A&P Midterm

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Tensile strength

Resistance to being stretched or torn apart

Most sports injuries should be treated initially with what tyoe of therapy?

Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (RICE)

Negative feedback system

Reverses a change in a controlled condition

Is NOT considered part of the appendicular skeleton


This tissue's contractions help physically break down and move food, move fluids through the body, and eliminate waste

Smooth muscle tissues


Spaces within the body that help protect, separate, and support internal organs (PSS)

Protiens in the form of enzymes:

Speed up most essential bio-chemical reactions


The ECF within blood vessels


The ability of muscle tissue to contract forcefully when stimulated by an action potential

Motion results from:

The alternate contraction ans relaxation of muscles


The basic, living, structural, and functional unit of the body


The bones forming the greater portions of the sides and roof of the cranial cavity

Muscles that move the radius and ulna are innervated by nerves derived from:

The brachial plexus

Amino Acids

The building blocks of protiens


The cause of movement


The central portion of the thoracic cavity

When the forearm is flexed the following occurs:

The coronoid process moves into the coronoid fossa and the radial head moves into the radial fossa

Dense irregular connective tissue

The dermis of the skin, heart valves, perichondrium, and periosteum

Hinge joint

The elbow


The fluid portion of cytoplasm, where many chemical reactions required for a cell's existence take place

Effort is

The force exerted by muscular contraction


The formation of scar tissue

Muscles consitute what percent of the total body weight?


Flat bone

A bone consisting of two parallel plates of compact bone, scapula

Short bone

A bones whose length and width are nearly equal, carpals and tarsals


A fibrocartilage disc that extends into a joint cavity

Mature muscle cells have:

A hundred or more nuclei

Connective tissue

A matrix, which tends to prevent tissue cells from touching one another

Surface tension

A measure of difficulty of stretching or breaking the surface of liquid


A programed, normal kind of cell death


A sac if Synovial fluid between bones and overlying tissues

Simple cuboidal epithelium

A single layer of cube- shaped cells, functions in secretion and absorption and could be found in ovaries, eyes, and kidneys


A substance that can be broken down into two or more different elements by ordinary chemical means

The attachment between the basal surface of epithelial cells and connective tissue:

A thin extracellular layer, basement membrane, and basal and recticular lamina


A tough fibrous protein which protects from heat, microbes, and chemicals


Ability of muscle tissue to return to its original length and shape after contraction of extension


Ability of muscle to stretch without being damaged

The basic unit of compact bone

An Osteen, Haversian system, and chrondrocyte


An illness characterized by a recognizable set of complaints and indications

Coronal Plane

Another name for frontal plane

Median plane

Another name for midsagittal plane


Are capable of engulfing bacteria and cellular debris by phagocytosis

Skeletal muscle fibers

Are set before birth, and most last a lifetime

Hyaline cartilage makes up the:

Articular cartilage

White blood cells

At sites of infection, or in response allergic conditions and parasitic invasions these cells migrate from blood into connective tissues

The superior orbital fissure is located:

Between the anterior aspects of the greater and lesser wings of the sphenoid bone

A lateral deviation of the proximal phalanx of the great toe and medial displacement of metatarsal describes:


During walking, the talus transmits about half of the weight of the body to the:


Proteins always contain:

Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen (CHON)

Muscle tissue which is strained and involuntary is:


Cells that can perform Phagocytosis include:

Certain white blood cells

List the regions of the vertebral column in the correct order to form superior to inferior

Cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal


Combines strength and rigidity, and is one of the strongest types of cartilage. Example: discs between backbone


Connective tissues cells that store triglycerides

Parenchyma are cells that:

Constitute the tissues or organs functioning part

Nonciliates simple columnar epithelium

Contains microvilli and goblet cells

articular cartilage

Covers the epiphysis, reduces friction, and absorbs shock at freely moveable joints

Is NOT part of the axial skeleton

Coxal bones

The function of the nasal conchae is to:

Create turbulence in inspired air for cleaning purposes

The meninges that cover the brain attach anteriorly to the:

Crista galli of the ethmoid bone

The principal parts of a cell are

Cytoplasm, plasma membrane, and nucleus

What muscle forms the rounded contour of the shoulder?


The roughened area on the middle protion of the shaft of the humerus is the:

Deltoid tuberosity


Dense regular connective tissue that attaches bone to bone


Dependent on the number of collagen fibers


Distal and proximal ends of long bones

A lever is acted upon at two different points by what two different forces?

Effort and resistance


Epithelial tissue that lines the heart, blood vessels, and lymphatic vessels

Directly anterior to the sphenoid bone and posterior to the nasal bones is the

Ethmoid bone

Skeletal muscles produce movement by:

Exerting force on tendons, which in turn pull on bones or other structures

Movement that increases the angle between articulating bones is:


The ligamentum nuchae ia a fibro elastic ligament extending between the seventh cervical vertebra

External Occipital Protuberance

Main function of the appendicular skeleton is to:

Facilitate movement

Carrier molecules within the plasma membrane are required in order to transport a substance across a membrane via

Facilitated diffusion

The greater and lesser trochanters are projections seen on the:



Fibrous covering over bone into which tendons and ligaments attach, inner portion is site of osteogenic cells

The lateral malleolus is part of the:


The distal end of the fubula articulates with the:

Fibular notch of the tibia


Flat sheets of pliable tissue that covers or lines a part of the body

Interstitial fluid

Fluid between cells of tissues

Intracellular fluid

Fluid within the cells

Cell junctions may serve which function:

Form fluid tight seals between cells, anchor cells together or to extracellular material and act as channels that allow ions and molecules to pass from cell to cell within a tissue

The strength and stability of the shoulder joint is provided by:

Four deep muscles of the shoulder

Joints function as:


A cell's shape is related to its


Frontal suture

General does not persist into adulthood

Greater number of muscle fibers provide:

Greater power

A longer muscle provides:

Greater range of motion

Is NOT in the proximal row of carpal bones:


This depends on its crystallized inorganic mineral salts:


Nervous tissue

Has the poorest capacity for renewal

A connective tissue called red bone marrow produces red blood cells, white blood cells, and plateleys by a process called:


The coronoid and olecranon fossae are depressions found on the:


The tounge is supported by the:


Which of the following bones is considered to be part of the axial skeleton?


Which of the following is located between the greater wing of the sphenoid bone and the maxilla?

Inferior orbital fissure

Invagination of membrane to form a vesicle in a receptor- mediated endocytosis is triggered by:

Interaction between the protein clathrin and the receptor-ligand complex

Cardiac muscle tissue

Involuntary, its fibers attach by intercalated discs

Plasma membrane

Is composes of protiens and lipids which are held together by noncovalent forces


Is not a dnese connective tissue

Elastic connective tissue

Is not a loose connective tissue


Is not a mature connective tissue

When sitting on a stool which part of the Coxal bones touch the stool first?

Ischial tuberosities

Tight junctions

Junctions that prevent the comtents of certain organs from leaking into the blood or surrounding tissues

The largest and most complex joint in the body, actually consisting of three joints within a single Synovial cavity in the:

Knee joint

Tears pass into the nasal cavity via the:

Lacrimal fossa

The part of the tibia that articulates with the head if the fibula:

Lateral condyle

The acromion process of the scapula articulates with the:

Lateral end of the clavicle

Which muscle is commonly called the "swimmers muscle"?

Latissimus Dorsi

Two axial muscles are:

Latissimus Dorsi and Pectoralis Major


Layer of bone cells lining the marrow cavity

Is NOT typical of the female pelvis:

Less moveable coccyx

Bones acts as:


Serous membrane

Lines a body cavity that does not open directly to the exterior, and covers the organs that lie within the cavity

Mucous membrane

Lines a body cavity that opens directly to the exterior, such as tue digestive, respiratory, reproductive, and much of the urinary system

Synovial membrane

Lines joints, contains connective tissue but no epithelium, and secretes a fluid that lubricates and norishes the cartilage covering the bones

Smooth muscle tissue:

Located in the walls of blood vessels

Smooth muscle tissue

Located in the walls of blood vessels, airways to the lungs, the stomach, intestines, gallbladder, and urinary bladder

Herniated dics occur most often in which vertebral region?


The radius articulates with the:


Elastic connective tissue

Lung tissue and arteries whose recoil between heart beats helps maintain blood flow


Lying face down


Lying face up


Main portion of bone (long)

Cardiac muscle tissue

Makes up most of the heart wall

The only moveable bone of the skull is


Which if the following has both an alveolar process and a Coronoid process?


Mediated transport

Materials move through the cell membrane with assistance of a transporter protein

The articular facets of the patella articulate with the:

Medial and lateral condyles of femur

Most of the muscles of the forearm attach to the:

Medial and lateral epicondyles of the humerus

Is NOT true for the scapula

Medial border articulates with the vertebral column

Hair color drpends upon of this substance in its keratinized cells



Membrane containing bone forming cells, protects bone, assists in fracture repair, norishes bone tissues, is the attachment point for tendons and ligaments, and where a bone grows in thickness

Bones which make up the palm of the hand


Cilia and flagella are mostly of:


The auditory ossicles are located in the

Middle ear


Migrate through the connective tissue, secreting the fibers and ground substance of the matrix


Move freely through the body searching for invaders

The principal epithelial membranes of the body are:

Mucous, Serous, and Cutaneous membranes and skin

Positive feedback system

Must be shut off by some outside system, and strengthens or reinforces a change in one of the body's controlled conditions that doesn't happen very often


NOT a process or projection


Nerve cells


Nonmotile fingerlike projections of the plasma membrane that are supported by microfilaments


Not a classification of muscle tissue

The superior articulat facets of the atlas articulated with the:

Occipital condyles

The prominence of the elbow is formed by the:

Olecranon process of ulna

There are normally two of each maxilla, nasal, temporal, and zygomatic bones

Only one vomer bone


Organelles that contain enzymes for production of ADP


Organelles that contain enzymes that destroy material engulfed by phagocytes


Organic compunds which are. the cellular building material

The biceps, triceps , and quadriceps are named as such based upon the number of (blank) that they have


The cell does not need to expend energy (ATP) in order to perform


Cleft palate results from incomplete fusion of the:

Palatine processes of the maxillae

The mandibular fossa of the temporal bone articulates with what part of the mandible?

Parietal, zygomatic, mandible, and sphenoid bone

Mediated transport

Passage of materials across the membrane with the assistance of a transporter protien

A bone that is considered a sesamoid bone


The tibial tuberosity is the attachment point for the:

Patellar ligament

This muscle is synergist to Sternocleidomastioid

Pectoralis Major

Skin provides protection in the form of:

Physical, biological, and chemicals barriers

Form of vesicular transport:


There are 5 characteristic patterns of fascicles to tendons each of which represent a compromise between:

Power and range of motion

Most of the structural differences between male and female skeletons are related to adaptation for:

Pregnancy and childbirth

Mast cells

Produce histamine as part of the body's reaction to injury

Functions of muscle tissue:

Produces body movement, stabilizes positions, regulates organ volume, and moves substances

What role does epithelial tisssue play in the body?

Protection, filtration, secretion, absorption, and excretion (PFSAE)

Is NOT a basic function of the skeletal system

Protein storage

Subatomic particles include:

Protons, neutrons, and electrons

endocrine system

Provides gradual change to correct homeostatic disturbances. Also, a group of glands that secrete molecules called hormones into the blood

Nervous system

Provides rapid change to correct homeostatic disturbances

Elastic cartilage

Provides strength and elasticity and maintains the shape of certain structures, such as the external ear

Some muscles that move the mandible attach to the:

Pterygoid processes of the sphenoid bone

The interosseous membrane joins the:

Radius and Ulna

Golgi complex

Recieves synthesized products from the rough ER and modifies, sorts, packages, and transports them within to various locations


Region of mature bone where diaphysis joins epiphysis

Functions of the skin

Regulation of body temperature, reservoir for blood and excretion and absorption

articular cartilage

Thin layer of hyaline cartilage at the end of long bone

Hyaline cartilage, fibrocartilage, and elastic cartilage

This cartilage consists of a dense network of collagen and elastic fibers firmly embedded in chondroitin sulfate

interstitial fluid

This is offten called the body's internal environment

Transverse, Cross sectional, and horizontal planes

This plane divides the body or organ into superior and inferior portions

The "shinbone" is the:


The prominence that can be felt in the medial surface of the ankle is part of the:


List the distal row of carpal bones in the correct order from lateral to medial

Trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate

Is NOT in the distal row of carpal bones:


Is part of the elbow joint:

Trochlear notch of the ulna

Best describes inversion:

Turning soles of feet to face each other

The spinal cord passes through the:

Vertebral foramen

Skeletal muscle tissue


"Muscular System"

Voluntary skeletal muscle tissue only

The nasal septum is formed by cartilage and the:

Vomer & perpendicular plate of the ethmoid

The most important and abundant inorganic compound in all living systems, in which nearly all of the body's chemical reactions occur



Water channels in a plasma membrane

isotonic contraction

When a muscle develops tension and the muscle shortens

isometric contraction

When a muscle develops tension but does not shorten


When large molecules are split up into smaller atoms, ions, or molecules


When two or more atoms, ions, or molecules combine to form new and larger molecules

Simple squamous epithelium is found in parts of the body;

Where filtration or diffusion are priority processes


Where reactions to cellular respiration occur

Rough ER

Where secretory proteins and membrane molecules are synthesized

Mendullary Cavity

Within the diaphysis, contains fatty yellow bone marrow

Paranasal sinuses are not found in these bones:



any derangement or abnormality of function

Extracellular Fluid

fluid outside the cell bodies


objective changes that can be observed and measured


The individual cells that make up muscle tissue


The shrinking of cells when placed in hypertonic solution


The site of protein synthesis


subjective changes in body functions that are not apparent to an observer


All synthesis reactions that occur in the body


Also called the load, the opposition to movement & the weight of the body part is moved

Genu Varum is:

Bow leggedness (RUM makes have to pee/open your legs)

Muscles that move the arm are innervated by:

Brachial plexus

The patellae are examples of

Sesamoid bones

Which joint has more freedom of movement than any other joint in the body?

Shoulder joint


Skeletal muscle fibers are arranged within the muscle in bundles

The largest organ in the body in surface area and weight


The Zygomatic process is part of the:

Temporal bone

Dense regular connective tissue

Tendons and most ligaments

Epiphyseal Plate

The point at which cartilage is replaced with bone, and where bone grows in length


The process in which bone is formed


The process of cells moving up through the epidermal layers and accumulating more and more tough fibrous protein

Calcification & Mineralization

The process of mineral salts being depositied in the framework of matrix causing hardening of the tissue

Sebaceous glands

Absent in the palms and soles

The proximal end of the femur articulates with the:


Most microfilaments are composed of:


Hyaline cartilage

Affords flexibility and support at joints, reduces friction, and absorbs shock. This is the weakest of the types of cartilage


All chemical reactions occuring in the body


All decomposition reactions that occur in the body collectively

List the proximal row of the carpal bones in the correct order from lateral to medial:

Scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform (SLTP)

Plasma cells

Secrete antibodies and are an important part of the body's immune system


Securing the nail to the fingertip

The pituitary glad is loacted in the:

Sella turcica of the sphenoid bone

Is not part of the appendicular skeleton


The xiphoid process is part of the:


The Hyoid bone is suspended from the:

Styloid process of the temporal bones

The base of the patella is the:

Superior end

What two muscles ate named for the fossa they fill?

Supraspinatus & Infraspinatus

Plasma membrane

Surrounding and containing the cytoplasm of a cell


The major tyoe of storage vesicle produced by the Golgi complex


The membrane associated with the heart is


The membrane associated with the lung

The advantage of the presence of microvilli on cell membranes

The membrane has a greater surface area for an increased rate of diffusion

Covalent Bonds

The most common chemical bonds in the body


The neurotransmitter rleases at the NMJ


The phase of cellular respiration that lacks oxygen


The phase of cellular respiration that occurs in the presence of oxygen

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