who has a new prescription for combined oral contraceptives about potential adverse effects of the medication. for which of the following findings should the nurse instruct the client to notify the provider? a. SOB b. breakthrough bleeding. c. vomiting. d. breast tenderness.

i will continue taking my insulin if i experience n/v.

a nurse is teaching a client who has pregestational type 1 diabetes mellitus about management during pregnancy. which of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching? a. i should have a goal of maintaining my fasting blood sugar between 100 and 120. b. i should engage in moderate exercise for 30 minutes if my blood glucose is 250 or greater. c. i will continue taking my insulin if i experience n/v. d. i will ensure that my bedtime snack is high in refined sugar.

a blood glucose of 130 to 140 is considered a positive result.

a nurse is teaching a client who is at 24 weeks of gestation regarding a 1 hr glucose tolerance test. which of the following statements should the nurse include in the teaching? a. you will need to drink the glucose solution 2 hours prior. b. limit your carb intake for 3 days prior. c. a blood glucose of 130 to 140 is considered a positive result. d. you will need to fast for 12 hours prior to the test.

you will be offered orange juice to drink during the test.

a nurse is teaching a client who is at 36 weeks of gestation and has a prescription for a nonstress test. which of the following statements should the nurse include in the teaching? a. you will receive IV fluids prior to this test. b. the procedure will take approximately 10 to 15 minutes. c. you will be offered orange juice to drink during the test. d. you will need to sign an informed consent form each time you have this test.

i will have blood tests because my potassium might decrease.

a nurse is teaching a client who is in preterm labor about terbutaline. which of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching? a. i will get injections of the medication once daily until my labor stops. b. my blood sugar may be low while i'm on this medication. c. i will have blood tests because my potassium might decrease. d. my blood pressure may increase while i'm on this medication.

spinach and beef

a nurse is teaching a client who is postpartum and has been diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia. which of the following dietary recommendations should the nurse include in the teaching plan? a. yogurt and mozzarella b. spinach and beef c. milk and turkey slices. d. fish and cottage cheese.

stop suctioning when the newborn's cry sounds clear.

a nurse is teaching a new mother how to use a bulb syringe to suction her newborn's secretions. which of the following instructions should the nurse include? a. insert the syringe tip before compressing the bulb. b. suction each of the nares before suctioning the mouth. c. insert the tip of the syringe into the center of the mouth. d. stop suctioning when the newborn's cry sounds clear.

staff members who take care of your baby will be wearing a photo id.

a nurse is teaching a postpartum client about steps the nurses will take to promote the security and safety of the client's newborn. which of the following statements should the nurse make? a. the nurse will carry your newborn to the nursery for procedures. b. we will document the relationship of visitors in your medical record. c. your baby will stay in the nursery while you are asleep. d. staff members who take care of your baby will be wearing a photo id.

the test is a screening tool for chromosomal syndromes.

a nurse is teaching about the quadruple marker screen to a client who is pregnant. which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching? a. the sample is collected during an amniocentesis. b. the test is a screening tool for chromosomal syndromes. c. the test uses ultrasound to measure the fetus. d. the screening is done before 12 weeks of gestation.

you should take the medication within 72 hours following unprotected intercourse.

a school nurse is providing teaching to an adolescent about levonorgestrel contraception. which of the following info should the nurse include in the teaching? a. you should take the medication within 72 hours following unprotected intercourse. b. you should avoid taking this medication if you are on an oral contraception. c. if you don't start your period within 5 days of taking this medication, you may be pregnant. d. one dose of this medication will prevent you from becoming pregnant for 14 days after taking it.


ages 50-74 twice per year for prevention/early detection


an adverse effect of terbutaline


an adverse effect of terbutaline


an adverse effect of terbutaline

sickle cell anemia s/s

anemia decreased Hgb pain swelling of the hands and/or feet frequent infections delayed growth vision problems

necrotizing enterocolitis therapeutic management

antibiotics DC oral feeds gastric suction parenteral nutrition to rest intestines surgery if perforation occurs

ED treatment options

drugs: erectogenic: PDES inhibitors: causes smooth muscle relaxation with increased blood flow into corpus cavernosum with penile erection onset of erection in 30-60 minutes once a day only contraindicated if taking nitrates r/t potentiating the hypotensive effects

left mentoposterior

baby faces left and back with back on right anterior side with face presenting

left mentoanterior (LMA)

baby faces left and front with back on right anterior side with face presenting

Left Occipitoanterior (LOA)

baby faces right and back with top of the head presenting

Left occipitoposterior (LOP)

baby faces right and front with the top of the head presenting

true labor

back discomfort that spreads to the abdomen


barrier method 94% effective when used correctly 82% effective with typical use

small for gestational age

below the 10th percentile


can occur at any time during labor


caused by fetal movement, vaginal examination, electrode application, and fetal scalp stimulation.

respiratory distress syndrome

caused by insufficient production of surfactant

latent phase of stage 1 labor

cervical dilation of 0-3 cm and contractions every 5-30 minutes lasting 30-45 seconds

transition phase of stage 1 labor

cervical dilation of 8-10 cm and contractions every 2-3 minutes lasting 45-90 seconds


cervical ripening agent that also increases contractions

latent phase of stage 1 labor

cervix 0-6 cm with contractions every 10-30 minutes lasting 30-40 seconds with moderate intensity

active phase of stage 1 labor

cervix 6-8 cm with contractions every 2-5 minutes and lasting 40-60 seconds with moderate to strong intensity

transition phase of stage 1 labor

cervix 8-10 cm with contractions every 1.5-2 minutes lasting 60-90 seconds with strong intensity


cervix ripening agent that stimulates contractions

bronchopulmonary dysplasia

chronic lung disease occurs mostly in infants weighing <1500 g at birth mortality rate of 10-25% results from high levels of oxygen use, oxygen free radicals, high PPV that damage the bronchial epithelium results in inflammation, atelectasis, edema, airway hyperactivity with loss of cilia, thickening of walls of airway, and fibrotic changes


cord compression

placenta accreta

d&c after

periventricular-intraventricular hemorrhage nursing considerations

daily head measurements observe for changes in neurological status keep handling to minimum reduce environmental stressors strict I&O to prevent fluid overload

severe variable deceleration

deep dip on monitor

stage 3 of labor

delivery of the placenta (usually within 20-30 minutes of delivery of the fetus) need to check the color and presentation of the placenta

manifestations of periventricular-intraventricular hemorrhage

depend on severity of hemorrhage lethargy, poor muscle tone, decreased resp status with cyanosis or apnea, decreased HCT, decreased reflexes, bulging fontanels, seizures

second cardinal movement


hyperemesis gravidarum

detect and treat complications assist medical management


explain the importance of follow up examination and reculture at least ___________ after treatment if appropriate to confirm complete cure and prevent relapse.

all, 1-2

explain the importance of taking ___ antibiotics as prescribed. symptoms will improve after ____ days of therapy, but organisms may still be present

seventh cardinal movement


fifth cardinal movement


spina bifida occulta

external indications of this neural tube defect include a dimpled area over the defect and the presence of a birthmark or hairy patch above the area.


facing left and back with chin tucked and the top of the head presenting


facing left and front with the top of the head presenting

third cardinal movement


stage 4 of labor

immediate recovery, 1-4 hours post birth patient will either be in the delivery area or postpartum area

ED treatment/goal

goal: satisfactory sexual relationship treatment will nto restore tactile sensation or ejaculation if absent before treatment started is it reversible? psychological counseling

late deceleration

gradual, symmetrical decrease in FHR with it returning to baseline after contraction ends


gram negative diplococcus


having one STI __________________ the risk of acquiring another STI


head compression


head first, breach, etc.

intrauterine devices

hormonal IUD copper IUD

combo pill

hormonal contraceptive 99% effective when used correctly 96% effective with typical use

hormonal patch

hormonal contraceptive 99% effective when used correctly 98% effective with typical use

hormonal ring

hormonal contraceptive 99% effective when used correctly 98% effective with typical use


hormonal contraceptive 99% effective with correct use 95% effective with typical use

HELLP syndrome management

hospitalization lower BP prevent with mag sulfate correct coagulopathies blood or FFP to treat hemolytic anemia steroids for fetal lungs prepare for preterm delivery


how baby sits in uterus


human immunodeficiency virus that can lead to acquired immune deficiency syndrome


human papillomavirus: genital warts


inching out

necrotizing enterocolitis manifestations

increased abdominal girth increased gastric residuals decreased or absent bowel sounds loops of bowel seen through abdominal wall vomiting signs of infection occult blood in stool

manifestations of bronchopulmonary dysplasia

increased need for ventilation inability to wean from vent tachycardia, tachypnea, retractions, rales, wheezing, resp acidosis, increased secretions, bronchospasms

increased BMI

increased risk of breast cancer


increases strength and duration of contractions to slow/stop heavy postpartum bleeding

substernal chest retractions

indicate respiratory distress syndrome

labor and delivery


sickle cell complications

ischemic stroke acute chest syndrome pulmonary HTN organ damage blindness priapism


kills and inhibits growth of bacteria

STI risk factors

longer sexual life span increased number of hosts r/t increased population more sexual freedom less barrior method use (condoms) increased media emphasis on sex substance abuse that decreases inhibition, and increases poor judgment

huntington disease

lots of treatments to manage the s/s but no cure


male condom female condom cervical cap diaphragm contraceptive sponge spermicide

breast cancer screenings

mammogram clinical breast exam breast MRI

spina bifida manifesta

manifests in the form of a myelomeningocele that is closed. external indications of this neural tube defect include a herniated sac over the site of the defect that is covered with skin.

every 2 weeks

maternal/fetal assessments 29-36 weeks gestation


maternal/fetal assessments 37 weeks to birth


medications: valacyclovir (valtrex), famvir, acyclovir primary outbreak, recurring outbreak, suppressive therapy

gynecoid pelvis

most favorable pelvis for successful labor.

breast cancer warning signs

new lump thickening/swelling irritation or dimpling redness, flaky skin discharge from nipple pain

gestational HTN

new onset of elevated BP >140/90

false labor

no cervical change

120 days

normal lifespan of RBC


normal scoring for biophysical profile


numbered chromosome


platelets normal range for a newborn < 24 hours old


prevalence: 80-90% population carry HSV 1 40-50% carry HSV 2 (90% of these do not know)


primary outbreak is the longest and most severe

3 types of down syndrome

robertsonian translocation mosaic down syndrome trisomy 21


route of terbutaline administration given every 4 hr for no longer than 24 hr

retinopathy of prematurity therapeutic management

screen infants at risk to detect changes in eye laser photocoagulation for advancing ROP reattachment of retina

necrotizing enterocolitis

serious inflammation of intestinal tract that can lead to cellular death of intestinal mucosa mortality rate 25-30% 25% of survivors has long term intestinal probs immaturity of intestines thought to be major cause interference of blood supply to intestines

dominant gene

shows no matter what

recessive gene

shows only if inheriting from both parents

mild variable deceleration

slightly dipped on monitor

goodell's sign

softening of the cervix


spreads to other areas


spreads to other tissues

surgical sterilization: male

sterilization 99% effective correctly or typically

surgical/nonsurgical sterilization: female

sterilization 99% effective correctly or typically

bacterial or viral

sti may be __________ or _____________

functional ED

stress or anxiety

focused assessment

subjective: past health history: contact with individual with STIs, multiple sexual partners, pregnancy medication: use of oral contraceptives, allergy to any antibiotics, especially penicillins review of systems: shared needles if IV drug use, malaise, n/v, anorexia, pharyngitis, oral lesions, itching at infected site, chills, alopecia, UTI symptoms, urethral discharge, proctitis, anthralgia, HA, painful/burning lesions, dysparenia, menstrual abnormalities.


symptoms: discharge burning on urination dyspareunia vaginal bleeding between periods lower abdominal and back pain rectal pain/anal sex sore throat - oral sex with infected individual

abruptio placentae

tender abdomen

sti prevention

tertiary: prevent reinfection, manage symptoms, take viral meds as ordered, maintain healthy lifestyle

huntington disease treatment

tetrabenazine haloperidol antidepressants antipsychotics speech therapy PT and OT


the greatest risk following an amniotomy

orange juice during nonstress test

the high glucose stimulates fetal movement during the procedure helping to obtain results.

mode of transmission

the link in the chain of infection that needs to be broken

android pelvis

the typical male pelvis; in the woman, the heart shape of the android pelvis is not favorable to a vaginal delivery

diagnostic mammograms

to determine cancer and monitor potential changes


treatment: ceftriaxone (rocephin) 250 mg IM PLUS azithromycin 1 gram PO


weight loss malaise dry cough white spots in the mouth or throat or tongue recurring fever lymphadenopathy


women: typically asymptomatic redness swelling at site of contact green/yellow purulent exudate dysuria

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