Abnormal Psych final exam (chapters 8-13) and forensic psych stuff

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If a person had bulimia nervosa and engaged in frequent binges, about how many of his or her binges per week would a friend of this person expect to witness?


A blood alcohol concentration of _____ percent typically produces the symptoms of intoxication


According to DSM 5, the cut-off point for diagnosing early ejaculation is within _____ of initiating sexual activity

1 minute

A person who has a disorder in which she is translating conflicts and anxiety into physical symptoms is said to have a _____ disorder

A conversion

Months after last taking a drug, a former drug abuser still has flashbacks to the sensory and emotional changes experienced during the experience. MOST likely, the abused substance was


Thomas hides away in his room and consumes several cartons of ice cream and a couple of boxes of doughnuts in a span of thirty minutes. He felt unable to stop eating until everything was gone, then was overwhelmed with shame at the amount he had consumed. He then goes back to what he was doing before. Thomas most likely has

a binge eating disorder

If one receives a good deal of attention for unusual behaviors, is it any surprise those behaviors are strengthened? This question would MOST likely be asked by what type of theorist?

a cognitive behavioral theorist

A 35 year-old woman hobbles into the office of a physician complaining of a debilitating illness that has robbed her of the use of her left leg and right arm. The physician, however, finds no physical basis for her symptoms. The patient appears totally unaware that the cause of her symptoms may be psychological. The appropriate diagnosis in this case is

a conversion disorder

A person who had a serious mental illness and was in need of treatment could, nevertheless, not be civilly committed unless that person was also

a danger to either himself, or herself, or others

Which statement BEST describes someone with illness anxiety disorder?

a person misinterprets normal bodily functions and changes as signs of a serious health condition

A person who stopped eating candy and other sweets, then gradually eliminated other foods until he or she was eating almost nothing, could be experiencing

a restricted type anorexia nervosa

Zach is a resident in a psychiatric ward. He receives a plastic chip whenever he gets dressed on his own, speaks normally, and follows ward rules. He can then exchange the plastic chips he has earned for extra privileges, such as food, cigarettes, or time playing video games. This example illustrates the basic features of

a token economy

Diana looks at a digital photograph of herself and adjusts the size until she thinks the picture matches how she looks. She is MOST likely participating in an assessment of her

accuracy in estimating body size

"Alcoholism is a disease. You are an alcoholic for life, and you must stop drinking." The treatment favored by the person/group being quoted MOST likely is

alcoholics anonymous

Of the following people, the MOST likely to exhibit a substance use disorder would be a(n)

american indian

A person would be LEAST likely to feel drowsy soon after taking a moderate dose of which type of drug?


Which personality disorder is marked by a general pattern of disregard for, and violation of, other people's rights?


Doug runs a "healing" program. He claims he can heal cancer and other serious illnesses simply by petitioning a deity. He charges his patients for sessions, and holds the sessions in front of an audience. While conducting the "healing," Doug constantly solicits donations from the audience, claiming the money is going to various charities and the upkeep of the healing center. However, when Doug's "patients" are seen by health care providers, they are not healed at all. Eventually, he's found to be embezzling the donated money for luxury cars, drugs, and mansions. He is MOST likely suffering from

antisocial personality disorder

Leona doesn't care about any of society's rules and customs, nor does she care about other people. She does not consider the consequences of her actions and sometimes puts others in danger with what she does. She MOST probably is experiencing

antisocial personality disorder

Which is NOT considered an odd personality disorder?

antisocial personality disorder

Dudley has been jailed for the third time; his crimes have ranged from defrauding the elderly, committing identity theft, and persuading investors to put money into a fake business. If he receives a DSM 5 diagnosis, it is MOST likely either

antisocial personality disorder or substance related disorder

A modern explanation of why many people with anorexia continually have food related thoughts and dreams is that such thoughts and dreams

are a result of food deprivation

Cruelty to animals and people, destruction of property, and truancy before the age of 15

are characteristics of those later diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder

How do pro Ana websites view anorexia?

as a lifestyle

Defendants who are judged mentally unstable at the time that they are said to have committed crimes are MOST likely to

be judged not guilty by reason of insanity

Civil commitment is for a person who has

been forced to undergo mental helath treatment

The viral explanation for schizophrenia suggests that brain abnormalities, and therefore schizophrenia, result from viral exposure

before birth

Giving in to a child's refusal to comply with a parental request may inadvertently reinforce stubborn and defiant behavior, setting the scene for the development of antisocial personality disorder. This is most like a _____ view


People who are overweight and regularly binge eat without compensatory behaviors are experiencing

binge eating disorder

A person who loses weight by forcing herself to vomit after meals or by using laxatives, and who otherwise fits the definition of anorexia, is experiencing

binge eating/purging type anorexia nervosa

A person is socially withdrawn, speaks in odd ways, has strange ideas, and expresses little emotion, but that person is not displaying full

blown schizophrenic symptoms. What phase of schizophrenia is this person in?- either prodromal or residual

"I can't work with that client!" says your friend, the psychotherapist. "As soon as I show any empathy at all, it becomes almost impossible to challenge him, and he keeps calling me at all hours of the day." MOST likely, this is a client with

borderline personality disorder

A health care provider notes to a new care technician she is working with that, "This patient's personality disorder is becoming very common. Patients often feel like that don't have a stable sense of self worth or self-esteem. I see someone with this almost every day in the clinic." MOST likely, this doctor is talking about which personality disorder?

borderline personality disorder

After a suicide attempt, Trevor is transported to the hospital where he is eventually admitted to the psychiatric wing. In the past, he often displayed impulsive, self destructive behaviors, such as reckless driving and self-mutilation. If Trevor is diagnosed with a personality disorder, it will MOST likely be

borderline personality disorder

Comorbidity describes a situation in which two disorders occur together within an individualCarla says "I get really mad sometimes, but I often feel empty and weird. So, I have to go do something exhilarating and spur-of-the-moment to feel good and interesting." She likely has which personality disorder?

borderline personality disorder

Emotional instability, impulsiveness, and recklessness are characteristics of what personality disorder?

borderline personality disorder

Jasmine always feels like she's on an emotional rollercoaster. She goes between feeling depressed, anxious, and angry. Jasmine's feelings are MOST similar to those of someone with which personality disorder?

borderline personality disorder

Similarities between bulimia and anorexia include which of these

both tend to begin after a period of dieting among people afraid of becoming obese

Shana has been very stressed at work and at school. When she gets home, she eats muffins, cake, ice cream, and almost anything else in the house that is sweet. In the midst of eating, she takes a huge dose of a laxative to "empty out" the food she is eating. Her taking the laxative, and the assumption underlying why she does it, would lead to a diagnosis of

bulimia nervosa

The disorder that is characterized by eating binges followed by a compensatory behavior such as forced vomiting is called

bulimia nervosa

Deborah frequently speaks in front of large groups. To calm her anxiety, she usually has a couple of glasses of wine before beginning to speak. This "medicinal" use of alcohol can be explained MOST easily

by operant conditioning

People with schizophrenia who wave their arms around in wild motions and make kicking motions with their legs are experiencing

catatonic excitement

According to DSM 5, all excitement disorders have in common the diagnostic requirement that the difficulty

causes significant stress or impairment

A therapist applies a small electric shock to a client every time that person views an image of a cigarette. The client develops an intense dislike of cigarettes and quits smoking. This therapy is based on

classical conditioning

Because Gregory commonly injects heroin, he feels intense cravings when he sees hypodermic needles. This may be an example of

classical conditioning

Before an individual can be committed, there must be

clear and convincing proof of mental illness

Mario felt awake and alive as though he could conquer the world. He MOST likely used


A therapist treating a client with illness anxiety disorder repeatedly shows the client how the client's body is less than perfect, while not allowing the client to seek medical attention. MOST likely, this therapist's viewpoint is

cognitive behavioral

John was actively hallucinating and experiencing delusions during the time of his trial. He is MOST likely to be

committed for treatment until he improves enough to defend himself

Someone who fasts or exercises strenuously following a binge is engaging in

compensatory behaviors

Cocaine abusers on an inpatient ward earn reward and eventual release from the program if they produce periodic urine samples that are free of the drug. The program they are in is a form of

contingency management

If a person's bodily symptoms affect his or her voluntary motor and sensory functions, but the symptoms are inconsistent with any known medical disease, this condition is referred to as

conversion disorder

Josiah is a cellist preparing for his audition at Julliard, a world renowned music school. The night before his audition, Josiah suffers an abrupt paralysis in his right arm. He has no known medical conditions that are associated with this symptom. This description MOST closely aligns with

conversion disorder

A man has been taught to masturbate almost to orgasm, and then to insert his penis for intercourse. He is being treated for

delayed ejaculation

Lucian always feels like he's been overlooked for all his achievements and that everything anyone says to him is a personal attack. He is extremely jealous of everyone around him and complains whenever other people appear to be getting more attention. This has been going on for a couple of months; he shows no other substantial symptoms. The BEST diagnosis, assuming the feelings of persecution and extreme jealousy has no basis in fact, is

delusional disorder

A woman proclaims, "I am the Virgin Mary, and I've come to give birth to a new savior." This person is MOST likely experiencing

delusions of grandeur

Leonardo believes that his favorite TV show is giving him a coded message and that the main character speaks directly and personally to him. He decides to go to the filming location to talk to the main character. Leonardo is suffering from

delusions of reference

Patients are more likely to recover from schizophrenia if they

demonstrated good premorbid functioning

A newly developed drug causes users to lose some muscle control and slur their words. The drug also results in a slowing of central nervous system activity. MOST likely this drug is a


Dr. Marsha Linehan was the developer of which type of therapy?

dialectical behavioral therapy

What is the name of the comprehensive treatment approach applied particularly in cases of borderline personality disorder and/or suicidal intent?

dialetical behavior training

If a person says, "I must be perfect in every way. I'll be a better person if I deprive myself of food," that person is engaging in

distorted thinking

If, during intercourse, a woman repeatedly stimulates her male partner to the point when he almost reaches orgasm at which point the stimulation is stopped, he is probably being treated for

early ejaculation

Family members are overinvolved in each other's lives but are affectionate and loyal. This description fits Salvador Minuchin's definition of an

enmeshed family pattern

Antonio has many chronic conditions, including clogged arteries, diabetes, and kidney failure. Because of these conditions, Antonio is at increased risk of experiencing

erectile disorder

A normal healthy man experiences

erections during REM sleep

If a person receives L dopa, a precursor of dopamine, it reduces the symptoms of Parkinson's disease. However, L-dopa may increase symptoms of schizophrenia. What can reasonably be concluded from this?

excessive dopamine produces schizophrenia like symptoms

People experiencing dyspareunia

experience pain during sex

According to DSM 5, someone who initiates sexual contact with children is

experiencing a paraphilia regardless of how troubled the individual may be

One of the therapy methods commonly used to treat bulimia nervosa is

exposure and response prevention

A patient consistently complains of an assortment of physiological ailments. After physical evaluation and close monitoring, the healthcare provider determines that she is intentionally producing the physical symptoms in order to appear sick to fill some psychological need. This would be classified as a

factitious disorder

Having a background in medicine, but also a grudge against the profession, puts a person at risk for

factitious disorder

Someone who has Munchausen syndrome also, by definition, has

factitious disorder

Vivian has borderline personality disorder. her therapist is considering using dialectical behavior therapy to treat her. Compared with patients receiving other forms of therapy, the therapist knows that patients receiving dialectical behavior therapy make

far fewer suicide attempts and are hospitalized less often

The primary motivating emotion a person with anorexia experiences is


LaTisha experiences little sexual response to erotic cues and physical stimulation. She is MOST likely experiencing

female sexual interest/arousal disorder

If Ransom has hypoactive sexual desire disorder, he experiences all of these EXCEPT

finding sexual activity repulsive

Binge drinking is defined as drinking at least _____ drinks on a single occasion


Danica is a student who would like to eventually have a career that combines both mental health topics and working with the legal and judicial systems. She should be directed toward

forensic psychology

The intersections between the mental health field and the legal and judicial systems are collectively referred to as

forensic psychology

In a very crowded department store during the Christmas rush, a woman suddenly feels a stranger rubbing his genital area against her thigh. He continues until the crowd begins to break up, and then he moves away. The MOST likely diagnosis for this man is


A person feels most comfortable wearing clothes preferred by the opposite gender, strongly wishes to be the opposite gender, and is considering a surgical procedure. The MOST likely diagnosis for this person is

gender dysphoria

A man derives sexual arousal exclusively from dressing in women's clothing. MOST likely, that person would be diagnosed as

having transevistic disorder

Michel heard voices telling him a neighbor was plotting to destroy the earth. In a fit of rage, Michel killed his neighbor. He is likely to be sent to a mental institution because

he was mentally unstable at the time of the crime

A man got into a fight and killed his opponent. When he went to trial, he had a mental breakdown, did not know where he was, and was unable to answer questions. He is likely to be sent to a mental institution because

he was mentally unstable at the time of the trail and unable to defend himself

Deidre is emotionless, even when she hears sad or happy news. She also complains about hearing voices telling her that the newly installed security system in her home is actually recording her. At times, she remains motionless in her chair for hours. When she does get out of her chair, she poses like the statue in the town square. Which of these represents a positive symptom of schizophrenia?

hearing voices in her head

Despite concerns regarding the use of methadone maintenance programs, those in favor of such programs commonly argue that they

help reduce the spread of HIV and hepatitis C

When treating anorexia nervosa, what is the first step that should be taken?

help the person start to regain the lost weight

Female sexual interest/arousal disorder differs from male hypoactive sexual desire disorder MOST notably in that it

includes difficulties in both the desire and arousal stages of the sexual response cycle

Displaying emotions that are unsuited to the situation is called

innapropariate affect

The involuntary commitment of individuals with mental disorders that is permitted by the legal system is called


The main difference between hallucinations and delusions is that hallucinations

involve perceptions and delusions involve belief

Someone who intentionally feigns an illness to receive external gain is described as someone who

is malingering

A person who is experiencing gender dysphoria

is unhappy with his or her biological gender

Compared with those diagnosed with schizophrenia who live in developing countries, those diagnosed with schizophrenia who live in developed countries are

less likely to recover fully and more likely to be hospitalized

About what percentage of defendants in the United States are found not guilty by reason of insanity in a typical year?

less than one percent

Research indicates that the students MOST likely to binge drink

live in a sorority or fraternity house

Akshay has been experiencing erectile disorder. His therapist thinks the disorder has a sociocultural cause. What could be the cause of Akshay's erectile disorder?

loss of a job

What accurately describes the term psychosis

loss of contact with reality

Which characteristic is very common in individuals with anorexia nervosa but is significantly less common in those who have bulimia nervosa or binge eating?

loss of menstrual peroids

In women, the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase is found at

lower levels in the stomach, making them more susceptible to becoming intoxicated

Schizophrenia is found in all socioeconomic classes. However, it is MOST likely to be found in someone from a

lower socioeconomic level

Charley brings her young daughter into the emergency room with internal bleeding. The attending physician later concludes that Charley caused the symptoms in her daughter intentionally, wanting to gain attention and praise for her devoted care of her sick child. If this assessment is correct, the appropriate diagnosis is

maunchausen syndrome by proxy

An individual who has been diagnosed with a somatic symptom disorder would MOST likely first seek

medical help

A patient lives in a therapeutic community and actively works with staff members to create a life that is as much like that outside the hospital as possible. What kind of treatment is this considered?


A person with schizophrenia who says, "I have 'triscatitis' because the angular shape of my foreffit is diskiltered," is experiencing


To qualify for a diagnosis of bulimia nervosa, compensatory behaviors must


The burden of proof in an insanity case is usually

on the defense attorneys to prove the defendant is insane

"It seems to me that people with illness anxiety disorder simply model what they see others doing." A person with which theoretical view would be MOST likely to make this statement?

one with the cognitive behavioral view

Which of these is a depressant?


After an accident, Kendra was taken to the hospital with two broken legs and one broken arm. She was almost immediately given a shot that reduced her pain. The shot was MOST likely a(n)


A person who becomes sexually aroused in the presence of stimuli most people in that person's society would not think appropriate is experiencing


Depression and eating disorders are correlated. What does this statement mean?

people with eating disorders also tend to experience depression

Hallucinations are to _____, as delusions are to _____

perceptions; beliefs

If you wanted to write a book about a fictional character who is a typical example of antisocial personality disorder, you might have the character exhibit all of these EXCEPT

periods of very high anxiety

Behaviors, emotions, thoughts and interactions are influenced by each individual's set of uniquely expressed characteristics. This describes which of the following?


A person's _____ refers to a lasting pattern of inner experience and outward behavior that affects his or her sense of self, emotional experiences, goals, capacity for empathy, and/or capacity for intimacy

personality disorder

A man awakens after eight hours of normal sleep and has an unbroken snap gauge band. There is a good chance that the man has a

physical basis for his erectile problems

A person with schizophrenia who is experiencing alogia is displaying

poverty of speech

Which is NOT true about profiling?

profiling is realistically portrayed on most television shows

How does the DSM 5 label the group of physical illnesses that seem to be caused or worsened by an interaction of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors?-

psychological factors effecting other medical conditions

A researcher conducts studies to better understand how exposure to stress affects the immune system. This researcher is practicing in the field of


A therapist is treating a client with a conversion disorder. The therapist is working to reduce the pleasurable outcomes associated with being sick and increase the rewards associated with being well. What is this technique called?


If a study showed that reinforced behavior produces a significant increase in dopamine activation compared to nonreinforced behavior, then this would lend some support for which claim?

reinforcement is a potential cause of schizophrenic symptoms

As part of his substance abuse treatment, Fred documents each time he uses the substance and develops strategies to avoid using the substance. He is MOST likely receiving

relapse prevention training

A person who has paraphilia

responds sexually to a socially innapropariate object or situation

Courts ask for mental health professionals to help determine if defendants are

responsible for the crimes they commit and capable of defending themselves in court

Downward drift is BEST reflected in which statement?

schizophrenia causes people to fall into poverty and social disruption

Which is NOT the name used for a cluster of personality disorders?


Which of these is not a condition of an individual that must be present for that individual's involuntary commitment?

severe substance abuse

A person with _____ is repeatedly and intensely sexually aroused by the act of being humiliated, beaten, or made to suffer

sexual masochism disorder

A woman with anorexia has lanugo. What has happened?

she has grown fine silky hair on her body

Cocaine and amphetamines produce_____ behavioral effects and _____ emotional effects

similar; similar

Juanita often feels lonely and does not have many close friends. She also has poor immune functioning and tends to get sick often. This may be due to the factor of

social support

The fact that insurance companies in the United States generally covered Viagra but not birth control pills until required to do so by state law supports the idea that

society sets different standards for sexually active men than women

Gabe appeared at the clinic complaining of pain in his knee, shoulder, and abdomen; nausea and vomiting; blurred vision; and exhaustion. The patient history revealed that he had been going to clinics for years trying to get treatment for these complaints as well as for a host of other physical symptoms. The diagnostic consensus was that Gabe suffered from

somatic symptom disorder

A patient with a heart condition complains of adhesions from his postoperative scar, leg cramps, and joint stiffness. He seems to be hurting all over, but no medical reason can be found to explain the symptoms. The BEST diagnosis for this disorder is

somatic symptom disorder (predominant pain pattern)

Which individual would be MOST likely to receive a diagnosis of factitious disorder?

someone who purposefully drinks gasoline and then seeks treatment for an unknown stomach ailment

In treating erectile disorder, the tease technique involves

stimulating the penis byt stopping once erection occurs

A friend has done some heavy drinking and asks you what to do to "sober up" as quickly as possible. The response that is MOST appropriate is

stop drinking

What is the first type of food usually eliminated from the diet of a person who is developing restricting type anorexia?


Someone who drinks alcohol and takes Valium is at risk of death because the substances create a(n)

synergistic effect

A heroin overdose is likely to occur in someone who

takes heroine for awhile, stops for a time, then starts again, taking the same amount he or she last took

Munchausen syndrome by proxy is MOST likely to adversely affect the physical well being of

the child of the person experiencing it

Drug dependence may develop because one finds drug use rewarding when it reduces tension. A person with which view of substance abuse would MOST likely agree with this statement?

the cognitive behavioral view

In the judicial system, _____ decide whether a person may be tried for a crime

the courts

Who has the burden of proof for an insanity plea?

the defendant

A man experiencing the process of erection and partial elevation of the testes is in which stage of sexual response?

the desire phase

The main difference between schizophrenia and schizophreniform disorder is

the duration of symptoms

In males, the penis becomes erect during which phase of the sexual response cycle?

the excitement phase

Which is likely to be useful in distinguishing conversion or somatic symptom disorders from true medical problems?

the failure of a condition to develop as expected

What must be true before a person may be tried for a crime and potentially found guilty?

the person must be capable of helping to defend himself or herself in court

Which does dialectical behavior therapy NOT emphasize?

the use of antipsychotic medications on an outpatient setting

The finding that the highest rates of schizophrenia are found among people who are born during the winter supports which theory of schizophrenia?

the viral theory

A person who has anorexia nervosa has dry, rough, cracked skin and may develop lanugo. Why would you not expect to see these symptoms in someone with binge eating disorder?-

these symptoms result from nutritional deficiencies caused by starvation

How do personality disorders differ from the personality characteristics of typical people?

they lead to more maladaptive, distressful, and inflexible behvaiors

What is a common reason for the hospitalization of people with borderline personality disorder?

they may attempt suicide or otherwide hurt themselves

Personality disorders are separated into how many clusters?


Mendon began by taking one amphetamine a day to control his appetite. After a month or so, the one pill did not work as well but two pills did. This is an example of


A person who is biologically male but identifies as a woman and would like to live as a woman is


People with _____ interact with the world in a way that produces continual stress and often leads to coronary heart disease

type A perconality style

People with _____ are said to be consistently angry, cynical, driven, impatient, competitive, and ambitious

type A personality style

People with _____ are thought to be more relaxed, less aggressive, and less concerned about time

type A personality style

Regarding likelihood of recovery and types of symptoms exhibited, which would be the WORST disorder to have?

type II schizophrenia

Bulimia is always characterized by

uncontrollable overeating

A person who is accused of a crime cannot be convicted if he or she is mentally unstable either at the time of the crime or at the time of the trial. This minimum standard of competence to stand trial is important to ensure that the person

understands the charges and can work with his or her lawyer

A therapist believes that addressing a specific issue has the most potential to decrease the rates of eating disorders among U.S. children and adolescents. This issue is most likely

western notions of beauty and society standards

The current code of ethics declares that a therapist should break confidentiality even without the client's consent

when the client or another person is threatened

A person who experiences vomiting and shaking when she tries to stop drinking alcohol has developed

withdrawl reactions

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