28-March Genesis 3:1-24: The Fall of Man

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Gnostics were active during the early church and Paul addressed their heresy in __________ and elsewhere


And the Lord God said to the woman, 'What is this you have done?' The woman said, 'The serpent deceived me, and _ ___' (3:13)

I ate

You will not surely die (3:4): This was also the first lie in ___ of ________

all of creation

They sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings (3:7): Adam and Eve now need a ________ for ___

covering for sin

God said to the serpent (3:14): God didn't ask the serpent any questions because He wasn't allowing the devil to confess and repent. God's plan of salvation was for ___________ of Adam only


Lest you ___ (3:3): Again, Eve is misquoting God


When Eve said: lest you die, she introduced _____ as to the consequences of sin


The sound of the Lord God (3:8): God had entered the garden and was ______ calling Adam's name


Nor shall you _____ __ (3:3): Here Eve was adding to God's words

touch it

We may eat the fruit of the _____ of the garden (3:2): Now Eve was twisting God's words


Also for Adam and his wife the Lord God made ______ of ____, and clothed them (3:21)

tunics of skin

You shall not eat of every tree of the garden? (3:1): Satan was deliberately ________ God's words


He placed cherubim (3:24): Later, two cherubim guarded the ___ of the ________ and the ____ of ______ where God communed with His people

Ark of the Covenant Holy of Holies

You are cursed (3:14): This curse begins with _____ and his _______ because they were the ultimate source of mankind's sorrow

Satan and his minions

_____ ___ ___? (3:9): This was the first question God ever asked

Where are you

Your desire shall be for your husband, And he shall rule over you (3:16): With this curse, women would strive for _______ i.e. feminism


God made tunics of skin, and clothed them (3:21): Adam and Eve's ________ for their sin could only come from God


Jesus said that Satan does not _____ in the truth, because there is no truth in him


Satan was trying to convince Eve that God was ______ which is the opposite of His true nature


Lest you die (3:3): God told Adam: you shall ______ die


In toil you shall eat of it (3:17): From that moment on, Adam would work the soil with _____ and ______

sweat and sorrow

Your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God (3:5): This is the invention of an ancient heresy known as __________


You gave to be with me (3:12): Adam laid blame on ___ vs. confessing


Then the man said, 'The woman whom ___ ____ to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I ate' (3:12)

You gave

Her husband with her (3:6): It's possible that Adam witnessed Eve's conversation with Satan first-hand. Nonetheless, God held Adam ___________


And I ate (3:13): God, in His grace, accepted Eve's half-hearted confession ____


Who told you that you were naked? (3:11): When Adam sinned, his innocence vanished and his conscience ________ to sin


She took of its fruit and ate (3:6): Eve's deception begins with a small doubt concerning God's _________ and Adam's _______________

character trustworthiness

What is this you have done? (3:13): God offered Eve the same opportunity as Adam to _______


Where are you? (3:9): God was trying to lead Adam to _______ his ___

confess his sin

The woman (3:12): Adam laid blame on Eve vs. __________


He said to the woman (3:1): Satan wanted to remove Adam as the head of ________ and replace him with Eve


He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel (3:15): God was saying that Satan would one day bruise His Servant, Jesus Christ. But the Son of God would permanently _____ the ____ of the serpent

crush the head

And he ate (3:6): Adam wasn't ________, he sinned deliberately, knowingly and willfully


The serpent deceived me (3:13): Eve _________ blame just like Adam


So the Lord God said to the serpent: 'Because you have ____ this, You are cursed more than all cattle, And more than every beast of the field; On your _____ you shall go, And you shall eat ____ All the days of your life' (3:14)

done belly dust

And to dust you shall return (3:19): Now, because of sin, mankind is subject to the curse of ____ and _____

dust and decay

So He drove out the man; and He placed cherubim at the ____ of the garden of Eden, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way to the tree of life (3:24)


Adam's second sin was ______ the _____

eating the fruit

In Genesis 2:16, God told Adam; of _____ tree of that garden you may ______ eat

every freely

Until he sinned, Adam had the privilege of speaking with God ____-__-____

face to face

Gnosticism is alive today and is found at the root of many _____ _________

false religions

God made tunics of skin, and clothed them (3:21): The covering had to come from innocent blood because God had to kill at least one animal. This is a picture of the _____ cost of salvation through the innocent blood shed by God's Son


Adam's _____ sin was submitting voluntarily to Eve's leadership


You will not surely die (3:4): This was Satan's _____ complete lie


Good for food...pleasant to the eyes...make one wise (3:6): Eve was tempted by the lust of the ______, the lust of the ____ and the _____ of life

flesh eyes pride

Now the serpent was more cunning (3:1): Satan had entered into a serpent and used the serpent's ____ to speak to Eve


On your belly you shall go (3:14): God was telling Adam, Eve and the serpent how things were _____ to ______ because of sin

going to change

It's possible that Adam included the touch it warning to Eve in order to convey the _______ of disobeying God


Cursed is the ______ for your sake (3:17): Adam's sin brought death and sorrow to all creation


They sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings (3:7): They covered their bodies but not their _____


And I ate (3:12): God, in His grace, accepted Adam's ____-_______ confession

half hearted

Since God had given Adam ________ over the human race, it was Adam's sin, not Eve's


And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel (3:15). Enmity is akin to _________


He drove out the man (3:24): This was both an act of ________ and of _____ on God's part

judgment and of mercy

Like God, knowing good and evil (3:5): Adam and Eve quickly learned that ______ evil is a very bad thing


This was the birth of ________, whereby men add to God's word, with good intentions hoping to prevent temptation


Satan's first lie led to spiritual death and thus he was the first ________


Gnosticism teaches that a person needs to acquire a ________ higher knowledge in order to understand God and His word


For all that is in the world-the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life-is not __ the ______ but is of the world (1 John 2:16)

of the Father

Have you eaten from the tree? (3:11): Reconciliation with God would come ____ when Adam confessed his sin


In pain you shall bring forth children (3:16): God's ________ plan for childbirth was painless and free of sorrow


To the woman He said: 'I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception; In ____ you shall bring forth children; Your desire shall be for your husband, And he shall ____ over you' (3:16)

pain rule

He drove out the man (3:24): The judgment came because God won't tolerate sin in His ________, so Adam had to leave


Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden (3:8): Man turns to the world for gain, pleasure and satisfaction but learns too late that earthly things will avail him nothing in the ________ of the ____

presence of the Lord

Eve fell into sin when she was seduced into _________ Adam's leadership


Has God indeed said (3:1): Satan was tempting Eve to doubt the ___________ of God and Adam


For God knows (3:5): Satan is implying that God was withholding some ______ information in order to keep Eve under God's domination


Adam and his wife hid themselves (3:8): The moment Adam sinned, he and Eve were filled with _____ prompting them to hide from God


He drove out the man (3:24): God's grace was the assurance that Adam wouldn't have to live forever _____ the _____ of his sin because all of us are forever freed from death through the blood of Christ

under the curse

Walking in the garden in the cool of the day (3:8): This implies that God ______ and ______ with Adam regularly

walked and talked

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