A&P Exam 2

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Simple Epithelium

1 Layer Absorption or secretion ex: Simple, Columnar, Cuboidal

Simple Cuboidal (Simple Epithelium)

1 Layer Box like. Tall as they are wide ex: Kidney tubules, gland ducts

Simple Squamous (Simple Epithelium)

1 Layer Flat & scale like ex: Lines blood vessels & lungs

Simple Columnar (Simple Epithelium)

1 Layer Tall and column shaped ex: Inner lining of the intestines

Simple Psuedostratified

1 Layer; looks stratified Various levels // all touch the basement membrane but not all touch the apical surface ex: lining of the trachea

List 6 functions your skin performs:

1.) Protection 2.) Body Temp Regulation 3.) Excretion 4.) Cutaneous Sensation 5.) Metabolic Functions 6.) Blood Reservoir

What are the 3 different types of burn?

1st, 2nd and 3rd degree

Stratified Epithelium

2 or more layers Protection against wear & tear ex: epidermis, lining of the bladder


2 or more layers of cells


A collection of cells, specialized

With which portion of an epithelial cell in the stomach would food be in contact?

Apical surface

Present in the axillary and genital areas of the body and function during puberty:


The surface cells of stratified squamous epithelium are continually:

Being shed from the surface

Of the four main classes of connective tissue, which has the least solid ground substance?





Bone cell


Bone forming

Basal Surface

Bottom layer of epithelial tissue

Nervous Tissue

Brain, Spinal Cord, Nerves Regulates & controls body functions

What muscle tissue has branched fibers, intercalated discs between adjacent cells and contracts automatically?

Cardiac Muscle Tissue

Tissue forming the walls of the heart

Cardiac Tissue

Tissue that contains intercalated discs and gap junctions

Cardiac Tissue

What type of muscle tissue contains intercalated sics and gap junctions?

Cardiac muscle tissue

Which three pigments contribute to skin color?

Carotene, melanin, hemoglobin



Of the following connective tissues, which generally takes the most time to recover from injury?



Cartilage cells

Which of the following types of sweat gland secretion is thought to deter insects?


What can you find in cartilage?

Chondroblasts and chondrocytes

Does not cover body surfaces or line passageways and cavities, but is more internally located; binds, supports, protects:


Penetrated by blood vessels (vascular):


The dermis is primarily composed of what tissue type?


Which of the following tissues is the most abundant and widely distributed?


_______ characterized by having large amounts of extracelluar material


_______ function is to support cells


_______ supports and reinforces the body organs


_______ surrounds and cushions body organs


_______ widely distributed; found in bones, cartilages, and fat deposits


Does not cover body surfaces or line passageways and cavities; but is more internally located; binds, supports, protects:

Connective Tissue

Penetrated by blood vessels (vascular)

Connective Tissue

What is the most abundant and widely distributed tissue type?

Connective Tissue

When does stratified squamous NOT occur?

Covering the body

Where can you find elastic cartilage?


You would expect to find ____________ fibers in areas that undergo a lot of stretch and rebound.


3rd Degree Burn

Entire thickness of skin involved Skin gray / white, cherry red or blackened Not painful (nerve endings destroyed or swollen)

2nd Degree Burn

Epidermal & upper dermal damage

1st Degree Burn

Epidermal damage only

Fingerprints are copies of __________.

Epidermal ridges

Consists of many cells with little intracellular substance (matrix):


_______ function is to protect and line


The four major tissue types are:

Epithelial > Covers Connective > Supports Muscle > Provides Nerve > Controls

An area in the body exposed to the external environment would be composed of which of the following tissue types?

Epithelial Tissue

Which of the following tissue types would you expect to find on a surface of the body that is subjected to a friction?

Epithelial Tissue

Epithelial Tissue vs. Connective Tissue

Epithelial Tissue Extracellular Matter: little Blood supply: none (avascular) Connective Tissue: Extracellular Matter: Large. Called matrix, formed of structure-less ground substance and fibers Blood supply: Mostly vascular

Consists of many cells with little intercellular substance (matrix)

Epithelial tissue

_______ cells of this tissue may absorb and/or secrete substances


_______ forms endocrine and exocrine glands


_______ forms membranes


Which classification best suits the pancreas?


Which of the following types of cartilage is compressible and resists tension well?


Skeletal Muscle Tissue

Found in skeletal muscle (striated) Only one that is voluntary

Cardiac Muscle Tissue

Found in walls of heart (striated with intercalated disks) Involuntary, heart beats on its own

Fibrous Cartilage

Found where strength and rigidity are needed, as in discs between vertebrae and the symphysis pubis

The mucus-secreting cells prevalent in simple columnar epithelium are known as __________.

Goblet Cells

One critical function of sebum, in addition to roles in waterproofing and skin softening, is that it provides protection against ____________.

Harmful bacteria

Connective Tissue Proper

Has a semisolid jelly in matrix

Which of the following undifferentiated cells of connective tissue do not secrete the matrix of the tissue with which they are associated?

Hematopoietic stem cells

Muscle Tissue

Highly Vascualrized > Lots of blood flow (many blood vessels) Responsible for most types of movement

What are the different types of Exocrine Glands?

Holocrine, Apocrine, Merocrine

Which of the following types of cartilage serves as the embryonic precursor to long bones?

Hyaline Cartilage

Where can you find fibrocartilage?

Intervertebral discs

Cardiac muscles are _____________


What is the main cell of the epidermis?

Keratinocytes (which synthesize the protein keratin)

Where is the simple columnar epithelium found?

Lining the trachea - several layers of cells

Reticular Tissue

Loose Connective Proper. Forms a delicate network inside most lymphatic organs like the spleen

Areolar Connective Tissue (C.T.)

Loose connective tissue proper

Adipose C.T.

Loose connective tissue proper. Stores fat inside cells which looks like rings with single gem. White fat/Brown fat

Of the following cell types, which are found patrolling areas exposed to harmful bacteria?


Smooth Muscle Tissue

Mainly in walls of hollow organs (other than heart) Involuntary

Which of the following types of skin cancer is the most dangerous?


_______ allows you to smile, grasp, swim, ski and throw a ball


_______ function is to contract and move body


_______ its cell shorten to exert force


_______ allows movement of limbs and for organ movements within the body


What structures does the dermis layer contain?

Nerve endings, sweat glands and oil (sebaceous) glands, hair follicles and blood vessels

_______ basis of the major controlling system of the body


_______ forms the brain & spinal cord


_______ function is to communicate


_______ uses electrochemical signals to carry out its function


Elastic Fiber

Networks long & thin Contain elastin (protein that allows for stretch and recoil)

The primary functional cell found in nervous tissue is the ___________.


What is the main cell in Nervous Tissue?

Neurons (specialized nerve cells that generate and conduct nerve impulses)


Non-conducting cells Supporting cells found in Nerve Tissue Support, insulate and protect neurons ***cant go through mitosis***


Non-conducting cells. Supporting cells, and help in keeping brain & spinal cord free of debris and germs. - nourish neurons, play a role in insulation of nerve fibers

The amount of melanin produced in the skin is determined by the?

Number of melanocytes


Only one layer of cells

What is another name for bone?

Osseous Tissue

What are the two major regions the dermis consists of?

Papillary and Reticular


Produce melanin, produce pigments

Epithelial Tissue Functions

Protection, Absorption, Filtration, Excretion, Secretion, Sensory Reception

Elastic Cartilage

Provides strength and flexibility, as in external part of the ear

What is the most common cell type in blood?

Red blood cells


Regular dense connective tissue, joins bone to bone


Regular dense connective tissue, which joins muscles to bones

If this gland's duct becomes blocky by sebum, it can lead to acne:


Which of the following glands are holocrine glands?

Sebaceous glands

Reticular Fiber

Short, fine, highly branched collagenous

The presence of which type of epithelial tissue is a dead giveaway for glands?

Simple Cuboidal

Which of the following types of epithelial tissues is best suited for areas of the body where diffusion or filtration occurs?

Simple Squamous

What tissue is attached to bones?


Tissue that has cells that are multinucleate

Skeletal Tissue

Tissue that is attached to the bone

Skeletal Tissue

What type of muscle tissue has cells that are multinucleate?

Skeletal muscle tissue

What structures are included in the Integumentary System?

Skin Hair Nails Glands (sweat and sebaceous) Specialized nerve receptors (such as touch, heat, pain)

Apical Surface

The top layer of the cell tissue - doesn't touch anything, surrounds the cell

The urinary system is line with:

Transitional Epithelium


Underlies epidermis *a lil more spread out* *mostly connective tissue*


Very long; cells that conduct information in the form of electrical disturbances = nerve pulses

The skin plays a role in the manufacture of vitamin ______.

Vitamin D

Skeletal muscles are the only muscles that are __________



What is outside of the cell, what the cell produces Ex: hard bone

The color of human skin depends upon:

Whether the blood within the skin is very well oxygenated The number of underlying blood vessels The kind and amount of pigment

Hyaline Cartilage

White, glossy cartilage covering ends of bones (articular), covering ends of ribs (coastal), and giving strength to nose, larynx, and trachea

Loss of one's skin, such as with severe burns, leads to an increased risk of __________.

bacterial infection inadequate body temperature maintenance dehydration

Transitional epithelium allows the:

bladder to stretch.

The most important role of the eccrine sweat gland is _________.

body temperature regulation


deepest layer, adipose tissue that absorbs shock and insulates

The principal tissue found in the dermal layer is ___________.

dense irregular connective tissue

Endocrine Glands

do not have ducts & release their secretion into blood which carries it to the target cells secretion: hormones released in blood ex: thyroid, adrenal, pituitary

Where can you find Hyaline cartilage?

end of long bones, tip of nose, trachea, cartilage of ribs

Supporting Connective Tissue

ex: cartilage (avascular) & bone (vascular) provide a strong framework for the body. solid matrix. cells are present in spaces = lacunae


fluid matrix called plasma contains: white and red blood cells and platelets connective tissue function in trasport


has a solid matrix; avascular. 3 different types - hyaline, eslastic, fibrocartilage tough yet flexible lacks nerve fibers does not heal fast

Transitional Epithilum

has many layers like normal stratified; but its cells can stretch. when stretched, the # of layers is less than when the epithelium is tension free. ex: lining of uterus or bladder

Exocrine Glands

have ducts to carry the secretion to desired location secretion: digestive juices or protein ex: salivary, sweat& liver


have watery secretion. secretory vesicles accumulate in apical part of cell & released at the same time - damaging the apical part of cell; ex: sweat glands opening on main surface of skin

Stratified Cuboidal Epithilium

lines the bigger ducts of the sweat & salivary glands

Where do epithelial tissues lie?

on a common basement membrane


produce fibrous protein (keratin), most cells in epidermis


secretory vesicles do not get stored and release contents by exocytosis causing no damage to cell. cause odorous sweat. ex: sweat glands opening up into axilla, areola, and groins.

The principal role of melanin is to __________.

shield the nucleus from damage by ultraviolet radiation


solid matrix; vascular (has blood supply)

Epithelial tissues are _______ ________ tissues.

surface forming (can cover external or internal surfaces of body or organs)


when all the cell contents are released at the same time ex: sebaceous glands

What is the difference between a -cyte & a -blast?

"Blast" Cells > Immature form; mitotically active; secrete ground substance & fibers "Cyte" Cells > mature form; maintain matrix

Cell Membrane

(at cell level) cell membrane is lipid bi-layer with proteins in it

Columnar Stratified Epithelium

(rare in the human body) only the top layer is columnar, ex: lining in the pharynx

Basement Membrane

(tissue level) barrier between epithelial and connective tissues

Epithelial Tissue

- forms boundaries - has 2 main types by location covering and lining epithelial on external and internal surfaces glandular epithelia secretory tissue in glands *epithelial tissue is very very tightly packed

Tissue that has spindle-shaped cells with ends tapering to points


What muscle tissue is found in blood vessel walls, in the gut wall and in the glands?

Smooth Involuntary Muscle

The tissue that is found in the walls of the intestines, urinary bladder, and blood vessels

Smooth Tissue

What muscle tissue is found in blood vessel walls, in the gut wall and in glands?

Smooth involuntary muscle

Which muscle cells are spindle-shaped?

Smooth muscle

Arrector Pili Muscles

Smooth muscle cells attached to hair follicles. When contracted, they pull hair into upright position (goosebumps)

What type of muscle tissue has spindle-shaped cells with ends tapering to points?

Smooth muscle tissue

What type of muscle tissue is found in walls of intestine, urinary bladder, and blood vessels?

Smooth muscle tissue


Specialized tissue for contraction

The inside of blood vessels is lined with:

Squamous Epithelium

What is the most common Stratified Epithelium?

Squamous Stratified Epithelium


Squirts out ex: sweat, oils in hair

Which characteristic of epithelial tissues would you expect to find in a duct that is subject to a high degree of pressure (such as the male urethra)?

Stratified layering

What are the 5 cell layers? (superficial to deep)

Stratum Corneum, Startum Lucidem, Stratum Granulosom, Stratum Spinosum, Stratum Basal Come (cornum) Lets (lucidium) Get (granulosom) Some (spinosum) Beverages (Basal)

Which epidermal layer is closest to a bloody supply?

Stratum basale

What layer of epidermis would be gradually shed through bathing?

Stratum corneum

What muscle tissue has long fibers and nuclei on the surface?

Striated Voluntary Muscle

What muscle tissue moves bones?

Striated Voluntary Muscle

Collagen Fiber

Strongest & most abundant type Tough; provides high tunsile strength (tunsile = ability to resist being pulled apart)


Study of tissue

Sweat Glands =

Sudoriferous glands


Superficial region *epithelial tissue*

Functions of Bone

Supports and protects Stores fat and synthesized blood cells in cavities Richly Vascularized *connective tissue

The touch sensors of the epidermis are the _________.

Tactile cells

The major distinction between endocrine glands and exocrine glands is that endocrine glands secrete their product into _________.

The blood


The making of new cells

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