AIS Test 2

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What are the benefits to organizations of database systems?

Data integration - master files that are pooled together for many to access. Data sharing - integrate data to share with other users Minimal data redundancy and data inconsistencies - data usually only has to be stored once. Data independence- each program can be changed without changing the other. Cross-functional analysis -- in a database the relationships between two things are easily defined and used in the preparation of management reports

In a DFD, what are the four symbols used to represent the basic elements: data sources and destinations, data flows, transformation processes, and data stores

Data sources and destinations = box Data flows = arrow Transformation processes = circle Data stores = box missing left and right border. * Internal Control is marked by a yellow triangle outlined in red.

Cumulative and calculable data in tables? Where put?

Cumulative data and calculable data are not needed b/c values can come from other attributes stored. Like total amount of sales transaction and amount of inventory on hand.

what is the primary objective of the expenditure cycle?

Minimize the total cost of acquiring and maintaining inventories, supplies, and various services the organization needs to survive

what is a relational data model?

Most DBMSs are relational databases now...this means that they represent conceptual nad external level schemas as if data are stored in two dimensional tables ... this data is no stored in tables, but in interanl level schemas.

What are the controls for the threat of accepting unordered items?

requiring existence of approved purchase orders prior to accepting any delivery

whawt are the controls for threat of theft of inventory

restriction of physical access to inventory documentation of all inventory transfters RFID and bar-code technology periodic physical counts of inventory and reconciliation to recorded quantities.

what are the four basic revenue cycle activities?

sales order entry shipping billing cash collections.

what are the controls for the threat of of theft of cash

segregation of duties from teh person who handsles deposits from customers and (1) posting remittances to customer accounts, (2) create or authorize credit memos, and (reconcile the bank account use of EFT, FEDI and lockboxes to minimize handline og customer payments by employees obtain and use a UPIC to receive EFT and FEDI payments from customers immediately upon opening mail, create list of all customer payments received prompt restrictive endorsement ofa ll customer checks having two people open all mail likely to contain customer payments use of cash registers

what are the controls for the threat of inaccurate or invalid credit memos?

segregation of duties of credit memo authorization from both sales order entry and customer account maintenance configuration of system to block credit memos unles either documentation returned of damaged goods or specifica uthorization by management

what are the controls for a failure to bill

separation of billing and shipping functions periodic reconcilaition of invoices with sales ordres, picking tickets, and shipping documents

for the perpetual invnetory method, what are the people what edit the ineentory count?

shipping and slaes clerks must correctly record the quantity of items removed from inventory for perpetual inentory to work correctly.

errors in master data of custer data could result in...

shipping to wrong address, delay payments b/c wrong people get it, delay in collections b/c wrong invoies adresses, exceed credit limits.

errors in inventory master data can result in...

shortage of inventory, then lsoe customers

what is a system flowchart?

shows relationships among system input processing storage and output. like a sales processing flowchart. this uses a lot of the database symbols, the electronic output symbols and such

what is a document flowchart?

shows the flow of documents and data among areas of responsibility within an organization. trace document from cradle to grave, which shows where each document originates, is distributed, its purpose, and its disposition, etc.

what is the conceptual level schema?

shows the organization's entire view of the entire database. lists all elements and thier relationships

what is a data store?

A repository of data. The place or medium where system data is stored. DFDs don't show physical stoage medium used to store data, but just the name of the file with the box missing left and right border.

What is a database

A set of interrelated, centrally coordinated data files that are stored with as little data redundancy as possible.

What are the two tools used to design databases?

Entity relationship diagrams and REA Data modeling

what are the threats to the process of taking order of customers

invalid orders incomeplete/or inacurate orders

who/what triggers the need for more supplies?

inventory control function or

what ratio is a key measurement of inventory

inventory turnover or COGS/inventory on hand.

Data mining is?

Using sophisticated statistical analytical to discover unhypothesized relationships in the data. Like using artificial intelligence techniques like neural networks. Like banks use to spot fraud in unusual spendings. Or, find new relationships in sales for future promotions

who gets a copy of the purchasing order?

Various departments, inventory control, production cycle, and the original goes to suppliers. Accounts payable gets notified of the PO b/c have to pay.

Accounting 401 Cardinalities

Video on learning suite for relational databases day under content

Why should be use flowcharts in an audit? Where would it come in handy?

When auditing the internal controls, because more readily show weaknesses and strengths of IC. Also b/c is a graphic portrayal of business process model.

when would you place a cros feet from time worked to employees?

When you divide one day int otwo different pay periods...or you pay employees in installments.

what is a disbursement voucher?

a document that identifies the supplier, lists the outstanding invoices, and indicates the net amount to be paid after deducting any applicable discounts and allowances

how to deal with sales of services in an REA model?

You would normally have a many to many between sales and services b/c most businesses do sdame service for mnay customers and for automotive and appliacne repairs where sometimes you have inventory that needs to go for a sale and other tiems there are services. both related to the sales column

what are the controls for the threat of kickbacks

`Prohibit acceptance of gifts from suppliers `Job rotation and mandatory vacations `requiring purchasing agents to disclose financial and personal interests in suppliers `supplier audits

what is an imprest fund

a chas account with two characteirstics - it is set at a fixed amount, such as 100 dolars, and vouchers are required for every disbursement. at all times, the sum of cash plus vouchers sould equal the preset fund cash this is the petty cash fund and this violates segregation of duties -- custody and authorization have periodic unannouncements of internal audits.

blanket purchase order or blanket order

a commitment to purchase specified items at designated prices from a particualr suplier for a set time period, often one year soemtimes order more than needed to get a discount or less than needed bc using multiple vendors for best deal.

what is the remittance advice

a copy of the sales invoice returned with a customer's payment that indicates the invoices, statements, or other items being paid. This is a turnaround document that comes with each invoice.

what is a procurement card

a corporate credit card tha temployees can use only at designated suppliers to purchase specific kinds of items - helps avoid need for small amounts of invoices.

What is a data source and a data destination?

a data source is entity that produces or sends the data that produces or sends the data the is entered into a system. The data destination is the entity that receives data produced by a system A source can also be a data destination.


a database atribute or set of attributes that uniquely identify a specific row in a table like an SSN number. or a sales invoice or item number.

what is the receiving report

a docuemtn that records details about each delivery, including the date received, shipper, supplier, and quantity received. Responsible to find.

definition of back order

a document authorizing the purchase or production of items that is created when there is insufficient inventory to meet customer orders.

packing slip

a document listing the quanitty and secription of each item included in a shipment

WHat is normalization

a way to design a relational database which follows relational database cration rules to design a relational database that is free from delete, insert, and update anomolies (information on this is in appendix)

What is the defintion of a narrative description

a written, step-by-step explanation of system components and interactions.

Processing Symbols name and definitions for a flowchart

1. Computer processing = a computer-performed processing function; usually results in a change in data or information - is a square 2. Manual Operation = a processing operation performed manually = a triangle with top cut off to make four sides.

What are the three types of common systems documentation tools that chapter 3 talks about?

1. Data flow diagrams 2. Flowcharts 3. business process diagrams

what are the three different types of flowcharts?

1. Document flowchart (shows movement of documents) 2. Systems flowchart (shows relationship between input, processing, and output of IS) 3. program flowchart (gives logical sequence of a computer when executing a program)

what are the thre things or basic requirements for designing a well-structured relational database from chapture 4 (use as a completeness test)

1. Every table mus thave a primary key 2. Other nonkey attributes in each tabe must be either a fact about the thing designated by the primary key or fireign keys used to link that table to another table. 3. Every attribute in every table is single-values - i.e. each table is a flat file.

What are the three levels in which documentation are important?

1. Read documentations to find how a system works 2. Evaluate documentation to see IC strengths and weaknesses and recommend improvements if doesn't meet company needs 3. prepare documentation to show how existing or new system operates.

What are the controls for the threat of duplicate payments?

1. Requiring a complete voucher package for all payments. 2. Policy to pay only from original copies of supplier invoices 3. Cancellign all supporting documents when payment is made

How to normalize unorganized data

1/ take through three different forms 1NF, 2NF, and 3 NF.

what are the control deficiencies with shipping the order?

11- theft of inventory 12- shipping errors

What are the three teps to implementing a REA diagram in a realtional database?

1. Table for each distinct entity and for many to many relationships 2. Assign attributes to appropriate tables. 3. Use foreign keys to implement one-to-one and one-to-many relationships --> as a result, the number of tables/diagrams specific to an organization are uniquely designed

what happens when a shipment arrives?

1. The receiving dock workers use inquiry processing system to verify order is expected from supplier. Like RFID tags to count goods. 2. Inspect goods. Online terminal to enter info about quantity and condition of items received. System checks the data against PO, discriinants found and then checked by workers. 3. Time of delivery is recorded to evaluate supplier performance 4.sends goods to the warehouse

What are the guidelines that the book gives for drawing a DFD?

1. Understand the system 2. ignore less important paths through the system 3. Find out where dat flows from. These are two directional activities. 4. group those pieces of data that always go together. 5. place a circle whenever work is required to transform one data flow into another. 6. find the dtata stores and the sources/destinations. 7. give each process a sequential number to make sure that everything is easy to follow for readers.

what are the threats to the expenditure cycle for the activity of receiving

1. accepting unordered items 2. mistakes in counting 3. verifying receipt of services 4. theft of inventory

What are the storage symbols for a flowchart?

1. database = data stored electronically in a database (cylinder) 2. Magnetic tape = data stored on a magenetic tape, tapes are popular back up storage mediums = looks like dialogue bubble 3. Paper document file = file of paper documents, letters indicate file-ordering sequence of N=numerically, A = alphabetically, D = by date. These are upside down triangles with letter in middle 4. Journal / ledger = paper-based accounting journals and ledgers that is a parallelogram.

Flow and other miscellaneous symbols from a flowchart.

1. document or processing flow = directon of processing or document flow; normal flow is down and to the right, just an arrow 2. communication link = transmission of data from one geographic location to another via communication lines - zig-zag arrow. 3. On-page connector = connects the processing flow on the same page, its usage avoids lines criscrossing a page. 4. off-page connector = an entry form or an exit to another looks like an upide down house 5. terminal = a begining, end, or point of interrruption in a process; also used to indicate an external party...oblongated oval 6. deciion = a deciion- making step = a diamond 7. annotation = addition of descriptive comments or expanatory notes as clarification. it's just a bracket coming off

What are the four rules for a relational database?

1. every column ina row msut be single valued (solve need to have multiple redundancies by making separate table it relates to that connects and can repeat certain numbers like invoice) 2. jprimary keys cannot be null (blank) 3. Foreign keys, if not null, must have values that correspond to the value of a primary key in another table 4. All nonkey attributes in a table must describe a characteristic of the object identified by the primary key. BUT - 1. redundancy is not eliminated just separated and taken away from the main table. However, the referential integrity rule makes sure that there are not errors with updating anomalty 2. simplify data deletion b/c have in different tables 3. no blank rows and avoids wasted space

what are the siz rules that an integrated REA diagram must satisfy?

1. every event must be linked to at least one resource. 2. every event must be linked to two agents who participate in that event. 3. need one resource to one event of give to get economic exchange. 4. every resource needs an event that increases it. 5. if an event is linked to more than one other event but can't be linked to same ones at one time, then need mnimum of 0 for each of these events. 6. if an event is linked to one agent but not to all them, then have a minimum of 0 employees there

what are the threats to the revenue cycle for billing?

1. failure to bill 2. billing errors 3. posting errors in accounts receivable 4. inacurate or invalid credit memos

what are the controls for the threat of failure to take advantage of discounts for prompt payment

1. filing of invoices by due date for discounts 2. cash flow budgets

What are the three steps to implemening an REA model in a Relational Database?

1. integrate REA digarams into one comprehensive one 2. use integrated data model to design a set of Relational database tables 3. Show fred how he can query resultin gdatabase to generate traditional and custom reports

What are the main jobs of the expenditure cycle

1. ordering materials, suppliers, and services 2. Receiving materials, supplies, and services 3. Approving supplier invoices 4. cash disbursements

What controls would be used to offset the threat of paying for items not received

1. requiring that all supplier invoices be matched to supporting documents that are acknowledged by both receiving and inventory control budgets (for services) 2. budgets (in the sense that you have a budget for something, but that this may go over and check to see why it is off of budget) for services 3. requiring receipts for travel expenses 4. use of corporate credit cards for travel expenses

what are the controls for the threat of unrealizable supplies for the texpenditure cycle.~

1. requriring suppliers to possess quality certification collecting and monitoring suppliers delivery performance tablw

for the activity of ordering in the expenditure cycle, what are the seven threats to the cycle?

1. stockouts and excess invenotyr 2. purchasing items not needed 3. purchasing at inflated prices 4. Purchasing goods of inferior quaity 5. unreliable suppliers 6. Purchasing from unauthorized suppliers 7. Kickbacks

what are the threats for the activities of cash collection in revenue cycle

1. theft of cash 2. cash flow problems

Memorize level 0 data flow diagram for expenditure cycle on page 380

4 processes = ordering, receiving, approve supplier invoices, and cash disbursment

what is an accounts receivable aging schedule

= a report listing customer acount balances by length of time outstanding shows if need to change credit policy because of bad debt expense or who is having trouble paying on time, etc.

The database administrator is?

A DBMS and is responsible for coordination co trying and managing the database.

Definition of the expenditure cycle

A recurring set of business activities and related data processing operations associated with the purchase of and payment for goods and services... It's the flow of information about the need to purchase goods and materials flows to the expenditure cycle from the revenue and production cycles, inventory control, and various other departments.

when and what does the cashier do?

After everything with the invoice is take ncare of, the cashier reviews chacks wit hdocuments and signs them (the tresurer reviews the check and signs it as well or another special authorizer if above a certain amount) If electronic transaction, then would The Cashier Mails the check. Cashier also does any of the needed electronic authorizations

What does a treasurer do and when does he do it?

After the inventory lerk verifies count of inventory, the treasurer comes in and daily reviews invoices due and prepares them for payment. Batch payments used here. Prints papyer checks if needed. After EFT payment authorization and check printing, system updates Accounts payable, open invoices, and general ledger files. Automatically updates amount owed to each vendor and flags those that are marked paid. Delete open invoices that are paid from file. Then, makes a remittance advice that goes out either with the electronic transfer of funds or with the check paperly.

What are the basic elements of a data hierarchy

All attributes make bottom line. Then all attributes are stored in a record. Records make the next level. Then all records for on thing make a file and the next level is made of files. Then you have all these files that are made of as little redundancy as possible makes a database.

why are DFDs subdivided and what is the highest level?

B?C can't show system diagramed on one sheet of paper - and each level shows increasing detail The highest level is the context diagram b/c is a summary level review of a system. -= shows the processing systems and the sources/destinations of each system input and output

What are data warehouses?

Because need so much information now a days and historical information, build these which consist of one or more large databases containing both detailed and summarized data for a number of years that is used for any did rather than transaction processing. They don't replicAte but compliment by giving info for decisions. Usually updated periodically because not worried about transactions. This makes it more redundant and less efficient, but done purposely like this for best query efficiency.

what type of things can working on the revenue cycle help improve?

Better customer servcie, marketing need to perform its task, most profitable customers and markets, monitor credit accounts better, change in credit policy, change in cash collection procedures it affects sales to collections

loss of customers threat can be controlled via

CRM systems, self-help websites, and proper evaluation of customer service ratings

how to create journals and ledgles from a realtional database?

Create queries (only need to be made once)

What is DML?

Dat manipulation langague = this is a DBMS langauge that changes database content, including data element creations, updates, insertions, nad deletcions.

What is DDL?

Data Definition Language = DBMS language that builds the data dictionary, creates databases, describes logical views, and specifies record or field security contraints

Appendix for chapter 4

Data Normalization

Relational Database - how to get the bottom half of the screen populated so that access will allow you to start the query?

Double click on a field and it should drop down or drag and drop one into the field row.

What is a way that can decrease the time needed to order something?

EDI, makes it easier to securely send documents, and it makes it faster to get what need. Not so expensive now b/c don't need 3rd party

what is economic order quanitty and when does it show up in the expenditure cycle

EOQ is the optimal orer size to minimize the sum of ordering, carrying, and stockout costs this is when you identify what when and how much to purchase ***This calculates how much to order This ties up a lot of inventory, so now are doing just in time inventory shipping

what system do you use for sales revenue process?

ERP systems

What do you create a table for?

Each attribute that is unique, and one for each M:N relationship as well.

Referential integrity rule?

Ensures database consistency b/c foreign keys which link rows in one table to rows in another table must have alues that correspond to the value of the primary key in another table for relational databases.

What is the difference between the file and database approach?

File had individual programs that might have redundancies. Database is that you only have one overall file and that is the database

What makes databases so much easier for writing a program than files?

Files get hard and complex, and they us a record layout- meaning that the document that shows the items stored ima file including the order and length of the data fields and the type Of data stored. Databases skip this problem by showing two separate views of the data. The physical and logical Cores.

For employees, when would you have a get box?

For time worked because this is a get resource event. Then, ou would have a time used for a get resource event. The second is one that some people like accountants would se in order to get detailed information about their employes' use of tiem.

What are business process diagrams?

Geographical description of business processes used by a company

Relational Database - how to open tables for a query?

Go to create tab and click on one of the queries then, add the tables that you need There will be a line that connects the two fields that are foreign and primary keys on each table. Then, click close so that they will give you the ability to change the queries and such

Relational Database -how to make your own mathematical equations in a query?

Go to the first empty column in the query workspace and type in the name of the summation making and make sure have a colon after it? Then, right click in the cell and choose option of "expression building window" this will show you the layout of the formula that you will need.

Why is good data important?

If not can have bad decisions, embarrassment, and angry users.


Implementing an REA Model in a Relational Database

What are the three threats for general issues throughout the entire expenditure cycle activities?

Inaccurate or invalid master data Unauthorized disclosure of sensitive information 3. Loss or destruction of data 4. Poor performance

Memorize the context diagram for the expenditure cycle on page 379.

Inflow of back order info, purchase needs, raw materials, invoices, goods and services Outflow of receipt of goods and purchases and payments data and purchase order payments to suppliers.

what are the four categories that flowcharts are made?

Input/output symbols processing symbols storage symbols flow and miscellaneous symbols

what happens when send goods to warehouse?

Inventory clerk verifies count of items and enters the data into system. If no inveoice sent from supplier, system schedules payment based on contract automatically.

What do you do with the new combined REA diagrams into one diagram for the relationship between disburse cash and cash resources?

Keep them the same as in the expenditure cycle portion of the event.

q`What are some examples of the DBMS Languages?


How does an event link across merging across business cycles?

Linked to either an event that is part of one business cycle, or to an event that is part of another cycle btu cannot be linked to both events. This is why you end up with double zero minimum cardinalities, as whenever a merged event involves different agents in each of the business cycle (employee as payee and as supervisor), then minimums change from usual 1 to 0.

what is materials requirements planning

MRP is an approach to inventory management that seeks to reduce required inventory levels by improving the accuracy of forecasting techniques to better schedule purchases to satisfy production need. Tells when raw materials are needed -- looks like for the next three months only best to use for things like customer staples, sd easy to predict these.

Who messes with remittance list.

Mailroom Personel send the remittance list and other copy of invoice to accounts receivable (who sends it to customer)

What are some examples of documentation?

Narratives, flowcharts, diagrams, and other written materials that explain how a system works.

what type of completeness check do you need for a REA table for a relational database?

Need make sure each attribute included in tables. In this, you might find that you are missing an event entity and a resource that you need to go in and out of this diagram. Edit and give new primary keys and entities.

What are the four questions to ask concerning the accounting 401 cardinalities rules?

ON notes

What are the two main techniques used in BI?

Online analytical processing and data mining.

What payroll processing activities and outputs come from the inputs of time cards, employee/payroll file and tax rates table

Pay the employees Employee checks, payroll register, updated employee/payroll file, payroll checks, payroll cash disbursments voucher.

What is a flowchart?

Pictorial, analytical technique uses a standard set of symbols to describe pictorially some aspects of an IS in a clear, concise, and logical manner.

What do you do with relationships of 1:1 how recognize this in a table?

Place a foreign key in the table. Doesn't really matter which place you put it in, but this is how you place it. , but for efficiency, place the foreign key in the one that has a minimum of 0 needed - so if one sale is not needed to receive cash, then this is the table, the cash one that you put the foreign key.

what about nonfinancial data in the REA tables?

Place them in whatever table they go with. This includes data like date/time of sales. The credit of a customer. This is why REA's are so good. Use these to create managerial reports.

What pay roll processing activities and outputs come from the data inputs of employee/payroll file?

Prepare reports and pay taxes, These create an output of payroll report, tax report/tax payment/payroll tax cash disbursments vouchers, & updated employee payroll file

Relational Database - how get rid of tables box and start working on queries?

Press close

Who can make orders in ex. cycle?

Primarily inventory control department, but any department can.

Counting and recording inventory is difficult, how to make easier?

RFID tags to products EDI and satalite technology -- used to tell where goods are and when they are coming in.

what are the controls for shipping errors?

Reconciliation of shipping documetns with sales orders, picking lists, and packing slips Using RFID systems to identify delays data entry via bar code scanners and rfid data entry edit controls like if shipping data entered on terminals configuation of erp ystem to prevent duplicate shipments


Relational Databases

How can one verify the accuracy of input of data warehouses

Scrubbing the data. Is very time consuming and expensive. But having this information will save lots of time in the long run.

what does the warehouse manager do

Stores the goods

How can you calculate total accounts receivable from a REA?

Sum total beginning balances in every customer account. Then, calculate new sales this period agains the M:N sales-inventory relationship table to sum the product of quanitty sold timse unit price. Then, determine total cash from customers by summing query one plus query 2 - cash receipts (query3). Similar thing for accounts payable

In the expenditure cycle, the primary external exchange of info is with who?

Suppliers aka vendors.

what is the revenue cycle?

THe recurring set of business activities and data processing operations associated with providing gods and services to customers and collecting cash in payment for those sales.

what are the pros/cons of varying the number of columns for a database?

TONS of wasted space. this is just having a new column for each new invoice but would need multiple columns for the new invoices. So good in that avoids redundancy, but bad in that wastes space


The Expenditure Cycle

Chapter 15 from 442 - 165

The Human Resources Management and Payroll Cycle

What happens after the inventory clerk does his job?

The accounts payable clerk enters info from suppliers who send EDI or paper invoices. Compares this with purchase order and receiving report to make sure all good. He checks the supplier's invoice for mathematical accuracy. Then, the job passes to the treasurer

who approves the supplier invoices for payment?

The accounts payable department is notified and adjusts balances owed to suppliers get copy of debit memo to the goods to the shipping department to authorize their return to the supplier..

why are kickbacks a bad thing?

The vendor has to come up with a way to cover the costs that the ygive the the employee - usually by inflating prices in the future or using less quality of goods.

How is it even possible to combine multiple REA diagrams into one big one?

There are different atributes that repeat in each one like cash and inventory, so when combine them, just have to find what goes into what. Like resource of inventory can be both a give and a get.

what are the controls for the threat of theft of cash?

These are 1. physical security of blank checks and chekc-signing machine 2. periodic accounting of all sequentially numbered checks by cashier 3. Access controls to EFT terminals 4. Use of dedicated computer and browser for online banking 5. ACH blocks on accounts not used for payments 6. Separtion of check-writing function from accounts payable 7. requriing dual signatures on checks greater than a speciic amount 8. Reglar reconciliation of bank account with recorded amounts by someone independent of cash disbursements procedures 9. Restriction of access to supplier master file 10. Limiting the number of employees with the ability to create on=time suppliers and to produce invoices from one-time suppliers 11. Running petty cash as an imprest fund 12. and Suprise audits of petty cash fund

what is a level 0 DFD vs. a Level 1 DFD mean?

These forms break down the main diagram and make it so one activity is shown with the processes being pay employees rather than things like payroll processing. 0 means that the decimal points are all 0, they have no purpose or meaning 1 means that you expand the 0 one and this gives you the ability to take a zero activity like 2.0 and make it 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 etc, which breaks it down even further.

what are the controls for the threat of mistakes in posting to accounts payable

These include data entry edit controls and reconciliation of detailed accounts payable records with the general ledger control account.

What are the threats for the activity of cash disbursements in the expenditure cycle?

These include failyre to take advantage o discounts for prompt payment paying for items not received duplicate payments Theft of cash check alteration Cash flow problems

What are the Input/output symbols?

These include: 1. document = just a box with bottom slice out of it. These are electronic or paper documents or reports 2. Multiple copies of one paper document (these are same as document, but stacked with one on top and overlapping document symbol and printing the document number on the face of the document in the upper right corner. ) 3. Electronic output = information displayed by an electronic ouptu device such as a terminal, monitor, or screen --> looks like a side-ways shield... 4. Electronic data entry = electronic data entry device such as a computer, terminal, tablet, or phone. Looks like a ramp going from bottom left tilting up 5. Electronic input and output device = electronic data entry and output symbols are used together to show a device used for both. Just has a line connecting them FIND ON PAGE 56

why is sit good to create a relational database from a REA digram into table?

These make sure that there are not update, insert, and delete anomalies as discussed in chapter 4

How do the activities performed in the expenditure cycle relate to those in the revenue cycle?

They are mirror images. And the ordering of a big company might cause the sending company to change their IT system to meet their needs like EDI invoices, etc. Rev. has sales order entry and processes orders from customers, while expenditure orders materiales and supplies and sends orders to suppliers Rev. shipping - delivers product to custoers for outbound logistics. Receivingreceives merchandise from suppliers called inbound logistics Rev does billing or sends invoices to customers, while exp. processes invoices via review and approve invoices from suppliers Rev does cash collections - and processes payments from customers, while expenditure does cash disbursements or processes payments to suppliers.

what does the receiving department do and when does it do it?

They are responsible for accepting deliveries from suppliers. He or she will talk to the warehouse manager who stores the goods. Receiving department needs to tell inventory control function to update the inventory records.

What is documentation?

This explains how a system works including the who, what, when, where, why, and how of data entry/procesing/storage and information output and system controls.

what is a data dictionary?

This gives information about the structure of the database. for each element in a database, there is a record in the dictionary describing it. inputs include new or deleted data elements and changes in names, descrptions, or uses. outputs include reports for programmers, designers, and programs or reputs/synonysfor data ina file/or data elements used by a user. Use these reports for documentation, designing or implementing a database, or as part of the audit trail This includes data element name, description, records in which contained, source like credit application or customer number listing, field length, fields type like numeric or whatnot, programs in which you use these elements, outputs in which the elements are contained, and authorized users of the elements (including no restictions or people's names), and data names.

what is a monthly statement?

This is a document listing all transactions that occured during the past month and informaing customers of their current account balance. Are both sales and payments in the transactions. There is a stub on this that is used as a turnaround document that you fil out and send back. If have lots of customers with small transactions, then this is the one that you would use.

What is business intelligence?

This is analyzing large amounts of data for strategic decision making.

why don't REA diagrams include accounts paables and account receivable information?

This is because, these accounts merely represent an imbalance between two related events. Like customer payments not received yet or vendors not paid yet.

What is the database system?

This is the database the DBMS and the Application programs that access the database through the DBMS are referee to as the database system.

Data flow definition & exceptions

This is the movement of data among processes, stores, sources, and destinations. Data passing from stores to source or destination must get a transformation process. Data flow between process and a store of data does not need to transform information, just needs to send and send back. only line when arrows point both ways. Might be a time when have two lines coming from an input and this could be because have two different things get and want to record.

What is a DBMS?

This is the program that managed and controls the data and the interfaces between the data and the application programs that use the data stored in the database. Thisnis a database management system.

What is 2NF

This is the second normal form of unormaized data. This when lready in 1NF, then no nonpriamry key attribut depends on only oa portion of the primary key (partial dependency) This form is only needed if the primary key is a concatenated key. So have to eliminate all partial dependencies. Solve by breaking down into smaller tables. SO like student and course names are broken down into a student and a course name table.

What is online analytical processing?

This is the use of queries to investigate hypothesized relationships among data Like finding supplier pirchases for the last two years

why would you use the request inventory event?

This is when you want an event that formally requests to order goods. request inventory to order inventory is a many to many relationship because you can request many on one order and you might have one inventory request that goes to different places to order. Also, they both have a minimum of zero because a request might be denied and an order might be generated by the system.

WHat is 1NF?

This is where the following is donw - repeating groups have been removed and a unique primary key (PK) exists for each record.

what does it mean if your receive cash has a minimum cardinality of 0?

This means that you have the possibility of credit sales

What is the physical view of data for a database?

This shows how data are physically arranged and stored in the computer system.

Give all details about storing data in one uniform table for designing a relational database

Two disadvantages = redundant data stored (in one invoice three inventory items sold and has it three times) Secondly, three problems occur when store this way 0 update/insert/delete anomaly

What are the five activtiies an data flow in payroll processing at S&S?

Update employee/payroll file Pay employees prepare reports pay taxes update general ledger

What payroll processing activities and outputs come from the inputs of payroll tax cash disbursments voucher and payroll cash disburments voucher

Update general ledger which then gives an updated general ledger

What payroll processing activities and outputs come from the inputs of new employee forms and employee change forms?

Updated employee/payroll file is the activtiy and updated employee/payroll file is the output that you get

choosing supplies - who -how

Who = purchasing function...aka purchasing aent how = look at price, quality of materials, and dependability of deliveries (late deliveries could bring to an entire halt

Picking ticket definition

a document that lists the items and quantities ordered adn authorizing the inventory control functio nto release that merchandise to the shipping department. list in sequence stored in warehouse also now normally electronic.

What is a flowchart?

a graphical description of a system

what is a ledger and how can you get one from a REA data model turned into a Relational database?

a ledger is a master file that contains cumulative info about specific accounts. IN REA carries over the information over fiscal years. So, info about its acquisition cost and depreciation from buyig it would be here. because resource accounts involve both increment and decrement events, and equipment is purchased and used type idea, need to query information from both the resource account, and any events that are associated with them. This will give you cumulative balance for these accounts.

bill of landing

a legal contract that defines responsibility for goods while they are in transit. if company needs to pay the shipping charges, then the bill of lading may serve as a freight bill -- btw companies will blame company for shipping errors not others.

what is the entity integrity rule?

a non null primary key ensures that every row in a table represents something and that it can be identified.

what si wrong with handling cash or checks adn authorizing credit memos?

a person performing both of these duties coudl conceal theft of cash by creating a credit memo equal to the amount stolen

what is a tuple

a row in a table of the relational data models. this contains data about a specific item in a database table.

what are the controls for unauthorized discllosure of sensitive infromation

access controls like queries encryption

controls to avoid unauthorized disclosure of sensitive information

access controls, encryptions~

What is a process?

action that transforms data into other data or information. This represents the transformation of data. Like it would show that the input of customer information has a process of splitting customer inquiries from customer payments and send both to the "Process Payment" process.

How should process names be written?

action verbs update, edit, prepare, reconcile, and record.

what is a data model?

an abstract representation of database contents

what is an evaluated receipt settlement

an invoiceless approach to accounts payable that replaces the three way matching process of suppplier invoice, receiving report, and purchaseing order, with a two way match of the pruchase order and receiving report

What about the table for price and cost data attributes? In respects to its time independence or dependance? What type of table go in?

any data taht is time independent like actual list price for an item should be stored on a resource or agent data store; however, anything that is stored and sensitive to time like the actual purchase cost or selling price, are in M:N relationships that link the resource to the event.

who should use the DDL and DML?

authorized administrators and programmers only

controls to avoid loss or desturction of data

backup and disaster recovery procedures

what are the controls of threat of loss or destruction of data?

backup and disaster recovery procedures

who sends remittance data to who?

bank sends it to the company

what are the controsl for threat of picking the wrong items or the wrong quantity

bar code and RFID technology reconcile picking lists to sales order data

why do you have to have the M:N relationships as a separate table

because the crows feet touch both and so need both as a foreign key, so just make a new table with both as primary key. Makes a concatenated key that allows you to have multiple things connected to one, but still unique.

why would an attribute have a dotted line in a database?

because, it woun't be implemented in the actual database once it is switched over to the relational database.

what is a cash flow budget

best control procedure to reduce risk of unanticipated cash shortfalls is to use a cash flow budget...shows projected cash inflows and outfuls for a specified period.

Locations like warehouses and insitutions show up in an REA diagram how?

can be empty or have lots of whatever it receives. For a warehouse it is connected to an event of receive inventory and to the resourceo f inventory

what is the one control that was listed for the threat of cash flow problems?

cash flow budget

how to save a database for access Relational Database -

click on access menue, save object as and enter the name want saved under and make sure object select box is set to query and click ok.

waht are some validity checks that you can use for maintaining customer accounts

close loop verifications, validity checks make sure account is being updated. field checks ensures that only numeric data is entered for sales and payments. Because customer payments processed in batches, batch totals help detect errors.

what does the receiving clerk do?

compares the purchase order number referenced on the supplier's packing slip with the open purchase order file to verify that even ordered. counts quantity of goods...checks for quality before sending inventory to factory, makes the receiving report

what are the three levels of schemas?

conceptual - level schemas external - level schemas and intenral-level schema

what are the controls for the threat of billing errors

configuration of system to automatically enter pricing data restriction of access to pricing master data data entry edit controls reconciliation of shipping documents (picking tickets, bills of lading, and packing list) to sales orders

What are the steps in making tables?

create a primary key, then, assign any other attributes that you need to them. Then, make sure that these are the right ones that go to. The attributes that go with one thing but have multiple parts, need to go into one of the M:N tables. Like if quantity sold goes to a specific product number on a specific sales invoice, it belings to the M:N table linking inventory and sales entities.

what are the controls for threat of uncollectible accounts

credit limits specific authoiraztion to approve sales to new customers or sales that exceeda customer's credit limit aging of accounts receivable (do via sales order entry clerks get read only access of customer redit limits, changing is to credit manageronly.

what is a credit memo and who uses it

credit manager = a document, approved by the credit manager, authorizing the billing department to credit a customer's account. Send a copy of this to the customer and accounts receivable.

errors in pricing master data causes

customer dissatisfaction, overbilling, or lost reveneus in underbilling

in the revenue cycle - what is the primary exchange of information with?


what do websites do for businesses

cut costs, use history info to create marketing messages tailroed to the individual customer, customize electronic coupons aimed towards buying of customer. This can generate more sales for companies - think of amazon. know when item becoming popular and need to buy more if website bad, then can deter customers.

what do the columns in a relational database model tell?

data about attribute of the an address of all the customers in this column, etc.

what are the controls for the threat of posting errors in accounts receivable

data entry controls reconciliation of batch totals mailing of monthly statements to customers reconciliation of subsidiary accounts to general ledger

what are the controls for incomplete inacurate orders

data entry edit controls restriction of access to master data

EXpENDITURE Cycle threat #1 in accurate or invalid master data controls

data processing integrity controls restriction of access o master data review of all changes to master data`

what are the conrfols for inacurate or invalid master data?

data processing integrity controls restriction of access to master data like authentification/authorization review ofa ll changes to master data

What is an update anomaly?

data values not updated correctly where a nonprimary key item is stored multiple times; updating the item in one location and not the other causes dta inconsistencies

what is an internal control flowchart?

describes, analyzes, evaluates internal controls. show the weaknesses or deficiencies of internal controls like inadequate communication flows, insufficient segregation of duties, unnecessary complexity in document flows, or procedure responsibile for causing delays.

What is a schema?

description of the data emlements in a database, the relationship among them, and the logical model used to organize and describe the data.

what are the controsl for threat of invalid orders

digital signatures or written signatures

Chapter 3


purchase order

documetn fomally requesting a suplier to sel land deliver specified products at designated prices. It is also a promise to pay and become a contract once the supplier accepts it.

what are the four techiniques for reducign purchasing related costs of raw materials adn finished good inventory

edi, evndor managed inventory, reverse auctions, and pre award audits. One side thing is RFID helps as well.

why is sending EDI for invoices helpful?

eliminates printing and postage costs and labor in those tasks.

who (cycles) else uses information about the reenue cycle?

expediture and production cycles use information about sales transactions to initiate purchase and production of additional inventory to meet demand. HR and payroll use to get sales commissions and bonuses.

what are ordering costs

expenses associated with processing purchase transactions

if have to enter shipping data manually at a terminal, what data entry controls should you include

field checks, limit or range checks, completeness tests

what does getting a Relational Database down to the 3NF do?

gets rid of the update, insert, and delete anomalies disappear.

Relational Database - how to do a total like total television sales?

go to the totals utton in the show hide portion of query tools design ribbon and a new row appears labeled totals. then, click sum from the menu that drops down.

What is a data flow diagram (DFD)

graphical description of data sources, data flows, transformation processes, data storage, and data destinations.... grpahical descritpion of flow of data within an organization, including those listed above

how do rental transactions in REA diagram?

have a rental inventory table with PK of serial number rather than part number. each item event records info about the rental of one specific item like date, time rented, price, etc. If rent multiple items, treat as set of rental events, each one for particulare inventory item.

what are the controls for the threat of purchasign at inflated prices

have and look at a price list look at competitive bidding review of purchase orders make budgets

What are the controsl for the threat of verifying receipt of services

have budgetary controls and auditsk

what is an embeded audit module?

identify al transaction and identify those with specific certifications.

what would an auditor look for in a supplier audit?

if lots of expenses on entertainment don't own their own equipment fake address on invoices supplier submits fake or alterated invoices pricing methods differ from industry, etc.

how can you do segregation of duties in the receiving part of the expenditure cycle?

if you are responsiblefor controlling physical asccess to inventory you shouldnt be able to adjust inventory records without review and approval and neither the employees with custody nor those with authorization to adjust should be responsible for receiing or shipping functions

what is insert anomaly

improper database organization that results in the inability to add records to a can't insert new customer until make a sale, or the invoice number will be blank, which is a primary key. WOuld have blanks like one order was longer than others so others would be blank

what is delete anomaly?

improper organization of a database that results in the loss of all information about an entity when a row is deleted.

Ativity = general issues throughout entire revenue cycle threats are?

inacurate or invalid master data unauthorized disclosure of sensitive information loss or destruction of data poor performance

what are the threats for the activity i nthe revenue cycle of sales order entry?

incomplete/inacurate orders invaid orders uncollectible accounts stockouts or excess inventory loss of customers

what does it mean if the mimumum cardinality for sale event is 1?

indicates that customer payments only occur after the sale has been made.

what is the external - level schema?

individual user's view of pats of a database...aka subschema

Flow of infrormation internallly in connection with the expenditure cycle

info comes from the revenue to production cycles and inventory controls and other departments. Once goods or materials arrive, these places get a notification In addition, some data goes from the expenditure cycle to the general ledger and reporting function for financial statements and managerial reports

what is a foreign key in a relational data model?

is a primary key in one table and used to link the two together because they go together. like a customer number being primary key in customer table but a foreign key in the sales table.

what does a DBMS doe?

it allows you to support multiple logical views of data

if can handle cash or checks and post remittances to customer accounts what is this lead to

lapping, so send remittance data to AR and customer payments to cashier.

What do you merge and what do you leave multiple redundancies of in a combined REA diagram?

leave multiple agents, but get rid of duplicate resources and events. Place common resources that repeat between common events that connect to them. And if one activity increases a resource, that resource must be decreased in some way.

Relationships between resources and agents in REA diagram

like relationship between resource and supplier (agent) - this reflects idenfitying preferred and alternative suppliers for specific inventory items. so, would have inventory to a supplier. one inventory can have only one supplier or maybe none. One supplier can supply many inventory or maybe none these type of things model responsibility and accountability

what are the controls for the threat of cash flow problems

lockbox arrangements, EFT, or credit cards discounts for prompt payment by customers cash flow budgets.

what are the threats to the process of responding to customer inquiries in sales order entry activity

loss of customers

what re the controls for poor performance threat

maagerial reports

besides websites, how has technology changed the sales order entry process of revenue cycle?

made it so can spend more time with customers and less time at office b/c of email and IM saves time to get information saves money of people to do manual processes.

what are the controls for the threat of purchasing from unauthorized supplies?

maintaining a list of approved suppliers and configuringthe system to permit purchase orders to only approved vendors.

acquisition of intangible services on REA diagram?

make a new event called acuire services.

How to fulfill the primary objective of Expenditure cycle?

management must make 6 key decisions: 1. find optimal level of inventory 2. best suppliers 3. consolidate purchases to optimal prices 4. IT improve efficiency and accuracy of inbound logistics 5. Sufficient cash to take advantage of discounts suppliers offer 6. pay vendors managed to maximize cash flow.

Controls to avoid poor performance - (1)

managerial reports

what does the accounts payable department do?

matches invoice with purchase order, called voucher package

What happens if your merge redundant events versus resources

merging redundant resources creates no change in cardinality, but if you merge events, then minimum cardinalities change

Just in time inventory system =

minimizes if not totally eliminate inventories by purchasing and producing goods only in response to actual, rather than forecasted, sales. ineficiency b/c constant small deliveries and have multiple receiving docs. use this with

who can do the accounts payable job?

most automated and those with discrepancies need hand checks.

why do sales people need to know about inventory availabiiity?

need to tell expected delivery date. Typically the sales order staff can see inventory availability to fill order, quantity on hand, quantity already comitted to tother customesrs, quantity available.

when do you have an obligation to pay and when do you record accounts payable

obligation to pay when gets delivered and record accounts payable when you get receipt and approval of invoice. so, have to have good adjusting entries at the end of the year.

what are the two ways to maintain accounts receivable?

open invoice and balance forward methods

What are the controls for the stockouts and excess inventory threat to the expenditure cycle?

perpetiual inventory system bar coding or RFID tags Periodic physical counts of inventory

what are the controls for stockouts or excess inventory threat

perpetual inventory control system (can have errors like if manually put stuff into the system, won't see how much really sold b/c not on inventory, etc) use of bar codes or RFID training periodic physical counts of inventory sales forecasts and activity reports

What are the controls for the threat of purchasing items not needed in the expenditure cycle?

perpetual inventory system review and approval of purchase requisitions centralized purchasing function

what are the threats that go with shipping activity in revenue cycle?

picking th wrong items or the wrong quantity theft of inventory shipping errors (delay or failure to ship, wrong quantities, wrong items, wrong addresses, duplication)

vendor-managed inventory (VMI)

practive in which manufacturers and distributors manage a retail customer's inventory using EDI. The supplier acceses its customer's point-of-sale system in order to monitor inventory and automatically replenish products when they fall to agreed-pon terms. eliminates need to have formal purchase order exhcange.

what are the controls forthe threat of purchasing goods of inferior quality in the expenditure cycle"

purchasing only from approved suppliers review and approval of purchases from new suppliers tracking and monitoring product quality by supplier (keep a record of how often product fails) holding purchasing manages responsible for rework and scrap costs.

what do you do for dates in access for Relational Database -

put between #10/1/15# and/or #date# under criteria.

How would you query a sales journal?

query that references both table of receive cash event table and the sales-receive cash tables - this will produce a sales table with only credit sales information.

what are the three things that result in a debit memo

receiving a quanitty of goods different from the amount ordered receiving damaged goods receiving goods of inferior quality that fail inspection

Who can open purchase order files?

receiving department to verify and plan validity of deliveries

handling cash or checks adn reconciling the bank statmetn is bad b/c

reconcile these and is good. checks cashier and prevents manipulation of bank statmetn to conceal the theft of cash.

what are the three benefits of a voucher system

reduce number of checks needed to be written (includes several invoices on one) internally generated and can be prenumbered explicit record that supplier invoice has been approved for payment. helps show separation of time of invoice to time of payment

what is purchase requisition

specifies delivery location and need. This is a document or electronic form that identifies the requisitioner; specifie the delivery of location and date needed; identifies the item numbers, descriptions, quantity, and price of each item requested and may support supplier. Should include he department and account number to which this should be charged.

what is the reorder point?

specifies when to order in thes tageo of identifying what when and how much to purchase.

what are the threats to the process of checking inventory availability in sales order entry flowchart

stockouts or excess inventory loss of customers

what happens after an order is made in ex. cycle?

system searches inventory master file to identify preferred supplier for that item. Then, system creaes PO sent to supplier via EDI - or maybe paper copies.

what does the sales order entry activity enail - three steps

taking customer's order, checkign and approving customer credit, and checking inventory availability.

who pays suppliers?

the cashier who reports to the treasurer

definition of sales orders

the document created during sales order entry listing the item numbers, quantities, prices, and terms of the sale

what do RFID tags improve in inventory movment tracking?

the efficiency and accuracy. don't have to read by a scanner This can also give wireless communications technologies to do real time tracking of inventory in transit helps reduce theft.

1:N relationships - where do foreign keys go?

the entity that can be linked to multiple instances of the other entity becomes the foreign key in the other entity. If the crows feet is touching you, you get the foreign key.

what are the connections between the three levels of schemas?

the internal level data is where get the conceptual level view and that then has different subschemas coming off of it for the external view. This allows you to prevent someone in one subschema from seeing and accessing the information in a different subschema.

what is the definition of a credit limit

the maximum allowable credit account balance for each customer, based on past credit history and ability to pay

what is data normalization?

the process of analyzing data to create the most efficient database structure. Breaks big data table into smaller ones to reduce redundancy.

voucher package

the set of documents used to authorize payment to suppliers. It consists of a purchase order, receiving report, and supplier invoice

what are customer relationship management CRM systems?

these are software that organizes information about customers in a manner that facilitates efficient and personalized service. B/c goal is to retain customers. helps find preferred customers...

what are electronic data interchanges (EDIs)

these are the use of computerized communications and a standard coding scheme to submit business documents electronically in a format that can e automatically processed by the receipient's information system - have customers ente rmore data by themselves.

what are reverse auctions?

these are where sppliers comete with one another tom eet demand at lowest price can cause good savingse, but best for comotity items.

role of purchasing agent

these find out who to buy from and create the list of who to buy from. Come up with dates.

what are the controls for the threat of mistakes in counting

these include 1. do not inform receiving employees about quantity ordered 2. require receiging employees to sign receiving report 3. incentives 4. use of bar codes and RFID tags 5. configuration of the ERP system to flag discrepancies between received nad ordered quantities that exceed tolerances threshold for investigation

what are the controls for the threat of errors in supplier invoices

these include 1. verification of invoice accuracy 2. Requiring detailed receipts for procurement card purchases 3. ERS 4. Restriction of access to supplier master data. 5. verification of freight bill and use of approved delivery channels

What are the controls for the threat of check alterations

these include . 1. check-protected machines 2. use of special inks and papers 3. Positive pay arrangements with banks

what are the controls for the threat of theft of inventory

these include restriction of physical access to inventory documentation of all transfters of of inventory between reeiving and inventory employees Periodic physical counts of inventory and reconciliation to record quantities segregation of duties: custody of inventory versus receiving.

what is the job of the warehouse workers?

these people use pickign ticket to find products and quantity of inventory to remove and write how many took. and then transfer to shipping department.

digital assets on REA diagram?

this has an inventory account that you get assets from, but doesn't list things like quantity on hand or available ro reorder point or standard reorder quantity, rather you hust have standard list price of each item and description bc rest is automated

what are the control deficiencies with picking and packing the order?

this includes 10 - theft of inventory 11 - picking the wrong items or the wrong quantity

what is image processing for billing cycle of revenue cycle?

this includes digital copies of things so that multiple people can see it at one time, reduce space and cost of storing paper documents. One optical disk can store thousands of documents, in a fraction of the space.

what are the two functions of shipping step in revenue cycle?

this includes picking and packign the order and shipping the order

what is a report writer?

this is a DBMS langague that simplifies report creation. input what want, and this spits it out the way you wanti t after it retrieves it.

what is a debit memo

this is a documetn used to record a reduction to the balance due to the supplier. One copy is sent to supplier who creates and returns a credit memo to acknowledge

what is an electronic lockbox?

this is a lockbox in which bank electronically sends the company information about the customer account number and the amount remitted as sono as it receives payments. only eliminates delsays associated with processing remittances mailed directly to company

what is a internal-level schema?

this is a low level view of the database, describes how the data are stored and accessed, including record layouts, definitions, addresses, and indexes.

Balance - forward method

this is a method of maintainnig accounts reeivable in which customers typically pay according to the amount shown in a monthly statement, rather than by indivdual invoices. Remittances are applied against the total account balance, rather than specific invoices.

what is a universal payment idenfitifcation code (UPIC)

this is a number that enables customers to remit payments via ACH credit without requiring sell to divulge detailed information about its bank account.

what is a sales invoice and when it is created

this is created in the billing process and it is a document notfying customers tof the amount of sale and where to send payment.

what is DQL?

this is data query language and this is a high=level english-like DBMS langauge that contains powerufl easy to use commands that enable users to retrieve sort order and display data

what is the eft

this is electronic funds transfer = the transfer of funds through use o fonline banking software

what is FEDI

this is financial electronic data interchange which is the combination of eft and edi that enables both remittance data and funds transfer instructions to be included in one electronic package. Automates the billing and cash recipt process in one.

What is the logical view of data on a database

this is how people conceptually organize and understand the relationshi-ps among data elements. Like storing all customer information in a table

what is the open invoice method of maintaining accounts receivable?

this is method for maintaining accounts receivable in which customers typically pay according to each invoice

what is cycle biling?

this is producing monthly statemetns for subsets of customers at different times. like preparing statemetns for 1/4 of the customs on first week and each week do same - steady flow of cash. Also if did them all at one time, then you would have the problem of printer breaking b/c not all ready.


this is the third normal form is that you have to already have gone through the other two forms and then you have to hve no transitive dependencies exist. that is, all data fields functionally depend on the primary key and only the primary key.

why is it beneficial to separate the logical and physical view of data for a database?

this makes it so that you can change logical view of data without changing the way data are physically recorded. Likewise, one can change physical location of data without changing the users' information.

What is the show line mean in Relational Database -

this shows on the query...automatically checked, but if is qualified like only want sales info on one person, then would just uncheck this and access will automatcialy put quotation marks around criteria so just run it in criteria section.

what is a lockbox arrangement?

this si a postal address to which customers send their remittance...faster and safer for businesses

what are carrying costs?

those associated with holding inventory

what are stockout costs

those that result from inventory shortages, such as lost sales or production delasy.

waht are the threats for the activity of approving supplier invoices

thsee include errors in supplier invoices and mistakes in posting to accounts payable

what is the objective of the revenue cycle?

to provide the right product in the right place at the right time for the right price, so must make the following decisions: costomization of products, deliver merchandies?, prices, credit, payments maximize cash flows.

What are relational database queries?

to retrieve stored data use microsoft access. two ways to create queries = design view or the wizard view via query design and query wizard. Select tables need for a query but not more than need.

t/f reports use both internal and external data

true needed for completeness and efficiency

What are cardinalities a discussion of?

two entities - for example customers and sales

what are the threats to the process of approving credit of customers

uncollectible accounts

M:N agent-event relationshipsin REA diagrma

use a many to many when an activity is performed by more than one employee, but management wants to retain ability to monitor each individual's performance

What is the solutions to the varying number of columns and having one big table in databases?

use a relational database with foreign and primary keys.

What are pre-award audit

use with large purchases involve formal bids by suppliers, look at the prices established and find out if any mathematical errors and fix them if there are to get savings

WHat is semantic data modeling

using knowledge of business processes and information needs to create a diagram that shows what to include ina fully normalized database Advantages = efficient b/c experts know how should design transaction processing Also, facilitates communication with system users to make sure meet user needs.

there are two ways to process a supplie rinvoice, what are they and what do they do

voucher system - disbursment voucher is prepared instead of posting invoices directly to supplier records in the accounts payablle subsidiarey ledger. disbursment voucher identifies the supplier, lists the outstanding inoices, and indivates the net amount to be paid after deductin any applicable discounts and allowances. nonvoucher system - a method for processign accounts apyble in which each approved invoice is posted to individual supplier records in the accounts payable file and is then stored in an open invoice file. contrast with voucher system

Easiest to prepare and revise documentation when...

when a software package is used b/c once get commands down, users can prepare/store/revise/print good documentation quickly.

when make payments

when the accounts payable sends the cashier a voucher package.

what happens if purchase order has blacked out quantity ordered and looking for a way to order these

you can use the packing slip that comes with the goods.

why wouldn't you want to accept unordered goods?

you will have to pay to associate unloadig,s toring, and later returning those items.

what are employee roles in a REA diagram?

you would just have one employee entity with job roles as anothe rattribute in this section

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