Abeka Biology Chapter 9 - Digestion

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Colon cancer

cancer of the colon; of which diet is a significant factor

Gastric ulcers

an ulcer that occurs in the stomach

Duodenal ulcers

an ulcer that occurs where the duodenum is exposed to gastric juice as the stomach contents enter the small intestine

Digestive enzyme

any of the enzymes involved in digestion


any of the four front cutting teeth on each jaw


any of the four light-grinding teeth next to the cuspids (one pair on each side) on each jaw; also called premolar


any of the six heavy grinding teeth (three to a side) at the back of each jaw

Salivary gland

any of the six saliva-secreting digestive glands of the mouth


first and shortest section of the small intestine


middle section of the small intestine


mineral substance that covers the crown of a tooth

Cardiac sphincter

the area of thickened circular muscles where the esophagus joins the stomach

Clostridium botulinum

the bacterium that causes botulism


the most important gastric enzyme

Pharynx (throat)



bone-like layer that surrounds the pulp of a tooth


bone-like structure that fastens the root of a tooth to the jaw

Sodium bicarbonate

chemical produced by the pancreas to neutralize stomach acid in chyme that enters the small intestine




common food infection caused by bacteria of the genus Salmonella

Hydrochloric acid

component of gastric juice that softens foods, kills bacteria, reacts with certain minerals to make them soluble, and provides the acid medium required for the enzyme pepsin


condition caused by infection of the vermiform appendix


condition that occurs when feces are so dry that defecation is difficult


condition that occurs when insufficient water is removed from feces, resulting in soft and watery feces and frequent defecation


a burning sensation that occurs when the cardiac sphincter malfunctions, allowing gastric juice to enter the esophagus

Intestinal juice

a digestive juice produced by the intestinal glands of the small intestine which contains several enzymes

Vermiform appendix

a small, finger-like structure in the cecum; the appendix that sometimes becomes infected and caused appendicitis

Digestive juices

a liquid made of a small amount of digestive enzymes and mostly water that helps digest food; secreted by the digestive glands


taste-bud-containing projections on the tongue


thick liquid formed in the stomach, consisting of digestive juices and partially digested food


third and longest section of the small intestine


tiny, hair-like projection of the small intestine that absorbs digested food; plural villi

Eustachian tube

tube connecting the throat to the middle ear

Alimentary canal

tube leading from the mouth to the anus that forms the main portion of the digestive system

Large intestine

tube-like organ that prepares undigested food for expulsion from the body

Salivary amylase

digestive enzyme produced by the salivary glands that begins the digestion of starch

Intestinal glands

digestive glands in the small intestine that produce intestinal juice

Gastric juice

digestive juice formed by the secretions of the stomach

Pancreatic juice

digestive juice, produced by the pancreas, that contains digestive enzymes needed in the small intestine

Dental caries (cavities)

disease in which acid attacks the teeth, penetrating the enamel and dentin; also called tooth decay and cavities

Common bile duct

duct through which bile enters the small intestine from the gallbladder


either of two tearing teeth flanking the incisors on each jaw; also called canine

Dyspepsia (gastric indigestion)

gastric indigestion

Food poisoning

gastrointestinal disease caused by consumption of food contaminated with bacteria or bacterial toxins


general term for the chemical processes of life


greenish substance secreted from the liver that helps in the digestion of fats

Bile salts

group of substances in bile that emulsify fats

Small intestine

long, tubular organ that is the primary organ of digestion and absorption


long, tubular section of the large intestine that absorbs water from undigested food


microscopic blood vessel, linking an artery and vein, in which the exchanges between body cells and blood take place


movement of water, digested food, and other dissolved substances from the small intestine into the bloodstream

Pyloric sphincter

muscle structure that opens and closes to control the movement of food from the stomach to the small intestine


muscular digestive organ that thoroughly mixes food with digestive juices


muscular organ that pushes food between the teeth, mixes it with mucus and saliva, and prepares chewed food for swallowing


open sore in the mucous membrane of the digestive tract

Taste bud

organ of taste, consisting of chemoreceptors for different types of taste


organ that produces pancreatic juice and contains the islets of Langerhans


pouch in the large intestine at the junction with the small intestine; similar structure in horses and rabbits where fermentation of cellulose occurs


rhythmic wave of muscular contractions that moves food through the digestive tract


sac-like organ that stores bile

Digestive gland

secreting body that produces digestive enzymes and digestive juices


section of the large intestine that stores feces until they are expelled from the body

Typhoid fever

serious illness acquired from food or water contaminated with the bacteria Salmonella Typhi


sticky digestive juice produced by the salivary glands


the last step of digestion, or the process of releasing waste


stored glucose in the liver and muscles


structure in the mouth that cuts, breaks, or crushes food into smaller pieces


structure that forms the roof of the mouth


substance that speeds up a chemical change but is not consumed in the process

Pancreatic duct

the tube which carries the pancreatic juice from the pancreas into the small intestine

Peptic ulcer

ulcer caused by the digestive action of pepsin; includes both gastric and duodenal ulcers


undigested waste materials from the digestive process


valve that closes the rectum and serves as the digestive tract's second opening to the exterior


waste substance made from excess amino acids

Gastric lipase

an enzyme in the stomach which aids in the digestion of certain fats

Gastric amylase

an enzyme in the stomach which aids in the digestion of starch


an enzyme that breaks down the fats into individual fatty acids


fine extensions of the cell membrane on epithelial cells of the small intestine


foot-long muscular tube connecting the pharynx to the stomach


inner part of a tooth consisting mainly of blood vessels and nerves

Oral cavity (mouth)

inside of the mouth


large abdominal organ that functions as the body's chemical factory; produces bile; filters blood; and stores glycogen, vitamins, minerals, and reserve blood


painful infection of the colon that causes severe diarrhea and cramps accompanied by blood in the feces


pancreatic hormone that signals the liver and muscles to remove glucose from the blood and store it as glycogen


pancreatic hormone that signals the liver to convert glycogen to glucose and release the glucose into the blood stream

Neck of the tooth

part of a tooth at the gum line

Root of the tooth

part of a tooth that anchors it below the gum


part of a tooth that is exposed above the gums


process of breaking large droplets into smaller droplets


process that changes food substances with large, complex chemical molecules into substances with smaller, less complex molecules


severe food poisoning caused by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum


slimy substance that lubricates the mucous membrane of the oral cavity


small ball into which food is formed by the tongue


small flap of cartilage in the pharynx that closes the top of the trachea during swallowing

Pancreatic amylase

the enzyme in pancreatic juice that digests carbohydrates

Pancreatic lipase

the enzyme in pancreatic juice that digests fats


unit used to measure the energy content of food; equal to the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of on kilogram (or one liter) of water by one degree Celsius

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