AFS 190-Full Quiz Set

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Each gene codes for a messenger RNA that when translated produces a protein that was encoded by the sequences of bases in the DNA of its gene. A 'Western blot' is used for:

Sequencing the individual amino acids of specific proteins

Specialized proteins embedded in cell membranes which receive and transmit chemical messages are referred to as:


The polymerase chain reaction (PCR):

All of the answers are correct

This crop is derived from a grass in Central America called Teosinte.


The average time to death from starvation in a fruit fly is about 20 hours. Selecting for increased starvation resistance in fruit flies:

Can produce populations in which the average time to death from starvation is 160 hours

Anecdotal evidence:

Can seem to reveal links between two phenomena, but the links may not actually exist

What is one of the the most significant characteristic difference between a cancer cell and a normal cell?

Cancer cells are immortalized and exhibit prolonged cell division; normal cells usually have a finite number of cell divisions

Which in the following list includes all others in the list?


The atomic number of carbon is 6. Its nucleus must contain:

6 protons and no electrons

The severity of the next pandemic cannot be predicted, but modeling studies suggest that the impact of a pandemic on the United States could be substantial. Many scientists believe it is only a matter of time until the next lethal influenza pandemic occurs. In the absence of any control measures (vaccination or drugs), it has been estimated that in the United States a "medium-level" pandemic could cause

89,000 to 207,000 deaths, and 314,000 to 734,000 hospitalizations

Vaccines differ widely based on their target and preparation. How long does it usually take for a seasonal flu vaccine to take affect?

9-14 days

Which of the choices is the least likely agent to be deployed for biological warfare?

common cold`

Emergent patterns and self assembly are wide spread phenomena in biology. Through the application of a few very simple rules:

complex structures can be developed

Prokaryotic cells:

Lack a membrane bound nucleus like most bacteria

The development of Biotechnology is:

driven by application

Gene editing has recently emerged as a new possible therapeutic approach. Gene editing allows biologists to

"knock down" or knock out gene expression of a specific gene to see how the absence of that gene affects the disease

In the brief time you have to read these questions, ~60 more Americans will lose their fight with Cancer... One per minute... Every minute... Every hour... ~1500 more victims each day. Most of us know someone who has been touched by this disease and the socio-economic burden to the country is large. The financial costs of cancer per year in the US, according to NIH estimates are

$156.1 trillion

In the brief time you have to read these questions, ~60 more Americans will lose their fight with Cancer... One per minute... Every minute... Every hour... ~1500 more victims each day. Most of us know someone who has been touched by this disease and the socio-economic burden to the country is large. The financial costs of cancer per year in the US, according to NIH estimates are

$189.8 billion

STR stand for:

Short tandem repeats

In DNA replication an (A) adenine always pairs with


Benign Tumors

generally lck the ability to mestasize and therefore cannot invade other parts of the body

The first draft of the Human Genome was first published in:


X% of rape victims are females under the age of 18


The chemical units of information in DNA are:


Basic Forensic principles include:

all of the above

Which of the following nucleotide bases are present in equal amounts in DNA?

Adenine and thymine

The first criminal to ever be investigated and convicted using DNA evidence:

colin pitchfork

Water is split during photosynthesis is plants to yield what to compounds?

hydrogen and oxygen

A rice plant has nearly twice as many genes as a human. Genes are the sequences in DNA that code for proteins. In cells, proteins can function as:

Any of the answers are correct

Therefore in evolution a change in a single code for a single amino acid may have an effect on individual survival. Proteins carry out many functions in a cell such as:

Any of the answers are correct

Many of the molecular reactions used in biotechnology occur in volumes less than a milliliter. A Pipetman is:

(C) a molecular biology tool used in the lab to measure small volumes of liquid

The scope of Forensic Trace Analysis

- can give investigative clues

An American woman is _______ times more likely to be raped than to die in a car crash

. 10

What are the origins of pharmacy? When did humans start to treat themselves for diseases? Humans have used plants to treat diseases for thousands of years. Modern pharmacy is the health profession that links the health sciences with the chemical sciences and

. it is charged with ensuring the safe and effective use of pharmaceutical drugs

Pandemic flu outbreaks follow various stages of development. The stages of a Pandemic, characterized by the World Health Organization recognizes a Phase 6 Pandemic when:

. sustained transmission in general populations through increased human to human transmission.

Should the public create a DNA database of convicted felons? The CT CODIS Database collects two types of samples; (1) Convicted Offender Samples that include all Felony Convictions (since 03/01/04) and, (2) Forensic Unknowns that include any DNA profile from an evidentiary sample that does not match the victim or an elimination known. There are currently over 10,793 offenders in CT Database and over 1500 offender samples are added per month. Currently there are how many felons on the CT database?

1 out of 50 males in CT

While the human genome shows that we are all in fact very similar to one another at the DNA sequence level, small (and sometimes) large changes do occur. How much do we as unrelated humans differ at the DNA level in terms of the number of base pair (bp) differences?

1/1,000 bp

The technology to use animal cells or organs as donor tissues for human recipients is called Xenotransplantion. That is, the transplantation of organs/tissues/cells across species lines. The first attempts at xenotransplantion were conducted using the bone from dog to repair the skull of a Russian aristocrat


During the 20th century, the emergence of several new influenza A virus subtypes have caused pandemics; all of which spread around the world within a year of being detected. One of these is suspected of killing over 675,000 in the US and over 50 million globally. That deadly pandemic was called the

1918-19, "Spanish flu," [A (H1N1)]

During the historical development of bioweapons, it is known that:

1942-73: US program of offensive and defensive BW, including human "volunteer" exposures

Is there life on other planets? What is Life? How did it start? How long has it been here? The best evidence available indicates that life on earth started as single cells about:

3.2 billion years ago

This Universe is over 13 billion years old. The Earth is over 4 billion years old. Most probably the first information molecule capable of replication was an RNA. The best evidence available indicates that life on earth started as single cells about:

3.2 billion years ago

Approximately 28% of rape victims are raped by their husbands, and _____ by and acquaintance


Why would analyzing the DNA of burglars reduce the violent crime rate, theoretically?

50% of non-violent criminals go on to commit violent crimes, analysis would make proving guilt and making arrests easier

All of the following are features of RNA except:

A coiled double-stranded structure

GMO is

A designation for Genetically modified organism indicated the use of transgenics

There is a lot of controversy surrounding vaccines and their efficacy and safety. The anti-vax community has grown over the past several years. What are some reasons why parents choose to not vaccinate their children?

A growing fear of science and a lack of proper education *******B. All of the these answers apply C. A concern that vaccines could be "overloading" the child's immune system from birth to school-age D. Small amounts of mercury were used as preservatives in vaccines and were suspected by the anti-vax community as harmful to children and a cause for autism, which has proven to be false E. A researcher in France reported that vaccines were linked to autism, which was later proven to be a correlation without causation and that there is no connection between autism and vaccines, yet the public and the media seized this report, which has since been retracted from the scientific literature

Which of the following statements is correct?

A hypothesis that does not generate a testable prediction is not useful

Empirical results:

Are based on observation


A method for detecting proteins which is very precise and sensitive

A Pipetman is:

A molecular biology tool used in the lab to measure small volumes of liquid common in biotechnology

If you were to look into a light microscope and view an unknown cell, what might you see that would tell you whether the cell is prokaryotic or eukaryotic?

A nucleus

Degenerative diseases are attractive targets for gene therapy or the use of stem cells for replacement. What is Alzheimer's Disease?

A progressive mental deterioration

An ultracentrifuge consists of a rotor that spins tubes containing materials and is:

A tool used by cell biologists for separating and comparing cell components based on size and density

Why should we expand forensic DNA databases?

A. Exclude more people who could not be the source of the DNA profile B. Protect public safety C. More hits. Approximately half all violent criminals have non-violent prior convictions. If only collect violent offenders, likelihood of hit (rape/homicide case) is reduced by ~ 85%. ****D. all of these reasons

During a trace analysis of hair evidence which of the following would be considered an important question for forensic scientists?

A. Is it human? What racial group? B. Is the hair consistent with any of the known samples? *****C. all of these questions are pertinent to trace analysis of hair samples D. What area of the body is it from? E. Is it a hair? What is it's color? What is the architecture under SEM analysis?

Who famously authorized the use bioweapons during a recent war or conflict?

A. Justin Trudeau ****B. None of these answers are correct C. Donald Trump D. Osama Bin Laden E. Barack Obama

What are the major causes that most significantly increase the possibility that someone will develop cancer during their lifetime?

A. Lack of exercise, inactivity and obesity B. Age and family history C. Exposure to carcinogens in products such as tobacco and alcohol, and carcinogens such as asbestos, benzenes and vinyl chloride D. Genetic predisposition and environmental factors like toxins in food/water/air ****E. All of these factors contribute to an increased risk of cancer

A plastic bag was found in the shallow grave of the victim with a bloody jacket and some trace hairs were recovered. What techniques would be best used to match the hairs to the suspect's cat, snowball?

A. PCR of the blood from the jacket to tie the DNA of the suspect to the jacket B. scanning electron microscopy of the trace evidence showed that they were those of a cat. ******C. all of these techniques together provide the best case D. PCR providing a perfect match with cat STRs

For the sake of argument, if the Boston Marathon bombers had included small packages of infectious smallpox in their bombs, people would have been infected and then dispersed. In such a bioweapons attack

A. Physicians specifically ID specialists who would have easily recognized the problem and readily diagnosed the situation, responding by quarantining anyone exposed from airplanes or other travel. B. It is likely that they would have been caught prior to such an attack ******C. None of these examples are currently likely D. The release of biological agents would have been immediately discernible E. The firefighters, police and paramedics would most likely have been prepared to deal with the situation.

What are some of the DNA technologies used in forensic investigations?

A. Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) B. STR Analysis C. PCR Analysis and DNA sequencing D. Mitochondrial DNA Analysis *****E. All of these technologies can be used in forensic investigations

There is a lot of controversy surrounding the topic of 'Genetically Modified Organisms and Food.' What are some issues and concerns that cause consumers to protest?

A. Right of choice and labeling B. Environmental concerns- Is it good for our farms? C. Regulatory issue control (EPA, USDA, FDA, WHO) D. All of the answers are issues and concerns about Genetically Modified Organisms********* E. Uncertainty about safety and distrust of big companies

Animals can be genetically engineered and those animals can be cloned or interbred with normal wild-type animals. Some examples of this approach have been used in fish, cattle goats, pigs and many other animals. Should we genetically engineer and clone animals? What would be some of the benefits?

A. To introduce new traits important to the agricultural production of farm animal traits: such as high muscle mass; disease resistance; and lower inputs. B. For the commercial production of vaccines, antibodies, and other high value pharmaceuticals. *****C. All of these answers are correct. D. To create new breeds for the consumer such as enhanced taste or nutritional value E. To produce high value proteins such as spider silk in genetically engineered goat's milk.

Where do the plants we eat come from? Nearly all of our crops did not exist without human intervention and few could survive in the wild. When was the last time you saw a butternut squash growing in the woods? Or a corn plant in the median of I-95? What process(es) have been used to derive the plants we eat?

A. Wide Crosses and Mutagenesis B. Domestication and Varietal Selection C. Conventional Genetics and Hybrid Plants D. all of these techniques have been used.********* E. Gene Transfer and Genetic Modification

Monoclonal antibodies have a very high affinity for their targets. Antibodies have some distinct advantages over old school small molecule chemotherapies (such as mustard gas derivatives) for treating cancer because they

A. are ideal especially for extracellular targets involved with tumor growth B. are highly specific C. have a relatively long duration of coverage over the tumor target D. lowering the potential for chemo type based toxicities associated with small molecules *****E. all of these reasons are true

Many people are familiar with the symptoms of seasonal flu outbreaks. Influenza (also known as the flu) is a contagious respiratory illness caused by various types of flu viruses. It can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death. The flu is different from a cold. The patient typically first feels 'out of sorts' as if first becoming ill. The percentage of the U.S. population that will get the flu, on average, each year is 5% to 20%. The average number of Americans hospitalized each year because of problems with the illness is 200,000 and the number of people who die each year from flu-related causes in the U.S is 3,000 to 49,000. The best way to protect from contracting the flu is

A. avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth if you have been in contact with infected people. B. obtain a flu vaccine before the start of flu season (October through April) C. avoid contact with infected people. D. frequent hand washing with soap and water *****E. all of these answers are correct.

There are many classes of compounds that are pharmaceuticals. So called 'Small Molecules' such as aspirin, have been useful in medicine and pharmacy for years. Now scientists are learning how to design small molecules which will accurately react with receptors for more effective medications with fewer side effects. Which areas of pharmaceutical drug development have best facilitated small molecule design?

A. chiral chemistry and chiral drugs ******B. all of these have contributed to new drugs. C. pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine, and now 'living' pharmaceuticals. D. combinatorial chemistry to generate new active compounds. E. blind luck and serendipity

Numerous pandemic flu outbreaks have occurred over history. Most virologists and epidemiologists believe that the next outbreak is not a matter of 'if but when'. The best measure to prevent a catastrophic outbreak would be

A. cull birds or other zoonotic infectious cross species carriers when necessary B. quarantine any and all infected individuals early in a suspected problem outbreak C. work collaboratively with the WHO, the US CDC and other international institutions to genome sequence viruses and forecast possible outbreaks D. preemptively develop annual flu vaccines ******E. Take all of the measures in the other answers

Although most cancers originate from a single cell, the frequency of the possibility is increased as whole tissues are exposed to carcinogens. Since many cancers exhibit a 'field effect', elevated malignant potential across a target tissue or organ can be seen in which of the following examples:

A. exposure to environmental air-borne toxins *****B. all of these examples exhibit field effects C. smokers' lungs D. sun-exposed skin from UV light E. HPV infected uterine cervix or esophagus

Which of these items could be a source for possible DNA forensic testing:

A. general clothing:including gloves, bandanas, ski masks, baseball caps ****B. All of these items can be used for DNA testing C. a bloody knife D. cigarette butts E. condoms (inside and outside)

Every cell in your body contain mitochondria. Mitochondria then might be called the most successful organism on the planet since they

Are derived from bacteria and are the central location of respiration in all human cells


Are derived from bacteria and are the central location of respiration in eukaryotic cells

Since human organs for transplantion is donor limited, one solution would be to use animal donors for human organ transplants. Pigs have been genetically modified and cloned to produce donor pigs that have had the major proteins removed that are responsible for immuno-rejection. The drawbacks or obstacles for xenotransplantion are:

A. it is a very expensive to create each transgenic pig and test them for safety in humans and public perception is negative. B. the making and cloning of transgenic animals is a long term project C. transmission of animal viruses to human recipient and to the general population is possible. *****D. all of these answers apply E. acute hyper-rejection of xenogenic tissue and rejection is a risk.

How was genetics discovered? In the 1860s Gregor Mendel discovered "factors" that determined inheritance of traits in plants (notice how many great discoveries appear first from work on plants) By 1906, Thomas Hunt Morgan showed that 'genes' are the "factors" that Mendel had discovered, and that genes are located on chromosomes. Then in 1944 Oswald Avery showed that genes are made of DNA! (We have come a long way). We now have sequenced the genomes of

A. mice, rats, and dogs and fruitflies B. puffer fish and zebra fish C. humans, chimpanzees, and mountain gorillas D. rice, corn, wheat, and many other crop plants. E. all of these examples, and more*******

How is engineered DNA put into plants? Gene constructs (or 'transgenes') can be readily made in the laboratory by fusing together DNA segments from different sources. If done correctly, these cloned constructs can be delivered into plants where they will be stably integrated into the plant's DNA and expressed to confer new and useful traits. Gene constructs can be introduced into plants by

A. micro-projectile bombardment(also known as the 'gene gun' or biolistics) delivers DNA by coating small particles of gold with the vector and shooting them into plant cells. B. osmotic or electric shock treatments C. Agrobacterium tumefaciens: a bacteria that acts as a natural gene transfer vector to deliver DNA into plats D. Microinjection: by using a small needle to inject DNA directly into plant cells. E. all of the examples have been shown to work********

Loss of cell or tissue function characterizes many degenerative diseases. Many degenerative diseases are characterized by organ failure or cell loss. These types of disease are attractive candidates for stem cell therapy and gene therapy which include:

A. only age-related degenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's B. only cell or organ destruction due to genetic, environmental or infectious disease, such as diabetes. C. only degenerative disease of unknown etiology or autoimmune disease *******D. all of the disease states described in the other answers E. disease states that require gene therapy

Vaccines have been shown to NOT cause autism, but still controversies persist because of a lack of understanding about how vaccines work and how they are made. A vaccine is a biological preparation that improves immunity to a particular disease. A vaccine typically contains an agent that resembles a disease-causing microorganism and is often made from weakened or killed forms of the microbe, its toxins or one of its surface proteins. The agent stimulates the body's immune system to recognize the agent as foreign, destroy it, and "remember" it, so that the immune system can more easily recognize and destroy any of these microorganisms that it later encounters. Vaccines can be made from

A. recombinant DNA B. attenuated (or incapacitated) virus (i.e. polio vaccine) C. use of a similar pathogen (i.e. smallpox) *****D. all of these, or none of these have contributed to new vaccines E. toxoid proteins (i.e. tetanus)

Arson is defined at "The willful and malicious burning of property" Forensic trace analysis for arson investigations includes:

A. sealing openings of large containers and sealing cans and jars with evidence tape. B. placing liquids in glass jars or paint cans C. prevention of evaporation of the samples D. collecting solid debris placed in paint cans *****E. all of these approaches may be important depending on the case.

Degenerative diseases that result in cell death or function, such as Parkinson's and Alzhiemer's, injuries that may result in damaged cells and tissues, such as spinal cord injuries, and the lack of available human donor organs for transplant has motivated scientists to investigate new ways to replace the functions of diseased organs. Promising approaches to these problems are

A. stem cells B. xenotransplantation and tissue engineering ******C. all of these approaches D. gene therapy E. creation of artificial biomedical devices

While it is true that plants and other organisms produce compounds with pharmaceutical properties, not all of these remedies have been borne out when tested scientifically. Alternative therapies, such as herbal medicines, DNA Activation, and homeopathy have all raised suspicion and scientific concerns because

A. their results are highly variable ****B. all of the answers are correct. C. they have active ingredients(s) or mode(s) of action that have not been elucidated or determined in peer-reviewed scientific publications D. they have been rigorously tested in clinical trials E. they are either not regulated by the FDA or regulated as supplements

There are populations of cells which retain their ability to divide and differentiate. The defining characteristic(s) of adult stem cells are

A. they are pluripotent -they have a limited potential to differentiate to other cell types. B. can be genetically engineered to carry and express foreign genes. C. seen as a potential source of cells for therapeutic purposes that will not be controversial. *****D. all of these answers are appropriate E. unable to divide indefinitely

Pigs have been genetically modified and cloned to produce the possibility for organ donor pigs for humans. The genetically modified pigs have had the major proteins removed that are responsible for immuno-rejection. The drawbacks or obstacles for xenotransplantation are:

A. transmission of animal viruses to human recipient and to general population is a possibility B. acute hyper-rejection of xenogeneic tissue remains a possibility C. the industry has been slow to deliver an approved therapeutic product ******D. all of these answers apply E. the making and cloning of transgenic animals for this process have not been clinically tested

The order that best represents size from the smallest to the largest biological entities is:

All answers are correct

Every time one of your cells divides it makes a (nearly) exact copy of all of your DNA. This has happened many times over while you have been reading these questions. A person's unique DNA is carried in:

All of the above contain a person's DNA

Difference occurs in the sequence of long chain molecules and becomes information in biological organisms. 'Life' assembles itself into chains:

All of the answers are correct

There are currently 7 billion people on the planet and projected to reach 9 billion by 2050. Considering the use of biotechnology and the crises of rising population, decline of arable land and water resources, limited energy supplies and unequal distribution of food and a growing decline in global food security the ethics what are the major risks (real or perceived) concerning the deployment of biotechnology application to agricultural

All of the risks shown have been expressed as concerns -risk to worldview, human health, environment, and sustainable environment

Forensic applications of biotechnology:

All of these are correct

Which of the following statements about mutations is NOT true?

All of these statements are true

A genome is:

All the DNA in an organism, including its genes

What is gene therapy?

An alternative medicine as an approach to treating cancer and other diseases

Animal cloning:

And genetic engineering, has been accomplished for several different species

The term 'antibiotic' was coined by Selman Waksman in 1942 to describe any substance produced by a microorganism that is antagonistic to the growth of other microorganisms in high dilution. There are many myths and misconceptions about antibiotics, their use, misuse and possible health consequences. Which of the following answers is true, while the others are common misunderstandings?

Antibiotics are effective when taken as prescribed, over their entire course of treatment for microbial infections, regardless of when a patient starts to feel better.

In 2001, just after the 9/11 attacks, numerous packages were sent containing sophisticated anthrax spores which were able to be aerosoled and weaponized. It would take several years, false leads and sophisticated forensic analyses to discover who had done the attacks. Who was determined to be behind the 2001 anthrax attacks in the U.S.?

Bruce Ivans

There is a wide spread belief that organic foods are more healthy. Organic foods have been well documented to be

Be produced without the use of synthetic pesticides, or fertilizers and contain no GMOs.

The creation and maintenance of forensic DNA databases is controversial because:

Because of the conflict between public safety and civil liberties

Science is:

Both a body of knowledge and an intellectual activity encompassing observation, description, experimentation, and explanation of natural phenomena

The Scientific Method is:

Both a method to gain a body of knowledge and an intellectual activity encompassing observation, description, experimentation, and explanation of natural phenomena

The Flow of Information of life on earth usually occurs from:

DNA to RNA to Protein

The numbers of repeat offenses is one reason people support felon DNA databases. Collecting samples from offenders convicted of all felonies could help insure their DNA profiles are in the Database before the commit their first violent act. There is a 67% recidivism rate among convicted sex offenders and the average number of sexual assaults per offender is 8-13. As it turns out felons are often opportunistic and commit more than one type of crime. 52% of the offenders linked to sexual assaults and homicides by DNA Database matches had a prior conviction of what type of crime?


The sequence of bases in DNA is transcribed to RNA and then decoded into a sequence of amino acids specified by that code. The sequence of amino acids is specific to the protein encoded by the gene. Proteins have the ability to fold into specific shapes that determine their function because of:

C. the sequence of amino acids specified by the gene

Which of the following are inputs to photosynthesis?


A cellular structure that captures sunlight to produce sugar using CO2 is called a


Plants use sunlight in the most important chemical reactions on earth called photosynthesis. All biological energy comes to earth through these reactions. A cellular structure that captures sunlight to produce sugar is called a:


Climate change will have major effects on world agriculture and food security. Most scientists in the Nobel Prize winning International Panel of Climate Change (IPCC) who work in studying the climate agree from numerous studies that the trends in climate change show that:

Climate change is caused by humans.

The role of the law enforcement detective in an investigation is:

Collect information to solve crime by talking to witnesses and informants, collecting physical evidence, or searching records in databases.

A standard set of known DNA markers are used to characterize a forensic DNA sample. The thirteen markers that are used are broadly applied across all fifty states and internationally. CODIS stands for:

Combined DNA Index System

Individual gene sequences in genomes can be searched to find striking similarities between species. The entire genomic sequences are now known for many species of bacteria, fungi, insects, plants and animals, including humans and chimpanzees. This vast amount of information has been published and is in the public domain. The genome databases aligned and the similarities and relations can be examined. These types of analyses have shown that humans are 98% similar in DNA sequence to the chimpanzee; 88% similar to mice and about 33% similar to the genes of a rice plant. This type of analysis is called:

Comparative genomics

These types of analyses have shown that humans are 98% similar in DNA sequence to the chimpanzee; 88% similar to mice and about 33% similar to the genes of a rice plant. This type of analysis is called:

Comparative genomics

Eukaryotic cells:

Contain various membrane bound compartments, such as chloroplasts, mitochondria and nuclei

"Survival of the fittest" may be a misleading phrase to describe the process of evolution by natural selection because:

Survival matters less to natural selection than reproductive success does

A shortage of phosphorus would make it difficult for an organism to manufacture:


It has been said that 'Biotechnology is not a threat...starvation is.' Vitamin A deficiencies are responsible for a million lives a year globally and many of those are in developing countries where the main staple is rice. Dr. Ingo Potykus of Switzerland genetically modified rice to accumulate high levels of beta carotene, the natural precursor for vitamin A. Some have argued that it would be unethical to deny this population of such a useful tool to alleviate suffering. This variety is known as:

Golden rice

The origin of modern human (Homo sapien) has intrigued people for hundreds of years. Where did we come from? There were many other species in our genus before us. Were they our precursors? The 'Out of Africa' hypothesis for the origin of humans is now considered fact based on what evidence?

DNA evidence through comparative genomics

Momentous collective moral decisions about agricultural biotechnology are being made largely by


DNA stands for:

Deoxyribonucleic Acid

The technologies useful for the analysis of biological compounds were essential to the development of biotechnology and its applications. A 'Southern blot' is used for:

Detection of specific DNA sequences

The flow of information is one characteristic of life. The flow of biological information in life is studied using various techniques in biotechnology. A 'Northern blot' is used for:

Detection of specific RNA sequences

Statistical methods make it possible to:

Determine how likely it is that certain results have occurred by chance

Which of the following processes has NOT been applied to crop plants development during the history of agriculture?

Direct application of the theory of special relativity and particle physics to induce plant variation

Any gene can now be cloned. This technology has been used to make a whole new class of pharmaceuticals. What are the implications of gene cloning for the pharmaceutical industry?

Drugs, based on antibodies, are now on the market made using this technology

Given DNA samples from three suspects, the victims DNA and DNA evidence from a crime scene the possible conclusions are:

E any of the above

Critics of evolution state that that it is not possible since it disobeys the second law of thermodynamics. The tendency of energy to dissipate as described by the second law of thermodynamics is called:

Entropy: where order tends to become disordered

The tendency of energy to dissipate as described by the second law of thermodynamics is called:

Entropy: where order tends to become disordered

Who's DNA do forensic analysts have access to when investigating a crime?

Everyone with a felony record since 2004

The endosymbiont hypothesis:

Explains the origins of chloroplasts and mitochondria

GMOs have been shown to cause long term negative health problems in humans.


Given DNA-based forensic techniques, standard fingerprint analysis is now obsolete.

False, standard fingerprint and other latent print analysis are routine as part of crime scene investigations.

Which of the following foods is not a significant source of complex carbohydrates?

Fresh fruit

Gene editing technologies, such as CRISPR/Cas9 have revolutionized methods to alter DNA associated with some traits and diseases. The ability to replace repair or delete defective genes in a patient, as a type of genetic surgery, is collectively called

Gene therapy

Organismal complexity does not correlate with the amount of DNA. The full set of an individual organism's DNA is called its:


________ tolerant crops allow farmers to apply a specific _________ to control weeds without harm to the crop.


The discovery that some virus can cause cancer was discovered many years ago. HPV is a sexually transmitted disease which can cause cervical and esophageal cancer. HPV stands for

Human Papilloma Virus

Life is an information processing system capable of replication with variation. The flow of information in biological life on earth:

Typically occurs from DNA to RNA to protein

Which of the following best distinguishes hypotheses from theories in science?

Hypotheses usually are narrow in scope; theories have much broader explanatory power

Observation of and wonder at the workings of nature are what initiate "why" and "how" type questions. Science is a system of:

Hypothesis making and testing to discern and validate observable facts

Observation of and wonder at the workings of nature are what initiate "why" and "how" type questions. Science is a system of:

Hypothesis making and testing to discern and validate observable facts generating evidence based knowledge

Which of the following statements best describes the logic of the scientific method?

If my hypothesis is correct, I can expect certain test results

Gentically engineered crops are no grown..

In large scale agricultural production in many countries across the world

There are currently 7 billion people on the planet and projected to reach 9 billion by 2050. One question is whether biotechnology can be used to feed the poor. Another question erroneously asks whether biotechnology should be used to feed the poor (with the presumption that the poor will generate more poor). How many people can the planet sustain. What is the best estimate of the carrying capacity for the planet?

It can not be accurately determined based on a variety of yet unknown factors.

These pathways often occur with feedback mechanism that regulate when too much or too little of a compound is present. Biological feedback loops occur:

In throughout various levels in biological systems, including ecology

The process of biological change therefore, can not be purposive. This indicates that:

Individuals do not exercise 'will' over the changes passed on to their offspring

Recently, several US courts have ruled against the teaching of Intelligent Design in biology classes in public schools because:

Intelligent Design and other proposed alternative explanations cannot be supported by current scientific methods

Superstitions are:

Irrational beliefs that actions not logically related to a course of events influence its outcome

Cloning a gene:

Is a method used to copy a specific segment of DNA

A covalent bond:

Is a molecule is made when electrons are shared between atoms

However, 'life' creates with mistakes. Every so often cellular mechanisms make errors during the copy process. A mutation:

Is a random change in DNA sequence

Ken Miller:

Is an expert on evolution and education

All energy for biological life on earth:Is derived from sunlight

Is derived from sunlight

Intelligent Design:

Is not currently a well-established, evidence- based alternative to theories of evolution by natural selection

The World Population:

Is now at seven billion people and growing exponentially

A polar molecule:

Is slightly negative at one end and slightly positive at the other end

The placebo effect:

Is the frequently observed, poorly understood phenomenon that people tend to respond favorably to any treatment

U.S Hybrid Corn....

Is the product of conventional plant breeding involvng the use of controlled crosses and in some plants, like corn, by developing inbred parental lines

Biotechnology is controversial because:

It has both positive and negative potentials and education about it has been lacking

What is the meaning of the statement "correlation does not imply causation"?

Just because two variables vary in a similar pattern does not mean that changing one variable causes a change in the other

In humans, genes make up ______ of the DNA.

Less than 5%

Rachel Carson is famous as the author of 'Silent Spring' (1962) which discussed the broad effects of the insecticide DDT on the 'web of life'. The ecology of a coral reef is another good example that:

Life is interconnected and interdependent

A genetic construct used for crop improvement is

Like a cut and paste document: it is a synthetic sequence of DNA that will be transcribed into RNA and will be translated into a particular protien that corresponds to the sequence of the gene

Some cancers may be preventable. The organ of origin which is the leading cause of cancer deaths in the US per year is

Lung and bronchus (male and female, ~90,000 and 73,000)

CRISPR technology is capable of..

Making precise changes in DNA and used in Genome editing

Which groups would you be most likely to obtain seeds from?


What is pharmacogenomics?

Name given to the study of genetic variation that results in disease susceptibilities and the differences in response to medications between people

These conclusions, from the Origin of Species, was coupled with:

Natural selection

To establish that evolution by natural selection is operating in a population, one must demonstrate variability for a trait, heritability of that trait, differential reproductive success based on that trait, and:

Nothing else

A cellular structure, which contains most of a cell's DNA in animals, fungi or plants:


A common feature of life on earth is the occurrence:

Of feedback loops that provide control of biological inputs and outputs through cycles, like a locomotive engine that can not run out of control, so that even in complex pathways 'life works in cycles'

The energy flow through life on earth starts with:

Sunlight and producers, like plants

The energy flow through life on this planet occurs from:

Sunlight to chloroplasts to sugars to mitochondria to ATP

In controlled experiments:

One variable is manipulated while others are held constant

evolution occurs

Only via natural selection, genetic drift, migration or mutation

Biological life tends to:

Optimize rather than maximize, where function is selected for by the environment

Darwin's theory of evolution and natural selection disproved which of the following:

Organisms are fixed since the origin of life on earth - there have been no new additional species and no losses

Genetic predisposition to disease or drug response for individuals is the focus of what area of biotechnology?

Personalized medicine and pharmacogenomics

Genetic predisposition to disease or drug response is the focus of what area of biotechnology?

Pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine.

What is the difference between normal and diseased cells? The greatest challenges faced by pharmacogenomics is the systematic correlation between normal versus disease patterns of gene expression, and variation of drug efficacy and metabolism in human populations. This can be accomplished using what biotechnology tools?

Phenotyping by genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics.

A method used to copy small amounts of DNA many times over was invented by Dr. Kary Mullis in the 1980s and is called PCR. PCR stands for:

Polymerase Chain Reaction

Can we control the gene expression for insulin production, for example, in pancreatic cells, as a treatment for diabetes? The control of gene expression is critical to all living things. The ability to control gene expression in a target cell is of key interest to gene therapy. A protein that binds to a site on DNA next to a gene and blocks the transcription of that gene, thus preventing the synthesis of a protein that the gene prescribes is known as a repressor. The segment of DNA which precedes (upstream) the coding region of a gene is called a:

Promoter region of a gene

Jean-Baptist Lamarck thought for giraffes that by stretching their necks for leaves higher in trees this characteristic would be passed on to the offspring of those giraffes. Lamarck, therefore:

Proposed that the inheritance of characteristics is acquired as a result of the enviornement or purpose

An example of chain molecules would be?


Enzymes are coded for by genes and are:

Proteins that catalyze many reactions in cells

Genomes have now been sequenced, Genes have been cloned and moved from one species to another. Stem cells can develop into sperm cells. The development of Biotechnology:

Provides substantial molecular evidence the Theory of Evolution

To start the transcription process, a large molecule, ______, recognizes a ______.

RNA polymerase; promoter site

Proteins are an essential component of a healthy diet for humans (and other animals). Their most common purpose is to serve as:

Raw material for growth

All of the following are elements of biological literacy except:

Reading the most important books in biology

evolutionary adaptation

Refers both to the process by which populations become better matched to their environment and to the features of an organism that make it more fit than other individuals

What is a single base pair that changes the sequence in DNA and is responsible for genetic variation?

SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms)

Plants can be just as medicinal as medical drugs. Which hormone can be found in both plants and in Aspirin?

Salicylic Acid

A leading group of followers of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (later known as Osho) had hoped to incapacitate the voting population of the city so that their own candidates would win the 1984 Wasco County elections. This notorious attack used a bioweapon in an attempt to sway the upcoming election. Cult members were found to have contaminated commercial salad bars with what organism?


(STR) technology is used to evaluate specific regions (loci) within nuclear DNA. Variability in STR regions can be used to distinguish one DNA profile from another. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) uses a standard set of 13 specific STR regions for CODIS. CODIS is a software program that operates local, state, and national databases of DNA profiles from convicted offenders, unsolved crime scene evidence, and missing persons. The odds that two individuals will have the same 13-loci DNA profile is extremely unlikely. STR stands for:

Short Tandem Repeats

This ability is called "totipotency" and like the more recent examples of animal cloning, demonstrates:

That all of the DNA that codes for an entire organism is in every cell of that organism

When asked by a reporter what they had discovered, Francis Crick famously replied:

The Secret of Life

The world's highest rape rate of all countries that publish such data is:

The US

Each year a new seasonal flu vaccine is developed based on screening of various circulating viruses. Who is monitoring global emergence of influenza viruses?

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Life might well be considered as an information processing system, and then in many ways, has analogies in the cyber world. The flow of information in biological life on earth:

Typically occurs from DNA to RNA to protein

There is currently a wide gap between the knowledge of the general public about DNA, recent advances in biology and biotechnology, as well as the actual applications in the real world most likely because:

The advances have been so rapid, often controversial and this material is not required in most schools

The first draft of the human genome was first published in the Journal Nature. Knowing all the genes in humans may have profound affects on which areas in the future?

The areas in all of the answers above have already been affected

what is conventional breeding of plants

The development of new plant varieties by the process of genetics and selection.

Water can absorb and store a large amount of heat while increasing only a few degrees in temperature. Why?

The heat must first be used to break the hydrogen bonds rather than raise the temperature

Where did dogs come from? The wolf is now widely accepted as the most likely ancestor of all domestic dogs. There are over four hundred described breeds of dogs today, which can be all genetically traced back to a wild wolf species that lived between 15,000 and 40,000 years ago, well before the first agricultural human societies. This fact shows

The impact of breeding and selection using conventional genetics.

what features of DNA fragment causes it to move through a gel during electrophoresis

The molecuar weight(SIZE) of the fragmented electrical charges of its phosphate groups

Avastin is a humanized antibody that binds the peptide factor VEGF with a half-life in humans of 17-21 days. This drug is produced from a cloned segment of DNA that has been introduced into cell culture to make a stable transgenic cell line. These cells are then grown in large fermentors that are then harvested and the antibody is then purified through biomanufacturing processes. This purified antibody is sold as the drug Avastin which when introduced into the patient will cause

The neutralization of VEGF that reduces or eliminates the ongoing angiogenesis in tumors

After a gel electrophoresis is run, the pattern of bars in the gel shows:

The presence of various-sized fragments of DNA

Which of the following statements about the metabolism of ethanol (which is present in alcoholic beverages) is incorrect?

The process requires two enzymes: alcohol dehydrogenase and isopropyl dehydrogenase

How would a bioweapons attack be carried out? In a bioweapons attack, there are the unique challenges with first response because

The release of biological agents is not likely to be immediately discernible

Atoms share electrons to form bonds making molecules. Energy flows from one chemical bond to another. Breaking covalent bonds in molecules results in:

The release or transfer of energy

Genomics is the study of DNA sequence. Transcriptomics is the study of the population of RNAs in a cell. Proteomics:

The study of all the proteins produced by an organism and their interactions.


The study of how variations in the DNA sequence of the human genome affect the response to medications and disease predispositions

The expression of a gene is said to be 'turned on' when certain signals interact with the promoter of a gene and RNA is produced. Transcription is:

The transfer of information from DNA to RNA

All Life on this planet has the ability to replicate information with variation. The flow of information in biological life is generally from:

The transfer of information from DNA to RNA to proteins

Translation of that code occurs in the cytoplasm and is:

The transfer of information from RNA to proteins

Biotechnology is:

The use of biological organisms by humans to produce something useful

Marine Biotechnology:

The use of marine organisms by humans to produce something useful

The code in DNA that we call a 'gene' is the code for a protein. Each specific gene therefore as a specific code for a specific protein. Different proteins can be distinguished from each other by:

Their amino acid sequence

In the national debate about the use of forensic DNA analysis and the building of DNA databases (such as an all felon database vs. an all arrestee database of a general public database) there are two competing views. One view holds that DNA testing and the building of databases is a matter of public safety: DNA solves crimes; only criminals should fear DNA testing or databases. The opposing view holds that

There are privacy concerns, maintaining that DNA information is different where there is significant potential for abuse.

The human genome has over 24,000 genes. Since all of the genes that code for all of the proteins in an organism are present in every cell then:

There must be a way to turn some genes on and leave other genes off

What feature seems to be shared by all living organisms on this planet?

They all contain information that is stored in chain molecules

Variation in a population can be selected for by various pressures including:

all of these answers are correct

Organic foods are known to be better for you since:

They have been shown to have quantitatively higher levels of vitamins compared with their conventional counterparts

Genetic code is a universal language for life on this planet

This statement is generally true

The process of taking one gene from one species and expressing it in the genome of another is called


Many different genes have been linked to cancer by identification of mutations in primary human tumors. These genetic changes in DNA linked to cancer include

Translocations ******B. all of the types of mutations described in the other answers C. Point mutations; those that are activating or inactivating D. Deletions/insertions/frame shifts E. Aneuploidy ( an extra chromosome)

DNA analysis is now a common and widely accepted forensic tool used to analyze evidentiary DNA


The screening and detection of specific DNA sequences has been broadly applied in medical and life sciences. PCR is a useful molecular tool for use in plant genetics, pharmacogenomics, evolutionary studies, pandemic flu, and analysis of bioweapons.


Consider a face: it is comprised of a community of cells. Its basic features change very little over a year, yet in that time most of the original cells and all the molecules will be replaced. The 'fabric' changes but not the pattern. This is explained by the process of:

Turnover of cells and constant skin cell renewal

Proteins are molecules made from sequences of a number of:

Twenty amino acids

A covalent bond is formed when:

Two atoms share electrons

The process of evolution in biological organisms involves:

all of these factors are involved

In recent trials, gene therapies have shown great promise for curing disorders such as hemophilia. The CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing system was developed from discoveries in 2015 and is based on an ancient virus-killing defense mechanism found in many bacteria. What is gene editing?

Using CRISPR to create modification in cells as a so-called 'living' pharmaceutical to treat cancer. ******B. All of these answers are correct C. Using molecular biology to introduce genetic changes that will prevent or treat diseases D. Inactivating or knocking out a mutated gene E. Replacing or introducing correct genes to fix mutated genes

Which of the choices below are considered to be the driving force for evolution and the generation of new species?

Variation in DNA sequences

Norman Borlaug

Was a Nobel Laureate for his role in The Green Revolution in 1970.

The major contributions to the discovery of the DNA double helix structure over fifty years ago, although not all were recognized by the Nobel prize Committee were made by:

Watson, Crick, Wilkins, and Franklin

Which trait is considered to be MOST important to most plant breeders


You have access to a genetically modified seed stock for 1000 hectares of maize that is 30% more productive than your existing stock. One problem is that you might not be able to sell your seed to market because..

Your country exports to euroupe which has a ban on GM crops and ingredients

If you wanted to film the movement of chromosomes during cell division, the best choice for optical equipment would be:

a light microscope, because you can view living cells

Evolution is:

a process by which all biological organisms change

The ability to genetically engineer plants was developed in the early 1980s. The first commercially available genetically engineered plant was released in 1992. It was

a slow ripening tomato called the Flavr Savr

A relationship between phenomena that has been established based on large amounts of observational and experimental data is referred to as:

a theory

Various methods could be used to prevent a large pandemic flu outbreak including the culling of infected reservoir species (such as bird), early detection, and effective quarantine of infected humans. Vaccines, would also be effective which could be made to protect against pandemic influenza viruses. However

a vaccine probably would not be available in the early stages of a pandemic

Considering the National debate on DNA forensic databases which of the following is NOT an issue?

accuracy of the DNA testing protocols

How do microorganisms become resistant to antibiotics? Antibiotic Drug Resistance has become an increasingly growing concern. Organisms like MRSA; antibiotic resistant tuberculosis and pneumonia and now many others threaten public health worldwide. The control of the biological basis for genetic changes through modern biotechnology is of key interest to

across the various applications in biotechnology

Why do some people get cancer and others do not? What is the influence of genetics? What is the influence of environment? The frequencies of cancers have been studied in many different populations and ethnicities. Cancer is a disease of

age and an increase in accumulating mutations as genetic changes which may alter cell division cycles

Life competes within a cooperative framework where:

all answers shown are generally correct

Changing one amino acid within a protein could change what about that protein?

all of the above

The process of creating genetically modified organisms (GMOs):

all of the answers shown are correct

Given biological life, there will be change. The subject of evolution is controversial because:

all of these answers apply

A chemical unit consisting of negatively charged electrons orbiting a positively charged nucleus is:

an atom

The growth of blood vessel is known to have a strong influence on tumor growth. AVASTIN is a very effect anti-cancer recombinant DNA drug that as an antibody reacts with VEGF to inhibit tumor


The majority of climate scientists believe that current trends in climate change are:

anthropogenic, that is caused by humans' release of CO2 and other greenhouse gases

It is now possible to make gene constructs in the laboratory by fusing together DNA segments from different sources. For example, genes that encode proteins from a bacteria can be moved into plants to make them resistant to pests without using pesticides. This process of plant improvement has been

applied widely and successfully in US agriculture for over twenty years.

The application of cell biology, molecular biology, genomics and gene editing has brought rapid and astounding new results. Medical Biotechnology Applications:

are increasing exponentially as according to Moore's Law

In the 1950s in the US, the poultry industry began a new process: called 'Acronization' where the birds were doused in a solution of antibiotics. This practice ultimately resulted in antibiotic resistance strains in the bacteria of Staphylococcus aureus (or staph). This led to an outbreak among poultry workers. Much of today's poultry industry still use antibiotics. The same is true for other agricultural products including fish, beef and pork. Antibiotic resistance in bacteria

are often the result of antibiotic overuse and/or misuse of antibiotics resulting in the selection of mutants that have arisen from randomly occurring mutation in the bacterial genome.

An influenza pandemic is an epidemic of an influenza virus that spreads on a worldwide scale and infects a large proportion of the world population. In contrast to the regular seasonal epidemics of influenza, these pandemics occur irregularly. A flu pandemic occurs when a new influenza virus emerges for which people have little or no immunity and for which there is no vaccine. Pandemic flu:

are outbreaks that are caused by new influenza subtypes that have never circulated among people or by subtypes that have not circulated among people for a long time.

Specific cells produce specific RNAs and proteins. Cancer cells for example produce a have a different gene expression profile when compared to normal cells. Biochips

are used for the study of RNA patterns to elucidate various biological phenomenon and are also called microarrays, used for RNA expression profiling

Viruses that can cause flu in humans circulate each year. There are many different subtypes of Influenza or "flu" viruses. The subtypes differ based upon certain proteins on the surface of the virus and are used to classify the subtypes. These subtypes are designated

as HN based on the hemagglutinin or "HA" protein and the neuraminidase or the "NA" protein

GMO plants offer solutions to agricultural problems..

based on biological solutions

The development of Biotechnology is directly linked with Industry. Which of the following is not true?

basic science has not yet applied in any of todays biotech fields

How does forensic testing help in a criminal investigation?

by any or all of these answers

The ability to transfer genetic material from one organism into plants for crop improvement is a well-established science. Genetic engineering of crop plants is controversial because

cloned DNA is used to create them and people are uncertain about the process

Highly repetitive sequences of DNA

can be used in DNA fingerprinting

Tumors are often comprised of diverse cell types. Tumors were long thought to evolve in a linear fashion as a single cell acquired growth-spurring mutations and dominated the final mass. But now studies indicate that in many tumors, cells branch off and form a diverse tumor cell lineage with cells that may evade treatment. The most likely cause for this may be because

cancer cells keep changing, undergoing secondary mutations, and evolving in the tumor

Most cancers are derived from a single cell which has accumulated enough mutations to perturb the normal cell cycle for division. The origin of cancer is called


We know that certain chemicals can be quite potent to cause cancer, such as tobacco smoke. Interestingly some naturally occurring and common compounds can also cause cancer. Compounds or agents which may lead to the development of cancer can be evaluated by the "Ames Test". These compounds or agents are known as


A biological positive feedback process in which events trigger other events in an ever-growing amplification, as in the growth of an embryo is called


The sequence of DNA that is called a gene codes for a protein using DNA's four letter code. Three bases will code for one of twenty amino acids. When a gene is expressed, messenger RNA is transcribed from the DNA template and translated into a protein in the cytoplasm. If a single base in the sequence is missing, this mutation could

change the sequence of amino acids in the protein and have a catastrophic effect on the organism, be benign, or at times, be beneficial

How tumors develop is an intense area of cancer research. A single tumor is a heterogenous mass of different cell types. As cancer develops, cells re-colonize previously normal tissues in a process called metatasis. How are certain signals perceived by cells? Motion in living cells or creatures which is directed by chemical signals and undirected by any choice or goal is known as;


The way bacteria and cancer cells find food is similar and involves one of life's oldest forms response to chemical signaling. A bacterium swims by using their flagella. If one were to place a spot of acid on one side of a Petri dish containing bacterial growth media and a spot of sugar on the opposite side with the bacteria in the middle, they swim towards the sugar responding by chemical signaling and creates the appearance of 'purpose' (which begs the question about the nature of purpose vs function). And we think our decision-making processes are so complicated, because we are, after all humans (which begs the question about the nature of consciousness). This type of chemical signaling is called:

chemotaxis or "movement induced by chemicals"

The USS John Harvey, an American ship in Bari Harbor, carried a highly classified load of 2,000 100-lb mustard bombs on Dec 2, 1943 when a German raid damaged 17 ships, including the Harvey. Fire on the Harvey caused a mustard gas-laden smoke that spread quickly. 617 mustard gas poisoning cases among troops and merchant marine seamen occurred. Studies of mustard gas by two young assistant professors in Yale's new Department of Pharmacology, Louis S. Goodman, M.D., and Alfred Gilman, Ph.D had already shown interesting biological effects of mustard gas that eventually lead to the development of


The use of forensic science involves using science to evaluate physical evidence. DNA based forensics has become increasing important. Who recognizes, identifies, individualizes and evaluates physical evidence using the methods of natural sciences in matters of legal significance?


One of the standards of care in cancer treatments include the use of chemotherapy. Chemotherapies were first developed in the 1940s to stop the rapid growth of tumor cells. Many of the small molecule chemical drugs still used in modern chemotherapy are

cytotoxic (kill fast growing cells)

Research and use of human embryonic stem cells (or hES Cells) is controversial because they are:

derived from early (five day old) embryos (blastocysts)

Vaccines can be made to protect against pandemic influenza viruses, but

distribution of an effective vaccine or anti-viral drugs globally would make it difficult to contain a pandemic

What were the origins of agriculture? There are few wild plants consumed widely anymore, especially in the developed countries. Most of the plants we eat as fruits, vegetables, and grains:

do not occur in the wild, but have been developed exclusively by humans through selection and domestication

Complex biological structures like the horn of a ram, a chambered nautilus shell or a growing plant tendril seem complex but are actually the result of:

emergent patterns that result in complex structures when simple units follow simple rules

Critics of evolution state that that it is not possible since it disobeys the second law of thermodynamics. The tendency of energy to dissipate as described by the second law of thermodynamics is called:

entropy: where order tends to become disordered

The seasonal flu is typically a relatively newly emerged virus. What is the recommended time a person should receive a flu vaccine?

ever year

Using a brilliant experimental design involving virus resistance in bacteria he was able to clearly demonstrate what phenomenon?


How a spider makes its web is indeed an amazing phenomenon. Just how smart is that spider to figure this out? Remember the idea of emergence that makes fractals or snowflakes appear very complicated when actually the patterns are based on very simple if/then rules. A cancer cell can "outsmart" the body's immune system because:

feedback and signaling pathways in biochemical networks involve an underlying series of relatively simple if/then rules

What are regulatory processes in which there are signals indicating "too much" or "too little" which result in a correction to the processes?

feedback loop

Having the capability to sense signals and react to stimuli is a central feature to all biological life processes. What are the regulatory processes in which there are signals indicating "too much" or "too little" which result in a correction to the processes?

feedback loops

What are the origins of medical practice? Humans have been involved with medical biotechnology

for hundreds of years to address a wide variety human health issues whenever intervention can be applied

Adult stem cells can be used for therapeutic applications. Adult stem cells are:

from a small sub-population of specialized stem cells present within some adult organs and capable of self renewal and limited capacity to differentiate.

Immune cells have been genetically modified to treat cancer. Stem cells, as well as other cells in tissues and organs in the human body, have been genetically engineered. For example, transgenes could be developed and delivered into pancreatic cells, to express insulin. If these transgenes were inserted into the genome of pancreas, those cells could become fully functional insulin producing cells as a cure for diabetes. This type of an approach to genetic modification is known as:

gene therapy

Progress in cancer diagnosis has occur from the use of a microscopic view of the histological appearance of tumors in biopsies to a molecular view of analyzing the genes that are expressed or not expressed in tumors can be done now by

generating a genomic sequence analysis and/or a molecular profile on a GeneChip (microarray)

There have been genes that have been identified to be associated with certain types of cancer. Microarrays or biochips have been used to examine differences in RNA population in cancer v non-cancerous cells. Human cancer genes of special interest are

genes that are causally linked to cancer development or oncogenesis

The cause(s) of cancer have been widely studied. Cancer has long been believed to be a clonal disease, 'initiated' in a single cell and then, as an expanding colony of cells, of 'evolving' or 'progressing', with successive genetic changes. The initiating events are widely thought to be

genetic (mutation, translocation, amplification, etc.)

The history on bioweapons used by humans goes back many centuries. The United States

has conducted significant research on the use of bioweapons

Plants that have been genetically modified for crop improvement, including several widely produced crops in the US, such as corn, soybean, sugarbeets, canola, and cotton. These crops have been widely adopted by farmers to reduce input costs and pesticides. The products from these plants

have been included in many food products for years now without substantiated affect on human health

Influenza pandemics can occur when a new strain of the influenza virus is transmitted to humans from another animal species. These are called zoonotic viruses. Species that are thought to be important in the emergence of new human strains of viruses are pigs, bats, other primates and birds . How mutations in the viral genome result in new virulent viruses is a research topic of concern. Changes in the viral genome result in a new influenza A virus subtypes. The appearance of a new influenza A virus subtype is the first step toward a pandemic; however, to cause a pandemic, the new virus subtype also must

have the capacity to spread easily from person to person

All people are genetically unique. An understanding of how genetics influences pharmaceuticals and their effects on different people in the population is therefore very important. Pharmacogenomics is the study of:

how an individual's genetic complement affects the body's response to drugs

Many human infections involve human-to-human transmission. During the early 20th century the Spanish flu swept across the world in one year. Technology has changed our world since those times. How will the next major global pandemic most likely move most effectively?

human to human transmission facilitated by air travel.

Which of the following is not a chemical reaction?

ice melts to form liquid water

Some people say that Evolution is " 'just' a theory". Used in this way, modified by the word just indicates that these people may be confusing with the word theory with what other word(s):


Agricultural Biotechnology

includes domestication, varietal selection, genetics, wide crosses, mutagenesis, and gene transfer for the overall goal to help produce new varieties of crop plants that are useful for people

Many patients with the flu visit their physician and request an antibiotic. Antibiotics are effective against microbial infections, but are not useful against the flu. Antiviral medications have been made and tested to prevent and treat influenza

including four different influenza antiviral medications (amantadine, rimantadine, oseltamivir, and zanamivir)

Synthetic biology is the design and construction of new biological entities such as enzymes, genetic circuits, and cells or the redesign of existing biological systems. New viruses or bacterial genomes can be designed and constructed. Synthetic biology

is a problem considered the Dual Use Dilemma

Hollywood films and science fiction generally often struggle to present science accurately on many levels. We can comment that this is entertainment and not education, however its influence is often substantial. The film Contagion

is a theoretical depiction based on what might happen in a serious global pandemic and is reasonably accurate.

Each person has a highly similar but unique genomic sequence. Personalized Medicine:

is based on individual genomes indicating appropriate drug prescriptions and diagnostics of disease susceptibilities.

An influenza pandemic is a global outbreak of disease that occurs when a new influenza A virus appears or "emerges", often from a non-human source which crosses over to become infectious in the human population, causes serious illness, and then spreads easily from person to person worldwide. An influenza pandemic

is likely to occur in the future and has occurred several times in the last 100 years with devastating consequences.

This idea suggests that that the world ecology and biology is so complex that this infers that there must be a creator much the same way that the complexity of a watch infers a watchmaker. Intelligent Design:

is not currently a well-established, evidence- based alternative to theories of evolution by natural selection

Viruses mutate and can become more pathogenic to humans. Some viruses may originate in other animals, such as birds, bats or pigs and then become infectious to humans. An influenza pandemic is a global outbreak of disease that occurs when a new influenza A virus appears or "emerges" in the human population, causes serious illness, and then spreads easily from person to person worldwide. Such a pandemic

is only a matter of time before another occurrence

The process of evolution is a consistent pattern for life on earth. As a law of nature we might say that "Given life, there will be change." Evolution:

is responsible for increased occurrence of antibiotic resistant bacteria

It is often asked, "Why is there not a cure for cancer?" Some cancer experts would disagree, and answer, "well there is, but which cancer do you mean?" There are many different types of cancer, so it is in fact, not one disease but many, all with slight genetic and biological differences. There are over 200 different known characterized cancers that afflict humans. The type of cancer is usually described by most people by

its organ of origin, such as breast cancer, or lung cancer

Which are the leading organs of origin site of new cancer cases and deaths in the US?

lung and bronchial

Mutations and other loss of function in genes are the cause of many diseases. Gene Therapy offers a technology:

may provide a method for replacement or gene editing of mutant genes

Biopsy and histology has been an effective tool for staging of colon cancer using Dukes' staging. This type of staging works well only for very good / very poor prognosis patients (Dukes' stage A and D), but it is not very informative when predicting long-term outcomes of intermediate prognosis patients (Dukes' stage B and C). A bigger problem is that a biopsy and a Dukes' classification provides only a single snapshot in time... within the long natural history of a colon tumor (until the day of biopsy). Molecular staging in colon cancer may have the following implications:

may provide more accurate and early predictions of patient outcome than is currently possible with clinical staging

Water is important to life on earth because:

most biological molecules and compounds important to life dissolve in liquid water

DNA replication results in the same copy of DNA in each cell and:

occurs before every cell divides

Life is said to be opportunistic and is present in nearly every environment on the planet because:

of variation and differences in a population of organisms that will be genetically selected for survival and reproductive success

Cells can generate mutations during DNA replication and cell division. Some of these changes can occur in genes which control and regulate cell division causing cell to enter uncontrolled cell division resulting in tumors. Cancer grows

out of normal cells in the body, usually originating form a single cell

What are the odds of two people's DNA matching one another given the nationally used 13 CODIS core of STR loci used by state and federal forensics experts?

over 1 in a billion

Climate change is now well documented. The Earth is warming. CO2 concentrations have also risen concomitantly with the burning of fossil fuels and rising population. Some propose that that this is a part of normal fluctuations in surface temperatures while others cite evidence for anthropogenic impacts, such as greenhouse gases like CO2 (And others argue that it doesn't matter what the cause is, the earth is warming). As a reason to support the production of improved crops and bioenergy crops, which biological reaction would be useful for directly removing large amounts of CO2 from the atmosphere?


The historical evolutionary relationship between a group of related organisms is known as its:


While biological and pharmaceutical approaches to cures for degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's Disease, have been actively pursued, for years, other recent approaches which have been recently investigated involve

physical treatments such as electromagnetic therapies and nanotechnologies

Why do we test and strictly regulate the production, manufacture and sale of pharmaceuticals in the United States? The FDA is The Food and Drug Administration and is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, one of the United States federal executive departments. The FDA is responsible for protecting and promoting public health through the regulation and supervision of

prescription and over-the-counter pharmaceutical drugs(medications) *******B. all of the answers are correct. C. dietary supplements and food additives D. tobacco products and their derivatives E. bio-pharmaceuticals and vaccines

Enzymes are usually:


Genes can be involved with controlling expression of other genes during development. Some of which, like the hox genes, code for transcription factors that regulate when other genes are expressed. These 'master' genes that control the expression of other genes code for:


Which of the following is NOT true about rape in the U.S?

rape is not a serious problem in the U.S.

Pathogens often recognize their host by binding to proteins on the outside of cells. Specialized proteins embedded in cell membranes which receive and transmit chemical messages are often desirable drug targets and are referred to as:


Which of the following is not a characteristic of all living organisms?

relies only on non-organic material

A protein that binds to a site on DNA next to a gene and blocks the transcription of that gene, thus preventing the synthesis of a protein that the gene encodes is known as a:


It has been suggested that the same technologies that have been developed for human embryonic stem cells, or hES stem cells, and therapeutic cloning, could be used for other purposes. Stem cell research in humans has been controversial for some time over various issues, in part, because of the so-called 'slippery slope' argument. These technologies could easily be extended to

reproductive cloning and genetic engineering of humans

Which of the following is NOT an observation or inference on which Darwin's theory of natural selection is based?

that individuals always adapt themselves to the environment and these then traits are inherited

Every time a cell divides it copies all of its DNA. A method used commonly in many applications of biotechnology today is called PCR. PCR:

uses a heat stable DNA polymerase to copy DNA

Plants use the energy in sunlight to make sugars. All other organisms use sugars for energy. The breakdown of sugar molecules into energy and carbon dioxide is called:


Small changes in the DNA sequence of coding regions (Genes) can have significant effects on the gene and the trait or protein that it encodes. Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (or SNPs) are

single base pair changes in DNA responsible for genetic variation.

Of the following which one is common to both photosynthesis and cellular respiration?

storing energy by creating H+ gradient

Throughout the evolution of plants energy from sunlight is first used to make ATP. The energy stored in ATP is then used to make what compound?


Technology is now available to cut, edit, insert and delete genes for various basic and applied purposes in many organisms. This technology, largely referred to as gene editing, is an advancement in gene therapy. Gene therapy offers approaches:

that now have been approved for therapeutic treatments by the FDA for various diseases including hemophilia, SCID, and HIV/AIDS, and child leukemia

The reasons that small pox is considered such a dangerous threat as a bioweapon include: its stability in aerosol form; infective dose low ~10-100 organisms; and, efficient person-to-person spread. The fact that a transmissible person can infect many other persons has created what possible threat since 9/11/2001 that was not previously seriously considered?

that suicide terrorists could inject themselves with a virulent strain to spread it through an unsuspecting population

The world's highest rate of sexual assault of all developed countries that publish this type of data is:

the U.S

In 2002, researchers at SUNY Stony Brook succeeded in synthesizing the 7741 base polio virus genome from its published sequence, producing a functional polio synthetic genome. Similarly, work on the virulence genes in influenza viruses has sparked controversy that this type of research could provide new information to prevent new disease or be used to create bioweapons. The Dual Use Dilemma refers to:

the basic research on viral genetics and transmissibility that could be used to combat pandemics and the use of that knowledge for the creation of bioweapons

Life took about 3.2- 3.7 billion years to reach its present level of complexity. To maintain it, life must always come from life, replicating its DNA and passing that information, however changed, from generation to generation. Selective breeding has resulted in nearly all our crop plants and these plants will 'breed true' consistently to their variety. This inevitable conclusion comes from our modern understanding of the key role played by

the heritable information living organisms store within their DNA

Most tumors are classified by

the organ, tissue or cell type of origin

Energy flows from one chemical bond to another. Breaking covalent bonds in molecules results in

the release or transfer of energy

The ability to conduct synthetic biology research on dangerous viruses has created a dilemma on biosecurity and Dual-Use research in the life sciences. In the life sciences, dual-use research encompasses biological research with legitimate scientific purpose

the results of which may be misused to pose a biologic threat to public health and/or national security

Gel Electrophoresis is used for:

the separation of molecules, DNA, RNA and proteins by charge and size

We have known the human genome how since 2001. This sequence has provided vast insights into who we are, how we differ and where we have come from. These advances in Human Genetics have most profoundly increased the:

the study of inheritance patterns of specific human traits, including our susceptibility to diseases, our reactions to medications, and our response to the environment.

One of the hallmark characteristics of stem cells is a prolonged capacity for self-renewal. Stem cells give rise to specialized cells residing in organs. Another hallmark characteristic of stem cells is their

their ability to differentiate into any cell type (developmental potential)

In a well-designed experiment:

there are more than one correct answer

There is a broad misunderstanding about genetically modified crops, which correlates with a poor understanding of biology in general. "Ordinary Tomatoes Do Not Contain Genes, while Genetically Modified Ones Do"

this statement is false, all tomatoes contain genes whether they are genetically modified or not

Human cells can be grown in culture. The manipulation of cells in vitro (literally 'in glass"- outside of the body in tissue or cell culture) in order to form replacement tissues/organs that can be transplanted into patient is called:

tissue engineering

The study of how genomes respond to environmental stressors or toxicants, brings together genome-wide mRNA expression profiling with protein expression patterns to elucidate the role of gene-environment interactions is now called:


Cloned genes can be inserted into the genome of adult differentiated cells causing them to become undifferentiated and continue to divide. Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPCs) are made by the introduction of genes that cause the normal cell cycle to remain in the cell division mode, ensuring that they will divide in culture indefinitely. These cells can then be triggered to become any adult cell type, thereby obviating the controversy about using cells derived from human embryos. The process of inserting genes into cells is called:


To exist, life requires organization and organization requires energy, which means that life's molecules breakdown over time. Literally you are not the 'same' person you were seven years ago, or even seven days ago. Life maintains itself by the process of:


Some of the controversies surrounding vaccines and human health that have been proven NOT to be true including that (1) Vaccines Can Cause Autism and that (2) A Vaccine Could Compromise Your Immune System. These common misunderstandings about vaccines jeopardize personal health and our health care system. In fact some people opt to not have their children vaccinated. Some health professionals think this should be illegal as a form of child abuse, neglect or endangerment to a child. A vaccine

typically contains an agent that resembles a disease-causing microorganism to stimulate the body's immune system so that the immune system can more easily recognize and destroy any of these microorganisms that it later encounters.

Of the following techniques, which would be most unlikely to be used in a biotechnology laboratory?

use of the Hubble telescope

There was a double murder in Seattle in 1996 and preliminary investigation came up with two suspects. A couple had been torture and shot dead along with their pet dog. There was blood on one of the suspect's clothing. The blood on the clothing could be best matched with that of the dog by doing what?

using PCR on both samples with known molecular markers for dogs

The alteration of gene expression involved with many degenerative diseases is now a reality for therapy. Can we turn on or turn off genes involved with the expression of certain disease functions? One possibility would involve:

using gene editing functions, such as CRISPR/Cas9 to alter gene function in specific cells

The controversies concerning stem cell research and genetic engineering and the use of gene editing in humans has caused impacts in policy making worldwide. Stem Cell Research

was banned from receiving federal funding in the US in August 2001 under the Bush Administration

In 2001, shortly after the Sept. 11 attacks, several anthrax bioweapons attacks were perpetrated. At the time, many people thought the events were connected. Bruce Edward Ivins

was the highly suspected perpetrator of the 2001 Anthrax attack in the US who killed himself in 2008 after learning that the FBI was to file charges.

Tumors undergo various changes as they develop. Progression of cancer development is thought to be due to both genetic and non-genetic changes at the molecular level. The result of clonal progression in carcinogenesis is

when uncontrolled cell division, originally as a clone of cells, that is unresponsive to normal growth controls and is able to expand indefinitely.

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