3.2 AP History

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Nearly ½ million emigrate to the U.S. annually from _______________________ more than ___________ as many as during the entire _____________________.

*Latin America, * twice *19th century

The US has experienced 3 main migratory periods

*Settlement of colonies. *Culminated in the early 20th century. *Began in the 1970's and continues today.

What's the annual immigration in the U.S. in the year 2000?

1 million

Give two examples of chain migration in the USA:

1-Rapid job growth 2-Industrial jobs

Recent immigrants are not distributed uniformly throughout UDA. • 1/5 are in: • 1/6 are in:

1/5: California 1/6: New York

Annotate the graph below from your reading of pages 87. Be sure to label all "peaks" and "valleys" (as indicated by arrows) as well as the national origins of immigrants during different periods. (as indicated by arrows) as well as the national origins of immigrants during different periods.

1850s-Northern & Western Europe, 1880s- Canada, 1910s- Southern & Eastern Europe 1990s- Africa (from lowest to highest)

In what stage of the Demographic Transition most European countries that sent immigrants?


Most European countries are in what stage of the Demographic Transition?


How many undocumented immigrants are living in the U.S. according to the Pew Hispanic Center in 2008?


What are the three largest flow of migrants from where to where?

Asia > Europe Asia > North America Latin America > North America

1950s to the first decade of the 21st century (2000-2010) ¾ of the recent U.S. immigrants have come from:

Asia and Latin America.

What three continents have net out-migration?

Asia, Latin America & Africa.

Which states are the destinations for immigrants?

California, New York, Texas and Florida

What were the three countries which sent the most immigrants from Asia in recent years?

China, India and the Philippines.

In order, what 5 countries of South America have sent the most immigrants to the USA?

Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Brazil & Venezuela

In order, what four island countries have sent the most immigrants to the USA from the Caribbean?

Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti & Jamaica

Finish this statement: The world's third most populous country (the US) is inhabited overwhelmingly by...

Direct descendants of immigrants.

In order, what two countries have sent the most immigrants to the USA from Central America?

El Salvador & Guatemal

Where does the U.S. receive most of its immigrants?

Europe specifically Germany

The 3 largest states for undocumented immigrants.

Florida, Texas & California

what states are the destination of most immigrants to the US?

Florida, Texas & California

Where do most undocumented immigrants to the US come from?


Where are immigrants coming from? ( don't have to name all )

Mexico, China, Columbia, Cuba, D.R., Haiti, India, Philippines & Vietnam

Explain some advantages and disadvantages of diffusion of European culture abroad.

New homes and different languages and cultural changes.

What three continents have net in-migration?

North America, Europe & Oceania.

Mexicans officially passed Germany in 2006 as the country that has sent the most immigrants to the USA. The USA has changed predominantly to Asian and Latin American immigration for these reasons:

People are forced by poor conditions at home and lured by economic opportunities and social advancement.

How did the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act attempt to change the status of some illegal immigrants? a. What was the effect?

Population increased. Hundreds thousand entering the U.S.

What does it mean by the USA having a "symbolic closing of the frontier"?

That its a very important closing mark.

Although the reasons for people leave their countries to immigrate to the US have not changed over time, what has changed here in the USA?

The U.S. has sparsely populated.

Immigration to the US dropped sharply in the 1930s and 1940s due to:

The great depression and World War II

What is the global pattern

The importance of migration from LDC's to MDC's.

Define chain migration:

The migration of people to a specific location because relatives or members of the same nationality previously migrated there.

What are undocumented immigrants?

Those that enter the U.S. without proper paperwork.

What country has the most international migrants?

United States.

List where most immigrants came from in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd eras of U.S. immigration.

a. 1st Peak Northern & Western Europe b. 2nd Peak Canada c. 3rd Peak Southern and Eastern Europe.

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