American Film Survey Exam 2

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What was the name of the first movie that Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy made?

"Duck Soup"

What first two animated short films did Disney make using the three color process?

"Flowers and Trees" and "Three little Pigs" Then he made Snow White- 1st full length film

What animated cartoon did J. Stuart Blackton make?

"Humorous Phases of Funny Faces"

How many people does the Paramount in Abilene, Texas hold?


What were 3 types of comedy with sound?

1. Repartee and double entendre (drawing room comedies of the live theater) 2. Vaudeville (live entertainment in music halls) 3. Screwball Comedy (intellectual sophistication with slap stick behavior)

3 Major Problems when sound came

1. could not control outdoor sound 2. Internal noise (biograph camera was noisy) 3. What to do about going back outside

Why did other Studios not want sound?

1. expensive equipment and facilities 2. did not want to pay royalties to Warner or Fox for equiptment 3. no one was trained for sound techniques 4. back log of silents that had not been released 5. long term contracts with silent stars, foreign stars, and directors

How much was Will H. Hayes paid to be the president of MPPDA?

100,000 per year

When sound first came how many theaters had recordings? what were they called?

16; Talkies

___ silent films were previously made and released in 1929 in small theaters that were not equipped with sound?


By what year were 3/4 of films released in some kind of sound as well as silents adding sound after filming?


What year was the Golden Age of Hollywood?


How many languages could Paul Robeson speak?

29 languages

How many Nickelodeons were in the US? How many admissions did it draw in per week?

5,000 theaters, 80 million admissions per week.

What percentage of films was Hollywood producing?

80 percent

Who founded The Bank of Italy? (know known as Bank of America) and help fund "Gone with the Wind".

A.P. Giannini

What is NBC Blue now known as?


RCA was owned by ______,____,_________.

AT&T, G.E., and Westinghouse

What Nickelodeon Showman started Paramount and founded "Famous Players" (photographs of stage success that were available on film)?

Adolph Zukor

What is Wings about?

Air war, realistic approach to WW1

__________ was the third film to win Best Picture

All Quiet on the Western Font

What is 2D cartooning?

An artist drawings

2.4:1 is ______________ or ______________ and 1.75:1 is _______________.

Anamorphic or Widescreen; Ultra Panavision

Intolerence- D.W. Griffith Civilization- Thomas Ince These films are what kind of movies?

Anti-War propaganda Both films were taken off until after WW1 was over.

Who is shown putting his signature and footprints at the Grauman's Chinese Theater?

Anton Yelchin (Creater of the Smurfs)

What referred to what the film looked like when it came out as well as responsible for Production Value.

Art Direction

__________ was the size of a rectangular screen that American Film started at (standard size 1.33:1) then changed to (1.85:1)

Aspect Ratio

_____________ theaters wanted you to feel like you were outside, it has stars on the ceilings.


Lee Deforest invented the __________ that had 3 charges (a triode) to allow increase/decrease of sound.

Audion Tube

____ ______ played Dracula.

Bela Lugosi

_____________ was the first Studio System used in the US.


How did they first fix the internal noise problem?

Biograph camera was too loud because it was perforating the film while filming. They put the camera into a "photo booth" to help the noise.

Why did African Americans start making films?

Birth of a Nation; they were not trying to get even, they were trying to show contributions of African American's (Soldiers etc.)

What are primary colors?

Blue, Red, Yellow, Green

What was Oscar Micheux's famous film?

Body and Soul

What was the first musical in 1929? How much did it make? What award did it win?

Broadway Melody; 380,000, best picture

Who starred in Steamboat Bill Jr., The General (true story from the civil war)?

Buster Keaton

What State were Birth of a Nation and Intolerance shot in?


Who was the head and started Universal Studios in Universal City as well as started film credits at the end of film?

Carl Laemmle

____________ started Universal Studios.

Carl Laemmle

Who was the first to go to G.A.Smith and came up with two color sequential additive system? Red and Green (add color rather than subtract) "Kinemacolor"

Charles Urban

Who starred in The kid, The Gold Rush?

Charlie Chaplin

____________ owned Hal Roach Studios in Culver City

Charlie Chaplin

4 Primary Silent Film Actors

Charlie Chaplin Harold Lloyd Buster Keaton Harry Landon

_____________ was a film made based on a book about the settlement of Oklahoma. What kind of film was it? What award did it win?

Cimarron Epic Western Best Picture

What was the first thing William H. Hayes did to regulate the film making?

Created a Studio Relations Committee

Where is MGM located? What does MGM stand for?

Culver City; Metro Goldwyn Mayer

Who was the director of United Artist?

D.W. Griffith

__ _______ directed Hearts of the World.

D.W. Griffith

Who moved their company from the West to the East?

DW Griffith

Who was the Studio Head of 20th Century Fox?

Darryl F. Zanuck

Who produced Gone with the wind?

David O Selznick

who came up with the use of celluloid and drew on cells (clear plastic)?

Earl Hurd

Where were some of the bigger Paramount theaters located?

East Coast

Where were some of the first studios located?


What British actor played frankenstein? Also narrated the grinch who stole christmas.

Edward Platt; changed his name to Boris Karloff

Where was Oliver Hardy from?


The kind of Architecture that is used to look like other cultures and countries?


____ _______ weighed closed to 350lbs, was accused of murdering actress Birgina Rappe, 3 trials on the case, all contracts from Paramount were pulled, changed his name to Will B. Good, and the hotel room was 1221.

Fatty Arbuckle

RCA became free standing and wanted to expanded to include ______.


What is a race film?

Films made by African Americans

_______________ talked about movie stars, where they lived, etc.

First Fan Magazine

Who followed Warner Brothers in sound?


What film markets in other countries suffered from WW1?

France shut down; Germany suffered

_____ _____ is credited for Screwball Comedy. __ _______ __ _____ is an example of this type of comedy. What award did it win?

Frank Capra; "It happened one night"; first to win the big 4 (best actor, actress, film, and director)

Who fused two colors together, using persistence of vision (filters of different colors)?

G.A. Smith

Who created the characters in Krazy Kat and Ignatz Mouse?

George Herriman

What order and who did Warner's try to get to play the Jewish character in The Jazz Singer? How much did the movie make?

George Jessel but he wanted too much. 35,000 Eddie Cantor- he declined because George had already played the part Al Joelston- he got the job and was paid 75,000 It made 3.5 million

Who was the first popular cartoon character?

Gertie the Dinosaur

_______________ and _____________ came out in 1939.

Gone with the Wind; Wizard of Oz

What was the name of Sid Grumman's theater? How long did it take to build it? Who helped Finace it?

Grumman's Chinese Theater; 18 months; Mary Pickford.

Grauman also owned what theater?

Grumman's Egyptian Theater (it has Egyptian Architecture)

Who moved from Kansas to Hollywood?

HH Wilcox

How did Hollywood get its name?

HH Wilcox's wife visited a mansion and it was named "Hollywood". HH Wilcox built subdivisions and she named the new area "Hollywood"

Who starred in Nover Weeken, Hot Water?

Harold Lloyd

Powerful and prominent family in California, publisher of Los Angles Times, and pushed for the film industry, and loaned money for real estate and finance movies?

Harry Chandler

Who thought the scandals were going to destroy the film industry?

Harry Chandler

_____________ started Columbia Pictures and most hated man in Hollywood.

Harry Cohn

Who was Culver City named after?

Harry Culver

Who starred in The Strong Man, Soldier Man?

Harry Landon

What is a Studio System?

Have to sign a contract to work for only one studio, it disappeared after WW2

What did the press like to call MPPDA?

Hayes' Office

Examples of Pro War Films

Hearts of the World; The Big parade

Who started The Technicolor? 3 people.

Herbert T. Kelmus, Daniel Comstock, and Burton Wescott

What was the original name of Hollywood?

Hollywood Land

in 1929 ____________ was another musical that came out from _______ studio that was known for musicals, it did not receive awards.

Hollywood Revue; MGM

Lee Deforest didn't know how the Audion Tube worked, who helped him figure that out?

Howard Armstrong

Who showed up to Harry Cohn's funeral to make sure he was dead?

Humphrey Bogart

What is Grumman's Chinese Theater?

It holds handprints and footprints of stars; costs around $20,000 to have the ceremony and labor. It still continues to show films.

Why did RCA have to sell NBC Blue?

It was a monopoly

One of the two Englishmen that started Biograph.

J. Stuart Blackton

_ ____ _______was the first animated cartoonist and did work for the newspaper.

J. Stuart Blackton

Who was the architect who built the first Atmospheric theater? Where was it located?

John Eberson (from Austria); Houston, Texas

Who invented printing backgrounds to speed up the time?

John Randolph Bray

Who was head of the production code admin?

Joseph L Brine

Where was Walt Disney from and how old when we went to Hollywood?

Kanasas, Missouri; 22

What does the K and O stand for in RKO?

Keith, Orpheum (two chain theaters they purchased)

_______ was also shot at RKO studio. (the back of the Gates)

King Kong

Who directed The Big Parade? Who was the script writer?

King Vidor; Lawrence Stallings

Who was the first to have film credit?


Who lost a leg in the war and came from MGM studios?

Lawrence Stallings

___ ________ invented Sound on Film and known as "Father of Radio".

Lee DeForest

____ ________directed "All quiet on the western front".

Lewis Milestone

___________ was a publicly traded company that sold shares for $1.

Lincoln Company

_____ _________ came up with a ____ ___ that thirdly fix the internal noise problem. (what we use today.)

Lionel Barrymoore (actor) came up with a boom mic (what we use today)

What was the name of the "Gangster film" where Edward G. Robinson was the actor?

Little Caesar

East Coast had ________________ long before theaters.

Live Performances

Theatre is used for...

Live Theatre

Where was the first building that was constructed to show films located? (most were old store buildings that were turned into a film building)

Los Angles

________ studio head of MGM. (The last M in MGM.)

Louis. B. Mayer

_______ bought out Metro Pictures.


What was Sony Pictures originally called?


What was burned down and not restored?


Where was "Gone with the Wind" first shown as a finished product?


_______ is the largest and most famous in Hollywood during this period.


__________ owned a chain of theaters named "lowes". Wanted to make their own films to show in their theaters to make more money.


What organization was supposed to oversee film making?

MPPDA- Motion Pictures Producers and Distributors of America

___________ owned Sennett Studios and purchased Key Stone Studios.

Mac Sennett

____________ was introduced in the 20's that had a enlarged lens that was over the projector that needed an extra large screen (proscenium arch)?


What was the name of the first Atmospheric theater?

Majestic Theater

First woman to make 1 Million dollars, known as "America's Sweetheart", divorced her husband in Nevada, then married Douglas Fairbanks, and mansion was named Pickfair?

Mary Pickford

_____________ stated United Artist.

Mary Pickford

Who were the first to make $1 million dollars?

Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks, Charlie Chaplin.

Who started 20th Century Fox?

Merger of Joseph Schenck (20th Century Pictures) William Fox (Fox Film Corp.)

Who started a studio "Pioneer films" that merged with Selznick international pictures?

Merian C. Cooper

Who went to technacolor, would follow Disney and did a live action short named "La Cucaracha" (focused on romantic passion)

Merian C. Cooper

____ _______ is the name of this kind of tinting. Blue coloring used for cold or night, yellow used for day, there were 16 colors.

Mood coloring

Where are the Race Films?

Most are lost; some were found in (Africa?) with spanish intertitles

Abel Gance directed ______________ which was a famous wide screen; 4 hrs long and only showed the way it is supposed to once in New York. Used three different cameras 160 degrees showing 3 different scenes at the same time.


What french film used the magna scope and could only be shown on proscenium arch?


What system did the multicolor use? (used until three color system came out)

Negative System

By the end of WW1 what state became the world distribution center for films?

New York

______________ was the first place a should film was shown to an audience at Warners' theater.

New York

What was the very first theater?


Where was Stan Laurel from?


__________ similar to operas, but in english. They sing at one time to one another. _________ is an example of a musical that came from _____. What were the two actors in the musical?

Operettas; "Rose Marie"; MGM; Jeanette McDonald and Nelson Eddy

Who was a director of Race Films?

Oscar Micheux

______________ was the most powerful studio in the "Silent Era"? (It made an effort to have a monopoly on theaters, owned over 2,000 of them)

Paramount Pictures

_______________took over the distributions of "Famous Pictures" and was the most powerful studio in the "Silent Era" (It made an effort to have a monopoly on theaters, owned over 2,000 of them)

Paramount Pictures

Who was the Star in Body and Soul?

Paul Robeson

What was the name of the First Fan Magazine?

Photo Play

RCA developed sound on film named ________________.


KDKA was the first radio station in ______________.


__________was the name given by the French film critic Émile Vuillermoz to a specialized widescreen film format devised exclusively for the filming and projection of Abel Gance's 1927 film Napoleon.


MPPDA adopted a production code that was written by? (both were catholics)

Priest Father Daniel Lord (a professor of dramatics); Martian Quigley (publisher of motion picture Harold

_____________ needed two projectors; one regular lens and a anamorphic lens.

Proscenium Arch

Mutual Film Company disappeared and became part of ___.


What studio was Merian C. Cooper Vice President of Production?


Which Big 5 owned NBC red and NCB blue and began to make TV sets?

RKO Radio Pictures

What building was burned down in the movie "Gone with the Wind?

RKO back lot

What was an alternative to Hollywood?

Race Films; Not apart of the Hollywood system

What does RCA stand for?

Radio Corp. of America

Who opened the first independent animated studio "Astoria Studio"?

Raoul Barre

What is the three color process?

Red Green Blue

Photography colors are?

Red Green Blue- when mixed together you get white.

Who created Katzen Jammer Kids?

Rudolph Dirks

What Schools did Paul Robeson attend?

Rutger's (only back student at the time) and Columbia Law school

In MGM who got in to financial difficulties and did not have much to do with MGM? (name stood for G.)

Samuel Goldwyn

Who was one of the East Coast Showmen and owned Realalto, Rivoli, Capitol, Roxy, Radio City Music Hall, and Strand?

Samuel L. Rothapfel (Roxy)

Where was Wings filmed?

San Antonio

Who was the color photography based on, who took sunlight and broke it down into colors?

Scottish; Jame Clerk Maxwell

What is Paul Robeson famous for?

Show Boat, he sang "Old Man River"

What were you named if you owned a theater?


Who a West Coast Showmen?

Sid Grauman

What other film did Joelston make? How much did it make?

Singing Fool; 5.5 million

"Gone with the Wind" and "Jaws" were shown in a _______________.

Sneak Peek so people could review them

What was Disney's first movie?

Snow White

____ _____ was the first Animation film that was in color, sound, and 88 mins long. How much was spent? How much did it make? How long did it take to make it?

Snow White; 2.5 million; 8 million; 3 years.

What studio is still located in Culver City?

Sony Pictures

What made it worse for the MPPDA?


What saved Warner Brothers company?


___________ was large records that the projectionists synchronized to what was going on, on screen.

Sound on Disc

_____________ treated him better than the US.

Soviet Union

____________ was a film that changed western and was directed by _________ ; it made John Wayne famous.

Stage Coach; John Ford; a new formula was used for the film

Who were comedy teams and actors?

Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy

What animation was first silent and added sound later by Walt Disney? (had to sell his car to add sound)

Steamboat Willie

Independent Films moved to...

Suburbs of Los Angles, California and Cuba

____________ man made sound; not natural. Very first to incorporate it was "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde"

Synthetic sound

__________ was the second film to win Best Picture?

The Broadway Melody

Theodore Case did not want to get into the film industry and want to sell ___________ to William Fox, and it was renamed to ____________.

The Case System; Movie Tone System

crimes against the law, sex, profanity, obscurity, costumes, dancing, religion, locations, national feelings, titles, repellant subjects, cruelty to animals or children, no sale of woman or drug trafficking.

The Cod that Priest Father Daniel Lord and Martian Quigley came up with. (12 Areas Code) Producers still did not pay attention.

___________ was a film that was based on a broadway play of a Jewish family in NY.

The Jazz Singer

Who was finally able to make a change in regulating the film industry?

The Legion of Decency (made up of catholics)

Phonophone was an early version of ___________.

The Movie Tone System

Who viewed every frame of film, looking for the seal of approval with a number on it that meant that it went through the review board and approval was given

The Production Code Administration (Joseph L Brine)

What banker was in control over what equipment would be used (standardization for the industry) because he had stock in which 2 companies?

The Rockefeller's; stock in Western Electric (AT&T) and RCA

Which two films did he work on at the same time? Who was the director of these two films?

The girl of the Golden West; The Cheat; Cecil B DeMille

Who invented the Phonofilm; but was sued for not asking to use patents? 2 people.

Theodore Case and Lee Deforest

Why did it take 3 years to make Snow White? How many drawings are in the film?

There were 125 artists drawing an estimated 2 million pictures for the film. there are 460,800 total drawings in the film.

How did the Little 3 get their name?

They never owned any theaters.

Director Owner of a Studio Inceville Built a new lot in Culver City

Thomas Ince

_________________ was the first Showman and what what his first theater named?

Thomas Tally; Thomas L Tally Electric Theater

What is the new name of Warner Brothers?

Time Warner

What was the cheapest way to have color?


What was the name of the film that Kelmus, Comstock, and Wescott made that used the subtractive system?

Toll of the Sea

_________ three screens together at the same time.

Triptych sequence

_______ studios started Horror Films. What are two famous horror films?

Univeral studios; Dracula and Frankenstein

What kind of movies did Lincoln Company make?

Up lifting films

What did Warner brothers name the system that Subsidiary made?

Vitaphone System

Adolph Zukor joined with __________ who owned Paramount Pictures.

W.W. Hodkinson

What effected the film market?


_______ ____ was early Harrison Ford, did most of his own special effects, got addicted to pain medicine and overdosed.

Wallace Reed

Who volunteered to make a three color process film? Animated short (5 mins)

Walt Disney

What was the longest movie made? 6hrs long.

War and Peace

___________ studios made partial sound film that had singing as its sound?

Warner Brothers

Which of the Big 5 were Exhibitors?

Warner Brothers (4 of them)

First National disappeared and dissolved into __________________.

Warner Brothers'

What was the only studio that wanted sound and were in financial trouble? They bought a radio station to broadcast their upcoming films.


Who ended up with sound on disc, but didn't invent it?


________ was owned by AT&T. They built the equipment for AT&T. They invented sound on Disc.

Western Electric

__________ films were inexpensive, quickly made, and aimed to unsophisticated audiences and children.


Why was United Artist put into The Little 3?

When it was formed it did not make motion pictures, it distributed films for others.

______ ________was the first Art Director in Hollywood.

Wilford Buckland

Who was a republican, post master general, presbyterian elder, and the President of MPPDA?

Will H. Hayes

Who congratulated the Warners' on their first sound film? ____________ was people who were in it singing or playing instruments and short had sound. ________________ was the name of the film (did not have sound) and had the most kissed on film.

Willam H. Hayes MPPDA; Live Action Shorts; Don Juan

A famous Director, found dead, murder wasn't solved, but they think he had a stage mom who killed him?

William Desiman Taylor

____________ got into debt by getting into 2 thing at the same time as the Great Depression. Tried to gain control of MGM and corner the market American and Europe?

William Fox

Krazy Kat and Ignatz Mouse were work of who?

William Randolph Hurst

Who was the director of the film "Becky Sharp"? It was three color film based on literature and failed.

William Thackerry

Who made a realistic movie about the WW1?

William Wellman; a pilot during WW1

Who started stop motion animation and used rubber characters for King Kong?

Willis O' Brian

Who drew for the cartoon "Gertie the Dinosaur"? 5 minutes long; 8,000 drawings

Windsor McCay

______ _____ worked for William Randolf Hurst as a cartoonist.

Windsor McCay

What film that William Wellman made won best picture?


_______ a film that was silent and only best picture for a long time.


What did Kelmus, Comstock, and Wescott invent?

a camera "Prismatic Beam Camera" using the additive process

Barre was hired to work for Hearst as what?

an animator

What is post synchronization? What was the first film to use this technique?

do the action outdoors and put sound in later; "In Old Arizona"

What did the Prismatic Beam camera do? How many films did they make with it?

light went into two directions; two rolls of film; 1 film

Why did the US become the choice for films?

production values; better picture

What was the "Studio Relations Committee"?

they listed a do's and don'ts for the film industry, but did not have power to enforce it

How did the legion of decency make the producers enforce the code and stick with it?

they stayed away from the movies and it was costing the producers money

How did they second fix the internal noise problem?

took canvas filled with led and called it "blipping the camera"

5 Events that effected Filmmaking

• Move to California • Formation of United Artist Studios • Self-Regulations • Sound • Block-Booking

Studios were located in what 5 Suburbs?

•Culver City •Edendale •Burbank •North Hollywood •Hollywood

What 4 famous films were filmed in Culver City?

•Gone with the Wind •Citizen Cane •King Kong •Wizard of Oz

Little 3 Studios

•Universal Pictures •Columbia Pictures •United Artist

Big 5 Studios

•Warner Brothers' •RKO Radio Pictures •20th Century Fox •Paramount •MGM

What was the importance of Filmmaking to Los Angles?

•important to their economy •profitable by giving loans and selling acreage

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