ACG3401 Exam 2 (Ch. 4-6)

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Unnormalized Table

Contains repeating attributes (or fields) within each row (or record)


Information that has been formatted and distributed in accordance with an organization's standards

Decision Aids

Information tools that help decision makers to make better decisions.


Occurrences related to resources that are of interest to the business

Left on another page of the flowchart

On DFD exception routines:

Through a computer bubble

On a physical DFD, reading computer data stores and writing to computer data stores must go:

Entity- Relationship Diagram

Reflects the system's key entities and the relationships among those entities

Entity- Relationship Modeling

Reflects the system's key entities and the relationships among those entities

Legacy Systems

Systems that have existed in an organization over a long period of time and developed using an organization's previous computer hardware and software platforms


The ______ command is used to add new tuples to a relation.


The ______ command is used to delete a tuple from a relation.


The ______ command is used to generate the structure of the relation.

The activities that a system performs

The advantage of a logical DFD is that the focus is on:


The presentation of the results of Big Data analysis in a form that makes the information useful in human decision making

Foreign Keys

The primary key attributes when inserted into other tables to establish links

Composite Primary Key

The primary key formed by combining two or more columns in a table

Knowledge Management

The process of capturing, storing, retrieving, and distributing the knowledge of the individuals in an organization for use by others in the organization to improve the quality and efficiency of decision making across the firm


The process of grouping or categorizing data according to common attributes

d. All of these choices

The purpose of creating flowcharts is to: a. Simplify and clarify a narrative b. Portray a system's logic and implementation c. Analyze and understand a system d. All of these choices

Top-down Partitioning

The successive subdividing, or "exploding," of logical DFDs. When performed correctly it leads to a set of balanced DFDs

The physical and logical

The systems flowchart combines which aspects?

Primary Keys

The unique identifier for each row of a table (or record within a file) that serves as an address for the row

Data Warehouse

The use of information systems facilities to focus on the collection, organization, integration, and long-term storage of entity-wide data. Provides users with easy access to large quantities of varied data from across an organization to improve decision-making capabilities.

Foreign Keys

These are primary key attributes when inserted into other tables to establish links.

Exception or Error Routines

These are processes for when processing cannot proceed as planned

d. All of these choices

To improve decision making and operations companies combine their data resources with: a. Group decision systems b. Decision-support systems c. Executive information systems d. All of these choices

Cost effective

Today organizations are using microcomputers for data presentation because microcomputer use, compared to mainframe use, is more

Business Dashboards (Dashboards)

Tools used to help present data (e.g., Big Data analysis results) in a graphic format that is useful in business decision making

Block Coding

UPCs use this type of coding

Applications approach to business event processing

Under this approach, each application collects and manages its own data, generally in dedicated, separate, physically distinguishable files for each application

Business Analytics

Use of state-of-the-art information technologies to analyze data stores too large or too unstructured to be contained in the traditional data warehouses used in business intelligence

a. All of these choices are advantages

What advantages do intelligent agents have in the operation of a decision support system? a. All of these choices are advantages b. They can collect specific information from the Internet or large data warehouses c. They can perform time-consuming tasks d. They can identify factors that should be considered when using a system for decision making

Information processing activities retrieve data from storage, transform data, or file data.

What are information processing activities?

a. All of these choices are correct.

What are the differences among a context diagram, a logical DFD, and a physical DFD? a. All of these choices are correct. b. In a logical DFD, (versus a physical or context DFD) bubbles can be broken down into more detail. c. In a logical DFD (versus a physical or context DFD) we can concentrate on the activities that a system performs. d. None of these choices are correct.

d. All of these choices are correct

What are the guidelines for grouping logical activities for a logical DFD? a. Group activities that seem to be logically related b. Group activities if they occur at the same time but at different places c. Group activities if they occur in the same place and at the same time d. All of these choices are correct

Companies that have adopted the centralized database approach have found it necessary to create a database administrator function

What are the limitations of the centralized database approach to business information systems?

d. All of these choices are correct

What are the main advantages of using a centralized database approach when designing and implementing business information systems? a. Reduced labor and storage costs b. Eliminating data redundancy c. Ease of data maintenance d. All of these choices are correct

When two DFDs have equivalent external data flows, the DFDs are balanced

When is a set of DFDs balanced?


When two DFDs have equivalent external data flows the DFD are:

They are shown below the level 0 DFD with reject stubs that indicate that exceptional processing must be performed

Where are error and exception routines shown on logical DFDs?

Errors and Exceptions are noted on the flowchart with an annotation

Where are error and exception routines shown on systems flowcharts?


Which approach to developing models of accounting databases ensures that a system captures all data related to business events?

Data Flow Diagram

Which if the following is a graphical representation of systems documentation for a process?

c. All of these choices

Which of following activities are not considered on a level 0 DFD depicting a particular grouping of the logical activities? a. Activities performed by the operations process b. Actions that merely send or receive data rather than transform data c. All of these choices d. Actions performed in other-than-normal situations

Business analytics

Which of the following can be used to detect fraud occurrences in near real time?


Which of the following cannot be the maximum cardinalities of two relational tables?

Database management system (DBMS)

Which of the following components of a database is responsible for maintaining the referential integrity of the data in the system?

Both banks and customers are external entities

Which of the following entities would be considered external to a process in a data flow diagram of a cash receipts process?

Business intelligence

Which of the following helps managers make the best possible decisions for their companies?

a. Schema

Which of the following is NOT one of the five primary schemes for coding data? a. Schema b. Hierarchical c. Sequential d. Mnemonic

Pattern recognition

Which of the following is a critical success factor in data mining a large data store?


Which of the following is a simplified representation of a complex entity or phenomenon?

It usually leads to reduced labor and storage costs

Which of the following is an advantage of eliminating redundant data?


Which of the following is an item of data that characterizes an entity or relationship?

d. It is one specific thing of the type defined by the entity

Which of the following is false about attributes? a. The essential characteristics of an entity are its attributes b. It is an item of data that characterizes a relationship c. It is an item of data that characterizes an entity or relationship d. It is one specific thing of the type defined by the entity

IT cost savings

Which of the following is least likely to be a benefit of the big data initiative?

c. To monitor how well a company uses its resources

Which of the following is not an objective in the development of an REA model? a. To incorporate financial and non-financial data, and accounting and non-accounting data b. To identify the data required by managers and other users to perform effectively c. To monitor how well a company uses its resources d. To integrate the data in a way that allows those users to efficiently access the information needed


Which of the following is not considered a secondary storage device?


Which of the following is not one of the four main elements in a relational database?

By downloading the information onto a separate data drive

Which of the following is not one of the main ways users can access information stored in a DBMS?

d. A PULL clause that sets the conditions for extracting the desired data

Which of the following is not one of the three components of the SQL SELECT statement? a. A list of attributes that we want to SELECT from the database b. A WHERE clause that sets the conditions under which attribute values are to be retrieved c. A list of tables where these attributes can be found d. A PULL clause that sets the conditions for extracting the desired data

c. Specify the degree of minimum participation of one entity in the relationship with the other entity

Which of the following is not one the steps in the three step strategy for effectively identifying the relationships that should be included in a database model? a. Identify users' existing and desired information requirements b. Evaluate each of the entities in pairs to determine the best location for attributes c. Specify the degree of minimum participation of one entity in the relationship with the other entity d. Evaluate each entity to determine if there would be any need for two occurrences of the same entity type to be linked


Which of the following is one specific thing of the type defined by the entity?

Is represented as a table

Which of the following is true about an entity in a relational database?

BI uses simplified business models to help managers make better decisions

Which of the following is true about business intelligence (BI)?

They occur between two different instances of an entity

Which of the following is true about recursive relationships?

Both I and II

Which of the following is true in regard to data warehouses? I. The bulk of the data found in a data warehouse comprises historical operational data. II. Pattern recognition is one of the principal functionalities offered by data mining software

2NF does not contain partial dependencies

Which of the following statements is true concerning normalization?

The primary enabler is information technology

Which statement is true regarding knowledge management?

External Entities

are those entities (i.e., persons, place, or things) outside the system that sends data to, or receive data from, the systems

Hierarchical Coding

attaches specific meaning to particular character positions. Orders items in descending order, where each successive rank order is a subset of the rank above it

Bubble Symbol

A DFD- related symbol that depicts an entity (Physical DFD) or a process (Logical DFD) within which incoming data flows are transformed into outgoing data flows

External Entity Symbol

A DFD- related symbol that portrays a source or a destination of data outside the system

Data Flow Symbol

A DFD- related symbol that represents a pathway for data

Data Store Symbol

A DFD- related symbol that represents a place where data are stored


A characteristic in each relationship that shows the degree to which each entity participates in the relationship


A collection of data representing multiple occurrences of a resource, event, or agent


A collection of data representing multiple occurrences of a resource, event, or agent is a(n):


A complete description of the configuration of record types, data items and the relationships among them. Defines the overall organizational view of the data.

Reject Stub

A data flow assigned the label "Reject" the leaves a bubble but does not go to any other bubble or data store. Are shown only in lower-level diagrams, may be added without bringing the set of diagrams out of balance.

d. All of these Choices

A data flow diagram consists of which of the following symbols? a. Data Flow Symbol b. Bubble Symbol c. Data store symbol d. All of these choices

A data mart supports specific needs.

A data warehouse differs from a data mart because

Three-tier architecture

A decoupled approach consisting three tiers being the user or presentation tier, the application or business logic tier (also called middle-ware) and the data or database tier


A description of a portion of a schema. Defines a particular user's view of the data

Entity- Relationship Model

A diagram of the relational model that includes entities and relationships

Table of Entities and Activities

A document containing a list of all activities being performed by a system and the entity performing each activity. Creating this table is the first step in preparing a DFD.

Logical Data Flow Diagram

A graphical representation of a system that shows the system's processes (as bubbles), data stores, and the flows of data into and out of the processes and data stores. Labels on the data flows describe the nature of the data, rather than the how the data are transmitted

Systems Flowchart

A graphical representations of a business process, including information processes (inputs, data processing, data storage, and outputs), as well as the related operations processes (people, equipment, organization, and work activities)

Is the attribute whose value is unique

A key attribute:

c. All of these choices

A knowledge base: a. Generally contains proprietary information b. Is a collection of a company's files and documents c. All of these choices d. Is analogous to a database

Query Language

A language much like ordinary language used to access a database and to produce inquiry reports. Allows nontechnical users to bypass the programmer and to access the database directly. Also known as Data Manipulation Language (DML)

Data Manipulation Language (DML)

A language much like ordinary language used to access a database and to produce inquiry reports. Allows nontechnical users to bypass the programmer and to access the database directly. Also known as query language

Network Database Model

A logical database model that handles complex data structures, such as a child record that has more than one parent record

Hierarchical Database Model

A logical database model where records are organized in a pyramid structure, and no child record may have more than one parent record. All relationships are 1:N

Relational Database Model

A logical model for a database in which data are logically organized in two-dimensional tables. Each individual type of information or event is stored in its table

Data independence

A major difference between the centralized database approach and the applications approach is decoupling, also known as _______ ______:

Maximum Cardinality

A measure of the highest level of participation that one entity can haven another entity


A method for freely and creatively generating as many ideas as possible without udue regard for their practically or realism


A missing value in a relational database

Object- oriented database model

A model that allows the storage of both simple and complex objects (including items such as video, audio, and pictures). Characteristics also include inheritance and encapsulation

Data Model

A model that depicts user requirements for data stored in a database

Is used for linking database tables together

A primary key:

Partial Dependency

A problem that arises because an attribute is dependent on a portion of the primary key and not on the entire key

First Normal Form (1NF)

A relation is in 1NF if its tables do not contain repeating groups

Third Normal Form (3NF)

A relation is in 3NF if it is in second normal form with no transitive dependencies

Object- relational database

A relational DBMS framework with the capability to store complex data types

Recursive Relationship

A relationship between two different instances of the same entity type


A set of data that describes a single instance of the entity represented by a relation (for example, one employee is an instance of the EMPLOYEE relation); frequently a row within a table.

Data Management System (DBMS)

A set of integrated programs designed to simplify the tasks of creating, accessing, and managing a centralized database

Intelligent Agent

A software that may be integrated into DSS or other software tool (such as word processing, spreadsheet, or database packages) that provides automated assistance, advice, and/or information for decision making

Participation Constraint

A specification of both the minimum and maximum degree of participation of one entity in the relationship with another entity

Referential Integrity

A specification that for every attribute value in one relation that has been specified to allow reference to another relation, the tuple being referenced must remain intact

Executive Support Systems (ESSs)

A subset of DSS, these systems combine information from the organization and the environment, organize and analyze the information, and present the information to the manger in a form that assists in decision making; also called executive information systems EIS

Executive Information Systems (EISs)

A subset of DSS, these systems combine information from the organization and the environment, organize and analyze the information, and present the information to the manger in a form that assists in decision making; also called executive support systems ESS

Second Normal Form (2NF)

A table (relation) is in 2NF if it is in first normal form and has no partial dependencies; that is, no nonkey attribute is dependent on only a portion of the primary key

c. A collection of data representing multiple occurrences of a resource, event, or agent.

A tuple is not: a. A set of data that describes a single instance of the entity represented by a relation b. One employee in an instance of the EMPLOYEE relation c. A collection of data representing multiple occurrences of a resource, event, or agent. d. A row in a relational database

Check Digit

A type of programmed edit in which an extra digit- a check digit- is included in the identification number of entities such as customers and vendors. Through mathematical formulae, the computer uses the check digit to verify that identification number is input correctly.

Data Flow DFD

A(n) ______ ______ depicts a system's components; the data flows among the components; and the sources, destinations, and storage of data.

Systems Flowchart

A(n) ______ ______ is a graphical representation of a business process.

Physical DFD

A(n) ______ ______ shows the system's internal and external entities and the flows of data into and out of these entities.

Physical DFD

A(n) ______ ______ specify where, how, and by whom a system's activities are accomplished.

Logical DFD

A(n) ______ ______shows the flows of data into and out of the processes and data stores.

a. Data redundancy

All of the following are benefits of a centralized database approach except: a. Data redundancy b. Ease of data maintenance c. Data integrity d. Data independence

d. Is formed from the foreign keys of two other tables

All of the following are true about composite primary keys, except: a. Is formed from the primary keys of two other tables b. Is created by breaking the key down into its component subattributes c. Is needed in M:N relationships d. Is formed from the foreign keys of two other tables

b. Decentralized data is when the system must store and maintain multiple versions of the same data in different files

All of the following is true of databases, except: Business event data are copied periodically into a separate database (a data warehouse). b. Decentralized data is when the system must store and maintain multiple versions of the same data in different files c. A collection of data within one or more files is a database d. A collection of data within an interconnected series of files is a centralized database

Functionally Dependent

An attribute is functionally dependent on anther attribute (or a collection of other attributes) if a value for the first attribute determines a single value for the second attribute at any time

Non- Key Attributes

An attribute that is not part of the primary key


An element of a DBMS that allows users and programmers to access the data stored in various tables.


An element that makes up DBMSs, that provides printed lists and summaries of data stored in tables or collected by queries from one or more tables


An element that makes up DBMSs. A place to store data.


An item of data that characterizes an entity or relationship


Any action being performed by an internal or external entity. Includes actions related to data (send data, transform data, file or store data, retrieve data from storage, or receive data) or to an operations process (picking goods in a warehouse, inspecting goods at a receiving dock, or counting cash)


Any object, event, or agent about which data are collected


Assets (tangible or intangible) that an organization owns

Serial Coding

Assigns numbers to objects in chronological sequence; also known as sequential coding

Sequential Coding

Assigns numbers to objects in chronological sequence; also known as serial coding

Significant Digit Coding

Assigns specific digits a meaning of their own, allowing selective inquiries of a database

Composite Attributes

Attributes that consist of multiple subattributes

Composite attributes

Attributes that consist of multiple subattributes are referred to as:

Key attribute

Attributes whose value is unique are referred to as:

Physical DFD

Bubbles are labeled with nouns in this type of data flow diagram

Improved the efficiency of processing business event data

Centralized databases have:

Mnemonic Coding

Coding in which some or all of the identifying characters are letters of the alphabet

Normalized coding

Coding schemes on relational databases do not include:

Neural Networks (NNs)

Computer hardware and software systems that mimic the human brain's capability to recognize patterns or predict outcomes using less-than-complete information

Decision Support Systems (DSSs)

Computer-based systems that support collaborative intellectual work such as idea generation, elaboration, analysis, synthesis, information sharing, and decision making.

Group Support Systems (GSSs)

Computer-based systems that support collaborative intellectual work such as idea generation, elaboration, analysis, synthesis, information sharing, and decision making. Uses technology to solve the time and space dimension problems associated with group work. Also called Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS)

Group Decision Support Systems (GDSSs)

Computer-based systems that support collaborative intellectual work such as idea generation, elaboration, analysis, synthesis, information sharing, and decision making. Uses technology to solve the time and space dimension problems associated with group work. Also called Group Support System (GSS)

Data Integrity

Consistency and accuracy in data.

d. All of these choices

Data can be changed in the database by using which of the following commands? a. DELETE b. INSERT c. UPDATE d. All of these choices

b. All of these choices are correct are true concerning data redundancy

Data redundancy: a. Is a problem that can be solved when using the centralized database approach b. All of these choices are correct are true concerning data redundancy c. Can cause conditions which violate data integrity d. Is a major issue with the applications approach

Data Redundancy

Data stored in multiple locations within a system

d. All of these choices

Data warehousing: a. Provides users with easy access to large quantities of varied data b. Is the use of information systems facilities c. Is typically created by copying data periodically from the transaction databases d. All of these choices

Software and Middleware

Database management software is considered:

Artificial Intelligence

Decision support systems can imitate human decision making when confronting situations that are complex and ambiguous. This ability in computers

Data Independence

Decoupling of data from the system applications (making the data independent of the application). A major difference between the database approach and the applications approach

Update anomalies

Dependencies cause several problems, called _______ _______:

c. All of these choices are correct

Describe all the symbols used in constructing DFDs. a. A data flow symbol represents a pathway for data and a data store symbol represents a place where data are stored b. A bubble symbol depicts an entity or a process within which incoming data flows are transformed into outgoing data flows c. All of these choices are correct d. An external entity symbol portrays a source or a destination of data outside the system

NNs develop their own knowledge base and continue to learn

Describe the basic differences between ES and NN

Information Processing Activity

Document preparation, data entry, and data verification are all examples of this.

Update Anomalies

Errors created when modifying data within a system. One of many problems caused by functional dependencies


Errors that otherwise might occur when adding, changing, or deleting data stored in the database

Transitive Dependency

Exists in a table when a nonkey attribute is functionally dependent on another nonkey attributes

To link two relational tables in a M:N relationship

Explain when a database designer might use a relationship table in constructing a relational database.

Blocking Coding

Groups of numbers are dedicated to particular characteristics of the objects being identified

a. All of these choices are ways that the centralized database approach compared to the applications approach differ

How are the applications approach and the centralized database approach to business event processing different? a. All of these choices are ways that the centralized database approach compared to the applications approach differ b. Powerful features that protect the database from unauthorized users compared to the applications approach c. Ease of data maintenance compared to the applications approach d. Decreased need for continuous data protection compared to the applications approach

a. All of these choices

How will systems documentation differ between business processes that employ an enterprise system and those that do not? a. All of these choices b. There might be replacement of paper reports c. The context diagram and the logical DFD would not change d. The data stores would be replaced by one data store labeled "Enterprise database"

A Square

In a DFD the customer would be represented by:


In a data flow diagram (DFD), a(n) ______ symbol depicts an entity or a process within which incoming data flows are transformed into outgoing data flows.


In a data flow diagram (DFD), a(n) ______ symbol portrays a source or a destination of data outside the system.

Data store

In a data flow diagram (DFD), a(n) ______ symbol represents a place where data are stored.


In a relational database, a separate relational table is created for each ______.


In entity relationships modeling, the designer identifies how the things are related to each other.

d. All of these choices

In entity-relationship modeling the designer: a. Identifies how the things are related to each other b. Identifies the entities c. Draws a diagram of the relational model d. All of these choices

Centralized Database Approach to Business Event Processing

In this approach, facts about events are stored in relational database tables instead of separate files, which solves many of the problems caused by data redundancy

Centralized Database Approach

In this approach, users can access and manipulate data using their own models.

d. All of these choices

Intelligent Agents: a. Are sometimes called "bots" b. Perform their tasks without further direction from the user c. Are frequently used by search engines d. All of these choices

Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

Is a graphical representation of a process. Provides a top-down look at a process and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of implementation of the process. Depicts a system's components; the data flow among the components; and the sources, destinations, and storage of data.

Physical Data Flow Diagram

Is a graphical representation of a system that shows the system's internal and external entities and the flows of data into and out of those entities

Internal Entity

Is an entity within the system that transforms data. (Examples: Accounting clerks (persons), departments (places), and computers (things). Specifies where, how, and by whom a system's activities are accomplished.

Context Diagram

Is the least detailed picture of a system that defines the process being documented and shows the data flows into and out of the process to external entities

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Measurements of a company's performance indicating the achievement of a major company objective such as net income, earnings per share, and so on.


One specific thing of the type identified by the entity


Onscreen presentations of data in tables and queries

c. All of these choices

Organizations use a database management system to: a. Provide data useful to managers b. Simplify the tasks of creating, accessing, and managing a centralized database c. All of these choices d. Coordinate the activities of functional areas

Exception Routines

Processes that handle the required actions when processing can't proceed as planned; also called error routines

Error Routines

Processes that handle the required actions when processing can't proceed as planned; also called exception routines

Child Records

Records that are included in a record one level above in hierarchical DBMS records. Included in parent records

Parent records

Records that include lower level child records within a hierarchical DBMS

E-R Diagram

Reflects the system's key entities and the relationships among those entities

Associations between entities.

Relationships are:

Expert Systems

Rule-based systems that emulate the problem-solving techniques of human experts. Appropriate when decisions are extremely complex, consistency of decision making is desirable, and the decision maker wants to minimize time spent making the decision while maximizing the quality of the decision.

Normal Forms

Rules based on set theory, the branch of mathematics on which relational database models are bases. The rules include specifications that must be met by relational database tables.


Simplified representation of a complex entity or phenomenon

Key Attribute

The attributes whose value is unique (i.e., different) for every entity that will ever appear in the database and is the most meaningful way to identify each entity


The creation of substitute values, or codes

Data Mining

The exploration, aggregation, and analysis of large quantities of varied data from across the organization. Used to better understand business processes, trends, and opportunities to improve efficiency and effectiveness, as well as to discover anomalies

Determine users' requirements for the database

The first step in E-R modeling is to:

CustomerNumber is an example of a field

The following customer data is stored in the sales processing system to a regional produce distributor: CustomerNumber, CustomerName, CustomerPhone, CustomerContact, CustomerCreditLimit Which of the following is true?

Business Intelligence (BI)

The integration of statistical and analytical tools with decision support technologies to facilitate complex analyses of data warehouses by managers and decision makers

Specifies the degree of participation

The participation constraint:

Unnormalized Form

This "form" contains repeating attributes within each row or record


This approach has decreased data storage costs.

Centralized Database Approach

This approach is expensive to implement.

Applications Approach

This approach to business event process has data redundancy.


This is a missing value in a relational database.

Internet Assurance

This is a service provided for a fee to vendors to provide limited assurance to users of the vendor's Web site that the site is in fact reliable and event data security is reasonable. (e.g. WebTrust)


This is a set of data that describes a single instance of the entity represented by a relation.


This is a specification that for every attribute value in one relation that has been specified to allow reference to another relation, the tuple being referenced must remain intact.


This is an item of data that characterizes an entity or relationship.


This is one specific thing of the type defined by the entity.

Participation Constraint

This is the constraint that specifies the degree of minimum participation of one entity in the relationship with the other entity.

Business Intelligence

This is the integration of statistical and analytical tools with decision support technologies to facilitate complex analyses of data warehouses by managers.

Context Diagram

This is the lease detailed of the data flow diagrams.

Legacy System

This system was developed on previous hardware platforms

Object- oriented database model

This type of database model includes abstract data types

Executive Information Systems (EIS)

This type of system is primarily about collecting and presenting information without doing additional processing or calculations.

d. All of these choices are correct.

What are the most important limitations of the applications approach to business information system design? a. It can potentially lead to data integrity problems b. It is more likely to lead to some data being out of date than when using the centralized database approach c. It can lead to data redundancy d. All of these choices are correct.

DSSs can provide "recommendations", but EISs do not usually do so

What factors distinguish DSS from EIS?

A top-level diagram of a system that depicts the system and all its activities as a single bubble

What is a context diagram?

A diagram that depicts the data flows among the components in a process and the sources, destinations, and storage of data used in the process

What is a data flow diagram (DFD)?

A diagram that shows what activities the system is performing

What is a logical DFD?

When an attribute is dependent on a portion of the primary key, not on the entire key

What is a partial dependency?

A diagram that specifies where, how, and by whom a system's activities are accomplished

What is a physical data flow diagram (DFD)?

A diagram of the relational model

What is an entity-relationship model (E-R model)?

Can serve as an effective control

What is referential integrity?

Character, field, record, file

What is the correct ascending hierarchy of data in a system?

The purpose of the systems flowchart is to give the reader a complete picture of a system by combining the physical and logical aspects

What is the purpose of a systems flowchart?

The table summarizes the narrative so that entities (nouns) and activities (verbs) found in a narrative are clearly identified

What is the purpose of a table of entities and activities?

Recursive relationship

What type of relationship occurs between two different instances of an entity?

If a value for the first attribute determines a single value for the second attribute

When does functional dependence exist?

Entities that do not perform any information processing activities are external entities; the remaining entities are internal

Why are some entities found in a narrative included in the context diagram as external entities, whereas others are included as internal entities?

c. All of these choices are correct

Why do we need to document an information system? a. To evaluate the structure of the company's internal controls b. To comply with regulatory requirements c. All of these choices are correct d. To understand and improve the system

Knowledge management systems help capture, store, organize, present, distribute, and control access to the knowledge base

Why have knowledge management systems become important?

Hierarchical Coding

Zip codes are an example of this type of coding

Information Processing Activities

retrieve data from storage, transform data, or file data. (examples: document preparation, data entry, verification, classification, arrangement or sorting, calculation, summarization, and filing data- both manual and automated)

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