AMFTRB Comprehensive

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______________; is a belief that in many dysfunctional families, parents alter and severely limit their children's experiences by refusing to accept them as reported by the child or even reconstructing them to fit the parents' objectives and goals


____________ ________; is the slow-paced process of placing people in a situation that produces fear or anxiety while at the same time fostering relaxation and is commonly used in sexual dysfunction therapy

systematic desensitization

Assessment for Trauma-Based Social Work Practice

- Assessment for PTSD: evaluate nature of trauma; strengths/limitations that pre-date trauma; impact of trauma on emotional life, self-esteem, functioning; if client remains at risk evaluate need for self-protective measures - Assessment for domestic violence: evaluate if client is still at risk and if practical protective measures are required; legal reporting NOT required for adult-adult violence but if children are at risk (witness or victim) worker must make a report to Child protective services

Factors for Improving Expert Witness Credibility in Court

- Clothing, accessories, make up that appears professional - Maintaining continuous eye contact with anyone engaged in questioning/interacting as well as the judge/jury - Keeping calm and under control during all questioning, including aggressive/harassing approaches used by opposing attornys - Presenting in a positive story format - Clearly documented professional expertise through experience and education - Avoiding any appearance of inconsistency in testimony, methodology, professional philosophy

Factors that Damage Expert Witness Credibility in Court

- Excessive court appearance suggest paid witness with little practical experience - Exaggeration of expertise/experience - Huge fees - Inconsistency in testimony in different cases - Offering radical or less than scientific methods/theories

Human Behavior Assumptions in Crisis Intervention Approach

- Individual has tendency to a natural progressive growth the prevails over regression - Stress during crisis induces disequilibrium/anxiety that allow therapeutic accessibility; crisis can create opportunities to develop new coping mechanisms/growth or give rise to dysfunctional behavior - Crisis occurs when established coping skills dont resolve stress effectively; crisis inflicts an array of affective, cognitive, behavioral tasks; crisis can reactivate old problems - An individual in crisis is not ill but is dealing with a challenge that is part of the human condition; crisis therapist doesnt necessarily assume the presence of a pathological/DSM disorder; individual in crisis is affected by the past but present situation is more relevant

Human Behavior Assumptions for Trauma-related social work practice

- Most individuals experience world as a basically safe place in which they are worthy participants - Trauma can challenge/reverse these assumptions about world and oneself - Resilience: an innate capacity to self-regulate after experiencing a stressor so extreme its traumatic - Resilience is derived from both internal/environmental resources - Resilience can be more difficult to achieve/sustain when trauma is more severe, is chronic, and/or when the perp is someone who should be a caretaker/trusted protector

Social Work Treatment Planning with Maltreated/Traumatized Children

- Principal goal: protecting child from further harm/halting any further abuse, neglect, sexual exploitation immediately/conclusively; may require temporary/permanent removal of offending caretaker/household member, or removal of child from home to safe place - Second goal: creating conditions that insure that abuse/neglect doesnt reocur after supervision/treatment is terminated (prosecution/incarceration of offender; evaluation of non-offending parent's long-term capacity/motivation to protect child) - Official agency can/will use legal authority to insure compliance with agency directives when necessary; worker should be aware that possibility of child's removal may be primary concern of parent and may lead to panic/dissembling/flight - Treatment's goal: help parents learn parenting/relational skills that can change parental behavior/child's responses

Crisis Intervention Approach to Social Work Practice

- Psychodynamic, ego psychology (Freud, Erikson, Rapoport) and Lindemann's work on loss/grief - Intellectual development (Piaget) - Social science: stress theory, family structure, role theory

Conducting Forensic Evaluations for Child Custody Hearings

- Specific training/supervised practice should be obtained before practicing in this area (accessing resources provided by professional groups like Association of Family and Conciliation Courts and the American Academy of Forensic Psychology) - Special licensing may be required in some states to practice in this area - Detailed knowledge of all local, state, federal laws related to child custody is a requirement of competent practice in this area - Reports are not confidential and will be disclosed as required by law to the court and related parties - Comfort level making recommendations to families/courts rather than typical therapeutic practice of developing solutions collaboratively - Training is needed in specific questioning for child custody hearings, understanding of legal paperwork, court appropriate report styles, forensic testing, specific interviewing strategies

Trauma-Related Social Work Practice with Adults

- Trauma victim experiences threat to physical integrity/life; trauma experience confronts person with extreme situation of fear/helplessness - Trauma may be chronic/repeated/may take form of one event of short duration - Many symptoms related to PTSD/domestic violence are self-protective attempts at coping with realistic threats

Four Phases When dealing with crisis

1. Crisis occurs, client responds, often in negative manner that involves difficult feelings 2. Client may then become more frustrated/stressed, depending on the continuation of crisis situation 3. Some clients easy their own tension about situation depending on how they handle it; instituting coping mechanisms, acting out in fear/anger, giving up, attempting to solve the problem 4. Situation surrounding crisis is somehow resolved, whether it is because the client successfully dealt with situation, repressed/avoided managing it

Five Federal Rules of Evidence for expert testimony

1. Expert witnesses as determined by experience, training, knowledge may offer opinion testimony to help clarify scientific evidence or understand related facts during legal proceedings 2. Expert witnesses may offer reasonable explanations of scientific facts or evidence that is presented using their own observations, outside info (testing/academic publications), and info presented in legal proceedings 3. Expert witnesses may offer opinions in their testimony without having to also offer facts to back up opinion; court officers can ask for this fact during examination 4. Court can appoint expert witnesses as agreed by each party or may appoint expert witness that is chooses; Court appointed expert has to disclose all findings to both sides and can be called to testify by either side 5. Expert witnesses cannot offer opinions on the ultimate issue to be decided by the court, such as a statement indicating whether or no the defendant's mental state at the time of the crime makes him not guilty by reason of insanity

Definition of Crisis

A situation in which client's goals/intentions are interrupted in such a way that they cause an emotional response from client; person may feel fear, anger, shock, anguish about the situation

Sexual Relations with Clients

AAMFT prohibits sexual relationship/sexual intimacy between therapist/client AAMFT recognizes potential harmful effects of this type of relationship (exploitation, subordination to therapist control, loss of independence) Even after ending therapy, therapist may not engage in sexual relationship with past client for at least TWO YEARS Even at that point it is therapist's responsibility if complaint if filed to prove relationship didnt exploit/harm former client or family Avoid behaviors that could be considered sexual harassment with clients, employees, other professionals

Client Confidentiality

AAMFT puts high priority Beginning of therapy, must educate client about expectations of confidentiality (discloses that the therapist would have to make by law) Avoid breach of it when consulting other professionals Disclose info that cannot identify client Maintain also in research, publications, presentations Family/group settings, may not share info about one client without consent Consent to share confidential info with anyone must be in writing All client records must be kept safe/disposed of properly to avoid breach Limit written/verbal communication about client to minimum required (emails, dictation, letters, faxes) Recognize insecurity of digital communication Personal client info shouldnt be attached to this type of info Coding is recommended instead of client names When consulting/seeking professional advice, client name or identifiable info shouldnt be used Keep all records secure (electronic should be password protected/encrypted) Back up storage for electronic records should be secure Seek technological assistance in permanently destroying electronic records

Financial considerations

AAMFT states that to begin relationship with an explanation of all financial aspects (fees, payment procedure, therapist obligations, client obligations, insurance, collection policies) Must inform clients immediately of any charges If client doesnt take care of outstanding charges, therapist must inform him of intent to use collection agency, legal options, and allow reasonable time for client to respond If collection or legal services are used, no confidential info about client should be shared Cannot accept bonuses or kickbacks, goods or services for therapy fee is sometimes acceptable if its the client who requests it and arrangement doesnt take advantage of client (should be documented in contract)


AAMFT states therapist must portray themselves/services accurately in all advertising Info about names, location, affiliation, status with AAMFT/other professional groups Accurately note training, education, other credentials that could be proven with degree, licensing, certificates from recognized educational institutions Applies to all employees of the therapist/others that he supervises Must not advertise specialty services unless they have the required training/supervised practice required Applies to all forms of advertising (yellow pages, radio, TV, business cards, signage)

Critical Incident Stress Debriefing

Designed as a meeting for involved professionals following a stressful event/crisis Takes place as soon as possible after event Give them a chance to express feelings about event Designed to avoid buildup of stressful emotions/negative feelings rather than repress/move on Feelings, fears, concerns of those involved can be addressed


Determine if the identified problem has improved. If there are some small returns to the problem, the therapist needs to determine if this is a continuing dysfunction or simply an adjustment of the family to no longer having the constant support of the therapist.

_____________; is when a person takes himself out for a triangle, gaining distance from the emotions of the other two people



Affirming/encouraging another person through verbal responses Validate client, provide support through managing confusion, making decisions, experiencing setbacks Remind client of strategies learned for coping with challenging situations Reduces client's stress level through affirmation Goals are to increase client's levels of confidence, remind client of work/positive outcomes discussed during helping relationship, to decrease client's level of anxiety to mobilize them to action, remind client of strengths/positive attributes that instill greater self-assurance for future decisions

Dignity and Welfare of Research Subjects

Always put welfare of participants before any other concerns Begins with fully informing potential subjects of all considerations so as to allow them to make an informed decision In all applicable cases, legal guardians should be consulted and their approval obtained Confidentiality must be maintained at all times and guidelines published by AAMFT apply to research subjects respected, coercion, intimidation, undue influence should never be used Should be careful to avoid any potential therapeutic relationships that might present a conflict of interest

External Stress, Internal Distress, Transitional State

Categorized according to cause of the stress Some conditions are beyond client's control while others result from personal choice External stress factors: can cause crisis, are beyond power of client to control; ex: crimes committed against client, unemployment, natural disasters, illness, loss, bereavement Internal Distress: result of external factors; based on how client responds to stress/crisis; ex: depression, hopelessness, suicidal ideation Transitional States: cause stress for client and may/may not be related to personal choice; ex: job changes, divorce, relocation, having a baby

_________ ________; is a technique developed under the Milan model in which therapists ask questions specifically designed to call attention to the how each family member is unique and the differences between them

Circular questioning

Anger Management

Clients could be taught relaxation techniques to practice daily. this could include taking deep breaths, imagining that they are blowing up a balloon in their stomach and slowly releasing as if blowing out candles, repeating the imagery and action 8-10 times.

_____________; is an approach that has the therapist guide the client to self-acknowledgement of his achievements and continuing whatever actions led to that success



Conducted with the premise that those deposed are under oath Be careful not to say anything that they could not say in court while insuring all responses are accurate and not misleading If a therapist has not formed a complete opinion/hypothesis yet, he should refuse to offer one if asked Remain calm, avoid reacting to person attacks, insults, questions about competency and expertise Depositions are conducted outside of court, the same rules dont always apply Therapists can decline to answer a question in deposition to which a therapist can indicate he would follow any court orders when they are given

Maintaining Professional Competence

Continue pursuit of knowledge through continued education (professional workshops, journals) Follow new developments in field Keeping up-to-date on relevant laws, ethics code, licensing requirements Adequately address own problems so to not interfere with effectiveness with clients Keep reliable/detailed records of clinical/financial aspects of a relationship with clients Only offer treatment in specialty areas after appropriate training/supervised practical experience Avoid exchanging gifts with clients/any conflict of interest that could interfere with therapist's abilities to be effective/objective practitioner In all areas of research, learning, professional presentation, must be accurate, honest, disclose any conflicts of interest

Daubert Rules

Develop from Supreme Court case in 1993 that established precedents/guidelines for using expert testimony Because of general in nature and lack scientific knowledge/training among judges, rules are often applied inconsistently For testimony to be admissible in court, these must be met: - Reliability of info should be judged based on proven scientific mothers/practices over period of time - Info can be considered if it would be impossible to scientifically show or validate data such as describing an individual's mental state - Info must be relevant to legal questions being considered in the case

___________; are techniques used by therapists where instructions are given for specific behavior and actions at home in an attempt to break up the patterns of family behavior that are avoiding change and creating problems


factors to consider with therapy failure

Disengaging from the family too soon which may preclude the family from developing the strategies to problem solve and maintain independently.

Functional Family Therapy

Early phase, the therapist focuses on establishing communication or even forming bonds or alliances with those involved, increasing motivation while decreasing resistance to improve the client's changes of sticking with treatment, and creating a more positive outlook wit the family as the priority.

Tarasoff v. Regents of the University of California

Established the principle that mental health professionals had an obligation to warn those to whom their client poses a danger Client stated his intent to kill a particular person Therapist did involve the police, no one informed the women of the danger Client followed through on his treat Murdered woman's family sued therapist, associated university, campus police Supreme court ruled that a client's expectations of confidentiality was outweighed by need to protect the public Therapist could be held liable for failing to take appropriate action to protect public Exactly what appropriate action includes is undefined but some possibilities are contacting authorities, notifying the victim personally, involving client's family or civil commitment

______________; is a period during which the client is free from his problem for a short time, highlighted by the therapist as a model for developing good skills for handling the problem


____________; is the process of using punishment or lack of reinforcement to completely eliminate and undesired behavior


Physical Abuse

Extreme physical discipline that exceeds normative community standards Physical indicators: bruises/broken bones on infant without adequate explanation or in unusual places; lacerations; fractures; burns in odd patterns; head injuries; internal injuries; open sores; untreated wounds/illnesses Behavioral Indicators: overly compliant, passive, undemanding, overly aggressive, demanding, hostile, role reversal behavior, extremely dependent behavior re: parental, emotional, physical needs; developmental delays

Child Neglect

Failure of child's parent/caretaker, who has the resources, to provide minimally adequate health care, nutrition, shelter, education, supervision, affection, attention Insufficient encouragement to attend school with consistency, exploitation by forcing to work too hard or long, or explore to unwholesome/demoralizing circumstances Indicators: abandonment, absence of sufficient adult supervision, inadequate clothing, poor hygiene, lack of sufficient medical/dental care, inadequate education, inadequate shelter, consistent failure, unwillingness/inability to correct these indicators

Confidentiality in Group Therapy Settings

First step: establish clear rules about the expectations of confidentiality with all group members individually as they join the group Includes explanation of potentially serious harm disclosures can bring such as an ending of relationship, job loss, inflicting harm on others Members should be educated to expect situations require them to maintain confidence such as encountering a group member in social situation Have the member pre-plan responses to such situations Continuously reminded of these rules/expectations Can also impose penalties for violated confidentiality ranging from actual fines to removal from group Advise that breaking confidentiality can open them to civil lawsuits and even criminal charges

Kantor Family Institute, Massachusetts

Focuses on structural and analytic approaches to therapy 3 one-year programs available that scaffold

Minuchin Center for the Family, NYC

Focuses on structural family therapy Programs to educate/train individuals and agencies working with families experiencing poverty, substance use disorder, homeless individuals, children in foster homes

Ackerman Institute for the Family, NYC

Focuses on systemic family therapy Offers 2 year advanced training program and weekend seminars

_______ ________ of behavior; is the process of a therapist studying a specific target behavior to determine what factors contribute to it, including the preceding events and post-behavior response

Functional analysis

__________; is when members of a family are so emotionally and mentally attached and interdependent, it is difficult for one member to function alone


treatment goals for victims of violent crime

Get the person back to the same mental state as before the crime, as well as functioning normally in society and at work, including getting past feelings of powerlessness so that they have a restored sense of control over everyday life, recover dignity and feel safe.

Anger Management

Have clients create a safe place to go mentally whenever stress, tension, or anger is controlling them. This process involves creating vivid details through writing or discussion such as locations, sights smells, weather, other people, and why it is safe.

Anger Management

Have each client keep a log in which they track a number of factors related to experiencing anger. Every incident is described in detail including client responses and a rating of severity of the anger. The log would also include a record of physical symptoms like a pounding heart, feelings of hot or cold, light-hotheadedness, or muscle tension.

treatment goals for victims of violent crime

Help the victim get closure on the trauma by either forgiving or at least confronting, perhaps in court, the person who harmed him.

Violation of Professional Ethics

If therapist believes colleague has violated professional ethics, the first step with minor violation would be informally bring problem to the colleague's attention If approach doesnt work or violation is more serious, therapist should take next step of formal referral/complaint with relevant professional organization, licensing board or agency Place client confidentiality first, not take any action that will endanger it If therapist has been specifically asked to review a colleague's decisions or practices by colleague or an official agency/organization, a formal complaint should not be filed File with caution, avoiding frivolous/unsubstantiated allegations Fully cooperate with any ethics investigation, always protecting client confidentiality

Warning Indicators

If therapist finds himself uncomfortable talking about specific treatment decisions/cases with other professionals (signals to therapist inner guilt/doubt about appropriateness) Experiences significant physical attraction, considers romantic involvement, continuing therapy relationship would be unethical Also true if therapist is overly impressed by certain qualities of client (celebrity status, accomplishments, wealth) Anytime therapist labels client/situation special to justify not following established guidelines, therapist is potentially engaging in unethical practice Changing/ignoring accepted practice Providing too much personal info to a client, not referring client to specialist for problems outside therapist's area of expertise, or scheduling an excessive number or duration of sessions

Presenting/Publishing Responsibilities

In all publications, give credit for all contributions of others Careful not to plagiarize work of others Therapist in supervisory role must not force a student to give him credit in student's publications, thesis, journal article Sharing of writing credit decided by those involved, using normal/fair practices Published books, therapist must be sure they are accurately represented by publisher/organizations promoting material Client data included in publications must not identify client without informed written consent

Functional Family Therapy

In the late phase of treatment the therapist educates the clients about resources available through schools, government agencies, and private groups to help them continue to improve and meet their goals. The focus at this phase is on maintaining what has been accomplished and avoiding backslides.

Functional Family Therapy

In the middle phase, focus moves toward identifying behaviors that need to change and developing a plan to accomplish this change. This involves communication within the family working with both kids and parents on relationships.

factors to consider with therapy failure

It is possible that important members of the family system were either not included or just not engaged.

factors to consider with therapy failure

It is possible that the therapist never fully joined the family system and this limited his effectiveness or that the therapist never overcame family resistance to change.

___________ __________; is a technique that therapists use to help their clients set goals and search for solutions to their problems through posing the questions, "what if your problem miraculously vanished?

Miracle question

___________; is a therapeutic approach where desired behavior is learned through watching others


Informed Consent

Must first insure client has mental/physical ability to give consent Take into consideration client's age, intelligence, mental state Must insure informed consent includes adequate knowledge regarding proposed treatment, therapy practices, possible pros/cons of treatment, any potential risks Informed consent means the client gave consent of his own free will without overt/covert pressure from the therapist or outside influences Finally, must secure valid documentation of informed consent Written/recorded consent is best Verbal consent should not be relied on for therapist's protection In case of person incapable of giving consent, young child/someone intellectual disabled, all of above conditions would apply to legal guardian qualified to give consent to that person

Competencies and Training Guidelines

Obligation to insure clients receive most appropriate services for their problems If client has specific problem area in which the therapist lacks expertise, a referral will be made to a more specialized provider If not possible, therapist can provide emergency services but must seek additional training and utilize any expert resources available Therapy should be discontinued as soon as emergency ends or more appropriate services can be obtained Applies to problems where religion, race, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, other factors are significant to resolving client's problem If therapist is aware that other providers can better serve this unique need, a referral should be made In new areas with few established specialists, therapists should proceed with caution and seek relevant continuing education

Family Institute of Cambridge, Massachusetts

Offers training opportunities and conducts research in applied systems theory Training is available in narrative therapy, couple's therapy, family systems, understanding women's group behaviors

___________ __________ in this approach the therapist instructs the family to continue a targeted behavior.

Paradoxical Injunction

Testifying in Court

Practice of therapy is usually in a setting that is cooperative, friendly, supportive In a courtroom, environment is confrontational and predatory, place in a defensive position, others will question their methods, professionalism, knowledge, training Normally therapist is respected, valued, seen as helpful In courtroom, therapist may be portrayed as incompetent, lacking judgment, lacking honesty

_______ _________; is the idea of using a behavior a child enjoys or engages in often to reinforce a desired behavior that the child avoids or engages in rarely

Premack principle

___________ techniques; in this approach the therapist encourages the family members to scout and pretend to exhibit specific behaviors with the goal of realization that symptoms that can be acted out are not real


_________ _________; is a technique therapists use to make family members analyze their own responses to the actions or behaviors of the other family members

Process quesitoning

_____ ______ ______ contract; is an agreement between members of a family or between partners, in which each agrees to some behavior contingent on the other person's behavior.

Quid pro qup


Reaction associated with loss May or may not be immediate after an event Therapist should understand certain characteristics of grief in order to identify behaviors/activities and better help client Physical Characteristics: weakness, increased pain, sleep disturbance, loss of appetite Emotional reactions: crying, anger, withdrawal, lack of warmth toward others, distracted behavior Manifest in: restless behavior, irritability, exaggerated responses to minor incidents Feelings reported: guilt, intense sadness, confusion, despair Working through steps of grief may eventually lead to acceptance of the situation --Could be applied to client struggling with personal conflict/disappointment with a situation Initially client should accept working through grief is a process and resolution is not instant Second, help client express feelings associated with grief through discussing emotions Work through negative feelings to prevent continued pain through memories Learn how to liven in new environment through practical experience/management of emotions Finally, learn how to forge ahead to new things (developing new relationships, changing careers, hobbies)


The provision of feelings of comfort/understanding for a person in position of distress Eases psychological burden associated with stress/confusion Higher sense of well-being knowing there is someone who understands, will listen, can help in time of need May come from several sources Actual helping relationship is one source of providing support; Client speaks with/relies on therapist to discuss emotional needs/feelings May occur when therapist provides help through physical action rather than just listening Finally, may support client in crisis; emergency support helps client manage feelings and prevent further harm

resources within African-American community

Religion and importance of churches within their community. Therapists should make connections with religious leaders in the community and utilize the resources that these churches can offer their community leaders. Religious leaders can be quite influential and many church affiliated organizations provide support for addictions, financial need, or medical care.

__________; is a technique that attempt to open up a family to change by telling the family not to change


___________; are a persons's basic beliefs or ideas about the world and how it works, forming the structure for behavior, decisions, and interactions



The therapist might give consideration to the effect the therapy has had on a family members' relationships and interactions outside of the family system.


The therapist should work with the family to determine their level of satisfaction with the progress made in therapy or if they feel a strong need to continue. this includes insuring that the family understands what was causing their problems and how to prevent a relapse.

factors to consider with therapy failure

Sometimes when considering a family's problem, the therapist formulates a solution that conflicts with the family's beliefs, culture, or limitations.

Crisis Intervention

Stepping into a potentially harmful/stressful situation to avoid escalation on part of client First, assess situation to determine if client/anyone else is in danger Then, decide what type of help is most appropriate EX: critical event (suicide) requires swift/successful intervention, not a support group Then carry out necessary treatment/help Help client become calm to talk about feelings/identify coping mechanisms Stabilize situation and bring client down from state of crisis

Supervisee Relationships

Students/other supervisees are in a dependent relationship with their supervising therapist Measures must be taken to avoid abusing relationship Never provide professional treatment to student or engage in any type of sexual/romantic relationship If relationship develops after supervision ends, it is supervising therapist's responsibility to prove no one was hurt Never accept supervisory role over someone whom he has had past relationships with, has family relationship Therapist's responsibility to insure professional behavior of those under his supervision (includes disclosure of level of training, abilities to client) Avoid supervisory roles that create conflict of interest If role cannot be avoided, full disclosure to all parties is necessary; Caution should be used too

treatment goals for victims of violent crime

The therapist would try to help the client work the trauma into his total life experience n such a way that it does not cause ongoing disturbance or dysfunction, including bad dreams, paranoia, unreasonable fear or anxiety, or flashbacks related to the incident.

resources within African-American community

Their own extended family. Extensive family networks are common and clients often just need guidance in seeking support from family members. This could include childcare assistance, financial help, or emotionally supportive relationships. The therapist should use questioning techniques to identify these resources and push for the client to utilize them.

factors to consider with therapy failure

Therapist should consider if they gave enough consideration to independent factors such as socio-economic, cultural, racial, or religious aspects.

factors to consider with therapy failure

Therapists should consider the role of countertransference and analyze how their own beliefs and preconceptions impacted the outcome.

_______________; is a process that involves bringing a third person into a relationship of two in order to reduce or eliminate conflict and create stability


Acute Stress Disorder

anxiety and dissociative symptoms develop WITHIN ONE MONTH of experiencing trauma

__________ ________; is the use of negative or critical responses, such as crying or yelling, to an unwanted behavior

aversive control

Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder

child has decreased hesitations regarding interacting with unfamiliar adults Doesnt question leaving normal caregiver to go off with stranger

Reactive Attachment Disorder

child rarely seeks/responds to comfort when upset, usually due to neglect of emotional needs by caregiver (foster/institutionalized child)

Adjustment Disorder

client has behavior/emotional changes occurring WITH 3 MONTHS of a stressor These changes can cause distress for the client and are disproportional to actual stressor

__________ ___________; is a commonly used strategy by parents that involves giving and taking rewards or privileges as determined by the child's behavior

contingency management

If the family complies with a paradoxical injunction they are admitting _______ over the behavior and perhaps disclosing their ________

control motives

_________________; is a situation where the therapist's own emotions, feelings, and beliefs become a key part of the therapy


___________ __________; is a reference to running away or trying to distance oneself from others to whom there is strong emotional attachment, such as a parent

emotional cutoff

_________ __________; is a visual approach in which the therapist has each person in a family draw their beliefs about how the family is structured

family drawing

________ ______ ______; is a persons immediate family, usually made up of parents, brothers, and sisters

family of origin

_________ __________; is visual approach in which the therapist has one person in the family arrange the others in a scene that will then be acted out as a way to demonstrate the one person's feeling about the family and how he fits in

family sculpting

Sexual Abuse

inappropriate sexual contact, molestation, rape

__________; are techniques used by therapists where instruction is given to complete a task that is actually more difficult than the symptoms for which the client is seeking treatment


posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

persistently re-experiencing a severe trauma for MORE than ONE MONTH Individual exhibits arousal-anxiety symptoms, avoidance of things associated with trauma/numbness

________ ____________ in this this approach the therapist suggest possible positive reasons for certain behaviors to encourage family unity and openness toward therapy

postive connotation

_____________; this approach involves giving a new name to a behavior in order to make the clients more open to changing the behavior through therapy


_________- ___________; is when members of a family reinforce each other's desired behaviors by exchanging those desired behaviors in a reward system

reinforcement reciprocity

If the family does not follow the directive of a paradoxical injunction, the the target behavior _______


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