A&P Chapter 10 - Blood

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b, o

A person with blood type B can receive blood from these blood types


Alternate name for white blood cells

3 to 6 minutes

Blood normally clots in approximately


Granulocytes and agranulocytes are classified as types of these cells

erythrocytes in blood

Hematocrit is the percentage of:

Blood type B contains anti-A antibodies, which will agglutinate with type A blood.

Molly has blood type a and her daughter has blood type b. Why can't molly donate blood to her daughter?


Most numerous WBCs

30 percent

Severe shock that can be fatal occurs with blood loss exceeding ________.


T OR F: Basophils are the most numerous type of leukocyte


T OR F: Blood type a can receive blood from bloody types a and ab during a transfusion.


T OR F: Erythrocytes make up the majority of the formed elements


T OR F: Erythroprotein is released to stimulate platelet production in response to inadequate amounts of oxygen in the blood


T OR F: Rh- related problems occur in pregnant Rh-women carrying an Rh+ baby.


T OR F: The amount of hemoglobin contained within a RBC determines its capacity to transport oxygen


T OR F: The primary job of erythrocytes is to transport oxygen


T OR F: Vascular spasms, a part of process of hemostasis, limit blood loss during blood vessel injury


T OR F: calcium is necessary for coagulation to properly occur during hemostasis

hemolytic disease of the newborn

The condition in which maternal antibodies cross the placenta and destroy the baby's RBCs is called


The formation of an insoluble clot during hemostatsis is termed:


The most common type of blood in the U.S. population is:


The organ largely responsible for the synthesis of clotting factors is the:

blood type a

Which blood type contains the a antigen only

blood type o

Which blood type(s) can a person with blood type O receive?

neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils

Which of the following cells are classified as granulocytes?

blood type o

Which of these blood types carries no antigens?


a decrease in the oxygen-carrying ability of the blood


an important plasma protein that contributes to the osmotic pressure of blood

slightly alkaline

blood is


cell fragments that form from the rupture of a meagkaryocyte

yes this is possible the child could have either type a or type b blood

could a child with type b blood with a mother of type a blood have a father with type ab blood?


hereditary bleeding disorders that result form lack of clotting factors are referred to as


if you carry the Rh anitgen you are referred to as Rh

between 7.35 and 7.45

normal blood pH


substances that the body recognizes as foreign are called

a; b

the abo blood groups are based on two antigens: antigen _____ and antigen _______

100-120 days

the average functional lifespans of an rbc is


the blood type that contains both antigens a and b is


the percentage of erythrocytes in blood is known as the


the process by which bleeding is stopped is called


the rate of erythrocyte production is controlled by a hormone known as


the series of reactions that stop blood flow following a cut is called

granulocytes and agranuloctyes

the two major groups of white blood cells


type of cell fragment invovled in hemostasis


type of cell produced in response to erythropoietin


type of cell that contains hemoglobin for gas transport


when antibodies bind to antigens on foreign blood types, clumping or occurs:

red bone marrow

where does hematopoisesis produce new rbc


which formed element is the most abundant in blood


each hemoglobin moelcule is able to transport __ molecules of oxygen

lack a nucleus and most organelles clot blood



excess numbers of these cells cause leukocytosis

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