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The connective tissue around each muscle fiber is the ____________________; the layer around each fascicle is the ____________________, and the layer around the whole muscle is the ____________________. The last connective tissue layer that seperates the muscle from suround tissues is the ____________.

(1) endomysium (2) perimysium (3) epimysium (4) fascia

Which of the following cell types are part of the structure of the skin? (please select all thay apply) - Epidermal dendritic cells - Keratinocytes - Melanocytes - Tactile epithelial cells - Betacarotenocyte

- Epidermal dendritic cells - Keratinocytes - Melanocytes - Tactile epithelial cells

cause skin 'burns'? (select all that apply) - corrosive chemicals. - ultraviolet light. - electrical current. - direct heat

- corrosive chemicals. - ultraviolet light. - electrical current. - direct heat

1. Contraction in which the tension within the muscle remains the same as the muscle shortens. 2. Contraction in which the tension within the muscle increases as the length remains constant. 3. Contraction in which the tension within the muscle remains the same as the length changes. 4. Contraction in which the tension within the muscle remains the same as the muscle lengthens.

1. Concentric 2. Isometric 3. Isotonic 4. Eccentric

Which of the following is true of the development of muscle tissue? A) Most muscle tissue develops from ectoderm. B) 42-44 pairs of somites that will yield skeletal muscle tissue appear by the end of the 5th week. C) The dermatomes of the somites become muscle tissue. D) Cardiac muscle tissue develops from the sclerotome layer of the somites. E) Smooth muscle tissue develops from the endodermal cells associated with the intestines.

42-44 pairs of somites that will yield skeletal muscle tissue appear by the end of the 5th week.

How does muscle tissue contribute to homeostasis? A) by generating heat that helps maintain body temperature B) by moving materials through the body C) by pulling on bones to move the body D) All of the above

: All of the above

Lower limb muscles function in A) maintaining stability. B) maintaining posture. C) moving the body. D) A and B are correct. E) A, B and C are correct.

A, B and C are correct.

compound that supplies the energy for muscle contraction


A slightly movable joint is a(n) a) syndesmosis. B) amphiarthrosis. C) diarthrosis. D) symphysis. E) synarthrosis


A freely movable joint is a(n) a) syndesmosis. B) amphiarthrosis. C) diarthrosis. D) symphysis. E) synarthrosis


Which of the following is true of a twitch contraction? A) During a twitch, all fibers in a motor unit respond to an action potential in a motor neuron. B) During its latent period, Ca2+ binds to troponin. C) During its contraction period, Ca2+ is actively transported in the sarcoplasmic reticulum. D) During its relaxation period, an action potential moves across the sarcolemma and T tubules. E)All of the above are correct.

During a twitch, all fibers in a motor unit respond to an action potential in a motor neuron.

On which type of lever is the effort (or applied force) and load/resistance on opposite sides of the fulcrum? A) First-class lever B) Third-Class lever C) All levers meet this description D) Second-class lever

First-class lever

Which type of lever is the alantoocipital joint considered to be? A) First-class lever B) Third-Class lever C) All levers meet this description D) Second-class lever

First-class lever

Epinephrine and norepinephrine are regulatory substances that cause peripheral vasoconstriction, which means that they cause the blood vessels in the skin to narrow. Why is it important for the body to be able to narrow blood vessels in the skin?

Narrowing those blood vessels may reduce blood loss from an injury.

What is malignant melanoma?

Rare, but serious skin cancer. Often spreads to other tissues and organs.

What is the name of the muscle cytoplasm? A) T tubule B) myosin C) Z disks D) Sarcoplasm E) sarcomere F) myofibril G) Sarcolemma H) actin I) Sarcoplasmic reticulum.


All of the following are true of muscle tissue regeneration EXCEPT: A) Skeletal muscle tissue retains its mitotic ability and ability to regenerate throughout life. B) Smooth muscle fibers of the uterus and arterial walls have regenerative capacity. C) Cardiac muscle tissue has limited regenerative capacity. D) Most body tissues have more regenerative capacity than the muscle tissues. E) Healthy cardiac muscle fibers may undergo hypertrophy to compensate for damaged cells.

Skeletal muscle tissue retains its mitotic ability and ability to regenerate throughout life.

Of the five epidermal cell layers, which one can undergo mitosis?

Stratum basale.

Which skin layer contains closely packed, clear cells that contain a gel-like substance called eleidin? A) Stratum granulosum. B) Stratum basale. C) Stratum Spinosum D) Stratum lucidum. E) Stratum corneum.

Stratum lucidum.

the stimulus to contract the muscle is carried inside the muscle by this structure


True or False: Bundles of fine fibers that extend lengthwise along muscle fibers are called myofibrils.


If a fair-skinned person is sunburned, why does his or her skin turn red? A) Melanocytes increase production of red pigments. B) Increased heat causes the skin to turn red. C) The number of red melanocytes in the skin increases. D) The blood flow to the skin increases as part of the inflammatory response. E) The blood supply to the skin decreases.

The blood flow to the skin increases as part of the inflammatory response.

How does thin skin compare to thick skin?

Thin skin has fewer sensory receptors than thick skin.

The layers of skin from deep to superficial appear in what order? Stratum basale ____ Stratum lucidum ____ Stratum spinosum ____ Stratum granulosum ____ Stratum corneum

__1__ Stratum basale __4__ Stratum lucidum __2__ Stratum spinosum __3__ Stratum granulosum __5__ Stratum corneum

What is a sarcolemma? A) a system of transverse tubules that extend at a right angle to the long axis of the cell. B) the name for the muscle cell cytoplasm. C)a unique name for the plasma membrane of a muscle fiber. D) a segment of the myofibril between two successive Z-lines.

a unique name for the plasma membrane of a muscle fiber.

chemical released by the motor neuron that initiates the stimulus for a muscle contraction


protein that has active sites for cross-bridge heads


After heavy exercise, if energy reserves in a muscle are depleted, ________ occurs. A) atrophy B) paralysis C) tetanus D) treppe E) an oxygen debt

an oxygen debt

The ________ glands in the axilla become active at the time of puberty. A) mammary B) apocrine sweat C) sebaceous D) ceruminous E) merocrine sweat

apocrine sweat

What is another name for a muscle cell? A) both myocyte and muscle fibers are acceptable names for a muscle cell. B) muscle fiber C) myocyte

both myocyte and muscle fibers are acceptable names for a muscle cell.

The term aponeurosis refers to a... A) connective tissue sheath that encloses several tendons B) thickened part of a muscle C) broad, flat, sheetlike tendon D) band of connective tissue that encloses entire groups of tendons

broad, flat, sheetlike tendon

ion that is released by the sarcoplasmic reticulum


In response to action potentials arriving along the transverse tubules, the sarcoplasmic reticulum releases A) acetylcholine. B) potassium ions. C) sodium ions. D) hydrogen ions. E) calcium ions.

calcium ions..

A surgical incision made that is parallel to the lines of cleavage...

closes and heals with relatively little scarring.

Which of the following properties of muscle tissue is its ability to generate tension to do work? A) extensibility B) elasticity C) contractility D) excitability


Which of the following is a function of muscle tissue? a) absorbing heat from the environment B) storage of triglycerides C) controlling flow of materials out of the stomach and urinary bladder D) destabilizing body position E) storing calcium

controlling flow of materials out of the stomach and urinary bladder

by energizing these structures, chemical energy is converted to mechanical energy


What is the outermost layer of connective tissue surrounding a skeletal muscle? A) epimysium B) endomysium C) perimysium D) sarcomysium


Why does the same degree of environmental temperature seems hotter in humid climates than it does in dry ones?

evaporation is retarded in humid climates.

Bundles of fine fibers that extend lengthwise along muscle fibers are called sarcomere. true false?


The plasma membrane of a muscle fiber is called the sarcomere. true false?


True or False: The connective tissue sheath that envelops bundles of muscle fibers is the periosteum.


Anatomical speaking Which of the following is not a component of a lever system? A) effort B) fixator C) load D) joint E) bone


Which motions are NOT observed for the scapula? A) flexion and extension B) upward and downward rotation C) abduction and adduction D) elevation and depression E) protraction and retraction

flexion and extension

Which type of joint is found between the carpal bones? A) pivot B) ellipsoid C) hinge D) saddle E) gliding


Dense connective tissue is to a suture as a periodontal ligament is to a(n) A) syndesmosis. B) gomphosis. C) symphysis. D) synostosis. E) synchondrosis.


How does the body compensates for the increase in the core body temperature caused by exercise?

increasing the blood flow to the skin.

What is Muscular atrophy? A) is a decrease in muscle mass due to loss of myofibrils. B) is the result of overuse of muscles. C) is in increase in muscle mass due to increased numbers of myofibrils. D) is an increase in muscle mass due to increased numbers of myofibers. E) is always reversible, no matter what the cause.

is a decrease in muscle mass due to loss of myofibrils.

What does Sebum do?

lubricates hair and skin.

Which of the following product is ingested by surrounding keratinocytes? A) Eumelanin B) Amelansosmeness C) Amelanocyteness D) Albinism E) melanocytes F) melanosomes G) Pheomelanin


In which of the following would the motor units have the fewest muscle fibers? A) calf muscles B) thigh muscles C) muscles that control the eyes D) muscles of the neck E) postural muscles of the back

muscles that control the eyes

protein that has cross-bridge heads that pull on the thin fiber


A muscle of the head that is divided into two parts, separated by an aponeurosis is the... A) masseter B) temporalis C) zygomaticus major D) occipitofrontalis


The average length of time for a cell to be produced by the stratum basale, rise to the surface, become keratinized, and slough off is about how long?

one month

The layer of the skin that contains the blood vessels and nerves that are closest to the surface of the skin is the ________ layer.


Finish this sentence: Antagonistic muscle groups... A) are usually circular muscles B) perform opposite functions C) are usually located on the same side of a limb D) contract together to perform a coordinated movement

perform opposite functions

Glands that discharge an oily secretion into hair follicles are ________ glands.


Merocrine sweat glands A) primarily function in lubricating the hairs. B) are compound alveolar glands. C) secrete a watery fluid directly onto the surface of the skin. D) increase in number and activity with aging. E) produce organic secretions that are metabolized by bacteria to produce body odor.

secrete a watery fluid directly onto the surface of the skin.

The motor end plate is part of a... A) cardiac muscle cell at the intercalated disc B) smooth muscle cell when two cells meet C) motor neuron D) skeletal muscle cell at the synapse

skeletal muscle cell at the synapse

Apocrine sweat glands can be found in all of the following areas except the: A) armpits. B) soles of the feet. C) pigmented skin areas around the anus. D) areolae of the breasts.

soles of the feet.

The tough "horny" superficial layer of the epidermis is known as the

stratum corneum.

Which of the following is technically not part of the integumnetary system? A) epidermis B) subcutaneous layer C) hair and nails D) sebaceous and sweat glands E) dermis

subcutaneous layer

The joint used to hold a tooth in its socket is actually a _____________. A) amphiarthrosis B) synovial C) diarthrosis D) synarthrosis


Which of the following hormones directly stimulates growth of muscle tissue, leading to increased muscle mass? A) epinephrine B) thyroid hormone C) testosterone D) parathyroid hormone E) calcitonin


Which type of lever is the effort (or applied force) exerted between the fulcrum and load/resistance? A) Third-Class lever B) Second-class lever C) First-class lever D) All levers meet this description

third class

Which type of lever is the elbow considered to be? A) First-class lever B) Third-Class lever C) All levers meet this description D) Second-class lever

third class lever

protein that directly prevents the formation of cross-bridges in the sarcomere


protein that has receptor sites for an ion that causes it to change shape and pull another protein away from the receptor sites on the actin


One of the major functions of muscles is posture. true false?


The smallest contractile unit of muscle is a sarcomere. true false?


True or False: One of the major functions of muscles is heat production.


An important vitamin that is formed in the skin when it is exposed to sunlight is

vitamin D.

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