4.1 APES Quiz

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How new crust forms at a rift valley.

Divergent boundaries and the lava comes up and replaces the soil and stuff once way.

Where does seafloor spreading result in rifts and possible volcanoes?

Divergent boundaries, aka A on the diagram

Where is an earthquake most likely to occur as two plates slide sideways past each other?

At transform boundaries, aka C on the diagram.

Where would activity result in volcanoes, island arcs, and mountains?

Convergent boundaries, aka B on the diagram.

Where did a magnitude 9.0 earthquake occur (at a nearby subduction zone), triggered one of the largest nuclear reactor disasters in history?

Fukushima, Japan

What explains the tectonic plate activity on the West Coast of the United States?

It's a diagram. The region being underpaid by relatively thin crust and having high heat flow or San Andreas Fault.

Most volcanism in the world is associated with what?

Mid Atlantic ridge or plate boundaries.?

What areas of the world exhibit island arcs?

Ocean Ocean convergence. Above australia (japan is an island arc so are Catalina island and the channel island)

Define a transform boundary?

Plates sliding against each other.

Scientists are looking for new locations to generate electricity using geothermal energy. Where would be the best choice for a geothermal energy generating plant?

Tectonic plate boundaries.

What areas of the world exhibit a growing nonvolcanic mountain chain due to uplift?

The Himalayas aka india.

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