AD 2-02-22 Drug and Alcohol Use

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reasonable suspicion testing of employees

-employee is in immediate need of medical assistance, contact city paramedica by calling 911 -

Required testing for CDL employees

-pre employment/post offer testing. IF employee fails pre employment test they will not be hired. If employee fails test and already hired, they will be disciplined/discharge Applicant who tests positive for drugs will not be considered for future employment as a CDL operator or a saftey sensitvie position for a period of 2 years

non emergency situation, supervisor has RS that an employee is under influence/impaired by alcohol/controlled supervisor shall

-relive employee of duties -contact department director, state observations that lead to RS, and recieve direction as to whether to have the employee tested -Document obsevations and submit to RM/TSG -Supervisors can use RS guide and checklist adding to doumentation -Have employee tested if directed by department director. Contact TSG 850-6008 to arrange for immediate testing -Employees are not to be transproted themselves -Have employee driven home if negative results NOT received -Employee refuses means positive test grounds for discharge -Any trained lead, supervisor, manager, who knowingly ignores signs or impairment, fails to take appropriate action is subject to disciplinary action up to discharge

City employee shall not report to work with BAC Of

.04 or higher or under influence of other intoxicants

employee is convicted of criminal drug statues shall notify supervisor or department admin personnel of the conviction within

5 calendar days of conviction

collection site shall meet

DOT guidlines for procedures for transportation workplace drug and alochol testing programs from in 49 CFR part 40

city physcian will notify the employee of test results and forward the results to RM/TSG as soon as practical

RM/TSG shall release all results to department immediately . They will remain confidential medical records

test results are negative but MRO process was utilized by the city physician

RM/TSG will initiate medicantion clearance process with employee

reasonable suspicion

a belief that can be describes and is based on contemporaneous observations of specific, objective facts that an employee is impaired or under the influence. This may include: patter of -abnormal/erractic behavior -information from a reliable/credible source -direct observation of drug/alcohol use -glassy/water eyes, odor, slurred speech/coordination speech,

employee taking any medication, prescribed or not which may interfere with the safe and effective performance of duties/operations of equipment is REQUIRED TO

advise their supervisor, and risk management/saftey group (TSG) at 5207914728 before working

Random testing

alcohol and controlled subtance testing will beconducted on a random basis throughout the calendar year. CDL who perform saftey sensitive functions will be tested by federal regulations. Employees on temporary restricted duty continue to random testing

reasonable suspicion testing

alcohol or controlled substance testing will be required when the city has reasonable suspicion to believe driver has violated it. Only supervisors who have attended training on drug abuse/alcohol misuse or are made by trained law enforcement can do reasonable suspicion testing

City requires

all firefighter positions, all positions in the tucson police department, all positions requiring a commerical drivers license, allsafty sensitive positions in the city, shall be offered employment conitional on testing for controlled substances and meeting departmental drug free workplace standards.

return to duty testing

any driver not terminated, after engaging in prohibited conduct regarding alcohol misue, shall undergo a return to duty alcohol test of less than .02 before returning to work. When return to work test required, driver must be evaluated by and participate in treatment presribed by substance abuse professional and cleared by city physician

if employee is tested for alcohol and is a .04 of higher the employee may

at the time of the breath test request a blood alcohol test from city physician staff. It will be blood draw, does not require pre autherization, and no expense to the employee

follow up testing

be directed by the certified substances abuse professional

supervisor believes reasonable suspicion employee is imparied/under influence the employee shall

be required to submit to a drug/alcohol testing refusal to submit to testing is treated the same as a positive test and is grounds for discharge

While in uniform, on or off duty shall not

buy or use alochol/intoxicants

Policy regarding controlled subtances

city employees shall not report to work having used any controlled substance -whether on or off duty, shall not use/possess,sell, provide to another, make, controlled subustance or any drug -does not apply to police operations, para medicine

any leave to attend counseling or treatment facilities are subject to

city leave policy

Medical marijuana

city will not discriminate or take adverse action against an applicant or employee based of persons status as a medical marijuana holder, or based on positive test for marijuana UNLESS the marijuana was consumed/ingested on city property or the employee was impaired from the use

firefigthers should refer to nfpa 1582

determined marijuana compromises the members abiilty to safely perform essential job tasks, 1/3-13 due to alterations in medical status

CDL employees must complete

drug abuse/alcohol misue trianing online with 10 days of hire or prior to operation any commerical vehicle. Submit a copy of their certificate of completion to TSG or they willl be placed in a non driving status

post accident testing

each driver required to test for alochol/controlled subtance following an incident involving a commerical motor vehicle when either the accident has a fatality or the driver received a citation or is likely to recive a citation for a moving traffic violation arising from the accident and incident involves any injury which required medical treatment away from the scene or any vehicle is required to be towed from the scene.

criminal arrests and convictions

employee arrested for criminal drug violation shall notify supervisor within 1 business day of arrest, and advise supervisor of any changes in the status thereafter

If results are negative

employee return to work

return to work testing

employee subject to random testing and who was removed from the testing pool for a period of 30 days or more (medical/military leave) may submit to a drug test prior to returning to work. Negative result allows the city to return employee to work and to random testing pool.

Random testing

employees classified as safety sensitive are subject to random monthly drug/alcohol testing' 1- TSG notify designated representative employee has been selected 2-Department will immediately transport employee to city phsycian for testing 3-if results of random are positive employee may not perform any saftey sensitive function 4-if positive employee will be notifed and placed on imposed leave with pay, and department will initiate disciplinary action which includes discharge

non cdl pre emplyment/post offer

firefighter/police/ saftey sensitive shall be tested for alcohol/substances as part of post employment offer. Failing test not elgible for hire for a period of 2 years. Already a city employee and failed test subject to discipline/discharge. Tested for controlled substance and discharged are no elgible for rehire for a period of 2 years

department directions designess, supervisors, are responsible

for obtaining training for consistent enforcement of the policies in this directive. Any supervisor who knowingly permits a violation of this is subject to dscipline/discharge

while on duty or on call shall not

have bac of .04 or higher. or under influence of intoxicants

refusal to submit

if refused, it will be the same as a positive and employee discharged from employment

non cdl and non saftey sensitive employees who test positive for alochol/intoxicants and are not discharged will be referred to a Substance abuse proffessional.

if they do not comply with reccomendations of SAP, will be discharged

when notified of conviction supervisor shall

immediately forward the info in a confidential manner to the director of human resources

Failure to advised risk management/TSG of any medication that may interfere with safe/effective performance

may result in discipline/ or discharge

supervisors of CDL employees

must complete training in recognition of alochol/subtance misue/abuse

IF concerns about employee ability using such medication, the employee shall

not be allowed to drive or perform saftey sensitive functions until cleared from the city physician

safety sensitive position

positions that could affect safety/health of the employee include: driving a vehicle, power tools etc, -repairing equipment -performing duties in residental/commerical premises -preparing/handling food -working in any occupation in title 32

City employee shall not while on duty

possess or use alochol, sell or provide alochol/intoxicants to another

supervisors must complete training in

recognition of alochol misue and subtance abuse

all CDL/saftey sensitvie who test positive for alochol/subtance and are not discharged will be

reffered to certified substance abuse professional for assessment and counseling. CDL who are not discharged for 1st offense and fail to comply with substance above reccomendations will be discharged

a driver who is subject to post accident testing shall

remain available, or the city may consider the driver to have refused to testing. Driver subject to post accident testing shall refrain from consuming alcohol for 8 hours or until they submit to a test.. which ever comes first.

CDL employees bac of .02 or higher will be

removed from driving duties and all saftey sensitive functions for not less than 24 hours following test. Subject to disciplinary action/discharge

city employees who possess a valid marijuana card shall not

report to work, be on duty while impaired by medical marijuana -while on duty or city property possess, use, consume, sell, provide, distribute, marijuana to another

CDL bac .02 of higher

request blood test and no expense to employee, no pre autorization needed

positive reult

result of a drug test reported by citys medical review officer subsequent to a urine test and employee interview

all testing of breath/urine for controlled subtances/alcohol

shall be accomplished by city physician or other medical facitilities as selected by city

negative test

shall return to work immediately

Concerns about alcohol abuse or drug use

strongly encouraged to seek voluntary assistance. City employee assistance program (EAP) is a resource for all employees

CDL, safety sensitive positions, tucson police, will be

subjected to federal law

city department where employee works gets federal grant funding the conviction shall be reported to

the granting agency within 10 days and disciplinary action shall occur within 30 days of notice of conviction

if employee completes rehab program,

they must complete a return to duty controlled subtance test and have negative result and be released by city physician prior to returnign to work

controlled substance testing for random selection will follow split sample procedures:

urine sample tested positive, employee has an option within 72 hours of being notified by city physician, of having the other portion of the split sample tested at the same or another federally certified laboratory at their own expense

employee who reports on having a drug/alcohol use problem and has not refused a drug/alcohol test, not been selected for a random, no reasonable suspicion, post accident test may

voluntarily refer themselves to management, HR or risk management, . RM shall be informed and RM will refer the individual for evaluation/treatment by a certified substance abuse professional. No expense to city and will be done on employees own time

Police and fire department may

with city attornery approval, and consistent with applicable law, adopy additional internal standards which willl only apply to those employees

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