Abnormal Psychology - Chapter 8 (Depressive and Bipolar Disorders)

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Approximately __ percent of those treated for depression fail to show any significant reduction in symptoms (Berlim & Turecki, 2007); some researchers believe that many of these cases represent undiagnosed bipolar disorder.


Approximately ___ percent of the U.S. population will experience a major depressive episode at some point in their lives


At least one major depressive episode lasting at least 2 weeks and at least one hypomanic episode lasting at least 4 consecutive days

Bipolar II disorder

What is the overall goal of using mood stabilizing medications in the treatment of bipolar disorders?

Both to manage the acute symptoms and to prevent relapse

Which of the following statements about brain function in bipolar disorder is true?

Certain drugs such as SSRIs or methamphetamine seem to trigger manic episodes in some people with bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorders involve symptoms of mania or hypomania. _________________ are also common in bipolar disorder.

Depressive episodes

Occurrence of at least one major depressive episode (2-week duration) - 14% to 19% - Any age; average onset in late 20s - Much higher in females

Major depressive disorder

Bipolar I involves at least one weeklong manic episode and impaired functioning. _______ symptoms are sometimes present.


__________, continually thinking about upsetting topics or repeatedly reviewing distressing events, often occurs during a depressive episode. R


Which of the following statements about the role of heredity in the development of depressive disorders is true?

The same types of depressive disorders tend to be found in members of the same families.

Even mild depressive symptoms are associated with increased activity in the _____.


A PMDD diagnosis requires the presence of five premenstrual symptoms ...

at least one of the symptoms must involve significantly depressed mood, mood swings, anger, anxiety, tension, irritability, or increased interpersonal conflict.

The use of biological technologies will be particularly useful in distinguishing between which two disorders early on, so the proper treatments can be used?

bipolar II disorder and recurrent major depression

For many people, depression is a _____ disorder.


Persistent depressive disorder involves _____.

chronic depressive symptoms lasting at least two years

The process of constantly talking over problems or negative events with others


Some of the first evidence for this was found from the side effect of ... from the drug reserpine when used for hypertension

decreased mood

Researchers have also found that individuals experiencing depression have increased connectivity in the brain regions referred to as the ________________, regions that are associated with a wakeful resting state

default mode network

An overactive stress response system and excessive cortisol production may also cause depressive symptoms by _______ certain neurotransmitters, particularly serotonin.


Deficiencies of which neurotransmitter seem to be particularly important in treatment-resistant depression?


In contrast, mania is defined as excessive or unrealistic ...


Which factor is estimated to contribute about half of the variance in rates of major depressive disorders?


Studies comparing the prevalence of depressive disorders among the biological and adoptive families of individuals with depression indicate that the incidence is significantly ______ among biological relatives compared to adoptive family members


The _____ form, hypomania, is characterized by increased levels of activity or energy combined with a self-important, expansive mood or an irritable, agitated mood.


Behavioral explanations for depression focus on reduced reinforcement following losses. Cognitive explanations focus on ...

negative attributions and thinking patterns, irrational beliefs, and rumination.

At the most general level, depression is defined as severe, prolonged ...


_____ depressive episodes occur most frequently among younger individuals


_____ have nearly twice the risk of experiencing major depression compared to men


People with depression also experience intense feelings of ___________, that they are a burden on family and friends.


According to DSM-5, a major depressive episode must involve a consistent pattern of either ...

(a) depressed mood, feelings of sadness, or emptiness, and/or (b) loss of interest or pleasure in previously enjoyed activities.

Persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia) involves chronic depressive symptoms that are present most of the day for more days than not during a __-year period (with no more than 2 months symptom-free).


Many _____ Americans experience depression through increased internal physiological reactivity (e.g., stomach upset), but display no significant outward change in emotional expression.


Mark believes his mother has bipolar disorder. Based on research, why is this not surprising?

Because there is a strong genetic component in bipolar disorder.

At least 1 week-long manic episode that affects functioning, with symptoms of mania present most of the day, nearly every day

Bipolar I disorder

Although Beethoven appears to have had a lengthy history of depressed moods, it appears as though his encroaching deafness played a role in his worsening depression as he aged. If Beethoven lived today, which treatment approach might teach him consider his beliefs about his deafness and think more rationally about his situation?

Cognitive-behavioral therapy

Milder hypomanic symptoms that are consistently interspersed with milder depressed moods for at least 2 years

Cyclothymic disorder

__________ is a chronic disorder involving milder hypomanic episodes that alternate with depressed mood for at least 2 years.

Cyclothymic disorder

Many clinicians use the term seasonal affective disorder (SAD) to refer to this seasonal pattern. It is estimated to affect up to 3 percent of the world's population and is more prevalent in women than men (Majrashi et al., 2020). However, SAD is not an official ...

DSM-5 diagnostic criteria

the appropriate description for the four steps involved in the behavioral activation therapy process

Determine and assess reinforcing social activities; Select and perform a particular activity; Select common life issues and address with behavioral methods; Practice and continue development of social engagement skills

A diagnosis of depression requires not just depressive symptoms, but also an indication that the symptoms have significant impacts on the individual's functioning in important spheres of life or that they cause significant distress. Which of Pavel's symptoms has a particularly concerning functional impact?

Diminished ability to concentrate and indecisiveness

_______ is often associated with negative thinking patterns and a pessimistic outlook on the future.


________ Americans tend to show decreased emotional reactivity when depressed (e.g., less smiling),


Elevated levels of cortisol have been linked to differences in brain biochemistry and physiology that are associated with depression. Regardless of culture or ethnicity, increased blood cortisol is associated with depression disorders. Which of the following is a way cortisol can produce depressive responses and symptoms?

Excessive levels of cortisol deplete serotonin and also reduce the brain's ability to use it effectively.

Bipolar disorders are caused solely by genes. T/F


Cyclothymia involves alternations between periods of hypomania and full mania. T/F


The only successful treatment for depression is medication. T/F


Kanye Tweeted "There's love stories. Pain happiness. It's 3 dementional (sic). There's taste touch sound. It's the most entertaining for (sic) of entertainment. Just being. We believe time is a man made (sic) construct. Actually (sic) time and money are both man made (sic) currency. Because you can spend them both." Which symptom of the manic phase of bipolar disorder does this Tweet suggest?

Flight of ideas

Study of the biological causes of bipolar disorders have focused primarily on genetics and brain function. Which of the following statements about the role of genes in the bipolar disorders is true?

Genes that influence our circadian clock have been linked to bipolar disorder.

Some treatment options for depression are based on attempts to rest the client's internal clock by using light. Which of the following is an accurate description of these forms of treatment?

In one variation of light therapy, timer-activated lights gradually increase in brightness.

What is known about the relationship between stress and depression?

Individuals who are genetically predisposed to depression may develop depression in response to stress.

What is known about the influence of genetics on depression?

It becomes more evident after puberty, perhaps due to hormonal changes.

How do mental health professionals view the role of medication in treating bipolar disorder?

It is essential in controlling symptoms, preventing recurrent episodes, and preventing suicide.

Mark is clear that the medications are a key component of his treatment. Which statement best describes what is known about the use of medication in the treatment of bipolar disorder?

Medication not only treats the symptoms, but also helps in preventing relapse.

Pavel reports a depressed mood and feelings of guilt and worthlessness and has gained wight because of snacking so much on comfort foods. Pavel reports that since his demotion, he has been plagued with indecisiveness and inability to concentrate. When he struggles to make a decision, Pavel begins to panic, assumes he will fail in his next decisions, and will ultimately be fired. Pavel's therapist, Dr. Soren, is concerned about his thought patterns and decides that a useful approach would involve calm awareness of present experience, thoughts, and feelings, and promote an attitude of acceptance rather than judgment, evaluation, or rumination. Which method of therapy is Dr. Soren using for Pavel's treatment?

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy

Why are biomedical and psychosocial treatments used conjointly to treat bipolar disorders?

Multiple methods for addressing the same symptoms produce the greatest amount of relief and life improvement.

Which of these statements most accurately describes what is known about cognition and depression?

People with depression may habitually focus on negative aspects of their experience and self-blame and self-criticize for those negative outcomes.

A diagnosis of ______ would require that the death have a significant effect on the person's interpersonal relationships or sense of identity.

Persistent complex bereavement disorder

This diagnosis would apply to individuals who have intense and persistent preoccupation or debilitating sorrow that continues for over a year after the death of a loved one.

Persistent complex bereavement disorder

Depressed mood that has lasted for at least 2 years (with no more than 2 months symptom-free) - 4%; including 3.1% who have chronic depressive symptoms - Often childhood or adolescence - Much higher in females

Persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia)

____________ involves chronic depressive symptoms that are present most of the day for more days than not during a 2-year period (with no more than 2 months symptom-free).

Persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia)

Severe depression, mood swings, anxiety, or irritability occurring before the onset of menses - Improvement of symptoms within a few days of menstruation and minimal or no symptoms following menstruation - 2% to 5% of women of reproductive age - Most common in women who have a personal or family history of depression - Late 20s, although earlier onset is possible

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder

__________________ is a controversial diagnostic category involving serious symptoms of depression, irritability, and tension that appear the week before menstruation and disappear soon after menstruation begins.

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)

How does premenstrual dysphoric disorder compare to premenstrual syndrome?

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder is more severe and results in significant impairment of function

______________ is more likely to prevent the return of depressive symptoms.


Antidepressant medications have made considerable progress in recent years. There are more types that are more effective than there were previously. Despite this, there are still significant issues involved in their use. Which of the following is a limitation or weakness of the use of antidepressant medications?

They aren't a cure; when someone stops using them, their depression often returns.

What is the most significant concern about the use of antidepressants for treating depression in bipolar disorders?

They can trigger or escalate a hypomanic/manic episode

In cases of severe, treatment-resistant depression (depression that doesn't respond to medications and psychotherapy), brain stimulation methods can be used. Three forms of brain stimulation have been approved for use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA): electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), vagus nerve stimulation, and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Which treatment uses a noninvasive device to alter the brain's function through application of an electromagnetic field. Which method is being described?

Transcranial magnetic stimulation

Depression involves more than just feelings of sadness. T/F


Mark has a history of delusional thoughts about his girlfriends, believing they were cheating on him. Are delusions consistent with bipolar disorder?

Yes, during severe episodes of bipolar disorder, psychotic features, including delusions, are possible.

With respect to social factors, a significant personal success can induce ______ while significant stressors can precipitate ________.

a hypomanic or manic episode, a depressive episode

With respect to psychological factors, _______________, the tendency to attend to and recall only unfavorable or invalidating evidence about oneself, is a common symptom in the depressive episodes in bipolar disorders

a negative information bias

Researchers have found that individuals experiencing depression have increased connectivity in the brain regions referred to as the default mode network, which is associated with _____.

a wakeful resting state

The mood symptoms in depressive and bipolar disorders:

affect the person's well-being and school, work, or social functioning; continue for days, weeks, or months; often occur for no apparent reason; and involve extreme reactions that cannot be easily explained by what is happening in the person's life.

For an individual to be diagnosed with bipolar 1 disorder, they must have

at least one full manic episode

For an individual to be diagnosed with bipolar II disorder, they must have

at least one hypomanic episode

Claude, who has major depressive disorder, is seeing a therapist who has asked him about what he used to enjoy doing before he was depressed. When Claude says he used to enjoy playing guitar and going for walks in a local park, his therapist encourages him to spend time doing at least one of these activities every day. What type of therapy is Claude receiving?

behavioral activation therapy

Diagnosis is even more complicated because depression occurs in ____ depressive and bipolar disorders and because the symptoms of these disorders may vary considerably from person to person.


Erasmo, who has a long history of depression, is seeing a therapist who challenges him to change the way he thinks about events. For example, rather than believing that the recent breakup of a romantic relationship means he is a miserable human being who deserves to be alone, he might think about it as an opportunity to learn more about himself and what he wants and can provide in a relationship. This approach is characteristic of _____.

cognitive-behavioral therapy

Dysregulation and overactivity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and overproduction of the stress-related hormone, _________, appear to play an important role in the development of depression in both youth and adults


European Americans tend to smile less when they are depressed, while Asian Americans are more likely to complain of stomach distress when depressed. This illustrates impact of which of the following on how depression is expressed?

cultural norms

For the past three years, Victoria has been feeling sad almost every day, but she does have periodic interludes of feeling energized and self-confident. The longest time she has gone without feeling "moody" has been six weeks. Her therapist has determined that her depression, while frequent, is mild, and her energized days do not reach the level of hypomania. Victoria is most likely to be diagnosed with _____.

cyclothymic disorder

Appetite and weight changes, sleep disturbance, aches and pain, loss of sex drive are psychological changes of ...


Behavioral activation therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and interpersonal psychotherapy have received extensive research support as treatments for ...


Biochemical irregularities involving neurotransmitters, stress reactivity, and cortisol levels are associated with ....


Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy has also shown promising results for treating ...


Pessimism, guilt, difficulty concentrating, negative thinking, suicidal thoughts is a cognitive trait of ...


Sadness, emptiness and worthlessness, apathy, hopelessness is the mood of ...


Social withdrawal, crying, low energy, lowered productivity, agitation, poor hygiene is behavior of ...


__________ is one of the most common psychiatric disorders and the second leading cause of disability worldwide, affecting approximately 264 million people each year (WHO, 2020).


essica can't seem to stop thinking about her partner suddenly breaking off their engagement. She goes over it repeatedly in her mind to figure out what she did wrong. Here, Jessica's behaviors are symptomatic of ... and fall into the ... category.

depression, cognitive

__________, a group of related disorders characterized by depressive symptoms, include major depressive disorder, persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia), and premenstrual dysphoric disorder

depressive disorders

Not everyone who is diagnosed with bipolar I experiences _____.

depressive episodes

Although depressive symptoms occur in bipolar disorders, depressive disorders and bipolar disorders are very _________ conditions.


Recently, evidence for the role of .... in depression has been found from the results of electrical stimulation studies of different brain regions.


The peak age of onset is somewhat ____________ for bipolar disorders (teens and early 20s) than for depressive disorders (late 20s).


Women with bipolar disorder are at particular risk for which type of comorbid disorder?

eating disorders

John has severe treatment-resistant depression and is often suicidal. What treatment might his doctor recommend?

electroconvulsive therapy

When used in the treatment of bipolar disorder, psychoeducation is likely to do which of the following?

emphasize the link between the regular use of medication and long-term improvement

In fact, researchers have linked depression to an interaction between childhood adversities and certain genes that increase cortisol release; in other words, environmental stressors appear to trigger these genes, resulting in the release of ....

excess cortisol

What is a common problem associated with lithium and other mood stabilizers?

failure to take the medications as prescribed

Personalized medicine refers to the idea that people should be able to get the treatments they want, when and where they want them. T/F


Researchers find little support for the claim that epigenetic changes occurring during fetal development have significant effects. T/F


Kallie has been crying for no particular reason for several months and has stopped going out with her friends. Her personal hygiene and grooming have become irregular at best. She has become uncharacteristically quiet and sometimes ignores her family's attempts to engage her in conversation. Lately, she has been feeling that she is a burden to her family and sees no hope for improvement in the future. The most important area of immediate concern should be whether Kallie is _____.

feeling suicidal

According to DSM-5, dysthymia involves the ongoing presence of at least two of the following symptoms:

feelings of hopelessness, low self-esteem, poor appetite or overeating, low energy or fatigue, difficulty concentrating or making decisions, or sleeping too little or too much.

Interestingly, the chances of inheriting depression are greatest for ____________ suggesting gender differences in heritability

female twins

Those experiencing mania frequently have extreme difficulty maintaining focus and display a ____________; that is, they change topics, become distracted with new thoughts, or make irrelevant or illogical comments.

flight of ideas

Bipolar disorders have a strong _____ basis involving multiple, interacting genes. Biological factors, including neurochemical and neuroanatomical abnormalities and circadian rhythm disturbances, contribute to bipolar disorder.


The DSM-5 makes it clear that it is important to distinguish normal _____-related reactions from the severe depression and impaired functioning associated with MDD.


____ often involves feelings of emptiness associated with the loss rather than the more persistent depressed mood or inability to experience pleasure that occurs with MDD.


Depression tends to run in families, and the same types of depressive disorders are often found among members of the same family. Genetics are estimated to contribute about ____ of the variance


Salvador has a research project due soon and quickly developed several detailed plans for completing it. Unfortunately, Salvador cannot settle on a particular course of action and feels like he is constantly and rapidly jumping between 10,000 different ideas. Here, Salvador's behaviors are symptomatic of ... and fall into the ... category.

hypomania and mania, cognitive

Depressive disorders are diagnosed only when depressive symptoms occur without a history of ...


Disorientation, racing thoughts, decreased focus and attention, creativity, poor judgment are cognitive traits of ...


Elevated mood, extreme confidence, grandiosity, irritability, hostility are mood symptoms of ...


High levels of arousal, decreased sleep, increased sex drive are psychological changes of ...


Overactivity, rapid or incoherent speech, impulsivity, risk-taking behaviors are behavioral symptoms of ...


A manic episode includes an extended period of elevated mood, often accompanied by a sense of grandiosity, distractibility, flight of ideas, and hyperactivity. A less severe version of a manic episode is known as ____________ episode, whereas experiencing three or more symptoms of hypomania/mania or depression occurring during an episode from the opposite pole is known as a _______ episode.

hypomanic, mixed-features

Chronic depression appears to ______ risk of cardiovascular disease.


Findings that antidepressant medications function by ____________ the availability of the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and serotonin have also pointed to the role of neurotransmission.


The following are symptoms common in depressive disorders:

intensely morose or despondent mood; feelings of melancholy or hollowness; failure to experience happiness or satisfaction from previously fun or engaging activities; drastic changes in appetite with sudden weight gain or loss; low self-esteem in the form of feelings of guilt or worthlessness; low energy, sluggishness, excessive sleepiness, or oversleeping; indecisiveness; feeling tense or agitated.

When our biochemical systems are functioning normally, neurotransmitters regulate our emotions and basic physiological processes involving appetite, sleep, energy, and libido; however, biochemical _________ can produce the physiological symptoms associated with depression.


Additionally, people in a manic state can also display intense ... , particularly in response to resistance or opposition to their lofty goals.

irritability or agitation

People with mania exhibit emotional ______ characterized by unstable and rapidly changing emotions and mood.


Exposure to stress during early development and the resultant increases in cortisol production can increase susceptibility to depression in ...

later life

Bipolar disorders occur much _____ frequently than depressive disorders


Biomedical treatments include ...

light therapy and electrical stimulation of the brain

Which of the following mood stabilizing medications is considered the most effective for treating bipolar disorders and is the first choice?


___ levels of certain neurotransmitters, including serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine, are associated with depression


This diagnosis occurs when a person experiences impaired functioning due to a major depressive episode, which involves severe depressive symptoms that have negatively affected functioning most of the day, nearly every day, for at least 2 full weeks

major depressive disorder (MDD)

Clinicians sometimes use the term SAD to refer to _____.

major depressive disorder (MDD) with a seasonal pattern

Mark's wife describes his history of extravagant buying sprees. What aspect of bipolar disorder does this illustrate?


_____ is a state of even more pronounced mood change involving extremely exaggerated activity levels and emotionality that significantly impair normal functioning.


Self-important, expansive mood, periods of intense excitement and high activity, and unstable and rapidly changing emotions and mood are characteristic of ...

manic and hypomanic states

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a controversial diagnostic category involving serious symptoms of depression, irritability, and tension that appear the week before ______ and disappear soon after _________ begins.


Rosemarie is being treated for major depressive disorder and is learning to focus on experiences with curiosity and without judgment. Rosemarie is most likely participating in _____.

mindfulness-based cognitive therapy

People who are _______ often experience greater impairment, presumably due to ineffective treatment based on an inaccurate diagnosis.


When extreme mood changes such as this occur, the clinician specifies that the mood episode has ...

mixed features

Which of the following antidepressants requires that the individual taking it adhere to strict dietary restrictions?

monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MOAIs)

_____ refers to our emotional state or our prevailing frame of mind


What is the foundation of treatment for individuals with bipolar disorders?

mood stabilizers such as lithium

The most effective treatment for bipolar disorder is ongoing use of ...

mood-stabilizing medication combined with psychotherapy, psychoeducation, and psychosocial interventions.

Brain alterations have been found in the medial prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, and hippocampus—areas associated with _______ thoughts and memories, rumination, and impairment in executive functioning.


Ongoing depression is associated with reduced _____________, including decreased neurogenesis in the hippocampus and in synapses within the cortex


Diverse research studies point to ....... as playing a central role in the biology of depression.


An important aspect to diagnosing a depressive disorder is making sure the person has _____ experienced an episode of mania or hypomania


Bipolar II is diagnosed when there is a history of hypomania and at least ____ major depressive episode.


Researchers are currently studying ways to determine a person's vulnerability to developing certain illnesses and identify which therapies would be most effective based on the individual's unique genetic profile or physiological characteristics, This approach is known as _____.

personalized medicine

Manuel has been diagnosed with depression and is experiencing anhedonia. Manuel is experiencing a lack of _____,


Those experiencing mania are much more likely to appear disoriented and exhibit cognitive difficulties. Their impaired thinking may be apparent from their speech, sometimes referred to as ________________, which may be rapid, loud, and difficult to understand.

pressured speech

Aside from hypomania being a milder version of mania, another notable difference is that manic episodes cause marked impairment in social or occupational functioning and may involve _______ (loss of contact with reality) and a need for psychiatric hospitalization.


Rumination can increase the risk of depression, especially in girls. Ruminating is _____.

repeatedly thinking about upsetting topics

Additionally, ... repeatedly thinking over something, particularly distressful or upsetting events, is common in the depressive periods of the bipolar disorders.


Depressed people often engage in ______________, the repeated thinking over of events, ideas, and thoughts, particularly in a self-critical way


Researchers have found that individuals who have bipolar disorder share similar brain abnormalities and cognitive deficits with individuals who have which other disorder?


There are many overlaps between bipolar I disorder and ...


Major depressive disorder with a ______ pattern involves at least two seasonal episodes of severe depression ending at a predictable time of year combined with a pattern of depressive episodes that occur seasonally more than non-seasonally.


Some people with MDD (and bipolar disorder) report a ______ pattern to their depressive episodes—they begin to develop depression when daylight decreases as the seasons change


Which of the following antidepressants are the drugs of choice in treating depression and a number of other disorders?

selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)

Researchers using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have found that certain regions of the brain activate when people engage in ... This may explain how guilt and ... produce neurological changes associated with depression.


Antidepressant medications are frequently used to treat depression; they are most effective with _____ depression, but often produce only temporary effects.


The person must also experience at least four of these symptoms during the same period to be diagnosed with MDD:

significant weight gain or weight loss (without dieting) or increases or decreases in appetite, persistent changes in sleep patterns, involving increased sleep or inability to sleep, observable restlessness or slowing of activity, persistent fatigue or loss of energy, excessive feelings of guilt or worthlessness, persistent difficulty with concentration or decision making, or suicidal behaviors or recurrent thoughts of death or suicide.

People who are experiencing a manic state may seem ______ to someone who is high on a psychostimulant.


_____ explanations focus on relationships and interpersonal stressors that increase vulnerability to depression. Early childhood stressors are particularly important.


When someone is experiencing a manic episode, it is obvious to others that something is amiss; in contrast, hypomania is often more ...


Thoughts of ______ are also common among those who are depressed.


Similar to the physical and emotional symptoms of premenstrual ________; however, PMDD produces much greater distress and interferes with social, interpersonal, academic, or occupational functioning


Depression and mania are _____.

the extremes of a mood continuum

In clinical samples, over ______ of those with MDD will experience at least one recurrence.


Which of the following antidepressants block the postsynaptic receptors for histamine and acetylcholine and can cause side effects like memory problems as a result?

tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs)

Whereas depressive disorders involve only one troubling mood (depression), those with bipolar disorders (previously called manic-depression) often cope with ___ mood extremes—overwhelming depression and periods involving an elevated or abnormally energized mood.


Persistent complex bereavement disorder is a condition ___________ as a diagnostic category in DSM-5.

undergoing study

For individuals with bipolar disorders, psychological treatments are _____.

useful adjuncts to medication

Which observation argues that clinical mania and depression are not perfect opposites on a single continuum?

while in the manic state, individuals sometimes report dysphoria and even depression

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