AH Exam 1

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Describe origins of NOK terra cotta head that was once attached to a body....

(The distinctive facial features and even treatment of the surface are hallmarks of Nok style... These elements also betray technique of carving partially dry clay before firing) FROM JEMAA

ceramic statuette of a female figure

(broken in half while firing) Csech republic

What's a flang?

(possibly developed from bronze that leaked from the seams during the casting process) project outward where edges meet

Describe aspects of the Disk of Enheduanna?

- Enheduanna shown wearing ceremonial headdress that priestess of moon god, NAnna - disk provides evidence that womenof akkadian elite and royal families were able to hold important positions across the empire - cuneiform inscription on disk identifies Enheduanna as the wife of the god, Nanna, and the daughter of King Sargon - Disk is made of Alabaster

Rulers Visually Connected to Osiris

- Hatshepsut - Mentuhotep

Identify the scenes depicted in the Book of the Dead by placing the labels onto the image. (book of the dead is like a manuel of what happens when die) (this from egypt)... Who's Anubis? What role do each one of Horus' sons play?

- Hunefer lists his good deeds to a row of gods Hunefer follows horus who gestures to osiris - The god associated with rituals of death and mummification - each one of 4 sons responsible for protecting one of Hunefer's vital organs

Identify the components of the Battle of Kadesh relief carving on the east pylon of Ramesses II at Luxor Temple by placing the labels onto the image.

- In this relief, the hittite army is shown as chaotic and disorganized which clearly contributed to its defeat - the egyptian army is orderly and disciplined which are qualities that demonstrate its superiority to the hittite - Ramessess 2nd which is the largest figure in the composition (and deepest carved), shoots the enemy ... Important tfigure in relief (hieroglyphics on relief reinforce ramessess' triumph) - Muwatalli, the hittite king, flees the sing showing that this dude's a c o w a r d - KADESH WAS THE WHOLE ******* CAUSE OF THIS BATTLE BETWEEN THE EGYPTIANS AND THE HITTITES. THIS WAS A BORDER DISPUTE. KADESH WAS THE BORDER.

Select the features of the Burney Relief that have led some scholars to identify the female figure as Ereshkigal, "Queen of the Great Earth" or goddess of the underworld.... Is this a high relief or low relief?

- Talons= like those of a bird of prey - wings pointed downward to ground - crown... Also seen on the sun god, Shamash, High Relief

Which of the following assertions about the site in this image are supported by archaeological evidence and art historical analysis?

- The Great Bath (precise function of great bath not yet known) is located in the raised area, or citadel of Mohenjo Daro (one of many indus cities). The symmetry, straight angles, and regular foundations of the Great Bath are characteristic of Mohenjo Daro as a whole, suggesting a centralized approach to urban planning. -

What artworks have material in their pigments that are related to the image represented....

- The scene with cattle, women, men and children was created by binding the pigment with cows milk - The painting (one shown) made with pigments bound with eland blood which came from large horned antelope that's the subject of the painting

Based on the current evidence, archaeologists believe that the Lapita culture was ancestral to which cultures?

- West Polynesian Cultures - Many Island Melanesian Cultures

What features were found at Cyrus' palace in Pasargadae's?

- Widely spaced buildings in an open landscape... (were no towers to survey landscape because Cyrus' palace largely unfortified) - palace decorated with relief sculpture - multicolumned halls and porticoes (easy to move between spaces) - formal gardens organized in four quadrants (gardens had stone irrigation that filled with water to dilineate the space... This 4 part garden design became popular element in islamic garden design AND BELIEVED TO BE SYMBOLIC OF PARADISE)

Identify the figures depicted on this New Kingdom stele by placing the labels onto the image. Describe significance of Aten

- aten - - god shown here as sun-like disk with rays terminating in small hands which reach out to touch the royal family, or extend life to them in the form of the ankh hieroglyph

Aspects of Lapita (pita) ceramics

- design and layout clearly influenced polynesian traditions - were often decorated using fine-toothed comb like implements

What was typical of early settled communities (like catalhoyuk)?

- domestication of plants and animals - long-term food storage with pottery - development of houses - evidence of ancestor worship (no image making on cave walls, and NOT first use of portable figurines)

Identify the people bringing tribute to the Persian emperor on the relief in the Apadana in Persepolis by placing the labels onto the image.

- ghandarans (from ancient indian subcontinent) shown with oxen - Bactrials - recognizable because of their camels and wear distinctive clothing - Lydians - carrying metal vessels (from W anatolia) depicted wearing traditional headdresses

State the functions of the Apadana at Persepolis:

- hall where state ceremonies/including coronations held - new years festivals celebrated inside - an audience hall in which emperor recieved gifts from dignitaries and representatives from across the empire

Which of the following stylistic features of the colossal statue of King Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV) are unique to the Amarna Period?

- narrow waste - full lips - wide hips - full abdomen (serious departure from athletic bodies that strongly associated with royal figures in earlier egyptian art) - ELONGATED chin - long nose - long neck legit just a kardashian

elements of the babylonian map of the world ... Also what river depicted in a large and prevalent form

- ocean - aka "the bitter river" (this mythical water boundary divided the known and unknown world) - Mountain falls within circle of the known world - Babylon located at the center of the map (Babylon being the largest place on the map reminds us that maps show what is important to the people who make them not necessarily the actualy proportions of the places they include) - Euphrates river depicted as really large so obviously really important to the map maker - Assyria depicted as MUCH smaller and more peripheral so clearly not seen as a rival to babylon

Identify the components and motifs of this bronze fang ding by placing the labels onto the image.

- on the square handle, there's a simplified dragon - The taotie (influential ancient monster of Chinese mythology) on each of this vessel's legs features a prominent ridge along its snout—a clever use of the flange.

state some characteristics of the Gobekli Tepe in western asia?

- ritual demolishing and subsequent rebuilding of the site - semi-underground, curved, and rectangular structures - megalithic pillars - low relief

Which of the following are architectural elements of the temple precinct of Amun-Ra at Karnak?

- row of sphinxes (several rows of sphinxes at karnak, each marking a different entrance to the complex) - hypostyle hall (had rows of columns with papyrus capitals) - pylons (rows of them, at least 10 at the temple complex) - sacred boat shrine

State the steps in order to produce a cylinder seal

- semiprecious stones mined and brought to Mesopotamia in long distance trade - stones honed into cylindrical form - designs carved into the stone with metal tools by artisans - cylinder rolled on wet clay to leave a raised impression that served as a signature for the merchant/official - storeroom doors, vessels, or clay envelopes were sealed with the hardened clay impression

Describe Features of the palace of Mari:

- separate areas designated for storing food, working metal, cooking, ritual feasting archiving cuneiform tablets, and housing guests - a complex of 260 rooms organized around a ceremonial courtyard - a large courtyard numbered 131 by excavaters and believed to have palm trees in center and 1 point

Identify the elements of the funerary complex of Nebhepetre Mentuhotep at Deir el-Bahri by placing the labels onto the image.

- the courtyard open to the sky and surrounded by porticoes

Describe features of the votive figures at the temple of Abu: (what's their gaze focused on) (what carved from) (who placed them in temple and why) (Where were these figures placed) (why are their hands clasped)

- their vigilant gaze would have been focused on the cult statue in the temple (this impression achieved via inlaid eyes) - carved from gypsum (softer material that's also less expensive than diorite) - donors placed them in the temple and expected protectionand favor from the god or goddess in return - placed in cult room of temple so could permanently attend rituals - hands are clasped to hold a libation cup (liquid offering to the god or goddess)

what might dong sun drum have been used for?

- to summon monsoon rains, in some aspect of war or as accompaniment in funerary rites

where was terra cotta head on back of card found

1 of 7 found buried in lydenburg, South Africa... Heads hollow and some of them large enough to be worn (head by bantu speaking artist)

Describe how Lost-Wax casting works

1. Begin with a rough clay model of the object that will become the core of the bronze sculpture 2. the core is covered with a fine layer of softened beeswax which is modeled and carved into the sought-after form 3. wax extensions then built around object to serve as channels for air to escape when molten liquid poured inside 4. object covered in slip and then layers of coarser clay 5. object is placed over kiln upside down, until the wax drips out. wax poured out and thus, 'lost' (the coarse clay preserves the shape of the object) 6. moletn metal is poured into the channels created by lost wax in the shape of the object 7. after entire object cooled, coarser layer of clay broken to reveal bronze object... can also remove core at this time. 8. polish bronze object and voila



Define Faience

A glassy substance that's made out of crushed quartz, sandstone or sand combined with natron or plant ash (fired like a ceramic)

What's hypostyle hall

A large room with multiple columns or pillars supporting the roof. This is common in egyptian architecture These columns feature water lily or papyrus capitals.

define course

A layer or row of bricks/stones that arranged horizontally (limestone temple in Eanna features courses of limestone that were transported a great distance to the site)

Why is the relief from the temple of apedemak NOT considered to be a petroglyph?

A petroglyph not considered to be a whole scene.... A petroglyph is considered to be an ISOLATED image

Define Frieze

A sculpture or painting that is in a lateral format. The arrangement of human figures/ antelopes here in a horizontal fashion constitute a frieze (LITERALLY JUST A HORIZONTAL ARRANGEMENT OF FIGURES IN A SCULPTURE OR PAINTING) THIS DECORATES A SHELTER IN SOUTHERN AFRICA

What's the Burney relief?

A terra cotta plaque thought to depict the goddess, ereshkigal (unlike earlier votive figurines that represented human figures offering libations to the gods, this work shows the god/goddess themself)



Which is is Upper vs Lower Egypt: Abydos vs Saqqara.... Also compare features associated with abydos vs saqqara

Abydos in upper egypt and saqqara in lower egypt Abydos: - steles - single chamber and multi-chamber tombs mounded over with soil (1 of 2 types of tombs found in abydos... chambers lined with mudbrick and roofed with wood) - open-air enclosures (inside entrance of open-air tomb = offering structure.... otherwise, king himself I guess not featured in this type of tomb. Rather, surrounding the enclosure wall were burials of the kings' servants, boats and large animals) Saqqara: - mastaba - serdab (often within mastaba) - ka statue

Origin of olives, olive oil, and wine

Aegan and Syria

Who hovers over the scene in the Bisotun rock relief of Darius defeating kings and stuff?

Ahura Mazda (this god is supported by a winged disk)

Where was that creepy ass 'jordan whatever' statue from?

Ain Ghazel

What was among the earliest cave art sites to be recognized in Europe?

Altamira (Altamira cave located in cantabarian mountains of northern spain)

Where was the Terra Cotta Army placed relative to Emperor Ching's burial chamber?

Although they weren't placed IN the burial chamber, they stood guard nearby to defend the emperor in the possible afterlife

The term "Shang" sometimes refers to a time period, c. 1500-c. 1050 BCE. But "Shang" also refers to a state and its culture. Select the area on the map where the Shang was located.


Who was the pylon temple dedicated to? Describe what's on the temple's facade... Also, where is this temple located?

Apedemak (a nubian war god).. On the temple's facade are images of rulers... Queen amanitore is on the right and coruler natakamani on left ..... In Naqa

Describe what's happening in the Nineveh relief (basically this man is an absolute *******)

Ashurbanipal (usher bans a pal) in center holding wounded but still gnarly lion by neck and also stabbing him with a sword in his right hand. Shallow relief emphasizes the lion's power and size and therefore, Ashurbanapal's courage and skill

Woman of Willendorf (what place is it associated with)


The painted ornament on ceramic jars from _____________ rarely depicts animals or people. Like this example, the ornament may be described as ______________. Here, the ornament has been divided into two registers: a design with serrated teeth around the neck and spirals on the___________. The placement of the spirals emphasizes the jar's round shape, and together the shape and decoration generate a fluid, ____________ effect.

Ban Chiang, abstract, body, dynamic

Where was vessel that on back of card made?

Ban Shiang

What do Menkaure and his Queen statue and Narmer Palette have in common?

Both carved from graywacke (also Menkaure and Queen have traces of pigment)

Who was this set of bells buried with and WHY?

Buried with Marquis Yi of Zeng suggesting that ritual music would continue to play in the afterlife

Cueva de las Manos

Cave of hands... In argentina

In what cave are humans shown in greater frequency than in any other cave around the world?

Cave with Gwion Gwion figures in Kimberly region of Australia

what does cuneiform mean in latin and who used it?

Cuneiform means 'wedge shaped' in latin. Mesopotamians used a reed stylus with a triangular tip to inscribe or carve symbols into wet clay tablets

What makes up the robust rock walls at Mnajdra and Malta?

Cyclopean masonry (after the end of the glacial period people were used to living deep in caves/open air spaces/big rock shelters I think, and so after ice age, transfered big ass rocks to settlements or somethin idk tbh)

Copper ingots Origin (place)

Cyprus (copper was essential for the production of bronze)

ANSWER the size of a wild stag which dwarfs the human figures... Such a dramatic difference in dimensions may suggest that animals percieved as powerful just as were in cave paintings 10's-thousands years ago... Unlike the stag, the boar is small and 'turned in on itself' ) (NO STEP BISON IN THIS) Just a BORED STACK OF Humans

DESCRIBE what's in this catalhayuk wall painting

Bronze drums of the _______________ culture, which was located in the area of present-day ______________, have been discovered as far away as _______________. The geographical distribution of some two hundred such drums suggests the extensiveness of ___________ throughout Southeast Asia.

Dong Son, vietnam, Indonesia, trade

place works in choronological order: - pendant with head of a goddess - relief of amanitore and natakamani on temple of apedamak - relief of elephant binding captives

EARLIEST - pendant (nubian) - relief of an elephant binding captives - other relief

What dynastic period was Khsekhemwy's funerary site and the mastaba tombs part of?


what is terra cotta aka

Earthware (baked clay that is often unglazed and therefore porous)

T/F: The prehistoric stone sculpture tradition of New Guinea is the earliest known art tradition from Oceania.

False (rock art traditions from for Australia and parts of island SE Asia are much earlier)

T/F: In the terra-cotta army of the tomb of the First Emperor of Qin, the variety of terra-cotta soldiers is the result of highly trained sculptors creating individual figures modeled from life. (explain)

False... A method of modular production, like an assembly line, was used to make the terra-cotta army. Limited variations of legs, torsos, arms, hands, and heads were combined to create a lifelike variety.

What was the Ambum Stone likely used for?

Freestanding animal or human figures were primarily used in religious ceremonies in historic times, and the Ambum Stone probably had a similar function.

Who was the Jade elephant buried with?

Fu Hao (she might've worn it while alive.... Along with thousands of other objects, it was buried in her tomb with her to meet all her needs in the life after death)

What was the statue of Menthuemhat made of?


From what material were most obelisks carved?

Granite (extremely hard stone so remarkable that obelisks quarried in a single piece)

From what material are the orthostats in the throne room of Ashurnasirpal II and the North Palace of Ashurbanipal carved?

Gypsum (the material was readily available in the region... Also, because it's easy to carve, possible to carve lots of detail into the surface... It also hardens when exposed to air, making it more durable.)

Describe Hathor's association with the Narmer palette:

Hathor associated with kinship and thus, is only present on the Narmer palette (Not on Ti thing though)

What ruler built the monument on the back?


Where's the King's gate located? What did it serve as?

Hattusha... It served as a ceremonial state capital with sacred streets/gates, sacred ponds, rock cut shrines, stone temples, and other structures

How did Manetho, an Egyptian priest in the third century BCE, divide the history of the Egyptian state?

He divided the history of the egyptian state in to DYNASTIES (these hereditary lines of rulership were divided into 31 periods, each with several rulers)

What the feather a hieroglyph of in the Egyptian Book of the Dead?

Hieroglyph of the goddess of order and truth (called ma'at, who's at the top of the scale)... If the heart is lighter than a feather, then one has lived an ethical life

What does the cap worn by Gudea suggest? What was Gudea made of? Does this statue contain cuneiform inscriptions? Elaborate.

His piety (religious dedication)... Diorite (this hard material was a symbol of Gudea's power because it implied his control of trade routes and financial resources) ... YES (inscriptions across Gudea's garment allude to his power and appearance)

In the Bisotun, what's King Darius doing?

Honoring Ahura Mazda and surveying defeated enemies (Darius made sure that his victories recorded in many different languages so his subjects would know of them)

What's the oldest example of lost wax cast pieces in the lower Niger region?

Igbo Ugwu

The artists of the ____________ employed the ____________ technique

Igbo Ugwu, Lost wax casting

Where was collection of votive statues found?

In the temple of Abu in Eschnunna (buried under the floor behind the altar as offerings to the god)

Where was the head of the Akkadian ruler found? Describe his eyes. What material makes up this statue?

In the temple of Ichstar... Although they were gouged out and are now lost, the king's eyes were initially inlaid with precious stones. Copper alloy.

After the decline of the ___________ culture, the archaeological record of South Asia is minimal for a period of about 1,500 years. The __________ provide evidence that a new ____________ culture and its Vedic religion arose during this time period. Centered on ___________ and a cosmic hierarchy, Vedism would provide the basis for _______________.

Indus, Vedas, Aryan, reincarnation, Hinduism

How is the Bronze Ax from Fu Hao's tomb zoopomorphic and anthropomorphic?

It depicts 2 stylized tigers on either side of a human figure?

Describe the Horned Female Figure painting from algeria? Where from? What might the white lines indicate?

It shows a woman either dancing or running ... Her body is covered in dots and vertical lines hang from her upper arms/waste. Large figure painted on smaller figures. Large bovine horns that likely tie into cattle which are commonly showcased in Large Wild Fauna Style engravings... This painting not incised so 'relief' not relevant. The white lines on the figure may indicate a row of fiber that hangs from a belt around the figures waste like a skirt.

Why is the Narmer palette so important? What does it tell us about?

It tells us about the legendary king who unified egypt

What ceramic technique was used to produce the material culture object known as the Ubaid Beaker?

It was thrown on an early version of the potter's wheel known as a tournette

What's the artwork on the back showcase

It's a visual representation of the divine assembly of all the gods of hatti (HENTAI)... The open-air sanctuary in Yalikaya (Yaz likes Kaya) served as a ritual site in urban festivals in which gods believed to assemble

How's the gui vessel dedicated to the Marquis of Xing zoomorphic?

It's decorated with a fantastical animal that combines an elephant like head with a spiral body and large quills

Why was Abydos considered sacred

Its association with osiris (the god of the afterlife and the underworld)

What's the iron age site of the artwork shown on the back? Who does it portray and how do you identify this person?

Kalhu.... shows the assyrian king identified by his cone-shaped cap (book says conical cuz extra af) approaching tree from both sides.... Beside him holy spirits hold buckets of water and pinecones because why the **** not.

What does statue on back depict

Khafre as enthroned king

What statue has the sema tawy symbol for both upper and lower egypt?

Khafre statue

(Egyptian) who was the son of Khufu? What'd this person build?

Khafre, he built the 2nd pyramid of giza

Describe story represented in stele of eannatum

King Eannatum (to left of stele) leads his army by chariot and raises a spear (probably in the direction of his enemies), IN THE SKY VULTURES LEGIT CONSUMING THE NAKED ENEMY SOLDIERS CALLED UMMA SOLDIERS. Above this is an image of Eannatum leading his army on foot. To the right, the god Ningirsu holds the Umma soldiers in mythical net (holding a club in the other hand) The left of Ningirsu, her mother, aka the Lady of the Mountain wears a long cape and has long hair

Using iron tools, an unknown culture in present-day __________fashioned jars out of solid ___________. Some jars had rims, which supported ____________. Up to 9 feet high and 3 feet wide, the jars could easily contain _____________. Indeed, archaeologists have found evidence to suggest that the jars were related to _____________ practices.

Laos, stone, lids, human remains burial

What was the Fine art bust of nefertitis made of?

Limestone and Gypsum (carved from limestone and then layered with gypsum)

What's the largest structure of the eanna complex?

Limestone temple

How long have portable figurines been around for?

Long before the development of early settled communities (actually common in nomadic-hunter-gatherer communities of europe)

Where is the seated scribe sculpture now, and who discovered it?

Louvre in Paris, and August Marienette

What's the purpose of Mnajdra and where was it?

Malta (feasts/celebrations, food storage, protection, social activities... elaborate and time consuming to construct)

Define megalith in regards to post and lintel system and trilithons of stonehenge

Megaliths = the building rocks of the post and lintel system (standing straight up)

What does statue on back of card depict? What do their calm facial features and poised bodies reflect?

Menkaure and his queen (her position by his sside conveys her support)... their eternal peace and strength

Many Intermediate Period and Middle Kingdom tombs of royal and elite people, including that of __________, contained wooden models of people engaged in a range of activities to supply the needs of the __________ in the afterlife. Wooden tomb models served to ___________ supplies for the dead, but they became less common by the end of the Middle Kingdom.

Mentuhotep, dead, represent

Where was the incised petroglyph on back of card made?

Messak Settafet

What place is the picture on the back associated with

Mpumulanga (south africa)

Was incising used as part of the process to create the Bronze Flywhisk Handle? Could someone use radiocarbon dating to understand the age of this object?

NO (ALSO, NO OCHER in this object).... NO because it's an inorganic copper alloy

Were Female figures and hybrid figures, in which animal and human have been combined, extremely rare in the figurines that date to the Paleolithic period?

NO (the abundance of female figurines suggests that concepts of womanhood important to artists and communities. Abundance of hybrid figurines may suggest that artists created these to represent concepts that surpassed the things visible to them in the real world)

Is rock wall painting a feature of west african art?

NO... feature of South African art

Is the narmer palette a seal? Why

NO.... Seals were usually hard, small pieces of material that had inscriptions carved into their surfaces so that they left an imprint when pressed against clay

Does the bi disk have enthropomorphic or Zoopomorphic qualities?


Was the artwork (pkus that weird broken head dude) on the back of the card actually found in Nok?

NOOOOO.... (the village DID give the name to this style of ceramics though)

Were streets necessary in catalhoyuk?

NOPE, people legit entered homes from roof so houses could abut each other ... Therefore, outermost walls of homes could serve as defensive partitions for city (also oven located near roof entrance so smoke can escape more easily)

Who was the seated statue of Gudea dedicated to?

Ningishzida and found in tello

Did temples serve as banqueting halls?

No, banquets are most closely associated with palaces

Select the area(s) of East Asia in which bronze daggers such as this were found.

North Korea,

what was one of the reasons people created votive statues?

Not everyone allowed in temples so that's why a lot of people made votive statues to the gods to stand in their stead

Order the following cave art from oldest to newest: La Pasiego Cave of Monte Castillo Gwion Gwion Figures Apollo 11 Cave in SW Africa Chauvet Cave (SE France) Maros Pangkep Caves of Indonesia Lascaux Cave

OLDEST La Pasiego Cave of Monte Castillo Maros-Pangkep Caves of Indonesia Chauvet Cave Apollo 11 (SW Africa) Gwion Gwion Figures (Name based on where found in Australia) Lascaux

Maros-Pangkep Caves

On indonesian island of sulawesi, place hand on wall then blow pigments over to create negative images (aka imprints) (used figurative art)

Describe how King Khufu was transported to the Pyramid of Khufu at Giza? How do you reach the king's chamber?

Once dead, the king's body was carried from his palace on the east side of the river to the west side.... His arrival at the valley temple at the end of the causeway by boat marked the beginning of his mummification and burial.... You reach his chamber via the Grand Gallery which is a hallway that ascends upward.

In egyptian belief, what's ka?

One of the 2 most important parts of the spirit (along with ba).... The ka part of the soul could travel the world and access prayers and offerings of food and drink from the living. When the Ka came to rest, it either did so in the preserved body of the deceased in a statue that was made to home the ka.

What was recognized as a sign of lower egypt, and was also used widely as decoration?


What were egyptian texts often written on?


What type of architectural* decoration was employed at Djoser's funerary complex?

Plant-like columns.... Here, the triangular column is intended to immitate the shaft of a papyrus plant (because it's attached to the wall, it's considered an engaged column). ALSO, part of the plant-like effect of this column resides in the capital (top section) which flares outwards like the petals of a papyrus blooming

How does artwork on back of card reflect gree drapery?

Probably as a sign of the king's sophistication, the Darius and his guards on Bisotun on the rock relief all wear garments that feature symmetrical folds which immitates greek drapery

Describe purpose of Mnajdra and what type of people it was built by?

Purpose of structure tied to religious ceremony and protection from enemies... Built by a settled community (not hunter gatherer group)

The __________ used the philosophy of _________________, a system of standardized punishments and rewards, as part of its strategy to conquer military rivals and create a massive, centralized empire. A major monument of this dynasty, the _______________________ attests to the power of standardization and division of labor.

Qin, Legalism, terra Cotta Army

The stone-cone building was an earlier building that was later demolished; the _____________ was built over it.

Riemchen Building

Describe what archaic style is:

Rock shelters in Algeria have large overhangs that display large paintings not seen elsewhere. Figures in these figures have circular heads with no discernable features and so described as the Round Head Style aka Acrhaic Style (overlaps in time with Large Wild Fauna Style)

Lion-human figurine (place that associated with)

SW Germany

Where's stonehenge?

Salisbury Plain, Southern England

Describe how the Ka Statue of Dhoser was separated from the living?

Separated from the living by a wall with a small hole in it... This was how the Ka (life force) could access offerings left by the living

Was stonehenge built by a hunter gatherer group or a settled community?

Settled community

Where does a rod and ring appear in the Stele of Hummarabi?

Shamash (the sun god) presenting the rod and ring to HUmarrabi

The direct ancestors of Oceanic cultures originally settled the Pacific from which region?

Southeast Asia

T/F: The reign of Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV) was marked by the replacement of the numerous gods in the Egyptian pantheon with a single official deity, Aten, with the king as the sole intermediary.


T/F: The King's Gate at the Upper City of Hattusha is an example of Cyclopean masonry.

TRUE ... The massive stones that make up the gate are an example of cyclopean masonry so named for giant monster called cyclops. On one of the monolithic pillars that flank the entry, an unknown ancient king is carved

petroglyph, low relief, incising

The figures in this ____________ were made in ____________ by _________ the forms.

In the fresco of the investiture of Zimri-Lim, how's the rod and ring incorporated?

The goddess Ishtar gives King Zimri-Lim the rod and ring as symbols of rule

What's the significance of the eflatun pinar?

The hittites believed that places such as springs and rivers made communication with the dead/gods possible. This monument in particular served as a site of communication with gods of the underworld and ancestors (a sacred pool complex built by a natural spring with cold/fresh water)

Where does rock carving on back of card come from?

The interior walls of a temple dedicated to apedemak (the nubian god of war) (elephant triumphantly holds individual captvies through ropes, so iconography suggests domination).... From mussawwarrates-suffa

What was the Apadana in Persepolis?

The largest building in the city of Persepolis and the one with the greatest ceremonial importance... It was a hypostyle hall with 72 stone columns with bull and lion capitals

Describe picture on back: How planned, who is it honoring,

The orthogonally planned sanctuary of moon god Nanna at Ur includes platform known as a ziggurat

Identify the following features of the Narmer Palette by placing each label onto the correct area on the image. Note that some labels will not be used. What's the significance of the palette recess? Where's Hathor on this (explain wth hathor is)

The palette recess probably intended as an offering for the gods (especially horus, who was the center of worship at hierakonpolis). Palettes had recesses in them grind pigments like kohl for eye makeup for humans and statues alike... Hathor is represented by the horned dudes in the top corners.... Hathor was one of the goddesses associated with kinship... She protected the king and sometimes took the form of a cow.... The 4 standard bearers are arranged in decreasing height and represent different parts of the region (their presence seemingly reinforces the power of Narmer to defeat and intimidate adversaries aka opponents)

Define Serdab

The place in a tomb where the ka statue was installed (initially in the old kingdom, serdab burials were only for the elite, but later on in old kingdom, non-elite burials had them too)

Describe aspects of the seated statue of scribe

The seated statue of scribe is carved out of limestone, and painted realistically... It has rock crystal eyes and (not in my opinion) the straightforward gaze seems to bring the man to life. His scribe indicates that he had an elite status since he interacted with the words of the gods (from necropolis at saqqara)

Describe what a trilithon is:

The stones at the center of stonehenge are composed of 2 upright and then 1 horizontal stone (most iconic part of stonehenge)

What did the egyptians call hieroglyphs?

The words of the gods

Significance of a relief from private egyptian tomb of official Ti watching a hippotomus hunt? Who was Ti?

This image showing the official, Ti, in activities was intended to nourish his ka and reflect his accomplishments and professional responsibilities... Ti was an important individual in the fifth dynasty who oversaw the construction of numerous kings' tombs. The colorful and vibrant depiction shows an idealized state. (from necropolis at saqqara)

Describe what scene on back of card depicts... What style does it use?

This scene shows men, women, children and cattle and created using pastoralist style.... Name comes from practice of animal herding that'd recently been developed... The pigment of this painting suspended in cow's mild

Describe aspects of the nok kneeling terra cotta figure (Nok figures made of terra cotta which is a really durable material)

This small kneeling figure found near town of Bwari... Heavy loops of beads hang over chest, and the figure has enlarged head, and figure raises left fist in kneeling pose (ppl dont know why this is).... Kneeling key feature of Nok art

Features of Khasekhemwy's (case of cum) Funerary Monument: (khasekhemwy at abydos)

This tomb was ritually destroyed and although the there was no burial for the king himself, the burial of large animals/boats/retainers outside of the funerary site suggests the rite of human sacrifice and the king's enormous power and wealth. This funerary monument also has open air enclosures (open area enclosed by his tomb was LARGE.... LARGER THAN A DAMN FOOTBALL FIELD)... Additionally, the enclosure surrounding the open-air space is a mudbrick wall which was decorated with a design of niches and with white paint that was painted to look like the reed mats that covered walls and floors in ancient homes

In what modern day place is catalhoyuk located/near?


Who's associated with the lost-wax casting technique?

West african igbo-ukwu people

THIS SIDE = ANSWER generalized ideas about women rather than specific portraits

What might the abstract, stylized features of these figures have conveyed to their paleolithic audience?

What the coffin of Gua in Deir el-Bersha made of?


Were many gods/goddesses worshipped in mesopotamia?

YES (so there were many/daily rituals and festivals in the temple that venerated them)

Is hierarchical scale found in the Narmer palette?

YES on both sides ... On one side Narmer wears the red crown of lower egypt and on other, wears the white crown of upper egypt (also remember that both sides of palette have hieroglyphic script)

Define Stele

a carved stone slab that's placed upright and is often decorated with imagery and inscriptions and is frequently employed for commemorative functions (also facade = exterior face of a building)

What kind of people was Gobekl Tepe built by? Where is it?

a hunter-gatherer community (Site NOT inhabited year round, and rather, was developed and used by groups that still hunter gatherers .... Structure shows earliest stages of transition from nomadic to a settled lifestyle) IN TURKEY

What does relief in picture depict (short response)

a jackal-headed or masked figure (shows a common type of hybrid figure.... a human combined with a canid)


a mammal of the dog family

define ziggurat

a monumental stepped structure typical of mesopotamian temples

define petroglyph

a rock carving... especially a prehistoric one

On the Seated Scribe, what do folds of fat convey?

a sense of informality to viewers.... He appears more calm and ordinary than a strong stoic king

define obelisk

a tall tapering stone shaft with 4 sides

cyclopean masonry

a type of megalitihic architecture entailing working of unusually LARGE blocks of stone often for construction or fortifications

how are burial chambers in mastabas accessed?

a vertical shaft into the earth (mastaba typically sits over top the chamber.... KHASEKHEMWY'S TOMB DOES NOT ACTUALLY HAVE A BURIAL)

among igbo men, what was scarification often a sign of?

accomplishment (among ancestral igbo, scarification likely symbolize power, status and beauty)

What does the Eanna precinct include?

an important temple to innana

How were large rooms at Mnajdra created?

apsidal rooms built via cyclopena masonry ... Extracted local hard limestone into borders that then roughly fitted together often without masonry ---> structurally sound and robust walls

figurative art

art that portrays human or animal forms (human figures less commonly and often less naturalistically depicted than animals)

On the basis of these two sculptures, what conclusion can be drawn about the artistic style of the Indus culture?

artistic styles coexisted in the indus culture

Describe aspects of stele of Naram Sin

at the top of the stele, sky gods assure naram sin's victory (don't take human form as deities in aennatum do)... Naram sin is the largest figure in the scene and is thus, the most important according to principles of hierarchical scale. At the bottom left of the stele, akkadian soldiers march in formation... The defeated enemies of naram-sin AKA LULLUBI shown begging for mercy in right part of stele

What're jade disks also called? What culture associated with?

bi as well as 'jade cong'.... Buried with some but not all the dead in Liangzhu culture (suggesting that these objects had prestige/ritual meaning)

The Liangzhu culture made circular objects called _______ and hollow, tube-like objects called __________ made of ____________, which is commonly called jade.

bi, cong, nephrite

Describe Handle of a Flywhisk artwork

bronze work found among many other objects in a burial for high-status member of ancestral igbo at igbo-ukwu .... Based on the figure's position on top of the horse, his size, and and his scarification, this was likely an important person

Where did ceramic Aphorae originate?

canaan and Mycenae (so orig. in mediterranean)

How was the wall decoration of the mastaba of Ti created?

carved in low relief

Describe the statue of gudea that survived (1 of 27)? What do archeologists believe that west asia gave them?

clean shaven and muscular arms... all are carved in hard stone and have same squat proportions shown in picture.... W Asia gave us what archeologists consider to be the first representation of a ruler and developed the iconography of rule

what's tutankhamun's tomb inlaid with?

coffin made of solid gold and inlaid with semiprecious stones and faience


cutting into stone using some sort of abrasive

What happened with dead at jericho

deceased buried beneath homes of city inhabitants ... As part of practice, ancestors graves reopened, and skulls removed, plastered (aka refleshed) and adorned with shells and pigments and then returned back to grave as a form of worship

What characterized early mesopotamian palaces?

defensive structures like battlements (Cyrus' palace didn't have this stuff)

What do the 4 colossal seated statues at the facade of the Great Temple at Abu Simbel represent?

deified ramesses 2nd

Aryan societies were divided into _________________________ that formed ___________, over time... Few materials from Aryan culture would persist... The idea from this culture that did persist is ______________.

distinct groups, increasingly rigid hierarchies, reincarnation

The three-room design of the Temple of Anu at Uruk was adapted from what type of building?

domestic house (form of house adopted for sacred use perhaps to convey the idea that the temple was the house of the god)

How do we know the patron of the ziggurat at Ur? Does the ziggurat at Ur still stand? What was the monument built out of and what does it encase?

each of the ziggurat bricks inscribed with the name, Ur Namma... Yes (though many ziggurats have crumbled); built out of mud-brick and encases early shrines (worshippers couldn't enter the highest shrine)

In the Bronze Flywhisk, how was the flywhisk itself employed?

employed across africa in a utilitarian sense to whisk flies away from one's body, though it also served as a symbol of leadership and prosperity

Describe components/motifs of the seal shown

face/mask (face intriguingly... not really..... ambiguous)... Face suggests that figure is out of the ordinary - headdress (to some viewers, the headdress reflects buffalo horns), whatever it is, it projects power and authority - writing from indus culture on it, people just haven't deciphered it yet - phallus (or buckle)... Shape just below the figure's waste could be an errect phallus (suggesting importance of fertility and reproduction lmao) - bull/water buffalo

Describe the reconstruction of the temple dedicated to anu at Uruk:

features a high platform thats supposed to mimic a ziggurat ... These platforms important because elevated the temple and brought them closer to the heavens/gods

what place is the image on the back associated ith

game pass (in south africa)

Describe how Faience is incorporated at Djoser's funerary complex?

glassy substance seen in the side walls and roof of Djoser's funerary complex ... Here, they immitate the reed mats that adorn homes' floors/walls

What material used to make the ka statue for khafre?


During the New Kingdom, temples and their extensive program of celebrations and intercessions became central to expressing the vital role of kings as powerful, living ___________. During their lifetime, rulers built large ________________ for themselves and expanded the existing temples dedicated to specific gods. Both types of temples played a public, visible role in festivals and processions for the gods as well as for the living and eternally ___________ rulers.

gods, funerary temples, reborn

From what material are the orthostats in the throne room of Ashurnasirpal II and the North Palace of Ashurbanipal carved?


Describe what's going on in the Law Stele of Hammurabbi? WHat's the multi-tiered crown on shamash a symbol of?

hammurabi is the king who recieves law code from shamash... It's a symbol of godhood.... Rays coming off of shamash are expression of his identity as a sun god.

How's the dogū figurine anthropomorphic?

has an abstracted female body

Regarding Djoser's funerary complex, what was purpose of heb-sed court?

heb sed festival celebrated the king's fitness to reign in life... Thus, the event was immortalized for eternal use

IN the eanna complex, what'd the riemchen's building hold?

held many artifacts which were probable dedicated to innanas temple

what's scarification often referred to as?

ichi (in scarification you scar the skin and manipulate the healing process so there's a permanent pattern of whatever type of scarring you desire)

The artists of the ______ bronzes employed the __________ technique

igbo-ukwu, lost-wax casting

define iconography

images or symbols that convey a certain meaning in an artwork

Where was the statue of karommama carried? WHATS IT MADE OF

in processions in the ceremonial boat that also carried the statue of amun... Bronze (details of dress highlighted in alloys of copper, silver and gold)

Where was the 2 inch gold and rock crystal pendant found?

in the grave of an unnamed nubian queen (such an elaborate and expensive adornment indicated this queen's high status and power)

Identify the registers of the Royal Standard of Ur by placing the labels onto the image.

in the procession with the cows and rams, it's the front of the procession and the cows and rams are intended as tribute to ruler or sacrifice to the gods; in the scene in which armed soldiers take naked enemies as prisoner important that enemies naked since in this culture nakedness= sign of defeat in battle scenes; In the scene with the captives being presented to the ruler, the ruler stands at the center and is larger than all other figures because most important

How did registers help ancient egyptians? Also, does the figure on the back have registers... Explain.

it helped ancient egyptians organize their art better... On the attached figure, although there aren't discrete lines or bands udnerneath the figure, there's a clear arrangement of rows. On the left, there are rows of animals and on the right people and ships

Describe many of the animals featured in African Petroglyphs

large animals that roamed the then wetter and less dry/arid climate of sahara

What does painting on back show

line of dancers and antelope, and not only do some of the figures appear to be dancing, but central figure who has lighter legs is possibly adorned for ritual

The Great Sphinx of Giza is a hybrid creature made of the body of a __________ and the head of a man. Such a supernatural creature probably acted to guard the causeway of King ________ whom it resembles.

lion, Khafre

Carved using stone tools, the____________ shows how sculpture could merge the concepts of human and animal together. The artist has carved the figurine from _____________ and ______________ details on its arm and head.

lion-human figurine, mammoth ivory, incised

How is the red crown of LOWER egypt distinctive from the red crown of UPPER egypt?

lower at front and higher at back

What's meaning of the ovoid on the pendant speculated to be?

male genitalia or female breasts

ashlar masonry

masonry technique using finely cut stone blocks arranged in rows with or without mortar (technique abandoned in west asia in favor of mudbrick because low supply of stone made ashlar masonry unsustainable)

What did the step pyramid develop from? Why was the step pyramid innovative?

mastaba style tombs at Saqqara (instead of building a mastaba, architect laid mastabas of decreasing size, one on top of the other)... made out of stone instead of mudbrick

The pictorial programs in Assyrian (a siri) public spaces provided detailed histories of _______________, glorifying the image of ___________, who was depicted as victorious in battle, benevolent in his generosity, and ___________. The king's image was further strengthened through depictions of him participating in ceremonial __________ hunts and the ritual ___________ that followed them; these scenes served as metaphors for the royal courage and strength of the kingship.

military campaigns, the king, semi divine, lion, libations

What was one of the most common and widespread art forms in the New Guinea prehistoric stone culture tradition?

mortars and pestles

How are cuneiform inscriptions incorporated in the Bisotun rock relief or darius defeating people?

multilingual inscriptions recount Darius' triumphs in Old Persion, Elamite, and babylonian

what pigment employed in figure on back


Where's the oldest of the rock paintings discovered in southern from?

one in which polychrome pigments create sillouhettes of antelopes and over dozen human figures FROM TSISAB GORGE

Oracle bones made of _______________ and _____________ were used by the Shang king to determine ritual sacrifices, which were presented to the ancestors in vessels made of ___________.

ox shoulder bones, turtle plastrons, bronze (turtle plastron on ventral side of the turtle)

what do lascaux ad chauvet cave sites demonstrate

paleolithic artists' interest in wild/powerful animals moving across hard cave surface

Where was copper vessel shown on back found?

possibly used in ceremonies, found buried in deposits at igbo ukwu and may have been a shrine dedicated to Exe Nri aka the divine leader

What were the rod and ring insignias of and where?

power, in babylonia and mari

Name the dating technique that was employed starting around 1950 to scientifically date prehistoric sites such as Chauvet Cave in France.


Unlike the Uruk Vase and the Royal Standard of Ur, the Stele of Naram-Sin is not divided into ________ .


What does stone relief on back of card show Djoser doing?

running ... The king is eternally engaged in Heb Sed which is a king's jubilee festival held in his 30th year of rule (faience tiles frame the low relief decoration)

What type of stone does the post and lintel system at stonehenge use? (one rock support by another rock)


In egyptian art, in addition to containing vivid low relief carvings, private tombs also held...

sculptures of the deceased

What was the significance of the stele of eannatum?

served as a legal document to define the boundary between 2 territories. The 2 sides of the stele capture different aspects of the dispute that led to the boundary

Traces of what material were found on one of the terra-cotta heads from Lydenburg, South Africa, during restoration?

slip (a clay or glaze applied to the surface of ceramics before fired... use of slip shows that other decorations must have been added to at least some of these surfaces)

What part of asia is indus culture associated with?

southern asia (this culture made seals of steatite)

What type of pyramid is part of the funerary complex for King Djoser of the 3rd dynasty?

step pyramid

What does Aten Mean

sun disk

The visual arts of the Old Babylonian period were increasingly incorporated into everyday life as a result of the flourishing technology of mold-made _______________ and ___________, and through the circulation of ritual artifacts in the ever-widening world of _____________ activity. The terra-cotta plaques of this period are the most ubiquitous examples of inexpensively produced popular art, to be kept in homes for private worship or to avert evil.

terra cotta plaques, figurines, mercantile activity

What was found buried beneath the floors and settlements of catalhoyuk?

the dead and female figurines

In the Bisotun rock relief, how can one identify the 9 kings that Darius defeated?

the defeated rivals chained to each other by necks, and under each one is their name and country though one can also identify them by the clothes they're wearing (also, just note that behind the king, the guards reinforce his power and authority)

The Great Temple at Abu Simbel built by Ramesses II was dedicated to what god?

the deified ramessess himself

Describe what's going on in this low relief

the features of a man who seems to be falling are meshed with the head of an animal (possibly a donkey).... This low relief executed on a rock wall in libya

in the early dynastic period of egypt, what did saqqara become?

the first burial site


the front of a building, usually the entrance

What's a common feature of mesopotamian seals? Describe how this applies to the Gebel-El Arak Knife handle:

the iconography of a bearded and robed man holding 2 animals by their necks. This ivory handle features registers and an iconography of a priest-king shared with Mesopotamia (Here, the dude's holding 2 lions by the necks and this presence in Upper Egypt art suggests some exchange of symbols of kinship between the 2 cultures)

What statement best explains the unusual broken column in the interior hall of the rock-cut tomb of Amenemhat at Beni Hasan?

the interior of the tomb is carved from a solid rock, so the column was carved out of the stone rather than made separately and then installed in place (decorative not structural)

define masquerade

the transformation of a body through masks, dance, music, costumes and lyrics

hierarchical scale

the use of scale to indicate relative importance of subjects in an artwork

What's human head on the Lamassu symbolic of? Describe the significance of mythological creatures known as lamassu.

the wisdom of lamassu the portals connecting the main ceremonial courtyards to the major throne room in the NW palace (northwestern Uni) of Ashurnasirpal II (azure nicer pal) in ancient Kalhu were flanked by immense sculptures of mythological creatures known as lamassu. These hybrid figures with lion (sometimes bull) bodies, eagle wings, and human head, considered wise and cunning magical BEASTS

Describe what's going on in the karkamish relief:

this is part of the long wall that led to the temple of the storm god (in karkamish)... It features hieroglyphic inscription and the combined military, royal and divine forces in procession.... In this PARTICULAR part of the relief, a chariot is trampling an enemy soldier.

what typically accompanied the tombs of non-elite old kingdom egyptian tombs?

vague depictions of servants or workers engaged in specialist activites (ex.: seated with scribe)

The seated statue of Gudea, which was dedicated to Ningishzida, god of _________________, was intended for public display. T/F

vegetation and the underworld .... F (intended for sacred use)

define corbeling.... Does Mnajdra have corbeled walls?

walls lean slightly inward (present at Mnajdra)

Is scarification found in west african or south african art?

west african

Q ON OTHER SIDE female figure sculpture fuond beneath platform that's usually used for ritualistic functions (catalhoyuk)... It was deliberately buried and may have represented a powerful person

where was this figure found?

what was one of the most luxurious objects found in the tomb of Tutankhamun ?

wooden chest inlaid with ivory (front depicts the young king in battle, driving his chariot into the fray as his enemies die and suffer in front of him)

define hieroglyphic

written script that uses conventionalized signs to represent concepts

Is the image on the back considered to be polychrome? is it low relief?

y, n (it uses ocher so is not a carving into stone), it's also considered masquerade

Is the use of terra cotta in sculptures seen in both southern and western African art?

yes (this is the main commonality between west african and south african art)

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