20th Century Final Exam Dr. Green Covenant College

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Modernization Theory

A theory created by German Max Weber to explain the process of modernization within societies (pre-modern...traditional....modern) Adopted the view that the problems faced by the newly independent countries were a consequence of the difficult transition from a traditional agrarian to a modern industrial society

Great Leap Forward

A plan implemented by Mao Zedong that decentralized industry in China and took everything to the countryside Failed miserably and created mass starvation, result was the Great Chinese Famine

Balfour Declaration

A statement issued by the British government during WWI supporting the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine Led to tensions between the Arabs and Jews and British

Mau Mau Movement

A violent, grass-roots movement organized by the Kikuyu in Kenya Felt that their lands had been taken away from them by the whites of Britain

Six Day War

A war between Israel and its surrounding Arab states Israel launched a preemptive strike after noticing its preparations for war Israel ended up capturing land from Egypt, Syria, and Jordan

Augusto Pinochet

Chilean military general/dictator, backed by US, who led the coup against president Allende Military regime came to power and set up a dictatorship Although his leadership revived the economy, the abuse of human rights led to unrest as he murdered thousands of people Put on trial for his crimes


Chinese Nationalist Party led by Chiang Kai Shek that wished to take over after Sun Yat-Sen Pressed China into modernization with respect to the West

Dien Bien Phu

City in Vietnam that was the site of a major battle in the First Indochina War between the French and Vietnamese French suffered a major defeat and were forced to withdraw troops from Indochina

Solidarity (Poland)

First independent labor union in a Soviet-bloc country, Poland Gave rise to a broad, nonviolent, anti-communist social movement that had 9.4 million members Contributed greatly to the fall of communism


Gorbachev encouraged an "openness" and transparency of the people to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the Soviet Union, part of his efforts to release the iron grip method of leadership Caused tensions to resurface as ethnic groups took advantage and utilized violence


Government military or political action against guerillas or revolutionaries Takes place during war or when rebellions occur against the established government


White supremacy in South Africa used during apartheid by Afrikaners implemented racial segregation and trusteeship (whites should govern darker races) Wanted to preserve racial purity and control the economy and politics

Theodor Herzl

Wrote the Jewish state, considered the father of political zionism The Father of the State of Israel


Dutch settlers in the Cape Colony who spoke Afrikaans Cut themselves off from European interaction, isolated from European and Enlightenment thinking Suppressed local Africans through the idea of baaskap (white superiority...races should be segregated, trusteeship-whites should govern darker races) -The politically, culturally, and socially dominant group among white south africans, or the afrikaans-speaking population of dutch origin

Yom Kippur War

Egypt and Syria cooperated to surprise attack Israel on the day of Yom Kippur. This led to support from USA and Soviet Union for their respective countries and ultimately almost led to a conflict between the two countries themselves. Ultimately, the advances by Syria and Israel were pushed back to near pre-war lines

Fidel Castro

Established a communist regime in Cuba based on the Soviet model, first communist state in the western hemisphere When the US tried to overthrow him in the Bay of Pigs, Castro urged the Soviets to bring in nuclear missiles

People's Republic of China

Established in 1949 and was a big blow to the U.S. as China was "lost" to Communism Mao united China under Communism Modernized the country and saw signs of prosperity

Mao Zedong

Led Chinese Communist Party Won Chinese Civil War, defeated the Guamindang party under Chiang Kai-shek Modernized China under Communism through the Great Leap Forward and the Great Proletariat Cultural Revolution Ended up utilizing Red Guards to rid China of all old culture in China

Gamal Abdel Nasser

Led the revolution against British rule in Egypt and then became the president Opened the Suez Canal, initiated land reforms, promoted pan-Arabism Greatly defeated by Israel in the Six-Day War...eventually resigned and died

Vietnam War(s)

Long conflict that pitted North vietnam against South Vietnam and its ally the US The conflict was intensified by the Cold War conflict between US and USSR

Ferdinand Marcos

President of the Philippines who ruled as a dictator, a fraudulent and deceitful leader, leading member of the far right New Society movement Overthrown by a massive public uprising and replaced by a democratically elected government

Boris Yeltsin

President of the Russian Republic, political opponent of Soviet Union leader Gorbachev Turned Russia's economy into a free market economy, proposed a new constitution, and strengthened the presidency Led to economic downfall, unemployment, high prices...moved too fast with change without bringing the people along Eventually resigned to Vladimir Putin

Ngo Dinh Diem

Prime minister of the state of Vietnam who then deposed Bao Dai (the head of state) to form the Republic of Vietnam

The Asian Miracle

The Four Asian Tigers (Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan) experienced rapid industrialization/growth and high levels of equal income distribution Occurred prior to the 1997 Asian financial crisis

Congress Party

The Indian National Congress Party renamed, under the leadership of Gandhi Nationalist party that wanted Indian independence from Britain Established the central government in India

Iranian Revolution

The Iranian Revolution was a series of events involving the overthrow of the 2,500 years of continuous Persian monarchy under Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, who was supported by the United States Overthrew a pro-western monarchy and replaced it with a anti-western theocracy


A movement in Africa for freedom from the British

Saddam Hussein

President of Iraq and leader of the Arab socialist party, the Ba'ath Party

World System Theory

A multi-disciplinary, macro-scale approach that divides the world into three scales (Core, semi-periphery, and periphery) The core focuses on high scale workers, while periphery focused on low-skilled work and raw material collection

Ottoman Empire

(Turkey), a state that controlled much of Southeast Europe, Western Asia, and North Africa

African National Congress

-Not Afrikaans, but Bantu-First political party established by non-whites in Africa -Inspired by Indian National Congress -Found in 1912 as South African native National Congress with the primary mission to give voting rights to blacks and mixed race Africans -Been the ruling party of the Republic of South Africa since Nelson Mandela's election 1994 African National Congress Local South Africans formed the ANC due to increased European involvement Dominated by Western intellectuals, had little peoples' support Goal was to achieve economic and political reforms giving Africans more involvement in their own politics...little success

Anwar Sadat

-President of Egypt from 1970 until his assassination in 1981 by Muslim extremists -Initiated peace negotiations with Israel, earning him a Nobel Prize -Took over after Nasser's death, his policies were a reaction to Nasser's -Camp David Accords: between Begin, Sadat, and Carter- a preliminary peace agreement between Egypt and Israel -"Lionized in the west, vilified in the east"


-South Africa: a system of institutionalized racial segregation and discrimination between 1948 and 1991-Segregated public facilities and social events, as well as housing and employment opportunities-Adopted after success of National Party in 1948 election-Included "prohibition of mixed marriages act" and "population registration act"

Seventeenth Parallel

17 degrees north of the equator that divided the north and the south in Vietnam

Jimmy Carter

39th president of the US Known for Camp David Accords, the return of the Panama Canal to Panama, and the Salt II treaty with USSR leader Leonid Brezhnev Greatest failure was the Iranian hostage crisis

Pol Pot

A Cambodian communist revolutionary responsible for the Cambodian genocide Relocated the urban population to work on collective farms and killed those who were enemies of his new government

Cuban Missile Crisis

A Cold War conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union The Soviet Union placed missiles in Cuba after the US invasion (the Bay of Pigs to overthrow Fidel Castro) was an utter failure A tense standoff between the two countries that could've easily resulted in nuclear war...peacefully settled though

Vaclav Havel

A Czech statesman that served as the last president of Czechoslovakia, then the president of the Czech Republic Involved in Prague Spring and blacklisted by the government and thrown in prison for opposing the government


A Japanese term referring to industrial and financial business conglomerates in the Empire of Japan, whose influence and size allowed control over significant parts of the Japanese economy from the Meiji period until the end of World War II

Mandate System

A League of Nations mandate that gave the victors of WWI the right to control the German/losers' territories "A thinly veiled attempt of continuing imperialism"

Mikhail Gorbachev

A Russian and Soviet politician Known for his leadership role in ending the Cold War and promoting peaceful international relations by leading the breakup of the Soviet Union Glasnost policy

Nelson Mandela

A South African anti-apartheid revolutionary leader who served as president of South Africa Country's first black president elected in a fully representative democratic election Focused on tackling institutionalized racism and the effects of the apartheid

Nikita Kruschev

A Soviet Union leader during the Cold War Responsible for the de-Stalinization of Russia

Berlin Wall

A barrier between east (communist) and west (democratic) Germany put up by the Soviet Union during the Cold War to stop people from leaving the east The fall of the Berlin wall led to German reunification and an end of the Soviet Union

The Jewish State

A book by Theodore Herzl that promotes the idea of forming a Jewish nation Encouraged Jews to avoid anti-Semitism and encouraged Jews to purchase land in Palestine

Little Red Book

A book of Mao Zedong's sayings that was designed to influence the youth Crucial to the Cultural Revolution to create a cult for Mao

Clash of Civilizations

A book written by Samuel Huntington arguing that the post Cold War era would be marked by a clash of civilizations based on ethnic, cultural, and religious differences Argued for a return to regionalism, nationalism, traditionalism, hardening ethnic boundaries, anti-immigration A universal order dominated by Western values was impossible...people value their cultural identity, Islamic extremism will be the source of most threats

Tiananmen Square

A center of town in Beijing The 1989 protests resulted in troops with rifles and tanks firing at civilians blocking their advance towards the square

"Quit India" Movement

A civil disobedience movement announced by Gandhi accompanied by a large non-violent protest against the British

Sykes-Picot Agreement

Agreement between Britain and France to divide up the Ottoman empire "The root of Arab bitterness"

Strategic Defense Initiative

Also known as Star Wars initiated under Ronald Reagan To develop a sophisticated anti-ballistic missile system in order to prevent missile attacks from other countries

Arab Nationalism

An Arab nationalism arose out of bitterness against British rule (negative nationalism) Had been under Ottoman rule for a long time--talked of a shared culture and language in their own state British supported them in order to overthrow the Ottomans promising statehood and self determination, then backed out and made Palestine a settler colony for Jews

Ba'ath Party

An Arab socialist party in Iraq and Syria Promoted pan-Arab nationalism and unity, freedom, and socialism


An agreement signed by USA, Mexico, and Canada in 1994 that established a trade bloc amongst these countries Goal was to eliminate trade barriers between the countries Has been highly beneficial to the US economy

One Child Policy

An extreme family planning policy in China that limited families to one child, to control the population Established by Deng Xiaoping

Third World(ism)

An ideology and political concept that arose in the 1940s during the Cold War and tried to generate unity among the nations that did not want to take sides between US and the Soviet Union


An ideology establishing the unification of the countries of the Arab world Promoted by Nasser


Anwar al Sadat's policy of opening the doors to the global economy after the October War Encouraged foreign and domestic investment in the private sector Infitah was accompanied by a break with longtime ally and aid-giver the USSR — which was replaced by the United States

Palestine Liberation Organization

Arab organization founded with the purpose of "the liberation of Palestine" through armed struggle, with much of its violence aimed at Israeli civilians Considered to be a terrorist organization by the US and Israel

Ernesto "Che" Guevara

Argentine Marxist who helped lead the Cuban revolution and believed that revolutionary upheaval was necessary for change to occur Trained the military forces in the new government, involved in bringing missiles to Cuba during Cuban Missile Crisis

John Paul II

Pope and sovereign of the Vatican City Improved the church's relations with Judaism, Islam, and the Eastern Orthodox church


Association of Southeast Asian Nations Established by non-Communist nations (Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines) to form a common market amongst Asian nations as war broke out between Vietnam and Cambodia Worked with countries to force the Vietnamese out of Cambodia and succeeded Grew into a strong organization of countries that co-operated militarily and politically with each other...gave Southeast Asia a voice on the world stage

Palestine Mandate

British open the doors for Jewish migration into Palestine Arabs felt betrayed by British after they helped them with defeating the Ottoman empire

Charles DeGaulle

French army officer who led the French Resistance against Nazi Germany in WWII Re-established democracy and promoted national independence and sovereignty in France

Indian National Congress

From the late 19th century, and especially after 1920, under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi, Congress became the principal leader of the Indian independence movement. Congress led India to independence from Great Britain, and powerfully influenced other anti-colonial nationalist movements in the British Empire

German Reunification

Germany was reunified after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 A symbol of the end of the Cold War tensions

Kwame Nkrumah

Ghanaian politician and revolutionary He was the first prime minister and president of Ghana, having led the Gold Coast to independence from Britain in 1957 Promoted Pan-Africanism, socialist and nationalist

Mohandas Gandhi

Indian activist who was the leader of the Indian independence movement against British rule, Indian National Congress Party Known for promoting civil disobedience and inspired civil rights movements all over the world


Indonesian nationalist leader who led the struggle for independence against the Dutch


Islamic law based on the teachings of the Koran and the traditions of the Prophet Prescribed penalties for lawbreaking

Menachem Begin

Israeli prime minister Known for signing the Camp David Accords with Anwar al-Sadat

Jawaharlal Nehru

Jawaharlal Nehru was a freedom fighter, the first Prime Minister of India and a central figure in Indian politics before and after independence A sovereign, socialist, secular, and democratic republic

Ayatollah Khomeini

Leader of the Iranian revolution to overthrow the Shah (had been exiled to Iraq because of his outspokenness against the regime) Implemented traditional Islamic law after he overthrew the shah regime, founder of the Islamic republic of Iran

Deng Xiaoping

Leader of the People's Republic of China after Mao Zedong Abandoned communist policies, Led economic reforms and an opening to the global economy/modern technology, "four modernizations" Implemented the one child policy

Chiang Kai Shek

Leader of the nationalist Guamindang party, backed by the US Promoted constitutional democracy, the future of China lay in an alliance with nations of the West Forced to flee to Taiwan after the communists took over China

Mustafa Kemal

President and founder of the Republic of Turkey Responsible for modernizing Turkey and implementing an ideology of secularism and nationalism His ideologies have been dubbed "Kemalism"

Cultural Revolution

Mao Zedong's attempt to reestablish his authority Directed at young people who established the Red Guards, created a cult of Maoism Enlisted young people to bring their parents, who were obsessed with modernization, back to traditional China Utilized the Little Red Book


Organization of African Unity Aims to promote the unity and solidarity of African states (political and economic integration), to eradicate colonialism from Africa

Yassir Arafat

Palestinian political leader

Camp David Accords

Peace negotiations signed by US president's Carter, Egypt's Anwar al-Sadat, and Israel's Begin Agreement: Israel agreed to withdraw from Sinai and Egypt would open the Suez Canal Angered many Arab states as it established peace between the two countries which was never a priority

National Party

Political party founded in South Africa in 1914 and disbanded in 1997 Originally an Afrikaner ethnic nationalist party that promoted Afrikaner interests in South Africa but became a South African civic nationalist party

Chinese Communist Party

Ruling party of China led by Mao Zedong Emphasis on people's livelihood and strong national consciousness

Desmond Tutu

South African cleric known for his work as an anti-apartheid and human rights activist, won the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts First black African to hold bishop and archbishop position

F.W. de Klerk

State president of South Africa (1989-94), released Mandela from jail Dismantled the apartheid system and introduced universal suffrage


Territories set aside by the Europeans during the apartheid for black Africans Afrikaners wanted racial segregation and restricted black sovereignty...sent them to infertile areas of the country


The Soviet Union practice of reconstructing the economic and political system first proposed by Leonid Brezhnev and promoted by Gorbachev Greater awareness of economic markets and increased labor efficiency


The communist doctrines of Mao Zedong Central ideas: permanent revolution, the importance of peasantry, small scale industry, and agricultural collectivization

Red Guards

The cultish groups of youth who followed Mao Zedong during the Cultural Revolution

"Little Tigers"

The economies of Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan that underwent rapid industrialization and high growth rate Product of capitalist economic techniques and a Confucian value system that stressed hard work, frugality, and the subordination of the individual to the community

The End of History

The idea by Francis Fukuyama that modern western democracy is the end of history, anticipated that there would be no more ideological tensions The world will be remade in this image

Political Zionism

The idea in Thomas Herzl's book The Jewish State to establish a Jewish state in order to avoid anti-Semitism occurring all over Europe

Muslim league

The original successor of the All-India Muslim League that led the Pakistan movement achieving an independent nation Advocated for a separate Muslim nation within India, i.e. Pakistan

United Arab Republic

The political unification between Egypt and Syria and a sovereign in the Middle East Nasser was president and the goal was Arab unification

Pahlavi Dynasty

Was the ruling house of the Imperial state of Iran from 1925 to 1979 when the 2500 years of continuous Persian monarchy was in place was overthrown and abolished as a result of the Iranian revolution


The undoing of colonialism The withdrawal or forcing out of colonial powers from a country Ex. forcing the British out of Ghana


The use of economic, political, cultural, or other pressures to control or influence other countries, especially former dependencies Coined by Kwame Nkrumah in the context of African countries decolonizing

Ho Chi Minh

Vietnamese communist revolutionary leader, spoke for Vietnamese independence Founded the Workers' Party of Vietnam and key figure in the Democratic Republic of Vietnam

Ali Jinnah

in British empire, started the Muslim League and pushed for the Muslim country of Pakistan, convinced secular nationalist, accepted Pakistan in the end

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